
Ululating for “Safety”

The latest? Uncle wants to require that hybrid and electric cars be fitted with devices that make them noisy, so that the blind will be aware of their presence. See here. Apparently, there is...

Latest Radio: Eminent Domain/Property Rights w/Bryan Hyde

Here's the audio of my talk last Friday about eminent domain with Bryan Hyde of Loving Liberty radio in Utah! . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click...

Hero “Officer of the Year” Convicted for Child Porn

Farmington Hills, Michigan Hero cop Mathew Parsons has been sentenced to prison following a conviction for child porn. He did much worse than merely receive/view it, too. This onetime "hero" set up...

Audi Diesel Buyback Update

PARIS/FRANKFURT -- Volkswagen AG has reached an agreement with U.S. environmental ayatollahs to "fix" or buy back around 80,000 Audi, VW and Porsche vehicles powered by "cheating" 3.0-liter diesel engines. Under an accord...

Reader Question: Opposed Piston Diesels?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jimmie asks: Hey Eric, what do you think of opposed diesel engines now under development by Achates power and to be tested later...

Reader Question: When to Get a New Helmet?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Marks asks: I have an old HJC helmet that’s super comfortable! It’s lightweight, easy to put on, and feels like an old, well...

Reader Qs (July 28, 2017)

Here are the latest Reader Qs - long with my answers! Mark asks:  What is your take when our "Heroes" use the "driving is not a right but a privilege" BS - and...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 02/06/2024

Here's the audio of my weekly talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show! We talked about the ongoing one-size-fits-all'ing of new cars and why so many...

Reader Question: Smart Meters?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks: What do you think of smart meters? Why? Do you have one? If so, how did you get one? Was your...

He’s Trying to Help!

Watch the fat bastard from "airport operations" bout five minutes in:
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