Reader Question: Cherokee Thoughts?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Krishna asks: I am a reader  and soon to be a first-time car buyer. A Jeep Grand Cherokee is still my dream car and because of that, I wanted to know, overall, what is your opinion of it?

My reply: I like the GC – in part because it’s a real SUV (not a car in drag “crossover”) which means it can do things cars can’t, not just look like it could. It offers real 4WD – with a two-speed transfer case and Low range gearing. It can seriously off-road and it can pull a serious load.

There is another thing to like about it. It comes standard with a big V6 (3.6 liters) without a turbo and you can get a bigger V8. You can even get the Hellcat’s V8 (707 hp) in the Trackhawk, which is something to like a lot!

Jeep vehicles are generally pretty sound mechanically. The main complaint seems to be that they wear faster cosmetically. Trim pieces flake/peel or fall off. But these are relatively minor considerations. If you like the GC and need a real SUV it definitely fits the bill and I would say go for it!

. . .

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  1. We’re sort of thinking between a GC and a 4runner …?

    Everything else is either too big or is just AWD with IRS.

    • Hi Anon,

      Either is a great choice, in my book. I personally would go with the 4Runner because it’s a Toyota and … well… it’s a Toyota. But the GC is a nice rig, too.

      • 4runner: v6 or v8 ???

        Oddly enough, between two listed at a somewhat local dealer, the v8 lists slightly better gas mileage.


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