The Yoke’s on You


Do you like the idea of there being no physical connection between your steering wheel and the driving wheels? There’s already no physical connection between gas pedal and throttle in most new cars. When you depress the gas pedal, the degree of depression is registered by sensors, which send data about that to the computer that controls the engine and it – the computer – causes the engine’s speed to increase.

This is drive-by-wire throttle. 

In most new cars, there is also no physical connection between the gear selector and the transmission. When you turn the knob  (or push the button) to engage Drive, a signal is sent to the computer, which then tells the transmission you want Drive. When it’s time to Park, you turn the knob – or push the button – and the process repeats. This is also drive-by-wire in that there are no longer any cables connecting you to the transmission.

Now comes drive-by-wire steering, which operates on the same principle. The wheel you turn isn’t connected to the wheels that turn. Instead, sensors register the degree of arc the steering wheel is turned and that data is sent to the computer which, in turn, commands electric motors to turn the wheels the degree of arc the data indicate. 

Toyota, via its Lexus luxury division, will be the first major car company to put this system in a production car – which (of course) will be an electric car – the 2023 Lexus RZ. The “of course” being an acknowledgement of the inevitable evolution of disconnection – from driving – that is fundamental to electric cars, which are also the apotheosis of the connected car.

There is almost nothing left for the “driver” to do beyond warm the seat – which isn’t a bad thing, in an electric car, given that using the heat, which relies on electricity in an EV, depletes the battery that must also power the motors that move the EV. He makes inputs – and the car’s computer does the actual driving. As this evolution continues, even the inputs will become something the driver doesn’t do – beyond the in-putting of a destination – with the car driving him there. Or controlling everything he does, on the way there.

Even if it doesn’t, it could – and that is something people ought perhaps to consider before they hug the electric tar baby too closely.

Already, many new cars with drive-by-wire “technology” (the word is used to make it sound Star Wars sophisticated, a shiny-spinning lure for human bass) countermand the inputs made by the driver. For example, if you select Reverse and try to reverse with the driver’s door open – which is sometimes helpful, in terms of seeing what’s beyond you that the back-up camera doesn’t show you – the computer will input Park until you close the door.

The Speed Limit Assist most new cars now have embedded in their electronic guts “assists” you to drive slower – by cutting back your throttle inputs and (in some cases) applying the brakes, too. The latter also electronically controlled, though still hydraulically actuated – for now.

Drive-by-wire brakes are also in the works.

The point being that everything the car does can be controlled by the car – rather than by you – when its motive functions are controlled by computers that are programmed to override your inputs at any time. Your are allowed to accelerate, steer and so on on sufferance.

Until it is no longer suffered.

This brings us to the connected part.

While the driver is physically disconnected from the controls that once controlled the operations of the car, the car is controlled by its programming. That programming is, in turn, controlled by whoever wrote it – and whomever can alter it. That being anyone who can “connect” to the car, which at least in principle encompasses more than the company that made the thing, as for example Tesla – which has demonstrated how the process works. It – Tesla, the company – sends “updated” to the car, which is wirelessly connected to Tesla, very much in the way a cell phone is connected – unless you keep the thing in a Faraday box.

It is hard to keep it in the box – if you intend to use the phone. Once out of the box, it can receive “updates” – whether you want them or not. It can also be hacked – and now, if it’s a car we’re talking about –  it’s more than your data that’s been accessed. How about your steering being controlled? You turn the wheel – or the electric yoke, as in the case of the Lexus RZ – and nothing happens. Well, something does happen.

Just not what you want to happen.

Even if it’s never hacked, it is always controlled, as Tesla demonstrates every now and then, when it “updates” how much charge the battery will accept – and how quickly (or slowly) it will charge. But it is not only Tesla. It is the entire industry, which is connecting cars at the same time it is disconnecting the driver.

Each being one of the pincer arms of a great encirclement, similar to the tactic used by one army to annihilate another.

Only in this war, it is something else that is being annihilated.

. . .

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  1. Big rigs have had no cable for throttle since 1996. It sucks when it doesn’t work correctly. The weird thing is the engine produces more power when the cruise control is turned on. The latest thing is electrical steering, not something I care for. It’s been on cars and pickups for over a decade. One thing that doesn’t exist yet is an electrical control for the brake valves. No doubt I just haven’t experienced it and it’s being done now. I don’t care for the electric steering though on anything. I was only 20 years old when I had an accelerator cable break and nearly blew the engine but my panic was to turn off the key and that solved that problem. I was able to fix it on the road and continue on. I had already had it happen on my car so I wasn’t panicked and turned the key off. Better in a car than a big rig. Having a main air line break on a big rig is damned frightening though and when it happened to me, it had just started to rain on dirty pavement. When the brakes locked up instantly I knew what was going on since the gauge went down the the warning light and buzzer went off. I was lucky I always used 5 chains on a load of pipe.

  2. Ooh! Here’s another off topic but mildly related gem in today’s articles! (The common denominator being “The jokes on you”.) Mercola has an article out this morning that talks about the “Foegen effect”. I always thought that extended mask wearing would make people less healthy but I had no idea about this! (Figures though)

    How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You


    – The Foegen Effect: Mask Mandates Increased COVID-19 Deaths
    – Wearing Masks Could Be Related to Long COVID
    – Clear Risks of Prolonged Mask Use
    – Bacterial Infection Risk, Problems With Social Learning

    I always thought, like any other BAD habit, wearing masks would ultimately be a self-limiting trend. So let the maskers signal their virtue!! Please keep doing it. Please keep Biden masked every possible second!

    Of course, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t apply… what’s the word… obloquy! In fact, I think the two go hand-in-hand. The more we point out how stupid they are for their diapers the more they double down.

    • You probably know that the Germans have begun creating ‘warming spaces’. These are School Halls, Libraries and what-not, which will become warm refuges into which cold Germans will be packed, this Winter.

      You know, it doesn’t seem five minutes since we were not allowed to come within 2 meters of another human.

      And, will the unvaccinated be denied entry … told to stay outside in the snow?

      Further, if you can’t afford to heat your home, what happens to it? Will everyone have to drain down all their heating systems and pipework, to avoid ruptured pipes?

      • Hi Bog,

        Yes, indeed. It’s why I’m very grateful I have wood – and a stove. I recommend everyone who is able to go this route do so as it’s one of the ways to control your heat, without any external control. If the power goes out, if the gas truck doesn’t show up, I’ll still be toasty. And the stove can be used to heat water and cook food, too.

        • As long as the local communists don’t try to gig you for unauthorized felling of trees to obtain firewood. Or, if you have more than a couple of cords of seasoned wood, accuse you of “hoarding”.

    • “The San Francisco Police Department said it did not receive any reports about these events.”

      I guess they were too busy making sure that mask rules were being followed. You know, sticking to the important stuff.

      If my car was stopped on a SF street for more than one minute, any bets on what would happen?!

  3. A little off topic but related! Did you see the article by James Howard Kunstler this morning (on Lew Rockwell) about his home solar panel system?! Cost him $35K in 2013 and now looking at $18K for battery and controller replacement!

    Government now requires more expensive batteries than when it was installed. Shocker, I know.

    The power company is increasing the uplink charge and he only has about 10 years before his solar cells need to be replaced!

    Reminds me that the door-to-door solar power salesmen came by my house this past weekend for the umpteenth time giving me the hard sell.

    “Don’t you want to save money?!”

    Me: No, I’m good thanks.

    And that was before reading Kunstler’s article. I just have the deep suspicion that those systems are a scam and whattaya know?!

    • 53,000 dollars will buy a lot of electricity. 15 cents per kwh times 100 equals 15 USD.

      53000/15 is 20 years of electricity. Solar is not ever going to recover the expense.

      Getting hung out to dry.

      I paid John Deere 124 USD for one part, a finished piece of steel that weighs about two pounds. Gotta have it, you buy it if want to keep it all going.

      124,000 dollars per ton is pretty good money.

  4. Without a physical connection between the steering wheel and the driving wheels and the cars of the future all being connected to the net, what are the odds that some group would take control of them and have all cars accelerate to a high speed and make a ninety degree turn? A lot of mayhem would result and then all cars would be banned for “SAFETY”. In the future they envision for us only the elites will be allowed to see the world whether in a Chevrolet or some other personal vehicle.

    • Landru,
      It’s not the degree of the turn that matters, it’s the radius. Taking a few miles to make a 90 degree turn at 100 mph is not a problem. Turning into your driveway is.

  5. It gettin’ so you will just have to buy a boarding pass to enter a vehicle, TSA will monitor the progress of the transaction, the self-driving mobile device will take you to your destination, you’ll exit the vehicle and be where you are. The self-driving vehicle will be moving on to the next stop. A bus will do. Only if your social credit score is clear.

    We don’t need no stinkin’ steering wheels.

    A Picnic food market in Amelo in the Netherlands, supported by the Bill Gates’ Foundation, burned to the ground early today. Bill has money to burn, so what does it matter?

    They use electric vehicles for delivery.

    There is good electricity and, apparently, there is bad electricity.

    • Hi X,

      Except the government isn’t forcing us to drive EVs…they don’t want us driving at all. They are pushing telecommuting (stay home), public transportation (take the bus), walking and cycling (live in the city), etc. They can’t control you unless they see you.

      When Obamacare was signed in March 2010, I said to anyone who would listen “In ten years, only the rich will be able to afford health insurance. Those that do not have insurance will be made to care for themselves and their loved ones, since doctors and hospitals will all be corporate owned.” The entire system is a Ponzi scheme. The system has driven out the small, private practices and rural hospitals to focus on large offices with 5, 6, 7+ doctors on staff. The health insurance companies (for those who have insurance) will dictate where and with whom who will seek care.

      With the mandate of the vaccine for hospital staff, the corporate healthcare conglomerates got rid the last of the “science” questioners. Just as massive regulations kill business the healthcare sector will be no different. Mark my words, in the near future, those who do not have insurance or who may have crappy insurance (Medicare, Medicaid) will be unable to access care from these institutions. Mass dieoff. Yep.

      I can only suggest that everyone learn the basics of medical care: have to treat a wound, how to seek out herbal ingredients found in nature, how to set a broken bone, know CPR, how to bring a baby into the world, etc.

      Just as we don’t trust government to be there for us, we should not expect it of our medical system either.

      • RG,
        Medicine has been completely corporatized, in league with government. Just as much so as defense contractors. We now have two MICs. The Military Industrial Complex, and now the Medical Industrial Complex. Neither have any interest in public benefit, since they have captured customers, and are vigorously attempting to destroy any competition.
        I quit. I will no longer be seeking the services of the latter MIC. If my life is shortened, so be it. It is just as likely that my life will be lengthened. It has recently come to my awareness, that all the fraud involved in the Covid “vaccines” has been ongoing for decades in nearly all other vaccines as well. Which supports my original suspicion that my Rheumatoid Arthritis, an immune system attack on my own body, was a result of vaccination. In which “adjuvants” like Mercury and Aluminum, are added to evince an immune response to a non-dangerous substance. Me for instance.

        • Re: John Kable July 12, 2022 At 9:21 am

          The medical industrial complex was started in 1910 with the flexner report. It’s been around a long time.

          • Brent,
            Indeed, but for generations we had private practice doctors to cushion it a bit. No more. They’re all now just cogs in the snake oil machine.

      • EVs are the latter-day DDR Trabant, or “Trabbi”. That contraption started out b/c most of what automotive industry survived Allied bombing or Soviet artillery fire during WWII was carried off by ALL the superpowers, not just the Soviets, as “reparations”. One of the most monumental decisions was reached at Yalta when the occupation zones were drawn up; the Soviets were offered Wolfsburg, where the VW (mostly Kubelwagens) cars were made; they were interested in something else so they foisted in on Churchill’s UK government.

        DDR officials wanted to revive their domestic auto industry by the early 1950s, but no Soviet outfit like GAZ or AutoVAZ or Kamaz would license their models, and entreaties to the Skoda and Tatra companies, now owned by the Czechoslovakian government, were rebuffed…Tatra especially was still holding a grudge about the Beetle being a ‘copy’ of their Tatra 97. So they had to come up with a domestic design, but never mind that they had no automotive engine foundry; they were not, under COMECON, allowed sufficient steel to make car bodies. For an engine, as they did have the old DKW plant (Eric, you’d know the history of their bikes), they could source a pre-war air-cooled 2-cylinder, 2-stroke engine, but the trick was the car body itself. That’s where the old BASF outfits at “Karl-Marx-Stadt” (present day Chemnitz) came up with a brilliant product, made from scrap cotton fiber in a coal tar derived binder, and called it “Duroplast”. So this was essentially a plastic made from scrap and the residue of making coke from coal! Brilliant! While from an automotive standpoint this little contraption was a pathetic joke, when you take into consideration that the old DDR wasn’t all that big, and even if you had the necessary passes to traverse its entirety, you just couldn’t go all that far, so top speed or range wasn’t a big deal, it was about as much car as most DDR folks needed and could afford anyhow. Of course, the lion’s share of its production was NOT for private use; they were everywhere in various State enterprises, police, fire, and other civil service agencies, and, of course, the NVA (National Volksarmee). You have to give the East Germans credit for improvisation, even though their leadership were a bunch of cruel, insufferable and incompetent SOBs.

        Even the body itself was edible, at least for GOATS. Sometimes while the car was still in service! I think there was a joke about could a “Trabbi” go fast enough to evade a hungry goat? Believe it or not, though after German reunification this car had absolutely no market and its factory shut down in 1991, there are Trabant enthusiasts and car clubs in Germany today.

  6. Seeing that picture of the yoke reminds me – whatever happened to the flying cars we were supposed to have by now? Instead we have mobile prison cells. Ugh, no Jetsons for you!

    • M-i-B,

      Auto designers have long suffered from flyboy envy. Thus the prominent rear tailfins of the Sputnik era, withdrawn by the early 1960s.

      It goes way back. Rob Wagner’s book Classic Cars features a Labourdette-bodied 1924 Rolls Royce inspired by WW I biplanes. The passenger sits directly behind the driver in a separate cockpit, with (ridiculously) her own windshield. Great date car … NOT! Especially if you have a bald spot on the back of your head.

      Steering yokes are another flyboy-envy aesthetic crapification. Whereas the circle has been recognized as beautiful since prehistoric humans drew it with sticks on cave walls.

      Eric captures the zeitgeist with his double entendre title, “The Yoke’s On You.” And man, does it lie heavy on muh neck …

    • Hey Mike!
      Don’t you know? All of those flying cars must be up there in those ‘colonies on the Moon’ that we were also supposed to be living in by now! And that they call “education”.

    • You’re damn right, Mike! I think the problem is one thing: Freedom. When helicopters were invented, some we’re afraid that people were about to become TOO free to explore and go wherever they wished. For some reason, no one ever fought to make the helicopter or the gyrocopter common and ubiquitous. Instead, roads, their maintenance, and their limitations became perimeter containment apparatus, and then government road pirates were allowed free-rein to harass and rob you in a Constitution-free manner.

      Yes, “where are the flying cars?” indeed.

      • Any manner of flying car was a pipe dream; and although in the mid-1950s quite a few upper-middle class folks were buying and keeping up small aircraft; the incessant government regulation and crushing insurance mafia put the domestic small aircraft industry out of business; now they’re playthings of the rich or for “important” businessmen and tycoons.

        I can imagine that if indeed “hover cars” as in the Back to the Future franchise were a common reality; they’d have been heavily regulated and likely quite automated. And if “hover conversions” were common enough and affordable enough, I can likewise imagine the MILITARY application of that technology. Why bother with a Marine AMPHIBIOUS force when the jarheads can just swoop in from an offshore LST?

  7. Another feature of the “skateboard” design dream of GM. Basically turn cars into cell phones or laptops. You buy a skateboard and slap whatever you want on top. Not a bad idea in theory, since there’s potential for a return to the coachworks classics like the Duesenberg. But because of all the regulatory and safety requirements, that literally cannot happen. At least not in the US/North America.

    I imagine if that dream ever did became reality the first thing somone would do is order up a bare skateboard with nothing more than a driver’s seat and a joystick, just to see how fast he could go. After they scrape his body off the pavement his next-of-kin would have enough lawyers to recreate 1/6 at GM’s headquarters.

  8. I think what’s done with new cars is going to become irrelevant in the near future, since very few will be able to afford one. Especially the EVs. Leaving the problem that a great many of the late model used cars already have too much “connection”. Even some not so late models. My ’06 Miata had throttle by wire, which I discovered when I wanted to change the throttle return spring pressure and there was no cable with a spring to alter. But, and it’s a big butt, it was NOT “connected”. Perhaps a market for means to disconnect?

    • Hi John,

      In re the throttle return spring (and generally). There’s no longer a throttle arm to hook anything up to in these things. It would entail physically re-engineering the throttle. But then the computer would have a conniption fit. These cars are utterly, completely “Borg’d” – Star Trek reference. The older cars can be retrofitted with stand-alone throttle bodies that have actual throttles (with cables) and a simple computer that maintains the A/F ratio and so on, all easily adjusted.

      A Monkey Pox on these disconnected-connected cars.

      • Eric,
        I could have changed the Miata’s return pressure by adding a spring to the gas pedal structure connecting to the electric signal body, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. A bit more than stretching a spring or cutting off a few coils. And it would have required me to crawl under the dash, in a Miata. Not exactly a spacious place.

        • Hi John,

          In re: “And it would have required me to crawl under the dash, in a Miata. Not exactly a spacious place.”

          Ah feeel your pain! About six months ago, I had to contort myself underneath the dash of my truck, to get at the verdammt brake light switch, which Nissan thoughtfully installed on a welded bracket atop the steering column, way the hell back toward the firewall.

          I hurled many curses at whoever designed the thing!

          • I call and raise.
            My Rover Discovery II has the coil pack mounted between the back of the engine and the firewall. The intake manifold (and everything on top of it) has to come off just to change the PLUG WIRES.

          • Likewise all that wiring and those switches were installed prior to the SEATS.

            I believe the seats on my 2020 Fusion are RIVETED, not bolted to the floor. I’m too old and fat to squeeze under dashboards anyway.

  9. ‘the entire industry is connecting cars at the same time it is disconnecting the driver’ — eric

    Henry Ford was notorious for insisting on mechanical brake linkage, long after pneumatic brakes had proven reliable. But pneumatic brake lines still are a direct physical connection.

    Fly-by-wire is a horse of a different color. As opposed to say a DC-3, where the rudder, elevators and ailerons are connected to the cockpit by cables, modern aircraft use fly-by-wire for all the control surfaces. It’s highly reliable.

    YET, in the Boeing 737MAX, a badly programmed MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) — a Band-Aid control override to overcome the bad aerodynamics of grafting new engines onto an old airframe — caused two fatal crashes.

    And that was despite an extensive FAA certification process.

    When it comes to fly-by-wire in autos, the question is WHY? Weight saving? Cost saving? Eliminating physical constraints such as the steering column? Integrating all functions into a black box control system?

    I can no longer discern what are the driving factors of fly-by-wire tech in autos. But I cruise calmly in my late-1990s vintage vehicles, knowing that the mechanical steering column ain’t gonna break, and don’t have no 737MAX-style “control override.”

    Boeing: an epic cautionary tale of fly-by-wire gone bad.

    • Jim,
      A slight correction. Post Henry cars and light trucks have hydraulic brakes, not pneumatic. Hence the brake fluid. The power brake booster may be pneumatic, working off vacuum? I’ve never had one fail, so I don’t know.

    • Hi Jim,

      The reason – well, one of them – for drive-by-wire is that it eases (cheapens) assembly. Just plug in the various modules as the car comes down the line. It also ensures a high degree of sameness, as there is no variance in play of cables and so on that aren’t there.

      All of this, of course, further homogenizes vehicles and renders them more and more remote from the standpoint of accessibility. They are becoming close boxes that work until they don’t.

    • Mechanical brakes were common prior to WWII, it was the ’39 PLYMOUTH, of all the cars available, that had the first all-hydraulic braking system. Henry Ford’s Model T was a marvel of simplicity and cost-effective engineering…that old 20-horse flathead didn’t even have a water pump, instead, simple thermosiphoning was more than adequate. The fuel tank was located in front of the cab and higher than the engine, making a fuel pump unnecessary. The piston rings were a relatively soft iron; and while they wore out in about 20,000 miles, replacing them could be done in an afternoon as seldom did the cylinder require more than a mild honing. The planetary gearbox used the same engine oil. The Model T was light enough so that hydraulic brakes simply weren’t needed. Indeed, one of the criticisms of the “Flivver” was that once everyone that wanted one would have bought one, Ford would have to diversify its product line or go out of business, and by the mid-1920s, this almost happened, the cars were nearly indestructible! The Model T also gave birth to an extensive aftermarket of parts and accessories, and even indirectly spawned a well-known auto parts chain, as “Pep” valve grinding compound was sold in stores to shade tree mechanics that could overhaul a Model T engine, three young Jewish guys got the exclusive distribution rights for their fledgling chain of auto parts stores in Pennsylvania, so the three guys, Manny, Moe, and Jack became known as the “Pep” Boys because that’s where you got the grinding compound.

  10. I can see a time where if for some reason you have a warrant for your arrest, the car will lock you in and drive itself to the nearest police station.

    If they had this in Australia during the sickness psychosis there’s no doubt it would have been used like that.

    • It’ll be worse than that. If you said “mean things” about certain politicians, or otherwise your “social credit score” is low, your ride will simply not start until you’ve learned your lesson, naughty boy. Perhaps your Internet “privileges” will also be cut off, or, you don’t even get to buy food in any supermarket.

  11. The end game of this trend seems clear, and possibly inexorable. I’m curious, Eric; as a fellow biker yourself how do you imagine the push to eliminate autonomous transportation will be applied to bikers? They can’t really automate it as they do with cars. I know there are some fly-by-wire aspects to new bikes already, but it seems inherently limited in regards to motorcycles.

    • Hi Bill,

      I suspect that bikes will be subject to a “mopping up” operation. They’ll be dealt with – not via “technology” – but via regulations and “mandates.” The same as applied to cars. First, their engines will be de facto outlawed via “emissions” regulations, resulting in the “electrification” of bikes, rendering them of zero interest to most bikers. This will leave a small handful of electric bike riders – those who can afford them and want them. The remainder – guys like us, who “cling” to our engined bikes – will find them taxed into unaffordability or simply told we may not operate them on “public” (government) roads, due to their “dangerous emissions” or because they are not “safe.”

      • Re: eric July 11, 2022 At 8:08 am

        Bicycling will also be eliminated under the control freak rubic.
        There will be centrally controlled BEVs for the few and that’s it. Everyone else will walk or take the bus/train.

        The new urbanists are IMO intentionally breaking the existing systems to get people to support their changes. Apparently the traffic light controllers (should be human beings in a command center in the city but maybe they were replaced with software) wouldn’t allow the ped crossing buttons to work on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago resulting in people being stranded in the median for ten minutes. Now these crossings have worked fine all my life without issue. Now they’ve got people riled up wanting to turn LSD into a 25mph two lane residential street to make it ‘safe’.

        The bike lane designs too. Most of them create more dangers than they solve. It seems the idea is to break the transportation system so one that doesn’t work except through low volume and central control can be implemented.

        • Hi Brent,

          Excellent – accurate – summary. It took me a while to understand that much more than the usual bureaucratic incompetence (and arrogance) is at work. That, in fact, the whole point is to bolix mobility so as to centralize and control it.

          I don’t think there’s any viable answer – other than girding ourselves to fight and (ideally) destroy these people. Else they will destroy us. That is the dilemma. The moral problem. We would be fine leaving them alone. We want to leave them alone. But they absolutely will not leave us alone, ever – until we have abjectly submitted to everything they demand of us.

              • Ernie,
                I’m becoming suspicious you maybe should not be kidding. We are indeed facing evil of truly biblical proportions. How does it go? “The greatest victory of Satan was convincing us he did not exist.” There is at least some evidence of Satanism among the Psychopaths In Charge.

        • Hi Brent,

          Which is why they are going after rural America and the food supply first. Destroy the country so they are forced to reside in the cities. I am appalled at the amount of freedom fighters that the world has that media refuses to give a second of coverage to. The Dutch Farmers, the Sri-Lankan people, Argentina protesters, the farmers of Germany, Spain, and France are now also rising up realizing what is coming for them and their livelihood.

          • Hi RG,

            The “elites” have been pretty open about their goal (one of them) of herding us like cattle into urban ant hills. It is essential – from their point-of-view – to make it extremely difficult for anyone who isn’t “elite” to live in the country; they do not want people who do not need the “elites” living out of reach and under the radar. When you begin with this as the premise, everything being done to make life more expensive and difficult, especially for people who do not live in cities and suburbs, makes a sick sense….

            • Hi Eric,

              The problem with government (all government) is they have no idea what to do once what they wish to accomplish happens. Let’s say the government gets their wish. They destroy rural America. The desperate inundate into the US Metropolitan areas. Where do they live? Where do they work? What do they eat?

              I realize the majority of the US population (roughly) 82% (or 269 million) live in or near urban centers. That still leaves 59 million people who don’t. Most of these are your hands on workers – farmers, tradesman, truck drivers, etc. Where does one park a big rig in a metropolitan area? Where does one grow wheat or livestock?

              Have we linked together Bill’s purchase of so much acreage in the Western territory yet? Let me guess…soon it will be extensive factories producing Beyond Meat for the masses with a good chunk of said farmland with several thousand pasture raised cows, pigs, and chickens to feed the elite. Nothing else makes sense.

          • re: Raider Girl July 11, 2022 At 12:49 pm

            The mainstream corporate media is controlled by leftists and I make sense of leftists by viewing them as a hate group. Who do leftists hate? The productive people. People who produce goods and services. People with skills. Leftism is driven by calling people who have more ‘lucky’, ‘exploiters’, etc to gather a following of people who want to live at the expense of others. The only way to make it seem acceptable to steal from productive people is to first dehumanize them.

            Thus it will ignore and at most distort, lie, etc about any resistance of the productive people. Canadian truckers, Dutch farmers, whomever creates the goods and services. They hate productive people and follow the standard hate group game plan.

          • re: Kurt V July 11, 2022 At 2:26 pm
            Thanks for the kind comment.
            I was never really gone, just lower frequency of commenting.

      • Eric,
        Check out the movie “The Last Motorcycle on Earth” It’s low budget, but interesting considering today’s world.


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