Goo-guhl the Inscrutable


I thought I’d share with you the latest Publisher Policy Violation Report –  tagged with the Auschwitzian number 4366450339560392 – received by me this morning.

It states that “new violations were detected” but does not specify what these “violations” are, even generally. Then, we get to the good stuff:

“As a result (of these violations)ad serving has been restricted or disabled on pages where these violations of the Ad(non)sense Program Policies were found. To resolve the issues, you can either remove the violating content and request a review or remove the ad code from the violating pages.”

Well, fine – except how is the “violator” (me) supposed to determine what the “violating content” is – much less remove the ad code from the “violating pages”?

There is no cite of the violation. No way to determine anything beyond the fact (apparently) that a “violation” has been committed . . . somewhere.

No number to call. No . . . anything. Just a generic Ad(non)sense Help Center, Goo-guhl’s version of the Indian Call Center, but without the unintelligible Indian call receivers. Somehow, one is supposed to just figure out what the beef is, without the slightest assistance much less specificity from Goo-guhl.

The insolence of Goo-guhl is incandescent and I thank the Motor Gods that EPautos isn’t enslaved to its online chain gang – because of you, the people who support EPautos directly. You guys are helping end-run the control over online media exercised by Goo-guhl, which is now openly baring its fangs and – along with its evil parter, FecesBook – overtly using all its might to stifle anything online that doesn’t toe the PC line.

So, thank you.

And not just on my behalf. But on behalf of every non-PC media outlet threatened by the Goo-guhl/Fecesbookian evil empire.

You are appreciated!

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

If you like what you’ve found here – and don’t like Goo-guhl and FecesBook – please consider supporting EPautos.

We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! 

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 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

PS: EPautos magnets are free to those who send in $20 or more. My latest eBook is also available for your favorite price – free! Click here. If you find it useful, consider contributing a couple of bucks!  










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