Libertarian Policing


The late great William Grigg used to say there’s no situation so bad that involving cops won’t make it worse.

But why?

Well, let’s begin with this business of being forced to pay for cops – even if you don’t want their “services,” as they’re styled. Most of which entail making you (and others) pay for other things you (and they) may not want, either – such as what are styled  “fines” (i.e., enforceable demands that you pay money) for not wearing a seatbelt or a helmet, if you ride a motorcycle. And so many other things you’d probably rather not be forced to pay for. Much less be forced to pay the salaries of the people who force you to pay for these things.

These people also have power – more precisely, the power of the state – which they can and will wield against you, for all kinds of reasons. For any reason. They have the power, after all. And you do not.

Invite them into your life at your peril.

Which brings up a problem I once dealt with that some people might have tried to deal with by calling the cops – which is what many people have been trained to do. Probably so as to train them to be unable to deal with problems themselves. This benefits the state in the same way that it is a boon to the owner of a dog that the animal is dependent upon its owner.

Anyhow, I had a neighbor – more precisely, the neighbor had a teenaged kid – who would leave the stereo he had in his garage on, loud country music emanating from there, all night long. You’d be surprised how far country music carries – -in the country. At first I assumed it was just a late-nighter and while it was annoying to hear it inside my house – which was across the road and at least 500 yards distant – I tried to ignore it, figuring it was a one-time thing. Maybe he forgot to turn off the stereo.

But it stayed on. For several days straight.

Now, I’d had interaction with these people before – over one of their dogs coming onto my property and killing several of my chickens. I went over there to discuss – to tell them this was not acceptable. That they need to keep their dog off my property. Instead of an acknowledgement and an apology, I got “he’s a nice dog” and “he doesn’t mean any harm.” I explained that I’m sure he he is – and doesn’t – but that he did. And that if it happens again, I’ll deal with it.

Maybe that’s why they began to play the country music at top volume all night long.

I let it go for a couple of night – until I couldn’t let it go any longer. I now know why they barrage the inmates of Gitmo with loud, annoying music for days on end.

But I didn’t call the cops. Instead, I went out to my barn and fired up my very loud diesel tractor and drove it to the edge of my land, its brights pointed directly at the source of the noise. Their house.  I turned up the throttle to produce some noise of my own.

Within five minutes of this, the country music ceased. And so I turned off the lights and shut the tractor off.

Peace – without the police.

I haven’t had any issues with those people since.

Maybe, in part, because I didn’t sic the cops on them. I don’t know, of course. But it seems not unlikely. They may have appreciated a more neighborly approach. No armed strangers with the power of the state radiating from their badges and guns. No reports or fines. Just their neighbor helping them understand that no one likes having their peace affronted.

Let’s just have a discussion – and figure out the answers ourselves.vThat’s how people used to handle things, before they got conditioned to passively await government agents to handle things for them.

It doesn’t always work out, of course. But then, neither does calling the cops.

. . .

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  1. My 1950’s Brooklyn gangster father said of the police: “The cops are for honest people, I feel sorry for them because they really have no one”.

    Fast forward to Biden Amerikuh, the cops are worse than the most brazen 1950’s gangster

    • Hi Thought,

      Yup. The old school mafia, from what I gather, was both more honorable and more useful. Neighborhoods were safer and women and old people and kids were off limits. That’s a better deal than you get with the government and its enforcer class.

      • In the “dinner in prison” scene of Goodfellas, they are complaining about the petty crime in their neighborhood, and how one street criminal got what he deserved when taken care of.

  2. Horror Story (to which you will all cheer and I don’t blame any if you look for a grain of salt, but it is factual!). About a friend, many years ago before the SS was prefixed to NJ. He lived on a suburban corner lot off a heavily trafficed road. Several of the teenagers (17 min. in NJ) were turning the corner by driving across his lawn. He complained to them and their parents several times to no accord. One afternoon he sat on his porch with his .44 Magnum and when a car was midway across his lawn, he put a round through the fender well and made a significant hole in the block. Car stopped immediately. I don’t remember the year, but it was a fairly new (’64, ’65) Buick. Kid took off, told daddy, who called the cops. They arrived and told the car owner to get his car off Bruce’s lawn. It also shows that the attitude of the police in NJ at the time was a bit more inclined to let the punishment fit the crime. (I have to admit that Bruce’s dad was big in NJ politics, not as a politician, but as a known supporter. He met Barry Goldwater at the airport when he came to town, for instance. That might have helped a bit.) You on the site, Bruce?

  3. I have called the cops twice due to demon-spawn kids from the Housing Development From Hell that went in next to me trespassing and vandalizing my property. The cops were not helpful. to put it mildly. The first time, the cop said “Vandalism is common in (my town).” Oh, so that makes it acceptable? The second time, a different cop started asking me a lot of nosy questions, like how many pets I have, what I have in storage sheds.

    I have been subjected to this crap from these rotten kids for decades. The only solutions that have worked, somewhat, are writing letters to their HOA, letters to every address on their street, and installing trail cameras, with warning signs. The cops are worthless.

    My next step, if it gets worse, is hiring a lawyer.

    • Actually they do: children in most countries have legal immunity to commit crimes hence smart gangs will try to recruit children if they can.

  4. Freemasons are a branch of the control group/gang…the slave owners….

    Police and freemasons…..

    The relationship between sworn law enforcement personnel and the Lodge is a subject matter that is very rarely discussed in any circle. As secretive as the Freemasons Lodge is, the world of law enforcement is equally and arguably more secretive in the totality of scope and core nature.

    Understanding the fact that Freemasonry is an ‘oath-based’ secretive society, that relies totally on all of its initiates to conceal all of the many secrets afforded to them, why would any sworn, law enforcement official be allowed to become a member of a Masonic Lodge?

    Each and every law enforcement official is already duly sworn to protect and serve their respective communities, counties, villages, Parishes, cities, Boroughs, or states. Being a member of law enforcement and a member of the Masonic Lodge is, certainly, a monolithic conflict of interest; when it comes to the daily duties of a law enforcement official.

  5. I’ve had a few wild confrontations with neighbors and their guests this past year where I handled things myself. One was shooting off professional grade fireworks in the street on July 4th and the burning embers were landing in my roof and decks. The other, on New Year’s Eve decided to have a bonfire with treated wood and I awoke to a house full of smoke that almost poisoned me and my family to death. In both instances, I loudly explained to the people the error of their ways while using copious f-bombs. The July 4 guy actually apologized. The New Year’s Eve guy complained “there were children” around listening to my expletives and jaw jawed back but put out the bonfire.

    There was one instance, though, where I did call a non-emergency police number about a house with contractors working inside that had a fire or security type alarm screaming for 4 hours. These guys were coming and going like nothing was going on but I couldn’t get anyone’s attention from out front of the house and I wasn’t sure about who these people were. I didn’t know if they were drugged up, robbing the place or whatever, because it was amazing anyone could work in such noise. This house was 4 or 5 down from me and the alarm was loud. The cop came by in about 5 minutes, knocked on the door and told them to shut the alarm off (I was listening from my porch) even if they had to pull the fuse in the electric panel. The alarm went off and that was that. I thanked him afterward. Just another day in the hood.

      • That’s a crazy phenomenon but the alarm I mentioned was a full on whole house alarm, definitely not a chirp. My in-laws’ house had intermittent problems with wired smoke detectors that chirped… even when the circuit breaker was thrown off. They chased it with electricians who then replaced them all with battery operated detectors… that immediately chirped intermittently when they supposedly had 10 year lithium batteries. They keep chasing it down, though, and it’s been a while since the last time we heard it. Smoke detector and fire extinguisher laws for certain dwellings are one of the hose hero rackets, don’t get me started…

      • If you scroll down a bit on the link, you’ll find an embedded YouTube clip from the old “Loveline” radio show with Adam Corolla and Dr. Drew. Some girl from Oakland calls in with TWO smoke alarms beeping loudly in the background. The hosts become obsessed over the noises for the next ten minutes – hilarious!

  6. 20 some years ago there was a skunk making life miserable in the middle of the night, 3:00 am, you awake from the foul malodorous smell of a skunk not far away.

    Right next to the house and in the yard, tough to see a skunk when it is dark outside, yet the skunk is less than 20 feet from you, the thing is stinking to high heaven.

    I did call the animal warden because the skunk was hanging out too close to home. The animal warden was not interested in some skunk, didn’t matter. I then proposed to use a .22 and shoot the skunk, which I suspect was living in a shed not far away.

    “I’ll be there in five minutes,” said the animal warden. Of course, I knew there would be an immediate response, how it works. The animal warden said that skunks do not eat meat, which is not true, skunks are omnivores, they look for food to stay alive.

    I had no intention of shooting the skunk, just didn’t want the skunk as a neighbor, got to drive them out one way or another. It happened one night 30 years ago.

    You see a skunk 100 meters from you but they then disappear. You discover a skunk hole here and there out in the shelter belt. They’re tough critter.

    Skunks have rabies more than 90 percent of the time, 119 skunks were tested for rabies by the health division in my state, 117 tested positive.

    I had a dog, an English setter, that could sniff out a skunk.

    Flipping the thing up into the air, the dog was crazy about skunks or something.

    Could stay on point at a pheasant and not move an inch.

    Skunks do not make good neighbors.

    In Europe, neighborhoods banged pots and pans all night long.

    Disturbing the peace has to be done for a reason.

    After your tongue is gone, banging pots and pans is the only option.

    In essence, some Jew says you can’t criticize Jews because it is wrong to be an anti-Semite, so just shut the hell up. Might as well cut your tongue out, same thing.

    Shut the hell up, you stupid loud-mouthed Jews, everyone of ya.

    Super Bowl Sunday is soon to happen, so the pot and pan banging will stop for an evening of sports entertainment.

    Sports trump politics. Don’t have to be disgruntled and unhappy all of the time. Dot gov doesn’t mind, still rakes in the dough. Three cheers and no jeers on Super Bowl Sunday.

    Take Monday off and complain you have to work as a slave the rest of the year. The Jews tell you to keep your mouth shut. What fun is that?

    Can’t be that much fun in Israel these days. Gettin’ picked off is not going to be any fun at all.

    Getting ‘policed’ by Hamas can happen now or later, expect it at any time. The silence is deafening by then.

    Trump is a sideshow at the carnival. A joker and a clown, gets all of the credit there.

    Must be time to get your war on, but hey, gotta get there sometime, can happen anytime.

    Nothing like free speech, if you can’t speak, no tongue, pots and pans can make a difference.

    In conclusion, a skunk was living under an out building in the yard. You knew the skunk was there, worked at night, not even there. All I did was pee at his doorway under the out building. The skunk was gone and never saw the stinking thing again.

    Policing an unwanted neighbor, piss on ’em.

  7. I had forgotten how much I miss William Norman Grigg. His pro liberate blog used to be a daily stop much like Eric Peters Autos and Lew Rockwell are.

    With respect to the loud music, I coined the phrase “age of the electronic asshole” to show my contempt. It’s the same contempt for the redneck trucks with loud mufflers as the blacks with thumping bass “music”. Reminder, the late great Jerry Garcia said rap isn’t music. I whole heartedly agree. And the contempt is extended to cell phones on speaker and pretty much every other gadget out there.

    Yeah I’ve turned into a curmudgeon.

  8. In my county, the sheriff is a good man and his deputies are excellent community servants. They aren’t roided-up bullies and they issue more warnings than tickets. They change tires and actually help the populace.

    But they have a county of nearly 600 square miles to patrol. Help, if you really need it, is 30 to 40 minutes away, the best case scenario for an emergency call.

    So what does that mean? We are likely the most heavily armed and prepared population in Florida. People here take care of each other. After Hurricane Michael, there was no looting here. We all were heavily armed and shared food and other supplies freely with each other.
    We noticed some outside folks who seemed suspicious driving around our area and they skedaddled after they saw a bunch of camo-clad “rednecks” with ARs and pistols following them to ensure they didn’t take advantage of the situation.

    Another time, there was a rabid coyote and my neighbors and I hunted him down and killed him with a couple of rounds of 30.06 from my M1 Garand, the greatest war-making implement devised by man. The sheriff and animal control arrived and handled the paperwork and clean up.

    Our sheriff told us “Y’all did the right thing. We wouldn’t have been able to get here to in time to deal with this situation.”

    • The M1 Garand was indeed so great that Mr AK 47 himself, Mikael Kalashnikov (according to his biography) basically copied it, turned it upside down and sideways, shrunk it, and bingo bango. The AK 47.

  9. nice way to deal with it Eric. I would have given them an invoice for the chickens. paper trail. Trivial I know.
    Had a neighbor ruin my driveway with an illegal logging operation (we call them gypsy loggers). They’re called gypsy loggers for a reason, rarely do it right or worse. Luckily a friend was keeping an eye on it for me (I was not there), and said ‘Chris, about 200ft of your driveway is going down the mountain with this rain if you don’t fix it right now” I couldn’t wait to deal with this ignorant neighbor so called in a excavator friend and fixed it. And it’s really nice now. Cost me lots. IF the driveway sloughed off, major, major $, and wouldn’t have been able to get to my house.
    My lesson was I should have leaned his property for the damages. My mistake.

  10. Hi, Eric,
    I found your tractor story amusing. I also have “dealt with the situation” without involving the cops on various occasions. But, there is a certain amount of judgment involved, at least IMO. Back in the late 1970s, when I was living in an upstairs apartment in Tustin, CA, I once dealt with obnoxious, noisy downstairs neighbors by firing up a 5 HP gasoline powered air compressor on my living room floor. As with your sitch, 5-10 minutes of “sound war” was sufficient to permanently deal with the problem.

    But, the way I figure it, you have already paid for da poleece, whether you want to or not, so might as well request they earn their keep by assisting you, if circumstances favor that approach, such as if you are outnumbered, or you suspect your antagonist might be dangerous and unpredictable. Whether you shoot a suspected rabid dog yourself, or call Animal Control, will depend on where you live.

    AFAIK, from a legal point of view, (IANAL, but I did once take a class in Real Estate Law)
    A) You DO have the right to quiet enjoyment of your property
    B) “Your property” theoretically extends from the center of the earth to outer space, and includes all the airspace delimited by your property lines.
    C) Physically invading someone else’s property constitutes trespassing, whereas some other activities are considered nuisances, which you have the right to abate. For example, you have the right to remove branches of your neighbor’s trees or shrubbery, if they overhang your property, but you do not have the right to kill his tree so the branches never grow back. My sister, who lives in a gated community with a HOA, has had to deal with the latter situation with a (thankfully now former) neighbor she called the “mad chopper.” HOA was of no use, and in her case the “solution,” such as it was, was for the screwball neighbor to move away. She couldn’t *prove* he did the chopping (and poisoning) because she never caught him in flagrante delicto, much as she would have liked to do so.

    Various remedies exist to abate a nuisance, but the most effective and therefore appropriate might not be the same in all circumstances, or IOW, one size does *not* fit all.
    1) You can try reasoning with people. But some people are intransigent, or just stupid.
    Some people are also dangerous. Discretion is the better part of valor, as the saying goes.
    2) You can “secure the services of an assistant,” as the old British car manuals used to say.
    2a) Call your buddies (Rocco & Guido?) and have them “deal with it.”
    Just remember: you fight one bean, you fight the whole burrito.
    2b) Call government “officlals,” such as Code Enforcement or da Poleece, and have them deal with it. Hey, you paid your taxes, might as well get something for your money. The police are armed, and in practical terms, due to “cop worship,” can likely shoot and kill anyone they feel like without consequence, which you cannot.
    3) Check your bank balance, and if sufficient, call your attorney(s). If your neighbor has poisoned the soil underlying your property with an underground plume resulting from the toxic waste he dumped on *his* property for many years, that may be your only remedy. Just be prepared to shell out big bucks in order to prevail. No doubt Babel and Druell, Nast, deBrutis and Short, Dewey Cheatham and Howe, Slippin’ Jimmy Magill, et al, will be happy to take your case, and your money, if you do have the scratch for the itch. Don’t forget to budget for expert witnesses, such as soils testing and an engineering model of the plume dispersion.

    A question for you, Eric.
    How would you have solved your noisy neighbor problem if you did *not* own the tractor, or something like it? I realize you live in the country, so calling the sheriff probably makes zero sense in your (rural) situation. So, what to do? Sell your property and let the obnoxious neighbors win? Escalate the sound war by spending $$$ on a very noisy machine of some type? Buy a sniper rifle, and spend a lot of time at the range, until you feel confident you can take out target (one shot, one kill) without getting caught? Welcome to Afghanistan.

    • I have the exact same question, and not just for Eric, but for all libertarians. This ideology works just fine if the world is populated only by angels 😉 i.e. if all people are smart, reasonable and relatively equal from a power/resource standpoint. We all know that is not the case.

      In this particular case, escalation didn’t happen, but what if it did? After the tractor, the neighbor could’ve brought a bigger speaker, or something even nastier, like some foul smell. So where would it stop? Neighbor feuds can degenerate into violence, and they do often enough in some locales.

      In the past, there were external constraints provided by religion, societal mores, or simply the fear of getting punched in the face. Now most of this is gone, so we outsourced these constraints to the government – and we know how well this worked out.

      • It’s a Libertarian/Hollywood myth where the lone wolf takes out all the bad guys and lives happily ever after. A harsh military secret is that at end of the day it’s a number game. Hence throughout most of history when there was no police force people understood the importance of tribal/gang/clan loyalty. If anyone attacks you then they now have an angry gang bearing down on them. If, on the other hand, they only have to fear what force you can alone summon then they’re going to feel safe harassing and bullying you.

  11. 1. Abolish “qualified immunity” for ALL public officials, not just cops.
    Require public officials to obtain a “bond” from an insurance company or bonding agency. the basic cost of the “bond” would be borne by the municipality. Any surcharges would be the responsibility of the individual bondholder. Failure to procure a “bond” would result in unemployment–no bond-no job.
    2. Abolish “asset forfeiture” which is legalized “highway robbery under color of authority”. Allowing police to steal one’s assets is not only wrong but criminal in itself. Perverse “incentives” are used to encourage cops to rob people.
    3. Abolish israeli-style “command and control” police training”. Most Americans are unaware that their police departments sent “trainers” to israel to “see how its done”. “We are all Palestinians, now”.
    4. Replace “command and control” demand policing with the former respect that police (used to) have for the citizenry. Thoroughly scrutinize returning military veterans who wish to become police officers and require “deprogramming” of their military combat tactics. It is important to remove the “us v. them” attitudes that are prevalent in today’s American police departments.
    5. Completely remove the military “command structure” and military-style uniforms which are large parts of today’s police departments. Police are civilians and as such should act as such and be continually reminded of that.
    6. Eliminate SWAT teams entirely. They are nothing but dangerously armed, steroid-addled thugs that enjoy breaking things and killing people with impunity and getting away with it. In addition, reading comprehension must be a part of the program as there are many instances of SWAT types “hitting the wrong house” due to their limited reading comprehension.
    7. Require visibility of cops–no “subdued graphics” vehicle paint schemes or unmarked vehicles when dealing with the public. Europe has the right idea. European cops dealing with the public are REQUIRED to be highly visible and recognizable along with their vehicles.

    • @ anarchyst,
      Big thumbs up to your entire post.
      >2. Abolish “asset forfeiture” which is legalized “highway robbery”
      Hear, hear.
      >It is important to remove the “us v. them” attitudes that are prevalent in today’s American police departments.
      Hear, hear.
      >5. Completely remove the military “command structure” and military-style uniforms which are large parts of today’s police departments. Police are civilians and as such should act as such and be continually reminded of that.
      Hear, hear.
      I am sick unto death of pseudo-military posturing by *CIVILIAN* law enforcement.
      Wearing four stars on your shirt collar does not make you Eisenhower, Sheriff. Nor should it.
      You work for us. We, the general public, are *not* “the enemy.” We are your boss.

      • As long as theres indiscriminate printing of fiat $, no we are NOT paying the sociopath monster and although its a stupid DOG it knows what feeds it and will act in psychopathies behalf.

        Get straight on this.

    • Asset forfeiture is legal theft. Like Frank Costello in the Departed said, “When you decide to be something, you can be it. That’s what they don’t tell you in the church. When I was your age they would say we can become cops, or criminals. Today, what I’m saying to you is this: when you’re facing a loaded gun, what’s the difference?”

  12. ‘The late great William Grigg’ — eric

    William Grigg’s son has archived hundreds of his Pro Libertate blog posts going back to 2006, at One of Grigg’s jewels from 2007, which has not aged a day:

    Captain Blackadder’s Lament: Imperialism Isn’t Fun When The Enemy Can Shoot Back

    “I did like it [soldiering] in the old days, back when the prerequisite of a British campaign was that the enemy should under no circumstances carry guns. Even spears made us think twice … The kind of people we liked to fight were two feet tall and armed with dried grass … No, when I joined up, I never imagined anything as awful as this war. I had 15 years of military experience, perfecting the art of ordering a pink gin and [mastering the intricacies of propositioning local women in their native tongue], and then, suddenly, a half million Germans hove into view …”

    — Captain Edmund Blackadder MC, mired in a dugout on the Belgian Front during WWI

    ‘I find myself wondering what unforeseen horrors will be wrought decades hence – in the Persian Gulf, in Africa, and elsewhere – growing out of Washington’s contemporary imperial undertakings. As the ranks of our enemies swell, the compass of our commitments expands, and our economy disintegrates, one thing seems certain: Thanks to the arrogance and corrupt ambitions of our rulers, American soldiers – both currently deployed and yet to be born – will have abundant opportunities to sing their own versions of Captain Blackadder’s lament.’ — William Grigg

    Just so. I have nothing to add but ‘Fuckin-A.

  13. Years back, I was a victim of a road rage incident in Staten Island. Guy got out of his vehicle, kicked in the driver door and pounded the roof – denting both. Then he gets back in his car and drives off.
    I called 911 and NYPD shows (2 cops in a Fusion) up 30 minutes later and I give them a description of the assailant, the vehicle description and license plate.
    They tell me something to the effect of “well, he’s gone and that’s that.”
    They apparently had no interest in taking the time to look up the tag and track the perp down.
    Thankfully it was a rental car and the cops only use was a report # to turn into Hertz and corporate.
    Cops are at least useful for keeping FL real estate prices high when they retire to there at age 50 with their Cadillac pension.

    • Hi Flip!

      Yup. Where I live, when seconds count, a cop is (at best) about 15-30 minutes away. By the time the swine arrives, it’d be all over. So why bother? I would rather depend on a Sig .45 than a cop. The Sig is under my control; the cop isn’t.

      It also the same on the streets. A thug attacks – and you either fight back or you don’t. A cope will eventually arrive to write a report.

      • It can be tricky deciding when to involve the cops and when to not involve them. The closest I ever came to having to display a weapon was when a drunk threatened to kill me a few years ago. He had a gun nearby but not in his hands. I was CCW. I pulled my cell phone out instead and called the cops. He fled.

        There were no witnesses. If I had drawn he could have told the cops I threatened him. One word against another, they would have arrested both of us.

        The cops were very professional and so was I, and my story checked. The other dude was “known” to them and he was arrested. He was also too stupid to lie — he admitted it to them. Duh.

        I am 100% in favor of CCW but I am glad I did not draw that day. The problem is that other people can lie and concoct a story, or, worse, in the cases of Rittenhouse and Zimmerman be 100% justified and have evidence and witnesses to prove it and still get charged by asshole DAs anyway.

        Best to avoid confrontation and GTFO if at all possible.

    • I had a drug addict in-law break in to my house, leave a handwritten threat to do bodily harm, all captured on security camera footage – the heroic NYPD told me it was not serious enough for them to do anything, But they did report it to the local newspaper that posted it on its Police Blotter. Starting under Bloombag, the cops went out of their way to dissuade reporting crimes because the Compstat reports that the commanders used to show the good jobs they were doing would reflect negatively – the mayors that followed since and the Soros DA and judges only prosecute White people for defending themselves. Old school solutions to the new Amerikuh are in order – dumpster justice is a good thing.

      I still keep a WWII bayonet that my grandfather’s brother relieved a German of handy knowing that there is nothing to the police will do. I keep a sawzall with a new blade and a lot of black plastic garbage bags handy too ever since.

  14. We live in a police state:

    “In 1980, there were roughly 3,000 SWAT team-style raids in the US.

    Incredibly, that number has since grown to more than 80,000 SWAT team raids per year, often for routine law enforcement tasks.

    Police in both Baltimore and Dallas have used SWAT teams to bust up poker games.

    A Connecticut SWAT team swarmed a bar suspected of serving alcohol to underage individuals.

    In Arizona, a SWAT team was used to break up an alleged cockfighting ring.

    An Atlanta SWAT team raided a music studio, allegedly out of a concern that it might have been involved in illegal music piracy.

    And then there are the SWAT team raids arising from red flag gun laws, which gives police the authority to preemptively raid homes of people “suspected” of being threats who might be in possession of a gun, legal or otherwise.”

    • Ridiculous isn’t it Hans?
      “Swatting”, where someone makes a false 911 call and the cops respond with a full swat team has become a sport, it seems. Someone recently swatted Nikki Haley’s house, scared the crap out of her parents who were there at the time. If the cops had any brains (oxymoron of course) they’d send a regular cop car first to check out the situation before cal in the cavalry. I know that’s asking too much but maybe if it happens often enough to the politicians they will put a leash on their attack dogs.

    • This happened to me, and it was one of the agencies listed in that report. I won’t say which one, but they are among the worst in the nation.

      As you can imagine, it left an unforgettable imprint in my memory of being terrorized in the middle of the night by men with machineguns. Never in my wildest imagination did I think this was a thing that could happen in the USA. It is also why I’m nearing the completion of the process of -leaving- the USA.

      I do not want to live in a place where you are not secure inside your home and heavily armed soldiers in body armor with full auto M4s come crashing in like its Fallujah, Iraq.

      It is NOT like this everywhere in the world. Hell, it isn’t like this MOST places. The founders of this country would be rolling in their graves if they knew we were back to soliders breaking into houses to terrorize citizens in the middle of the night. How far we’ve fallen.

      I also routinely read stories about people calling the cops for help and end up being jailed themselves or even worse, killed, by those they call for assistance. What is that even? And there is ZERO accountability. It use to be a noble profession at one time, no longer. It is the perfect job for sociopaths as it stands right now.

      • ‘It is NOT like this everywhere in the world. Hell, it isn’t like this MOST places.’ — Useranon99

        Yep. Normal countries do not have militarized police, or hundreds of military bases outside their own borders.

        *claps hand to forehead*

        OOPS! We forgot to demobilize from WW II!

        • I thought China was kind of like that, though.

          Australia and New Zealand during COVID was like that.

          COVID allowed their latent governments to bare their fangs.

      • @ Useranon99,
        > it left an unforgettable imprint in my memory of being terrorized in the middle of the night by men with machineguns.
        I’ll bet. I feel for your situation, and can relate to it somewhat. In my case, it was not the police, but burglars, who invaded @ 3 AM. I can only describe it as a feeling of violation. Violation of your domicile is one step removed from violating your body.

        I would say you are very lucky to be alive. BOL with your expatriation.

        Rule 1: Secure the perimeter.

      • Wow, that sucks. Of course the natural reaction to someone kicking in your door in the middle of the night is to grab you bedside piece and start shooting, which you are legally justified in doing during a home invasion.

        The problem is that if the government cops are the ones doing the home invasion they will kill you, and if they don’t you will spend the rest of your life in prison.

        Well, this is what happens when you live in a militarized police state, not a free country, and they regard you as an imperial subject no different than the goatfuckers in the sandbox.

  15. And there’s the other problem of people who don’t know you and will never know you deciding they know how you should live your life, and so get laws passed that are not only draconian but outright vindictive.

    MADD comes to mind.

    The absolutely insane (and mandatory) penalties for blowing a hot test -or even refusing to take the test on demand- are themselves criminal. High risk insurance, “Interlock” devices, loss of license. All for not waiting an extra half-hour or so for your body to metabolize your beer. Clean record? Doesn’t matter. Need to drive a company vehicle for work? Nope. Shouldn’t have gone out to begin with. And companies that require driving won’t hire you with that on your record.

    A former coworker got a DUI, ended up losing his job. Really screwed up his life for a few years. Luckily he got work with another former coworker who started his own company, but it would have been much worse, especially if he got behind on child support.

    Over the next 20 years we’re going to see more and more septuagenarians and octogenarians on the roads. I clearly see the decline of my parent’s driving ability, and a few older friends aren’t exactly as spry or cognizant as they used to be, even just a few years ago. Decline comes on slowly, then all at once it seems. Will the MADD mothers be back forcing old timers off the road when they start running over their children? Will the courts require ol’ dad to surrender his license? Or will there be some sort of test grandma can take (Wordle?) before the car will start?

    • Indeed, RK –

      This has long aggravated me. Prepare for incandescently (politically) incorrect comment:

      My ex mother-in-law (she’s dead now, so no harm to discuss publicly) was a very nice woman but a terrible driver. She was constantly getting into “accidents.” She never drank. I have not had an “accident” in 30-something years. I know I am a much more competent driver than my ex mother-in-law even after I’ve had a few drinks, for the same reason that even if you took 50 pounds off my bench press max (because I’m hung over, say) I could still bench more than most guys. In other words, if you start out at a higher level – whatever you’re talking about – you have more cushion/reserve than someone who starts out at lower level.

      On his most stupid day, Steven Hawking could run circles around me on my smartest.

      It’s tiresome – and unjust – to harness everyone to the same (low) standard.

      • My father turned in his license last year. I know it bothered him terribly but I also think he realized he was forgetting where he was going, and likely had a number of close calls we don’t know about.

        How many people would be so sensible though? Dad’s 86, was born into the Great Depression and a war unlike any previous. He wasn’t a narcissistic “me generation” baby boomer, quick to demand the world bend to their desires instead of the other way around.

        Which is why all that money is being thrown at self-driving cars (and illegal boarder crossings -a hedge in case Waymo doesn’t work out). The old hippies don’t want to lose mobility but don’t want to have to admit they’re not driving well either. So their answer is the same as it has been since 1976 – throw a bunch of silicon at the problem. Thing is, computers don’t like random events, and the Earth is full of ’em.

        • Hi RK,

          Same w/my dad. He had glaucoma and related eye issues and realized he couldn’t see well enough to drive anymore – and he stopped. I admire that. I hope that when time comes, I’ll follow the same example.

    • @ ReadyKilowatt ,
      My CDL will come up for renewal in Sept. 2025, at which time I shall be 76 y.o., assuming I live that long. Without some very expensive eye surgery, I have no hope of passing CA DMV eye test, and even with surgery, results are not guaranteed. I have an excellent driving record, but failing the eye test would mean losing the “driving privilege.”

      Fully self-driving autos are unlikely to exist by then, and I suspect I might not be able to afford one even if they did. I live in a medium sized suburban city, where driving an automobile is pretty much essential to normal life.

      So, absent successful eye surgery, I am faced with two choices, as I see it.
      Option 1: What amounts to “house arrest with neighborhood walking privileges,” a.k.a. “Pelican Bay with nicer furniture.”
      Option 2: Self termination, at a time and place of my own choosing.

      Not looking forward to either one.

      • I know. It’s a tough call. I don’t envy your position. But consider that you’re aware of the situation and are prepared to make a choice. I foresee too many people who will be unwilling to even consider taking a refresher course, because they “know” they are great drivers… until they aren’t. And it doesn’t help that AARP continues to crow about how great older drivers are (again, until they aren’t), while ignoring the fact that retirees are usually fair-weather drivers.

  16. I can’t recall a time in my life that the police have “helped” me.

    Annoyed or harassed me, sure; helped, no.

    They did call a tow truck once, but any citizen could have done that.

    I suppose if I were the victim of a property crime, I might need a police report to submit to my insurance company, but that’s a formality, not help. I have a co-worker that was robbed. The police told him they would never solve it, nor did they try.

    If I were in real trouble, the police would not arrive in time, and I would take care of it myself. If I needed justice, I would file a suit myself.

    Sure, they can hunt down murderers – sometimes – but so could a private investigator.
    They can arrest shoplifters, so could private security.

    And none of the above can kill you with immunity.

    Around here, the cops mostly hand out tickets for traffic violations and respond to nuisance complaints. Is that worth all the tax money they consume?


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