
We Name Things We Love

When someone says they once owned a Corvair - or a Corvette - a story almost invariably ensues, prompted by fond or at least some memories about the car.  These often...

EVs and “Vaccines”

Electric cars and "vaccines" are similar in that both have delusional defenders - believers who are immune to reason, hostile toward damning facts - who cling to their beliefs with a...

You Won’t Get Much Charge Out of This . . .

Imagine if every gas station had to be physically connected, via pipeline, to a refinery - and you will begin to see the improbability of their electric vehicle equivalents. And then...

Necessary Obloquy

Why does "masking" - as this evil imbecility is styled - persist, even in the absence of coercion? Unlike a year ago, almost no one is being told they must "mask."...

2022 Mazda CX-9

It’s hard to make a crossover different from all the other crossovers  . . . without making it something other than just another crossover. It’s akin to trying to make a family-friendly...

Another Culling?

It was only fifteen years ago that there were at least nine brands of cars that there aren't anymore. Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn, Mercury, Plymouth, Saab and Hummer. Under each of these...

Time Efficiency

I see Teslas regularly - when I make a run downtown, which is about 35 miles away. I have yet to see one locally. Probably because downtown is 35 miles away...

Taxation With Representation

Today, Americans celebrate their independence - from what, exactly?  From Great Britain? Why should that be cause for celebration? What have Americans gained thereby?  Was it “taxation” - with “representation”? Is this in...

Helmets, Again . . .

I've tried several times to make clear my point of view regarding helmets, on both practical as well as philosophical grounds. Do they "work"? Well, let's define what "works" means before...


Jordan Peterson just got his Tweeting privileges revoked - unless he apologizes for referring to a biological she (who had her breasts removed) as a non-biological "he," which she insists she...
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