From Seatbelts to Here We Are


The imminently former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, recently told The New York Times that the federal government’s attempt to force practically everyone in the country to submit to being injected with the drugs it pushed on behalf of the legalized drug cartels commonly styled the “pharmaceutical industry” was absolutely warranted. Not only that, he pointed out it was nothing really new in that it was – in principle – something that had already been accepted in law as well  as in practice by most people.

Should we require people to wear seatbelts?” 


Becerra is right – in the sense that people are indeed required to wear seat belts and given that, of course they can “absolutely” be required to submit to pretty much anything else the federal government (that is, federal apparatchiks such as Becerra) decree is necessary because “safety” – or “public health,” which amounts to essentially the same thing.

This goes back a long way. At least 60 years, which was how long ago the federal government asserted the authority to be found nowhere in the Constitution to force car makers to force their customers to pay for seat belts in new cars, whether they wanted them (or to pay for them) being an irrelevance. Their “safety” – as defined by the apparatchiks of that long-ago day – became the justification.

Once that principle was established in law – and accepted in practice by an insouciant pubic that sighed and said – No big deal; I don’t have to wear the damned things – the federal government had the power to require that people wear them. This power was asserted not  long thereafter.

It is now, as everyone knows, an actionable offense – meaning, an armed government worker can legally force you to stop and “pull over” and force you to accept a piece of paper that says you owe the government money – for not wearing a seat belt. And if you refuse to wear it, you can be arrested and manacled and placed in a cage. This would have amazed Americans of 70 years ago, for whom such petty authoritarianism would have seemed unimaginable in America.

How long will it be before Americans are forced to wear a bib while eating?

Why not? The federal apparat has already asserted the power to force them to wear a “mask” while breathing. Is it not of a piece?

Does it not follow?

Of course it does. Becerra is right. Haughtily so, as his sneering comment to the Times conveys. How could anyone logically argue against the federal government’s pushing of “masks” and then drugs on people given the acceptance in law and practice of the federal government’s pushing of seatbelts on people?

This is a crucial point lost on many people, who view things – such as the federal government’s forcing of car companies to force car buyers to accept having to pay for seatbelts in cars back in the 1960s – as just a “small thing” without any connection to other things.

That is, without precedent-setting implications.

Lawyers such as Becerra (and Hamilton, 236 years before him) understand the importance of such precedents. They are how you expand upon precedents. They are how you move the ball forward.

This is why it is so important to never give them an inch. Because if you do, they will take a mile. Every. Single. Time.

No doubt it didn’t seem like a big deal, back in the ’60s to have to pay for seat belts you may not have wanted in that new car you just bought. The cost was slight and you could just sit on them rather than wear them. It didn’t seem worth going to war over.

How does it seem now?

Having accepted that seemingly minor thing, all those years ago, we are now afflicted by many more things, including the six air bags (at the least) all new cars now come “standard” with, as well as the car itself – which has become less a car and more a kind of mobile parenting and data-collection device that monitors and controls you at least as much as it conveys you. Cars have become oppressive rather than freeing and it can all be traced back to our accepting that it’s legitimate under the Constitution as well as moral for the federal government – i.e., for ugsome, sneering federal apparatchiks such as Xavier Becerra – to apply the coercive power of the government to force us to buy and then wear seatbelts.

And that is why Becerra is right about the federal government having established it has the power to force us to submit to being injected with “vaccines,” as the drugs pushed on the population by the government were despicably characterized.

In no way is this exaggerating things. Ask any lawyer. Statutory law is constantly altered by case law – such that in time the plain meaning and spirit of statutory law no longer means anything substantive.

Ask yourself why we are legally obliged to submit to being stopped at random and without our having given any specific cause to suspect we might be “drunk” at what are called Sobriety Checkpoints. These are clearly contrary to the plain language of the Bill of Rights’ Fourth Amendment, which states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

And yet we are subject to being searched – our persons as well as our effects – because the precedent was established and we accepted that there are exceptions when we are driving our cars. Never mind that no such exception is described in the Fourth and an affront of that sort would never have been countenanced for horse riders when the Bill of Rights was written.

There would have been a revolution. More finely, a rebellion against the tyranny of unjust authority.

The point – again – is that precedents are everything and that creep Becerra is right.

It all began with seatbelts.


. . .

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    • Tyranny, by way of a path to a nation, a dissolution of the confederation of (sovereign) states, began with ratification of the US constitution, some federalists confessed in private. The proof was the horrible whiskey tax that bankrupted farmers who needed to use whiskey as money. Their protests were met with “nationalized state militia”, death, imprisonment.
      Why wasn’t this the beginning of the 2nd American Revolt?

  1. Fortunately, with the Regime Nuovo (or Reconquista, depending upon how you look at it), assholes from the formerly Golden State like “Hah-Vee-Er” (Xavier) Beccera are on the “outs”…but lest you feel too sorry for them (NOT!), this was all part of the plan, because now, with the constraints of being a “Federale” no longer applicable, they can REALLY cash in, not only on the “rubber chicken” circuit, but also as a LOBBYIST. The lowest crawling slug that exists within the Capital Beltway.

    Beccera’s “seat belt” analogy is far more TELLING that probably even he realizes. I recall some 35-odd years ago, when I was still considered a young buck, with a wifey and burgeoning tribelet of kiddies, when then we could dump the entire lot of ’em in the bathtub to clean up after supper, lay down the towels on the bathroom floor, put “Mr Bubble” in the water, and let ’em have at it as toddlers in water will, well, the previous round of Caliporna-bred assholes proposed a law for the “pube-lick” (public) good…that of the mandatory SEAT BELT law, because, y’know, S-A-A-A-A-F-T-E-E-E-E-E-E! Naturally, with some Golden State males actually then having functioning gonads, there was objection to that “Nanny State” overreach, so the law-fakers in the Legislature softened the edict by declaring that it’d be only “secondary” enforced…that is, a cop could NOT just pull a motorist over if he believed that the “safe” seat belt restraint wasn’t being worn, but, there had to be a predicative moving or equipment violation observed, and THEN, if “Officer Friendly” observed that they belt wasn’t fastened, why, he could cite you for that. Also passed at the same time was, for the S-A-A-A-A-F-T-E-E-E-E-E-E of the highway (cough!) “workers” was an edict mandating that moving violations in a so-called “construction zone” were subject to having the statutory fines DOUBLED. Y’know, the “Give ’em a BRAKE” mantra.

    It should have been foreseen then, and this was during the “reign of error” of REPUBLICAN CA governor Pete Wilson (the CA legislature then, as now, had a Dummycrat majority), that would be only the beginning…

    Deeming that insufficient revenues were coming via seat belt infractions and speeding or other moving “violations” in construction zones, the former was “raised” to the status of PRIMARY enforcement…as if a pig couldn’t simply INVENT something all along! Never mind that some older vehicles had only lap belts, nope, not good enough, and in court, it’s the officer’s word against yours, and who will the judge side with? There have even been cases of where the driver had a cam going with footage of the interior during the encounter, and the judge disregarded it when introduced as evidence in the driver’s favor! As for the “Give ’em a brake” campaign…well, at the time, I cynically quipped, “they’ll just declare all streets and highways as being in a “construction zone”, as our uber-high fuel taxes and DMV fees supposedly go to maintain them, right? Yeah, and the Pope’s a Mormon. In 2016, that’s exactly what a Dummycrat legislator be proposed!

  2. Great food for thought. Had it not been seat belts, it would have been something else. The real problem is that ALL governments practice tyranny and hate their citizens. And to the point of murdering them…even in the US via poison mRNA injections or even war for that matter. When they send people to fight wars, they are not protecting our freedom, but the freedom of the government to retain its tyrannical ways.

    Since at least the Civil War, the government has been gaining more and more power. The constitution has been losing whatever power it was presumed to have. When was the last time any politician gave up his me-first attitude and was a true force for the people? If you think Trump is that guy, good luck bunko.

    I am now of the belief that since the start of the polio vaccinations in the 1950s, the government has used big pharma vaccines to poison the population. All vaccines are bio-weapons of same nature. You may not be murdered outright, but who’s to say that vaccines do not cause longer term health problems and this has kept the modern stone age medical mafia quite busy and it’s coffers filled to the brim.

    • The Federal Government, under the tyrant Lincoln, INVADED the states that PEACEFULLY declared secession when it was clear that the tariff revenues that flowed from Southern ports would no longer be forthcoming. Cities were shelled into rubble, farms, homes, and businesses burned down, livestock and personal property, if not destroyed, confiscated, women raped and ravaged, what infrastructure (the South had only 11% of America’s rail mileage in 1861) existed was torn up, and so on. And to think the most infamous of war criminals from the Union Army, William Tecumseh Sherman, has his name to disgrace the legacy of that fine medium tank, the M4, that beat the “Natzees” and the “Japs” during “Dubya-Dubya Two, da Big One” (and kicked Commie Rat ass in Korea). The tyranny that the Founders had hoped wouldn’t arise, thanks to the so-called Bill of Rights, couldn’t have been more punctuated if “Dishonest Abe” hadn’t morphed into Emperor Palpatine, with fireballs eminating from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.

  3. The law struggles to cope with modern technologies. Your article overlooks a difference in pragmatic outcomes. Seatbelts, and air bags, are proven to greatly reduce the industrial mayhem that otherwise happens when vehicle passengers abruptly decelerate against the vehicle’s interior. In contrast, the inadequately tested, to the say the least, Covid mRNA “gene therapy” deceptively styled “vaccine” on analogy to antigen vaccines, did not work as advertised, and appears to inflict long-term damage greatly outweighing any purported benefit. Law is always a balancing act. You could argue that only states have a general welfare police power, but then you have a dormant Commerce Clause problem with vehicles manufactured to conform to one state’s safety requirements, not meeting the requirements of another state. As with radio frequency and interstate highways, we’re stuck with an advancing federalism to match advancing, border-blind world-changing technologies.

    • The issue isn’t the effective of seat belts. I use them because I understand physics and physiology of the human body, namely, MINE. The issue is MANDATING them, especially with some “fatwa” from Uncle Sam. Cynically saying the automakers wouldn’t offer them because “safety” doesn’t sell is the height of ARROGANCE, as indeed any motorist, contemplating an auto purchase, can evaluate crashworthiness and whatever “safety” equipment the vehicle has, and take his business as it suits his desires and means.

    • Hi Raymond,

      I take your point – but take issue with the premise; i.e., that hypothetical harms (and costs) justify harming (punishing) people who’ve not actually caused/incurred any harm. Because someone – or the government – worries they might.

      Query: Who have I harmed – including myself – by not wearing a seat belt these past 30 years? Answer? No one. Ergo, how is it justifiable to harm me – by issuing me a “ticket” for not harming anyone (including myself)?

      I also take issue with the “socialized costs” argument – which is premised upon socialism. How about I bear the consequences – if any – for the harms I actually cause to myself. If my actions result in harm to others, then – certainly – I ought to be held accountable for the consequences (costs, etc.). But absent that, do I not have the right to be left unharmed?

      If it is justifiable to punish me for not “buckling up,” then – logically – is it not also justifiable (on the same basis) to punish someone who eats too much and becomes overweight and so might “impose costs on society”?

      How about a requirement that people who own guns buy insurance – as they might harm someone or impose costs on society?

      Where does it end? How would you define the line?

  4. The sad part is that most people don’t see it, and if they do see it, they rationalize it by citing case law. If you point out the irony they then get angry. Goebells would be proud.

    • Hi Zeke,

      Yes – but what was done can be undone. It just can’t be done overnight. We’re making headway. I believe this deeply. If I did not, I’d just retire and fade away to a quiet piece of land in a very remote place and hope for the best while awaiting the worst. It took 100-plus years to get where we are. It may take a few years to dial that back some!

      • Like undoing the stupid principle of “precedent” in the interpretation of law. Throw that out. “History” says it just happened, but not so much, because it has to be taught in law school. Else who knows?

        • Amen, Trutherator-

          Statutory law ought to be the law as that is the law – in the sense that t was actually voted on/ratified. Who ratified or voted for case law? If the words of say the 4th Amendment say no searches or seizures absent probable cause or a warrant based upon that, then no searches or seizures. Period.

    • Indeed, the Judiciary Branch was supposed to INTERPRET the law and its application, not LEGISLATE from the bench.

      So many of these court “decisions” come from AGWs and their agencies pushing whatever limits they deem inconvenient to their “authoritai”.

  5. Here’s the plan to “get Fauci,” the pardoned mass murderer:

    ‘Former Senate investigator Jason Foster says that Biden’s pardon creates new legal jeopardy for Fauci. Sen. Rand Paul has vowed to continue investigating the COVID origins question, and sources tell RealClearInvestigations that Sen. Ron Johnson and House Republican investigators plan to do so as well.

    ‘When testifying in those inquiries or answering written depositions, Fauci will be unable to dodge questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination. “They can ask him if he lied before, replough old ground,” Foster said. “And if he lies about any prior lie, he can be prosecuted for that or held in contempt.”

    “These pardons will not stop Department of Justice investigations,” said one adviser to the Trump transition team, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We expected this and look at it as a predicate to get truth from people who can no longer use the Fifth Amendment. Now we can bring every one of them in front of a grand jury.”

    Yesssss! BURN HIM GOOD.

    • So, when the corrupt courts failed to convict the child rapist Jew “Leo Frank” (the Jews tried to blame a black man, and it’s no coincidence the Leo Frank trial also helped start the “ADL”, which was actually created to help a child rapist Jew escape justice), the people themselves formed up a good and proper POSSE, and went to the “police station” where Frank was being held, and they MADE the police turn over Frank, after which he was well and properly hung by the neck until he was dead, dead, DEAD.

      If we aren’t ready to “posse up” when the courts fail…
      It’s something we should probably stop talking about until we are.
      Because if you’re waiting for “justice” from THEIR COURTS…when do you suppose we’ll get to know who EMPLOYED JEFFREY EPSTEIN?

      If we aren’t ready to deliver justice ourselves…then we had better be prepared to accept that there will be none.

      • Leo Frank was convicted and his conviction was upheld by the Georgia Supreme Court and by the US Supreme Court. His death sentence was commuted to life
        by Governor John Slaton who was the law partner of Frank’s lawyer.
        Frank was in prison in Milledgeville when a group drove there and broke him out,
        took him to Marietta and lynched him.
        Farrakhan’s organization has written a book about the whole episode that is supposed to be very good. I have not read it. Stephen Oney wrote a book about it called “And The Dead Shall Rise” that I have read. I expected it to be a whitewash, but it isn’t. It seems clear that Oney doesn’t think Frank was guilty, but he doesn’t gloss over the evidence against him.

        • Well your telling of the tale was certainly more accurate than my own, and I thank you for that. I tend to rattle off things from memory rather than looking them up as I should sometimes.

          I don’t know about that particular book by “The Nation of Islam”, but I do have all 4 volumes of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews”, which details the Jewish role in running pretty much the entirety of the slave trade.

          And I also have the book written by Dr. Tony S. Martin, called “The Jewish Onslaught”, which details what happened to Dr. Martin when he tried teaching a college history class using “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews”. What the Jews do can be pretty vile.

          I highly recommend both “The Secret Relationship” as well as “The Jewish Onslaught”, they’re both excellent reads. I will say this, I don’t particularly prescribe to everything Dr. Martin believes, and if you read the book you’ll probably understand this “disclaimer”, lol. But reading it to gain an understanding into Jewish tactics is, to me, vital.

      • If Trelane the “Q” from Star Trek (the late William Campbell, eh?) makes a better judge than our real-life jurists, we need a slew of DIFFERENT judges.

  6. Just calling it like I see it. We are being liberated from a failed state.

    The chair is against the wall! John has a long mustache!

    If there was a time to ask for salvation, it’s while it won’t fall on deaf ears. Make noise while the allies are over the camp if you want rescued.

  7. New cars full of spyware and unsafe self driving and defective, unsafe safety crap…

    GM is also having problems with their hardware….engines seizing and transmission failing….

    Some terrible news just released that GM has been screwing V8 truck owners for years.

    GM/Chevy have been trying to cover up a ton of issues with their V8s.

    Including but not limited to lifter failure, engine oil consumption, and even transmission issues that affect all powertrains.

    • I wish Eric hadn’t shit on Trump the whole time, somebody might listen if we start sending articles to the transportation secretary.

      Really wishing Eric would go on the Alex Jones show as an expert, so that somebody listening in the Trump camp might base industry guidance on our views.

      Guess we’ll have to hope that they got the message anyway, praying for a EO on ending CAFE

        • Alex Jones does not speak mealy’mouthed or cautiously like most commenter. In the 1970s a guy who met some of the first “Black Panther” said they told him, you can tell the guy telling the truth by how much the powers that be persecute them.

          That’s similar to what Jesus said. “They that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”.

          BTW, That’s a clue that Rasputin was the genuine article.

      • Hi Steve,

        I shit on BS – so to speak – not on Trump, per se. I think it is important to not give Trump a pass just because he’s Trump. Isn’t doing that precisely what the Left does, with regard to its leaders? I hope Trump lives up to his promises – as regards returning at least some of the freedoms that have been taken away. But I worry it’s mostly just talk – and that we will end up with less rather than more freedom.

        But I will be fair – and credit him when he deserves to be credited. I am happy to discover this morning that has has pardoned most of the J6 “insurrectionists” as well as (apparently) pulled the U.S. out of the WHO. There is a great deal of work to be done. Will he do it?

        We’ll see!

        • Good morning Eric,

          I get that your pet peeve is unchecked support of Trump and the like.

          My pet peeve is unconscious bias baked in from the last 8 years the likes of CNN and the Atlantic.

          It’s good to hear you’ll give him a fair shake. And that Chevette article is pretty good, noticed that made The Liberty Daily.

          It was very smart of him to declare national emergencies over top of the national emergencies the feds are currently operating under the guise of.

          So far it’s promises made, promises kept.

          I think we’d both agree that, for the moment, he’s on the war path as promised.

          Excuse me if I had an extra rapid-covid test last night. (if you can smell the beer, and taste the beer, then you don’t currently have covid)

          We’ll see is right.

          • “It was very smart of him to declare national emergencies over top of the national emergencies the feds are currently operating under the guise of.”


            Sometimes sarcasm doesn’t come across very well in a typed text format…

            If this isn’t sarcasm, then please, enlighten me as to the logic of doing “more wrong shit” as being “smart” (read: preferable) versus, say, canceling ALL of the so-called “emergencies”, taking 100% of the power away from FEMA, and going back to a “constitutional government” again? And by “constitutional government”, I mean at least closer to said government than what we are WITH the emergency acts in place.

            • Let’s just say that rouge elements of our government that operate outside of the normal chain of command can only be instructed to change course under the guise of emergency orders. One of the provisions of Plan R, Sir.

              Moving back to the current thread, was a bit tossed when commenting on this article.

        • “I hope Trump lives up to his promises – as regards returning at least some of the freedoms that have been taken away.”

          Reading things like that breaks me f****** heart. That’s exactly the “pendulum” I was talking about before. It never swings back all the way unless we stop moping around, going “Gee, I sure do hope our masters let us go outside next winter.”

          What has become of us?

          What happened to “We get it all back or they’re hanging from f****** trees.”?
          What happened to our spirit to simply fight for what’s right?
          I have reached a point where I spit on the 2nd amendment because it’s worthless paper that means nothing without men to enforce it.

          • Violent resistance is playing to the strength of tyrants. They have prepared for it, e.g., a standing military.
            The “Powers that Shouldn’t Be” can’t overcome non-violent nullification by denial of authority, e.g., withdrawal of permission to rule by deadly force, fraud, with a morality exemption. It’s our exercise of our right to self-rule by abolishing the US Empire.

            • The only people that say this work for tyrants. Violent resistance is the only thing they actually FEAR.

              Their subliminal propaganda even includes statements like “NO REBELION.”

              They’re TERRIFIED of 300,000,000 gun owners. Their “standing army” means nothing. And many of us are working to develop new technologies to circumvent drones, which are the new “chemical weapon” of the battlefield.

        • In line with the “WHO” (or, “The Who”), how many, after the “First Hundred Days”, will sing the lament, “Meet the NEW (or returned) Boss…SAME as the OLD Boss!”

  8. Ok, many are aren’t going to love this post, but does this anyone have anything they like from Trump’s first 1/2 day in office?

    I will put my neck out:

    1. I like that he pardoned or commuted the sentences of every J6 protester that was brought up on charges.

    2. I like that we still only have two sexes. Sad that an EO had to be used for this.

    3. Closing the border is a good thing.

    4. Getting us out of the Paris Agreement and The WHO.

    5. Getting rid of birthright citizenship…of course, this will end up in front of the Supreme Court, but I give the guy kudos for trying.

    6. Preventing government from censoring free speech.

    I realize I am going to be poo pooped for this post, but I think it is just as important to point out the positive as much as the negative.

    • Don’t know why you think that is putting your neck out?

      They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Pardoning and commuting the J-6ers is a great first step. He could go on like this for weeks and it would still feel like our justice system is FUBAR, but for today, for right now, Kudos to the Orange Don, King of Corona. In best Oliver Twist voice, ‘Please Sir, may I have some moar.’

      All these things sound good, so I will take back some of the bad stuff I’ve said about the man. If we stay out of a ME war, get out of Ukraine, and actually go after Shinbaum’s cartels, I’ll be even more impressed. The border wont be closed until the NGOs that enabled this mess are taken out. Number six seems like BS. An EO like that just means we go back to the soft shadow banning of pre 2O2O, the censorship complex is still alive and well. And tomorrow morning, if not mistaken, our debt ceiling gets breached

      • He made no bones about the fact, we needed to extend the debt payments while we get the oil and gas online.

        Anyone with half a soul left should feel the difference. It’s like we’re in the camp and rescue is a real possibility now. You don’t just do that to the Clinton Bush Obama Biden Deep State Machine to their face! This is epic.

        Eric can blow me with the Musk hating, as he is most definitely on board against our captors. What would be great is a proactive lobby for the cars side of things, preaching %90 FMVSS deregulation to the incoming transportation secretary.

        Mars baby! What an inspiration to bring to the people of said failed state. No more sitting around and bitching, Trump intends to move the needle this time. I’ll put my words up against anyones when it comes time for the “I told you so”

        • Hi Steve,

          What – exactly – has Musk done that is serving the interests of freedom? And please don’t tell me X – which is a “free speech” venue like Zelensky is a “president.” How do you just drive by the Tesla grift? The man’s approbation for taxing “carbon”? His pushing of AI, which is arguably the greatest threat to freedom and humanity since the beginning of time?

          I am also fascinated by rocketry and space travel; I think landing humans on Mars – and eventually establishing settlements there – would be fantastic and inspiring.

          But that is entirely besides the points I just raised above, isn’t it?

          • Yeah, 100% with you on this one. Musk is a grifter. He was, ahh, forced to step down from Tesla, was he not? Something about mismanagement and zero profitability or something to that effect?

            I think Musk has a paid “comment army” propping up his image in the same way the Jews run a 24/7 propaganda campaign to convince everyone how wonderful they are. I’m pretty sure I’ve run into them.

            They won’t ADMIT to being paid Musk lackeys, but neither do the Hasbara Sayanim.

    • You’re right!

      This is our Liberation Day!!!

      I haven’t needed rescuing from a failed state ever before, not even close to 8 years ago. I thought this day would never come.

      And to the 4chan feds who make everything about the Jews, Fuck You!!!! We won.

      And to anyone who will sit on their ass who doesn’t move the needle, this is the time to get ready to lobby the transportation secretary and get on podcasts and preech the gospel of de-regulating the auto industry. Because nobody else will. Swear ill make a point of this if I ever get thru again to the Alex Jones Show.

      Honestly the vibe is the Allied Troops can’t get here fast enough to give us our sovereignty back and give us jobs to recover from a failed state.

      The time for sitting around and bitching is over, else the allied planes will fly over our camp without noticing!

      Thank you God for Trump, and if those words burn anyone like the exorcist, you might just be the devil!

      I’m 30 but genetic memory makes it instantly recognizably that this is liberation unlike before.

      • Hi (again) Steve –

        I deeply hope you’re right – and maybe you are. But – as someone old enough to remember the promise of Ronald Rrrrrrrreagan – I also remember failed promises and false hope. I hope that’s not what we’re in for, again.

    • Trump’s purpose this time around is to pass “anti-Semitism laws”. There will be no greater censoring of free speech in the history of America.

      The first thing the Communist Bolsheviks did when seizing power in Russia after the “Russian Revolution” (not at all “Russian”, but certainly a “revolution”) was PASS ANTI-SEMISITM LAWS. Punishable by imprisonment or death.

      Now, this historical fact points to one of 2 other facts:
      1: Either communism doesn’t come from Jews, but communists REALLY LOVE JEWS.
      2: OR communism COMES from Jews.

      I’m not sure which one you prefer, 1 or 2, but they both look the same to me.

        • Jesus killed the Jews? I never heard that before.

          I assume that’s a typo. But yes, in places where they allow “hate speech” laws it’s often illegal to refer to Christ killing Jews.

          Though as a technicality, Romans killed Christ. The Jews just kept their hands clean and manipulated the laws to their own ends.

    • Morning, RG!

      Not at all. I am also happy about all of that. But there must be more than that. There is some heavy lifting to do. But it’s a good start – and I am happy this morning!

    • The big thing that Trumpenstein should do is let the Ukie-boy Zelensky know that the gravy train ain’t stopping in “Keev” (Kyiv) anymore. We’d promised the Russkies some thirty-odd years ago that we wouldn’t bring the Ukraine, once it left the USSR (as Russia itself did), into NATO. Like Finland, hence the term, “Finlandization”, leaving buffer states, NEUTRAL, adjacent to Russia, regardless of who believes they’re running that massive country (into the ground, and taking plenty of payola with them), WORKS. It worked GREAT for the Finns even after 1944…of course, read about the Finnish “Continuation” War of 1941-1944, especially this battle:

      Likewise, bringing the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) into NATO was a serious mistake. Hey, I like them being independent countries, but history shows they only are if the big neighborhood ALLOWS it…they were part of the Russian empire, and “liberated” (cough) by the Germans in 1941 and “re-liberated” by the Soviet Army in 1944-1945, which the Baltic peoples were so “grateful” for they went on a guerilla war campaign that lasted for decades:

      At least they’ve been nominally independent since 1991, but that’s mostly due to Putin having other fish to fry. Indeed, I liked a BBC docudrama that made the YT rounds ca. 2016 to 2018, wherein World War III gets triggered by rising tensions, punctuated by a surprise Russian invasion of Estonia and Latvia by 75K Russian Army troops, backed by hundreds of tanks and attack helicopters, and they sweep across those unfortunate nations and take their respective capitals within hours. Being as they’re now in NATO, supposedly such a strike would be, in effect, the Russian Federation declaring war on ALL of NATO, the USA included. Please ask yourself this: would Germany, the UK, and Poland really want to tangle with the Russians over these descendants of old Hanseatic League towns? Would it even be feasible to do so and limit the war to those unfortunate countries, never mind that even a conventional war would in effect destroy the countries we professed to “save”?

    • Hi RG,
      Absolutely agree with everything you listed, I also like his order today getting rid of all the DEI “compliance” slugs sucking up taxpayers money. Next up should be restarting the Keystone XL pipeline project and ordering the release of the JFK files hidden by the CIA.

      • Just going to make that part easy for you by telling you something you’ve never been told before.

        Jack Ruby was JEWISH. He is the “smoking gun” of “Israel” and their plan to kill Kennedy for demanding inspections of their nuclear sites.

        • That’s well-known. Unless his “bumbling jew mafioso” was some clever cover all along, he was nothing but a small-time hood that operating seedy little nightclubs in the DFW area. The Dallas PD knew him well. That alone wouldn’t be proof that he was working with the Mossad; as they’ve long been a bit more, er, “professional” when it came to hits. Of course, Ruby, who’d be tried, and of all things, sentenced to death for the murder of Oswald, died in a Texas prison of cancer before a retrial could commence early in 1967. Ruby’s parents had been in a violent marriage and divorced, his mother was eventually committed to a mental hospital. There is evidence that Ruby also was a homosexual, something that wouldn’t go over well in 1963, especially in Texas. While obviously expendable, as Oswald was, it’d seem incredulous that he’d be an essential part of some overarching conspiracy to kill JFK.

          That E Howard Hunt was present at Dealy Plaza that fateful day is far more telling.

      • Just going to make that part easy for you by telling you something you’ve never been told before.

        Jack Ruby was JEWISH. He is the “smoking gun” of “Israel” and their plan to kill Kennedy for demanding inspections of their nuclear sites.

  9. Seat belts , I wear them . Dad started me wearing them over 50 years ago after he installed them in a 61 Falcon . I had a 73 Chevy C-10 pick-up , lap belt only . I top a hill going to fast and there was a car stopped right in the road ahead and I hit the breaks hard and around I came , I hit the Chevy Chevette (remember those) with my truck bed and bent the frame on the Chevette but just a slight dent in the C-10 . After hitting the Chevette I came back around and was still rolling and I was laying down in the seat but still behind the wheel , I then sat upright and stopped the truck . Had I not had a lap belt on I would been crumpled into the passenger door and been incapacitated my guess with my truck still rolling ! Easier to drive if your butt is behind the wheel . But I still have mixed feelings about a AGW making you wear one . Great articles Eric .

    • Thanks, L48!

      To be clear: I am not at all opposed to seat belts (or air bags) or any other such thing. People ought to be free to buy them and a valid argument can be made in favor of them. My opposition is to requiring the manufacturers to install them – and to forcing people to buy/use them. This distinction is the difference between a free country and one that isn’t.

      • Like Hybrids or EVs, the issue is never TECHNOLOGY, it’s Consumer Choice. IOW, that “Yang Worship Word”, “Free-Dum”! (Freedom).

  10. I had a 1965 C20 Chevy pickup that didn’t have seat belts, they had to be added. One day driving it to work at a USAF installation I was challenged for not having my seat belt on – because the guard could not see the shoulder strap, which the truck did not have. That was disturbing to the sergeant – my truck was out of order, not complying with the rules LOL.

    Reminder, preacher Brandon Biggs Trump’s predictions/prophecy still on track. I am not religious, but I will listen if some guy is correct because most people predictions are never correct. He could of been told the plan V2K by the CIA. Anyways he said back in March ’24, on a live YT show, his vision of the future in which a bullet misses Trump’s ear, Trump gets elected, all charges dropped, and does become POTUS – which is against all the odds stackED against him.

    Then Biggs says almost immediately, this winter, the economy implodes into the biggest most devastating economic depression ever – that only Trump could save with his charisma, after 4 years of total collapse, he gets the new economy to fly BUT AMERICA NEVER REGAINS IT’S FORMER PROSPERITY.

    Everything the Lord told me about the economic collapse on America

    • President Trump said today that today was the start of a new golden era for the USA. Pastor Brandon Biggs (pro Trump conservative) says Trump takes office and the economy crashes – the worst ever. I find this very interesting, because back in the early 1980’s Howard Ruff’s best seller “How to Prosper in the Coming Bad Years” was published right when the markets turned up when Reagan took office.

      Review of Biggs prophecies by another Christian Mike Winger:

      Disclaimer – I have studied every kind of prophecy more decades and usually no one is right for very long. If the economy doesn’t crash in the next 3 months then Brandon Biggs will be another failed prophet.

  11. It goes further back than seat belt “laws”.

    In the early days of cars, the elite of the day feared greatly the advent of affordable cars. They knew what would happen. They did all they could to throw the wrench at the industry to stop affordable cars. If you let common folks drive, they will move around in ways that expand their freedom (like moving to the suburbs), making it harder for the elite to continue to dominate.

    Thankfully, they failed at stopping inexpensive cars, but they did get one concession that is now coming to bite us in the butt.

    The notion of “driving is a privilege, not a right”.

    Americans have always had the right of passage. To walk, ride a bike or bus, or take a train, but not driving your private car.

    • Back then, we had “fifteen-minute” cities, simply because that was the practical extent of even a primitive electric trolley car, and certainly most folks wouldn’t walk or ride on a very uncomfortable horse-drawn wagon for very long. Yes, as of the 1840s or so, there were trains, but passenger service on trains wasn’t cheap, as they were the “common carrier” of the day, and usually had a Government-sanctioned MONOPOLY where they operated.

      Not only is the automobile a huge expression of personal freedom and opportunity, the best part is, it’s easy enough to either set up privately operated toll roads, or at least have the state that the highways and streets are on paid for mainly by fuel taxes and auto registration fees…IOW, the entire thing can and ought to be user-funded. What could be more “democratic” than that?

      • I disagree, BID. This country has to cut costs. It has to start somewhere. Saying that one wants to be part of something and then not wanting to see it through shows one is unable to commit. That isn’t someone I would want on my team. Stick it out or don’t take the job.

        • All true RG. Ain’t gonna’ happen and Vivek knows it.

          I actually used to be for Vivek before I was against him. Back when he was running an anti-ESG fund as a private enterprise – all for it.

          The moment he decided to join the swamp by running for office – his true intentions became clear. Now that he failed at a Presidential run, time to regroup and go the gubernatorial route for a few years then relaunch to the presidency.

          He’s young and has years on his side.

          These are just warning signs of his pathological lust for power.

          He’s showing you out loud by his behavior who he really is.

        • “Saying that one wants to be part of something and then not wanting to see it through shows one is unable to commit”

          Made me laugh – for real out loud.

          This is called leadership in corporate America!!! 100% serious. I’ve lived it for 27 years.

          • Ask yourself this: Do we REALLY want Government to be “efficient”?

            I seem to recall the Geheimestatzpolezei actually had a high reputation for professionalism and effectiveness. Doesn’t mitigate that agency’s legacy.

  12. Let the riots begin! Might be too cold for a large number of rioters, they can wait for another day until it warms up enough.

    The protest was yesterday.

    The quintessential New Yorker invading Washington, DC to be El Presidente sticks in a lot of Washingtonian’s craws.

    Let the chaos begin!

    Lots of screeching, hollering, ga-nashing of teeth.

    It is not going to stop until Trump is out of office.

    21 below zero this morning, more global warming from Los Angeles will help.

    The irony of the Los Angeles Lakers, a lake of fire forming a new hellscape.

  13. Eric is, as usual, correct.

    “Once the principle is admitted that it is the duty of government to protect the individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against further encroachments.” Ludwig von Mises

    • And the corollary:

      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. – George Carlin

      I hate to say it but we have it coming.

      2020 proved in spades that the average Mericlown’ cares nothing about liberty and freedom.

  14. F. Jo(k)e Biden — GONE.

    After pardoning his own corrupt, grifting family as his final act of dishonoring his office.

    What a vile little man.

    • He also pardoned our very own Dr. Mengele, Anthony Fauci. The precedent has now been established that the president can pardon as many people as he/she wishes, even those who have never been charged with any crime.

    • Nice. Reduce the amount of nicotine to get people to smoke more cigarettes. I guess that will fix the funding shortfall of the tobacco settlement.

      Many localities did not use their share of the MSA for health programs and, in some
      cases, squandered these monies through ill-conceived “one-shot” spending.
      In other words, they borrowed against anticipated revenue from the Master Agreement and now they’re stuck trying to pay it back with reduced anticipated revenue. Thanks in large part to vaping but also because there are fewer smokers overall.

      source (PDF warning)

  15. Watching the Inauguration Coverage on Fox this morning to which I threw up in my mouth when the idiot Karl Rove lamented that Joe Biden should have bestowed the Nobel Peace prize to Trump for warp speeding the untested vaccines that saved millions of lives. Worst, no one called out Rove for his idiot rant. Hey Karl, if that is true, why did Dark Brandon issue a blanket pardon to Fauci last night???

  16. Often referred as negative hedonics. There are positive hedonics, you have work and the ability to earn an income, that is positive. Doesn’t help when you become ill from some dreaded disease, that’ll be a negative.

    People hounding you night and day to infect you with a substance that can possibly kill you, you balk.

    You tend to shy away from those who intend to harm you, beatings and ersatz vaccines are not going to be any help. Nothing positive.

    Wear your seat belt or else! Wears you down is what it does, you don’t like being told what to do.

    Hedonism isn’t always pleasant.

    In 1848, San Francisco had a population of 900.

    In 1849, there were 25,000 people there, 300 ships were parked in the bay and sailors became gold miners. Ships became places to rest and get some sleep.

    Crime increased and vigilante groups were formed.

    You might get ambushed and robbed when hauling your gold to town. Call it an involuntary tax.

    About that photo: Just look at the eyes how they project evil perfectly, the smirk on the snake’s face says it all.

    Sicily is a mess today.

  17. Today a King is knighted….. Long live the King! Yeah,,, just about everybody wants Fauci charged with murder by the beautiful vaxxine. But the guy that bragged about its warp speed distribution and still does… His punishment by the victims,,, getting elected as El Presidente.

    And we wonder why they consider us stupid beyond help….. We deserve whatever we get…..

    Oh well, he saved Tic Toc. There’s that!

      • Biden may have opened up a whole can or worms with his pardoning of government officials.
        By officially pardoning them Biden has declared them all to be preemptively GUILTY.
        The “supreme court” might just get a hold of this and declare that the Biden pardons directed at government officials are worthless.
        The rest of the pardons are legit, but not the pardons for government officials.
        Just my two cents…

  18. Everyone would agree the long train of abuses began way before the mandating of seatbelts. Certainly when cars were forced to have license plates comes to my mind. Income tax, the federal reserve, you and he fight [WW1-2-3] so we [bankers] can kill white boys and accumulate voluminous amounts of shekels, plus many, many more my tiny pea brain brain forgot. When such a long train of abuses and usurpations by GovCo is allowed to stand, it stands to reason we will get nothing but more of the same.

    So many easy fixes for what ails our country. First, outlaw political parties. Next, term/age limits on clowngress-critters, with cognitive/drug testing for every elected office. And then there is the matter of voting itself. One day, in person, ID verified, no mail ins, ever, no totals accepted after twenty four hours. No totals accepted which have more votes than registered voters in a given precinct. In the current environment none of these needed changes will ever become reality. Bitching on the internet, voting, or, putting faith in a man, or a party wont do Jack Shit. Sad to say, but the America we all knew and loved is dead. Stick a fork in her. Once our exorbitant privilege is rejected by the world, if that ever even happens, we may have another opportunity to return to liberty/sanity.

    Most people don’t realize how close we were to lighting a brushfire in the hearts and minds of our countrymen. We were inches away from the consent of the governed being withdrawn across a broad swath of both parties. What would have been fertile ground for a new rebellion will now become nothing more than some blah blah blah gotcha/payback/TDS BS.

    TPTB must be breathing a heavy sigh of relief that they got their [orange] man back in there. They could have just as easily installed their other puppet, the fact that they didn’t speaks volumes. The ball indeed has been moved far downfield. For the handful of people who still love liberty, our backs are now against the goal. Maybe TPTB will be nice, bring Lucy out, and give us a chance to kick a ninety-nine yard field goal, with seconds on the clock.

    I’m really rather disheartened that so many otherwise smart people fell for the fraud, again. When has voting out one brand of evil and voting in another. ever worked? OK maybe Trumps not evil as a man, like Biden….So, I guess there is that to be happy about.

    • Sad to say, but the America we all knew and loved is dead.

      Good riddance. Did we love the control that the three letter agencies had over the media? Did we love the scaremongering that was essence of the Cold War? Did we love the “one nation, indivisible” that led to the sameness franchise-ination and massive international conglomerates to take over? Did we love that alternative voices were manufactured in the same media boardrooms as the mainstream?

      Anyone really believe that John Lennon was a rebel? He was as much a sellout as Frank Sinatra, just with a different set of clothes.

      America is rolling back to what it was pre-civil war, a loose confederation of states. The centrist powers are still trying to grab hold of whatever power they have, but look at the trend. Elections are always close because it suits the mainstream ad budgets, but also because it comes down to a few key indicators. The change taking far longer than we’d like, but rest assured, it is happening.

      Fear is the biggest thing holding back the change. Most people can’t imagine a world without government. What they always miss is that when they need government, it fails to deliver. Most people aren’t threatened with natural disasters, yet they do happen. When they do we’re told that FEMA or some agency will help us out. But then the best they can do is send a $700 gift card, that won’t work in the disaster areas due to the power and Internet being out. Thanks for nothing.

      • RK, your comment shows the ends to which my mind is still susceptible to the brain washing of the, ‘Merika, f*ck yeah’ narrative. I grew up on it, and bought into it until about twenty years ago. I guess it was more about the idea of the America that I knew and loved versus the reality.

        You’re right about so many people fearing a world without GovCo, and yet the same people fail to see what a failure GovCo has become. Hope you are right about returning to pre-civil war confederation of states. I don’t see it, but sometimes if it weren’t for tunnel vision, I’d have no vision at all.

        As for the best they can do part, NC and Cali are two different animals. I wont be surprised if Trump goes full helicopter on bailing California out. After all, he already commented on the horrific loss of all the ‘beautiful houses.’ It will be an epic bailout, with the stick save for $$$Bill, the housing market, and the insurance companies. Plus, Mr “Screw your freedoms” just apologized. That alone will be enough to come together in unity and welcome Arnold and the rhinos back into the MAGA fold. Proving Carlins thing about the great big club, and all of us not being in it.

      • In my humble opinion…
        John Lennon’s song “Imagine” was right out of the WEF Klaus Schwab playbook…
        Listen to the lyrics…

    • I concur with That AMC Guy, Norman.

      This was the first time I didn’t vote since I was 18. I was given no choices. Even the Libertarian candidate didn’t even try in the least. Luckily, my life has become my own personal rebellion, and it’s much more effective than any ballot I ever cast.

      • I gave it up for good after that fake and gay spectacle of 2O2O went down without a peep from both parties. Then it became ingrained when my beloved state of Arizona went down in Bolshevik flames in 22. No way is Az blue outside the state of Maricopa. Even there its close to 5o-5o.

        Best wishes on the success of your own personal rebellion.

      • “Luckily, my life has become my own personal rebellion, and it’s much more effective than any ballot I ever cast.”

        Right on! Lead by example.

      • A word of advice, keep your rebellion quiet and don’t be ashamed to dissemble in public. We’ve descended to a place where civilized disagreement is impossible, and roving mobs savage and kill those they disagree with or dislike. Call it communism, democracy, or barbarism, it is all the same.

        Yes, be free, brother. But try to look like the rest of the neobarbs.

    • Celebrate! Ziogod gets installed on another day gubmint grifters rub slaves noses in a pile of holiday aka Black Savior day.

      Huddled in their holes consoling each other sharing “mug shot” pics from a better time.

      Keep on dreamin

    • “TPTB must be breathing a heavy sigh of relief that they got their [orange] man back in there. They could have just as easily installed their other puppet, the fact that they didn’t speaks volumes.”


      Revert to the George Carlin quote above – lol.

    • This is a very good insight: “TPTB must be breathing a heavy sigh of relief that they got their [orange] man back in there”

      Trump is saving the system from collapsing, ultimately Trump is saving the rich pricks who run the system of state and all the evil the state does with our money. It is our work effort and productivity they milk to rape the world, like the wars they fund. Trump said today “we will not forget our god”. What god is that? The Jewish god? The Jewish god is the devil himself!

      During today’s Coronation ceremony of the new god king, they played The Saints go Marching In, but the choir was only singing to a legion of Zionist demons, who support the killing of innocent woman and children for Zionist insanity – the Gaza death toll now up to 200,000.

      • Right back at you Jack. Only someone with an ego like Trumps could even convince himself he is capable of saving such a depraved system.

        At the end of the day, our work is our own. Cut a cord of wood, grow a garden, kill some animals for food, own a small business, skip your quarterly payments, the possibilities are endless. We only need a relatively small, critical mass of people to understand this concept and walk away, If just 1O% refused to be governed, it would spread like California lightening and come crashing down in Ozzymandis fashion.

        • I agree and I am one of those people who used to live off the grid and burned wood to cook food and heat. I even made my own hot water for showers with a thermosiphon system.

    • Right, rules for thee but not for me. At least giving out ‘pre-emptive’ pardons admits that Fauci & company are guilty of treason, if not crimes against humanity.

      • Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution:
        The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

        The question becomes one of “If they were never charged can they be pardoned”? I’m hoping this goes to the Supreme Court, but barring that investigate them, hope they lie and charge them with perjury. They only got Al Capone for tax evasion but they still sent him to prison for it.

        • Landru,

          I remember now that people argued years back that Obama should pardon Eddie the Snowman, but the argument then was that he’d have to return from Russia and be convicted of his supposed crimes before he could be pardoned. Of course, Eddie was smarter than THAT.

    • Good piece on vaccines– thank you.
      Age 88 I got the req’d smallpox vaccination 1941 age 5
      (Tulsa Kindergarten). Now an occaasional Tetanus booster workng my century- old barbwire fence w/cow poop all over.
      Covid no way! Anyone trusting Fauci crowd put themselves at needless risk.

  19. What the Biden Thing’s HHS Secretary conveniently ignores is the fact that these COVID “vaccines” were experimental in 2021 when the demented old fool named President Joe Biden tried to implement COVID vaxx mandates, thus any attempts at mandates were blatantly illegal. Prior to the attempt at such mandates, the FDA also engaged in shenanigans when they “fully approved” something called COMIRNATY, which wasn’t even available in the U.S. at the time but corporate media & the government nonetheless gleefully stated that PFIZER’S COVID vaxxes were “fully approved” and that EVERYONE should get vaxxed right away.

    Thankfully the Supreme Court struck down the Biden Thing’s employer vaxx mandates, because if they hadn’t, it would have likely sent the message to the government that AMERICAN CITIZENS were lab rats that government & Big Pharma could experiment with at any time they pleased.

    • [ when the demented old fool named President Joe Biden tried to implement COVID vaxx mandates]

      Jesus! Does anyone remember warp speed? That wasn’t Biden. Why we hate one evil bastard and kiss the feet of another evil bastard is beyond me. You know,,, usually when someone tries or assists to kill you,,, it’s not too smart to put them in charge of your destiny.

      • Hi Ken,

        I don’t think the people here have forgotten “Operation Warp Speed”, which started, as you correctly pointed out, under the 1st Trump administration. Why, the Biden regime even wanted to do their own OWS for, IIRC, bird flu vaccines.

        There were also Democrats in 2020 who stated that they wouldn’t take ANY “Trump vaccines”, but once Biden got into office, they magically changed their tune and DEMANDED that EVERYONE be vaxxed & even advocated severe punishment for people who refused. To this day, there are STILL people out there who are angry that people “got away with defying public health diktats” such as mask & vaxx mandates.

        • Also, the Kamala Harris campaign had a requirement that people who worked for them during the 2024 campaign be “up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations”, and if we were to be getting a President Kamala Harris today instead of Trump, who knows if a Harris-Walz regime would be trying to ram through mandates for bird flu vaccines.

    • “thus any attempts at mandates were blatantly illegal. ”

      Wake up my friend, there is no rule of law in Merica’.

      2020 made that blatantly obvious yet people still don’t see it and won’t say it out loud.

  20. “[I]njected with the drugs” I reject the characterization. The fact is we don’t know what that substance is. When one slips rat poison into another’s food, the perpetrator cannot be said to have given the victim drugs.

    • Amen ML. Been saying the same thing. Drugs at least connotes a positive effect. These were, at best, experimental genetic compositions. Turned out to be horrifically poisonous with the long term effects unknowable. The very idea should have been torpedoed ab initio. But some fantastically evil people were hell bent to do this. We should never offer even the hint of credence to this evil science experiment. They are not drugs.

  21. Eric wrote: This is why it is so important to never give them an inch. Because if you do, they will take a mile. Every. Single. Time.

    “They” meaning the psychopaths in charge. We libertarians tend to skew toward the conservatives if only because they claim to be for less. Less government, less bureaucracy and less regulation. But the conservative “them” will go too far as well. One of the big reasons why we have DUI checkpoints is because of conservatives’ War on Drugs™ as started by Nixon as a way to stomp out the hippie movement.

    • Hi RK,

      You are absolutely correct. If history is any indication the conservatives have taken away more Constitutional rights. At the end of the day they are both evil.

      I will make exceptions for those that fall under the symbol of the Elephant like Massie and Paul, but they are rare.

    • Consider that Dicks “war” was on any competition against our wonderful governments choice of drugs to be distributed to mass enslave animals.

      LSD speed mush and ditch weed are relatively simple for individuals to produce and procure. Organic chemistry is not rocket science.

      Compared to established international massive cultivation and distribution networks known as CIA drug trade. Mike Ruppert?

      No such thing as Covid or hippy. Just labels for agendas and $$$.

  22. The covid scam woke many people up, along with the vaccines. Will people learn anything or will they willing take a bird flu vaccine (or whatever is coming down the pike)? Time will tell I am sure. I think many are going to fall right back asleep now that Trump is back in power. That will make it easy for Trump to pull the rug out. Frog boiling slowly indeed. For those who think everything is fine and dandy now.

  23. From the Slimes article:

    ‘Without mentioning [Robert] Kennedy by name, [Becerra] delivered a warning to whoever [sic — whomever] sits next in his chair.

    “If they contradict the science, whether it’s on vaccines [sic] or the value of public health or in reaching out to communities that have been underserved for the longest time, I think the consequences are going to be pretty clear,” Mr. Becerra said, adding, “We’ll have more unnecessary death, we’ll have more illness.

    Sensible people change their opinions as facts change. By early 2022, it was clear that covid had mutated to become less lethal, even to vulnerable individuals such as the elderly. Meanwhile, dozens of scientific papers established that the risks of mRNA shots outweighed any benefits for most if not all vaccinees.

    But Becerra, who doesn’t read much because his lips get tired, is still stuck on the alarmist message of March 2020, when everyone was ordered to huddle inside their house.

    As Brits would say, the chappie is thick as a brick — an 85-IQ dimwit. Now, as a legend in his own mind, Becerra expects to return in triumph to Commiefornia to be elected gobernador.

    All that he’s actually accomplished is to put another nail in the coffin of DEI, as it becomes painfully clear that advancing people to top positions simply because they have bronze-colored skin or indulge in homoerotic sexual practices is an unmitigated catastrophe.

    • Pardoning Fauci confirms that Fauci was an arch-criminal … and ‘Biden’ a contemptuous co-conspirator.

      Last Friday, Treasury ‘secretary’ Yellen announced that the fedgov hits the debt ceiling tomorrow morning.

      This is just one of many fresh turds deposited on the Resolute desk by “Biden’s” departing cabal of vandals, wreckers and saboteurs.

      Today’s a great day for America — Jerkoff Joe crawls back into his dank basement, never to be seen or heard from again. Who WAS that illegitimate, anti-American scoundrel??

      • From now on, our editorial guidelines call for referring to the former NIAID director as ‘the pardoned felon Anthony Fauci.’

        He got away with mass murder.

        • Yeah, he did. Usually the Court System doesn’t work, but karma always does. I will wait for her to appear and even the score.

          • Me too. I know he’ll get it good and hard in the afterlife, but it sure would be nice to see him suffer a little while still here on this earth.

    • Surreal, RG – but not unexpected. Biden is indeed a Deuce of epic proportions; the kind one drops after gorging at a Chinese Buffet the day before that’s hard to flush without breaking it into pieces using the plunger. Normally, it is bad form to wish an old person ill. But I hope that old POS end up shitting his bed in a Memory Care facility and dying alone in the cold dark night.

      • Hi Jim and Eric,

        How can a pardon stick when no crime and conviction was made? I would take this all the way to the Supreme Court. This sets a horrible (and dangerous) precedent. If nothing else it gives the public the notation that these scumbags are guilty. We can all assume what for. This will be their legacy.

        • ‘How can a pardon stick when no crime and conviction was made?’ — RG

          It implies that the president, rather than a jury, gets to determine guilt — another dictatorial power grab.


        • How far has Fauci sunk – from standing heroically next to the president to save us all from a dread disease… now getting a presidential pardon for all his demonic deeds.

        • Hi RG and Jim,
          I am wondering about that as well, a pardon only comes after a conviction; there’s been no conviction let alone a trial so that’s some serious gray area of law. Could Biden pardon his criminal son for all future crimes as well as whatever he was already convicted of? I would hope someone in the new Trump administration would charge Fauci, Birx, Daszek, et al and run it up to the Supreme Court, otherwise it sets a terrible precedent.

    • Does this open the door for Trump’s people to engage in potentially criminal activity with impunity for the future?

      Biden’s controllers should beware unintended consequences.

    • Hi RG,

      I can’t say I’m surprised that Joe Biden gave pardons to Tony Fauci & Liz Cheney. After all, he pardoned his own son for crimes that would have gotten literally anyone else thrown in jail. Not only that, he gave medals of freedom to longtime war monger & establishment member Hillary Clinton, and liberal billionaire sociopath George Soros. For a political party that loves to screech how billionaires are bad, they REALLY LOVE it when billionaires give tons of money to them or advance their insane or evil agenda.

      By the way, corporate media loves to say that Tony Fauci is a public health saint & that he became a target of extremist right wing Republicans the past few years, but what they blatantly ignore is that Robert F Kennedy Jr exposed Fauci in that book he wrote about him during COVID. I sense panic among the establishment that RFK Jr, should he become HHS Secretary, will go after Fauci, thus Biden’s pardon of him. However, Fauci appears to have committed criminal activities for the close to 40 years he was at National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), not just during the COVID hysteria. During the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, Fauci did stuff that was eerily similar what he did during COVID, and there were calls for his head at that time, but somehow he escaped accountability & remained at NIAID until his retirement in late 2022.

      • Hi John,

        You make a valid point on the evil that Fauci has carried out through the years. With Biden’s pardon does this mean Fauci cannot be prosecuted for any crime that he has committed (at least on a federal level)? Fauci completely disregarded Obama’s stance to end gain of function, then there is his torturing of beagle puppies, not to mention the horrors implemented onto the American public by him under the Plandemic.

        The question is are all of these off the table now? Is every evil that he has conducted in the past now safe from prosecution?

    • Do any of those people really want to be in the position of rough justice being the only avenue available to the masses to extract retribution if the full extent of their crimes are ever documented?

  24. Speaking the quiet part out loud.

    But, at this point does it matter? Will those so enthralled with Being On The Winning Team see that the New Boss is the same as the Old Boss? The only difference is in what they deem to be their busybody prerogatives.

    But, busybody they will. They will use the cudgel branded GovCo to beat those that oppose them. The idea that GovCo will leave anyone alone is a fantasy.

    It’s probably a false attribution but, George Washington is said to have stated, “Government is not reason nor eloquence. Government is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearsome master.” Whomever said it, it’s true.

    I would add, everyone likes a large ship of state so long as it’s their hand on the tiller.

  25. Great piece as always, Eric, but I do want to point out a very common mistake you made in the language you used. This may seem like a “petty English lesson”, but as you know, the LAW is made of WORDS, and the use of those words is very important. My case in point:

    “There would have been a revolution.” As someone who knows English pretty well, this is a word you never…EVER…want to be associated with.

    The root word of “revolution” is “REVOLT”. As in, TO BE REVOLTING. Raise your hand if you want to be known as “revolting’.

    Of course not. To correct everyone’s misconceptions about the “Revolutionary War”, the Americans WERE NOT THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY.

    The king of England, who happened to be George at the time, had taken it upon himself to trample all over the rights of the colonists which had been long held and accepted, having originated in places like, oh, the Bible, the Magna Carta, etc.

    Capturing free men and taking them as slaves. Stealing their property. Taxing them. Murdering them. In short, the king of England had BECOME REVOLTING. And it was the king’s REVOLTING ACTS which led to…

    The PROPER name, REBELLION. Remember all those “End of the broadcast day” little videos that TV stations would play, and they had subliminal message embedded in them…”Trust the government.” “NO REBELION” was one of the messages.

    By matter of fact, the king of England WAS THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY.

    American colonists were REBELS. And they were also CONSERVATIVES. And here is the origin of the term “conservative”, because the colonists sought to CONSERVE their long-standing rights, which the revolutionary king George had sought to take away.

    Also by matter of fact, “conservatives” back then would most resemble “libertarians” today. Conservatives today don’t even know the origin of the word, so how can they possibly espouse the qualities of their forefathers. But the libertarian movement has its roots in ORIGINAL CONSERVATISM. It’s just that morons have coopted the term and it has lost its meaning.

    So when they start to round up people…the first group of people they will have a lawful right to hang from the gallows will be revolutionaries. It is, by matter of fact, the people WE should be hanging right now. But we don’t want to be known as “revolutionaries”. Revolutionaries go to the gallows.

    Rebels? We should want to be known as “rebels” all day long. Rebelion is what the government ACTUALLY fears. You should even accept “conservative”, so long as you mean ORIGINAL conservative. But revolutionary? Never. Never. Never. And you should never speak that word as an inference to yourself or the cause of freedom.

    • Hi LetMe,

      You raise a sound point; “rebellion” (as against unjust authority) is more apt. I used the word in the context of the article because of the connotation in most people’s minds with what began in 1776 as a . . . revolution. But your point is well-taken!

    • ‘As someone who knows English pretty well, this is a word you never …’ — Letmepicyou

      As a petty English lesson, the clause ‘as someone who knows English pretty well’ is followed by a subject such as ‘I’ or ‘you’ — not ‘this’ or ‘a word’ which does not correspond to ‘someone.’

        • Hi Letme,

          It doesn’t strengthen your arguments in re all this to accuse people of being Jews; you’re better than this – because you’re smarter than that. One of the main things I like about the comments section here is the discussions, while sometimes blunt, are almost always reasonable; i.e., they are based on reason. On facts and logic and so on. I’d like to maintain that tradition!

          It’s ok to accuse someone of being wrong (if you think they are) or even an apologist (if you think they’re not being above board). But what purpose does it serve to accuse people of being Jewish? Especially when they’re not?

          • There’s a very real and substantive answer to that question, Eric. The “broad brush” answer is, I know Jews, and whether or not someone is Jewish plays a HUGE PART in whether or not they can be trusted. There are several, more detailed reasons which I’m happy to expand on a bit to enlighten you as to the nature of the Jew.

            The Kol Nidre – Jewish Doctrine of Deception
            “All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called ‘ḳonam,’ ‘ḳonas,’ or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.” – Sung by World Jewry every year on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

            In regards to lying to non-Jews, Jews are given a provision to break vows or make false vows via a proxy called “Kol Nidre” found in the Talmudic book of Nedarim 23a and further elaborated in 23b and 24a.

            This also extends to legal matters. According to the Talmud, in Baba Kamma 113b, Jews can deceive non-Jews to gain the upper hand in legal matters. The only time there is a prohibition against lying is if there is danger the non-Jew will discover the lie (“sanctification of the name”).
            “Where a suit arises between a Jew and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: ‘This is our law;’ so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens, justify him and say to the other party: ‘This is your law;’ but if this cannot be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him.”… “but were there no infringement of the sanctification of the Name, we could circumvent him!”

            I’d like to leave you with a quote from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu.

            “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

            It’s not enough to know yourself. If you fail to know your enemy, and know their ways of deception, then WE WILL FAIL.

            • I have been an unwitting victim of the Kol Nidre “prayer” in my dealings with the “chosen”.
              Initially, I tried to make excuses for (((their))) behavior, stating that (((they))) are not all like that. (they’re not).
              There are superlative examples of some “chosen” going off-script and are scrupulous in their honesty and integrity.
              Ron Unz (of the Unz review) is but one stellar example. If all of the “chosen” were like him, we would not have a problem, either in the middle east or behavior of the “chosen”.
              In my business, I provide an exemplary, honest, fairly-priced service, my reputation being primarily defined by word-of-mouth. I have had many return customers as well as referrals that have contributed to my success.
              Now for the “fly in the ointment”…
              EVERY “chosen” customer that I have dealt with has attempted to “low ball”, complain about the quality of service, and just refused to pay for services rendered.
              I understand that “haggling” is an honored concept in many middle eastern countries and welcome it. When my potential customers observe and note explanations for the costs of my services, they almost automatically agree to my terms. They can tell that I am not out to “screw them” and readily pay for my services.
              Not so for the “chosen”. EVERY dealing I have had with them has been an aggravating experience. Refusal to pay, always finding fault in my work, attempting to pay less than the agreed amount, and just saying “sue me” for payment are but a few of the nefarious behaviors that the “chosen” are so good at.
              Contrast that behavior with that of my Muslim customers, all of which I have good experiences and relations with. I have had many repeat Muslim customers as well as referrals to other Muslims. They ALWAYS pay their bills on time, and even attempt to “tip” (I graciously remind them that tipping is not necessary) for services rendered.
              I may be limiting my customer base, but dealing with the “chosen” is just not worth it. I have plenty of business without having to go through the ordeal of dealing with (((those))) who subscribe to a bronze-age supremacist belief system.
              Best regards,

              • “Most Jews don’t like to admit this, but Lucifer is our god, and we are his ‘chosen people’.”
                Harrold Wallace Rosenthal – Jew.

                It’s kind of important when people see the term “chosen people” that they know “chosen by WHOM?”

                It’s not OUR God that has “chosen them”.
                OUR God chose THE ISRAELITES.
                Which is actually US.

                • The “key” is to use the jews’ own words against them.
                  Here is a prime example of jewish supremacism annotated:
                  Rabbi Schneerson, the founder of Chabad:
                  “This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
                  “An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
                  “As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
                  “…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
                  “The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
                  “The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
                  Jews have NO comeback from such pronouncements…

          • So, not to put too fine a point on it, it has nothing to do with “strengthening my argument”, but rather everything to do with knowing if the person I’m speaking to can be trusted or not.

          • And besides that…I called him a Hasbara Sayanim. Not a Jew. Perhaps you’d like to expand a bit on what YOU know about Hasbara Sayanim.

  26. Eric’s point is completely lost on Trump’s most ardent supporters as they continue to deny he had anything to do with the vaccine push (even though Trump himself was its biggest advocate). Putting aside the Biden-appointed Becerra, many of Trump’s own picks are mask and vax proponents, and even the allegedly anti-vax RFK Jr. (who is actually FOR vaccines so long as they’ve been “properly tested”) just lost two of his anti-vax advisers, who were kicked out of Trump’s transition team.

    It’s also worth noting that Bill Gates just had a 3-hour sit-down with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I’ll give you three guesses as to what they talked about (the first two don’t count). Indeed, one reason why the ruling elite put Trump back into the White House was to complete the task of immunizing America that he started in 2020:

    • Jason, Eric et al,

      We will know much in the next two months…..IMO, the elections were a distraction and it really doesn’t matter that much who occupies 1600 PA Ave……nobody seems to be seriously addressing the real issue of the debt and America’s Imperial failures. So, we shall see what happens but the people expecting Trump to spark an American Renaissance will most likely be sorely disappointed……that said, had Harris “won” the election, we citizens would be suffering more of the Biden treatment and perhaps a new Reign of Terror…..still could happen as I see comments from people who would love to bring back the French necktie….as always, YMMV and OALA, EHOATAS…

    • RFK Jr. (who is actually FOR vaccines so long as they’ve been “properly tested”)

      RFK was vaccine injured way before the 2020 nightmare…..

      he is very careful….he doesn’t want to be labeled antivax…..because..being called an anti-vaxxer is a political/religious thing, best to be avoided.

      he is hoping for this…..ATTENTION: if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it….

      ATTENTION: if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it…. NOTE: this has never ever happened yet in history for any vaccine ever.

      Vaccines are not backed by science, there is zero science behind them, they are based only by belief, so it is a religion only….fake science…

      the reality is this…but….big pharma is a trillion dollar business….DO NOT screw with their marketing campaigns to boost/pedal their stocks…

      The field of vi is about the same scientific level as the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, global warming, running your ice car on tap water, making gold from lead, pigs flying…100% fake science

      ….but….. it is useful in marketing campaigns helping big pharma businesses to pedal stock……..

      note…..china supplies all/most of the materials used to make drugs and vac cines for all the world so china makes huge profits……

      the ccp and military own a lot of shares in pfizer…ccp = pfizer…

      • I don’t know RFKjr’s true motivations but I think (hope?) he is personally against them. Giving the impression that he just wants them tested like any other drug is the long game.

        First step is makes it seem he is being diligently pro-science. Who can argue against more science after all?

        But it leads to getting most or all of them off the market as he knows a true double blind clinical trial using saline as a control will be impossible to show effectiveness and safety. They are tested now using another “known safe” vaxx as the control so their underlying issues are purposefully masked.

        Other drugs have to be tested a demonstrably safe control, a true placebo. Vaxx are not.

      • Vaccines are just a cult religion….. 90% of the public believes in it….

        Vaccines are not backed by science, there is zero science behind them, they are based only by belief, so it is a religion only….fake science…

        JFK says….. if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it.

        NOTE: this has never ever happened yet in history for any vaccine ever.

        until this happens the people who believe in vaccine religion can inject themselves, for the others wait for scientific approval, not fake science.

        However, in spite of the widespread notion that vaccines are largely safe and serious adverse complications are extremely rare, a close scrutiny of the scientific literature does not support this view

        note: For example, to date the clinical trials that could adequately address vaccine safety issues have not been conducted (i.e., comparing health outcomes in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children).

        The lack of such controlled trials may be because historically, vaccinations have been assumed safe . read again….assumed safe.

        There is also a view that conducting such trials would be extraordinarily difficult or unethical; the first is simply not correct, the second is not a scientific issue per se.

        It is also often assumed that vaccinations face a tougher safety standard than most pharmaceutical products. NOT TRUE…. according to the U.S. FDA,

        “Historically, the non-clinical safety assessment for preventive vaccinations has often not included toxicity studies in animal models. This is because vaccinations have not been viewed….believed…. as inherently toxic” .

        This is a startling admission from an Agency which according to its own mission statement is ”responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs”.

        Essentially, what the FDA workshop revealed is that not only are vaccinations not adequately evaluated for toxicity but also,

        that the reason for such an oversight rested on a belief….. rather than scientific evidence. Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people.

        Furthermore, such assumptions of safety, in the absence of actual experimental data, are not only dangerous but have historically hampered serious scrutiny of potential vaccine harms.

        another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccinations in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”

        “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

        Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people…
        so if you believe, go ahead get injected…for others show scientific proof

        vaccines are not backed by science only by belief, so it is a religion only….fake science…

        • RFKjr also wants to abolish DTC (direct to consumer) drug advertising. Not good.
          Keep in mind that any “black box warnings” about potential side effects of these drugs are required to be a part of the ad along with the side effects to be captioned, a good thing.
          What is wrong with an educated consumer researching drugs on their own (without having a doctor as “gatekeeper”)?
          It would seem that RFKjr is attempting to “recartelize) doctors (and the medical profession) by restricting the flow of information to consumers.

          • The Libertarian in me sez that the manufacturer and retailers of any legal product, Rx included, have First Amendment rights as well. That being said, it’s IF we accept the premise of the FDA Act of 1906 as being Constitutional, and someone please show me where the Constitution gives the Congress the “Authoritai” to pass such legislation, let alone the POTUS to issue “Fatwas” (Executive Orders) on the subject.

            However, I have a strong objection to Big Pharma pushing its various poisons on a gullible American public. The trouble is, never mind that unless you’re an MD yourself, and I’m not one, no one will take you seriously, but also, MDs that have stood up to Big Pharma have found themselves subjected to Lawfare and bureaucratic interference from their respective state licensing boards. Thou shalt not trouble the PTB.

            • Strike at the Root of the Tyranny, e.g., the politics of deadly threat, fraud, along with an exemption from moral judgment.
              This was said by the founders to be an experiment, to be carefully watched, and if need be, ABOLISHED! It failed, but the populace failed also. The let it stand. Let it abuse/exploit.


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