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Mandatory Automatic Braking For All!

I recently wrote about the Fading Away of the manual transmission (see here). As it turns out, I was wrong. Manuals will not fade away. They...

Michigan Ex-Hero (“RoboCop”) Gets 10 Years For Brutal Assault

A Michigan cop infamously come to be known as “officer Robocop,” has been sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for the beating, choking and tasing of 57-year-old...

It Is “Just a Piece of **** Paper”

We're supposed to revere - and follow - the Constitution. But if they don't, why should we? By they, I mean the people who lord...

If It’s Free, You’ll Probably Get What Your Paid For…

When something's advertised as "free" you can bet it's either worthless... or it's going to cost you a fortune. The Affordable Care Act - Obamacare...

Things To Know About Radar Detectors … and Police Radar

Radar detectors, like bulletproof vests, don't make you invulnerable. They improve yours odds. And like a bulletproof vest, the more you know about your...

The Lawyers Will Have a Field Day

DETROIT (Bloomberg) -- Imagine a robot car with no one behind the wheel hitting another driverless car. Who’s at fault? The answer: No one knows....

A Yardstick of “Our Freedoms”

It’s interesting – and generally, true – that each generation looks back wistfully on the freedoms it enjoyed vs. now. I’m a Gen Xer. My generation...

The Second Income Tax

One of the reasons people haven't got much money anymore is probably due to the fact that the insurance mafia takes more and more...

The Health Exchange Hindenburg

Obamacare is not fundamentally about providing medical care. Just as mandatory car insurance is not fundamentally about replacing or fixing your car. Both are fundamentally...

Drivers License And Social Security Number, Please

A weird thing happened to me recently during a traffic stop. The cop demanded the usual stuff - license, registration. But then he demanded...
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