
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Reader Question: Why no Diesels?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Rick asks: I recently spent two weeks in Ireland and Scotland on vacation. While traveling 1,800 miles in a coach bus I had...

Reader Rant: Too Tall for Corvette!

Here's the latest reader rant, along with my reply! Bill writes: Here's the ultimate insult. I went to test drive the 2019 Corvette (Bill had asked previously about the Corvette's merits; see here...

Hitler Did Not Die in The Bunker!

This video is hilarious  - and possibly historical, too! A guy is filming the inside of an Oklahoma tax-collection building when confronted by what sure looks like . .  Der Fuhrer! A...

Today’s Clover: The Swaying, Tailgating Clover!

Here's today's Clover - who goes all over! Is it really that hard to keep in between the painted lines? I literally can drive better with my dick than these Clovers can...

No Cadillac Diesels, Either

Cadillac's won't be offering the diesel engines it had planned to, either. Instead, GM's luxury division will focus on . . . electrification. Because that makes all kinds of sense. Cadillac President Steve...

Armed Government Worker Flummoxed by Armed Government Workers!

Here's a positive video for a change! A guy is taking video outside a "law enforcement facility." This kind of thing is absolutely legal, but AGWs take extreme umbrage as they perceive...

Reader Question: Trade-in Issues?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: Thank you so much for you very useful and informative remarks (in reply to the earlier question about the new Corvette; see...

Reader Question: Buy a New Corvette?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: I am thinking of buying a new Corvette. Not looking for top of the line, and not looking to spend more than...

Another Kid-Touching Armed Government Worker

An armed government worker in Miami has been exposed as a child molester. Lieutenant (how did armed government workers become military-grade officers?) Braulio Gonzales has apparently done more than just the...

Bye-Bye Beetle

VW has just announced it will stop making the Beetle after 2019 - in order to "focus" on  . . . electric vehicles. Yes, really. Expiation, you see - for having sinnnnnnned.  Which brings...
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