Deconstructing Elon


Fish swim in schools – and so do some people. If the “school” suddenly veers off in this direction or that direction, the fish go in that direction.

All of a sudden, the “fish” – on the Right – are going in Elon Musk’s direction. The same fish who used to swim in the opposite direction. They changed direction because  . . . well . . . that’s hard to divine.

It may be on account of Musk backing Trump, which caused the fish who swim to the Left to stop swimming in Musk’s direction. And the fish on the Right to swim back in his direction for exactly that reason. The fish on the Right who used to (righty) object to Musk’s Tesla grift for a variety of entirely sound reasons – among them the “making cool” of electric vehicles, as if they were “the future” rather than a failure from the past rebooted – as well as his endorsement of the “climate change” nonsense and the attendant taxing of “carbon” that he favors – about which all has apparently been forgotten.

Having used the government to enrich himself he now says he wants to make the government more “efficient.” Kind of like the “mending” – rather than ending – of Obamacare.

He also says we ought to be worried about AI and creepy robots – while pouring resources into developing both. A technocrat who pretend to be a humanist.

How about what is now styled “X” – a construction as clumsy as “the artist formerly known as Prince”?

Just more concisely clumsy.

Musk bought it and promised it would henceforth be a Free Speech venue. It is nothing of the kind. It is a for-profit operation that requires those who wish their speech  – i.e., their posts – to be seen to pay in order for them to be seen. Monthly. Ongoing.

It is “only” $8, say some apologists.

But that is beside the point.

The point being that having to pay for speech means it is not free. And even if you do pay for your speech to be seen, it still isn’t free because if you say certain verboten things about certain verboten topics then your speech will be suppressed if not entirely erased. Post something “anti-Semitic” – that is, something critical (but factual) regarding the policies or actions of the government of Israel, no matter how heinous the policies or actions at issue – and see for yourself.

Or post something critical of Musk, himself.

Mention his hair plugs. Or his use of “carbon credits” to extort money from legitimate businesses (defined as businesses that offer products/services people would and do freely purchase, absent government mandates and without needing subsidies to entice business).

It is impossible to generate a following of any size on X unless you pay for it. That is not free speech. It is paying for it. The distinction is important because it is significant. Just the same as the distinction between freely paying into an annuity you chose to pay into and being forced to “contribute” to Social Security is important. The latter isn’t an annuity. It just pretends to be – and many people pretend to believe it is.

X also makes money by mining data. That is, by selling you. Such data – about your likes and dislikes – is of great value to advertisers and marketers, who pay to acquire it because it helps them sell stuff to you.

It is also no doubt of interest to the government that Musk says he is going to make more “efficient.”
Remember that.

Of course, there is anything wrong with making money by selling stuff. But that is beside the point as regards free speech. If you must pay for it, then it isn’t. If someone is making money off of it, it isn’t. If it is throttled or suppressed in any way because you didn’t pay, then it isn’t.

Just as drugs that do not prevent your getting or spreading a virus are not vaccines.

It is a lonely time right now for people who do not veer this way or that along with the school – just because the school veered this way rather than that way.

It feels a  lot like it did some 24 years ago, when almost everyone on the Right side suddenly veered in the direction of The Chimp, who just-like-that could do no wrong. It got so that anyone who questioned anything The Chimp did was shouted down as swimming with the other side. As an “enemy of freedom,” even. And thus we got a “Homeland” – and a police state – rather than a country. And then we got Obama.

Some will remember.

Many want to forget.

Maybe they ought to try to remember that it is not sound to swim this way – or that – just because the school suddenly did.

. . .

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  1. There’s a kerfuffle over on the Mastodons this morning over Elon scrubbing negative comments about H1-B visas. Both Musk and Ramaswamy have made comments about how great the H1-B program is and the left is all of the sudden getting that message out, causing the typical knee-jerk reaction from the right. Won’t see any of this on Twitter/X of course. Both of them of course are all in on H1-B, since both of them are immigrants. Trump has mentioned ending or curtailing the H1-B program in speeches but his hands are probably tied by Congress.

    FWIW, I can see both sides of the argument. If people are smart and offer something to the US workforce, sure bring ’em in. But the impact has to be weighed too. Bringing in Indian engineers hasn’t really led to massive breakthroughs though. What it has done is allowed the defense contractors to siphon off the best US born engineers, putting them into cushy make-work positions where performance is measured in cost overruns.

    If they’re all so great, why is India such a s***hole?

    • The H1Bs I work directly with at [Big Name Computer Company] are not all the “best and brightest” that India has to offer. For the most part, they are from wealthy families and were sent to the US to establish a beach head for their clans in this country, the wife usually providing a sizeable advantage for the household over domestic workers with generous dowries covering their housing costs.

      As far as skill and interest in actually doing the work, they run the range of very good to mostly useless. As a rule, however, they are working for much less than an American with the same skills, and they are much more pliant in the face of our feckless management chasing contracts with .. Elon!

    • RE: “If they’re all so great, why is India such a s***hole?”

      I’ve been thinking a bit about the perspective in this article for awhile now, here, perhaps, is the answer:

      ‘India: It’s Worse Than You Think’

      “Most Indians cannot think beyond money, sex, and survival — just what you would expect of a society with an average IQ of 77. Every Western value given to them has been caricatured and corrupted for these ends. Indians have no Ten Commandments. They are so unaware of these values that they remain oblivious even if they are forcefully presented to them. There is nothing you can do about this, except to try to understand what immigration from India and the rest of Third World will do to the West.”

      And, ‘They’ want to import more?

  2. I guess I am a subtard according to the holy gospel of Saint Elon the Shithead and his constant freaking bullshit.

    You’d think he would figure it out by now, Good Lord Almighty.

    Go back to Africa and leave everybody alone, dumbass.

    Screw your money or whatever it is you have.

    • And yes, the nuance is there, Teslas are ugly and dated. Epic fail there, don’t touch one with a ten-foot pole.

      The self-driving tech is worthless, you get nothing except stupid accidents that never should happen that do kill people.

      Auto-immolation is not that cool, no need for any of it.

      Elon will learn a thing or two about a thing or two, eventually, anyhow. Time for Elon to learn a moral lesson, the didactic.

      Not too late for that.

      Ford at 10 dollars per share with a 60 cent dividend is by far and away a better buy than Tesla at 431 USD per share with no dividend.

      Sell Tesla now, maybe buy Ford. You’ll have more than forty shares of Ford stock, 24 dollars in dividends to re-invest.

      I see a lot of Fords, not that many Teslas.

  3. There is only one thing in life that
    Is free, your thoughts .I will think whatever I want and no amount of brainwashing or gaslighting will change that.

    • Libertes Philosophica – Giordano Bruno

      The freedom to think, yeah, but the Pope will burn you at the stake.

      Thinking is criminal!

    • Hi Steve,

      I take sides with facts – with the truth – and so often find myself at odds with those who take sides with personalities and parties. The fact is that Musk – and Tesla – are almost singlehandedly responsible for this “EV” crap. All of it. Yes, I know – someone else probably would have seized the opportunity to do the same. This does not make what Elon (via Tesla) did noble. It is still despicable. As is his endorsement of the carbon tax idea. Of a piece with Trump’s endorsement of “beautiful” vaccines. I would never give Biden a pass for that. Why should I give Trump one? Same as regards Musk and the carbon tax (and device-pushing).

      As regards X: If he were honest about it and just said X is a pay-to-play platform that moderates what is allowable (and specifically what and why) then I would not gripe. But his constant prattling about “free speech” is specious claptrap. Remember – this dude gave in to the speech suppressors in Brazil; what makes you think that what he does is more indicative of who he is than what he says?

      • A couple of comments WRT Elon Musk,

        I consider Musk to be a Loki figure. At times amusing and always to be suspicious of due to his mercurial zeitgeit. I do see him as a much, much smarter version of Trump, you know he has read a book or two.

        Yes, Tesla is a huge government backed Ponzi scheme. Enough said on that front.

        Twitter/X …. I actually have a Twitter account that I rarely log into because it’s just mostly an intellectual wasteland. BUT!, Musk having bought Twitter and given the Twitter files to Matt Taibi and Michael Schellenberger absolutely exposed the depth of corruption at every level of the feral gubmint so that’s a good thing.

        SpaceX…..well NASA is a total failure so I think that having a private company do rocketry is kind of ideal….and yes, I do understand that SpaceX gets subsidies….semi win here.

        On the whole, of the oligarchs that rule the west, Musk is at least entertaining and not totally evil. Most of the others are evil and violent thugs as well…..

  4. “as well as his endorsement of the “climate change” nonsense”

    He espews that somehow the transmission of energy is more effiecient with a decentralised grid I think, but as far as the CO2 myth… just mark that one off your list of attacks because it simply isn’t true. Now he espouses less than 1%. CO2 as a whole literally makes no difference if not positive.

    BTW I think I’ve got a lawsuit against my dentist, for good reason too the gaslighting fucks. Unbelievable!

    Things that makes my teeth ache!!

        • Hi Steve,

          It’s not about it being secret. It’s about the bullshit that Musk is a free speech guy. He is a paid speech guy. And a speech suppressor guy (viz, Brazil). All of which – again – is fine in the sense that he has the right to set forth terms and conditions for the use of his platform. But – please – spare me the “free speech” speech!

          • You’re not wrong. He’s probably done the most for free speech last year, by giving enough (italicized) people some ( italicized) speech, relative to the despotism of twitter. Neither of which I use.

        • Hi Steve,

          Also- while I’m whacking the hair-plugged pinata – why must one pay over and over and over to be “verified”? The language is completely disingenuous. First of all, I use my full real name – which ought to be verification enough. But – if it’s not – affirming my identity once – and paying to do that just once – ought to be sufficient. If, that is, the purpose is verifying identity as opposed to getting monthly fees indefinitely.

          He’s a grifter. A damned good one. But still a grifter.

          • Moving on, while we’re on the subject of things we can do nothing about, how about some intel on the incoming transportation secretary?

            I suppose time will tell, and I’m not looking to be a Musk fan moreso than now. But we will need to be barking up the right tree, giving public support to the people who may need to go against Musk if the auto situation is to benefit.

            This talk of Musk makes my teeth ache.

  5. The reason why so many ‘conservatives’ have eagerly become members of the Elon’s Fanbois club is the same one as to why they wore the masks and lined up for the clot shots.

    Because, just like their liberal counterparts, they are sheep, incapable of independent thought, research and analysis.

    It used to be said that the biggest difference between liberals and conservatives is that the former want to control you wallet, while the latter your bedroom.

    There is some truth in that.

    Ultimately, the labels of ‘left’ and ‘right’ are meaningless. There are only those who worship the state and those who prefer freedom.

    The state comes with plenty of downsides, but it makes you ‘safe’ (hurray for conservatives) and gives you free shit (hurray for the libs).

    Freedom, on the other hand, implies uncertainty and personal responsibility. Only a small minority these days are prepared to try going down that path.

    Hence the Musk phenomenon.

    Here is a guy whose company makes a fraction of the world’s production of vehicles and is no longer even growing, despite all the government-provided tailwind, and yet is now ‘bigger’ than all the others combined.

    A guy who single-handedly runs several huge companies, and still has time to tweet many times a day AND become a government-appointed ‘efficiency guru’.

    A guy whose repeated lies, sales of vaporware (FSD/Roadster/flying to Mars), market manipulation (‘Taking Tesla private @ $420) and personal attacks (‘the cave diver who saved those kids in Thailand is a pedophile’) never get him into any serious trouble.

    A guy who is massively richer than anyone else (on most recent figures, at some $460 billion, almost twice that of No 2, Jeff Bezos), and yet every single one of his businesses relies on government money (SpaceX) or runs at a loss, or both.

    Anyone who can see the above and not conclude this is an inside ‘made’ man, has severe cognitive issues.

  6. Abraham was married to Sarah, the marriage didn’t produce any children, she was barren. Hagar was a beautiful slave from Egypt, so Sarah allowed Abraham to have sex with Hagar.

    It was Ishmael the Egyptian half Jew. Isaac was born a little later, all Jew that fell not too far from the tree. Sarah gave birth to a real Jew. Sarah was no longer barren. Hallelujah!

    Been half-brother against half-brother ever since.

    It’s all Noah’s fault, shouldn’t have built The Ark.

    Can’t survive a flood if you don’t have a boat to float.

    The Unicorns didn’t survive.

    Somebody like Jesus has to darken humanity’s door for once, at last, finally, the only hope there is.

    I just don’t see no unicorns – The Irish Rovers, The Unicorn Song

  7. So, one can have somewhat free speech on “X” if they pay, which means that through the financial trail they are able to link your true identity to what you say… Which is probably the true goal. Wonder how much ol’ E-con is being paid for that ? (With our tax dollars; just like the same enriched him for making his ridiculous cars and rockets).
    E-con is the modern-day equivalent of the “legitimate” Sicilian “businessman”. Only instead of having to rustle-up his own cash via direct extortion, he has the bigger bosses doing it for him via their protection racket.
    Makes poifect sense though. The former darling of the lefties now allied with a former Democrat(Trump). Fool all the Fly-over hicks (and even some here, who should know better) by saying “Make America Great Again” while proceeding to advocate as many authoritarian and leftist plans as FDR.

    And all you hear from the good people on the street who have enough sense to even acknowledge that these things are true, is “Well ya gotta vote for SOMEONE!”. Guess they could run Charles Manson and Ted Bundy, and one of them would be elected, and people would campaign for them and argue their merits.

  8. It saddens me how truly free we are to express our opinions on line. Of course if you are swimming in the school with the 8o% who think they are free to express themselves, then yes, you are free. Feel free to say anything not outside the Overton window.

    Try saying a word against our greatest ally, Isn’treal, or, try speaking out against the no win, never ending wars. Try telling people how voting is rigged and casting a vote has less value than a bucket of warm spit. Try talking about nine eleven and how what we saw with our eyes, wasn’t what we were told happened. Try to spread the idea that COVID was a con designed to strip us of our few remaining liberties. Try exposing the rot that runs throughout both sides of the so-called isle. Any of these things will get you put in a corner on twitter, and every other place of scale on the web.

    The newest sore spot for the musks of the world is the shooting of the health care CEO. According to the narrative, the younger you are the more likely you are to engage in wrong think. Looking at the assassination of any oligarch as a good thing is highly verboten. The truth in this matter makes for a bad day at Black Rock as far as the owners are concerned. Too many fish are now swimming unaided outside of the school. Its great news if you love liberty. Not because people have been so abused they now see murder as an acceptable option. No, the great news is that a growing number of youngsters now realize we wont be voting our way out of this.

    The sad part is, so many boomers still see this as a cut and dry, right and wrong equation. We are in a war, we are under siege, and sadly the oldest and what should be the wisest among us still fails to realize this. Whats worse, many oldsters who may realize it, feel that any war must still be fought by the rules the queen sets forth.

    Last night in an article on ZH about the United Health assassination, dozens if not hundreds of comments just disappeared all at once. Now I hold no illusions about ZH, having played there for over a decade. Its not what it was. I’ve had individual things removed in the past, and in all honesty the offending things may have crossed a line. But I’ve never seen such a broad swath of censorship appear over one comment thread before, at least not on ZH.

    The good news is, the elite faggots of this world who decide what is and isn’t oK to say, get really bothered when lady justice sits on the face of one of there own. Thanks for showing your weak underbelly, Garbage Elites. Now that we know what you truly fear, [equal justice for all] the universe will be sure to visit more of this upon you.

    My new years wish for humanity is we all finally decide, in unison, as a simple first step, to stop enabling this fake and gay BS farce of voting. The only vote that matters is none of the above. I do not consent, nor ever will consent to be ruled by kleptocrats, regardless of the hats they wear.

    • It starts with “holocaustianity™” which in many countries, deviation from or expressing disbelief in results in fines and even prison sentences.
      You see, “holocaustianity™” is the new “state religion” which is in place to keep the jewish “holocaust™” grift alive and deflects criticism from jewish behavior and criminality.
      Even the USA, government has subscribed to the grift, supporting tax free jewish holocaust™ temples in place with traitors such as Florida governor DeSantis mandating that school children attend services at these jewish freak shows.
      Separation of church and state?? Naah, not when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.

    • Depending on the demographer, I’m either a tail end Boomer or early Xer. I view the UHC CEO shooting thusly: WTF does anyone EXPECT when you continually screw people over? What does one expect when, on one hand, they collect exorbitant premiums, while on the other, denying coverage when someone wants to put the policy to use? WTF do you expect when you make peaceful revolution impossible? Violent revolution then becomes inevitable. While I can’t totally be for the shooting (I’m Christian, after all, and murder is wrong other than for self defense), I totally get why it happened. If the elites don’t check their off the charts greed, the murder of the UHC CEO won’t be the last.

        • “The insurance mafia uses the government to strong-arm people and then screws them over.”

          Exactly as Musk does.
          But he’s a ‘freedom fighter’.

    • I’m not so sure about that Norman, re: the healthcare CEO assassination. Most of the comments I’ve seen on YouTube regarding that episode have been favorable toward the killer and YT hasn’t deleted them. Notice also how the killer is being semi-glorified in the news media and made to look like a dark-but-glamorous movie villain. Remember that nothing is ever given this level of media attention unless the ruling class is trying to spin a narrative. My wild guess is that this narrative ends with some kind of fake healthcare insurance industry “reform” (to be financed by taxpayers, of course) along with the re-installation of the Obamacare individual mandate. Just a hunch.

  9. ‘It feels a lot like it did some 24 years ago.’ — eric

    Don’t it though? The Clintons’ merry pranksters were prying the ‘W’ keys off White House keyboards, knowing that they enjoyed immunity from prosecution, as Hillary collected $400,000 cash in a brown paper bag for Marc Rich’s pardon.

    Yesterday ‘Bill’ was released from the hospital, to a sigh of relief from all. /sarc But like the MSM, I keep a draft obituary on hand for quick posting when needed. Here’s the current version:

    Former president Bill Clinton died yesterday, aged 78. The cause was tertiary syphilis, complicated by Peyronie’s disease.

    ‘I spent many decades with that bast … errrr, barrister,’ said his widow Hillary, a former presidential candidate.

    Arrangements for his state funeral were not available at press time. Donations in lieu of flowers may be sent to the Home for Unwed Mothers in Hope, Arkansas. -30-

  10. “The point being that having to pay for speech means it is not free.”

    As a former newsprint guy, you’re going to have to do a better job explaining this to me. How is paying $8/month to Twitter (I refuse to call it X) any different than when I had to pay $8/month to the local newspaper to enjoy “free speech”.

    By your definition, the newspaper was never a free speech. The average guy on the street had almost zero chance of writing an Op-ed and having it published in the paper even though he was paying for a subscription.

    The fundamental difference I can see is that the cost for the subscription to Twitter is now on the “journalist”. That is a change to the newspaper paradigm.

    From my perspective, it simply is a business decision. Can paying Twitter $8/month extend your reach and thereby bring in more traffic to EPAutos thereby increasing your revenue?

    Even EPAutos isn’t “free”. I make a donation because I enjoy the content and I enjoy the ability to comment here. I have no illusions about my “reach” knowing that anything I comment on here is largely preaching to the choir. I would imagine that if the donations fail to come in, the site will eventually fail to exist. I hope that by making a donation, your voice keeps being heard and gets amplified by other sites and other podcasts.

    I’m open to the idea that I’m missing something . . . Convince me.

    PS. I’m adding $8 to a donation headed your way – a “free” month to try X as a means of increasing your reach. As always, I wish I could donate more but I do what I can to support this awesome site. For those that don’t currently donate – please consider it. EPAutos and this comments section is about as close as it comes to “free speech”.

    • Hi Burn it,

      Did you ever have to pay to get a letter-to-the-editor published?

      EPautos is free – no one is required or even expected to pay to read anything here – or to post comments. There is no “special” area – or special privileges – for people who donate to the site’s upkeep (and mine).

      There’s a difference there, I think!

      PS: Thanks for supporting the site!

      • Let me reiterate – I think EPAutos is among the best content the internet offers. I fully agree and appreciate that it (EPAutos) is free. (though I encourage others to donate and support this site – value for value)

        “Did you ever have to pay to get a letter-to-the-editor published?”

        Hmmm. A catch 22. You had to pay for the paper to know what was being said in the paper. In order to get a letter to the editor published, you more or less had to be on topic with what was being said in the paper.

        I guess in theory you could write a random letter to the editor or some sort of Op-Ed and just mail (postage still not free) it to the editor and have a 0.00001% chance of it being published. But you would never know it had been published unless you bought the paper. Or maybe a thrifty friend clipped it out of the paper for you to read for “free”.

        So I guess I’m going with yes, you had to pay to get a letter to the editor published.

        I truly respect your position, and principle not to pay Twitter. That is your prerogative.

        But, I will ask – who are you really hurting? Surely Elon the grifter doesn’t care. Millions of other potential EPAutos viewers on Twitter don’t care – because they have never heard of EPAutos or of Eric Peters.

        I only learned of this site from The Tom Woods show and Both of those are very niche vs the potential audience X can offer.

        To me it just seems like a business decision. $8 a month either yields more traffic to EPAutos, more reach, and more revenue or it doesn’t. If $8/month nets just one $20/month donation to EPautos doesn’t it pay for itself?

        So I go back to the newsprint model, from my perspective – that was never “free” either. As a business, it cost money to advertise and/or to have your voice heard. But for many businesses, the money paid to advertise was less than the revenue it brought in.

        Why is this (Twitter) thing so different?

        Not trying to be dense but I’m not seeing it.

      • Hi Eric,

        BID does make a valid point though.

        How many non subscribers letters saw the comments section or Op-Ed page of a paid for subscription newspaper? One does not need a subscription to Twitter to post. Will every person see the post? Unlikely, but I am sure a few get through. Twitter is the “new” newspaper. If one wants their content read, a form of advertising, then one has to pay.

        Money controls a great many things. The exchange of it isn’t always a bribe, but sometimes it is. Also, a company is going to be more astute and available to the customers who pay them the quickest and the most. Is it fair? Maybe. Maybe not. But, it is how a business survives. What happens when a company puts well paying customers at the back of the line? They go broke. The first loyalty goes to those that pay for the service or goods.

        I have a customer that pays me close to $30k per year for various tax services, bookkeeping, and consulting. They pay my invoices in about a week after receiving my invoice. I have another customer who pays me around $2500 a year, but is continually 60-90 days behind schedule. Whose work will get completed first?

        • You make a good point, about paying for service. I have an attorney in North Dakota who I spent about ten grand with last year. I’m sure many of his clients have far deeper pockets and spend more than me on his services. When ever we receive an invoice, I write the check and send it off within days. Paying his invoices quickly is reason, I’m sure why he continues to provide great value. Wife and I disagree on that point as she feels that paradigm no longer applies, and as CFO, and being part Jewish, she loves holding on to shekels for as long as possible.

          I dont think your point applies to Twitter though. Mostly because all the bleating about free speech. Sad that so many Trumpers dont see this. Its either free or it isn’t. I’m sure [even though I’m not willing to give that grifter eight bucks] that if I paid to extend my reach, my speech still wouldn’t be free. The things I listed above will still get you shadowed and shrouded. I might try it for a month or two when I publish my new book, might get a few sales out of it, but honestly how can anyone think that any part of twitter is free when you still have Linda Y and her WEFers running the joint. Come on thats the kind of magical thinking that keeps us on the plantation

    • “Burn It Down,” you say a lot of good things on this site, so I offer a friendly reset of the concept of “Free Speech.”

      The Constitution, First Amendment, reminds us that we individuals have “free speech” as a given and that the government has no right to infringe on it.

      The idea is, we can walk or stand in public and speak freely. We can start our own newspaper or other media and use it to spread our speech. (But as we know, our country is now a police state, to put it mildly, and everything is illegally restricted by government.)

      Now, in regard to newspapers and other such privately owned media, the OWNER is the only one with free speech in that newspaper or other media. NONE of the employees working for the newspaper have free speech. The owner tells them what is and is not acceptable. (One of my media jobs was for the former Nashville Banner daily newspaper in Nashville, TN, in the 1990s. I know.)

      Also in regard to newspapers, letters to the editor are often NOT printed, and the letters printed are OFTEN edited. Again, there is no “free speech” in that newspaper except for the owner.

      Now, let me jump to social-media platforms. They are privately owned, so officially there is only “free speech” for the owners. However, there is a good argument that when they claim to provide “free speech” to the public then they become a quasi-public utility and then should be held to the First Amendment standard. And yet, even the rare nonjew-owned platforms (such as and and ericpetersautos comments section) limit speech — banning porn, banning foul language, banning calls for violence against specified individuals (which the government says is illegal).

      So, that’s the situation. If a person wants “free speech” online, that person can launch a website and, as the owner, give himself or herself all the freedom desired — short of “illegal” speech, and within the bounds of what the host-server company is willing to defend. (And nobody will know the website exists unless the owner does a lot of work to spread the word.)

      In my case, I launched my own website. I seem to have the best host-server in regard to “free speech.” As the owner, I allow myself “free speech,” while I do, of course, self-edit. Visitors to my site can submit comments saying anything they want to say — but I decide if what they say is acceptable to post, according to my standards.

      All of the big famous social-media platforms are owned by jews. Yes, including Twitter/X’s Elon Musk, a crypto-jew. That’s why, for example, all of them allow anti-White lying vitriol on their platforms, but they delete or block (or at least shadowban) our accounts if we say even verifiable facts about jewry that jewry does not want known, such as the fact that the African slave trade to the USA was owned and operated by jews.

      Likewise, all big newspapers and other major media companies and their websites.

      They all block (or at least shadowban) us from saying the truth about anything that goes against their agenda against us.

  11. Twitter/X was far more of a free speech platform in the mid-teens when Dorsey was still in charge.
    Almost to the point of being chaotic – but useful.
    Coincidentally it suddenly became “un-free” and censored during the scamdemic.

    Just like everything Musk, scratch the surface and you’ll find things are not as they appear.
    Larry Ellison from Oracle and the Saudis are some of the actors who provided funding for Musk’s purchase of Twitter.
    Who knows what all his investors and backers stand for, since the MSM won’t do any exposés on this mutant.

  12. Remember the Bush family’s approval ratings? How Bush the first had an approval rating higher than Reagan’s when the Berlin Wall came down (even though he was just along for the ride and being a former CIA spook probably was working behind the scenes to keep it in place)?

    Remember after the towers fell and Bush the Second’s approval rating was sky high even though it was clearly his inept cabinet who let it happen?

    How about Giuliani’s popularity after selling Times Square to Disney? Newt Gingrich’s phony budget deals with Clinton?

    The Republicans aren’t the sort of free thinkers necessary to change the system. They rally behind whatever Republican is holding the reins. Because that’s what good soldiers do, they follow orders. It’s nice for the leaders, since whatever excuse they come up (Bush II needed more data sharing and standardized security, for example). No one dared question anything, and if you did, well, “You’re either with us or against us,” as King George II said.

    • Well-said, RK –

      I’ve been down this road so many times over the years. I pointed out to my “conservative” and Republican friends that The Chimp was turning the country into a flag-humping police state and they excoriated me and denied it was true – when it was obvious it was. Now I’m catching flak for pointing out that Musk is Musk – that is, a rent-seeking grifter who talks out of both sides of his mouth. Rinse, repeat!

      • Remember when Bush I ran for reelection? How he lost to what would become the Clinton Machine? Because he raised taxes and Bill felt our pain?

        Imagine an alternate universe where Bush withdrew from NATO, closed the overseas bases and started auctioning off all the Cold War paraphernalia instead of ushering in the New World Order BS? I think that message might have gone over much better and certainly better than backpedaling on his tax promise.

  13. Conservatives suddenly loving Elon Musk after he bought Twitter & then announcing he was supporting Trump 2 years later sounds like all these self-proclaimed liberals who’ve criticized Big Pharma for years only to LOVE Big Pharma after those COVID jabs came out and the demented old fool named Joe Biden was installed into the White House. Or liberals who’ve criticized Dick Cheney for years all of a sudden LOVING him after he endorsed Kamala Harris during the 2024 Presidential campaign.

  14. ‘Post something “anti-Semitic” – that is, something critical (but factual) regarding the policies or actions of the government of Israel, no matter how heinous the policies or actions at issue – and see for yourself.’ — eric

    Just the facts are damning enough. Every. Single. Day.

    ‘Five journalists were killed early Thursday when their vehicle was hit by an Israeli strike in the Nuseirat area of Gaza, according to Palestinian news media reports.

    ‘The Israeli military said its air force had conducted a “precise” strike overnight on a vehicle in Nuseirat with a “terrorist cell” from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad inside. It did not provide further details or reference the Palestinian reports.

    ‘The vehicle, bearing the word “Press” in red letters, was bombed near the gates of the Al Awda Hospital, and belonged to the Palestinian channel Al Quds Today, according to a post on social media from Quds News Network, another Palestinian news outlet.

    ‘The Israel Defense Forces said on Telegram that they had taken “numerous steps” to mitigate the risk to civilians before the strike it conducted in Nuseirat overnight, including using precise munitions, aerial surveillance, and intelligence.’

    Israelis make their mass murdering sound so scientific, so dispassionate, so clinical. Just like Dr Mengele did.

    Israel is our misfortune.

    • There is a solution:
      All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
      Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
      –All synagogues and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
      –All holocaust museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
      –One holocaust museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud that jews have perpetrated against the world.
      The USA has a right to know who belongs to foreign political systems.
      –Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
      –All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government”.
      –All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
      –Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
      –Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
      –Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.

      You see, jews don’t play by “the same rules” as the rest of us, and believe in “collective responsibility” and “collective punishment”, but only for goyim, not for jews.
      This concept, along with unrestrained genocide is baked into judaism itself, the “sins of the father” being visited on descendants in perpetuity.
      Witness today’s Germans (and the rest of us goyim) still being held responsible for the so-called “holocaust™” despite none of today’s children and grandchildren of Germans being alive at the time.
      THAT is how jews maintain power and control.
      At the same time, our (correct and civilized) concepts of individual responsibility and individual punishment is does us no good, especially when dealing with those who live by a “different set of rules”.
      There comes a time when marginalization of a whole “tribe” is the only way to deal with and solve the “problem”.
      Just maybe the jews have it right.
      Let’s hold ALL JEWS WORLDWIDE to their own standard and hold them collectively responsible for the genocides taking place.
      Fair is fair…

  15. Musk is a walking contradiction, that’s for sure. I haven’t decided yet who’s one lab accident away from becoming a supervillain -Musk or Bezos.

    Musk is singularly fixated on Mars colonization. Starship to get ’em there. EVs to move ’em around. Tunneling machines to keep ’em out of the radiation.

  16. ‘X also makes money by mining data.’ — eric

    Long term, data mining may prove to be an even richer source of returns than subscription fees or direct advertising sales. You may not be interested in Big Gov, but Big Gov is very interested in you.

    ‘[Electricians] are here [in Wenatchee, Wash.] to build data centers, the brawny concrete buildings with HVAC systems the size of tractor-trailers that power the new artificial intelligence systems that the tech industry believes are the key to its future — and perhaps the future of the entire economy.

    ‘A.I. needs vast amounts of computing and the electrical power to make that happen.
    So electricians are flocking to regions around the country that, at least for now, have power to spare. These traveling electricians are transforming the sagebrush here in central Washington, with substations going up on orchards and farmland. Hundreds have come to a triangle of counties tied together by hydropower dams along the Columbia River.

    ‘Mr. Molitor worries the data centers are a sugar high, with few jobs in the long run. “They use a lot of ground, and they use a lot of power,” he said. “I like to see the stuff that makes a bigger return to the community.”’ — NYT

    What does AI do for individuals? Not much. But if you want to run a high-tech slave plantation, AI algorithms can monitor every phone conversation, text and internet post to suss out whether you’re harboring subversive thoughts, and need to be sanctioned for the greater good.

    Welcome to the digital Panopticon, my friends. Better watch your back.


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