Minnesota and Texas… Worse is to Come


I’ve “eluded” cops who came after me for the victimless crime of “speeding” because the potential consequences of pulling over have become severe enough to make it worth stomping on the gas (rather than the brakes) and leaving the porker receding (hopefully) in the rearview.inbred hero

You can be jailed in my state (VA) for driving literally just a few MPH over the posted speed limit. Anything over 80, anywhere, is statutory “reckless” driving and you are subject to arrest on the spot. Even on a highway with a posted speed limit of 70 and traffic flowing – as it usually does – considerably faster than that.

The prospect of being put into a cage – and if you’re a car journalist, your professional life ruined – over something as innocuous as driving 82 or so MPH on a highway is more than enough incentive to make a run for it rather than trust that the cop (“hero,” in police state parlance) will be decent and merely leave you with a hefty fine to pay.

Now comes another reason to flee.

The shooting the other day of Minnesota motorist Philando Castile by a trigger-happy Hero Cop who had initially pulled Castile and his girlfriend over for the capital offense – as it turned out – of having a burned out tail-light.

Castile was armed – legally, according to news reports. He possessed a concealed carry permit – which for the record is something you can’t get if you have a criminal record. He reportedly so advised the Hero who had pulled him over, then proceeded to make the fatal mistake of reaching for his wallet.   

Whereupon the Hero – whose name is reportedly Jeronimo Yanez – pumped four shots into Philando, who is then left to bleed out in the car while the jumpy and cursing Hero continues to level his weapon at the now rapidly expiring victim while his girlfriend – who has more control over herself than the armed and murderous Hero – sits beside him and narrates.

Here is the video, which has already gone viral:

Update: Yesterday, several Heroes were shot in Texas, apparently by a “black lives matter” sniper. This is not Good News (get ready for North Korean-style wailing and gnashing of teeth for the “fallen” Heroes). It will almost certainly result in things getting worse – for us and them. The Heroes will become even more paranoid and trigger-happy than they already are. Probably, new laws will be passed further anointing their persons as sacred – necessarily making our persons less sacred.

It is time to have a serious conversation.North Korean funeral

First, about this “hero” business.

Armed government workers – whose primary concern is their safety and (secondary to that) the enforcing of laws, no natter how picayune or unjust – aren’t “heroes.”

They are … armed government workers. Mercs, basically. Or a PraetorianGuard. Either or – it’s the same difference.

Heroes – real ones – put their lives on the line for the sake of other people’s lives. Their primary concern isn’t their safety.

Do most cops fit this profile?

The truth is that our safety isn’t a priority.

Legally, it doesn’t matter at all.

The explicit job of Heroes is to enforce the law. Period. They have no legal obligation to protect us – including from themselves.

And so, they don’t. Have been trained not to.

They have been inculcated with a sense of entitlement and a martyr complex. That non-Heroes are “skells” and worse. To be handled with gloves and Tasers (and Glocks). That we are all a “threat” to “officer safety.”


Which trumps everything.

For example, this comment in the wake of the shooting of Philando Castile from TN Hero cop Anthony Venable: “Yeah, I would have done five.” That is, Venable would have shot Castille five times rather than merely four times. Just to make sure, you understand. (see here):

Until this changes, until our lives are regarded by those empowered to enforce laws as being at least as precious as theirs, it might be the smart thing to take off when you see those wig-wags. Especially if you happen to be armed – even if you have a permit.

Particularly if you have a permit, arguably.

Because in that case, your firearm will likely be concealed on your person (that’s why it’s called concealed carry) and this could be very bad news for you when the Hero notices the bulge in your waistband and screams “Gun!” and opens fire.

This is what happened to Philando Castile, who is now very much dead.

Some will think to themselves: Well, he was black and I am a white solid citizen and this would never happen to me.

Think again.

It could.

Unless the Cop Cult is deprogrammed and Americans insist on restraint, de-escalation and accountability (not paid vacation) when things such as this happen, they will continue to happen.

Perhaps to you next time.  

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  1. Stateless Prison. Stef Molyneux.

    One of the great challenges of anarchistic philosophy is the challenge of prisons, or the physical restraint of violent criminals. I have dealt with this topic once before, but I am still receiving numerous requests for clarifications on how a stateless society might deal with violent criminals. So – let us examine the punitive mechanisms that might exist in the absence of a coercive state system.

    Firstly, we can assume that in the absence of a state, private protection agencies (called here DROs, for Dispute Resolution Organizations) will necessarily band together to deny the advantages of a modern economic life to those individuals who egregiously harm their fellow citizens.

    Such necessities as bank accounts, credit, transportation, lodging, food and so on, can all be withheld from those who have been proven to have committed violent crimes. Also, in a stateless society, since there is no such thing as ‘public’ property, violent criminals would have a tough time getting anywhere, since roads, parks, forests and so on would all be owned privately.

    Anybody providing aid or comfort to a person convicted of a violent crime would face a withdrawal of services and protections from their own DRO, and so would avoid giving such help.

    However, this solution alone has not been sufficient for some people, who still feel that sociopathic and violent criminals need to be physically restrained or imprisoned for society to be safe.

    First of all, before tackling this issue, I would like to point out that if the problem of violent sociopaths is very extensive, then surely any moral justifications for the existence of a state become that much more untenable.

    If society literally swarms with evil people, then those evil people will surely overwhelm the state, the police, and the military, and prey upon legally disarmed citizens to their hearts content.

    If, however, there are very few evil people, then we surely do not need a state to protect us from such a tiny problem. In other words, if there are a lot of evil people, we cannot have a state – and if there are few evil people, then we do not need a state.

  2. Hey there,

    From what I know so far, that Castile dude HAD a criminal record, hence he couldn’t have a concealed carry permit.

    Second, that Castile dude was a gang banger, but that doesn’t matter, right? Being a blood and all.

    Third, the car was stopped because the passengers were fitting the profile of a previous robbery, the broken tail-light was a mere pretext (as in, Sir, I stopped you because I think you’re a burglar).

    Fourth, I understand you really hate cops, but you don’t know shit about what really happened there, just one side of a story and you’re already fueling SJW fire.

    Shooting cops will get you martial law, if that’s what you want, well, have fun.

    For more clarifications, check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJPFdS6SSgQ

    • Chris,

      I’ve already addressed your points; see here:

      Even if all that is true, it doesn’t change the fact that we are not dealing with “heroic” peace keepers but rather authoritarian law enforcers whose primary function is … enforcing laws. The vast majority of these involving no victim, no harm done to anyone. We are subject to being hassled, mulcted and assaulted as a matter of routine by these buzz-cut, body-armored, jacked up, usually low IQ costumed cretins – who’ve been told their lives and “safety” matter more than ours, who see themselves as above us, as our masters, whom we are obliged to bow and scrape before in the most servile manner lest we affront their “authority.”

      And even if we “obey the law” (and notwithstanding the degradation that entails) we are still subject to their thuggishness, their making up of “law” according to their whim, the lack of real consequences when they are caught doing so, etc.

      “Cultural Marxism”? That’s good ol’ Republican boilerplate.

      Doesn’t alter the inherent tyranny of the system, of the enforcers of that system. Does it?

      You seem to be implying I ought to defend these “Heroes” as the “thin blue line” that keeps us “free” (of “cultural Marxism,” I assume).

      How does embracing authoritarianism in any form serve to protect us against authoritarianism – regardless of the variety?

      If any man can be abused with impunity by the state and its minions, then all of us may be abused with impunity. It is merely a question of the state shifting its gaze in our direction.

      None of us should be legally subject to being stopped by an armed goon based on nothing more substantive than the goon’s mere assertion that we “looked like a suspect.” Or because we happen to be on a given road at a certain time and run into a “checkpoint.”

      Free men should be free to travel unmolested unless they have given probable cause (a much higher bar than a cop’s assertion) to suspect they have committed a crime (a real crime, not a “violation” of some asinine, victimless affront of a statute such as not wearing a seatbelt or having an open container).

      Free men should not have to worry about being shot to death by an armed government worker who “feared for his safety” because you had a gun in your own vehicle (or on your lap, even) when you – minding your own business – got forcibly stopped by said armed government worker.

      This shooting would never have happened had the Hero left those people alone or – at least – restrained himself from shooting first and asking questions later.

      PS: I’m a white, middle-aged married guy; I am clean cut and articulate and look about as threatening as Will Ferrel. And I’ve had Heroes unholster guns on me during routine traffic stops. Last summer, I was out riding (motorcycles) with three friends when we got pulled over for the heinous crime of doing 54 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. Hero cop coming the other way; he lit up his wig-wags. We could easily have taken off but didn’t. We pulled over, waited for the Hero to turn around and come back. We were polite and even friendly. All of our “papers” were in order. None of us have “records.” Yet we were treated as if we were armed and dangerous Mongols. The Heroes ordered us to sit on our bikes with our backs turned to them and if we dared to turn our heads or torsos in their sacred direction, or got off our bikes, were subjected to threats that we’d be arrested and implied much worse. They made us sit there like that for more than half an hour.

      This happened, again, to three middle-aged/middle-class well-spoken white guys, no records, no “threat” to the “safety” of these pusillanimous little martinets. Sow the wind… reap the whirlwind. I do not condone what happened in Texas, but I absolutely understand why it happened.

    • Chris,

      I hate authoritarians. Which is what cops have become. The enforcement arm of a tyrannical system.

      I despise manufactured “offenses” that provide a pretext for hassling and punishing people. If there is no victim – no person actually harmed by the action at issue – then there is no crime, properly speaking.

      • eric, I suppose I might have over-analyzed things even as a small child but I took exception to lots of things that didn’t seem right or fair. Hell, I hated Santa Claus is coming to town, a nasty little ditty to threaten you into submission.
        Hey, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why “Santa Claus is coming to town”
        He’s making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naught and nice, yep the old bully is coming to town.
        And just to make sure you understand it: He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake(frightening…..ain’t it? says Bugs) He knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for “goodness’ sake….yeeooow.

        Just warming you up as a child for what’s ahead and some just can’t take threats for an answer. I’ve always been a goood boy as long as you didn’t catch me and I ran from those cops too. Hell, I’ve pulled up under people’s carports and let them go by. Probably woke people up too but I was long gone by the time they could check on it. I got into a chase one day with a sheriff’s car and ended up following it around. They never did catch on and it was a hoot and a holler. I finally got close enough he realized it might be me and that’s when I hauled ass again and took my car home. I drove around in the pickup watching this guy blast around trying to find me. I’d meet him and wave, he’d wave back.

      • Hey there and thank you for your answer.

        While you make some valid points, they only apply 100% in Utopia 🙂

        Also, you take 2-3-X examples of bad/stupid cops and you generalize, I don’t know what you call that, but it’s not an argument. The US is a continent with north of 300 million people and tens of thousands of cops.

        Not all cops are bad, authoritarians assholes etc. Not all people shot by cops are (black) angels etc.

        All I ask from you is to be a little more calm and reserved until you know what happened there. I am not talking in generalities, but about 2 specific cases (see the hysteria about Zimmerman, “hands up don’t shoot” crap, another hoax inciting racial hatred/civil disobedience because it’s an electoral year).

        Because, you know, what happened next? Cops being assassinated and big bro having an additional pretext to take over, right?

        That’s martial law, governments thrive upon chaos. And if you play their game, just like BLM activists, you’re no better dude. BTW, I am a big fan of your website and I live in Eastern Europe-Romania.


    • “that Castile dude HAD a criminal record, hence he couldn’t have a concealed carry permit”
      Have you read the 2nd Amendment? The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. There is no qualification, no parenthetical clause that limits those ‘people’ to ones who have not been convicted of a felony. And if requiring a permit is not an infringement, I don’t know what is. Even requiring a background check is an infringement, since there is no basis for denying the sale no matter what the check turns up. And at the very least it delays the sale.

        • As my Dad frequently said, “When someone’s mind is made up, it’s hard to confuse them with facts.”
          I was trying to make a broader point, that it shouldn’t have mattered whether or not he had either a record or a permit.

          • Indeed, Phillip… I suspect our Man is a “good Republican” who secretly believes “that nigger got what he deserved.”

            • Well, I too was a ‘good Republican’ for many years. And even when I realized that their platform was just ‘sucker bait,’ I still kept hoping it would become real. E.g., Ron Paul for president was a chance for the GOP to become what it claimed to be. We know how that ended up. So now I’ve ‘done the hokey-pokey and turned myself about.’ I’ve never voted for a Democrat, and, unless I see serious change, I will never vote for another Republican.

              • I kept up with the RP run, stop to stop, and when I saw them do one dirty thing after another, using the local cops to help them, I realized how they could and would shut him out. I never doubted they could but the dirty tricks machine worked overtime to stop him. It will be the same with Trump. They’ll make changes specifically to block him, even at the expense of electing Hil. Now that’s desperate.

              • I’ve read that Trump is considering Newtie for his ticket… if that happens, he’s no better than Hildebeast and I take back everything I uttered about supporting him to keep her from winning.

                    • eric, no winnin for losin. He said he considered both those guys months ago and today he said he was a staunch(don’t remember the exact quote)LAW AND ORDER guy. Well, he uses the cops and courts more than anyone I know so that’s not surprising.

                • Trump is going to pick someone from the establishment and someone disgusting in some very measurable way. That much is near certain. It’s what team R will demand.

                  • Hi Brent,

                    I’ve been dreading that – and I think you’re right. Then again, he’d be a fool to do so as it would, at a stroke, destroy the credibility he’s built up to date as an outsider. And I think it would cost him the election.

                    • It’ll be a Kodak Moment, for sure.

                      If he chooses some GOP hack, everyone will know the Fix is in.

                      And I, for one, would consider voting for Hillary.

                      For hate’s sake.

                    • The history is self evident. The vice president is for the establishment to have a way to assert itself if needed. Any would be president who is a risk (however small) to the powers that be ends up with a strongly establishment vice president. Any would be president who is not risk to the establishment has some idiot or behind the scenes establishment player as vice president.

                      Trump poses a risk and there his vice president will be someone the establishment approves of. It’s been this way for 50+ years.

      • Whether you believe in the Constitution or not, it is important to note that the 2nd Amendment, indeed the whole 1st 10 (aka The Bill of Rights) was understood by the framers to be a partial listing of ‘natural’ rights that were not granted by the gunvermin. They were, in the words of the Declaration, unalienable, i.e., could not be taken away.
        If something is granted by the gunvermin, and can be taken away by the gunvermin, it is a privilege, not a right.

  3. I just wanted to comment on the “North Korean-style funerals” comment I saw. I wasn’t watching closely , but saw something on the news last night that indicated they had shut down an entire interstate to move one of the cop’s bodies a few miles. I caught a brief glimpse of a hearse traveling all by itself down a closed interstate.

    And this wasn’t for an actual funeral,it was just to move a “hero’s” body around. It’s always been considered “respectful” here in TX to pull over to the side of the road for a funeral procession, but it isn’t the law AFAIK, and it wouldn’t happen on an interstate (too dangerous for everyone). And nobody ever pulls over for a lone hearse.

    However, for a deceased cop they will inconvenience thousands of travelers and stop the flow of commerce , forcing them to pay their respects to a superior being — or else (with consequences up to and including a potential summary execution).

    • I forgot to add I’m sure there will be more interstate shut downs for the actual funerals — hell, they will probably go out of their way to ensure the that procession routes include some time on the interstates. Lots of opportunity for cop overtime pay there, ticketing possibilities, plus they get to inconvenience the mundanes and show them who is more important — a win-win. And idiots will line the sides to wave flags, instead of questioning why that is necessary.

      • Hi Eric ,

        Another thing I’ve thought of is that BLM is often criticized for their tactic of blocking the interstates as a protest action — yet most people have no problem with law enforcement blocking interstates to parade dead bodies around. Both things disrupt free movement and the flow of commerce (I’m no fan of BLM and their tactics, BTW).

        Anyway, it’s really not cool for the state to FORCE people to pay their respects to anyone, but that’s what they are doing when they shut down BOTH sides of an interstate to parade dead enforcers around. A few years ago in Austin I think somebody died in an ambulance because it got caught up in one of these spectacles, and other people were delayed by hours.

  4. Where is the police dash cam video? In an interview the police chief was against body cams.

    Was a weapon recovered from the vehicle? It is possible the citizen just informed the police officer he had a weapons permit. He may not have had the weapon in the vehicle. I have read that out of state police have targeted traveling permit holders for searches, I have also read that in state police realize that a permit holder has passed rigorous screening treat them better.

  5. I have to question this video. Why is he pulled to the left side of the road and the steering wheel of the vehicle is on the right side

      • eric, a well thought out opinion today by gritsforbreakfast.com. I don’t know that this guy thinks police shouldn’t exist but he does see the situation for what it is. I tried to post the article URL but WP always thinks it’s spam. I don’t know how to convince it otherwise. The guy who wrote it though points out a lot of problems and some unique to the Tx. Gov., a-hole that he is. You might recall he posted a tweet with a Bible verse of reaping what you sow after the Orlando shooting.

        We can’t win for losing in Tx. We’ve had one horrible gov. after the next. The last Dem, Ann Richards caused a huge amount of problems only rivaled by the shrub when we had to endure him.

        I don’t even know how people can stand to hold their nose and vote in Tx. elections much less really want any of the candidates.

        Anyway, if anyone wants to see it hopefully gritsforbreakfast..com will take them to today’s column.

      • Sometimes things are reversed because the person posting it doesn’t own the material.

        Eric could submit a “Content ID” claim on all his videos. Some of his options would be.

        1 none of his videos can be posted on YouTube
        2 his videos can only be posted on his channel and a few other whitelisted channels
        3 if anyone else posts his videos, the advertising revenue is to be diverted to Eric’s account

        How Content ID works

        These technologies can be overcome by reversing the video. Slowing or speeding up the audio. Placing the video within a background picture. Adding a few seconds before and after the video of unrelated content or a still picture.

  6. Priest faces 2 years for raping boy with crucifix

    Here’s the problem at Griggs, Ron Paul forums, Gary North, BurningPlatform, SHTF, Liveleak….

    It’s still delusional authoritarian collectivism to imagine taking a violent rapist and locking him in a cage with other violent people at the public’s expense is any kind of justice.

    I don’t say this to advocate for any “side” because I don’t think any of the “sides” are helping anyone.

    It’s helpful that the guy was captured, but that’s where the collectivism went south.

    It’s an individual matter. Individual children were raped by an individual priest. Trying to make some kind of recipe or policy that can automatically deal with this just doesn’t work. Really what good does punishment do a victim. Maybe for some it feels good. But the fact is its another perverted violent act and part of the problem. And forcing your neighbors to be part of this is also perverted fuckery.

    It is insanity to keep doing the same small status quo things over and over. They’ve never helped, they’re just distorting society and perverting us all even worse than we already are.

    • Hi Tor,

      This (how to punish crime and who should do the punishing) is an interesting question. Should there even be punishment? Or is restitution preferable (where possible)?

      • Punishment is another area where one takes the red pill. And admits that you have to deal with kid touchers. And traffic scofflaw murderers. Who are not pleasant nor easy to deal with.

        It’s not really anyone elses question. He shouldn’t be lumped into some kind of criminal class where he’s dealt with in a uniform way as are others of his ilk. Its secondary that he is a part of society. What’s primary is those he’s harmed. And those he may harm in the future, if allowed to.

        Or one takes a blue pill, and imagines theres a replacement matrix out there where we can continue as we do now, only forge some kind of collective restitution system.

        If we’re going to consider some such system. I would say the cop who shot the guy in the car became the property of the injured party.

        The kid touching priest became the property of the injured families. He’s there to do with as they wish. Also their obligation. And their collateral, or wage earner, whatever they wish. Except they can’t torture and kill him or any of that kind of stuff, because that’s not the kind of tax cattle we are.

        We like being valuable to each other and to an unseen collective. Even something as off the charts as raping kids with a crucifix. It happened, and now he belongs to his victims. Or they can donate him to the Catholic Work House until he repays his debts to them, whatever they like.

        Maybe we don’t overthrow anything. We just push to get them to admit the limitations of what the system can accomplish. Or not stop us from calling out the limitations and the fraud that they can “keep us safe” with concentration cage camps, and goose stepping uniformed patrolmen.

        • Hi Tor,

          Actions involving deliberate physical harm to others are pretty rare. Other forms of harm caused – as by inadvertence or negligence and perhaps even including non-physical forms of harm such as fraud – could probably be dealt with via restitution rather than punishment. I prefer this idea as it makes the victim whole and doesn’t simply throw the guilty party into a cage for a period of time to be housed at our expense and almost certainly made worse by the experience rather than having literally paid his debt and – having done so – be regarded once more as a member in good standing of the community.

          But crimes that involve physical harm to others – particularly sexual assaults, permanent physical problems to the victim, murder – how does one ever make restitution for such? According to what standard?

          Also, the people who perform such acts are arguably sociopaths or psychopaths – and there is a persuasive argument to be made in favor of removing them from the community.

          In such cases, perhaps caging – and capital punishment – are necessary.

          For example: If a person is proved to have threatened someone with a gun, the penalty is an automatic 25 years in prison at hard labor. To shoot at someone – whether they are hit or not – gets 40 years. If someone is actually shot, the shooter goes away forever. If someone is killed, his murderer is given the noose or the firing squad within 3 days of unanimous finding of guilt.

          “Gun crime” would become as rare as the Passenger Pigeon, I think. And without any diminution of our liberty.

          • L. Neil Smith addresses crime against someone else pretty well I think. As you said, the priest would be at the mercy of those he injured. Once you’ve stepped over some line knowingly and with full intent would be the only sort of real crime that exists, as it once was. Steal from someone and you become their property, take their life and you become the property of whoever valued them and if there is no one, you might be fleeing simply from someone who knew what you did. Nothing the matter with that in my book.

            I don’t believe in hanging horsetheives unless that theft caused the death of another, then, hang em high. Rape someone and they can prove it, then become theirs to rape or something less lethal than death. Torture and murder would become a rare thing. No wars, no poisoning by chemical companies. Monarchs wouldn’t exist because no one person would be able to reward enough people that the remaining people would be powerless to protect themselves. It’s not perfect but it’s one hell of a lot closer than what we have.

          • After rereading what you said about guns…..why guns? Holding a pillow over a face is lethal. Getting hit by a fist is often lethal. A threat is never cool even if the promise is not to kill….shit happens. If someone is shot(again, don’t know why it has to be gun violence)and not killed or even seriously injured, 3 days and then a firing squad? Seriously? I’ve been shot at and the person is still walking(I suppose). I wasn’t hurt except for a rapid pulse. I got beaten blind and consider that much worse than getting shot “at”. Hey, I shot back too and the only reason I didn’t kill anyone is because I wasn’t good enough or lucky enough to hit them…..but they fired first. I’m sure they’ve had 35 years to rethink what they did and had no need later to kill me since they could have tried again and I’m not 007 who sees assassins in his sleep and thwarts them no matter the odds. I like the idea of an armed society….everybody. If someone aims a gun at you, shoot them first even if they didn’t intend to shoot you. That cuts down on the pointing aspect….a great deal. I certainly can’t agree that 25 years for threatening to kill anyone and not following through is the right punishment. Maybe knowing that person is alive and has that threat in their head is enough to make you go to them and say you didn’t mean it. I’ve known that to happen. I don’t know what the hell you do with women since they’re always doing crazy shit that a man wouldn’t get the chance to live through. But all the same, they are lethal. A good friend’s wife killed him, in cold blood, premeditated and she went to prison for a while. Should she have been tortured? I would have volunteered for that but probably have never touched her when it came right down to it. Not many people premeditate murder. Most are crimes of passion and let’s face it, none of us are immune to acting irrationally. For those who have multiple crimes of passion, I’m guessing they may not be right in the head and should be held back some way but not necessarily punished. I do believe an armed society is a polite one.

            A friend got cut and hit the guy with a beer mug. The guy comes back with the knife and my buddy sent him to the promise land with a pool cue. It seemed like it all worked out well enough and 45 years ago even the Lubbock cops just carted my buddy off to the hospital and the attacker to the morgue and filed what was probably a very brief report. Walk softly and carry a good pool cue.

  7. A crips hang around? Source? No pistol permit, never heard that anywhere.

    If he’s some gangbanger, how is he working in a school cafeteria.

    And how are crips any different than American police departments at this point. The neocon(in general not saying anyone here is one) accuses others of being marxists to hide his own authoritarianess.

    Eric has the only forum where all the lies are seen. Burningplatform. SHTF. Way to similar to neocon talking points.

    Will Griggs. Ron Paul. Don’t really discuss how fucked up things are. Seem to think a return to values of yesteryear can somehow happen. Maybe if we all become more altruistic. Explore faith and prayer. In other words, we just need to create a workable authoritarian matrix like the ones that worked in the past. Don’t sweat all the millions of bureaucrats and people paid with stolen loot. Don’t sweat all the churches and nonprofits that are in bed with all of this and also stick their pig noses in the stolen loot troughs

    Castille’s arrest record. Audio of the hero calling into dispatch saying he’s pulling the dindu nuffin over for no reason

    Actually, he seems to be Eric’s classic example of someone with 50 arrests for no seatbelt and stuff like that. And now he’s dead. Because of some BULLSHIT that he “looked like some other suspect” so he’s going to pull him over with NO PROBABLE CAUSE only the lies of JACKBOOT murdering thugs in blue.

  8. Well Eric,
    Facts are starting to trickle out,
    1,The cops reported they were stopping the vehicle because the driver looked like a wanted suspect.
    2. There was no “broken taillight” Seems that the attention whoring passenger made that up
    3. There’s no pistol permit on file for the driver
    4. His pistol was out and resting on his left thigh.
    5. He was a member of the crips street gang, a hang around if not a full member.

    So why do people like you continue to let yourself get played by an agenda driven cultural Marxist media? Weren’t Travon Martin and Michael Brown enough of a lesson for you?
    The downstream effects of this media coverage are the desired outcome. What do you want to see happen?

    • how does that change what Eric wrote? It really doesn’t.
      Of course the mainstream media is writing to inflame things. I keep writing things are going as they are being designed to go so I agree that it’s by design. But it doesn’t change Eric’s point. If people don’t realize that the paranoia of cops has to end, that this technique of using traffic stops for everything from revenue to finding people with warrants has to stop, and that they themselves are not immune to being treated this way things are going to continue to get worse.

      Here’s another thing. Cops lie and their idea of ‘looks like a suspect’ can be so very general. I was once accosted by cops because they said I looked like suspect. You know why? I was wearing a blue shirt. If I had pulled out the red one that day I would have been spared that experience. I’ve been pulled over because the cop said a car similar to mine was used in a crime. I was driving my 1973 Ford Maverick at the time. It was nearly 30 years old at the time. Chicago’s environment had claimed nearly all of them by then. Mavericks just aren’t seen on the road. The cop was lying unless his idea of similar was “ford” or “blue”.

      The point Eric makes that there really isn’t much difference between the bad people over there and us is not changed by these items.

    • Hi Kman,

      Even if all that is true, it doesn’t change the fact that we are not dealing with “heroic” peace keepers but rather authoritarian law enforcers whose primary function is … enforcing laws. The vast majority of these involving no victim, no harm done to anyone. We are subject to being hassled, mulcted and assaulted as a matter of routine by these buzz-cut, body-armored, jacked up, usually low IQ costumed cretins – who’ve been told their lives and “safety” matter more than ours, who see themselves as above us, as our masters, whom we are obliged to bow and scrape before in the most servile manner lest we affront their “authority.”

      And even if we “obey the law” (and notwithstanding the degradation that entails) we are still subject to their thuggishness, their making up of “law” according to their whim, the lack of real consequences when they are caught doing so, etc.

      “Cultural Marxism”? That’s good ol’ Republican boilerplate.

      Doesn’t alter the inherent tyranny of the system, of the enforcers of that system. Does it?

      You seem to be implying I ought to defend these “Heroes” as the “thin blue line” that keeps us “free” (of “cultural Marxism,” I assume).

      How does embracing authoritarianism in any form serve to protect us against authoritarianism – regardless of the variety?

      If any man can be abused with impunity by the state and its minions, then all of us may be abused with impunity. It is merely a question of the state shifting its gaze in our direction.

      None of us should be legally subject to being stopped by an armed goon based on nothing more substantive than the goon’s mere assertion that we “looked like a suspect.” Or because we happen to be on a given road at a certain time and run into a “checkpoint.”

      Free men should be free to travel unmolested unless they have given probable cause (a much higher bar than a cop’s assertion) to suspect they have committed a crime (a real crime, not a “violation” of some asinine, victimless affront of a statute such as not wearing a seatbelt or having an open container).

      Free men should not have to worry about being shot to death by an armed government worker who “feared for his safety” because you had a gun in your own vehicle (or on your lap, even) when you – minding your own business – got forcibly stopped by said armed government worker.

      This shooting would never have happened had the Hero left those people alone or – at least – restrained himself from shooting first and asking questions later.

      PS: I’m a white, middle-aged married guy; I am clean cut and articulate and look about as threatening as Will Ferrel. And I’ve had Heroes unholster guns on me during routine traffic stops. Last summer, I was out riding (motorcycles) with three friends when we got pulled over for the heinous crime of doing 54 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. Hero cop coming the other way; he lit up his wig-wags. We could easily have taken off but didn’t. We pulled over, waited for the Hero to turn around and come back. We were polite and even friendly. All of our “papers” were in order. None of us have “records.” Yet we were treated as if we were armed and dangerous Mongols. The Heroes ordered us to sit on our bikes with our backs turned to them and if we dared to turn our heads or torsos in their sacred direction, or got off our bikes, were subjected to threats that we’d be arrested and implied much worse. They made us sit there like that for more than half an hour.

      This happened, again, to three middle-aged/middle-class well-spoken white guys, no records, no “threat” to the “safety” of these pusillanimous little martinets. Sow the wind… reap the whirlwind. I do not condone what happened in Texas, but I absolutely understand why it happened.

    • K, I’ve seen no “facts” as of yet. If you have facts, give us a link. I’d like to cut through the crap.

  9. St Anthony PD may have been running a ticket scam. This explains how Castile had 60+ tickets. St A pd actually were selling this service to neighboring communities.

    Gun Activist Says He Warned PD Involved In Philando Castile Shooting About Shady Traffic Stops


    Cheif Ohl does not like body cams

    Interview with John Ohl, Recently Retired Police Chief of Saint Anthony


  10. “At a Friday evening press conference, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings revealed that police used a common plastic explosive known as C4.”

    No, police aren’t becoming militarized. No, not at all.

    Can you image the excitement going on at “policeone.com” over that one.

  11. Allow me to preach to the choir.

    It is true, the cops don’t work for us, they have no legal obligation to protect us. They work for the state. And therefore their allegiance is to the state.

    It is also true that the state, the politicians, the govt. bureaucrats do not serve us. It is we who serve them, who must serve them. Who will go to prison, or be killed if we refuse. As long as we allow ourselves to be ruled by other people, to be slaves of the state, the police will continue to abuse innocent and peaceful people.

    It is difficult to admit that we are slaves, it was difficult for me. But all we have to do is look at one thing to know that we are: the tax system. The one thing common to all slaves throughout history is all slaves are taxed. That’s what makes them slaves and that’s what they have in common. Rich slaves, middle-class slaves, poor slaves.

    Slaves are people who are treated, to one degree or another, as the property of other people.
    Antebellum slaves were not considered human in any legal sense but were in fact the property of others and could be bought and sold like domestic animals. The African slave was taxed 24/7 by his master i.e. he was held against his will his whole life long to create the wealth his master wanted to enjoy.

    Today, we are all slaves. Our slavery is different, more insidious and therefore more dangerous. Our slavery is pure 1984: Most of us believe our slavery to be our freedom; that the taxes we pay are the price of freedom and not the extortion of the fruits of our labor by the political, parasite class of human beings.

    Over the past 40 years I have not convinced any member my family that because taxation is theft our democratic govt. is corrupt and immoral to its core and cannot be fixed by better laws and honest politicians. They resist looking at the state for what it is, just a group of human beings and so cannot and will not judge their actions by the same moral standard they judge each other. To my family and most of my friends, the state represents society and society is a real being greater than the individual. They refuse to see the truth that individual human beings are the only reality of society.

    They have not reexamined what they as children were conditioned to believe and cannot imagine life without the state. They just want to make the state better, taxes more equitable and not so heavy , regulations less cumbersome. Despite facts to the contrary they are ever hopeful that there are good people out there who will create a good state.

    I am hopeful that there will exist some future society of people who will see that the tax laws of today were every bit the slave laws as were the slave laws of our antebellum past.

    • I don’t know if it was something in ART’s comment or just the general feeling here, maybe because he said “preaching to the choir”. It made me think of a time more like 50 years ago when there was hope, maybe only because of naivety but nevertheless, hope for mankind.

      Callin out around the world are you ready for a brand new beat?
      Summer’s here and the time is right for dancin in the street
      They’re dancing in Chicago, down in New Orleans, up in New York City

      All we need is music, sweet music, there’ll be music everywhere
      There’ll be swingin swayin records playin and dancin in the streets

      It doesn’t matter what you wear just as long as you are there so come on every guy, grab a girl, everywhere around the world
      They’ll be dancin, dancin in the streets

      I won’t bore you with the rest of it but it was certainly a much less jaded time if not downright a much nicer time even though the good old US of A was doing it’s thing killing innocent people “around the world” and at home but not to people cheering but people jeering.

      I was listening to Pandora the other night and listening to some old country among other things. So it suggested some other music I might like such as Country Rap, Southern Rap, Mexican Rap, and other types of rap I had never heard of either. They all had one thing in common, the “artist” had an attitude of defiance, not necessarily a bad thing in common with invitations to come party with some specific crowd that led some specific lifestyle. There was always the invitation to come get your ass handed to you if you didn’t like their lifestyle.

      It seems is if that’s what we have come to in this country and much of the world. People aren’t quite as welcoming, not by a long shot, as they once were. It’s not difficult to understand the change though when you think(through my old eyes)of the changes in govt. in this country as well as many others.

      There’s much more of the haves/have nots in society. If you’re not screwing somebody for what they have then you’re one of those getting the screws put to them hard. Not much middle class of people being just mildly screwed. The haves just can’t seem to have enough. So many people who seek wealth and power are evil enough they lie awake at night thinking about those who aren’t going to bed hungry and it pisses them off and makes them want to double down to make sure plenty are going to sleep not only hungry for food but hungry for freedom.

      “and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they’d made and the sign flashed out its warning and the words that it was forming and the signs say the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls and listen to the sounds of silence”

      • Hey Eight, “those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end, we’d sing and dance forever and a day”….I remember when LBJ came on tv to announce he wasn’t going to run again and was going to try winding down the Vietnam war (liar!) and all of my college buddies and I were ecstatic, thinking we’d actually accomplished something. Didn’t take long for that to turn to shit with Tricky Dick Nixon in charge; notice how many of the Chimps minions – Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other assorted neocon warmongers – all got their start in the Nixon administration. Even Dr. Strangelove Kissinger crawls out from under his rock occasionally to let us know how smart he still is. He must have made a deal with the devil to still be walking the earth, he’s got to be close to 100, guess you get good medical care when you’re part of the elite.
        Glad I’m getting up there in years myself, grew up in mostly good times and now have to watch as the ideology our parents fought off takes over the USSA. I was lucky to have been at one of George Carlin’s last shows before he died and he summed it perfectly: the people that own this country aren’t satisfied with what they’ve already got, they’re coming for you and everything you have, and we have a front row seat to the end of the world.

        • Yep Mike, it seems like it’s winding up to “the end”. Hitlery may start a nuclear war but she won’t pick on a country with the ability to strike back. Why start a war with Russian when she and Putin are the reason of the BLM war in the NW so she can get rich and Russia and Putin have the best uranium source in the world? Sure, they don’t trust each other but what politician does trust another, or anyone for that matter?

          And to think I got on “the list” back in college for protesting the war.

    • Well-said, Art –

      And in re “preaching to the choir”: These things must be said, often. Because it’s not just the choir that’s listening (and reading). There are people out there – not many, I grant. Perhaps not even one out of 1,000. But, still. There are receptive or at least open/intelligent minds out there that can be reached.

      I think it’s worth trying to reach them.

      I myself was once one of them.

  12. Is it just me or does it feel wrong to anyone else that the female passenger found the shooting of her boyfriend to be the perfect opportunity to do a video selfie? I find her callous attention whoring while using a freshly killed body as prop to be revolting.
    If Castillio was indeed reaching for his wallet,, WHY in gods name would he do that? I’m going to reserve judgement until all the audio, video and statements are released. Does anyone else recall the “hands up don’t shoot” that never happened?

    • Castillio was anticipating the PIGS asking, “Papers, and right now, fuckwit”. At least his gal had some cool more so than the PIGS, and didn’t scream like so many women do. As if the screaming woman ever helps the situation.

  13. Eric, Can’t argue with your post. But I’d like to make one other point.

    For the purpose of distracting attention away from Hillary’s most recent acts of treason, the “timing” of these “cops kill black civilians” followed by (alleged) “lone black sniper kills cops” incidents is Absolutely PERFECT.

    • This is very true. We had a good few hours of the masses seeing and absorbing the most obvious example of injustice and hypocrisy in recent history. It was mainstream for a few precious hours. I still saw members of the religious left say that Snowden is a traitor and Hilary, may have acted carelessly, but at least she didn’t mean the country any harm. Apparently foreign governments have those E-mails she sent and deleted. Maybe they’ll be released.

      Anyone with an IQ over 100, and who’s been paying attention, must know by now that we live under a group of elites, immune from the laws that apply to the proles. This was just such a perfect, obvious example.

      So, yeah, after a few hopeful hours, her name is off the headlines.

    • Yes, I was gonna say, in response this from Eric:

      Yesterday, several Heroes were shot in Texas, apparently by a “black lives matter” sniper. This is not Good News (get ready for North Korean-style wailing and gnashing of teeth for the “fallen” Heroes). It will almost certainly result in things getting worse – for us and them.

      Another “false flag” distraction. Expect these to become more frequent and more brazen over the next several months.

      The timing of this one, in particular, was just too suspicious.

        • Funny how it progresses isn’t it? One small step for a man…

          From a brit tabloid…

          Dallas police shooting: Cops use military robot to blow up cornered suspect

          “We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension and for it to detonate where the suspect was”

          Five officers were gunned down by at least two shooters who picked out officers from an ‘elevated position’ – believed to be a multi-storey car park.

          It came in the week of public outrage over the deaths of two black men shot by police this week.

          Police Chief David Brown told a press conference they tried to negotiate with the suspect for several hours who was ‘upset about Black Lives Matter’.

          He said: “We cornered one suspect and we tried to negotiate for several hours. Negotiations broke down and we had an exchange of gunfire.

          “We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension and for it to detonate where the suspect was.

          “Other options would have exposed our officers to great danger. The suspect is deceased as a result of detonating a bomb.

          Police Chief David Brown told a press conference they tried to negotiate with the suspect for several hours

          “The reporting that he killed himself was not accurate, we have confirmed
          he is dead because of the bomb.

          Chief Brown continued: “Our negotiator did a good job of getting him to talk before he died. I want to share with you the comments from this suspect.

          “He said: ‘He was upset about black lives matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. He was upset at white people. People stated he wanted to kill people especially white officers. That we will eventually find the IEDs.

          “He stated he was not affiliated with any groups and stated that he did this alone.”

          • Flashbang couldn’t be used instead of a claymore?

            Does no one stop to think….? (Rhetorical question)

            “If it save just one robot life, it’s worth it.” 😉

          • After he stated that there are bombs around the city don’t you think they would have wanted to take him alive to find out where the bombs are? Perhaps find out who else he was working with? Revenge trumps all.

              • Remembering that other “historic” day in Dallas, that changed America and the immortal words of the proclaimed “guilty” before he was summarily executed on live TV: “I am just a patsy.”

                No front pages over a certain Democrat and her special justice this week

          • After I read all that bullshit I couldn’t help but think of a “magic bullet”. That “shrine” built for the coverup of JFK is everything later investigations said were all bullshit but they still built it as if it were truth so later generations could have lies they could believe in with a histyrical marker as it were.

  14. In Jan 1979 the miniseries Holocaust was aired in Germany. Up until then, an entire generation of Germans were unaware there was a Holocaust.

    After each part of Holocaust was aired, there was a companion show where a panel of historians could answer questions from people phoning in. They received thousands of phone calls from shocked and outraged Germans, a great many of whom stated that they were born after 1945 and that was the first time that they learned that their country had practiced genocide in World War II.

    They were faced with thousands of angry phone-callers asking how these things could happen or why they had never learned about them at school. Subsequently the term “Holocaust” was named the German Word of the Year.

    This review of the series could also apply to much of todays world..

    The German Jews were the most assimilated in Europe. In many ways a coddled and sheltered minority, like the American blacks.

    They were vital to Germany’s culture—which, indeed, has never recovered from their extinction. They couldn’t see they were hated in direct proportion to their learning, vitality and success.

    The aridity of the Nazi mind was the biggest poser the authors had to face. In creating Erik Dorf they went some way towards overcoming it.

    Played with spellbinding creepiness by Michael Moriarty, Erik spoke his murderous euphemisms in a voice as juiceless as Hitler’s prose or Speer’s architecture.

    Hitler’s dream of the racially pure future was of an abstract landscape tended by chain-gangs of shadows and crisscrossed with highways bearing truckloads of Aryans endlessly speeding to somewhere undefined.

    Dorf sounded just like that: his dead mackerel eyes were dully alight with a limitless vision of banality.

    Holocaust – Part 1

      • If you mean the holocaust part, that part doesn’t interest me. The problem is how woodenly collective the German’s became. And Americans too.

        The Jews have always been exaggerating bullshitters. Much of the best part of the Old Testament are things appropriated from the Babylonians, who were the most advanced culture in those days. The creation myths have nothing to do with the Jews. Hundreds of other stories are also about non-Jewish people.

        So leave the hollowhoax alone for a moment. The takeaway from that miniseries is how maddening it is when people talk how some political entity is achieving its goals, and vicariously, the members of that entity are also winning on a personal level. It’s absolute crap in the case of Germany or America.

        What if America would have staeyd out of the two wars. Maybe today they’re an Aryan pure Germany in the heart of europe. Just as pure as Japan or China are. Would that really be such a great accomplishment worth all the sacrifice and impoverization the Germans endured. Give me a break.

        I mean how much is it worth to you to send back the 55 million Spanish decent people south of the border. Would you willingly chip in $100,000 for that, or what ever it would cost. I doubt very many individuals would. It ludicrous on the face of it.

        What if we could defeat Isis for $40,000 a piece. How many people are going to run to their checkbook if there were some way pay a certain sum and achieve a certain goal for certain. Not many, I’d say.

        People’s dreams and aspirations have sunk so far from say 40 years ago here in America. The same thing happened in Germany.

        Have you heard some of the speeches given in Germany late in the war. The leaders were like, yeah we’re going to get the shit bombed out of us. There’s barely any food and certainly no luxuries to be found.

        Is a person a hero because he surrenders all his worldly goods and future to some asinine goal like racial purity and gleaming freeways and stale gleaming towers. Sound more like a mental patient than a hero, if anyone’s asking me.

        • Tor, to this day there is no official history of WWll in Japan. It wouldn’t play well so what’s the point?

          A woman I know was in a group of Americans in Germany on a tour of historical buildings. The tour leader, a German woman, would turn to the group and say of something that had been damaged or destroyed by Allies, and this is what YOU did to us. She said it got a bit old after a while.

          But other Germans I know say Germany is still Nazi in fairly much every aspect. They still have collectives known as villages and the same head of each is of the same family that ruled that enclave hundreds of years ago. Germans just like having superiors evidently and marching to the beat of somebody’s drum it seems. It is a very old civilization and clings to the old ways much like many other European countries. Face it, Americans evolved from cast-offs and those who wanted to leave discrimination in other countries so we have the people who need no govt.(at least we did) and want none. The Marxists have been in power too long I fear.

          • Oh, but it’s so much easier to just do as you’re told rather than have to think for yourself and decide what is good, or better.

          • Hi Eight,

            Another interesting fact: Japan still flies the imperial flag; you can walk around with a Soviet flag and wearing a T Shirt with Stalin’s face on it… but another flag (and image) is absolutely verboten.


            • Desecrating the US flag goes way back. It’s illegal, then someone takes it court and it’s labeled free speech. Repeat, ad nauseum. Now I think we’re back to illegal since not much of anything is legal and even the 1st amendment is a dead letter.

              I’m beginning to think there’s nothing that can trigger a national reaction against the US govt.

              I worked with a young man who said he was given speed by the school to “calm him” since he was a boy, rough and rowdy and mainly just very large so the teachers(women)picked on him and mandated his drugging. He said he’d get a book and read it in record time and he hated how he felt. One day at the supper table one of the side effects of the drug showed up where his parents couldn’t deny it(his mother is a nurse for god’s sake)and he began lactating. He was ten years old and he refused to take any more of the crap. But think of all those young boys who don’t have some side-effect such as that and live most of their life before 20 or so being drugged just so they’ll be like girls in school. It’s a sick, sick system.

            • Two different socio-economic groups started each one. The ruling class, in a way, allowed the first one and the disenfranchised started the second. BUT good Germans supported the Nazi’s, not on principle, but to simply keep their place in society. The ones who didn’t lost everything they had including their prior status with their names. Names are everything to many societies. Chamberlain has been blamed for much in my view he doesn’t deserve. He tried placating them for the simple fact England wasn’t remotely ready to defend itself. He was somewhat aware that Germany had been building it’s war base for a decade. Most countries leaders had their head firmly up their butts and hadn’t a clue. The Pole’s tried to defend themselves with horses and swords against Panzers and field machine guns, arty and aircraft. France did little better.

              • Eight, in “Churchill, Hitler, and ‘The Unnecessary War'”, Pat Buchanan says that near the end, Hitler blamed Chamberlain for his defeat. He felt that Chamberlain had tricked him into delaying operations until England and its allies were better prepared. So your point is valid: Chamberlain may well not deserve the blame that he has gotten.

              • “The Pole’s tried to defend themselves with horses and swords … ” But of course they also depended on Britain’s guarantee.

              • Without defending the several stupid and many immoral things done by the Germans in both world wars, there was more than enough blame to go around.

                Perfidious Albion being far from saint-like. In particular, Churchill – who was the Cesare Borgia of his time.

                • A realistic understanding of wars should be that they are the point of our societies, not some kind of aberrations.

                  Think of the “American Revolution[sic]” as the planting of a new crop of colonists.

                  These colonists’ wealth and value creations are then “harvested” by the War of 1812. The war of 1861-1865. WWI. WWII. Harvested as planned.

                  It’s a Plutarchian Orgy where Yanks Brits Franks Krauts Wops are all gleefully and wantonly thrown in the great melting pot and made into a delicious Government Gumbo soup for all the PTB to ingest and enjoy.

                  The first step is for one to have a poetic abstracting enough mind to see what’s really going on. Which is difficult.

                  Then and only then is there the second step where many commenter’s here superior knowledge of political machinations and personalities can really be of use.

                  The 1791 Whiskey Tax for instance is akin to doubling the shear rate of the citizen politic sheep. The individual personalities and particular circumstances are less important than what is the purpose of an aggressive tax and the aggressive rebellion that is sure to follow.

                  Hamilton’s Federal Reserve is about pledging the colonists as collateral to a fiat monetary system. In just the same way as a cattleman is seen as a good risk to his creditors because he pledges them his cattle.

                  The constitution and all that follows is more akin to financial statements and debt repayment plans than anything else. There was no war of 1796 or because the harvest was already forseen by 1776 and then 1789.

                  If you want to look only at the Jews, surely their PTB have a part in it. But the PTB conspiracy is much larger. All the bloodlines and shareowners. You yourself are a share of human stock, as far as they’re concerned.

        • I offer this up as “food for thought”…many people are unaware that the “holocaust ™” involved many less people than the “official” orthodox “story”:

          If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, recreational, medical and other ancillary facilities. Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? The jewish communist Bolsheviks did just that with the non-communist civilian populations of the conquered countries in the communist orbit.

          Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.

          The establishment of a “homeland” was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a barren land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .

          The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident.

          The truth about this minor event in human history will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”.

          Jewish complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.

          It is curious to note that jewish interests will hunt down and imprison a 90 plus year-old German “camp guard” while looking the other way when their “own kind” was involved in truly brutal actions. Camp “capos” and “sonderkommandos” (who were primarily jewish) come to mind. Not one of these jewish “collaborators” has been brought to (jewish) justice. I guess blood is thicker than water.

          A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust”.

          Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment. . .

          If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust” is the only one that counts . . .

          Many jews will never be satisfied with knowing that those that commit evil deeds on earth in this lifetime will pay for it in the next life . . . they have taken vengeance from the Creator and appointed themselves the exacter of vengeance (in contradiction to mosaic law but not their anti-gentile talmud).

          Many jews are vengeful people that will never pass up a chance to “make a buck” by screwing a gentile (goyim) out of money or property. jews were hated in Germany for taking advantage of the non-jew Germans between the two world wars. The average German did not have a pot to piss in while his wealthy jewish neighbor was trading food for land . . . taking advantage of the jewish bankster situation in Germany.

          Look at the “commercialization” of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren.

          Since the jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland” – Israel.

          Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures).

          Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”.

          American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of methylene blue in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing.

          Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license” – a law which had never been used before or since. . .

          It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes.

          The engineering inconsistencies proves that these “death camps” were recreated for communist propaganda purposes. Germans were excellent engineers, and as such, would not have made the engineering “mistakes” that are evident.

          Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. However, the prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.

          After the end of WW2, these same “camps” were used to intern German civilians. These German civilians were subject to much greater deprivation and suffering than the previous “occupants” of these “camps”. In fact, jews were controlling these camps, at the behest of the Allied forces, and were vicious in their treatment of those interned. In fact, the German civilians interned were defined as “disarmed enemy combatants” despite being civilians, so that Geneva Convention rules would not apply to them.

          In fact, it was JEWS that ran the internment camps after WW2. I guess vengeance was theirs, as the Germans made the jews WORK (manual labor in the camps) for the first time in their lives…

          • Some truth in what you say. Of course it’s a crime to speak of the possibility that Jews controlled the death camps. It’s even worse to address the point of why German high command would waste so much resource in order to eliminate Jews when that elimination would be easily done in the country where few people lived and diseases wouldn’t have been so difficult to control. Huge resources used to burn bodies when shoving thousands at a time into a hole and covering it with dirt wouldn’t have been more expedient? The Russkies certainly had no problem of exterminating 10’s of thousands of people and walk away. And that was done thousands of times. They didn’t only kill Jews so there were huge amounts of people that were simply killed en masse.
            So many books I’ve read stress to the nth degree how many Jews were killed but they were just a fraction of people of all ethnicity’s and religions were killed in Russia territory.
            And Israeli’s are famous for using the old “stop resisting” I think the US cops stole from them as they killed other innocent people who weren’t Zionist Jews. Don’t get me started. I don’t think all Jews are part or parcel of this by any means. I’ve kept up for 2 decades of a huge number of Palestinians that were slaughtered by Israel and had “an attack” by them blamed for it.

            Let’s not forget how they’ll spin any story such as the USS Liberty. I’ve read the first hand reports of the sailors of how it happened. Israeli jets fly over doing wing wags and later come back with no markings and do their own job of slaughtering “the enemy”, I.E., those who might tell on them. But it’s verboten to speak of this. Try telling this story, the plain, bare truth to the current US congress. It wouldn’t happen even if you had the floor when you began.

  15. Let’s not forget that the psychopath pheroes are the ones who started this war, and I’m thrilled to see that the mundanes are finally shooting back. It’s unfortunate that the Dalllas thugs weren’t the actual murderers of the recent victims but they sowed the wind and now they’re reaping the whirlwind. I would hope the family members and friends of the victims in Minnesota and Louisiana would track down the actual murderers and administer similar treatment while they’re on their paid vacation known as “administrative leave”.
    What needs to happen is for the Feds to take back all the military grade equipment they’ve handed out to Barney Fife over the years and retrain the piggies to show a little more restraint while weeding out the psychos who get off on lording it over and abusing their victims……..pause here to spit out coffee while laughing my ass off…… as if that will ever happen. The more likely scenario as several have mentioned will be an even more oppressive thug presence in every aspect of our lives as the Gestapo rolls out the all encompassing Amerikan police state.

    • “What needs to happen is for the Feds to take back all the military grade equipment they’ve handed out to Barney Fife over the years and retrain the piggies”
      What? You want the Feds to retrain them? Who do you think trained them to be as they are now?
      As for the equipment, the FedGov has already declared it surplus and/or obsolete. So send it to the Army/Navy Store, where we the people can buy it. We have as much right to it as anybody.

      • Take it back? They want every cop in NY to have a machine gun and bullet proof shield in their cars now. Last year they wanted all police cars to be made bullet and bomb proof. They are saying now that cops must look at all “civvie skells” as potential cop killers, to be more paranoid and ready to kill.

        Barney Fife joins the roving American Death Squads today. The wolf is loose, he is never coming back to the reserve now.

        • Sadly, I think you’re right… the clamor will be fir more Law and Order (rather than dialing back the militarization of police and their tactics).

          • This was what the design was all along. Neo-con and Islamo-Marxist working hand in hand. Arm the police like front line house to house soldiers, “train” them to kill at the slightest invented excuse, allow a cult to grow, ignore rampant steroid abuse and all warning signs of sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies, ignore historic corruption (hell reward it at every opportunity), and turn Barney Fife into Rambo.

            Simultaneously, ramp up the hypocrisy of “social justice,” exacerbate and purposely enflame racial, socio and political tensions, allow the most onerous “causes” a respected forum, disallow any intellectual discussion and any actual “community building.”

            Two armies of drones have been created to do battle with the real war aimed at freedom and the troublesome “bitter clingers” needing a final solution.

            No one to root for in this, the best outcome is for them to destroy each other and leave the rest of us the hell alone – something we can be certain will not happen.

    • Shooting back would be people resisting in the moment. This attacking of cops for the sake of avenging what was done elsewhere by other cops is the next stage of the manipulation. The media coverage over the last few years was designed to push some people over the edge. Problem-reaction-solution. It’s all going by design.

      The piggies are not going to reform because someone went over the edge and started shooting at them. They will escalate and double down. They are supposed to. Being met with mass push back enforcing stupid social engineering laws might cause them to rethink a career where they dish out violence to people who don’t obey government edicts but hunting them will just generate anger and more violence.

  16. Everything is working as it is designed to work. It cannot be reformed or fixed because it is not broken. The american people do not understand this fact because they are not aware of the histories. The cops do not understand how they have been manipulated to this state. So very few can sit back and see it and fewer yet will say it. Without seeing that it is a manipulation and discussing it openly there can be no reset. To simply disband the practices, to collapse it and start anew. There is nothing else that will solve it. So it will just get worse because it is meant to get worse.

    • ‘Cook said no bottles were found.
      “That doesn’t mean they weren’t picked up before (investigators) got there,” ‘
      Right, people leaving a bar at closing time throw bottles at pheroes, then pick them back up before going home.

  17. A good start would be random testing for steroid use. But I don’t expect the “authorities” to initiate it. After all, that would make the LEOs less effective at terrifying the ones they “Serve and Protect” into compliance. Bulk and aggression are prerequisites for “Officer Safety”.

    But anything like the Dallas event means there is a possibility a cop with a mind to actually be a Peace Officer went down, too. I suspect there actually are a few who haven’t had the us-vs-them drilled into them yet. Like any racial and/or religious war some folks are agitating for would undoubtedly take out some pretty decent folks on both sides. Sounds like the guy in Minnesota might have been one of those.

      • I recall 30 years or so ago, a guy had been having some problems with DPS jacking with him. This was somewhere south of Waco. One night it starts again and he most likely precipitated the event purposely. He fled from one and got a bunch of them after him. He went off down a road where it was a virtual bottleneck, left his car and circled around behind them where he proceeded to cut them down and was eventually killed himself.

        I didn’t find out about this on the news because it wasn’t on the news. It got virtually zero play, I think just a one liner or something in the Austin-American. No tv coverage, nada. A friend called who knew what happened and told me. He said then it hadn’t and wouldn’t be seen in the media and he was right.

        Things have changed a lot now and with the internet, everyone is a reporter. Look for more of this on any of your tens of millions of “local channels”.

  18. EVERYONE is now fair game for these PIGS (people in government service). Even CIA agents, former military, pregnant women, old folks, autistic children and adults, tourists, natural health doctors.

  19. Thanks to the stepped up “safety” patrolling on I-70 the past two weeks. I’ve seen lots of people pulled over by the various police forces. In two cases I saw the cops get out of their vehicle and approach the “suspect.” In both cases the officers unsnapped their sidearm. It was exactly the same both times, obviously well practiced. I’ve also seen this same action in my side view mirror, unfortunately. Reminds me of when I reach for my Leatherman to loosen a screw or cut some wire.

    Note they weren’t prepping to use their pepper spray, or their taser. They were unclipping the holster on their guns. Now maybe the taser doesn’t have a snap to lock it in place (after a disturbing image search for police duty belt it looks like it does), but after rehearsing the move to a sidearm every time you get out of the vehicle, wouldn’t that reenforce that the first reaction would be to use it?

    • I see it every day and it goes something like this, one guy approaches the car, hand on gun while the other one hides behind the passenger door on the cop car gun in hand though not quite visible. They see the boogey man every stop. They get much worse and that’s what they’re going to find more and more. It’s simply the law of action and reaction.


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