Stop Resisting Execution: Cold-Blooded Arizona Cops Assassinate Suspect with His Hands in the Air


Kimberly Paxton
The Daily Sheeple
February 3, 2014

For absolutely no reason other than “because they could”, cops in Pinal County, Arizona executed a suspect who was standing there, not near any of the officers, with his hands in the air, offering no threat whatsoever.  Without trial, judge, or jury, they simply assassinated the man, as his family looked on in horror. Warning: There is some graphic violence in the video below.

This is your police force, America. Protecting and Serving you to death.

Sometimes we get letters or comments from readers wondering why we are so hard on cops here at The Daily Sheeple. They call the staff writers “cop haters” and “anarchists”.  The readers say that we spend too much time “bashing” police officers who have such a “difficult and dangerous” job.

Are there some good cops out there? I’m sure there are. I am certain that some people go to the Academy hoping to do right and to help others.  But…they have to know their “brothers” are doing these terrible things. What are they doing to put a stop to it?  When you accept an action, you are deeming it “acceptable”, no matter how passively. And that makes you just as guilty as the person perpetrating the action.

So, why are we so hard on the boys in blue? Because they are the ones that are supposed to enforce the rules, and thus they must be held to a higher standard.

If you decide to become a police officer, you are vowing to uphold the law. You are swearing an oath to “serve and protect”.  More and more, we see these oaths violated.  And the worst part is, the cops aren’t being held responsible when they sexually assault men and women, beat people up for fun, and commit crimes that would send the rest of us for prison while they are shielded from prosecution by merit of their uniforms. They shoot our pets, they beat the elderly, they frighten and molest our children, and they wield their badges to coerce people into acts that they might not normally perform.

Here are just a few headlines from the last year:

Excessive Force: Cops Beat Man With Down Syndrome

Man Subjected to 8 Anal Exams After Routine Traffic Stop

Shouldn’t the Police Have a “Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon” Rule?

Copping a Thrill: Two of Philly’s Finest Strip a Woman, Masturbate, and then Lie About It

Traffic Stop Humiliation: Woman Ordered to “Shake out her Bra” – Cop Received ONE Day Suspension

Don’t Anal Probe Me, Bro! Another NM Man Subjected to Rectal Exam After Traffic Stop

Cops Strip Search Mom, “Forcibly” Pull Tampon Out of Her for Maybe Rolling Through Stop Sign

And what’s worse, if you don’t allow some stranger to stick his fingers up your hoo-haw, then that stranger legally gets to beat the daylights out of you. This happens to men and women both. By stating that our persons are our own, we risk getting beaten or killed.  By putting you your hands to block a blow headed towards your face, you are “assaulting an officer”.  By turtling and protecting your head and face when a dozen cops begin to kick the snot out of you, you are “resisting arrest.”  Check out this video to see what “protecting and serving” means to cops all over America right now.

Your innocence of a crime is not relevant, by the way. Many people who have been assaulted, beaten, and molested are later found to be innocent of the original charges, but are then, as leverage, charged with resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer. When you get pulled over for something as simple as a speeding ticket, you must be aware that your entire life can change at the whim of the person who stopped you. And there really isn’t a whole lot you can do about it without the risk of death, a beating, and/or a long prison sentence.

How much more if this are YOU willing to put up with?


  1. Dear dom,

    Left a comment at the YT channel.

    Bevin Chu
    1 second ago

    The term “Amerika” used to be perceived as hyperbole.
    Today, it’s understatement.
    I don’t think it’s quite this bad even in “Communist China.”
    There they might railroad you in court. But they don’t execute you on the spot.

    • This is spot on, Bevin.

      Correct me if I am wrong (you know better than I) but is it not true that in China, the cops generally carry nightsticks and while they might administer a thwack to the back, they are much less likely to just gun someone down, as per the recent in incident in AZ?

      • Dear Eric,

        I’m not as familiar with the Mainland Region as I am with the Taiwan Region of China.

        On Taiwan, at least currently, the kinds of incidents that Will Grigg exposes at Pro Libertate do not happen. Taiwan’s current situation is sort of like what you and I knew in the US many decades ago. For the most part you would have to really provoke the cops to get a beat down.

        I know of one exception. When DPP president Chen Shui-bian was president he rigged the election and “won” a second term. The opposition was furious. They took to the streets in northern Taiwan. The northern Taiwan cops were sympathetic to the protestors. When the protestors pushed against them, they pushed back but never used their truncheons.

        Chen then ordered cops from southern Taiwan to the north. These cops were Chen sympathizers. They did exactly what US cops do to anyone who defies them today.

        On the Mainland, political activists do have to watch themselves. But the times I was there on business trips, from my talks with relatives and business associates, if you weren’t a political dissident, you weren’t likely to run into any “Office 82nd Airborne” types out get you merely because they decided they didn’t like the cut of your jib.

        The last business trip to Shanghai that I took was about ten years ago. There was no such thing as TSA gater rape. Don’t know the situation now.

        I would not say that criminal justice on Mainland China was “better.” But I might say that criminal justice in today’s Amerika is worse in at least some respects. Now that by itself is a pretty sad commentary on how far a once great nation has fallen.

        Re: guns

        A very different situation prevails on the Mainland Region.

        The real solution of course, is for EVERYBODY to carry guns.

  2. I live in a town in NO. CALIF. with a population of about 15,ooo where the cops here are nothing like any of these nazi thugs I all to often read about.
    A friend and I were sitting on his back yard patio playing domino’s when five local DEA agents came out his glass door from inside his house with a warrent brought by a neighbors complaint about the three pot plants in his back yard.

    We went into the house sat around the kitchen table while they were doing their paperwork and when a pizza arrived that we had ordered earlier my friend offered them a slice of which they declined, he then offered coffee which they also declined but thanked him for the offer.

    While sitting there I told them that I appreciated the fact that they did not come in with guns drawn and feeling a need to throw us to the ground like we see all to often elsewhere.
    They all turned their head, looked at me with a look that said (I guess maybe we did have that option ).

    We also had a pipe going when they showed up that they never said anything about, nor did they search us.
    Some of these guys and many before them from city, sheriff, and highway patrol who after work used to come into the upscale resteurant bar I worked at in the 80’s when over the limit didn’t exist and really party. The good old days.

    • Hi JJ,

      I’m glad they didn’t come in guns blazing – but the fact that they came in (that is, broke into your friend’s house) at all is a manifestation of the police state we live under.

      You and your friend had caused no one any harm. You were on private property, minding your own business… but armed thugs touting a “warrant” (that is, a piece of paper meant to legitimize the illegitimate) violate the sanctity of your friend’s home and at least implicitly threaten you with violence… because someone complained about plants.


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