
The Rump State of America

Florida may turn out to be the last United State - the Rump Republic of America. The rest of the states having become something un-American (or insufferably cold, such as otherwise...

Field Expedient Tools . . . and Tricks

Sometimes, you haven’t got the right tool for the job or you haven’t got the time to get the right tool for the job. Maybe because you’re broken down somewhere far...

The Diaper-Free Zone

The Orange Man danced to the ’70’s disco song, YMCA - but there actually is a “place you can go” . . .  where you can “have a good meal” and ...

What’s Next, Inevitably . . .

Electric cars are, of course, merely for starters. Because it follows, inevitably, that if Americans must give up fossil-fueled cars in order to “reduce their carbon footprint,” no matter the cost to...

“Break Their Will”

When a dog curls its lip and bares its teeth, you know what sort of dog you’re dealing with. One such dog curled its lip in Massachusetts recently. His name is...

The Part-Time Electric Car

Electric cars can’t go very far - which is probably why they aren’t being driven very far. Only about 5,300 miles per year, on average, according to a study just released...

2021 Audi A6

Electric cars are being aggressively promoted - but the technical problems remain significant. While their range on a charge has increased, they still can’t travel as far as a gas-powered car...

New vs. New

How much would you pay for a heavy-duty (2500 series) pick-up with a 7.5 liter V8, AC, an eight foot bed and no air bags? How about $17,000-ish? That’s what it cost to...

Diaper Report: 2/14/21

You may be familiar with the "invisible fence" concept. A dog is habituated to stay in his yard by the instilled fear of receiving an electrical shock from a buried electrical...

Advanced Handling Assistance

If a person is unable to competently parallel park a car - arguably a basic skill - do they have any business driving one? In a culture seemingly obsessed with saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety,...
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