Ice T Encounters a “Hero”


The rapper and TV star Ice T had an encounter with “law enforcement” recently that’s worth a view and some comment.

He got pulled over by a law enforcer because he violated the law. Let’s start with that. The law (in New Jersey, where the events unfolded) says a vehicle must display license plates front and rear with “up-to-date” inspection/registration stickers. Ice T’s car lacked one of the plates and – apparently – his stickers were not “up-to-date.” 

But are such “violations of the law” crimes?

Technically, they are merely “offenses” – as far as the law is concerned. But it amounts to the same thing in terms of being actionable. Meaning, an enforcer of the law can (legally) threaten murderous violence if the “offender” does not “pull over,” i.e., if he does not submit to what amounts to an arrest since he is not free to go and if he were to go, then he would be pursued (hotly) by an armed law enforcer who would use force to stop him. Including the threatened use of a gun – enter the murderous violence – even in the case of someone who has victimized no one (once upon a time the necessary element defining criminal action).

No matter. Ice T is “pulled over” because he has affronted the authority of the state. That is the true crime – and the most serious one. If you doubt this to be so, consider what has happened to the “insurrectionists” – note the styling – who dared to question the authority of the state four years ago. Some of them are still in prison. None of them actually harmed anyone.

Armed robbers – rapists – routinely spend less time in prison. Ponder it. Also remember what was done by Abe Lincoln and his armies to the millions of people whose “crime” was seeking to disconnect themselves from the authority of the federal government and to form a government they consented to.

Lincoln – his effrontery was halting in its audacity – said at Gettysburg that the mass murder he and his minions performed was for the sake of assuring that “government of the people, by the people shall not perish.”

Give the man a tip of the hat for that one.

Anyhow, Ice T was taught a similar (in principle) lesson when he displayed less-than-obsequious deference to the enforcer of the law that “pulled him over.” More finely, he displayed it after the enforcer displayed his haughty authority and expected the appropriate response. When he did not get it, he used “the law” to make his point. Instead of allowing Ice T to get his government-required second ear tag (for the car) and get his stickers “up to date” at the DMV office that was apparently just across the street and so in easy walking distance – and let it go at that – he threatened to have Ice T’s car towed to the impound  lot, just to show who’s boss.

In better, vanished times – the line is cribbed from the Rush song, Red Barchetta – the cop would likely have let it go at that. “Cop” is italicized to mark the distinction between a cop and “law enforcement.” Cops were also enforcers, of course. But there was a time – it is vanished, now – when most cops were human beings and regarded us as if were were, too. I can recall a time – back in the mid-1980s, when I was a teenager – that the old Nova (it’s a long-extinct species of Chevy) my friend owned got pulled over because my friend did not see the cop coming down the road when he chose to stomp the gas pedal at a stop sign and laid rubber all over the road. There were empty beer cans in the car, too.

A couple had been emptied by my friend. But he wasn’t drunk. Just young and stupid, as young people often are. The cop realized this. Perhaps remembering that he, too, was once young and stupid.

But not a criminal.

He looked at me – I was riding shotgun – and asked whether I had a license (yes) and also whether I’d had any beer (no). He told me to drive my friend’s Nova – and him – home, which was just a couple miles down the road. And to be less stupid henceforth. We thanked him for being human – though not in those precise words – and I drove the Nova back to my friend’s house.

The law enforcer that pulled Ice T over would not allow it. Never mind that Ice T had no empties in his car and there was no worry he might have been drinking, much less a criminal. He meant to punish Ice T to the fullest extent of the law – for not showing (these are the enforcers own words) the proper “respect.”

That is to say, worshipful subservience.

Now, at this point some will say he deserved what he got. Yes, there are people  like this. People so blind to their situation that they say such things. He broke the law! Yes, he did.  That is not the point. There was a time when many of us understood that point.

Luckily for Ice T, a sergeant who seemed to be still human appeared and sort-of interceded.  It is worth noting, as an aside, that two enforcers of the law in two separate vehicles occupied probably 30 minutes with Ice T’s “offenses” rather than criminals.

Instead of the rapper’s car being towed – and perhaps Ice T himself “impounded” – the sergeant amped things down to just four extortion notes; i.e., those payment-demand notices styled “tickets.” The sergeant tried to get the angry enforcer to – as they say – chill out and maybe issue just two.  Never mind just being cool and letting Ice T go with a warning but no-go.

The petty authoritarian had to make a point.

Because he is “the law.”

Of course, Ice T is a millionaire – but that is not the point,  either. The point is that we are mostly not Ice T and this is what happens to us (any of us, even a celebrity) whenever the authority of an enforcer is not given what that authority considers to be its deferential due.

A riff comes to mind on the Greaseman’s old saying: And they ask me why I drink.

It is: And they wonder why they’re hated.

. . .

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  1. My dad told me a story of when he was young, he and his brother were just leaving from a fishing trip in his pickup and trailer. They were both probably drunk and he pulled out onto the highway to head home, and he didn’t see an officer approaching. As they pulled out, they settled in the officer’s lane and to avoid hitting them, the officer swerved off the road.

    My dad stopped the truck and got out to see if the officer was OK, thinking he’s probably going to jail. The officer said he was alright and told them to be more careful and sent them on their way.

    Today, it would not likely go down that way.

  2. I’m surprised. My town in New Jersey stopped pulling people over since the scamdemic started. Anything goes here now making it a horrible place to drive. Half the people have the front license plate on the dashboard (which looks ridiculous btw), full window tint, ancient inspection sticker, etc. and they never get hassled. You also tend to see passing on the double line, passing on the shoulder, even left on red. People know they won’t get pulled over.

    The wife and I were at a picnic over the summer. Local officer was there. Typical Jersey cop: buzzcut, big arms and big gut. Some of us were complaining about how bad the drivers were. He said that if he saw a car going 40 in a 25 past a school and that person was of a certain color he wouldn’t pull them over. Was kind of shocking to hear that but not surprised.

    • And how many accidents have been caused by these actions? My guess is none. This is common practice in Mexico and we seem to have no problems.
      Mexico is a great place to drive.

      • I do the same things, safely. I often turn left on red when it’s clear (I’m smarter than a timed light), run useless stop signs (all stop signs are yield signs to me), pass on the double line (the painted lines don’t seem to have any effect on my ability to pass).

        Since I’m competent, these actions have never resulted in harm to others. My biggest worry is not seeing the cop waiting for the opportunity to take my money for not harming anyone.

        I’m guided by morality (God), skill and the laws of physics. Man’s laws are for the human cattle among us to obey.

    • Same here in WA, all of what you mention. Here it’s due to “restorative justice” and “equity policing”.

      The south of the border arrivals have total impunity while the resident tax slaves get pinched for 30 in a 25 ( dentist in town had his office robbed over night then HE gets pulled over for the 30 /25, gave the cop an earful too lucky he didn’t get shot)

      “How many accidents have been caused by this?”

      This? it’s the injustice witnessed daily by us civilized tax slaves, we’ll get pinched in a jiffy for “infractions while white”.

      Accidents? How about behaving civil in close quarters. Sick of the straight pipe s**t car exhaust noise, and I ride a motorcycle it’s important to see the other cager drivers eye contact for my own safety- that’s my responsibility but I’d like a fighting chance too!

      Either apply the law equally or leave me alone as well as the leaches that show up in my previously liveable county.

  3. The unlawful power of the police comes from the unlawful property taxes, PERIOD.
    I’m in Ohio, and the right to own property is ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1 of the OHIO STATE CONSTITUTION under “Inalienable Rights”!!!!

    How in the FUCK do you tax a constitutionally protected right? Oh yeah, you CAN’T. But there isn’t 1 damned “civil rights lawyer” that will take the time to fight for this most basic civil right.

    Why not? Because every lawyer gets KICKBACKS from this system. Bet. Ask one yourself.

  4. The cop told him he should have been more respectful so he didnt have to get the ticket….. him not giving a fuck and saying he doesnt have to…… Nice. Keep them in their place….

  5. I guess playing a cop on tv doesn’t get you in the club. You would think a cop could be star struck enough not to hassle a guy playing a cop on the idiot box.

  6. No surprise, a quick trip to the youtube comments on that video and 95% are pathetic bootlickers applauding the “officer” for just doin’ hiz JAWB. No wonder we’re screwed 95% of the population are just mouthbreathing boot lickin’ R*tards.

    • “No wonder we’re screwed 95% of the population are just mouthbreathing boot lickin’ R*tards”

      Yup! 2020 proved that in spades.

      I vacillate between depression at how these boot lickers surround me everywhere I go. On the other hand, I find that living my life and basically ignoring everything these idiots stand for energizes me.

    • Hi Jay,

      Yes, unfortunately. And many of them are likely “conservatives.” They often have a misplaced reverence for authority – which is misplaced because authority, per se, isn’t pernicious (viz, the authority of a father over his children) when it is the authority of the state that is reverenced. They err in not comprehending that it is dangerous to empower men with legal authority of over other men. And they suffer from the same disease that afflicts the Leftists the say they oppose in that they both have no issue with state power being used – against people who’ve not caused harm to anyone. Just for different reasons.

  7. A real cop would just issue a fix-it ticket for something like this. It forces you to correct whatever the deal was, and it doesn’t even cost you anything but some time.

  8. Not even a little professional courtesy between the pair. One thinks he’s a hero, the other pretends to be a hero on TV. All with the ever present Dunkin Donuts looming in the background. Maybe Oblahma and Dick Wolf can sit down with them and hash it out over a beer.

    Another example how cops lie, and the only response to their questions should be, Am I being detained? Am I free to go?

  9. Ice Tea played an out-of-control AGW and threatened to do nasty things to suspects on TV to get confessions. Life imitates art.

    This one caught my attention yesterday. This shows how a corrupt out-of-control London Kentucky goon squad working under a warrant issued by a corrupt judge to get his supposedly stolen lawn equipment back, launched a full-on SWAT raid on the wrong house killing an innocent man. This was trying to be swept under the rug, until a local news agency (actually engaged in journalism) was following up on a lead and discovered this injustice.

  10. Got pulled over outside of Indio Calipornia en route to El Toro MAS. for speeding. Driving a Duster, nothing but desert and very little traffic. Cop laughingly asked me for my pilots license. I am a pilot so I handed him the license. He started laughing, told me he deserved that,,, walked back to his car and drove off still laughing. Rare!!! A cop with a sense of humor!

  11. Seems like this was a collision of egos – the actor vs the cop. Our culture has promoted and enabled cop and celebrity worship. So exchanges like this were inevitable. But it has had its moment and folks are sick and tired of both these creatures. They can scrabble it out on their live cams and post on the internet. But the moment passes and at some point people will get over watching replays of the same shitshow. Just like Karen’s acting out at the park or imbeciles fighting stewardesses on flights. The influence of celebrities is waning and that is a good thing.

  12. Funny, Ice-T went from performing songs railing against police brutality (“Cop Killer” comes to mind), but then later sells out by accepting a position cosplaying an abusive cop on the teevee (and thereby normalizing it in the public eye). This of course is a complete sellout (I’m sure he was recruited for this sellout to neutralize his prior protests against police brutality). Now he finds himself being abused because of a malum prohibitum act, while in the very process of trying to “comply.” Well, well, well, the reality of typical LEO treatment bites him in the ass. Maybe this will cause him to go back to his protesting roots.

    I doubt it though, My prediction is that he’ll subsequently “find the evil of his ways” and become apologetic about not kissing the boot. Once a sellout always a sellout.

    • Gonna have to disagree a little bit on one detail. Tracy Marrow was a sellout from the beginning. His fake and gay “songs” were to build fake and gay street-cred for his sell out TV career. He was even in the Army for 4 years.

      Although I doubt, it. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this was staged.

  13. That graphic at the top of this article – the cop thinking he’s some kind of superhero – almost made me barf. Ever since 9/11 the MSM has been lionizing these goons, they should be showing these videos instead.

    • Cops are not that smart. When they get constant bootlicking feedback they tend to believe and internalize it.

      I had a good friend who’s not that smart, but generally was a decent guy. He worked for a grocery store chain. During 2020 when he became worshipped for being an heroic, “essential worker,” despite “the deadly pandemic,” he really started to believe it and began angrily throwing people out of his store for not masking. He reasoned that he and his fellow “essential” employees were at great risk and had to be protected at all cost.

      I’ve told this story here before, but another former close friend that I occasionally smoked pot with in our late teens became a cop. He was telling some cop war stories to me and some other friends and proudly described how he pulled over a college student and found a roach in his ashtray. With a smile, he told me how he abusively arrested him for possession of marijuana. He boasted how he dragged him out of the car tearing his expensive jacket when the kid begged him not to arrest him. While all of my other friends ate up the story, I became enraged with him, reminding him that we used to smoke pot. I got up and left in disgust. He called me later apologizing and vowed to be a better cop/person. I’ve had little contact with him since so I don’t know if he’s become more human. I’m gonna guess not.

      • “While all of my other friends ate up the story”

        Isn’t this sort of the crux of the problem . . . The average persons willingness to lord it over someone else. Even if they can’t lord it directly, they are all too happy to see someone else that can, doing what they cannot. Some sort of warped power play fantasy thing.

        I applaud you for shunning the cop directly. I’ve had to do the same with my cop dating sister.

        Now what are we to do with the rest of the boot licking reprobates that glorify cops and their behavior? Can’t shun everyone. I wish I had the answer.

      • The Stanford Prison Experiment.

        Authority breeds the most vile personality traits that would otherwise lay buried for lack of a fruitful place for them to grow.

  14. Had to be the expired tags then, lot more people drive around without a front plate without issue

    Either the cop wanted to make quota or (since I didnt see it), Ice T drove in a manner that attracted the AGW’s attention.

    Regardless, lemme see what town he was in to avoid it. Oh, Edgewater, makes sense, North Jersey is weird compared to central

    • “Had to be the expired tags then, lot more people drive around without a front plate without issue”

      In my city I estimate that about 30 to 40 percent of drivers in certain parts of town drive without drivers license or insurance. One of these people crashed into my son’s parked car about two in the morning. The car was totaled to about $7,000. No license or insurance plus drunk as hell. There’s a reason some call it the “Jungle”.

      • What a damn shame, sorry for his loss.

        Still, thats a more extreme case, still got everything else, just we dont run the fronts on sports cars and stuff

  15. Years ago, in Montana, on a winding two-lane, local LEO stopped me for speeding. I told him that I could not help but stomp on the gas on a straight stretch. He thanked me for my honesty, sent me on my way.

    • Similar story. A friend that I used to work with told me that he got pulled over for speeding and told the cop that it was simply human nature to want to go fast. The cop didn’t give him a ticket.

  16. In Steve Jobs folklore, he didn’t like license plates. Ostensibly because he liked the clean look of a vehicle without them, but I imagine it offered him no small amount of anonymity too. When you have a bunch of nerd fanboys they come up with ways to track you. Just look at the saga of Musk’s private jet tracking using a network of ADS-B receivers.

    In California you could buy a new vehicle and drive it without plates for 180 days. So he simply would buy a new Mercedes every 180 days. This was an affront to the state so in 2016 they “closed the Jobs loophole” and forced drivers to have a temporary tag. For what purpose exactly? Well, because you have to be tracked.

    • Jobs also liked to use the handicapped parking spaces at One Infinite Loop according to Apple legend.

      For legal reasons, automated toll collection systems must have a license plate image associated with the transaction, traceable to the lane, plaza and vehicle at the time of transit, even if the vehicle as an RF tag/transponder associated with a payment account. Since some of the systems are easier to game than others, a redundant license plate increases chances that the road authority will be able collect payment from the owner of the vehicle even if their technology isn’t up to date.

  17. Their purpose is to enforce law, nothing else. Good law, bad law. they enforce at their discretion. Then they lie, like this LE did to his sergeant when he said he was going to allow ICT T to park his vehicle. He never said he would allow this, but went straight to towing the car as punishment for ICE T not respecting him enough.

    They should never be trusted or talked to. It is their job to keep us in line, keep us afraid and under thumb.

    It might be preferable to go back to a system of a town marshal or the sheriff forming a posse if needed to pursue actual criminals.

    • Yup, that cop lied when he said he was going to allow him to park the car with no ticket until Ice-T came out of the car. That cop clearly told him that the car was being towed and to hand him the key BEFORE HE GOT OUT OF THE CAR. Up until that point, I thought ICE-T was being reasonably polite, given that was was being waylaid while in the act of trying to “comply.” That stupid cop initiated the whole confrontation by being argumentative with him in the first place.

      Ice-T has a lot of fans. He should urge that cop’s shunning by citizens of the community. If that cop wants to treat people like an asshole, there should be a social consequence for it.

    • I cringe every time I see a carpetbagger with tags from any northeastern state.

      NJ –the state that says you’re too stupid to pump your own gas. Yet a questionably legal african can.

      As for the point of the article, years ago Eric said “law enforcement” was a brutal and nihilistic pursuit. After all the gestapo, the stasi, the nkvd, etc all enforced the law.

  18. Almost 40 years ago I got a ticket from an AGW because I made a right turn at a stop sign. I signaled but he figured as he was going straight he had the right of way. I thought I did but he had a gun and badge so I got the ticket. They do what they like because they can.

  19. ‘New Jersey … says a vehicle must display license plates front and rear with “up-to-date” inspection/registration stickers.’ — eric

    Ayyyyyy, don’t get me started. Can’t even count the number of times I was confronted over ‘inspection stickers’ and other ephemera there.

    Once, while parked in the central square of Morristown, I returned to my vehicle, only to be confronted by a beat cop walking the square over my expired inspection sticker. No ticket, that time. The kicker: I returned three weeks later — still with a ‘noncompliant’ sticker — and the same cop busted me again.

    Another time, I attended a party where several dozen people stayed until 3 or 4 a.m. Upon going outside to leave, everyone found their cars ticketed. Most towns in pissy little NJ have a curfew (typically starting at 2 a.m.) when cars can’t be parked on the street for several hours. My girlfriend’s car had a West Virginia plate, so I wrote a snarky letter to the town, along the lines of ‘eff you, come and find us if you can, Jersey jerks.’

    What absolutely took the cake was standing in front of my garage one day, sweeping the driveway. A cop car lurches to a stop out front, a young rookie police officer rushes up, and demands to see my drivers license. I hand it to him and he calls it in. Then he returns. ‘Sorry, I thought you looked like someone has a warrant out for him.’ Then he actually shakes my hand and slopes off.

    NJ is the apotheosis of the liberal police state. AVOID.

    • Two states I avoid like the plague…. New Jersey and New York. They have the market cornered on assholes. They come down here to Florida and act the same damn way.


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