
30-Something Years of “Progress” . . .

I find myself in an interesting position - personally as well as professionally. I have loved cars long before I was old enough to drive one - and I have been...

The Insurance Geldscheisser

Insurance is a con. Worse than Social Security, even - because you pay in and (normally) never get anything back. Consider: You pay say $800 a year to insure your car. Over...

My Kingdom for a Horse!

The hunchback Plantagenet Richard III's last words were reportedly, "my kingdom for a horse"! - which he didn't get. He was slain by Henry Tudor (father of Henry VIII) on Bosworth...

Is it really a good idea to always keep the gas tank full?

On a lot of websites many People say it's a good idea to fill up the gas tank when it gets to be half full. A lot of them do so...

Reader Question:

Here's the latest reader question along with my reply! Tom asks: Could the remedy to new cars be kit cars? Old style cars with the good modern advances,  without the drawbacks of...


I like Subarus. They're tough as leather (though not swift as Greyhounds) and are the only cars - other than Porsches - that still come with boxer engines (a plus; they're...

Big Mike is Coming . . .

It's becoming pretty clear that Sleepy Joe is about to get the heave-ho. He's served out his usefulness. He's becoming an obvious liability. There's only so much that can be done...

What’s Your Tipping Point?

What's your tipping point? The point at which gas prices force you to make some change in your current lifestyle - such as the kind of car you drive or how...

New Jersey “heroes” Kick Man on Fire

It is rough to watch: A videofrom shows a man in flames emerging from his burning car after a Sunday night wreck. Police officers then arrive on the scene quickly—and begin kicking him...

Articles of Faith

If a thing is worth doing, then it is worth doing. That seems to be a reasonable calculation. It can be expressed in terms of cost vs. benefit. When the latter...
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