Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 5/25/21


Here’s the audio of this week’s gabble with fellow right-thinker Bryan Hyde! We talked about the Good Germans and also the chance that – soon – we’ll be expected to provide proof of Jab to be allowed to live.

I’m hoping to hear from David Knight soon about his road trip plans and the chance that he and I will be able to do a live show from my “hot spot” of skepticism here in The Woods of SW Va.

Stay tuned!

. . . 

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  1. Eric,

    Seeing you doing things such as passing over the double-lines on video is refreshing, in that you truly have the audacity (!) to think for yourself, assessing possible dangers and acting upon those assessments, as well as not fearing doing so on video.

    I guess there IS plausible deniability, since you don’t show your face, but I like that you walk your talk. 🙂


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