It is traditional to make resolutions at the beginning of the new year for the coming year. What would be an appropriate resolution for the new year – after the past four years?
One that seems right is to resolve to ignore stupid, tyrannical rules whenever one can “get away” with it – and to never accept them as legitimate in one’s head. This implies another resolution, just as important and perhaps even more so as it is foundational. It is to always use your head – your capacity to evaluate facts and act according to the facts – rather than to lower your head and accept whatever you are told you must do (and not do) just because the rules say so.
Keeping in mind the interesting incongruity manifested by those who insist the rules must always be followed because they have been set down for our own good by those who know best. Well, how do they know this? Do they know each of us – and intimately enough that they can assert with any credibility knowing what is best for us? The only way they could know it would be if they were us. Or were – somehow – omniscient and infallible. Like God. Which is of course how some of these people regard themselves, which manifests delusional lunacy as well as authoritarian thinking.
Only we know best – for ourselves.
Let’s act on that, going forward.
Part of that is resolving to not expect solutions to the problems that beset us coming from politicians or the government. Both are in fact the source of most of our problems. Appealing to the government for help is not unlike the undertaker in The Godfather appealing to the Don for justice. The Don promised to deliver it – but also told the undertaker that, one day (and that day may never come) he would ask a service of the undertaker. Put another way – via the writer Robert Heinlein – there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Memorize this. Make it the basis of forming a judgment about anything that sounds too good to be true. Because it almost certainly is.
Implicit in this resolution about taking care of your own problems is to not allow them to make you feel as if you had no power to take care of them yourself. Probably, you do – and that is the last thing they want you to think (or do) because it means there is nothing to justify what they want to do – to you.
There is a more fundamental thing implicit in this, too. It is to consider the idea of extending to others that which all of us expect for ourselves. That being to leave others be, just as we wish others would leave us be.
You may not like what some other person is doing – or not doing – but so long as whatever they are doing or not doing imposes no harm on you, why not leave them be? Just the same as you expect others to leave you be when whatever you are doing or not doing isn’t causing them any harm, either.
That was once the American way. It could be, again.
Expect to keep what is yours. Do not expect to get what is not – especially via the cowardly evasion of voting for it. If you want something then work for it. Do not expect it to be given to you – especially by the government, which (per Heinlein) gives away nothing without a price.
We are not all in this together. We are all individuals, in this together. The distinction is critical.
Let’s resolve to make it, this year.
. . .
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At this link, you can sign a letter by AAPS (American Association of Physicians and Surgeons), urging the Senate to confirm RFK Jr as HHS Secretary.
A fedgov district court just spurned a lawsuit against Pfizer by the State of Texas, finding that the fedgov’s PREP Act gives Pfizer immunity from lawsuits, despite supplying defective vaccines using false claims.
We need RFK Jr to demolish this corrupt, Pharma-bought branch of the US fedgov. Thank you.
2024 Year of the big lie
2025 Year of the yuuuge lie
My resolution is to better recognize attempts to manipulate my thoughts and actions by my enemies. To know the truth and act on it accordingly.
Their intention seems to be to create duality of thought and action. They will have you believing one thing and acting in the opposite way.
No more.
“You may not like what some other person is doing – or not doing – but so long as whatever they are doing or not doing imposes no harm on you, why not leave them be? Just the same as you expect others to leave you be when whatever you are doing or not doing isn’t causing them any harm, either.”
Agreed but with the caveat, we have to get back to a respectful, civilized, polite civilization.
We have (in my opinion) lost so very much since duels of honor fell out of favor and were made illegal. If you go through life making a point of getting along, aggressive, rude crazies will run over you every time. When the LBGTWXYZ crowd minded their own business and stayed out of people’s faces, nobody really cared about them. But when they aggressively demand respect and support for their offensive practices, a line has been crossed and offense has been given. When you or I pass clover where she doesn’t like it, there is no threat or reason for offense. But when they call the cops on you or I, then they have given serious threat and offense.
This is a hard point to make on a libertarian/anarchist site and I apologize if it’s awkward. I once saw an anarchistic post on the late lamented Libertarian Enterprise that he should be able to have a pansexual orgy on his front yard in front of the neighbors and their kids. That is wrong, if you want that pansexual orgy make sure your yard is out of easy sight of your neighbors. No well mannered person will bother you you.
Do you think that Bibi would fully penetrate Yuval Noah Hariri’s toothless wonder?
Already been done to America. Such a shame.
I use to chuckle when I heard well-meaning people talk about our ZOG (zionist-occupation government) but no more.
There are forty or so congressmen, senators and thousands of high-level policy wonks. infecting the U S government who hold dual citizenship with Israel. Such dual citizenship must be strictly prohibited. Those holding dual citizenship must renounce foreign citizenship. Refusal to do so should result in immediate deportation with loss of American citizenship. Present and former holders of dual citizenship should never be allowed to serve in any American governmental capacity.
All but 5 or so congresscritters have an “aipac handler” at the ready, utilized to make sure the congresscritter votes for anything that israel wants.
Let’s not forget the “loyalty oath” to israel that prospective politicians are required to sign in order to receive campaign funding through aipac and other zionist jew-run foreign entities.
In addition, any American citizen who serves in a foreign military (Israel Defense Forces) should automatically lose their American citizenship.
When genocide criminal Netanyahu addressed both houses of congress, it was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel. It was a scene out of the Soviet Politburo where every jewish or Israel supporter tried to outdo the others with the applause. Just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States. They should all be prosecuted for TREASON.
At this point any of that tribe refusing to denounce the genocidal psychopathy .. . .THEY SUPPORT IT.
USS Liberty ! They ARE OUR ENEMY. PERIOD. Welcome to 2025. Time to human up and clean house.
Beautiful image on Jan 1, 2025: a Cybertruck burning, in front of a Trump building in Las Vegas:
Many metaphorical overtones here. More, please, kind sirs! 🙂
‘We have now confirmed that the explosion was caused by very large fireworks and/or a bomb carried in the bed of the rented Cybertruck and is unrelated to the vehicle itself.
‘All vehicle telemetry was positive at the time of the explosion.’ — Elon
Did you catch the punchline? ‘All vehicle telemetry was positive.’ In other words, Tesla spies on its customers 24/7.
Toyota and Nissan can’t spy on my vintage vehicles, because they don’t talk to the internet. Screw the surveillance state.
The explosion may have been caused by a bomb/fireworks but witnesses reported seeing smoke before the explosion, so maybe the battery catching fire was what set off the explosives. Elon will never tell.
Heh. I’m pretty sure my Willys are also incapable of ratting me out or trying to control me…
“Did you catch the punchline? ‘All vehicle telemetry was positive.’ In other words, Tesla spies on its customers 24/7.”
100%, I’ve posted about this many times before here. There is an avalanche of data being sent to Tesla at any given moment and it is stuff well beyond GPS locations. Current speed, average speed, slowest, fastest, avg. follow distance, distance during lane changes, angle of inclination, forward g force, lateral g force, avg. braking force, etc.
Things you’d measure in an aircraft flight recorder basically, but in a car and being transmitted in real time to Tesla. 🤷♂️
Without a doubt, anyone with a sane brain will eventually realize that Elon has shit for brains and nothing else.
Don’t need much of a brain to know that.
Why would you continue to build cars that can eventually self-immolate and kill people?
Get a new brain, Elon. The one you have is full of shit.
If only Trump had a brain. The one Donald has is full of shit, obviously.
Where’d these people come from?
Give me a break.
Hi Drump,
I think Elon does have a brain. What he lacks is a conscience.
Maybe he does have a brain, I wish he would use it. Worms his way into anything that pays.
He’s a weasel.
He is responsible for the fires when the lithium batteries spontaneously combust from a thermal runaway, those batteries are gonna burn when that happens.
It is his eyes, Eric. The eyes are the window to ones soul, and Elon has some interesting ones to say the least. I have to wonder if he is just stupid lucky because he was born into money? Or if he is a psychotic genius that wants to get everyone killed, but is sleek enough to make himself appear that he is our mentor and friend. Either way, anyone that wants to shove computer chips into people’s brains is not someone I really want to be “friends” with. Maybe “keep my enemies closer” perhaps, but not a friend.
Problem is his phat wallet drags his massive brain down to the level of his ass.
My top 10 resolutions for 2025:
1. Stay away from the war zones, like Ukraine, Israel, or the Mexican border.
2. Stay away from major cities and other nuclear targets, never visit the District of Criminals who just approved missile strikes on Moscow.
3. Never get caught downwind of a nuclear target like NYC, if the nukes go off, do not breathe the radioactive dust/air or drink the water. If you flee a nuclear holocaust and go to Mexico, don’t drink that water either. If you see a huge mushroom cloud ascending above a nearby city, be sure to film it with your smart phone and post it on TikTok. Congress hates that when you do that.
4. While awaiting nuclear holocaust, never park within’ 100′ of a Tesla vehicle, like this one:
5. Do not breathe the burning fumes of Cybertruck or any other electric device that bursts into flames – which means you should not park within 1,000′ of any Tesla. If you are in a restaurant and a Tesla parks near your car, make an excuse to go outside and repark. You can never be to safe around a Tesla, and god forbid never actually get into one because the doors lock when the burst into flames or self drives into the lake. You never know when a Tesla will self ignite, usually when it is parked in some poor schmucks garage. Who needs to buy fireworks when you own a Tesla, just think of the savings.
6. I resolve to stay away from all group gatherings, like Trump rallies, or genocide protests, or a Netanyahu visit. Never get between a Congress member and a AIPAC donor.
7. Never use the NYC subway with hoodlums who love to push elderly folk into oncoming trains or light them on fire.
8. When Jim Cramer says there is never a better time to load up on stocks I will be sure to call my broker and unload them all. Obviously when Jim Cramer tells you to buy it is because he was told that by Wall Street insiders who are selling.
9. One of my main goals for 2025 is to survive 2025. So when I am cleaning my guns in my backyard bunker, I will be sure not to look down the barrel until I am sure it is unloaded. You can never have to many guns, the big survival question is how much ammo should you have. I suppose that depends on how many people in your area who are on the welfare dole.
10. Before the shit hits the fan, I think I should upgrade my television to 4K. It is important to see the destruction on the latest high resolution monitor, all the blood and guts and blowed apart kids. I wanna watch the Apocalypse live on the biggest screen I can fit across the wall in my living room, an 8 footer sounds good.
Happy new year everybody! It may be a new year here, but there are still dark forces out there who wish to destroy what was for the sake of “Build Back Better”.
There are people out there such as Leana Wen who want to do ANOTHER fear porn campaign, but this time over BIRD FLU. There are also those who want to KILL ALL COWS & CHICKENS (likely under the guise of “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet”) so the only thing that’s available for people to eat are bugs and lab created “food”….If people fall for THIS attempt at fear mongering, we’re in serious trouble….
We don’t need no stinkbugs like Klaus and Bill and Elon, those bums will never learn! And they all smell bad!
Sergey Zimov wants to revive and restore. Calls it Pleistocene Park.
Animal lives matter!
General George S. Patton wrote about the dearth of normal hygiene practices among those of the “tribe” (the “chosen”).
(((They))) refused to use toilets, instead using the corners of rooms in which to defecate and urinate.
(((They))) had to be forced to use toilets, the use of rifle butts to force compliance.
More recently, a gaggle of the “chosen” were kicked off a flight from Detroit to Miami because (((they))) stunk so bad, resulting in complaints from other passengers. (((They))) were given a free hotel room by the airline in which to “clean themselves up”. (((They))) are now suing the airline for refusing to allow them to “fly while stinky”.
What is it with the lack of normal hygiene practices by those of the “tribe”?
Everybody stinks, at times.
Everybody smells, sometimes.
All apologies to R.E.M., gone but not forgotten.
John the Baptist would have made sure they got baptized.
Maybe not, the Jordan River would stink for thousands of years.
Drowning them would be the solution, water is a liquid weapon or something.
Moses should have parted the Red Sea then let God do the rest of the work.
The stink would eventually go away.
Dark humor and I don’t care if it is.
If the Jews think they are so smart, you would think that they would be smart enough to be dumb enough instead of being dumb enough to be smart enough.
Aren’t smart enough to figure anything out.
Don’t think of the Jews as a problem, think of them as an opportunity for a solution.
Send them back to The Pale, where they belong.
Problem solved, isolate them from everybody.
Just my two
Shekelscents of worthless pennies.Hi Eric, et al,
Three resolutions which should never need to be stated at the beginning of the year……
1) Think for yourself.
2) Act with integrity towards yourself and others.
3) Go to Porcfest again in June and visit Eric on the way.
Brilliant exposition as always. Best of everything as always….
In your “neck of the woods”, Eric, et al.
Now here’s a guy who is being persecuted for thinking for himself a little too much:
His supposed crime? If you ask me, keeping the wrong company. A “confidential human source” narced him out. But as far as the feds are concerned, he had an “unregistered short-barrel rifle”. Some bullshit. But then they discovered he had a little self-prepared boom-boom? Again, so what? He hadn’t hurt anyone, save for himself. Seems he might’ve blown off a few fingers in an ill-fated experiment.
In the picture, I only see what appear to be 37mm flares, which are legal in most places. I’m thinking the title of the article is fatuously alarmist.
Sometime I need just a little push in the proper direction, Eric.
I’ve been pondering of whether I should build my life out here as I see fit, seeking permission or acceptance from no one. I simply can’t fathom begging approval from some “authority” to do anything with my own property. You may have given me the encouragement I need for the new year.
So again I say “Fuck ’em!”. I do have this terrible habit of thinking for myself, even if it might be occasionally be detrimental to my cause. I know the true detriment is having someone think for me.
good stuff Eric. And better if you can teach others to do so as well, especially youth. Gives me joy to do so. Takes effort though.
Eric, you do it almost every day on these pages. Kudos.
Sometimes, people or youth are just observing what I am doing and want to insert their rule following opinion(s) to me. I get a grin and decipher if my effort is worth it or not. Fun little games, but if successful, can change someone’s life for the better. It can also reveal crackpots not worth your time.
One of my favorites is ‘recycling’. It is a scam, and lots of conversations start around my ‘one’ trash bin, hahahaaa…….. Yes there is good recycling (toxic stuff), but most is a scam. BTW, any ‘recycling studies’ that challenged the grift have been scrubbed of the net a long time ago.
OT: time to ban assault EVs?
The biggest changes in technology make what was expensive and hard, easy. But it doesn’t make everything cheap and simple. Often it just makes it possible to do for yourself what used to take many people to accomplish. Take cooking. Raw ingredients have been pretty much unchanged since Marco Polo brought back spices from Asia. Cooking was always difficult when it involved gathering wood or coal as step one. Temperature control was basically how close to the fire you put the pot. When gas and electric ranges and ovens hit the scene it was a game changer. Now you had lots of control over the process and therefore could cook far more complicated foods. This also led to factory sized “kitchens” producing premade meals that had to be better than home cooked. As factory foods tasted better and got cheaper, home cooking fell out of favor. The apex of prepared food is the microwave oven, which is a cheap simulation of a Star Trek style replicator. Just throw the cardboard box in, out comes a delicious meal (at least that’s the promise). What we got in reality was a sugar, salt, and seed oil laden concoction created in a laboratory. Designed not to nourish but to make you want more.
These days there are people who actually buy a box of ingredients all pre-measured and vacuum sealed, mix them together and shove it into the microwave oven. That’s what they think is cooking, and they pay a big premium for this product. I think the days of this sort of thing are numbered. The overhead to produce all that food in factories is getting higher all the time. Same thing with restaurants. When a trip to McDonalds costs $15 per head, who can afford that? And even if you can, why would you want to pay that when you can get premium burgers from a butcher for the same price? Cooking is still pretty easy and doesn’t take much time, so why aren’t we doing more of it?
As you can probably guess, my resolution is to cook fresh meals, to be much less dependent on stuff that comes out of cans, bags or cardboard. The more I can make myself, the better off I’ll be. That carries over to other aspects of my life too. I’ve been wanting to set up a few security cameras. Every “easy” camera is designed around an app that uploads my footage to “the cloud” and requires monthly fees for using someone else’s computer. Hard drives are crazy cheap these days, there’s no reason why I need to upload anything to someone else for anything other than than archival purposes (and for that I can set up an rsync mirror at my sister’s house). There are plenty of open source security camera apps, 3D printer files for cases and most of the hardware is really cheap too.
No more excuses.
Good move with the cameras RK, I just got a dashcam that covers front and rear, saving everything to a flash drive. Going to be useful if I ever encounter an AGW, which seems more likely in the future.
I started cooking all my own meals about two years ago….should have started 25 years ago…..wasted a huge amount of money in restaurants….laziness….convenience…is expensive….
If you cook for yourself it could cost $8.00 to $10.00 per day total for three meals .
Eating in restaurants can cost $45.00 to $60.00 per day, $1050 to $1500 per month more then your own cooking, just for pretty much fast food, no wonder people are broke…..
If I save $35.00 per day cooking my own food, for 3 meals it takes 1 hour total, so I am making $35.00 per hour, tax free……. (I am a fast cook), a good part time job.
You also save on health care costs by avoiding fast food/low quality food.
this doesn’t include $5.00 starbucks drinks or rip off $2.00 crappy coffees…note: coffee can be made for 5 cents to 10 cents a cup….lol…after I did the math on this i am reluctant to even buy coffee…lol
If you invest $1,000 every month for 40 years at a 6% return, it will be worth $1,991,545.25
$1.99 million dollars just from one person
people go to expensive restaurants for the experience…cool decor, trendy…
“If you invest $1,000 every month for 40 years at a 6% return, it will be worth $1,991,545.25”
That is true, but….with some rather major caveats.
First you need to actually achieve the 6% consistently – something that’s not possible if you stick to only cash/CDs and avoid higher risk. Anything more aggressive will mean much greater volatility, and therefore a good chance of a significant or even a total loss.
Secondly, even if we were to believe the official CPI rates of ~2% are correct (hint: they are nowhere near the real inflation!), $2 million back in 1985 equals almost $4.4 million now.
So the $2M, while still not a bad amount to have, is nowhere near what it appeared to be like 40 years ago.
Then add taxes etc to all that, plus any other ‘unexpected’ thing that may happen over 40 years (like inflation at double digits) and you’ll find that while the old story of ‘compound interest’ still holds true, there is a reason why some people prefer to just spend the money now. As the classical economists of the 18 hundreds knew, inflation does change people’s time preference, and not in a good way.
We can thank the Fed and its fiat money system for this. And of course, the government that enables it all.
Indeed good advice. I have my stash of cash and metals, enough to live for a year of no income. But any surplus cash now goes into physical goods, old cars, “ahem” sporting goods, cheap real estate (meaning really cheap $500 commercial lots or $5000 houses) and improvements on same houses and lots.
It’s not easy money, but I don’t trust easy money.
Your mileage, of course, may vary.
“First you need to actually First you need to actually achieve the 6% consistently
Investing $1000 monthly in the SP500 monthly for the last 40 years…..achieve the 6% consistently…..not a problem…..
Actually gold has done pretty well the last 40 years….
1985 one ounce gold price $285 2025 price $2669 ….up 9.36 times …..this is far better then wasting an extra $1000 per month on poisonous crappy food in a restaurant…..
Investing in stocks implies volatility. Then, timing becomes of utmost importance – and that is a very, very hard task to successfully master.
If you save for 40 years and then, just as you want to retire, you experience a crash like the one in 2008/2009, you’ll be set back decades.
And you can never reliably extrapolate past results forward. In fact I would argue that with the US stockmarkets sitting at levels of overvaluation now that dwarf both the ‘roaring twenties’ and the dot com bubble, the next crash will be a real doozy.
This is why I said ‘safe’ investments – which historically means cash and Treasurys.
However, with Uncle Sam’s debt levels going parabolic, this paradigm probably no longer applies either, and while the government can print to cover the interest AND new spending, they will always choose that ‘slow default’ of inflation rather than the ‘all of a sudden’ one that would be the case in a hard money system.
Gold, of course, is an inflation hedge. Its price in dollars is only relevant so as to show just how much the monopoly money of the USD has been debased. The metal itself historically just keeps its purchasing power of necessities like food and housing – which is why its dollar price keeps going up. Saving in physical gold over decades has lots of merit, but there won’t be any compound interest there. And, in a pinch, it may well be confiscated by the AGWs, as has happened before.
Anyway, I am not promoting eating fast food or spending all of one’s savings on buying lots of unneeded crap. Just pointing out how the incentives actually line up – which is most definitely in the wrong direction.
Investing $1000 monthly in the SP500 monthly for the last 40 years…..achieve the 6% consistently…..not a problem… worked….
The next 40 years who knows?……..
“‘safe’ investments – which historically means cash”….
that is plain stupid….
The dollar has lost 98% of it’s value in the last 120 years…..
I’ve been doing it off and on for years now, one of the deals I made with myself when I bought my house was to put the kitchen to good use. But too often I’ll buy ingredients, then let them sit because going to restaurants is more “fun.” Food as entertainment. But nowadays not knowing what’s in your food seems like it could be dangerous, as the industry cuts corners to the bone to maintain margins. The big thing is coming up with food for when I’m on the road or can be reheated easily.
All in the packaging.
When you freeze individual portions, use 1 qt. freezer bags and smooth the filled bags into wafers, ~0.75″ thick. Label with contents and date. Squeeze air out of bags before sealing.
The frozen “flat packs” can be stored standing up, once frozen, such as in the door of your freezer. But the big advantage to flat packs is that a “wafer” thaws much faster than a “ball” of food. Basic heat transfer.
To quick thaw, submerge the flat pack in a hot water bath for ~ 5 minutes.
Transfer the contents of the bag to a plate, discard the empty freezer bag, and heat the food in a microwave oven for ~3 minutes.
I keep a spreadsheet posted to the side of my refrigerator which inventories item (recipe), date frozen, and quantity. Subtotals by type of meat (chicken, pork. beef, and lamb). I try to keep ~30 individual portions on hand. When inventory gets low, I schedule a “cooking day” or two, usually on a weekend. Buy the meat (the most expensive ingredient) when it goes on sale, and freeze it until cooking day.
Beats store bought frozen dinners, for sure. I’ll take my own chicken parmigiana over Marie Callender’s any day.
Tip: be sure to cut *all* the fat off the meat during prep. Fat will oxidize, and give the frozen product an “off” taste, after some time in the freezer. Without the fat, it is possible to store frozen portions for as long as a year, in my experience, with no loss in palatability.
>when I’m on the road
My brother traveled the country for State Farm as a claims specialist. He was big on crock pot (slow cooker).
1. Put ingredients in crock pot.
2. Set timer to 8 hours, or whatever.
3. Go to work.
When you are done work, dinner is ready.
4. Keep balance of per diem.
“going to restaurants is more “fun.” Food as entertainment. But nowadays not knowing what’s in your food seems like it could be dangerous,”
What is in that restaurant food?……
A close look at what is in McDonald’s food…..
What about shake shack…..what is in their food?….
I dont know Eric – Don Corleone was a lot more honest than the government – which forcefully extracts from you first, but then usually disappears when it’s time to deliver !!
Happy new year to you and everyone here, and best wishes for 2025.
‘What would be an appropriate resolution for the new year – after the past four years?’ — eric
I resolve to write at least half a dozen letters this month, opposing dual-loyalty neocon Trump nominees, starting with the Cuban anchor baby Little Marco Rubio and moving on to the mad-dog zionist freak Pete Hegseth, who says “If you love America, you should love Israel.”
No, Pete. Get off your knees and wipe your filthy mouth.
I’m gonna exhibit a low tolerance for treason this year.
Already wrote my House rep yesterday, urging him to dump zionist rent boy Mike Johnson as Speaker in Friday’s vote. Sic semper proditoribus.
Hey Jim
These gooberment slugs make far more money on the take (which all of them are) than their salary which the just doubled. I feel your pain. This will only stop when the money stops which will be never. Point of fact. 99.9% of the time letters and e-mails never get past a screener.
You’re right about Johnson,,, problem is all of them will do the same. Trumpenstine likes him but then his entire administration is Jewish and/or Zionist.
Corpgov sends billions to Israhell,,, Israhell returns it via campaign donations by Jewish organizations like AIPAC. Representatives fro these organizations advise corpgov politicians of what to do and who to do it to. Whatever they advise will never be beneficial to America. The H1B fiasco should be proof to even the dumbest what Trupmenstine and motley crew discard Americans in favor of foreigners. IMO we’ll be lucky just staying out of war the way this man talks.