Facebook to Place Guns in Same Category as Porn


Bloomberg group to push gun control through Facebook, which is now restricting pro-gun free speech

Kit Daniels
March 5, 2014

Through sweeping policy changes, Facebook is now treating gun-related content as pornography on its social media site, including restrictions on users under 18 from seeing firearm-related content and the forced indoctrination of gun control propaganda targeted at users interested in firearms.


Facebook’s new policies, which apply to both its namesake site and its photo-sharing subsidiary Instagram, were announced today in conjunction with the gun control group Moms Demand Action, which spent the past month pressuring Facebook to restrict free speech on firearm-related topics.

Additionally, in a huge push to brainwash the public, Facebook will also provide free ad space to Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns for gun control propaganda targeted at gun owners and other users interested in gun-related content.

The new policies include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Users under 18 will be banned from viewing Facebook pages where guns are advertised, which will likely include brick-and-mortar gun shops

– Moderators of gun-related pages will be forced to announce gun laws at the top of their page

– Users will be forced to “acknowledge” gun laws when prompted, even if the laws do not apply to them

– Facebook will delete posts that indicate a seller is willing to sell across state lines, which likely also includes legal FTF transfers between gun shops, meaning that a gun store won’t be able to announce that it is willing to legally ship a firearm to an out-of-state buyer

– Facebook will recommend that gun owners undergo background checks when purchasing firearms even if they are not legally required to do so

Moms Demand Action pushed for the new policies under the guise of preventing “illegal gun sales” despite the fact that Facebook does not actually sell firearms or provide payment transfers between third-parties.

“You cannot sell firearms on Facebook and Instagram,” Bob Owens, the editor of Bearing Arms, wrote. “There are no shopping carts and no e-commerce applications on either site for the sale of any item, of any kind.”

Owens also pointed out that both Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which are spearheaded by the anti-gun former mayor Michael Bloomberg, object to gun owners talking about firearms on social media sites.

“Some of those discussions do involved conversations on buying, selling, or trading firearms, [and] some of these conversations are used to set up physical meetings, in which actual transfers can take place, offline,” he added. “But what these prohibitionist cults desire is nothing more than the censorship of free speech.”

Not only that, but these two groups are also working with Facebook to brainwash the public into accepting gun control.


  1. Let’s not lose too much sleep over this.

    I agree with Kit Daniels on everything EXCEPT the bit about free speech:

    “… Facebook, which is now restricting pro-gun free speech”

    Facebook.com has every right to make their own rules on the use of their web site.

    Facebook.com’s policy has nothing to do with free speech.

    You do NOT have the right to use someone else’s private property (Facebook.com) for your own use, without Facebook’s permission.

    You DO have the right to start your own website, with your own rules, to advance your own agenda(s).

    I’m afraid Kit Daniels got a little carried away on this one point.

    • Dear J,

      I get what you’re saying. And within the context you cited, you are correct.

      I think that what many others are concerned about is the government/NGO collusion.

      Mayors are involved, including Michael Bloomberg.

      That means this is no longer purely private sector matter. Government involvement means government coercion, both directly with laws pertaining to prohibition, and indirectly with taxation used to implement prohibitionist policies.

    • jcard, those were my exact thoughts when reading it. I only wish I knew how to start some similar sort of thing with no restrictions of any amendment or what the Constitution really meant, the pursuit of happiness, i.e., freedom. Another article there that offended me was the one asking where in the Constitution does it say you are entitled to gay marriage. If you are a libertarian, everything goes back to the fact that all people have the right to life as they like barring depriving someone else of same. I fail to see how gay marriage affects anyone besides the people getting married.

  2. We cannot improve on history by blindly revering any individual, document, or event. We can learn a lot from the Founders, both from what they got right AND from what they got wrong. And we can do better than they did.

    The Revolution Continues – Josie Outlaw

    – – –

    David Icke – Dot Connector Ep. 1 of 8

    Study Hall – the National Library of China

  3. A closer look at Facebook gun sales – MomsDemandAction

    SENATOR CORKER GETS A CALL – from MomsDemand(Authoritarian)Action

    The group was founded by Shannon Watts, a former communications executive, in Indianapolis, on December 15, 2012, the day after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

    Watts modeled Moms Demand Action after Mothers Against Drunk Driving. In December 2013, Moms Demand Action announced that it had joined forces with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a bipartisan coalition of over 1,000 mayors that advocates for more gun control. In her former career as a communications executive, Watts was a public affairs officer for Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan.


    • I had hoped so… but FB is like cRap music. It refuses to go away. I suspect this is due to the fact that there are now enough “proles” in this country to keep such lowbrow enterprises going indefinitely.

      It was only a ‘opeless fancy…

      (From 1984)

        • Dear Mith, Eric, Gary,

          Here’s a thought.

          Possessing a thing says nothing about how one intends to use that thing.

          Having a gun no more means that one is going to commit murder, than having a penis means one is going to commit rape.

          Actually, if FB wants to be consistent, it should put all the copsucker shows in that category.

          • Excet FB profits from the worship of Authority. (Same as worship of beauty; it’s basically power worship, the sheeple are groupies; addicts.)

            Hard to go against that, and leave them alone. Always harder to push a person to stand on their own two feet, be an adult : that path requires work.
            Easy to follow the path of least resistance, and never grow beyond the 10-year-old’s mentality of … “OOOH! SHINY!!!! Me Want!”

            Religion used to do it.
            Rituals used to accomplish it – women have a natural one, and the “standards” have ALWAYS been low (and continue to get lower).
            Men USED TO be initiated into manhood (adulthood) by other men: Confirmation, for example. First Car. Graduation. In tribal societies, you’d see straight-out torture – and the “supplicant’s” ability to endure and overcome the pain was the proof he was an adult.
            What did women have to endure? Menses. Then eventually, childbirth, maybe.
            Not much comparison.

            Now, they demand we lower ALL our standards – military, fire fighting, driving, spending! We MUST have a “social safety net” for “poor, helpless, single mothers” (et al), rather than hold them responsible for what THEY have done (single mom by choice.)

            What did we do for men, to allow for the changes in society?
            Men get to PAY. Taxes, child support, alimony, palimony, and divorce which rapes a man of all he has had, or ever will have.

            Because, Poor Woman!
            We actually expected her to be an ADULT…

            Women are running the show here; we are in a de facto matriarchy. It’s just the iron fist in the velvet glove.
            But without any restraints or standards?

            I hear a flushing sound…

        • Also, be sure to check out this other, related Infowars video.

          I left a couple of comments there too.

          Bevin Chu
          1 second ago

          Actually, the problem is the anti-concept “Our government.”
          There is no such thing as “Our government.”
          No government on earth is “Our government.”
          Every government on earth is “THEIR government.”
          There is no such thing as “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
          There is only “Government of the government, by the government, and for the government.”
          Bevin Chu
          2 minutes ago

          “I’m the master!”
          Libertarians have long known that the PTB think this way.
          But now we’ve heard it straight from the horse’s ass.

          • When ‘debating’ with statists I use the term ‘your government’. It seems to annoy them.

            I usually do this when there is something they are complaining about, something they want changed, but proclaim all the usual statist views. I simply point out they got what they wanted.

          • If I hear one of them complain, not thinking they got the fallout from what they asked for, I usually ask if that was Bushes’ fault too. The return looks are precious.

      • It is due to mindless proles who will not stand up for their rights, and put the offenders in the ground.
        They’ve been using our good nature against us for decades; maybe we should show up to the war?

        Clover and Gil show the same thing here (and I’m likely guilty of inflicting myself into mroe discussions than people would like, too.)
        But it only stops if someone DOES SOMETHING. And we can’t wait until “someone else” (Myth of the Superior Man) does it, in the end – just like other forms of self-defense – it’s up to YOU. If one person will lead – others will follow. “Moms Demand Action” is one example – they’ll follow the WRONG way, JUST for the sake of following… Because no one shoots the “false prophet.”

        I know I sound off my rocker – but there’s only one solution to cancer: FIGHT IT. The other thing that will happen is, you succumb to it. You Die. America is dying; it is up to us to take on the role of Chemo and Killer-T cells (macrophages), and CLEAN UP the mess these soft-hearted, spineless, mindless lemming-zombies have created – and continue to create.
        And not just online: in the real world.

        Unfortunately, this means stepping on some toes now and then, and involves sometimes significant costs to us.
        I need to go walk that walk myself.

        Anyone else up for a walk? Time is short…

        • Jean, 178 years ago today a group of men made the ultimate sacrifice fighting a tyrant. Let’s not forget them.

          Commandancy of the Alamo
          Bejar, Feby. 24, 1836

          To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World

          Fellow citizens

          I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country VICTORY OR DEATH.

          William Barret Travis,

          Lt. Col. comdt.

          P.S. The Lord is on our side. When the enemy appeared in sight we had not three bushels of corn. We have since found in deserted houses 80 or 90 bushels and got into the walls 20 or 30 head of Beeves. Travis


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