Another Kid-Diddling AGW

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A Missouri armed government worker named Brandon Michael Hopper has been caught – and actually charged with – the creation and dissemination of kiddie porn.

This AGW really wanted to be around kids. He requested – and was given – the job of “School Resource Officer” (another euphemism for armed government worker) at Poplar Bluff Middle School, where he had direct access to his underage victims.

The sick – and armed – predator had a female accomplice, a woman named Amber Longhibler, who took naked pictures of an 11-year-old girl at Hopper’s request. Investigators discovered the following exchange on the cretins’ cell phones:

Hopper: “Send me some [child’s name] pics to trade, obviously no face pics.”

Longhilber: “I’ll send you what I have.”

According to investigators, when questioned, Hopper admitted to having the images on his phone. When the Missouri State Highway Patrol Division of Drug and Crime Control’s Digital Forensics Investigative and Criminal Investigative Unit examined the AGW’s phone, they found other disturbing images and videos as well, including a video of an adult male and a four-year-old girl as well as a video of an adult male and a 10-year-old girl.

Poplar Bluff R-1 Superintendent Scott Dill said that he “… remains committed to the safety of every student entrusted to our care.”

If that were so, he would not countenance placing armed government workers in schools. There is no legitimate reason for this. The actual reason for this is to begin Submission Training early.

Whether the predation is sexual is almost incidental. AGWs violate kids in body and soul. It’s hard to say which is worse.

. . .

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  1. With all the tranny twerking and suggestively dancing in front of small children with their ‘parents’ watching and smiling approvingly, people like this depraved cop and his accomplice will soon be celebrated as pillars of the community!
    Sacrificing your children to these government workers may soon be favorable on a job applications,,, especially with corpgov. Yes the ‘woke’ community is very close at hand.

    • Hi Ken,

      Yup. If Bruce can claim he is Caitlyn and literally female and demand to be referred to and treated as such then why can’t a 5o-year-old man assert he is a 14-year-old girl and assert the right to date 14-year-old boys? Perhaps someone will explain why not?

    • From the article:
      “Gavin’s father says he plans to arrange some opportunities for his son and his friend to take part in events with local police officers and sheriff’s deputies in an effort to rebuild the boys’ trust in law enforcement.

      This is how well most Americans are indoctrinated…

  2. In a sane world, this guy and his accomplice would be summarily executed, after being put on trial immediately and being convicted the same day. Since we don’t live in a sane world, and instead live in one where trans strippers do shows for children under the auspices of government agencies, he would not suffer such consequence even if he wasn’t a member of Tyranny Inc.

  3. sick, sick, sick. Throw him in general pop with some hardened, cop hating criminals and let them have their way with him.


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