18 People Caged by Corrupt AGW Released


Here’s some good news out of Chicago, where 18 people who had been caged by the government based on the “investigation” and “testimony” of a corrupt armed government worker have been released; however, there are still another 24 people in limbo (and cages) waiting for this business to sort itself out.

The AGW is now-ex Sergeant Ronald Watts, who plead guilty to theft and extortion, planting evidence and making false reports. Hundreds of victims of this man and his “team” say they were terrorized by Watts and Co., who plundered their neighborhoods (and pockets) with impunity. After all, who are you going to call to report it ?

Eventually, Watts was caught. But not by his fellow AGWs. It was the FBI that put a stop to this AGW’s rampage.

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  1. This is the ONLY reason for an FBI- to investigate corrupt federal and state officials. Just like the ONLY justification for a State Police is to investigate corrupt local officials. Nice to see the Feral Bureau of Incineration do something legitimate for a change.

  2. So, what will come out of hero Ronald Watts hide that will make his ‘victims’ whole?

    Sure, jail time (granted a firing squad might be more appropriate) will certainly provide ‘punishment’ to Watts, but, what’s going to additionally come out of his (and his cohorts) hide in order to make the victims whole? The one kid interviewed lost 4 years of his life! In cases like this, bringing back indentured servitude sounds appealing…


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