“hero” Executes Unarmed, Innocent Man – Doesn’t Get Fired, Even

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This incident happened about two years ago; body cam footage (below) was eventually released.

Someone called “heroes” and claimed there was a man with a gun at a convenience store. The “heroes” arrive. A man – who hadn’t done anything and was later (post-mortem) found to be unarmed – is seen walking away from the store. Not running or “acting suspiciously.” He is just walking away from the store. And he has headphones on.

This is important because – apparently – he is unaware that a “hero” is now a few feet behind him, with a loaded gun pointed at his back. The “hero” begins yelling and – as the headphone wearing man begins to take notice of the “hero” and starts to turn around – the “hero” shoots him dead.

Mind: This guy hadn’t done anything. He was out in public, walking away from a store. Surprised by the sudden appearance of a “hero” – with a gun pointed at him – he flinches or something like that – and is shot dead for it.

And the “hero” is cleared of any wrongdoing.

People in this area should keep this in mind whenever they are forced to interact with a “hero.” It might be this “hero.” Or another “hero,” just like him.

One whose demented fearfulness for “his safety” entitles him – as far as the law goes, apparently – to simply murder people.

You tell me:

. . .

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