Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 02/03/2024

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Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon. We talked about the latest saaaaaafety problem with EVs that saaaaaaaaaafety advocates don’t seem to care about, among other things!


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  1. Bill Meyer: “I want to make it clear that you’re not an anti-EV guy, and I’m not an anti-EV guy and either.”

    Yo Bill, hold it a second. You’re a super talented guy & terrific radio personality, and we love you a lot & appreciate all that you do. On top of that, you’ve really got your s**t together. BUT — this is going to sound picky and pedantic, some might want to plug their ears — we need to stop sounding apologetic in situations like this because we come off sounding, uh, “politically correct.” Eek! We also sound like a Caspar Milquetoast.

    Now, we fully understand the point you’re trying to make in that you don’t want to appear biased against EVs, which is fine. But it’s a point both you and Eric have made for, admittedly, quite some time. We get it. More importantly, when one states, “I’m not against EVs” or “I’m not anti-vax per se,” one comes off as implying that it’s not OK to be any of those things, and if you do you must wear a tin foil hat and you’re probably some kind of nut-ball. And I’m here to say it’s perfectly OK to be or say you’re anti-vax or anti-EV because you haven’t harmed a hair on anyone’s head. So let’s stop playing the word games that liberals & fascists just love to use against us; quit using their lingo, quit playing by their rules, quit cooperating with them by compromising the things we believe are right. The bottom line here is when we agree to play on their turf & their home-field we automatically give them an edge right out of the gate.

    • Good point, Dave –

      The truth is that, absent the juggernaut of government pushing, there would be slim-to-no EVs on the market, because there is very little-to-no market for them. Anything that abets the normalizing of EVs ought to be avoided. They are an unnatural, artificially created Golem of sorts. And on top of that, they just suck, too.


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