Feds Consider Vehicle Location Tracking in New Cars


Proposal may lead to more accidents, mileage taxes and tickets for “recorded traffic violations”

Kit Daniels
January 1, 2014

In a few weeks, federal officials may require new vehicles to have trackable GPS “safety” devices which could be hacked to cause automobile accidents and may even usher in mileage taxes.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is spending the next couple of weeks mulling overtraffic its decision to install vehicle-to-vehicle communications – known as V2V for short – into new vehicles which would allow them to “talk” to each other through GPS data under the guise of “accident prevention,” according to ABC News.

However, one official involved with the government study of the devices admitted that hackers could abuse the system to create mass havoc on the road.

“Who has access and how do you secure the data?” David Wise of the Government Accountability Office asked.

He even said that the V2V would rely on GPS data that can be used to easily track a vehicle – and thus the occupants inside.

“Privacy is a real challenge,” Wise said.

This is refreshing honesty from a government official.

The fact that the V2V system could be hacked to cause high-speed pile-ups exposes the political lie that these devices were designed to prevent accidents. In fact, bureaucrats want the V2V installed in vehicles in order to track Americans like animals in another sick extension of the domestic spy grid pioneered by the NSA.

With vehicle tracking, big government politicians could also accomplish their goal of taxing drivers by every mile driven.

Lawmakers could even use this sort of technology to pass laws that allow local governments to mail drivers tickets for “recorded traffic violations” as they already do with red light cameras.

And to really stick it into drivers even further, the costs for the GPS technology will be tacked onto the price of new cars – forcing Americans to pay for their own enslavement.

Take a look at the following articles to see for yourself the hidden agenda behind the V2V technology:

A black box in your car? Some see a source of tax revenue
Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident “Consistent with a Car Cyber Attack
GM’s OnStar now spying on your car for profit even after you unsubscribe?
Brazilians will be forced to use RFID chips and GPS trackers in their cars
Exclusive: Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover
South Carolina Police Grab Innocent Cell User’s Data Through ‘Tower Dump’


  1. Guess I’ve got to keep my old (03) Corolla running for the next twenty years or so, at which point I may be too senile to be out and about anyway 🙂
    I would hope that the hacker community will have some workarounds for this; maybe rig it to show me driving at 200 mph between here and Honolulu.
    My last few years before retiring the company (local utility) had all our trucks equipped with GPS trackers, ostensibly for improved efficiency in responding to troubles, and of course our saaaafety, but it was really to make sure we didn’t linger too long at the coffee shop or detour for any personal errands between jobs. We quickly figured out that a small piece of wire grounding the antenna to the chassis would be one way to defeat it so it became a cat and mouse game between us and the stupidvisors whenever someone wanted to go off grid.
    I assume they will integrate the GPS with the cars audio system but it shouldn’t be too hard to install a separate antenna for the radio and lose the GPS signal.
    Of course my asshole state requires and annual saaaaafety inspection so I can see them making a check of that functionality part of the test; then I can put a hidden switch under the dash to enable/disable Big Brother.

  2. 24/7 total surveillance is bad. Vehicle tracking can really make you mad. Government busybodies and thieves just make you swear and curse. When heroes pound your face into gristle. Don’t grumble, give a whistle. And this’ll help things turn out for the best.

    Close Calls/ Near Misses/ The Bright Side of Life

    If life seems jolly rotten. There’s something you’ve forgotten. And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you’re feeling in the dumps. Don’t be silly chumps. Just purse your lips and whistle – that’s the thing.

    And, always look on the bright side of life.
    Always look on the light side of life.

  3. Here you see the true apogee of the Apollo space program. To fill the skies with surveillance and tracking satellites. For control. And saaaafety.

    Forget the socialism/capitalism dialectic. It’s all about prison farming. We’re all neo-agrarians now. Anything you buy and sell is under surveillance by the satellite extra-planetary orbiting watchtowers.

    They can read a barcode of your all possessions from orbit. They can facially recognize you from orbit. And from countless nearby street level readers. And mobile readers in every bureaucrat’s vehicle and government office. If you have a new teevee, smart phone, or game console, or browse the internet, they’re also in your house. They’re always watching. Now they can remote control your possessions as well.

    This is just one of 40,000 new laws taking effect every year. For ever. A virtual boot virtually cognizant of the precise current and historical location of your face at all times now and forever. Any bureaucrat can remote control stomp on your face at any time for any reason. That is your new reality.

    Feds Consider Joyfully Abusing the 40,000 New Laws/Ways To Assert Their Eternal Dominance Over Captive Mundane Tax Cattle

    Xbox One Kinect All Seeing Eye Knows Your Heartrate and Weight Distribution and More

    Wii-U PS4 Xbox-One Eighth Generation Games Shipped

    Units shipped early/mid December 2013
    Wii-U 4.3 million
    PS4 2.1 million
    Xbox-One 2 million

    World Cell Phones In Use: 6.8 Billion
    World Population: 7.1 Billion

    • Dear Tor,

      Well said. The “logic” of statism will lead to demands for compulsory implanted trackable chips as part of “citizenship.” Count on it. Such a dire predction is a no-brainer.

      In fact, I would not rule out a “kill chip” such as predicted on the late great TV series “Nikita.” I assumed you watched the last few episodes?

      I especially liked the interview with Birkhoff in the final episode “Canceled.”

      Reporter: Yes. Shadownet. You claim this will protect regular folks against government agencies that spy on them? So this is what? Digital freedom for the masses?

      Birkhoff: I’d say more like open-source anarchy. Yeah. I like that. Write that down. Open-source anarchy. Hyphen between open and source.

      Reporter: You know this is going to freak some people out.

      Birkhoff: (smiling) Good. That’s good.

      Shades of Edward Snowden!

      • Yes, I love the term open-source anarchy.

        Craig Silverstein’s Nikita Post-Finale Discussion: Who Lived, Who Died and What We Didn’t See

        Turn – Craig Silverstein’s New AMC Show

        Turn, which will debut in spring 2014.

        Turn is based on Alexander Rose’s book, “Washington Spies,” the untold story of America’s first spies. A farmer living behind enemy lines in British-occupied Long Island, joins together with his childhood friends to form an unlikely team of secret agents, The Culper Ring. The daring efforts of The Culper Ring revolutionized the art of espionage, and helped turn the tide of the war in favor of the Rebels.

        Washington Spies author Alexander Rose

        • Dear Tor,

          I figured you watched it too.

          I’m really sad to see the series end. But I’m glad the writers gave it an emotionally satisfying and politically inspiring ending.

          Thanks for the links. I’ll check them out.

        • Dear Tor,

          I really like this:

          If you look at it, if it was Michael, I’d be dead right now. [Laughs] And there was no way I was gonna kill Birkhoff, so poor Ryan had to go.

          IGN: Is Birkhoff your favorite son?

          Silverstein: Yes! [Laughs]

          Birkhoff was a great character. Aaron Stanford was well cast too. I liked the idea of a nerd who was not excessively “nerdy” in a cliched way. To wit, glasses broken and fixed with adhesive tape, plastic pocket protectors, short sleeved dress shirts.

          Birkhoff as play by Stanford was actually kind of a cool dude.

    • I would also argue that the current “datamined and logged” Internet is the result of our (as in everyone who uses the Internet) failure to properly set privacy by default. Not just electronically, but legaly, by putting proper restraints on goverment early on. The croud shouting “Keep your hands off the Internet” didn’t understand that without specific laws restraining the police state they’d find a reason to snoop, and get away with it since there’s no rule saying they can’t.

      Recall that our (U.S.) consititution is mostly a “though shall not” document when it comes to the government.

      I hope the Snowden incident will start a debate, but unfortunately I think the cat’s out of the bag. Getting legislation with teeth passed (like a constitutional amendment that spells out rights similar to the 4th amendment in cyber space) is no longer going to be an option. Hopefully we can at least get some disclosure laws or a fix to the kangaroo court that is FISA.


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