The Importance of eXcommunication


Some of you may already know about this – and some of you may be wondering why I am no longer on “X.” Here’s why. Please pass this along to as many as you can. Not for my sake. For all our sakes. Thanks!

. . .

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  1. You’re not the only one LEERY of BTC! I am too. I never invested in it because I don’t understand it. One of Warren Buffet’s cardinal rules of investing is to never invest in something you don’t understand, and I don’t understand BTC.

    • Yup. It (BTC) seems shady to me. I have a BTC account and a few hundred dollars’ worth of “value” in it. That “value” fluctuates by $20-50 almost daily. As bad as Fed paper money is, it never fluctuates in value to that degree.

  2. Is it true that both vehicles used in the recent “terrorist” attacks can be remote controlled, by maybe a EGA (evil government agent).

  3. has a 5 minute video that people should watch to get a better idea of where these globalist technocrat sociopaths wish to take ALL humans. It’s titled “Toward the Posthuman World”.

  4. The only way to fight the major social media (Twitter, Facebook et al) and tech corporations (Google/YouTube, Apple, Microsoft etc) is to boycott their products.

    While it’s true that in order to reach larger audiences, having a presence on the large networks helps a lot. But what is the point, if you can look forward to being randomly ghosted, or banned altogether, as FB routinely does?

    These companies will not change, because the abused keep coming back for more.

    Meanwhile, alternatives exist that are much freer (Gab) or even unbannable and often not moderated in any way – like the decentralized networks (Mastodon, Nostr, Pocketnet etc).

    There are quite a few others.

    Eric, you already use Rumble. Have a look at some of these emerging options, too.

    The user numbers there are nothing like the majors yet, but it is a start. These freedom alternatives will only grow if more people support them.

  5. A journo picks up on my instant reaction to Elon’s assertion, in response to the exploding Cybertruck in Las Vegas, that ‘the telemetry was positive’:

    ‘NEW YORK (AP) — Your car is spying on you.

    ‘Many of the latest cars not only know where you’ve been and where you are going, but also often have access to your contacts, your call logs, your texts and other sensitive information thanks to cell phone syncing.

    ‘Tesla was able to piece together Livelsberger’s journey over five days and four states by tracking, among other things, his recharging stops in various locations, including Monument, CO, Albuquerque, NM, and Flagstaff, AZ.

    ‘“I have to thank Elon Musk, specifically,” said Las Vegas Sheriff Kevin McMahill to reporters. “He gave us quite a bit of additional information.“

    ‘Auto analyst Sam Abuelsamid at Telemetry Insight said he doesn’t think Tesla is “especially worse” than other auto companies in handling customer data, but he is still concerned.’

    ‘All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included* warning label — making cars the official worst category of products for privacy that we have ever reviewed.’ — foundation.mozilla.oeg, Sep 6, 2023

    Any vehicle built since about 2013 (except those with obsolete 3G cellular connections, which went dead on Dec 31, 2022) are hostile spy devices. They are unacceptable, sabotaged, weaponized products.

    If elected president, I will ban their sale on day one. Stroke of a pen, bitchez. 🙂

  6. Very uplifting, Eric! If only more people were cognizant of the danger of assault by increments. First they bend one knee (go along to get along), then the other (hey, one wasn’t so bad). Oops! They can no longer run. They’re vulnerable to a frontal molestation, so they bend forward to ‘stay safe’… and wind up taking it the way Keir et al. ought to. So few steps to total submission.

    If it’s freezing in your garage, I hate to think of what is happening to the Homeless-by-Hurricane legions just south of you (part two in the US series : Maui Redux). One theory is that people there are being genocided, or in polite parlance, displaced, because there is lithium in them thar hills. Apparently the MSM (which I only see second-hand – on a Truthstream Media series about North Carolina, in this instance) has been thrilling to the possibility of mining megatons of lithium ‘for EV’s, to save the planet.’ Since we know there will never be that kind of market for EV’s, the primary reason for pillaging all that Li must be to operate the digital panopticon. As if they could ever make that work.

    I suppose the secondary reason is that they love to witness suffering. ‘We came, we saw, they died, cacklecacklecackle.’

    Poor Appalachians. Heavy sigh.

    • ”We came, we saw, they died, cacklecacklecackle.’ — quoted by pony tail

      Kill folks with neocon hijinks; win a 50-cent, plated-plastic Medal of Freedumb:

      ‘President Joe Biden presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation’s highest civilian honor, to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the East Room of the White House, Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, in Washington.’

      To the cackling crone’s left you can see Mitt ‘RINO’ Romney, about to collect his reward for throwing the 2012 ‘election’ to ‘Biden.’ Image:

      You think your laws are all I crave
      And I’m the dog that’s had its day
      So sad to rain on your parade
      But I’ve got better things to do than be your slave

      — Rolling Stones, So Divine (Aladdin Story)

  7. Excommunication is the appropriate term. This fascist technocracy is to America what the Catholic church was to medieval Europe. Doing “penance” [struggle session] would be like apologizing to the school-yard bully for your nose hurting his hand when he punched you.
    This is why I have never used social media, and don’t even post on forums anymore. I will not tolerate censorship of my speech nor of the speech of those with whom I am conversing. This comment section seems to be the only venue of free speech left on the internet.
    I used to post prolifically on forums, provoking the questioning of the authoritarian status quo, as there were always some forums around which did not engage in heavy-handed censorship; but once Facebook came along and everyone moved to it, suddenly the internet became a different place. And Twatter/X is no different. If you participate on these platforms, they will control you; control the view that others see of you; and get you to sit down and shut up by practicing self-censorship (And not just on those sites. Because once someone starts engaging in self-censorship, they end up doing it universally. It’s like making children recite the Pledge Of Allegiance: Just from the continual mouthing of the words, you come to believe in and even quote those words.)
    NEVER give them the opprotunity to control you. It doesn’t matter how many people you may “reach” if you could continue to play in their sandbox, because you can not truly reach people if you can not speak the truth, nor by advocating the tenets of liberty (such as free speech) while voluntarily submitting to the very antithesis of liberty.

  8. Full Self Driving almost gets a tech bro run over by a damned old train in Santa Monica:

    After a narrow escape, what bothers him most is that he had to run a red light to escape the train tracks. B-a-a-a-a-a-a-d-d-d-d!!!

    Silver train is a-coming
    Think I’m gonna get on now, oh, yeah

    And I did not know his name
    And I did not know his name
    But I sure love the way
    That he laughed and took my money

    — Rolling Stones, Silver Train

    • “After a narrow escape, what bothers him most is that he had to run a red light to escape the train tracks.”

      Yet he still says he’s happy with Autopilot.

      There is no fixing stupid. FAFO.

  9. A social media platform created solely for communication practices ruthless eXcommunication. The stench of Musk is reaching high heaven. Eric you may find this interesting, some ammo next time on the radio when exposing muskRAT – the shameless EV subsidy grifter.

    Elon Musks father groomed his step daughter, married her, got her pregnant and now has a brother who is also his uncle.


    Do the elite interbreed in their own families? Evidence suggests that Emmanuel Macron is married to a man, Brigitte, who is also his biological father. Candace Owens blew this story wide open, which was common knowledge in France.

    Really weird and strange, if not impossible you say?

    Well Virginia, just a few years ago during Obongo’s 2nd term, Joan Rivers dropped da bomb and said Michelle was a tranny. Everyone in Hollyweird knew, because such sexual perversions are normal, as nearly every Hollyweird actress is a male. Yeah, no kidding, read the list:


    If your mind becomes aware, and once you see it, you can not unsee it. That actress with small boobs, no hips, and a six pack is a male. This is so common among pop stars that it is the rule, pop stars are groomed since childhood, like for instance Lady Gaga is a male, says so, and during a concert she swings her leg over a motorcycle revealing her penis.

    Anyways, Musk is part of this cult, all these personalities on the Talmudvision, are part of this cult, they are in on it and the public doesn’t understand they are all working together to work you over. Jeff Bezos rocket is shaped like a penis, as is the Amazon Logo, a stylized penis. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

    The cult includes billionaires, Hollywood stars, Pop stars, world leaders, religious leaders, etc. If you see them on TV, they are actors whose job is to fool you.

    • There is no doubt that Jeff Bezo’s rocket Blue Origin looks like a penis (very intentional as Bezos is telling everyone he is Biggest Dickus – HE IS SWINGING HIS DICK IN YOUR FACE – WAKE UP NEO, WAKE UP! LOL).

      But did you know the Amazon logo is also a penis? In every neighborhood in Amerika, Amazon delivery trucks are driving around with a big penis logo, right in your face, but hardly a soul sees it.

      It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it – and they are laughing at you, MOCKING YOU, because they know the real score while you trudge around as a serf eeking out a living.

      One of the greatest modern coups, if not all time, is that Obamas presented themselves as a heterosexual couple, when in fact Michelle Obama is a man, real name Michael Lavaughn Robinson, WHO CAN NOT HAVE CHILDREN.

      I am going to laugh my ass off when you people finally figure out that Taylor Swift is also a biological male. Someday soon, maybe on some Talmudvision talk show, she will be asked why she never had kids. Then the truth will out, the world will be shocked, and I will laugh and say I told you so. Don’t be a sucker!

  10. I respect the thought you’ve put into this.

    I don’t do social media like Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok precisely because they do limit discourse and play to the lowest common denominator.

    I understand why people such as yourself would use them to promote their “brand” and to increase their reach.

    Likewise, given the circumstances, I completely understand your position and why you would choose to leave that wasteland behind.

    I’m so glad I don’t even have to contemplate what you have. You’re a role model for standing strong and taking a stand for what is right.

    I trust that you have captured my email and have built your own email list. The day is coming when the return to old fashioned direct mail / newsletter format will become necessary due to the censorship. Hard times are coming our way.

  11. You probably got tagged for not using the word “grape” instead.

    What do they say about finding out who is in charge by who you can’t criticize?

    Does Elon support these child grapers?

    • The pablum pukin’ left (remember Morton Downey Jr?) will cry rayyyyyyyycisssssst because that phrase supposedly originated with a white supremacist. As opposed to any other supremacist.

    • It’s a very strange world we live in, Master Jack
      No hard feelings if I never come back
      – Four Jacks and a Jill, Master Jack

      Tell Elon to take a hike. Euphemistically speaking.

    • I like that one. It expresses what our en-lightened ((leaders)) preach to us.

      I only wonder if ((they)) are that stupid or itz on purpose. I have an idea but itz politically incorrect and would ban me from most social media sites.


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