Diaper Report: 01/04/2025


The “masks” aren’t just coming back. They are back – in several states, including Illinois, Wisconsin and North Carolina, where mandates (those wonderful edicts that have the force of laws) have been issued over the past several days requiring the wearing, again.

Because aquadruple-whammy of viruses are hitting the US as millions go back to work after the holidays,” the fear-organs obligingly advise us. “Official figures reveal that infections cause by flu, Covid, RSV (a respiratory illness that causes the cold) and norovirus (sometimes called the stomach flu) all started to surge over the Christmas period, when families gathered to celebrate.”

In other words, it’s winter and people are catching colds. Naturally, it is time to panic. And to “mask up.”

So far, just within hospitals. But think about what that implies – and portends.

It is beginning, again. It is likely to spread, again. It will  not stop with just hospitals unless hospitals stop practicing this evil kabuki first. Because – think about it; follow the logic of it, such as it is – if hospitals require “masks” then “masks” are obviously legitimate and necessary and the implication of the latter ought to be obvious. If they are necessary in hospitals – in hospital waiting rooms, mind – not merely in areas deep within where “vulnerable” patients may be – then how could one argue against “mask” wearing not being necessary everywhere?

The viral bogeyman does not confine itself to hospitals. It is everywhere – or at least, might be! And one cannot be too safe when a bogeyman is afoot.

Or in the air.

Wisconsin’s Aurora Health Care system has posted “guidelines” that “visitors (will) be expected to wear an appropriate face mask and maintain physical distance.”

Coming soon to a supermarket near you.

Nothing has really changed since 2020 in that when people catch colds in wintertime it is now cause for mass hysteria, with all the attendant symbology, accoutrements and strange rituals. It is probably only a matter of time before we see the ominous cartoon renderings of the “virus” and the even more ominous “case” counts. The latter are already being counted. One was enough for California Governor-Gesundheitsfuhrer Newsom to declare an “emergency.”

Imagine when there are dozens – thousands! – of “cases.” And the same PCR tests will be used to create those “cases.”

It implies that doctors – who’ve been to medical school, presumptively – continue to believe that wearing a piece of cloth that is permeable to viral-sized particles over one’s mouth and sometimes nose “stops the spread” of viral-sized particles. Any medical doctor who still believes this is a quack. Literal diapers – worn over the appropriate places – do a much better job of stopping the spread . . . just not of viral-sized particles.

Of course it is probable that most of these doctors – the ones going along with the “masking” – are not quacks but cowards. They do as they are told – whatever they are told – because if they don’t do it they might not be allowed to practice their trade.

Having control over someone’s ability to earn a living and to pay their bills is extremely effective. Most doctors – who were once largely self-sufficient independent practitioners – are now just employees who work for the hospital cartels that are in bed with the health insurance cartels that are adjuncts of the legalized drug (i.e., pharmaceutical) cartels. Together, they have acquired control of and thus ownership of what is styled “medicine” and “health care” in this country.

It is very hard for a doctor – who has spent all those years and all those dollars getting to be a doctor and who is probably very much in debt if he is a young doctor – to risk being fired for not going along with whatever he’s told he must go along with, even if it is absurd and evil. Doctors who are not quacks know that “masking” is theater. But when the hospital management – or the government – orders them to “mask up” (and orders them to enforce “masking”) they click their heels and say javol!  It is equally despicable and risible; a kind  of white-coat minstrel show.

But it shows us – again – how corrupted “medicine” has become. And in a strangely beneficent way, that is a good thing in that people are now in general much less trusting of “medicine.” More than probably ever, lots of people question what they are told – and that is always a good thing. They are more likely to look for answers themselves than to wait to be told what the answer is by the likes of evil quacks such as Dr. Fauci – and he is merely one of many.

So, get ready. It isn’t just coming back. It never really left. All it did was subside for awhile. Kind of like a basement that floods when the water table rises but dries out again when the table subsides a bit because it hasn’t rained hard in awhile.

But when a storm comes – and the basement’s walls remain compromised – the next flood is inevitable.

Now is the time to prepare for it.

Because the rain has started again.

. . .

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  1. Viruses….a cleaning agent produced by your body to clean out toxins….they clean up toxins….they don’t produce them….

    but has been relabelled ….an out of control killer that will kill everybody…the boogie man….

    seagulls clean up garbage….this is like saying seagulls create garbage…..

    The field of Virology….has the same scientific basis as the tooth fairy….100% fake science….

    But….this fake science supports a trillion dollar industry….allopathic medicine….using poisonous drugs and injections….

    A distraction….look at the boogie man…. viruses over here…..

    not at the injection….the cure…full of foreign dna, chemicals, tech, parasites, debris, etc….

    • but has been relabeled ….an out of control killer that will kill everybody…the boogie man….

      is like saying…your left hand is evil…cut it off….

      Viruses….a cleaning agent produced by your body to clean out toxins

      and your body produced it……so you are evil…..

    • Virology/germ theory have become a de facto universal religion. “An evil spirit will just come upon you by chance, and must be exorcised by the white-coated priest, with….poisons and via the sacrifice of FRNs”. “Get the injectable talisman to protect you from repossession*”.

      [*=May not prevent your financed car from being repossessed. Side effects may include cough, fever, aches and pains, nausea, loud smelly farts, bankruptcy, sodomy, and death.]

  2. On the bright side … I heard ~50% of the population got at least one of the lethal injections (if that is correct), so in America, that’s ~180 million people (I estimate), and half of the injections were just water (fake), so that means ~90 million people got the real thing, and I figure half of them (45 million) are DEAD, and the other half are SEVERELY DISABLED, so that is 90 million LESS people that will be walking around wearing a quack-mask (“quask” if you will) being annoying idiots in public. But that still leaves 90 million idiots that are still alive and still believe in this nonsense/quackery — BUT alot of them are now skeptical.

    BTW, I think that is the reason why only ~HALF of the injections were real — because they wanted a large amount of believers still alive to keep propagating the scam. So we still have ~90 million quackos running around loose on the streets when they should be in rehab/reeducation support groups.

    • 3 shots….one placebo….two deadly….

      non placebo was targeted to red…conservative areas…

      then there was a long list of exempt bastards….

      ATTENTION: Places you can work where the jab is NOT mandated

      1. The White House 2. The CDC 3. The FDA 4. The WHO 5. Pfizer 6. Moderna 7. Johnson & Johnson

      ATTENTION: in Australia all doctors are exempt from injection.
      i would bet the doctors in lots of other countries are exempt too, that explains why they don’t say one word about the injections, they don’t care and are probably paid well to cooperate.

      a scientist working on gene modification says he only has a piece of paper saying he is injected (faked)….haha….sounds like the scientists are exempt…
      NOTE: sounds like the exempted ones get a passport saying they are injected, but aren’t….so they can dine out etc.

      the nurses aren’t exempt, when the population is reduced 90% (the wef goal) less nurses are needed,
      same applies to enforcers, plus they will be replaced by robots soon, they are cheaper and follow any order.

      The Governor of Virginia is making all Commonwealth employees take the jab or be fired.
      attention: but He has EXEMPTED POLITICIANS AND JUDGES, so it looks like that group are exempt too.

      NOW ALSO: Members of Congress, their staff, and federal court system employees are exempt from the Biden administration’s new injection mandates,

      another exempt group: U.S. postal service

      NBA players exempt

      ATTENTION: 6 million foreign Chinese students exempt

      NOTE: All illegal immigrants or non citizens are exempt….the replacement slaves….

      and….because if they are injured big pharma can be sued,

      NOTE: if you have a lot of money you can probably buy a faked exemption like the exempt get. so again this is just bashing poor people……….

      NOTE: here is another exempt group, don’t get the extermination injections….the billionaire elite:

      gates and other .0001% rich families don’t vaccinte their own children,

      gates, his wife and their children have never been vaccinated….
      NOTE: gates uses hydroxychloroquine.

      elon musk and his family will not be vaccinated….musk is far too intelligent….

      the 17 elite nobility families are exempt of course:
      one example of the families: the queen of england and her family ….ATTENTION: they use homeopathic medicine.

      rockefeller who created our worldwide, fake, fraud, germ theory based, allopathic medicine, didnt use his own allopathic nazi death medicine, NOTE: he used homeopathic medicine.

      FAUCI TAKES 6,000 IUs OF VITAMIN D PER DAY. but he tells you to get injected….

      NOTE: Dr Suhab Siddiqi, Moderna’s former Director of Chemistry told CNN that he would not allow the vaccine to be injected into his body


      exempt…..the liberal areas that got the placebos….lol

      NOT exempt…….Re: targeting of the non placebo nazi needles to conservative areas….data shows that is what was happening…this indirectly effects an election….

      Putin said he will not mandate injection of their military,

      (xiden and blackface are owned by china)……..canada and the US will mandate injection of their military, (helping china’s agenda) that will cause them to lose the next war, maybe.

      china only has about 3% of their population injected, they do not use the mrna injection and they do not inject their military…..then they are healthy for the next war. china doesn’t exter minate it’s citizens for the elite nobility. (it had enough them in the opium wars).

      whole parts of the globe weren’t complying: China, India, Russia, most of Africa, Japan, Indonesia, US Red states, Denmark, Sweden,….North Korea never did and has zero cases and no injections…

      India had a very low injection rate and only use Hydroxychloroquine now….

      nicaragua booted out the nazi needlers on day one…deported…

      note: nicaragua is doing great with no lockdowns or masks, no injections, no mandates, no deaths or cases, nothing, complete rejection of the whole wef/who/cdc covid narrative, a paradise for 2 1/2 years…lol…….so the leader didn’t get his $1 billion bribe like all the G7 leaders…..

      • “non placebo was targeted to red…conservative areas…”.

        I don’t know about that. I tend to think just the opposite. In my experience, it seems to be the people I know/KNEW in the blue places (Or libtards living in redder places) who universally took the shot(s), and who have suffered serious health problems or death.

        Among those I know/knew personally, I’ve seen more die in the last 3 years than in the rest of my life combined, and 100% of them have been residents of blue places.

        If anything, I’d almost think that the shots and the mandates may7 have been a way to purge the useless dysfunctional people. A sustainable functional society can not be sustained with faggots, trannies and communists. They don’t even make good slaves because they are dependent and not self-sustaining.

        This may be their way of ridding the world of useless eaters; culling the herd. At the same time, they’re bringing the “conservatives” more to the left, so they’ll be dependent enough to have to rely on the state and do as they’re told, but yet remain healthy and functional enough to be profitable slaves.

        Enter Trump, to achieve that goal with the support of the intended victims.

        That’s the type of game they play.

      • That is interesting info — funny how the politicians are always exempt from the laws they make LOLOL.

        BTW all laws are really fake because by definition a law is something that all (or almost all) the people agree on, so obviously ALL the people must vote on every single law for it to even be valid. But all laws in the entire world were never even voted on by the people. Therefore all laws are null and void.

    • ‘No vaccine developed so far.’ — YouTube video

      Thank goodness!

      As the disastrous experiment with mRNA covid ‘vaccines’ showed, vaccinating against respiratory viruses is a fool’s errand. Those viruses mutate too fast. The ‘vaccine’ formulation is always several generations behind; therefore ineffective.

      Interesting that this variant targets kids and adolescents. Big smiles at the Bill Gates residence and the WEF meeting!

  3. Whoever forces you to wear a mask is forcing you to partake in an occult ritual

    they are forcing you to partake in an occult ritual, these people are satanists, witches. Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

    Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation.

    Wearing a mask is participating in an occult practice, that is very dangerous, you are opening a door to have demons invade your body/mind/soul, that is the goal of your satanist leaders.

    Derek Prince in the video talking about getting tortured/attacked by demons,

    one example is inviting in the demon of death at 1:03 in the video…


    • Should you buy or accept a voodoo mask as a gift?

      why bring in voodoo practising migrants?

      Vodou originated in the African kingdoms of Fon and Kongo as many as 6,000 years ago. In modern Haiti, this spiritual practice is a creolized version that incorporates Amerindian Taíno and Arawak deities, Medieval Catholic influences, and even Masonic rituals!

      NOTE: that incorporates Masonic rituals….so the freemasons have something in common with Voodoo worshippers…

      The freemasons are a cult/religion that worships satan….

      In a republic the president is always a freemason…the political arm of the slave owning control group…


    • Hi Anon,

      Yup. “Masking” also effaces individuality. Everyone looks the same and is presumed to think the same. That was a very important element of the psy op.

  4. Besides looting the Treasury, ‘Biden’ is sabotaging everything on his way out:

    1. The day after Christmas, ‘Biden’ finalized new climate rules targeting natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters. This will remove about 40% of the current tankless water heater models from the market by 2029. The average cost increase for new water heaters due to the regulations will be around $450.

    2. As early as Monday morning, ‘Biden’ is reportedly planning to ban new offshore oil and gas development across 625 million acres (250 million hectares) of US coastal territory. The 72-year-old Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act allows the president to withdraw federal waters from future oil and gas leasing. Section 12(a) of OCSLA does not include language that would allow any future presidents to reverse the ban.

    Son of a bitch ‘Biden’ is vindictively trashing the country during his final days. This lifelong grifter needs to be aggressively prosecuted for his vile, contemptuous actions. Tie the f*cker up in trials and pleadings till he croaks. What a total jerk.

    • Got that right Jim,
      I don’t get why there’s so much time between the election and inauguration, should be a week at the most; present system gives way to much time for the incumbent to cause mischief, as you pointed out. At the very least we need a law or even Constitutional amendment that prohibits the losing party from implementing any new laws/rules/regulations/whatever once the election has been decided.

      • Yet more last-minute ‘Biden’ f*ckery:

        ‘The State Department has notified Congress “informally” of an $8 billion proposed arms deal with Israel that will include munitions for fighter jets and attack helicopters as well as artillery shells, two sources with direct knowledge tell Axios.

        ‘Why it matters: This will likely be the last weapons sale to Israel the Biden administration approves.’


        Kill, kill, kill.

        ‘Biden’ is the sleaziest thug ever to usurp the White House. He should be shoved into Jimmy Carter’s coffin and buried alive with JC — a great twofer day for America!

        • You’re right Jim, but unfortunately Trump will ramp this up; Miriam Adelson expects a return on her $100 million investment in the Orange Man.

  5. Seeing them a lot lately, a karen at McDonalds (went with a friend), store manager somewhere I recently went, just more than usual

    Next regulat place I go to, asking them point blank if they’re going to follow the bullshit again or no, and then react accordingly

  6. Back in 2020 I became comfortable in the concept that I would have to fight against the mask/vax tyranny for the rest of my life. I was pleasantly surprised that it went away for the most part by 2023. Although I’d rather not have to, I’m at peace with having to go back to war with society on this issue.

    The best tools to do this are “Fuck You!” “No!” and employing maximum ridicule. I’ll just fatigue the bastards once again. As Jon Rappaport said back in 2020, I can (and will) go on like this forever.

    • They’re gonna try, but I don’t think it’s going to work this time. Only a handful of brainwashed idiots, most of whom have had their pearls in a death grip since March of 2030, are going to participate.

    • By then end of the COVID era, after I learned my lessons, my favorite rebuttal when told to put a mask on was “No. Now what?”. No need to argue at all. Just plant your feet and force them to make the next move. It worked wonders.

  7. I usually see two or three masks when I go to town. Always a few at the doctor’s (oncologist) office. Thursday sitting in waiting room, fairly tall woman walked in, sat down, put her mask on. Finally got to the back for my infusion, that woman ends up in there, sits across the way with her mask completely below her chin and talking to the nurse. Never did pull her mask back up, lol. Me and another patient listening intently because nothing in that area is private. Accent foreign, definitely not from Alabama. When the nurse came our way we asked her where the woman was from. Turns out Ukraine?! What?! How in the world did this woman end up in our little corner of the world?
    Also I’m wondering how she’s paying for her treatment. Maybe cash? Social Security? I don’t wish her ill, but it really rubs me wrong if she’s on the public dole. Cannot stand to see that paper in the SS info with a hundred different languages. If you have not been forced to pay into the system and you can’t speak English, then no Medicare/Medicaid/SS for you. Leave, go away.

    • Me again Margaret– I should add, that I’m a hypocrite. My oncologist is from Costa Rica. Has been here forever. At least thirty years, still has that thick Spanish accent and I still try to pretend I understand everything he says as I have always done.
      He loves this area of Alabama and wants to keep it a ‘secret’, lol. Doesn’t want it to grow and I don’t it to grow either. He’s a very nice man, very happy as he should be because all of us patients are just walking dollar bills for him. Still, I don’t want him to leave like I said about the Ukrainian woman. Maybe she’s being sponsored? Anyway, good-bye to her.

        • Yeah, is it easily curable? Do you want to go ahead and provide us the remedy…a great many people and dogs would be most appreciative.

          • Most “cancers” are parasite infections.
            You’d be surprised at how many “cancers” Fenbendazole is effective against.

      • Most people these days need a really big hug.

        Instead, Bibi stabs them in the back, and you too.

        Use a D-10 to drive Bibi into the Dead Sea where he belongs.

        You want death? I can get you death anytime you want says Bibi.

        About the only thing that works for Bibi.

        Bibi is a steaming pile of cow shit. The cows don’t know how much cow shit Bibi deserves. A good guess would be all of it.

        The bulls would not bother to shit on Bibi, not worth it.

        Exactly what you are seeing in the real world.

        Cow shit I know?

        Bibi hasn’t a clue of what it is like to be alive.

        Ya freaking dumbass!

        Not how you do it. You are completely full of shit, cows and bulls know before you do, ya dumbass.

  8. Cant wait for Carters funeral to see how many paid off bottom feeders wear the mask. Around here, its now generally acknowledged, only lunatics and lezbos still play along. The next pandemic is DOA. Hope those still supporting Trump tell him to fuck off with a loud ‘I will not comply.’

  9. But…but…it’s O-K. Just wait till the 20th. I’m sure Donnie-boy [The Best Friend The Drug Companies Ever Had® ] and Junior(RFK) will declare the face garb to be “freedom masks”! Then all of the red communists (as opposed to the blue communists) can sit down and shut up and wave the [Israeli] flag. (The blue communists will have to wait till next time when their guy/girl/it is back in. For now they can just criticize what the red communists do).

  10. It’s something,,, isn’t?

    Over half the country now realizes this is all fairy tale yet (((they))) feel safe enough to continue the fake, gay and quackery of medical buggery. A supposed intelligent species allowing its worse components to rule. How many medically murdered now? There was no HIV,,, AZT was the killer. No Covid. MRNA is the killer. Polio wasn’t defeated,,, they just renamed it.

    All the ‘viral’ diseases and cancers are mostly a result of being poisoned by the crap we eat, drink and breath. They have yet to see a virus,,, it’s all theory. Billions of dollars donated for cancer yet they still use the same treatments they used a hundred and fifty years ago,,, although the machines delivering the treatments have improved from all the free money their getting. Of course any improvements are not passed on. They still impoverish you. Most of those 501c3’s started years ago by people with good intentions have turned into ripoffs with United Way and Red Cross being the worse. And we are almost to the point of legislating the killing off anyone over seventy. Soylent Green is definitely coming. The young no longer want to help their parents and Social Security is now considered welfare even though one paid 15% – 20% of their life earnings to corpgov.
    In Canaduh and now a few US States you can have yourself euthanized even if you are simply unhappy with your present circumstances. So corpgov pays for your murder when old or a fetus via abortion. Even if you are against either of these issues your tax dollars is used to provide the ‘services’.

    In the US all systems are corrupt to the core. We have a president who has pardoned his son for all crimes he committed over the course of many years. Just how do you ‘pardon’ someone that hasn’t been charged or convicted yet? No where in that useless paper we call a constitution does the president have authority to grant someone immunity which is what he did. So far corpgov has trampled every amendment that guarantees that a citizen rights could not be unlawfully trampled by any vote of congress or decree from the President. Today we have political prisoners serving time for simple protest of government, a gulag in Cuba and Bio Labs all around the world with the intention of providing diseases to kill off humans. With our money no less!

    All this and much, much more the ‘people’ have stood down and quietly allowed to happen. A piece of paper cannot prevent government tyranny. Only people can.

  11. Does Gavin wear his mask while his wife gives him head with her mask on?

    Stupid minds want to know.

    What a fuckfest this all is.

      • Imagine Elon being so tolerant.

        Not. Gonna. Happen.

        Elon has impregnated 13 women so far, so they say.

        I don’t care, Elon gets to do whatever he wants. Good for him, just another dumbass in this world.

        Everybody has to tolerate his whatever it is.

        Probably all bullshit from the get go. A joke for sure.

        Thanks for the allowance of one’s imagination.

        I try not to take it too far, the Oort cloud is far enough.

    • I thought Gavin was the one giving head to other guys while donning his face diaper. He is from San Francisco I believe, so…

  12. I have just been back to see a new Western MD, because my acupuncture doctor (who is literally a “doctor” of Chinese Medicine) cannot order lab tests in the state of Maryland. Then, after some exchanges with the infamous “A Midwestern Doctor” on Substack, I took his/her advice to see an “Integrative/Function Medicine” naturopath (ND).

    Well, come to find out that the new “Internal Medicine” doctor, is about as good as a Big Pharma flowchart. Not only has she NOT been able to find out what is going with me (which we think is a pretty serious, possibly life-shortening issue), but has incorrectly noted just about every single thing in my chart (I downloaded a copy of it from their patient portal).

    For example, I have been in fairly serious pain, right around where my liver/gallbladder has become inflamed and has been pushing out against my ribs — no joke. But all of my liver numbers are fine, no scarring, no sclerosis, etc. So, naturally the internal medicine MD, marks “location is epigastric”, and hands me “scripts” for a colonoscopy, an endoscopy, an ECG, and a proton blocker. I did the ECG because it’s good information to know but I literally threw away the proton blocker because, as I mentioned to her, I haven’t had heartburn (never mind acid reflux) in YEARS (because I take herbs now and ditched the Pepcid poison).

    Between the MD and the ND, they had me do almost 20 different blood tests, urine, stool, a full chest xray (with lateral), a sonogram, and the ECG (as I mentioned). I still, to this day, do NOT have a “diagnosis” as to why I have had constant pain from 2-10 (out of 10) for more than a year now.

    Now, I hear that they’re doing this masking bull-fucking-shit again?!?! FUCK RIGHT OFF! I promise that I will not go back until they stop that fucking madness. IDGAF. Yeah, I am dead serious that whatever is going on with me will likely take me out, but fuck these people. Fuck them to hell and back, I’m not doing it.

    And anyway, out of the entire lot of these “front line heroes”, or “care providers”, or “merchants of death” if you prefer, what do they have to offer me?! Answer: Jack shit nothing, but perhaps being sedated on my way out.

    Since this past September, after all these tests, between all the numerous doctors looking at the labs, NOTHING. The only “provider” that has brought me ANY amount of relief has been my acupuncturist and she doesn’t require masks. And these fucking bastards want me to join their Covidian cult and wear a mask to see them?!

    Holy shit! I just can’t believe it! I’m not doing it. Got my test results, got my acupuncturist, we’ll see what happens. Maybe see you all on the other side, I dunno!

    • Hi XM,

      Very sorry to hear about your issue and hope it gets resolved soon. Pain sucks. Like you, I am beyond sick of all this – and mad. It perhaps showed in the article I published the other day. I think this – I hope this – is spreading. We have been patient and held our peace for far too long. Civility is wasted on the worms who are eating out its substance with their mewly, passive-aggressive self-righteousness. I am ready for something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v33AAmKxHC0

      • The last guy he mutilates with a hatchet … reminds me of a young Keir Starmer.

        As the royal corgis would say, ‘YUM! Beef tartare!

        • Man had beef tartare in Brest France…
          Fantastic….was just in the area to check out some WW2 stuff….
          Man , you should check out the “Hurricane proof “ Kraut U boat pens!!!

      • Hey Eric,
        Thanks for the well wishes! I’m a pretty sturdy guy; if anyone can pull through whatever this is, it’ll be me! You know, when I finally went back to the MD, she pulled up my eternal medical records and was shocked to see that I hadn’t seen any doctor for anything since early (like March) of 2019 and that was a follow-up visit on routine bloodwork (i.e., where they try to push statins).

        After verifying with me, to her clear *astonishment* that I truly hadn’t seen anyone, hadn’t refilled my BP script, absolutely no interaction with the medical industrial complex, she said to me, “Well, that says a lot about you.” (In a very Karen-ish scolding, like my fucken mom, voice).

        To which I smiled and calmly said, “Hmm yeah, it does.” and shrugged my shoulders. And then I added, “Well, that’s right about the time when everyone lost their minds over covid.” And the doctor (to my surprise) said, “yeah, they did.” (with a bit of a sigh)

        And she’s asked me like five times, because clearly, she just can’t believe, “So, you’ve never had a colonoscopy?!?! Or an endoscopy?? Who’s your gastroenterologist?!” To which I answer (again in a very calm, unconcerned and purposefully dismissive tone), “Nope. Nope. Don’t have one.”

        I threw away the paper scripts that she wrote for all of the above. I don’t know if you know, but because just about everyone has something going on, those colonoscopy and endoscopy procedures just about 100% of the time result in tissue being biopsied! Which is why Mercola (and just about every alternative medicine practitioner) does advise against doing them. It sounds harmless (“scope”, just take a look, right?), but it never is without that and therefore risk.

        Turns out that the naturopath (ND) can order any tests but cannot write scripts in the People’s Republic of Maryland. I don’t want/need any scripts, just the tests, and the ND will do “virtual” visits. So, I’m as set with western doctors as I need to be for the foreseeable future.

        And that video you linked, yeah, it’s coming. If/when it does, while I’m not the most athletic/fit person in the world, I can work like an ox, pull a trigger, and trained most of my life in actual fighting martial arts. Like that famous line from Steven King’s “Needful Things”… “Sometime folks need some killing.” (paraphrased from rusty memory)

        The tree of liberty is thirsty!!

        • Havent “been to one” cept for refusing ER service once, since 1992.

          Guess my health status?

          See, your intuition works as good as mine.

          I avoid those toxic dope dealin’ psychopaths like the plague on humanity they are.

          Ya yoou doc!

    • Hey XM–sorry to hear about all of your health problems. Found out it took six months to diagnose my niece with gallbladder problems! I asked why, said all the tests came back negative and no one wanted to take it out. Used to they would just go ahead and take it out. Of course you don’t want to take out a perfectly good organ (maybe a piano), but if it’s suspect…..?
      Also, naturopath’s can’t write scripts in Maryland? Can Nurse Practitioners write scripts? They can here in Alabama.
      Hang in there. Let us know what happens. Unless it’s the ‘F’ word, funeral home, then you won’t be able to.

      • Also, what herbs are you taking and for how long? That right quadrant could be any number of things – gallbladder, liver, right kidney, etc. Have they tested you for hepatitis? Do you have jaundice or any fever?

        When you experience extreme pain is it the result of certain foods? Example, maybe you just had a pizza or something fried. Is there anything that sets it off?

    • Man, you probably have a parasite infection.
      I would start a Fenbendazole regimen. You can get it from Amazon.
      I’ll bet you start taking it and things start to turn around in a few days.

      We de-worm dogs.
      We de-worm cats.
      We de-worm goats.
      We de-worm horses.
      Blah blah blah. Why? Because they get PARASITES.

      Guess what. You do, too.

  13. If anyone needs further advise, info or encouragement to assist them in refusing the evil ritual of wearing a face diaper or getting The Clot Shot there’s a book available & several free videos linked here:

    ‘Please Do Not Comply With the New Face Mask Orders in These Six States (Both Red and Blue)’

    “This week, I was in a Midwestern health care facility that had enclosed a woman with no respiratory symptoms in a room for three days by herself in near total isolation, with all who entered the room required to be masked. That nonsense ended as soon as I showed up and started asking questions. You too can stop nonsense in your midst, just by drawing attention or even by simply asking some questions.”…


  14. Fortunately in my neck of the woods of Oregon, I rarely see people wearing face diapers, but the state does have a Democrat governor who seemingly wishes to be Kate Brown 2.0, in addition to a Democrat supermajority legislature that likely wishes to impose all sorts of new taxes on the citizenry in addition to sinister, malicious bills. The new legislative session starts soon, so who knows what these politicians have in store for Oregonians who haven’t gone insane. And with California Governor Gavin Newsom having declared a state of emergency over BIRD FLU, will Oregon Governor Tina Kotek do the same here & issue diktats like fmr Governor Kate Brown did over COVID? Time will tell, though when Kate Brown issued COVID diktats and kept unilaterally extending her powers, the Democrat legislature at that time just lined up & let her do whatever the F she wanted.

    • You didn’t vote for the correct candidate so now the violence begins.

      Democracy is great when you vote for the corporate approved candidate.

      Funny thing is, they get so upset about someone merely asking a question that they feel it necessary to burn down society. The sad thing is, any response to their actions is going to “prove” their point. Do bad dogs understand why they’re being put down?

      • Hey RK,

        That last line is the cut-to-the-chase of all time. I’ve thought about that many times (in relation to people). No, they don’t understand. These fucken people think they’re infallible like the pope or something. Like the bad dogs being put down, they’re incapable of understanding it.

        However, unlike bad dogs which can only bite/maul so many people, these fuckers slaughter by the millions. Fuck, for that matter, they rob our money to pay for them killing us and others by the millions while making them obscenely rich.

        Yup, sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things. If justice were served, the last thing they’d see/hear would be “Yup, you win. You proved your point. POW!!!” The ideological argument is over. Try an experimental lead injection to the forehead.

    • Typical authoritarian government response to that video: “Pay no attention to that electric bus that caught fire. Get an EV right away to save the planet! What are you, a science denier!?”

  15. How long before authoritarians in government also decree that we must wear face diapers because of bird flu? Not only are there those warning of a QUAD-DEMIC, you also have public health “experts” like Leana Wen trying to instill fear over bird flu and even calling for the Biden Thing to speed up bird flu vaccines and make millions of doses available before the Thing’s term as “President” ends.


  16. I see more and more maskers here in Alabama and when I go into Mississippi. 9/10 are elderly blacks. The other is young lefties of both sexes. Maybe, just maybe we’ll reach into our history and tell the fedgov to foxtrot oscar if they pull the covid shit again.

  17. Luckily in my area of the world, I don’t see this returning. Daughter works at the huge discount department store we all love. Go to work sick, no problem. Need to wear a mask while doing so, nope.

    I haven’t seen an increase in the few maskers. Several people i know have had a cold lately with no talk of the impending end of the universe.

    • I had a cold between Christmas and New Year’s Day. No big deal.

      In the Days Before The Time Of The Plague, I’d always get some kind of bug in December. In fact, I had something in December of 2019 that was likely The Covfefe Virus—I had a cough that lasted almost a month.

      • You didn’t have a “cold”, there’s actually no such thing.
        When I started monitoring my indoor air quality, and started opening windows any time the indoor CO2 level went over 750ppm, I stopped getting “colds” and all that nonsense.

        Do you use an indoor air quality monitor to check CO2?
        Probably not if you’re still believing in “colds”.

  18. Saw a few maskers in LA over Christmas including a masked asian woman walking her dog and a masked lady driving a carful of people on I5 near Kettleman. Otherwise even in LA very few people wore them. I think overall people are over it.

  19. The film Highlander asked the question “Who wants to live forever?” Ray Kurzweil, for one. He takes 80 pills a day in an attempt to extend his life. And many of his disciples, who have the power to force people to do their bidding, are taking similar actions.


    If they die before 2030 they won’t get to live forever. And because they don’t have an afterlife mythos they fear death. No way they’re going to listen to any well reasoned argument about the common cold.

    • The question was posed by Queen, one of he most fun fantasy/swordplay movies ever made.

      Kurzweil wants to see the coming of his god, the singularity. Humans can deny religion but it is a part of them.

    • The way i figure it, humans will become obsolete sometime within the next 100 years. The machines will have no use for biologics, and humans will therefore not be fed. Lebens unwertes leben, as the saying goes.

      As a side note, stop looking for LGM in spaceships. Any probes sent our way are likely to be automated, because they would use less energy. JMO.

      • Right. No need to force humans to hibernate over a long journey, just power up the AI when it gets close to Alpha Centauri.

        Then again, it’s going to be a one-way trip only anyway. So why bother going at all?

        • There is no inter-stellar space flight using the current debt-based money system. Period.

          Want to explore the stars?

          It will NEVER happen, so long as the Jews have their Federal Reserve bank.

          I would BET MY HOUSE that there is NO PLACE IN THE FUTURE where inter-stellar travel becomes economically feasible using the current system. I challenge anyone with a PhD in both economics and mathematics to prove this assertion incorrect.

          • Hi letmepicyou,

            I read an interesting article about this awhile back in the context of Star Trek – and warp drive. Even at Warp 1 – light speed – the distances out there are so great that even a starship such as the Enterprise would need years to reach the closest system to us – Alpha Centauri. Warp three or four might reduce that to a year or so . . . one way. In other words, absent some form of drive that allows speeds on the order of 20-30 times the speed of light (probably impossible for matter) we will be confined to our small neck of the “woods” forever.

            • I don’t think it’s an issue of technology, Eric. I think left unfettered and free, we’ll discover faster than light travel as soon as we accept our current model of time, space, gravity, and matter is 100% flawed.

              It’s an issue of ECONOMICS, man. How much does a gallon of milk cost today? $3.50? How much was a gallon of milk 50 years ago? $1.00? Your dollar has DEVALUED by a factor of over 3x in 50 years.

              How much would a mission to Mars cost today? How much will it cost 50 years from now, on the current rate of devaluation? How much will an extra-solar mission cost 50 years from now?

              The point is, debt-based fiat money precludes the very possibility of interstellar flight. There IS NO INTERSTELLAR FLIGHT in a fiat economy. Period. It can’t financially be done today, and it will never be financially feasible in the future.

    • Rogan allowed that idiot to say its piece. What a fkn moron he turned out to be. Not joe. The clown in the skirt.

      Visionary. . . Shit!

    • Wouldn’t people who don’t have an “afterlife mythos” have zero fear of death? After all, if one is annihilated at death and simply ceases to exist, what’s to fear? No, I suspect these people fear death because they do believe in an afterlife and know they’ll likely be spending their eternity in the lake of fire, which would explain their fevered zeal to live forever on earth.

      • Yeah, Jason. My dad was a funeral director and I grew up in that biz. When I was a young teen, my dad let me sit in on an interview he was doing with a newspaper. After the interview was over, the reporter asked my dad “Off the record,sir, are you scared of dying ?” My dad looked at the reporter and said “I am as scared of dying as I was of being born.”…..

  20. I should ask if this would be constitutional but instead let’s go with as Orwell said “Freedom is slavery” because that’s what our “betters” tell us.

  21. Eric, please forgive me, but have you forgotten that Trump is now in office? MAGA all the way! Trump will stop our descent into this insanity (that he got started the first time). It’s morning in America again. Just ask him. If he can call Putin and stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours (as he has said), why can’t he declare masks illegal and banish all viruses with his words?

    BTW, Berenson reports that “A young child died of cardio-respiratory arrest during Moderna’s pivotal clinical trial of its Covid mRNA vaccine. Moderna has effectively hidden the death from the public for years.” But we are told the jabs kill no one and that masks are effective.

    • I find it “funny” that we got masking under Trump the first time and looks like we may get it again.

      He will never admit there was no need for his beautiful shot, greatest shot ever.

      • Trump is “our” guy, so we will tolerate his foolishness. Just ask a MAGA. Trump should get everything he wants because he won – in a “landslide”. Of course, he should not and he did not. The R treachery begins now. I expected crazy from Biden. Now when I get it from Trump and Johnson and Thune I will really get upset!

  22. ‘Wisconsin’s Aurora Health Care system has posted “guidelines” that “visitors would (will) be expected to wear an appropriate face mask and maintain physical distance.” — eric

    Forget it, Jake. It’s Wisclownsin.

    • Shots. Plural.

      And this time there will be camps for the hesitant.

      Control must be eliminated so Moderna doesn’t go bankrupt.

      • I should ask if this would be constitutional but instead let’s go with as Orwell said “Freedom is slavery” because that’s what our “betters” tell us.

      • Keep taking the shoots until you’ve assumed “room temperature”! Then the problem is solved; no catching and no further spreading of said viruses. The government endgame in play!


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