VW Doubles Down on Warranty Coverage


Have you heard about VW’s new six year/72,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty coverage?

It’s more than double the previous three year/36,000 mile coverage and more coverage than Hyundai’s famous 10 year/100,000 mile warranty – which only covers the drivetrain (the engine, transmission and related parts).

The rest of the car is only covered for five years and 60,000 miles.

Hyundai had to offer such generous terms in order to overcome buyer skepticism about the quality and reliability of its cars – which was initially not-so-great. Current Hyundais are excellent cars – but back in the ’80s and ’90s,not so much. The long-haul warranty wasn’t a gift – it was necessary.

And it worked. People were willing to take a roll on a Hyundai. Why not? If the thing spat pistons, they wouldn’t get the bill.

But VW’s cars are already excellent cars. So why the doubling-down on the warranty?

Because of all the negative news about VW – the company – over its “cheating” on government emissions tests. VW is having to rehab its image – not its cars. And it figures one way to do that is to offer a bumper-to-bumper warranty on its new cars that lasts as long as the typical new car loan.

Ironically, the warranty coverage applies to all the 2018 VWs – none of which have diesel engines.

VW doesn’t sell them anymore.

. . .

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  1. I’ve heard horror stories about the early Hyundais, especially with the warranty. In order for the warranty to be valid you had to have all service done at the dealer, otherwise you void the warranty. A co-worker’s warranty was not honored because he did his own oil changes (and could provide receipts); this was in the late 80s/early 90s. It appears as though the high ($70+) cost of the oil change was to cover the crappy engines; he went through several engines and picked them up cheap at the junkyard.


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