xCommunication Addendum


Getting banned from X – unless I go through a struggle session, delete the “offending” post that caused me to be banned (by the algorithm) and promise to be obedient henceforth – none of which I am going to do – felt as good as it did when I got kicked out of the coffee shop I used to often patronize for refusing to “mask up” during the height of the mass-panic event that went by the name of the “pandemic.”

It always feels good when you don’t give in to stupidity – or tyranny.

Sometimes, it is both together, as it was four years ago when all-too-many people gave in to stupid and tyrannical demands that they participate in the orchestrated mass-panic by looking as if they agreed with it. This is why, of course, the wearing of “masks” was so aggressively pushed and enforced. Everyone had to look the same so as to make it appear evident they thought the same. That no one disagreed about the need to “mask up.”

It was a brilliant trick and it worked spectacularly. It really did look like there was a “pandemic” afoot – even in the face of overwhelming evidence that most people weren’t dying from it.

Evidence – facts – stopped mattering because people stopped thinking.

What X is doing amounts to the same in subtler application.

It is true that – to a great extent – people are freer to speak on X than previously. But they are not free to speak. Mark the distinction because it is not trivial. It is of a piece with the distinction between a person who is not obligated to pay anyone (including the government) money in order to be avoid being evicted from his home – and a renter. A renter can never be an “owner” – no matter how much rent he pays. And the same is true of a person who considers himself to be a “homeowner” if he must pay what amounts to rent, forever. 

Semantics do not change facts.

Back to X – a silly name for a serious problem.

Yes, you are allowed to speak more freely now – and a few people might even be aware you have – provided you pay a monthly fee for the privilege. That is not exactly “free” speech. Certainly not as regards reach, either. But neither is the problem that’s serious.

That problem is self-censorship

Most people who post on X do not want to get blocked from posting X. Everyone who uses X understands this digital sword of Damocles hangs over every X user’s head (so to speak). It is understood that certain kinds of posts – the ones that hurt the algorithm’s feelings or perhaps Elon Musk’s sensitivities – can lead to getting blocked. And at the same time, no one knows exactly which bad words or bad thoughts will result in getting blocked.

Yes, of course, we all know certain words – and certain thoughts – are likely to lead to a blockage. But by no means all of them. The so-called “community guidelines” are deliberately non-specific and of a piece with “climate change,” a term that lacks specificity precisely so that it cannot be specifically addressed – and rebutted.

The point is to keep you in check by keeping yourself in check.

Your fingers hesitate over the keyboard because something tells you that someone – who knows who because it is impossible to know who – might be “offended” by what you’re thinking of posting. You worry – understandably – that the algorithm will “flag” what you’re thinking of posting as “hateful” or even – this is the latest – “negative.”

Whether it is true being no defense.

And so you do not type what you were thinking and instead type something more . . . agreeable. You choose your words – and so your thoughts – carefully. Not to make your thoughts clearer but to avoid giving expression to the wrong thoughts – as defined by someone else or something else.

This is not good manners. It is being a good little boy or girl.

The distinction is important.

X doesn’t merely control speech (and reach). It controls thought, without most people who use X even realizing it. They are grateful to be allowed to post their thoughts – within the allowable parameters. Just the same as all-too-many people were grateful to be allowed into the store to shop. All they had to do was “practice” the required kabuki. Stand six feet apart. Pretend this is normal. Pretend it is reasonable. Act as if having plexiglass partitions between you and other humans isn’t a degradation. And be sure to wear what was always styled your “mask.” As if you’d freely chosen to wear the thing.

Was it not insufferable? Was it not accepting the bit into your mouth?

How is what X is doing – and it is not just X – any different?

As it was during the height of the “pandemic,”  most people seem to not see how X and the rest are conditioning them to a new abnormal. A reset of sorts – after which people accept being allowed to say only what those in control allow them to say. Without those in control actually having to say it out loud. It is understood, almost in the sense of a Jungian collective unconscious that knows without the individuals that comprise it being fully conscious that they know it.

But they act (and think) as if they did.

There is only one way out – and that is out the door. I never went back to that coffee shop and I never felt better. Except perhaps the other day, when I eXited Twitter or whatever Elon Musk is calling his speech-conditioning platform now.

. . .

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    • A June 2018 Gateway Pundit study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook had eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites……..the government was behind much of the censorship…..

    • In re Musk: I have learned to go by actions rather than words. Elon’s actions – as regards free speech, as regards government grift, as regards AI – tell us all we need to know about the man.

      • Not only that, Eric, but when EU bigwig Thierry Breton paid Elon a visit and leaned on him to censor X IAW the EU’s wishes and directives, Elon obsequiously caved into him. There are cringe videos of this floating around online. David Knight has featured this clip on his show.

        • Exactly, Mark!

          Elon’s actions show he’s not a “free speech” guy. Like everything else this man does, it’s all about what benefits him. If it makes him money. He’s all for government – when it benefits him (Tesla, Space X). He’s all for “free” speech – when you pay for it – and stops being in favor of it when it costs him money.

          Musk is what he always was: A rent-seeking grifter.

          • When Elon obsequiously bowed (LITERALLY!) to Thierry Breton, that told anyone with two brain cells knocking together what they needed to know: to wit, Elon doesn’t GAF about free speech.

  1. At one time I had 52 blog rolls, all of them taken down on the same day, across multiple platforms – the same day they went after Alex Jones for the Sandy Hook hoax. Censorship in the Jewish run Talmudic terrorist state of Amerika is par for the course. Fact is, all the Sandy Hook (dead) kids are still alive:


    (Obongo lied to us about Sandy Hook just like he lied to us about his “wife” Michelle, who has a penis, whose real name is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Obongos also purchased a sea level mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, yet POTUS pissed on us and told us sea levels were rising.)

    One of my blogs was just about the Global Warming hoax – and that was also taken down, and it was on it’s own platform under a different avatar name. I raised the red flag about Bill Gates and his insane plans to blot out sunlight to stop warming. Bill Gates is wrong about Global Warming, which I will detail, and is a menace to freedom, life, and sanity.

    Bill Gates is also a mass murdering lunatic – and needs to be stopped by any means, preferably with 123 grains of justice behind his left ear, if you know what I mean. I am serious, he has intentionally murdered millions already, so he deserves to be stopped with lead to his head before he kills millions more with his latest bird flu and other scams.

    His understanding of CO2 is completely wrong, he says nonchalantly that we need to get CO2 to zero. First of all that is impossible, secondly even if you kill every human to get CO2 to zero it won’t change a thing, because CO2 is NOT a warming gas, nor is it a pollutant. Every living thing is taking part in the CO2 cycle, to stop CO2 is to attack life itself. Without CO2 all life on earth would perish. During the last two glacial maximums CO2 was down below 200ppm when plants die. If anything CO2 is to low.

    (Worrying about CO2 at current levels is like worrying your gas tank is going to overflow when it is on 1/8 of a tank. Most of earth’s history CO2 has been above 1,000 ppm.)

    CO2 is a life gas and a trace gas, it is measured in parts per million. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, or human caused CO2, it was 280ppm and now, after 200 years, 420 ppm. Yet still no catastrophic warming – and the reason for that is CO2 has an inverse logarithmic heating function, almost all of the warming from O=C=O (twin double bonds that attenuate ultraviolet) is in the first 20 ppm, which decreases exponentially with increased concentration, as shown in this chart:


    Almost all heat retention of sunlight is from water vapor, 95%, read this:


    Take a look at the first chart:

    Human caused CO2 is adding 0.117% to the greenhouse effect, that is so low, so close to zero, it is not even measurable – WHICH IS THE REASON WHY ALL THE ALARMIST PREDICTIONS OF GLOBAL WARMING ARE FAILS.

    Understand that CO2 is NOT driving temperature, CO2 has never forced temperature on earth. All charts on all scales show that CO2 follows temperature, never forcing temperature – thus Bill Gates and Al Gore are completely wrong about the “danger” of CO2 causing runaway heating. Earth is currently in an ice age epoch, which can last tens of millions of years, CO2 increases can not change temperature, thus CO2 can not stop ice age progression.

    Repeat, we are still in an ice age, nearlng the end of the interglacial, and CO2 does not force temperature, thus CO2 increases will not stop ice age progression. The whole world has it wrong – the real threat are colder temperatures.

    Chart showing the last 5 glaciation cycles, note how the current interglacial is the coldest yet, the previous 4 interglacials were warmer than today:

    This chart shows that in a previous earth ice age epoch, CO2 was 10x higher, and earth still went through the ice age, because CO2 is NOT a temp. driver:

    This information I am presenting is common knowledge with real climate scientists, which Al Gore, Bill Gates, Greta Thunderborg, and Titanic actor Leonardo Dicaprio are not. Al Gore never took a single collegiate level science course, and Greta and Dicaprio never made it past high school – yet the world media looks to them for expertise. That is utter madness. You are to believe actors not scientists. Al Gore may be a dupe and a fool, but he isn’t the real threat, Gates and his billions are. Spraying the upper atmosphere to stop sunlight could cause early ice age trigger or even end life on earth.

    Bill Gates is attacking sunlight and CO2, both are necessary for life – yet the world looks up to him like a savior. Utter lunacy!Bill Gates is a moron, a rich stupid motherf-cking asshole who wants to blot out the sun because of the shit between his ears, he is dead wrong, he is a deadly threat to life on earth and should be immediately shackled and put away for all our sakes.

    Furthermore, the real concern is ice age inception. Earth is well past the interglacial optimum temperatures, about 8,000 years past the warmest point in the interglacial short lived warm period to be followed by 100,000 years of very cold conditions.


    The bottom line is that humans are evil and stupid creatures that believe all kinds of things and act on wrong information all of the time. Trying to stop CO2 is insane and will never happen, earth is very cold right now and increasing CO2 has vastly increased crop production. The political class driving the CO2 agenda are misinformed if not malevolent. Politicans are insane criminals and so is Bill Gates.

    Currently, as I write this, a polar vortex is bearing down on the United States:

    Still no global warming like they forecast, still no snow free winters like they forecast, still no boiling oceans like Al Gore says, still no arctic free ice, still no accurate computer models. Why oh why you ask? Because the whole AGW theory is dead wrong. Snow, snow, snow because global warming is wrong, wrong, wrong.

    • The question is: Where did the Sandy Hook kids disappear to? And two, if/when the truth ever comes out regarding the fact that said children may be/are still alive, will TPTB ever apologize to those who were trying to find out the truth, or who already knew? Probably not, if those who were not vaccinated against the ‘Rona (and the subsequent fallout and “you should have warned us” mantra from the jabbed) show us anything about humans.

      • With each new instance of government sponsored fraud, they get more and more sloppy and brazen. Like a serial killer who subconsciously wants to be caught.

        I know that accountability isn’t coming for any of the perpetrators. I don’t want any apologies. I’d rather have them swinging from tree branches. Not likely.

        I use these operations as valuable learning experiences, honing my radar to be able to easily discern truth from fiction regarding government psyops so that when something affects me personally, I can respond in appropriate ways.

        • “Like a serial killer who subconsciously wants to be caught.”

          More like they don’t care anymore, because they have all the power, and they control the narrative, so they’re saying “Yeah, we’re fooling you with BS, but what are you going to do about it? And if you even dare mention it, your fellow slaves who are too stupid or comfortable with their positions and the status quo, will tell you to shut up. We don’t even have to lift a finger. Hahahahaha!!”

      • All of the Sandy Hook “victims” family’s mortgages were paid off on Christmas day of the same year.
        That one move is enough to keep the parents “quiet”…

  2. If they do not delete/ban things such as “Back the Blue” and “Support the Troops” anything should be allowed no matter how disgusting or unpopular.

  3. Eric,

    Though I mentioned this in my comment to your other eXcommunication post, I’ll repeat it here. I’m sure that you know of Aldous and Julian Huxley, two technocrats from the past. Guess what? Their grandfather, Thomas Huxley, hosted an technocratic organization called the X Club. You CAN’T make this shit up! Since Elon Musk is from a long line of technocrats, it would only be fitting that he renamed Twitter as X.

    Secondly, Elon doesn’t just want a mere microblogging platform, which was what Twitter was for most of its life. No, he wants to make it so much more. He wants it to be a payment portal, among other things; he wants to make X a sort of “one stop shop” style of platform. That’s another reason he acquired Twitter. In addition to influencing public opinion and gov’t policy, Elon wants to use X as a platform where you do everything. Can you imagine the power he will have if he realizes his vision for X? To ask the question is to answer it.

    • Sounds like old E-con wants to have business get in on the ground floor of and be the officially government-snactioned portal for the incoming CBDCs.

      It’s gonna start getting wild real soon!

        • I hadn’t either, until you mentioned Musk and “payment portal” in the same sentence. And now seeing as how musk is not only a favored son who gets to rake in billions of taxpayer money, as well as money the government extorts from other businesses (Carbon credits, etc.), but who now is going to hold an orifice…I mean office in that very government, it just suddenly became so clear.

  4. Musk has 540 billion dollars.

    He doesn’t need any more money from everybody and their brother.

    Musk would ban Jesus Christ for being born.

    Musk would force Jesus to bear a cross.

    • Amen, Drump –

      Musk is so rich it’s absurd to believe he needs more money. As if Twitter weren’t already making plenty via ads. Mind: I am not someone who believes anyone “owes” or ought to “give back” just because they’re rich. My point is that Elon’s so rich that if he really wanted to promote free speech, he could. Instead, he wants to control it while squeezing every last penny out of people that he can.

      • Musk is not the great liberator as some view him, he is a tyranny lord, the myth of free speech on X. Then there are his spy cars:


        A Tesla spy device (and potential exploding assassination device) keeps track of your every movement – just like the god damn smart phone. Authorities can access this data and make a map of your rabbit trails and predict where you will be driving Tuesday at 10am. They can then arrange an accident so you are plowed into by some illegal Mexican driving a dump truck with no brakes.

        So the fact is your phone is spying on your movements, even when it is off. Same for a Tesla car wified to the global gulag drag net.

        Keeping your information private should be a top concern of anyone who doesn’t want to be coerced by the State or it’s Corporate Predator sponsors.

        BTW Eric, on KMED the other day they ran an ad for the Bill Meyers show, and your statement about Elon Musk being the world’s #1 grifter was the promotional sound bite. It made me laugh, that’s my boy Eric, I said, give ’em hell.

        Never be afraid to trample on other’s Overton Windows. What most people believe is a carefully constructed mind bubble with definite limits on what you are allowed to think or say. People very much exist in myth bubbles of a falsely constructed reality. Say what you want and the world will listen, the world is desperate to hear the truth about the mother fuckers that are raping, murdering, trafficking and warmongering.

        When the world is falling apart, the middle drifts right or left to the extreme viewpoints, because the middle viewpoint is so obviously wrong not even the middle of the road sheep will buy it. Thus the truth teller will always win out as the current Apocalypse progresses.

      • Training us to censor our very conscience out of existance.

        Nonstop 24/7 from 360 degrees. Its acting cornered now.

        This “classic” from my youth helps me levitate above the rank stench or musk if you prefer, of this insanity:

        “Forgive em pop, they’re ignorant psychopaths.”

        Now I dont have to.

      • This Jesus thing has been going on for centuries, much to the chagrin of those crazy kikes, and, that’s right, the kikes are still here and crazy kikes make sure their shenanigans continue unabated.

        If the kikes want to hate Jesus and crucify him, more power to them. Do the same to the Palestinians while you are at it.

        You go, Bibi!

        Kill them all! Why not? Amalek it is!

        Oh well.

        First they came for the Palestinians, but I wasn’t a Palestinian, so I didn’t speak up.

        Then the Jews came for the Mormons, but I wasn’t a Mormon, so I didn’t speak up.

        Then the Jews came for the Ukrainians, but the Ukrainians couldn’t speak up, they were all dead.

        I’m just thinking of words, some that have some meaning or something.

    • Musk is ANTI CHRIST! For the longest time, his X avatar had a pic of him wearing a Baphomet costume. That costume also had a pentagram on it, once of the most Satanic of Satanic symbols! Musk showed people who he is; the problem is that too few believed him.

  5. Change section 230 of the telecommunications act…
    Any social media site with over 10% market share shall be reclassified as a common carrier, is required to accept all customers and is absolved of any liability for content not unlike the telephone companies.
    A common carrier is required to serve all comers and is not permitted to censor content.
    When was the last time a telephone company censored content?

    • 1982. When our office staff at an RCC where I was engineer would provide problem clients with great deals on “questionable” quality pagers. Caddy shack Dr Beeper types.

      Just to get rid of the whiny jerks.

  6. No, has become my favorite word. It happened to me about 15 years ago. Prior to that I said yes to everything to make a buck, to survive, at great cost. After I had theoretically ‘made it’ or maybe a better definition is there became a time when knew I was going to make it and didn’t have to worry about every penny or any financial disasters.
    The next ‘deal’ was bad, and I knew it, experience and all that……….. I pondered the project, and it was hard to say it because I never had before.
    “No sir, we are going to pass on this one”. The other side of the line was a business friend, and why I was trying it, because he would understand my reasoning, which I explained in detail. And I still helped him navigate the problem(s) I saw.
    To say it was a day of revelation can not be understated. I felt the most free I had ever been.
    I have probably have said No 100’s of times since then, but I still offer my explanation and try to help the requester understand the why (so they won’t get in trouble either).

  7. I don’t have a problem with Musk charging you to have a Twatter channel, as it’s his business and he can run it any way he wants. But I do have a problem with double standards and censorship on the platform, however most platforms will regulate what is said, resulting in curious ways to comment that sometimes has me scratching my head before I figure it out.

  8. What gets under my skin is that X kicked you out for something relatively innocuous, but doesn’t kick out people like Ayatollah Khameini in Iran, who not only says violent things, but commits violent acts, not to mention the “from the river to the sea” crowd.

    Yes, Virginia, some animals are more equal than others…

    • “What gets under my skin is that X kicked you out for something relatively innocuous, but doesn’t kick out people like Ayatollah Khameini in Iran, who not only says violent things, but commits violent acts, not to mention the “from the river to the sea” crowd.”

      Or the maybe the US government which is violence incarnate.

      Then there’s this Trump character that murdered / droned Soleimani.

      Let’s see X ban all government murders and thugs.

      Oh, wait The Muskrat is dependent on those governments to exist (Starlink, SpaceX, EV certification, etc.)

  9. ‘X and the rest are conditioning [us] to a new abnormal.’ — eric

    Here’s the new abnormal: getting our pockets picked by tax feeders —

    ‘Millions of public servants around the country will start getting their full Social Security benefits now that Biden signed into law Sunday the repeal of two provisions that had reduced the amounts many could receive in retirement.

    ‘Biden approved the Social Security Fairness Act ending the Windfall Elimination Program, called WEP, and the Government Pension Offset, known as GPO, that reduced Social Security benefits to many teachers, police, firefighters and other public servants whose state and local employers had not contributed to Social Security.

    ‘Public servants will receive an average $360 more per month. Those impacted also will receive a lump sum for the missing payments of 2024.’


    This is very large-scale, brazen theft, valued at some $200 billion. Tax feeders who ‘contributed’ nothing are looting the shrunken Social Security Trust Fund, exhausting it a year or two earlier by openly stealing from those who did pay in.

    Lie, cheat and steal:they are.

    • Exactly Jim,
      It should be called the Double Dippers Enabling Act, only it’s even worse than that. Those public serpents that get cushy pensions compliments of taxpayers now get to steal money from those of us who were forced to pay into SS our whole working lives, even though they didn’t pay squat into it.
      Burn it to the ground.

      • Language and the meaning of words matters.

        “Those public serpents that get cushy pensions compliments of taxpayers now get to steal money from those of us who were forced to pay into SS our whole working lives, even though they didn’t pay squat into it.”

        You (we) didn’t pay into anything.

        There is no trust fund. There is no account that you’ve paid into. There is no account with your name on it.

        Is this latest change anymore evil than stealing from your children, grandchildren, and great children as they are forced to pay out Social Security while the scheme collapses and they end up with vastly reduced “benefits” and an increased retirement eligibility age?

        Social Security has always been a Ponzi scheme where current workers pay for those on the dole. It has always been evil. It has always been about wealth redistribution. As it currently operates, Social Security redistributes wealth from those that work (often the working poor) to the richest demographic (seniors). This is inherently evil.

        Until we can admit these truths to ourselves, the Ponzi scheme and theft will continue unabated.

        Let’s at least be honest enough with ourselves to not abuse language to make it seem like we aren’t stealing from others by participating in Social Insecurity fraud.

        • Yes, SS is a Ponzi scheme. Yes, SS is not a savings or insurance program; it is merely a spending program with a FICA tax that partially funds it.

          But under this latter narrow definition, public servants did not pay the FICA tax that would qualify them for benefits.

          The benefit formula is being retroactively rejiggered at the behest of public employee unions, to line their pockets at everyone else’s expense.

          Even within the context of a Ponzi scheme, government fraudsters have just overturned their own longstanding rules. All we’re asking for is HONOR AMONG THIEVES. Sheesh.

          • “Even within the context of a Ponzi scheme, government fraudsters have just overturned their own longstanding rules.”

            Rules? There are no rules. That much should be abundantly clear after 2020.

            99.9% of the US population can’t grasp this fact. As long as we labor under the delusion that there are rules; we are destined to continue to serve and fund their agenda.

            • Post of the day, BID –

              Exactly. I wear myself out trying to get this point across to some of my “conservative” brethren. We’re in a fight. It is not a fair fight. No fight is a fair fight. Kick the bastards in the balls. Fake them out. Thumb in the eye. Whatever it takes to win against these animals is fair.

            • The SS had rather strict standards for honesty and integrity. The husband of the infamous Ilse.Koch, aka the “Bitch of Buchemwald”, was court-martialed for embezzlement of INMATE funds.

        • Hi BID,

          The aspect of SS that bothers me a great deal is that it renders many people dependent on their “benefits” – and thus, the government – rather than their own resources and so independent. I’ve “done the math” as the saying goes and anyone who does will discover that even a person who earned a modest living who was forced to “contribute” over 40 years of working could have had a very large retirement nest egg – if he’d been allowed to keep his “contributions” and just saved (let alone invested) them. And when that person died, there would likely be a large sum remaining that his spouse or kids would get as an inheritance. Instead, they get nothing. The “benefits” cease when the dependent dies.

          There’s also the ugly business you mention of making the young work for the old – chaining one generation to another in an endless cycle of serial predation.

          • My cousin died three days after his 65th birthday. He paid in his whole life, including the time he was self employed. He got back not one cent. Had he been able to keep his money over his life, he could have left it to his two daughters and grandkids, who really could have used the money.

          • “The aspect of SS that bothers me a great deal is that it renders many people dependent on their “benefits”

            This reality was no accident.

            Social Insecurity was created knowing very well the mass dependency it would create. Those that become dependent on the Government will do what ever it takes to ensure the survival of the Government solely for the sake of their own well being. If that requires changing the “rules” to steal from their offspring, so be it, consider it done.

            Most cannot come terms with the evil and justify that they are just getting back what they lost over their working life. Nothing could be further from the truth.

        • Hi Burn it Down,
          I agree with the facts as you stated but since FICA taxes were extracted from me for my entire working life and I didn’t have the choice to put it into an IRA instead, which I would have greatly preferred, I now going to extract every cent I am able to since it was my money to begin with.
          I agree it is unfair to younger generations but it was always so; I have helped both my kids (now in their forties) financially when I was able to do so and they’ll get a good amount of money to split when my wife and I croak and they get our house and whatever savings we have left. Other people’s kids are not my responsibility or concern.

          • Keep in mind that, your employer also “contributed” a like amount into social security. Just imagine if you could have “contributed” just the employer amount into your own private investment account…

        • https://www.corvus-rising.net/blog/posts/guest-post/

          >As a member of the class of parasites which draw “Social Security” benefits, it seems obvious to me that a three point program must be implemented

          >Firstly, it is obvious that the remedy for too long life expectancy is to promote behavior which will reduce life expectancy. Smoking of tobacco should be high on the list, Obesity, alcohol, and drug abuse must all be enlisted in this cause.

          >Secondly, there is no reason that any “Social Security” handouts should be exempt from taxation.

          > Thirdly, all Useless Eaters must be encouraged to self-terminate by aggressively promoting a financial incentive to do so.

          Welcome to the Monkey House
          >In the not-so-distant future, the population of Earth has risen to 17 billion. To reduce overcrowding, the world government requires all citizens to take thrice-daily doses of a drug that numbs them from the waist down (thus depriving them of any pleasure from sexual intercourse), and also maintains a network of “Ethical Suicide” Parlors in which virginal female hostesses assist clients in ending their lives.

    • Hi Jim. Sadly I did not read anywhere that the GovCo workers would have to reimburse the government in inflation adjusted dollars to make up for the deductions that were not done at the time. These deductions should be brought up to date before they begin to receive any benefits. It will never happen though.

    • While continuously threatening you kids with fear porn on how SS will be insolvent as soon as nuclear fusion replaces oil and coal.

      Boots Shakin’

  10. I would say getting banned from “X” is a badge of honor. You must have done something right to earn such a reward, Eric. Borrowing a modified line from “1984”: “All speech is equal. But some more equal than others” (rather than animals).

  11. It’s still all about SEO and reach. Remember when social media first began and the big joke was that companies wanted to make viral videos? Nothing has changed. The only reason for X is to promote your “brand.” But a brand is a 3rd degree burn on your ass from hot iron, not a reason to exist.

  12. “Getting banned from X…felt as good as it did when I got kicked out of the coffee shop I used to often patronize for refusing to “mask up”

    It does feel good to show a little righteous indignation –the same as Jesus showing his ass to the corrupt moneychangers in the temple.

    I got booted from a hobby forum for calling kamala the leg spreader –fuck ’em they ain’t getting my money.

    I got kicked out of a sammich shop for refusing to wear the stupid mask –fuck ’em they ain’t getting my money.

    I got refused to be seated at Texas Roadhouse for refusing to wear the stupid mask –haven’t been back since.

  13. Fresh treason this morning from Worthless Joe:

    ‘I am taking action to protect the East and West coasts, the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska’s Northern Bering Sea from oil and natural gas drilling and the harm it can cause. My decision reflects what coastal communities, businesses, and beachgoers have known for a long time: that drilling off these coasts could cause irreversible damage to places we hold dear and is unnecessary to meet our nation’s energy needs. It is not worth the risks.

    ‘As the climate crisis [sic] continues to threaten communities across the country and we are transitioning to a clean energy economy, now is the time to protect these coasts for our children and grandchildren.’ — whitehouse.gov, Jan 6


    We know how ‘Joe’ protects his children: a pardon of Hunter for corruptly filching millions of bribes and kickbacks from the scheming Ukies.

    Hey Joe, I said
    Where you gonna run to now? Where you gonna go?

    I’m goin’ way down south
    Way down where I can be free
    Ain’t no one gonna find me
    Ain’t no hangman gonna
    He ain’t gonna put a rope around me

    — Jimi Hendrix, Hey Joe

  14. ‘Was it not insufferable? Was it not accepting the bit into your mouth?’ — eric

    Or the livery collar of the state, as Karen Kwiatkowski calls it this morning in an article at Lew Rockwell’s site, condemning the satanic travesty of ‘Biden’ giving medals of free-dumb to crooks, traitors and misanthropes such as Hitlary, Mittens and Soros.

    ‘The grating hypocrisy and idiocracy of this latest Medal of Freedom ceremony is a proper end to the Biden era. Curiously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom was created by JFK’s executive order 11085, yet that idealist did not survive the state to present its first livery collar. It is my sincere hope, given the degradation of all presidents in my lifetime, via mental or moral disease, that this program be ended with the Biden administration.’ — Karen Kwiatkowski

    Yeah — time to dump the obscene parody of Uniparty politicians giving medals to each other for royally screwing the pooch, destroying freedom and wrecking the economy. As my late uncle Grady used to say, politicians are like urinals — they exist to serve a necessary function, but are by no means glamorous or deserving of glorification.

    A humble burlap bag vents its righteous outrage:



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