
2018 Mini Cooper Countryman

Many reviewers snicker that the Mini Countryman isn't very  . . . mini. And they're right - and wrong - at the same time. Compared with the original Mini Cooper hatchback, the...

Latest Reader Question (Oct. 23, 2017)

Here's the latest reader Question, along with my reply: Mark asks: Do you know any of the details on the new Ford 10 speed auto? Does it have, say a number of deep...

A Clover Speaks

The following is reprinted in whole from today's Automotive News, which is infested with automotive journalists who've guzzled whole cauldrons of Naderite/Claybrookian Kool Aid and are now indistinguishable in their outlook...

Latest Reader Question (Oct. 22, 2017)

Here is the latest reader Q - along with my reply! Budd asks: After not owning a car for more than 20 years (live in NYC - of all places), we finally leased...

Check Out “Batman’s” Utility Belt

Here's a video which shows - yet again - why calling "heroes" is always a bad idea, guaranteed to make any bad situation worse. A woman calls 911 to report an...

Great Pumpkin Test Drive

In the Halloween Spirit, here's a look at The Great Pumpkin, plus a test drive! It is very patriarchical as well as heterosexual and profoundly unsafe. No air bags. Not even...

Video Rant: 2018 Mini Countryman

Here's a quick look at the not-so-mini 2018 Mini Countryman. It's the mini that grew up, but unlike certain Hollywood child actors, it's still cute: . . . Got a question about cars...

Macho Man Reviews

In the interests of Diversity and Inclusiveness - and to cause the light of GM to shine upon me - EPautos will be featuring Macho Man Reviews, written from the perspective of the alternate...

“hero” Goes Berserk, PTSD While Armed

Remember, this "hero" is legally empowered to carry a gun and point it at people: At about 6:22, the "hero" becomes completely unhinged.

Watch this “hero” Abuse a Woman Half His Size

Here's the latest, a video - taken by the "hero's" own body cam - of a "hero" abusing a woman, whose supposed crimes were loitering and littering. The "hero" - clearly...
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