My Departure From Twatter


The blue bird is gone – but the algorithm remains. The cloying policing of speech – ostensibly to salve the feelings of sensitive folk who can’t bear to read anything that might offend them.

This just happened to me – as you can see from the screenshot pic accompanying this article. Twatter – or X or whatever the idiot name of the speech suppression platform bought by Elon Musk is calling itself now – has “temporarily limited” some of my “account features.”

The main one being my ability to post anything that anyone can see.

Why? Because I “may not share abusive content, harass someone or encourage other people to do so.” And what is “abusive” content? It is anything that might offend someone else’s feelings. It does not even have to be someone. It is enough that the algorithm is offended.

So what did I post that caused offense? It was in response to a post about the goings-on in the UK and specifically to the effronterous replacing of the British people with foreign people, which has resulted among other things in a rise in not  just violent crime but the most heinous crimes imaginable. Including the raping of British children by their foreign-born ululating replacements. The ruling claque – led by the odious Keir Starmer – has not only egged this on but sics the cops on Brits who dare mention it in other than effusive and glowing terms.

I posted something to the effect that justice would be served if Starmer, et al, were to be ass raped by the replacement peoples they’ve purposely flooded Britain with – and left to bleed in the streets.

It would be just for them to be treated exactly like the people they and their policies immiserate.

But it is justice that will never be served because Starmer, et al (just like the people doing the same to this country will never ) have to pay the price they are imposing on the people of their country.

They are insulated from the havoc they are causing. It is for the “little people,” as Leona Helmsley called them.

Was I mad? Absolutely. God-damned right. We ought to be mad. What is being to the people of Britain – to the people of the West – is designed to destroy the people of the West. It is enough to make anyone mad who is not a fool or a simp.

But that isn’t really the point.

The point is that we’re not allowed to be mad.

Mark the italics.

We have to be polite and sensitive and caring. Of course, those who wish our destruction operate under no such obligation. They can actually commit violent, heinous acts – including raping people in public bathrooms – but if we speak “abusively” about what’s been done and those responsible for it, then we get taken offline. Which, of course, is just the beginning. Some are not alert enough to perceive this. Just the same as some did not perceive that forcing “masks” on people would lead to forcing drugs into people.

What happened to me is an attempt to condition me – to get me to behave, according to their rules.

To cuck me.

In order for me to be allowed to resume posting on Twatter or X or whatever insipid name for it the come up with next, I must “pass an Arkos challenge,” which probably means some sort of struggle session wherein I must accept being schooled in the hurtfulness of my thoughts – and speech – and how important it is that I care for the feelings of others. That is to say, refrain from offending the orthodoxies held dear by others.

Eventually, there will be more than just bans from social media attending Wrongthinkfullness.

In a manlier time, men spoke directly and sometimes forcefully when it was necessary. But in our purse-lipped, cucked-face age, that is no longer permissible and for reasons that are or ought to be self-evident.

But we do not have to be cucked. I certainly won’t be. I won’t be accepting – much less passing – the “Arkose challenge” because I do not do apology tours or struggle sessions. Just as I never once wore the god-damned “mask” and was prepared to go to war over it if it came to that. I am all for a discussion – and am more than ready to acknowledge it when I am in error as regards facts. But I don’t give a damn about the “feelings” of an algorithm and will not attend a struggle session to learn the errors of my thinking. Nor will I delete “content that violates our rules.”

I plant my flag in the Earth and stand at the berm – not because I want a fight but because I will not back down from one.

Mark my words: The hair-plugged rocket man is not on our side. I just chose which side I’m on. How about you?

. . .

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  1. Back in 2018 I was posting a link in youtube to another video. The video linked was footage of some street preachers crashing a “gay pride” parade in Canada. No sooner than I posted the link, POOF–everything I ever posted on youtube was gone–my videos, my channel, all my comments–instantly. In addition I was locked out of my alumni email account which used gmail. I was able to get the alumni account back but I never went back to youtube. I still use youtube since there’s a wealth of information there about repairing cars, gardening, etc. but I never log in or comment.

  2. Eric,

    I FEEL YOUR PAIN! A few weeks ago, I lost my Instagram and Facebook accounts. I hadn’t used my FB account much in recent years; if I logged on 2-3 times a month, that was a lot. I enjoyed it 10-15 years ago when I was able to catch up with people from my old neighborhood; certain FB groups were okay; however, it was a big time waster, so in recent years, I hadn’t used it much. As for IG, I had that account mainly to follow a few YouTubers I watch regularly; other than three pics of my cats, I didn’t post anything on there. IG was handy for corresponding with said YouTubers; I would make polite suggestions for future content, that sort of thing.

    Anyway, a woman I follow was telling me what crypto she and her husband invest in. She was telling me where to find out more about them. Mind you, we were exchanging this info via DM; neither of us were making any public statements about crypto via our own posts or in public comments responding to others’ IG posts.

    I told you all that to tell you this: imagine my surprise IG and its sister company, FB (IG and FB are part of Meta) BANNED me for engaging in fraud and deception! I did no such thing! In the past, I’d made critical posts of Pres. Biden on FB, but that was in response to others’ posts that were critical of Brandon. I never tried to buy or sell anything on either IG or FB, either; I merely asked about crypto that a YouTuber (who I subscribe to) mentioned, and I did so via DM. There was no rhyme or reason behind the ban, either. It appears that, for whatever reason, the algorithm decided I was persona non grata, and that was that. There is no appeal.

    As for X (for an old technocratic X Club run by Thomas Huxley, grandfather to his better known grandsons Julian and Aldous Huxley), I still have my account on there. I’d been more active on there recently, but that merely reminded me of how big a time waster/time suck that platform is, thus prompting me to cut back my time on there.

    If you want to be on a true free speech platform, I’d suggest Gab. True free speech is practiced there; as long as it doesn’t encourage crime or terrorism, anything goes on there. Anyway, I feel your pain, as I’ve recently lost both of my long term accounts on both IG and FB. Good luck…

    • Hi Mark,

      I’m sorry to hear this but also glad – hear me out – in that I think it’s good to hear about one more person awakening to the reality of things. These “platforms” are nothing less than vehicles for controlling thought and – worse – getting used to it and accepting it. Not I! Not ever.

      Welcome to the club. It’s a small but honorable one. And it is growing!

      • Eric,

        I get what you’re saying. I just wish I’d DONE something ban worthy! That’s what gets me; I haven’t done anything recently to justify any sort of ban.

        I was banned from Twitter years ago for being decidedly politically incorrect, so I’d at least earned that ban. I took out another account, which I still have. I’m only monitoring it for the near future, so I can honor a few pledges I’d recently made for rescuing cats; as soon as I’m informed that these cats I pledged for are rescued, I’m not going to log into X much anymore.

        I don’t think that Elon bought Twitter to be a savior of free speech, either. I think he bought Twitter for the same reason Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post: to influence public opinion and gov’t policy. After all, he literally made his fortune courtesy of the US Government. He made it with the EV credits, and he made it via SpaceX. Thanks to SpaceX, Elon is both a NASA and DoD contractor; therefore, it behooves him to have the means to influence public opinion and gov’t policy, as his fortune literally depends on both. That’s why he bought Twitter.

        The powers that (shouldn’t) be allowed the purchase of Twitter to go through because he’s playing for their team; he’s one of them. He’s a technocrat who wants to advance the same tyrannical agenda that TPTB do. If he weren’t on their team, do you think that he would’ve been allowed to purchase Twitter, itself a front of the US Government? I think we both know the answer to THAT ONE!

        Overall, I’m not that upset over my recent ban, as I wasn’t active on either platform. However, a part of me was upset over having my agency, i.e. my right to decide, taken out of my hands. I’m also upset because, unlike my ban from Twitter years ago, I did nothing to earn this one. At least permit me the satisfaction of being guilty as charged! At least give me the satisfaction of being politically incorrect.

        Anyway, life goes on, and losing access to both IG and FB won’t hurt me; if anything, it’ll help me, as I have two less time sucks in my life…

    • “as long as it doesn’t encourage crime or terrorism”

      As a free speech absolutist, I think all this recent “incitement” BS is an absolute infringement. There should be nothing illegal about expressing wishes of harm to befall others as long as I do not take any action to achieve said harm.

      There’s a big difference in saying “I’m going to kill you” and “I think someone should kill you”. One is an actual threat, the other is just expressing a mindset, which is protected speech.

      Also, encouraging others to act is not the same as acting on my own. If I suggest that you jump off a bridge and you do it, I should not be legally responsible in any way unless I coerced you into doing it by fraud or force.

      For instance, I would not murder Dr. Fauxxxi. But I think he should be murdered and encourage others to do so. Where’s the crime?

  3. Musk has done a Marshall Applewhite genital surgery, or might as well have.

    Might as well head to Mars and be there singing soprano as a eunuch.

    You are there now, Elon.

    Good luck to ya!

  4. A 12 hour ban? Are you even trying?
    I got a 7 day ban for suggesting everyone involved in the rape – grooming would make the world a better place if they walked in front of a bus without brakes.

  5. Eric, a couple of things… #1.. Musk is a retard. Yes the man is a genius of the 4th magnitude but as such he has lost what makes most of us relatable to each other. The other is the algorithm….Probably 25% of what I post on twatter has some form of violence in it. In addition to US matters, I support various right wing causes in Ireland and other countries and frankly the solutions are not usually peaceful. I also frequently post material from my website on there and a whole lot of my content is “offensive”. I am currently shadowbanned but it stems from comments I made some time ago to a tranny that predates the musk ban on Cisgender as a slur. The rules have changed, but not the ban. The content ban is very selective and seems skewed towards anything to do with “Lgbtq” matters. Twitter was set up with the help from the federal Govt.and Until 2018 every single tweet was saved in the library of congress. I think the Musk sale is a facade that was facilitated by the powers that be and much of it is charade and subterfuge

    • Hi Eatgrueldog –

      Yup. I also begin to suspect that Musk is just a front. I have never heard anything especially trenchant coming directly out of his mouth. He rides the ability of others to billions by being a superb grifter. But let’s set that aside. The real problem – as regards free speech – is relying on these privately owned platforms to facilitate and protect it. What’s needed is a completely free – unregulated – open space online where people can discuss anything. Just as they can and do in public spaces. This idea that someone might make threats or be involved in criminality as the justification for throttling speech is risible. No such restrictions exist in public areas. And speech – as such – is not (should not be) criminal. Only actions. And only those whose actions warrant it ought to be “looked into” … everyone else left free to go about their business and talk about whatever they want to talk about.

      That’s the case here – and I wish more people would leave Twatter, et al – and spend their time where their speech isn’t nannied,. But what can you do when most people lick the hand that smacks them?

      • “And speech – as such – is not (should not be) criminal. Only actions.”

        Amen to that. I have that absolute right to express my opinions, any opinion, even if it “incites” violence. I should not be held accountable for another person’s reaction to my speech.

    • Man musk is interesting. Sometimes yes he can be genius…. sometimes i feel hes just another MK Ultra victim like kameltoe…. God knows….

  6. LOL.
    What took you so long?
    I was banned from Twitter when it was still Twitter.

    I still sleep soundly every single night.

  7. Anyone who thinks the MuskRat, the biggest grifter in the history of grift, will allow free speech or downsize GovCo is drunk, stoned or delusional.

    Pop some corn, open a beer or fire up a blunt. This is going to be a bumpy ride but it’s unavoidable. Just ride it out like Slim Pickens as Maj. “King” Kong in Dr. Strangelove.

  8. Interesting… but stupid.

    Let’s see if anything happens on section 230. I don’t think X/Twitter/ Insta/Fbook/ect. are the solution, it will never be the digital public square. Still posting as a citizen journalist should be backed up by the first amendment if their servers are on a US territory, e.g. right to post. It will never replace public discourse, and shouldn’t. But we’ve become so sick as a country we don’t go outside anymore. While we’re on wishful thinking, I pray Trump’s DOJ goes after evil Alphabet inc. No platform should have the sway of an election, and hands down that’s google’s playground.

    • As long as the ridiculous and uneducated continue to pray for their savior (read: IDOL) “Trump”, we will never be free.

      I wonder if the Trump-tards are all just bots…it’s like…REAL people MUST be able to see their “heroes” CREATED and GIVEN to them. I mean, any REAL person MUST know that THEY THEMSELVES didn’t go out amongst the people and find “Trump” to run as a candidate.


      Want to know what I would do if I was put in charge of this stupid shit heap of a country?

      Why? Because then you all have to go out and FIND YOUR OWN POLITICAL CANDIDATES. Then maybe BOB, the farmer from Minnesota will get to be president, BECAUSE SOMEONE ACTUALLY FOUND HIM TO BE A GOOD CANDIDATE.

      Rather than, “HERE. HERE is your APPROVED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. If you’re on the RIGHT, then THIS is who you will vote for.”

      You really need to wake up to such a ridiculous system, or I’m just going to rightly call you an idiot every single time. Because it’s obviously a big sham. And those that can’t figure it out are FUCKING IT UP FOR THOSE OF US THAT CAN.

  9. I got suspended and labeled recently. I still have no clue what I did, but since I don’t really care I didn’t try to find out.

    TwiX is useful to me but I took most of last year off and didn’t really miss it.

  10. An algorithm on Farcebook didn’t like this meme I wanted to post. No violence allowed….

    I quickly wondered if it was the file name of the meme that got it caught (it was all over the net during a prior election). So I renamed the file and reloaded. No problem that time, it’s still up as of this post.

    I have really began a hatred for algorithms. So glad you are ok with the word ASS here. ha ha!

    • Hi Rich,

      Yup. Me also. And this is totally bogus/pretended “civility” they claim they want to foster. These are the very people who are destroying civilization – in part by reducing adult conversations to the level of “tweets.” Ich scheisse uber alles! Per the Kaiser.

  11. Speaking of X/Twatter, the Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber’s manifesto is posted there. And it’s a doozy:

    ‘What we have been seeing with drones is the operational use of gravitic propulsion systems. Only we and China have this capability.

    ‘China has been launching [drones] from the Atlantic from submarines for years, but this activity recently has picked up.

    ‘The “so what” is because of the speed and stealth of these unmanned aircraft. They are the most dangerous threat to national security that has ever existed. They basically have an unlimited payload capacity and can park it over the White House if they wanted. It’s checkmate.’

    Well, sheeeeee-it: sounds like we’s in a heap o’ trouble, boys. Chineee drones jis flyin’ around like lightnin’ bugs.

    Whut are y’all gonna do about it? Absent a better strategy, blowing up a Cybertruck seems like as good a first step as any. KA-POOM!!! 🙂

    p.s. Who needs EeeVees when we’ve got gravitic propulsion on tap? Zero to 60 in ten milliseconds. Full autopilot. Elon left in the shade.

  12. So far Eric has only pissed off the AI. I want to know if a moderator will confirm or deny allegations. Let’s calibrate your BS detector and put your articles to the test. Show us the AI takes issues with on your free speech platform right here and stay your ground? Faulting them for the algorithm doesn’t move the needle. Escalate it and draw in a human factor to confirm or deny your allegations as of late.

  13. Sounds like X is a digital concentration camp, you are going to do as we say, or else. You will be aXed, the end, the final solution.

    I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore – Howard Beale

  14. There is a solution…a rather simple one.
    In order to keep up with the times and technological advances, it is time to repeal Section 230 of the telecommunications act and replace it with this:
    Any social media outlet with more than 10% market penetration must be classified as a “common carrier”.
    This change removes all liability for user content from the social media outlet, not unlike the telephone companies.
    When was the last time a telephone company shut down a user for content?
    This one change to telecommunications law would result in a major expansion of true “free speech”.

  15. Freedom dies by a thousand cuts in the District of Corruption:

    ‘D.C.’s ban on right turns on all red signals took effect with the new year.

    ‘The law, which first passed in late 2022 without Mayor Muriel Bowser’s signature, also requires the D.C. Department of Transportation to install no turn on red signs at all red light intersections, but DDOT says funding challenges will prevent that from happening.

    ‘DDOT Director Sharon Kershbaum told News4 in a recent interview that her big challenge for road safety is a culture change among drivers. ”The hardest one for us — and for every other city that’s dealing with this — is really on the behavior change.”

    ‘Drivers who violate the no right turn on red ban at intersections where there is clear signage could face a $100 fine.’

    As gov-nanny ‘Sharon Kershbaum’ makes clear, ‘behavior change’ is the real agenda. What was legal yesterday is illegal today. We are to accept it with cringing servility.

    What if the ‘behavior change’ goes in the opposite direction … with a pissed-off public defying their nanny?

    DC is actually a small town in the circles of power. Hang out at trendy restaurants, and there’s a good chance of running into ‘Kershbaum’ and causing an ugly scene. Wonder how her makeup would hold up, if I hurled a drink in her face?

    • Remember when Trump was in your face begging for five dolares to support his campaign to win the presidency?

      Seems to be that it smacks of orders from headquarters.

      I will donate 20 million dollars to help Donald Trump to win the presidency, a Miriam Adelson directive, the command.

      You will go on Jewtube and raise an easy 100 million dollars from the stupid goi and then pay me back 60 million of those dollars from all of those suckers out there in No Man’s Land.

      Give Kamala the other 20 million to settle the debt there.

      You got it, I’ll do it for you, Ms. Adelson! Said the stupid Donald.

      Donald has become the court jester.

      I can’t believe he fell for it.

  16. “In a manlier time, men spoke directly and sometimes forcefully when it was necessary.”

    We have not been in manly times since the Bill Clinton era.

    He “felt out pain” and now we are required to feel everyone’s pain all the time.

  17. “We’re not allowed to be mad”

    Bingo! The light bulb over my head just went off when I read that. In recent years I’ve had people in real-life accuse me of “having a temper”. That always struck me as very odd, considering that I’ve never ever hit anyone; I don’t throw things; I don’t fly-off the handle, etc.
    Eventually I started asking my accusers why it is that they felt that I have a “temper”, and it turns out that it is merely because I often have strong opinions; loathe “authority” (over myself, or them, or anyone who has not threatened or perpetrated violence); sometimes become animated or speak with passion, etc. (Especially when my conversation partner starts yelling when calmly asked a question which they can not answer without destroying the premise of their argument).

    So, basically, not being allowed to get mad is now the mantra of this society which is in the process of aiding those who are destroying it. Just we’re not allowed to have emotions of “hate” anymore, much less express such emotions verbally.

    And the Twatter example is just another example of how these loons and psychopaths can jump from one end of the spectrum to another -Democrat the Republican; Libtard to “Conservative”, because they are just actors pandering to an audience; and what they say or pretend to believe in is just for the benefit of those who buy their lies.

    It is enough for them (and the majority of the public) just to mouth the words “free speech”. No need to actually tolerate or aid such speech, just as it’s enough to constantly refer to “freedom”, because as long as they say it, most will never notice that it is the very thing which they oppose and work work against.

    This is why I never used social media. Not only do they control what others see of us and what we can say, but if we tolerate it, we tend to become “careful” about what we say, and start to self-censor, and thus fall right into their trap.

    I remember the internet of the late 90’s. It was free and wonderful. I knew it wouldn’t last though, and that it would become the veritable hog-pen, seeing as it was invented and fostered by the military/CIA and MIT eggheads. They gave us that initial freedom, and then started slowly erecting fences around us…and here we are, the wild hogs in a pen ready for slaughter. (But you got the “privilege” of voting for who gets to oversee the erecting of the fence)

    • Excellent observation, and now you can be prosecuted for “hate speech”, even though it is Constitutionally protected free speech.

  18. Eric

    Let me say I respect your decision but I think it will only hurt you and your ability to bring traffic over to this site.

    At the end of the day, this site is a business that puts food on your table.

    The nice thing about being a sole proprietor is you get to make all the decisions. That includes, how big you want this site to be, as well as the types of speech you choose to allow here. I know I’m not alone in thanking you for the variety of opinions you allow here.

    I find some of the opinions to be personally offensive. However the best test of our support of free speech is whether we are willing to tolerate speech we don’t agree with or find offensive.

    As far as I can tell by your actions and what you allow, I think you truly support free speech.

    Expecting an enterprise as large as twitter to do the same is folly. Despite the illusion that Elon is the sole proprietor, that simply isn’t the case. He has his own masters to heel to.

    I think the real question is whether there are enough people on Twitter that share our view of free speech and whether they could be brought into the EPAutos fold. I know the conversion rate would be small but with a worldwide audience . . . Who knows?

    None the less, I admire your commitment to free speech and thank you for the platform and the sanity you offer here.

    • I was thinking the same thing, BID. I wonder if Eric could have simply rephrased his post by perhaps stating it as “a_ _ r_ _e” or maybe phrase it as a question: “I wonder how the odious Kier Starmer would feel if he suffered the same abuse?”

      With some creative phrasing to get around the algorithm, I think Eric could get his message out on X.

    • No! Never capitulate!
      Those who walk on eggshells cease to send any message but that of defeat.If you start to self-censor your speech, you let them win, and also start to self-censor your thoughts. You don’t give into the bully so you can continue to play on his playground. You can’t save others from the bully if can’t save yourself and have to play by the bully’s terms just to be allowed on the playground. You dilute your message and essentially end up being a bad evangelist, and also lose the respect of your audience.
      Thank goodness for guys like Eric who will not allow themselves to be abused by the enemy, because in the end, they are the only ones who will get the job done and who will retain any credibility. If you capitulate on a fundamental like free speech, then what is to prevent you from capitulating when it comes to masking or taking a shot, or being ass-raped by the T(hugs) S(avoring) A(sses) at an airport? Once you justify it because it can affect your income or exposure, YOU LOSE# (and so does everyone else whom you are trying to help).
      We are the real-life Dr. Hugh Akstons [Atlas Shrugged character who had been a prominent philosophy professor but who chose to work as a cook in a diner so as not to tolerate being “neutered” by the looters]. Our greatest power is to live what we believe and not let *them* neuter us. If you allow them to control your speech (Which in the case of social media means also self-censoring) you are giving away the most basic of liberties and also allowing them to control your thoughts, and to thus neuter you. Wars are not won by the neutered.

      Stand firm and tall, Eric!

      • I would agree on not capitulating, Arthur. I wouldn’t advocate EP capitulating, but rather wording his posts such that the message gets out, but the algorithm is not triggered. It would be like not wanting to use profanity but saying “bulls_ _t.” The message is loud and clear, but without the overt profanity.

        I remember when the word “vaccine” or ‘vaxx” might trigger youtube into removing a video. One would get around this by referring to it something like that “unspeakable jab.” That kept the video available, but we knew exactly what the speaker meant.

        By not posting on X at all, isn’t that the ultimate in self-censorship?

        • Hi Mister,

          I’m officially banned unless I go through the Struggle Session – which I won’t do. Screw ’em. I may try to create a new/fake account, though.

          • Eric,

            Why not test the waters and prove your point? I think the proper thing to do is re-post the offending content here on your platform, then arbitrate it. Either a human will step in and step up for “free speech”, or you’ll be proven right in your tirades against twitter. Being a victim and self censoring is exactly what the powers that be would not want.

          • I…wouldn’t do that.
            That has the appearance of your master kicking you out of his house, so you try to sneak in the back door.

            Better to burn your master’s house down and drag him screaming and bleeding into the street for a good and proper hanging, than go crawling around their back door looking for more scraps from their table.

            One feels grand.
            One feels dirty.

            • I agree –

              I truly feel better now that I have (effectively) flipped Musk the bird. Arthur made a really good point about how so many of us self-censor on Twatter and elsewhere to – like Ned Beatty in Deliverance – avoid any “trouble.”

              I say: Bring it on. Not that I am tough guy or a hero. I am however a man who’s had enough and isn’t going to take it anymore.

              • Censorship is evil. Self-censorship is the MIND VIRUS. It’s the only “virus” that actually exists. To self-censor EATS AWAY AT YOUR MIND. It’s the deepest form of control. It starts with the abolishment of words and our psychological aversion to them. We all need to take a deep breath and say the banned words.
                *Takes a deep breath*.
                Smells like freedom.

    • Do you remember how big Yahoo was when they had Yahoo Chat rooms? It was an unrestricted flow of free speech that they HAD to shut down before they could pull off the scamdemic. I think the crowd on Yahoo alone would have brought it to a halt, because there was no censorship there.

      If Eric wants to grow this site?

      All he has to do is turn it into Yahoo Chat.
      Chat rooms used to be where people hung out and…get this…CHATTED. Weird, huh? It’s no coincidence they shut it down in 2018, with the scamdemic to kick off the very next year.

      EP Chat. Boo ya.

      • This is a fine idea – I will ask my computer guy about the possibility. The reader Forum was added with that intent but it doesn’t seem to have attracted much interest.

        • Forums are whiteboards that everyone can write on.
          Chat rooms are places people can sit down and chat.
          There’s a reason Yahoo chat was so popular in spite of the existence of a million internet forums.

        • That’s because there’s no READILY OBVIOUS access point to the forum! There’s no button along the side or up top where most people look. I bet if you posted a button at the top saying something like “EP Autos Reader’s Forum” that people would flood it. I didn’t know about until it was mentioned recently. Why? There’s nothing conspicuous on the site alerting readers to its existence, let alone allowing access.

        • The forum doesn’t work very well. I just tried it again and after creating a post and submitting, it was gone. Maybe replies are being held for moderation or it was because it had a link? Posts need to be immediate like they are here in the comment section. I want the forum (or something like it) to be successful!

  19. Maybe we can all agree now there will be no voting our way out of this, Eh? Also, CEOs are our enemy, eh? I stepped outside this morning and no one was running around shooting their guns in the air. In fact, since Orange man won, I’ve noticed a distinct decrease of people practicing at the local gravel quarry a mile away. Before the selection there was an upswing in the sound of freedom, ringing out daily, now I go down there and have the place to myself.

    The rent seeking rocket man is a symptom, not the cause of our servitude. It starts with the media and all our corrupted local officials who accept and enable the browning of the country. The NGOs are their weak link, hint hint. White America needs to wake TF up and accept that there are no good gimmigrants at this point, and there is no reason we should still be in bed with the Jews who sell this lie. This you and he fight BS, between the West and the mudslimes has way outlived its sell by date. twenty plus years of forever, no win wars has gotten us to the brink of the dollars extinction

    Let Isnt’real fight her own wars, and let her apologists leave here voluntarily, or be dragged out by their snouts . We will need to get our hands dirty, or we’ll end up just like that shithole country with the crappy food and crappy teeth run by the degenerate monarchy.

    • Multiculturalism and diversity for thee, but not for me is the jewish mantra and is the method (((they))) use to undermine civilized (white) societies.
      Civil right laws have really neutered a lot of potential local self-determination.
      Want to deport illegals. No can do, ‘cause DACA.
      Want to not make cakes for homosexuals? Sorry, they are a protected class, hire more of them to teach grade school.
      Want to keep your state ethnically white majority?
      Nope, y’all are a bunch or racists and racism is illegal.
      Additionally, you must hire a bunch of AA retards.
      Want to have segregation so whites can live amongst their own kind? Bring in the federally mandated bussing program.
      Heaven forbid we drive Jews out of predatory finance.
      We need to follow the example of jews-only municipalities, such as Kiryas Joel, New York. This successful jews-only community openly flouts “fair housing” and “civil-rights” laws by presenting an impenetrable front.
      In Kiryas Joel, you DO NOT sell your house to a “goyim”. PERIOD!
      In fact, if you are not jewish, you DO NOT attend their “public schools”, as well. Kiryas Joel public schools, paid for with taxpayer funds, are “off-limits” for goyim, and this policy is strictly enforced, despite flouting all “civil-rights” laws.
      If you are not jewish, you do not open up a business within the city limits or even beyond.
      We need to adopt the methods that these jews use…
      An interesting note, is that almost every jewish “family” in Kiryas Joel receives some form of “public assistance” or “welfare”, paid for by the goyim.

      • One thousand Caterpillar D-10s will raze every house the Jews inhabit back there in Hamptonsville.

        All Jews are Palestinians now.

        What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

        Might as well bring the war home. Go war!

  20. Cartoonist Steve Bell goes for Starmer’s jugular in October 2020:

    ‘The European Human Rights report on the Labour Party criticised them for anti-Semitism. The leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer accepted all the findings and recommendations.

    ‘When former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn disputed their findings, he was suspended by the Labour Party. And Steve Bell went for an image reminiscent of the beheading of John The Baptist, presented to the Jewish daughter of King Herod, Salome.’ —

    Whack him again, Steve — harder!

  21. I try to use the X for information receiving only, I try not to input any for them to use against me. They are for sure building a database, count on it.

    I use it to get up to date info that I use to prepare myself for what’s coming. I’m not trying to make friends or express an opinion that nobody but the data collectors care about. I’m not trying to collect “followers”. They are 90% bots anyway.

    Eric, I wish peace for you, but I have to say, you write best when angry. I feel bad for liking angry Eric.

    • Thanks, Philo!

      I am calmer now – as I was after I got kicked out of the coffee shop four years ago. I always feel better when I say sayonara to the enemy!

      • ALL writing is best when angry.

        “Give me liberty, or give me death.”
        “We have met the enemy, and they are ours.”
        “Up yours, King George.” I may be paraphrasing on that last one.

        Point is, we wouldn’t have 1/10th the great quotes we have if it wasn’t for angry writing.

    • I will third that. Musicians sometimes work like that, too, making good tunes when they’re good and vexed, but retreating into oblivion when they become happy and content.

  22. Elon says bend over, here it comes again. That is the free speech you get from Elon. The dink that he is.

    What a wuss Elon is, a woman, as they say in the parlance of our times. Not too difficult to see through it all, obvious.

    X will crash into the mountain. There it was gone, and good riddance.

    There it was, gone.

    And you, too, Elon, get lost.

  23. Yesterday Bob Murphy and Adam Haman discussed the kerfuffle over H1B visas. Never once did they bring up the culture problem- that when you quickly bring in a large number of people from a foreign land you change that land’s culture. Much like the Cuban refugees who were sent to Miami in the 1970s and 80s, they have no intention of assimilating. And there are so many on the way that they simply overwhelmed the current population. Not only that, but for political reasons they’re set up as a superior class, able to break laws and social norms because they’re not assimilated. Neat how that works, huh?

    At least the Cubans brought interesting music and good sandwiches. What does the Syrian refugee bring to England? Cheap labor? OK, fine but at what cost to society? And does that cheap labor translate into cheaper services or just higher profit margins?

  24. Can anyone explain this freak’s draw?
    And barely any question about his actions and motives?

    When is the last time a CEO IMMEDIATELY inserted themselves into a crime investigation?
    Why isn’t Jim Farley bombastically highlighting and publicly releasing the data on the Ford used in the NOLA mowdown?

  25. The fact is that the West is not “free.” It is a combination of Orwell’s and Huxley’s dystopian vision. You do not have Soviet style gulags and executions, but you do have 24-7 government surveillance, you have prosecutions for wrongthink, you have “always at war with Eastasia” military imperialism, and you are supposed to think you are “free” if you take soma (weed or Prozac), have anal sex with innumerable partners, and watch sportsball on the telescreen. We do not quite have babies being hatched in a factory like “Brave New World,” but you have an abortion to kill the product of government-approved casual sex, and then you have $100,000 IVF treatments to hatch a baby after you have made middle-management as a corporate drone at age 40.

    2+2=5, Winston. Never forget that.

  26. ‘I posted something to the effect that justice would be served if Starmer, et al, were to be ass raped by the replacement peoples they’ve purposely flooded Britain with – and left to bleed in the streets.’ — eric

    Good for you, Eric. It is time to stop coddling mass murderers. Starmer and one of his predecessors as PM — the disheveled mutt man Boris Johnson — are directly responsible for engineering the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Ukraine, after Johnson personally visited Kyiiiiiiiiv to spike a peace deal in April 2022.

    Not only should Starmer and Johnson be ass raped, it should be televised worldwide on pay-per-view, with a climactic Tarantino-style scene of stylized ultraviolence in which both get their throats cut.

    Go easy with your cold fanged anger
    I’ll stick my knife right down your throat baby, and it hurts

    — Rolling Stones, Midnight Rambler

    • Hey Jim,
      Just so you know, people like me, really like your Rolling Stones references. Not because I’m a huge fan but because I only started listening to them later in life. There’s no “but” in this reply, in case you’re wondering. Good stuff!

      And, to your main point, yeah, I can’t agree enough. One thing that I see from Eric’s experience on this topic and the available information is that this is a clear case of the system protecting itself from criticism.

      No really! I mean, do you think that Eric’s post or my or your explicit disgust directed at subhuman filth like Starmer would bother them in the least? Hurt their feelings? They couldn’t care less what the rabble thinks, I’m pretty sure.

      But, nope. It’s not to protect their nonexistent feelings or sensibilities. People like Starmer *clearly* DGAF!! They would throw people like us into the woodchipper for fun! Over tea, or perhaps a sucky warm English pint.

      Nope! It’s the system protecting the system. It can’t have people like Eric posting something spot-on like that, which would probably/maybe/likely get thousands of likes, in their face. That would disturb the illusion of unity and consent.

      All the liberal cunts in the UK surely love their daughters being raped by Pakis. Probably even the majority of what is now called “british” (lower case intentional) people. Who the fuck are these people that think shit tastes good??

      Because that’s the thing here, isn’t it? I really don’t give a flying fuck if the “majority” approves/likes/votes/allows this kind of psychotic depravity. It’s always wrong, and never has ceased being an atrocity.

      IMO, there’s not fate imaginable for the subhuman filth like Starmer, or Biden, etc., that would ever be justice enough. You could skin ’em, dip ’em in HCL, disembowel them in public, hang them until their half dead, burn out their bung holes with a hot poker, and smash their heads off… and it wouldn’t be severe enough.

      The Twatter/X limited hangout will never ever allow anyone to say what matters about their team. I’m just struggling to imagine a “Hell” bad enough for them.

  27. I left The Tweeter (or whatever it’s called now) because it got to be a virtual version of junior high school. Glad I did.

    I also left The Tweeter because they kicked out Trump, but not the Ayatollah Khameini, which is proof that some animals are more equal than others. (It’s also proof that they’re afraid of him.)

    • LMFAO!
      It’s also proof that they’re afraid of him?
      What an idiot.

      To be so stupid that you don’t know how good Jews are at ACTING and LYING.


      Just…wow. Education level = 0.

  28. I never did Twitter/X because it always seemed like a bad idea for an average guy like me. I mean, it seems like a 24/7 open-air food fight, where the establishment always wins because they control all the levers.

    But I think there are some bigger issues around it now. I think we can all agree that Musk buying Twitter was nothing beyond an establishment move. You don’t launch spaceships in the USA without being in bed with Uncle Sam, and I don’t care how bad your ketamine habit might be.

    I also think that, while illegal aliens (not “immigration” which isn’t really a problem) and H1B visa abuse, are certainly big issues, the biggest issue of all is medical tyranny.

    They got republicans to dump DeSantis (*THE* anti-medical tyranny candidate with an excellent track record on that front) because he favors wars and Israel too much. You know, unlike Trump.

    Then, to make sure people on the fence moved toward Trump, they threw Musk into the mix. Musk has always been shit, and no common person should have anything better than contempt for him.

    So, from my perspective, this past election charade was yet again another “too good to be true” moment. Tens of millions of people (on both sides) need to have those hooks, lines, and sinkers extracted. And we’re about to find out just how bad the country is gonna get fucked in about 17 days, if we make it there before some even crazier shit like martial law or a nuclear war.

    We need someone to fight back the Medical Industrial Complex as the most important issue of our lifetimes. We could’ve had that, but the establishment psyops are too strong, and the weak minded fools too gullible.

    Big Pharma Checkmate.

    Israel and the forever wars were never going to change. I love the “Trump ends Ukraine war by first 90 days?” at 38% bet on ZeroHedge. “38” is a funny way to write ZERO.

    • Amen, XM –

      I have spent 30-plus years developing my BS detector and Musk set it off and continues to set it off. Regarding Twitter: It is so obviously a tool for corraling and controlling speech as well as infantilizing it that it’s depressing to me so many people fall for it. More fundamentally, that so many on our side continue to use it rather than use something else where free speech is allowed and where no one is “monetized.”

      At least I’ll get back the 5 minutes each day I used to waste posting links to here on Twitter.

    • Twitter got popular during the 2007 South by Southwest, a hipster tech show. By catering to the narcissistic types who attended it quickly took off as a way to promote your “brand.” This was perfect for mainstream media who didn’t have a clue as to how to drive people to their web sites. Just add a link and hope someone popular retweets it. But Twitter had no business model, or at least no way to make money with the product. Most people started using apps because they were able to optimize for tweet generation or filter out spam. When the API started changing and people were forced to view the promoted content timeline, that’s about when I started tuning out. In 2016 when everyone went wacko I just started unfollowing. When there was hardly anyone left, I deleted my account and never looked back.

      These days I’m on Mastodon but that’s getting old too. Seems like everyone eventually runs out of things to talk about so the threads degrade into memes and such. Sometimes happens here too, although the discourse stays fairly highbrow, seldom degenerating into the BS that many online “communities” degrade into.

  29. Wear it as a badge of honor, Eric. If you’re taking flak, then you’re over the target.

    I neither tweeted nor X’d. Nor do I use facebook, instagram, whatever. They all showed their true colors during the scamdemic. EPAutos is as close to social media as I care to be involved with.


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