Reader Question: The VW L1?

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Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Rudi asks: According to Wikipedia the VW L1 was built in 2013-2014 with a total limited at 250 units and it was sold only in Europe. There are apparently people in the U.S. that believe that the oil industry does not want the importation of these cars. The link to the emissions scandal is not impossible but appears to be undocumented so far.

My reply: In any murder investigation, the question arises – who benefits? While very high-mileage diesel cars might be argued threaten the oil industry’s profits, a much stronger argument can be made that they threatened the existence of electric cars, which are being blatantly shoved down our throats. The mandates and subsidies are overt, incontrovertible facts. I see no facts to support the contention that the oil industry put the kibosh on VW’s diesel program.

But imagine how difficult it would be to get people to buy $30,000-plus electric cars if they had the option to buy $20,000 diesel-powered cars . . . which could easily travel 500 or more miles on a full tank (vs 150-200 for the EV, maybe) and refueled in less than five minutes (vs. at least 30-45).

The question answer itself.

So, the diesels had to go. Specifically, VW’s diesels – which were the only mass-market/low-cost diesels on the market.

. . .

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  1. That L1 would have blown completely and finally the cover off the green ideology, which is the imposition of a one world government modeled on islam. Can’t allow that to happen. The greens are the brown soldiers of the nazi movement.

  2. Eric – ” (vs 150-200 for the EV, maybe) and refueled in less than five minutes (vs. at least 30-45).”

    To 80% charge, then another long slow charge if you want ‘full’ charge/range.

  3. It’s a CRIME we can’t buy this car here! I’m a single, unmarried guy who almost always travels alone. Why do I need a car with room for 4 or more? The fuel economy would’ve been great too.

    • Hi Mark,


      I’d also like to be able to buy a regular cab compact-sized truck with a diesel engine… but no one sells them anymore, either.


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