The Significance of the Vehemence


That the recent elections tilted blue – that is, red (it’s interesting that the party closest to overt Marxism isn’t the “red” party) isn’t surprising because the basic tenets of Marxism have become vehement givens for both parties.

Neither opposes income or property taxes – both central dogmas of Marxism. They merely bicker over how much.

Question this – ask why anyone ought to be forced to pay either – and you’ll be met with vehement umbrage from both reds and the blues.

But the issue that defined – or rather, foreordained the outcome of –  the recent elections is the general vehement agreement that life doesn’t matter. That it is disposable, when inconvenient. If the life of a baby is disposable, then how much is yours or mine worth? How you “stand” – ugsome word – on abortion (the ending of life) is almost beside the point. The point is that if any life is cheap, then life is cheap. Put another way, if any of us lack the right to life, then our right to not be robbed (i.e., “taxed”) stands on pretty flimsy ground.

It is no wonder we’re taxed extravagantly, at every turn. It’s a miracle we’re not taxed out of everything we earn and thought we owned. It is no wonder people are treated with contempt – and treat others with contempt. That the most basic civilities are passing away.

This is an inevitable etiolation of the disease of regarding human beings as things whose value can be disposed of by others.

Isn’t that what abortion comes down to?

The “right” to dispose of life is premised on the assertion that it’s not a life. That it is a thing. This is of course absurd because it’s self-evidently false. But it is convenient. One can argue for the disposal of things and not regard oneself as a thing. We all take out the trash; get rid of things we don’t want or need.

They are, after all, merely things.

Once this attitude hardens, people in general come to be regarded as things. You are not threatening your neighbor with murderous violence – demanding he hand over his money that he earned (and you did not) because you think a government school or some other thing requires him to provide funds to finance it. You are just voting to “increase funding” for “the schools.”

And if he were to refuse – if he were to resist – you would not be appalled to learn he’d been killed for resisting. Many would say it was justified.

This is what comes of regarding others as things – as property to be disposed of.

The GOP’s losses reflect the fact.

As a matter of practical politics, the GOP – as in Virginia – might have done better than losing control of both houses if it had not dared to broach the subject of treating life as a thing to be disposed of. Evidence is persuasive that having broached it in the meekest, almost apologetic tones cost the GOP control of the legislature, now under control of the blue – that is, red – party.

It might have won had it left that issue alone.

But we all lose, regardless – because we’ve all become things to be disposed of. We have no rights that are bound to be respected because things do not have unconditional rights. Things are allowed certain privileges, perhaps – and always conditional.

Just the same as the conditional right of a developing child to live, provided it is convenient.

Else just dispose of it.

This is not an argument in favor of banning abortion. It is an appeal to conscience. Without the latter, the former will always be a loser. In order for that to change, people’s minds – and hearts – must change, first.

. . .

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  1. A major beef I have with the Gang of Patsies and Pushovers is that they fail to realize that Big Business is as much as a threat to liberty, property, and even our lives as Big Government.

    Notice how many monopolies and oligopolies have proliferated like mushrooms after a rain storm during times of GOP dominance. Notice how the GOP claims to be for de-regulation (when it benefits the corporations) yet they go along with regulations when they benefit the corporations because they create barriers to entry. Notice how the GOP wants to legislate morality but let corporations do unethical things.

    Lest you think this is some kind of pinko commie socialist talk, remember that Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt led the charge of trust busting.

    And then there’s corporate welfare.

    • Teddy Roosevelt was a pre-commie socialist who didn’t so much as “bust trusts” but rather attempted to get rid of his favorite Progressive corporations’ competition.

  2. I’m for abortion and I’m against abortion. I’m against abortion for my family and I’m for abortion for everyone outside of my family.

    Abortion is a very emotional topic. There are people who are against abortion but think nothing of incinerating 100,00 people with bombs.

    Power really does come at the end of a gun barrel.

    In heaven there will be no abortion, no hunger, no lust, no anger, no hate. How come people are not jumping at the opportunity to get into heaven quickly?

  3. The expendability of life also applies to the other end as well.

    One thing that advocates for “universal health care,” “single payer,” “socialized medicine,”
    or whatever it’s called, fail to realize is that under these systems, care is rationed.

    Rationing takes many forms, from waiting in line (Canada) to guidelines and age restrictions (UK). The ultimate form of rationing is death, which usually happens when you die while waiting for treatment, or you’re considered too sick or old for treatment.

    The emperor really showed how naked he is once Canada went for Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). It’s not just for people with stage 4 cancer—people with depression can get MAID.

    Coming to a hospital near you…

    • Exactly, Bryce.

      This is occurring in the UK right now. The government wants to pull the baby off life support, the parents are trying to extend her life. I don’t know how any person can look at the sweet cherub face and say, “pull the plug”. We know there is evil in the world, but I believe it is even more than we can imagine.

      There will come a day that the pro-choice are going to realize that the choice of death will be out of their hands. It will be made by judges, government officials, and “experts”. How many babies have been killed in China due to the one-child policy? This is happening throughout Europe and will soon find its way to the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. Give the government an inch and they will take it all.

      • In some G7 countries MAID…medical assistance in death… is being offered/suggested to disabled people, poor people, mentally ill people, old people, homeless people,

        one day it won’t be just suggested…..mandated?…..

    • You would think that Justin Turdeau would admit himself to the nearest hospital and be complicit in his mutually assisted death, gone and gone for good.

      Brain-dead politicians never learn. At least trample and stomp him with a warhorse.

      Stupid dork, another Canadian weasel in politics.

      Just do an amniocentesis of the fetal material, it will determine by karyotype if the phenotype will be worthy of life, a future criminal or not.

      The living abortion not soon enough to be departed, Netanyahoo is one of those Holandric syndrome criminal types. Hair grows out of and on his ears, guaranteed. Crocodile tears for Palestinians, no remorse. A fool never learns.

      Why wait for a mutually assisted death sentence when you can abort the potential criminal human phenotype?

      Careful analysis of the genotype will reveal a potential incorrigible criminal, in advance.

      You can imprison a human before birth!

      Did David Berkowitz ever meet with the ponerist Benjamin Netanyahoo?

      God Almighty, what a mess.

      Crime thinking, again. Guilty, as usual.

      Better to be a thought criminal than to be a murdering thug like some scumbag jew.

      Dead Palestinian women and children is bad juju.

      Get with the program, stop the killing, ya stupid assholes.

      MAID is all you are doing. Can’t be that much fun. Have fun doing it, you jews seem to think it is.


  4. Your income is part of the national income, so pay up Eric, we got wars to fight!

    Here is some shocking news (not) Israeli Apache helicopters shot up the Peace Music Festival and blamed it on Hamas:

    You were told Hamas attacked the peace festival, and then the IDF didn’t respond for 7 hours.

    So why are those peace festival goers still in their cars and turned into charcoal?

    Because Hamas is a red herring, it was yet another false flag to get their war on.

  5. sanger the racist leftist hero, a fabian leftist ….with KKK connections

    Margaret Sanger, the women’s rights activist and founder of Planned Parenthood—the largest abortion provider in America—is a hero to the modern Left. And little wonder, given her outsized role in the founding and promotion of the modern abortion industry.

    Abortion: it guarantees a good supply of body parts and tissues that are sold, making the medical industry lots of money.

    Which raises the question: why would Planned Parenthood, which has gone so far beyond Sanger in its promotion of abortion, eugenics, and population control, still hold her up as a leader of the movement? Isn’t she a bit behind the times?

    Then there was her notorious speech before a branch of the New Jersey Ku Klux Klan, a well-documented event despite the content being nearly forgotten. In that speech, Sanger warned that America must “keep the doors of Immigration closed” to genetic undesirables.

    Then there’s Sanger’s opinion of non-whites, which, if uttered now, would (rightly) cause a conniption among Americans. She considered Australia’s Aborigines compulsive rapists and “the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development.”

    Many Americans black and white are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939 after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).

    The aim of the program was to restrict many believe exterminate the black population. Under the pretense of better health and family planning, Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s crème de la crèmethose prominent, well educated and well-to-do into executing her scheme.

    The Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: We have become victims of genocide by our own hands, cried Hunter at the Say So march.

    One of the parents in the group was shocked when her daughter came home from school with Planned Parenthood material. I never realized how racist those people were until I read the [information my daughter received] at the school clinic, she said. [They are worse than] the Klan … because they’re so slick and sophisticated. Their bigotry is all dolled up with statistics and surveys, but just beneath the surface, it’s as ugly as apartheid.

    The majority of [blacks] are more pro-life than anything else, said Hunter. leftists are directly attacking blacks. (leftists: abortion ok, but bodily choice for refusing deadly experimental injections not ok, they always pick death, leftists are pro death), Blacks, unlike liberals, were never taught to destroy their children; even in slavery, they tried to hold onto their children.

    Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger: “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class” and “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

    sanger who is connected to kkk. kkk was founded by democrats.

    • Abortion: it guarantees a good supply of body parts and tissues that are sold, making the medical industry lots of money.

      for the slave owners…another good use of the slaves….

  6. IMO the recent elections had little to do with abortion. Its all about how the question is framed. A slight majority overall might be in favor of ‘a womans choice.’ No way thats the case for free, unrestricted, all ages abortions, up until the minute of birth. Again, its all in who’s asking the question, and how its asked. The whole issue is a media mindfuck, using the teachers unions as foot soldiers, just as its been for decades.

    Abortion is nothing but a distraction, used once again, to steal so called elections. When nothing happened after the steal of 2018 and 2020 they upped their game. And now, the fraud is so ensconced, so fine tuned and organized, its never going away without force. Here in Az every bond and increase passed, and next year, I’m sure they will flip the state legislature, even though they most certainly are not in the majority.

    Across the entire country, this is the culmination of an organized Marxist takeover, decades in the making. One year from tonight, when they sweep the pubes from power forever, they’ll start coming after all of us who said mean things about them. FFS they’re still busting down doors over J6 FTA warrants, all over some minor vandalism.

    Ask yourselves why abortion seems so popular? It polls so well because the questions are asked almost entirely of post wall, over privileged, 50-80 year old white women, in solidly blue suburbs. The whole thing is just another psy-op like covid, and its all being driven by women who cant even have babies anymore. They make certain the rigged polls always favor infanticide, then the propaganda organs use those results to shout, ‘See, we told you. The majority of the country is for abortion on demand.’ Then we who are actually are the majority, grudgingly except this false narrative. Its shameful that more people don’t see it. Ten, maybe twenty percent of women have these procedures, yet we are to believe the majority favors them, I’m not buying it.

  7. Legal or illegal, abortion is a conundrum. Who are you to tell a woman what she can do or not do with her body? She becomes a slave to your imposition.

    In 1951, there were 1.5 million abortions in the United States, all illegal. If a woman wants an abortion, she will find a way. Legal or not.

    My mother told me that at one time during the 1950’s there was a woman in the neighborhood who routinely performed abortions. Moral or not, it is going to happen no matter where or when.

    The dead body of woman due to a botched abortion is a photo in the book Our Bodies, Our Selves.

    Abortion is unfortunate, by choice is subjective.

    Ectopic pregnancies do occur, very rare, an abortion is necessary to save the life of the woman, an ectopic pregnancy will result in the death of the woman and the malformed fetus.

    A chemical abortion is possible, if discovered soon enough.

    If I can recall correctly, in 2019 there were 15 ectopic pregnancies, during the pandemic, the ectopic pregnancies increased to 19 in 2021.

    You have to have competent medical procedures, not quackery.

    God Bless Dr. Fauci! Dumbest so-called doctor ever, mass murderer is more like it.

    • Killing an unborn child (or any human) should not be taking lightly. It definitely should not be used as a form of birth control.

      Human life is precious.

      Ectopic pregnancy is a case in favor of killing an unborn child. As you state neither, the mother nor the unborn child, can survive an ectopic pregnancy.

      The child has no room to grow to full size. The mother could not survive the baby growing in the wrong place.

      Although losing a baby is a traumatic and sad thing, losing both child and mother would be a sadder event.

      I would not wish for anyone to deal with fall out of an ectopic pregnancy.

      To experience the joy of being told that one will be a parent is a wonderful high. Being told that the baby needs to be terminated due to being in the wrong place is heartbreaking.

      Qualified people need to be available to help mothers that are in such unfortunate situations. Ectopic pregnancy is not a time for quackery.

      The value of life cheap should never be cheap.
      At the same time there are circumstances when killing an unborn child is necessary. I pray that people do not make this decision without serious thought and consideration for the consequences of the action.

      • I read a lot of words, can’t avoid them. I have read where some women do become pregnant to then have an abortion, becomes a status symbol.

        You are just plain brainwashed at that point.

        To do something despicable and foul such as that is a deliberate taking of a future life. Has to be considered first degree murder. It has to be considered amoral.

        An abhorrent idea, maybe doing some clear thinking and not do such a thing.

        There is no room for tolerance there.

        If it does happen, the woman will eventually feel deep guilt.

        She will develop PTSD.

        Russia when in the Soviet sphere legalized abortion in 1928. The statistics are out there, by 1958, there were over five million abortions in the Soviet Union.

        One opinion I read many moons ago was that the leaders of the Bolsheviks were having multiple affairs and when a woman involved became pregnant, an abortion was a way to avoid having children to raise. Speculative, but probably true.

        An assignment in a college class led me to the reference library, where I first discovered when abortion became legal there.

        Can’t have kids to run around the house when there are pogroms and gulags going on all of the time. The business of governing, becomes killing eventually, trumps family and a home life.

        For gosh sakes.

        Abortion needs to become an apolitical issue and the medical industry needs to address problems concerning abortion.

        Not the stupid politicians, no solution there at all.

    • Hi Drump,

      I agree the issue is a difficult one. I also think it ought not to be taken lightly for just that reason; it is a decision that ought to be attended with respect and reverence. The thing that troubles me the most about the way things stands is the near-glee some appear to take in it. The casual, flippant attitude that it’s just a “procedure” and more or less a form of contraception.

      • There’s nothing more or less about it. That’s exactly what it is.
        If one has an intact moral compass, the solution is simple. If you don’t want a pregnancy, don’t have sex. No other form of birth control is fool proof, short of sterilization. I helped my high school sweetheart get pregnant (condoms don’t always work), and abortion never crossed my mind. The marriage didn’t work out of course, but my son did. He’s my best friend, and supplied me with two adorable thinking libertarian/ancap grandchildren.

        • Amen, John –

          The decision to have sex is the actual choice – as opposed to the false “choice” presented by some. Yes, I know – sometimes sex is forced. But this is a typical in extremis false argument, of the type that defines the Left. Of a piece with: If there were no speed limits, people would drive 100 MPH through schools zones!

          Probably 99 percent of sex is not forced. Meaning, the parties chose to have it. Exceptions ought not to make the rule.

      • Eric,

        When I was 17 years old, I challenged a young woman in the neighborhood to a wrestling match.

        I had little awareness of my intent, the id at work, not me… or something.

        It didn’t take too long to realize that she was employing a seductive process to lure me into a potential more than sexual minor encounter. As a matter of fact, I was just as guilty, yet unaware of what was really happening.

        All my fault, she couldn’t help it. Wrestling with a young woman has a positive effect, I know. One of the early stages of man, been around for a long time. Nuances and all that nonchalant jazz.

        Arousal was kind of immediate, surely her intent. It was natural human behavior that cannot be denied. If I am to blame, so be it, Amen, all my fault for loving a woman. God help me!

        Much too young to snatch the draft of her carnal desires, never did catch on.

        Later on in life, you live with another one of those whatever they are, regrets, and then some.

        That’s the way the ball bounces.

        More rambling musings here in the now.

    • “Who are you to tell a woman what she can do or not do with her body? She becomes a slave to your imposition”

      This is false. Society has the same right (and moral responsibility) to tell a woman she may not murder her child as to tell me I may not murder you. I don’t see why this concept is so hard for so many people to grasp.
      So abortion will happen if it’s not legal? Granted. How the hell does that preclude making it illegal? That’s like saying, “Well, people are going to murder folks even if it’s illegal, so we should make it legal. Utter nonsense!

      • During the Byzantium, all sex was legal to earn money, an income. The church collected taxes on the legal sex trades. Prostitution was legal, houses of ill-repute existed to make money, the world’s oldest profession was a free and fair trade.

        One of those houses of prostitution became celibate, all of the prostitutes became nuns, the first abbey ever formed.

        In Jerusalem, during that time, there were places where the prostitutes resided. When a study was done involving the sewer system, baby boy skeletons were found in the sewer system.

        The girls lived to become future prostitutes.

        It is a sordid business, always has been.

        I do not condone abortion, but the facts don’t budge.

  8. I am willing to concede this abortion thing if it can get us past electing status-quo stooges on both sides of the aisle. Our economy, which built up incredible inertia after WW-II, is slowing. The dollar is failing. Our scientific and medical establishments have turned to liars. Birth rate is falling. We are taxed heavily to sustain 600+ military bases all over the world. Yet, we elect destructive idiots who happen to be pro-abortion, because that is apparently more important than anything else, and pro-abortion tends to correlate with lunacy on every other topic. Maybe a pro-abortion politician who is better on the other issues is a fair trade.

    Our civilization a period of contraction and malaise, because many see no positive prospects for their life, so they have fewer children, don’t bother working so hard, and live for the day, versus for the future.

    • OppositeLock: “Our economy, which built up incredible inertia after WW-II, is slowing.”

      There’s the problem. The governement takes credit for not only being the steady hand on the tiller, but also the driver of the last 50 years worth of growth in the form of tech research from DARPA and NASA. Only thanks to the wise expenditures from our benevolent rulers would have allowed for such progress. They aren’t exactly wrong (computers and VHF/UHF/microwave radio were developed during world war 2), but the fundamentals were already in place when AT&T developed the transistor, which really got the tech going. But getting the tech into the hands of smart people who were well enough off to exploit them was the real key, not 5 year plans or military contracts.

      Big exception being aerospace, but then again we don’t have flying cars, we have Airbuses.

  9. The whole blue/red thing started the night Reagan mopped the country with Walter Mondale. The first question I asked was how the Reds of the D party could adopt “blue”. Well, par for the course…duplicity.

    As far as abortion, it’s another case of all being about the Jews. Guttmacher institute is their front organization and the act is their “value”. Don’t blame me, just check out Debbie Wasserman Schultz…

  10. Those who screeched about abortion being a “Woman’s right to chooooooooooose” are probably the same ones who advocated that people who refused to be guinea pigs for Big Pharma 2+ years ago be fired from their jobs, forced to stay home indefinitely, sent to a “COVID camp”, or even be forced to pay extra in taxes, which is what Democrats in Rhode Island once advocated for people in that state who refused to have themselves or their children vaxxed.

    Do these people not realize that the biggest pushers of abortion have also been advocates of eugenics in the 20th Century? And let us not forget that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, advocated abortion as a means of “Reducing the black population”. People who make such statements today would instantly be labeled “WACISTS!” However, from what I’ve read elsewhere, abortion is part of the “Population control” movement disguised as “Women’s healthcare” or a “Woman’s right to choose”.

    Martin Armstrong has had some posts on the abortion over the past few years on his website,…..

  11. Some children are sacrificed before they are born….some after…

    As soon as they are born they are signed up for the slave market…registered as a corporation…corp means dead…the land of the dead….so they have to obey the slave owner’s maritime law system….the world of dead corporations….and work as a slave to pay the vatican…who is the administrator….

    As soon as they are born they are signed up for the slave market…entered into the land of the dead….this is a similar concept to when children were sacrificed to moloch….

  12. The slave owner’s official narrative is taxes are spent to help the slaves…lol….

    ……where do taxes go?

    67% goes to the vatican… pay for your administration contract with the vatican….

    it goes through the city of london…the financial district….the crown in england ….which is owned by the vatican….. then to the vatican…..

    23% goes to the private bankers who own the federal reserve ……….

    10% goes to tax system employees as collection fees……

  13. But the issue that defined – or rather, foreordained the outcome of – the recent elections is the general vehement agreement that life doesn’t matter. That it is disposable, when inconvenient. If the life of a baby is disposable, then how much is yours or mine worth? How you “stand” – ugsome word – on abortion (the ending of life) is almost beside the point. The point is that if any life is cheap, then life is cheap. Put another way, if any of us lack the right to life, then our right to not be robbed (i.e., “taxed”) stands on pretty flimsy ground.

    This is profound. It’s instructive to also recall the way living children have been treated in recent times as well. Brings to mind the song A Farewell to Kings by Rush:

    When they turn the pages of history
    When these days have passed long ago
    Will they read of us with sadness
    For the seeds that we let grow?
    We turned our gaze from the castles in the distance
    Eyes cast down on the path of least resistance

    Cities full of hatred, fear and lies
    Withered hearts and cruel, tormented eyes
    Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise
    Beating down the multitude and scoffing at the wise

    The hypocrites are slandering the sacred halls of Truth
    Ancient nobles showering their bitterness on youth
    Can’t we find the minds that made us strong?
    Can’t we learn to feel what’s right and what’s wrong?
    What’s wrong?

    Can’t we raise our eyes and make a start?
    Can’t we find the minds to lead us closer to the Heart?

  14. It’s an astonishing thing to watch. Life not having drawn its first breath of air, full of possibilities, is casually killed without a second thought while those that have taken life are given millions of dollars worth of legal hoops before the law carries out a death sentence to ensure their right to life was not violated.

    When killing a baby in the womb, how do we know we haven’t just killed the person that might save our nation, our freedoms, our liberty,,, maybe the world?

    Killing life should not be a political thing. All life should be protected as best as possible especially life that cannot yet speak for itself.

    • What is seen: Woman can keep her life plan intact.
      What is unseen: What might have been had the child come to term, and mother adapting to the new situtation.

      Many will predict the outcome of the unseen – a single mother, an unwanted child, a burden to society. But they don’t know that, no one can. And for all the ink spilled on the case for state sponsored abortion, where’s the Go Fund Me to pay for abortion clinics? While there are long established… over centuries… charities who will help adopt and foster children, help unwed mothers and help build families without state intervention. Not to mention grandparents and extended families. But only the state can fund Planned Parenthood, because in the end no caring people want it to exist.

    • I remember driving through the southern bible belt many years ago and seeing a billboard that showed a picture of a woman sadly praying to God to send somebody to cure cancer.

      God’s response: I ALREADY DID, BUT YOU ABORTED HIM.


  15. Well, the reason the US continues to have the reserve currency is because of we, the people who agree to have our employer take out taxes off the top, dutifully pay our taxes, and continue to choose from candidates who like the system the way it is. We saw what happened during COVID when a significant number of people became unemployed, literally overnight the currency was inflated to compensate.

    As for abortion, the only reason it becomes a question of a woman’s choice is to prevent doctors from being held liable (or out of jail). The doctor was only doing what he was ordered to do by the patient.

    And finally, when I was a kid the Republicans were blue elephants and Democrats were red donkeys. Then Nancy caused a pearl-clutching kerfuffle by wearing a RED dress! Oh My! Then the Newt started wearning a red tie in congress because some consultant told him red showed up better on CSPAN -even though on NTSC television red is really hard to reproduce and it smears all over if there’s any phase issues. Next thing you know, I think during Bush/Gore the colors were swapped and everyone pretended it was always this way. Precursor to today’s “China is moving towards western-style democracy” morphing into “China has always been an authoritarian tyranny.”

    • “Next thing you know, I think during Bush/Gore the colors were swapped and everyone pretended it was always this way.”

      No kidding. …I thought I imagined it.

      “everyone pretended it was always this way”… goes to show how mixed up this world is.

  16. Texas Republicans use abortion and a few other social issues as cover to hide that they are essentially handing the Democrats everything they want on fiscal issues.

    Every single Proposition on the ballot this week enabling the Legislature to give away the state’s surplus to the local school boards, governments, and even Capo Gecko passed by overwhelming margins.

    The people have spoken.

    • The typical Texas Democrat of “Fiddy” (fifty) years ago was far more conservative that most Texas GOP phonies of today.

  17. Voting sure is a strange ritual. But on the plus side, it seems that more and more, people are not buying the Republican brand of bullshit anymore.

  18. Men should bear children, the life of the unborn fetus might just make it to birth. It might be more children would not be sacrificed in this world.

    Jewish men bearing children might help them respect life, not take it. Pregnant Hamas men would hold off on attacking Jews until after giving birth.

    Ridiculous, absurd, women do all of that and a womb harbors the strongest muscle group in the human body.

    Back in 1929 in late August, Palestinians rioted and attacked Jews to kill them. It never is going to stop.

    Coy-oh-tey, coy-oh-tey, man what have you done
    You took all our money and you left us to die in the heat of the hot Texas sun
    – Guy Clark, Coyote

  19. Neither hubby or I voted in this week’s election. In years past I would show up on these “off years” believing that voting truly mattered since turnout would be low. I called the election before dinner. I already expected the Senate to stay blue and the House of Delegates to go blue again. The Republicans (who I hold the same contempt for as the Asses) just showed us they are “liberal lite.” There is no difference between the parties…our choice is do we want a whole lotta crazy or just a little crazy.

    MarkyMark has mentioned several times that Virginia will not usually run an opposing candidate in certain districts. There were many districts this time around that only allowed one option.

    I am curious how many chances does Ronna McDaniel get before she is fired? I didn’t realize that the Chair of the RNC could be as wrong as a meteorologist and still retain employment. The RNC spent no money in Virginia, obviously Ronna’s Botox bills are leaving little to send elsewhere.

    I did watch last night’s debate. Vivek is about the only one with any balls. It is just too bad I don’t believe what he says out loud would never see the light of day in the Oval Office.

    • Ronna (Romney) McDaniel will keep her job until any possibility is eliminated that Uncle Mitt could become a “compromise” choice for VP to get a floor vote in the House should Biden assume room temperature before Jan. 20, 2025.

    • There were only three issues on my ballot. First (and the only reason for voting), was a proposal to make a “minor” modification to Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill Of Rights “TABOR” that would reduce the insanely large increases in most property tax bills due to influx of Californian refugees and housing bubble 2.0 in exchange for allowing the state to keep refunds. Thankfully that was soundly defeated. The other was an expansion of tobacco tax money use for preschool, which as expected, passed. Because the number of smokers left in the state is very low, most have switched to vape or just quit, so of course tax the minority.

      The other thing was trustees for the local community college, all of whom were unopposed. I wonder what the victory party is like when you win because no one else wants the job?

      • “I wonder what the victory party is like when you win because no one else wants the job?”
        Speaking from my experience as a small town mayor, I generally drink heavily and swear a bit. It’s a booby prize but if I don’t do it, there will be some ambitious money waster who wants to “clean up the town” to take over.

    • RG,

      I think that Ronna’s reelection as RNC Chair was fixed; there were at least two solid options besides her. Oh, and do you remember who PUSHED her to be RNC Chair back in 2017? Donald John Trump, that’s who! If you’ll remember, he told the story about how she badgered him to make repeated trips to MI, as she was MI GOP Chair at the time. He was singing her praises, and he used his influence to help make her RNC Chair.

      Oh, and though I haven’t looked at VA’s most recent election, I know that in recent, previous elections (2017 or 2019, I can’t remember now), the GOP didn’t run opposing candidates in some campaigns. As the old lottery commercial says, you have to be in it to win it; by not running candidates, the GOP threw the election AFAIAC. Even if they’d only won like 25%-30% of the seats in play, they could’ve controlled both houses of the VA State Legislature; what would’ve put the brakes on Ralph Northam’s radical plans for gun control, among other things.

      Last week, I was debating whether or not to vote in my local elections too; like you, I thought that maybe I could make a difference at the local and state levels. What carried the day here in PA was the mail ballots. The GOP candidates would overwhelmingly win the Election Day turnout, only to lose it when the mail ballots were counted. I don’t know if I’ll vote next year or not. With the mail ballots, I don’t know if it matters anymore….

    • RG,

      I typed this comment in response to another podcast I’m listening to now (Patriots Unite Now! on Rumble), since Ken is discussing the election results. I looked them up, and once again, the GOP didn’t disappoint; once again, they blew off a bunch of races.

      My suspicions were confirmed; the VA GOP didn’t run candidates in 23 of the 140 Statehouse seats up for grabs last Tuesday. Here’s how they break down.

      The VA Senate has 40 seats. The Dems will hold a 21-19 seat majority when they take office next year. The VA GOP DID NOT RUN candidates in three of those races! If they’d flipped one of those seats, then the VA Senate would be even; if they’d flipped two, they’d control the VA Senate.

      The VA House of Delegates has 100 seats. The GOP BLEW OFF 20 OF THESE RACES; that’s 20%! This is significant, as the Dems, according to Tuesday’s results, will have a 51-49 majority in the House of Delegates when they take office next year. The Dems will hold a lousy ONE SEAT MAJORITY! If the VA GOP had run candidates in all 100 races; if the VA GOP had even won 25% of these races (or picked up five seats); then they’d easily control the VA House of Delegates.

      SO! What do we have here? The VA GOP blew off (i.e. did field candidates) in 23 of the 140 VA Statehouse races. If the VA GOP had even won 25% of those races, then the GOP would control at least one, if not both, houses of the VA Legislature. As the old lottery commercial says, you gotta be IN it to win it…

      Did the abortion issue play a role in the VA results? In the DC suburbs of Northern VA, probably; NoVA is solid Demonrat, as most NoVA residents work in gov’t. Was this the case in the rest of the state? I doubt it, as most of VA is conservative outside of Richmond and the DC suburbs. Let me put it another way: the VA GOP could have easily won at least six of the 23 races in which they didn’t participate. Again, you gotta be in it to win it. By not participating 23 of the 140 VA Statehouse races, the GOP forfeited control of the VA State Legislature. It’s as simple as that.

      To view the official VA Election Day results for yourselves, go here:

  20. ‘the issue that defined – or rather, foreordained the outcome of – the recent elections is the general vehement agreement that life doesn’t matter.’ — eric

    Libertarian arguments are made on both sides of the abortion issue. One side focuses on a woman’s bodily autonomy; the other on preserving the life of the fetus.

    In the 1980s, DNA testing debuted to conclusively prove paternity. Child support enforcement was weaponized and federalized.

    When a pregnancy results, the female partner holds all the cards. She can abort the fetus without the male’s permission or knowledge, even if he wanted a child. Or, she can demand and enforce 18 to 22 years of child support payments, even if he was intentionally deceived (‘Yes, I’m on the pill.’)

    Republiclowns and Demonrats largely concur on this unpleasant gynocratic status quo. As a practical matter, Leftists are gleefully exploiting dissatisfaction with harsher abortion laws. In last year’s midterm election, the R-party fell far short of what it should have achieved. New Jersey and Virginia sent the same message this month.

    Apparently — short of outright secession — divided government (and sexual submission) is the best men can aspire to. Big Gov is a harsh mistress.

    • The abortion issue is easy to solve…put it on the ballot in every state. Let it stop being a deciding factor in elections.

      I also say bring back legalized prostitution. Nevada is the only state that gets this right. As George Carlin brilliantly stated (and I am paraphrasing) “Why is it illegal to sell something that is legal to give away?”

      • ‘I also say bring back legalized prostitution.’ — Raider Girl

        Pushing prostitution into the shadows (a byproduct of WW I — New Orleans’ Storyville was shut down in 1915) produces only endless scandals. Just this week, a fedgov prosecutor in Boston busted a high-end prostitution ring.

        “Pick a profession,” Joshua Levy, acting US attorney for Massachusetts, said of the sprawling client list during a press conference in Boston. “They’re probably represented in this case.”

        Since the far-reaching Jeffrey Epstein operation, client lists are kept confidential. One would have to be extremely naive not to realize why: the opportunities these lists provide for official blackmail and extortion of well-heeled individuals.

        Corruption is a far worse national disease than anything that can happen in a brothel.

    • Absolutely correct. Jim. They also got rid of jury trials in paternity cases and declared by legislative fiat that men owe, period. The jury trial which allowed society to enforce some standards was replaced with the unconstitutional and corrupt system of “family” courts. And if you’re accused, you have to prove yourself not liable, in court, even if you’re destitute and unable to be fairly represented.

      All brought to you by the feminist/communist left and the “sex is a sin and let’s punish men for it” right. Not to mention my maternal grandpa who once said, “them niggers are having babies and we have to pay for it”.

  21. Most politicians who call themselves “Republicans” do not have the “courage of their convictions”.
    As odious as most Democrat “goals” are, the Democrats are out there. They want your rights, and they are not afraid to say so. They might not get them all at once, but they are using incrementalism to get what they want, chipping away a little at a time.
    Most Republicans are lazy, without strong convictions, and “going along to get along”. THAT is a major defect of Republicans and the conservative movement in general.
    Republicans are too “milquetoast” to get out there and FIGHT with the courage of their convictions.
    The “perks” of public office are the same, whether one takes on political fights or just “kicks back” and “let things happen”.
    As to the jews, they have their hands in BOTH major political parties, using the Democrats to push their leftist communist goals and the Republicans as an ATM.

    • The GOP used to “Grand Old Party”. These days it stands for “Gang Of Pussies”. They will be their chests and huff & puff for the sake of PR and in the end fold like cheap lawn chairs.

  22. The GOP is headed by losers. They will interject that abortion argument in time to cost themselves elections. For instance, before 2022, Sissy Graham, South Carolinas closeted fag introduced an national abortion ban bill, as if he or his lesbian colleagues will ever need it right in time to attempt to drive turnout up in Democrat districts and down in Repuke districts.

    Now, esteemed Youngkin did something similar. All he would have needed to do is stay quiet on that and attack it when he had a majority. For these hot button issues that’s how you handle it

    Instead, stalemate. It’s just as well We all know he’s a RINO anyway.

    The real tragedy occurred in Kentucky where the dick taking governor Beshear stole that election. Tell me when a Republican attorney general gets a higher vote percentage than the Republican candidate for governor. Something stinks in Frankfort.

    Short of the barrel of a gun aimed squarely at a head or two, I don’t know how this gets fixed.

    • Agreed (sadly) Steal…

      I have been having this conversation with one of my oldest friends; we go back almost 40 years. I tell him the GOP is worse than what Sam Francis called it (i.e., the Stupid Party). It is the complicit party.

      Never forget the GOP is the “Party of Lincoln.”

      Just so.

      • There was a time when the party of Lincoln was competent. Between 1865 and 1928, it was an era of unprecedented economic growth, never seen. Part of it was due to the Republicans implementing strong tariffs on imported goods.

        Lincoln was undoubtedly a statist piece of shit, but it seemed as if the Republicans were pretty good on economics.

        It was Democrats who got us into foreign entanglements, lifted trade restrictions, removed our allodial title rights and signed the law creating the federal reserve.

        The Republican party, of course has been complicit. You’re right. But at least they can largely be brought to heel.

          • Tariffs are part of welfare state economics, by definition. Control from the top. The saving factor then was the relative freedom compared to today to NOT pay nearly as much in one guise or another to the Feds. Not so free today. The mark of the beast. The brand or SS#. As one of our frequent posters would say “the mark of the slave”.

        • Rothbard writes about the time period from about 1870 up until WWI in his “Progressivism” history book. I think you’d be surprised by how libertarian the Democrat Party was until the 1896 election and how absolutely horrendous Lincoln’s party was the entire time. The “good economics” you mention were brought on my the Dem’s (and the libertarian-leaning southern Germananic Catholics who arrived to the midwest in the 1880’s) against the Republican wishes.

          • RE: “I think you’d be surprised by how libertarian the Democrat Party was until the 1896 election”

            I might be. I’ve done too much reading – and not enough – never thought that.

            The thought is even a bit mindboggiling. …Though, I don’t doubt you. I’m not surprised by anything these days.

      • GOP: Part of Lincoln. Ergo, commemorates the leader of the war that murdered the (voluntary) Union of States and replaced it with a National Dictatorship?

      • In the old feudal system…the 1st son got to be king…the other sons got nothing…. To provide employment to the other sons, they changed the system…the slaves were given the right to vote…….all the sons took turns being the president for 4 or 5 years….

        The freemasons are the political arm of the slave owning aristocracy…. when you vote you get the choice of two or more freemasons…an illusion of choice….

        • There was one non freemason president…. JFK…he didn’t last very long… rid of the son too….and the brother…..RFK….. probably not a freemason….

          and what about RFK junior??

      • ‘Never forget the GOP is the “Party of Lincoln.”’ — eric

        Just as the D-party is the party of Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, LBJ, Clinton and Obama.

        Quite a rogue’s gallery: yet half of Americans would regard these D-party icons as statesmen. Fact is, no Democrat gets demonized like Hoover or Trump.

        “Biden,” thanks to his dementia, his inertness, and his bribe-taking, actually stands the best chance of becoming our first generally-accepted demonic Democrat.

        And even that outcome remains contingent on WW III and economic collapse. 🙁

        • Now the Democrat party is the party of blacks, Hispanics, White liberals, LGBTQ and ((others)). They get to tell the rest of us what to do. At one point I was thinking that White people would unite and vote as a group to maintain their own interests. The blacks vote about 95% Democrat, the Hispanics vote about 80% Democrat and the White liberals vote about 99% Democrat and the LGBTQ vote about 90% Democrat. As the White population decreases (already at 56% and dropping) things will get a lot worse for us White people. White children are already a minority. That’s the problem with a multicultural society. Demographics is destiny. Pretty soon we’ll have the minorities at our backs with a whip. But we’ll keep running for the hills to escape and they’ll just following us for some of that “Magic Dirt”.

          • The emergency was focused on getting rid of the white euro descendant population…

            Probably most of the homeless are white euro descendant….why are they there?….the banks won’t give them a mortgage for a place to live or a loan to buy a car….

            but….the migrants?….just recently brandon told the banks to give the migrants mortgages….this is probably happening….with zero awareness of it….if they don’t pay the mortgage?…doesn’t matter…it is racist to do anything….

            Probably most of the homeless are white euro descendant….why are they there?……..they can’t get jobs….all jobs are given to migrants now…..and whites laid off?….

            White euro descendant. immigrants now are near zero

      • This just in: Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) won’t run for re-election in 2024.

        His EeeVee-coddling, budget-busting Inflation Reduction Act destroyed his own career. 🙂

        Hey Joe, I said
        Where you gonna run to now? Where you, where you gonna go?

        Well, dig
        I’m goin’ way down south
        Way down to Mexico way

        I’m goin’ way down south
        Way down where I can be free
        Ain’t no one gonna find me
        Ain’t no hangman gonna
        He ain’t gonna put a rope around me

        — Jimi Hendrix, Hey Joe

      • I hate them all. Why we can’t have a “no confidence” option on all ballots I’ll never know. In the meantime my “no confidence” vote is not voting at all.

        • Amen, Pug –

          It’s easy to hate bullies, liars and con men. And that’s who these people are. Made more loathsome by the fact that they can bully, lie and con us with the force of the state backing them up.

    • Beshear is Mitch’s butt boy, even though he has a “D” after his name. Beshear won another election by the same tally, Mitch 1, people of Kentucky 0.


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