Would You Buy This Car?


Rational people may have difficulty following the following:

A man buys a Tesla and says, “we never get what was promised; we get way less.” He refers to the range advertised by the manufacturer of his battery powered device, a 2017 Model X. Tesla’s advertising has proved serially false. He did not get what he paid for, in other words. Yet the man is not angry that he has arguably been – what’s the appropriate phrase? – ripped off by Tesla.

How would you describe it if the vehicle you bought that was advertised as being capable of taking you 40 miles on a gallon of gas only went about 32 miles, or about 20 percent less than advertised? This is the typical disparity in advertised vs. actual range when it comes to battery powered devices.

Ask Hyundai – which was class-action sued by people who felt gypped because advertising suggested its vehicles went 40 miles per gallon but didn’t. And the difference between advertised and actual was only about 5 percent.

“One of the questions that people have when it comes to electric cars, especially Teslas, is how much range do you lose over time,” the owner of the 2017 Model X explains. And then proceeds to show just how much – by gingerly driving his device as far as it can go on a charge after seven years of discharge/charge cycles and about 105,000 miles of driving.

The answer is about 32 percent less than the driving range it supposedly had (according to Tesla’s advertising) when it was new, which was 295 miles.

It is now just barely over 200 miles, as the owner demonstrates by driving his Tesla from his home in California to Las Vegas – and just barely making it. He made it there by driving no faster than 70 on a highway with a 75 MPH speed limit – so well below the speed of traffic – and on a temperate day, neither too hot nor too cold and so just right – Winnie the Pooh style – for an EV to be able to go 32 percent less far than advertised.

“Going 70 is going to be very slow. We’re going to have a lot of people passing us . . . but, I gotta stick to this,” the man says. “I want to make sure it’s a fair range test.” He then explains that he won’t cheat by driving behind a semi and taking advantage of the truck’s draft.

“If I’m being honest, this is brutal” – i.e., driving 5 MPH below the posted speed limit and probably 10-15 below the speed of traffic whizzing past.

In his “high performance” Tesla.

If it had been 85 degrees (or 25 degrees) and if he’d driven at least the speed limit – in his high-performance battery powered device – he probably would not have made it.

And he’s not angry about it.

Nor about the fact that the Tesla Model X he spent more than six figures on just seven years ago is “probably worth like $25,000 now.”

So, over the course of seven years – just barely – this six figure device has lost about 75 percent of its value, in addition to about 32 percent of its originally advertised range. Put another way, this man spent about $75,000 to drive this Tesla for about seven years. Which means this Tesla has cost him about $11,000 per year to drive – so far. Not counting the cost of getting range-gypped by Tesla.

And he’s happy about it. States that he’d buy another of these devices.

Is there a diagnostician in the house? Of the psychiatric variety?

The rational mind tries to understand the rationalizations.

“It’s not like you lose a ton of range off your gas-powered vehicle” after seven years, the man admits – about vehicles that aren’t devices.

Italics added.

You do not lose a “ton” of range “off your gas powered vehicle.” You don’t lose any. A seven-year-old vehicle will go as far as it did on a tank of gas after seven years of driving as it did when it was driven off the dealer’s lot. A 17-year-old vehicle will have the same range it had on a tank as it had when it was new. And it will typically take about that long for a vehicle – that isn’t a battery powered device – to lose 75 percent of its original value.

But things could have been worse.

The man says the Tesla was mostly driven short-hops by his wife, taking the couple’s kids back-and-forth. In other words, not the kind of high-speed/long-distance driving that would likely have resulted in the device having lost even more than the 32 percent of its originally (falsely) advertised maximum range, because that kind of driving rapidly discharges the battery, which the man openly (and chirpily) admits “is not good for the batteries.” “Especially,” he adds, in an “older” car.

By which he means his just-barely-seven-years-old device.

Is it not stupendous?

Is it not of a piece with the strange and terrible derangement of people who continue to take drugs that do not ward off sickness nor prevent the sickness from being transmitted to others – and which do impart such sicknesses as permanent heart damage?

And death?

Never mind all that! Where do I get my next booster?

And my next device.

. . .

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  1. Interestingly, I don’t see too many dildos (other than the media) foaming over EVs from GM, Ford, Nissan, Hyundai, etc. Only Tesla Motors. Apparently, deception is okay as long as the criminal happens to be a “philanthropist”.

  2. Every quarter, I calculate F-150 Lightning sales, as a percentage of all F-150 sales. Lightning’s share runs at about a feeble 3.5%.

    Today, GM offered some fresh data:

    ‘GM said it sold 2.6 million vehicles in the U.S. in 2023, and electric vehicle sales increased to 75,883 EVs.’ — MarketWatch

    So, (75,883 / 2,600,000) = 2.9% [share of EeeVees in GM sales]

    As in Ford’s case, this is just pathetic — especially considering that these sales are subsidized at every level, from battery production to $7,500 buyer tax credits.

    Earth to EeeVee Mary: the dogs aren’t eating your crappy EeeVee dog food. Play again? (Y/N)

  3. ‘If these new [EV] batterys are similar, it probably [takes] 30% more energy through the charger to get to an apparent full charge that gave the owner 30% fewer miles.’ — NEC338x

    Three researchers in France tested lithium-ion batteries to determine whether capacity loss (often measured) is related to efficiency loss (rarely measured), which would affect MPGe. Here is what they found:

    ‘A strong correlation between capacity fade and efficiency degradation exists.’


    Implication? MPGe ratings for EeeVees could easily degrade 20 to 30 percent over a period of years — something that DOES NOT HAPPEN with ICE vehicles.

    If this is so, the EPA’s MPGe ratings are a gigantic fraud on buyers, who naively assume that MPGe remains constant like MPG. But it doesn’t.

    Call the tort lawyers — we have one smokin’ hot class action case here!

  4. Would you buy this car?

    Another defective EV…….

    GM Halts Sales Of Blazer EV Because Of Software And Other Glitches

    The Blazer’s window switches stopped working, then the infotainment screen stopped working, then warning lights of several different descriptions came on about the charging system. for the car to say it was unable to charge……never mind hours and hours to recharge….can’t be recharged at all…..a brick….get it towed…..

    EV 2000 mile life expectancy?….lol….bought less than two months ago, has fewer than 2000 miles on its odometer….dead….


      • Hi Anon,

        The Blazer EV is Motor Trend’s 2024 SUV of the year? That’s about as laughable as the Nobel Prize in medicine going to 2 inventors of mRNA vaccines, which are likely the deadliest vaccines ever. Just look at the COVID vaccines. One would have to be the biggest chump ever to get all the “CDC recommended” boosters & RSV/ COVID shots.

    • The end of honda quality ….lol

      Blazer EV the same EV as the Honda Prologue and Acura ZDX

      Honda isn’t hiding the fact that its new Prologue electric SUV is built on top of the same underpinnings as the Chevy Blazer EV. Executives talk about it openly, saying that Honda’s partnership with GM helped the company speed its first mass-produced EV for the U.S. to market much quicker than they otherwise could have.


    • This is progress…lol….

      2024 GM Blazer…..bought less than two months ago, has fewer than 2000 miles on its odometer….dead….

      The old Mercedes diesels could go one million miles on one engine…if maintained properly could last a lifetime……

  5. How EPA messes with dynamometer test results for EeeVees:

    ‘All testing is done in a laboratory on a dynamometer.

    ‘The city and highway driving ranges determined from this testing are adjusted to account for real-world factors [such as] air conditioning, cold temperatures, high speed and aggressive driving. Although the regulations allow some optional approaches, the most common is to use a factor of 0.7 to adjust all test parameters, including range. For example:

    ‘An EV achieves 200 miles on the highway laboratory test. Real-world highway driving range → 200 x 0.7 = 140 miles to account for aggressive driving and HVAC use.’


    Stunning, is it not, that some EeeVees STILL fail to achieve the range stated on the window sticker, despite that value having been reduced 30 percent as a fudge factor?

    * scam * scam * scam *

    • Hi Jim!

      Yup. And what is “aggressive” driving? It is any driving that isn’t tepid driving. Creep slowly forward when the light turns green. When passing another car that is doing 52 in a 55, drive no faster than 55 to pass them… etc.

    • Mercedes EV with a 90 kwh battery normal range/mpg and flat out on freeway range/mpg….

      Flat out on the freeway driving range/mpg…

      under ideal conditions …..but at top speed ……a mercedes EV used 90 kwh of electricity in 100 miles….battery empty….

      the Mercedes EV gets …converts to…….8.3 mpg in flat out….. top speed…on the freeway driving…

      Tesla wide open on the race track range….

      On a race track driven at ten tenths a tesla used 80 miles range in 8 miles, a 90% drop in range, driven fast EV’s get very bad fuel economy…….


      EV’s get maximum range at 30 mph….so that is how they are driven……

      • a mercedes EV …driven wide open on the hiway ….used 90 kwh of electricity in 100 miles….battery empty….

        An aggressive driver will have to sit for hours to recharge every 100 miles….lol….

  6. Sorry for the comment unrelated to EeeVee but is anyone else sick, maybe with covaids? I’m never taking one of their fucking tests, but the last 8 days I’ve just felt ragged and shitty, congested and weak and tired. I haven’t been sick like this in a decade. Other people say ‘yep thats covaids’… and they said it took them months to get better. Fuck that.

    Anyone have any remedies that work to get this shit out of here? I’m doing silver drops with vit C, vitamin C smoothies, ginger honey lemon tea, mucinex crap, and aspirin.

    Tried licorice tea, I know RG swears by it, didn’t really do anything, but maybe I need to keep drinking it? You guys are the only community I know that really knows what’s up, so wanted to ask here. Thank you all.

    • Taking a COVID -test- is a very different matter than taking an experimental mRNA injection. But it’s certainly your right to not take one.

      If you DO have the coof then zinc and quercetin are supposed to be fairly effective in combination. Ivermectin perhaps if you can get your hands on it, but big pharma has made it nearly impossible to get in human formulations for obvious reasons.

      • Thanks UA99….yeah no covid thing is going up my nose. Maybe I’m too schizo but I just don’t trust them, especially how the fuckers-that-be were all like “GeT tEsTeD tEsTeD tEsTeD” where for every other disease doctors just diagnose based on symptoms, like normal people, they’re not like “ok let’s take a flu test”

        Anyway, thank you. God is smiling on me, today going through an old box I found the bottle of quercetin with zinc pills I’d gotten a year ago but forgot about. Took some today

    • Michael, sorry to hear you are so sick. Wife and I are just coming out of it after 2 weeks of hell. We threw the kitchen sink at it, raw crushed garlic early on usually helps a lot but didn’t even seem to touch it this time. Organic extra virgin coconut oil, heaping tablespoon three times a day as need for your chest and breathing. We take it with warm tea. It is the only thing that has helped us thru this. Yup, once in a decade sickness.

      • Funk Doc,

        Thanks bro. You’re right, I’ve just had enough of it lol. Ok it seems like 2 weeks is the time it takes. Halfway there.

        Just read your earlier comment. Turmeric garlic ginger chicken soup sounds fucking awesome. Thanks.

        +1 to other people being normal. Everyone out is like hey feel better etc.

      • Remember this as well:

        Good health is the reward of mankind for comprehension and adherence to the definite physical and chemical laws that dominate bodily processes. The virtues of good health are contentment happiness and longetivity becoming posterities noble heritage.

    • All I can say is keep eating and drinking. You may need a junkyard dog to make you do it. Apparently, I got really ornery (as opposed to just ornery) to the point that my wife was afraid to push me and just left me alone. My experience was that I didn’t care about anything, just lay in bed daydreaming, and didn’t eat or drink anything significant for about 10 days. I finally was dragged, kicking and screaming, to the hospital by my daugher and her daughter, a nurse. I just wanted them to leave me alone so I could die. Thankfully, the hospital here didn’t push beyond hydration, blood thinners, and steroids. A single overnighter with some of the same for 10 days after that. Still not fun. I was not back to where I was when I got whatever-it-was for almost a month from the start.

      Still not 100% occasionally, 5 months later, but it may be my age finally winding its clock to the right setting. I could, until whatever-it-was, outwork guys 25 years younger. Now feeling as if I really am an old fart.

      • Arylioa,
        Jesus man, that sounds horrible. I’ve been eating and drinking decently, I’ll remember to do that still. That’s the other thing about it too, my mood is a lot more sour. Maybe it’s just being sick or maybe frustrated, but I noticed that I’ve been a lot grouchier than usual. Glad you’re a little better.

      • Hi Arylioa,

        I’m sorry to hear about this and wish a speedy return to full steam. As others have suggested, Vitamin D is the ticket. I became a believer after a few months of regular tincture-taking. Tumeric – the spice – is also a great anti-inflammatory.

    • Get your vitamin D blood levels over 60ng… It’s a simple blood test. I have to take 15,000 iu’s daily of d3/k2 but I’m large and everyone is different….

      Since I’ve done that I’m rarely sick more than a day or 2.

      Also there’s a simple nasal rinse product I use that Peter Mccullough also recommends called xlear. Add 4-5 drops of povidone iodine to each little nasal sprayer. Everyone I know who uses it religiously at the first signs of a respiratory bug has not gotten sick for over a year….

    • Michael,

      I had a mild version of it before and during January 6th-yes, THAT J6! I just slept a lot, like 15-20 hours a day; I drank water till I floated away; popped vitamin C like candy; and I had a few shots of what was left of my E&J brandy-for medicinal purposes, of course. After a week or so, I was fine.

      • I do this occasionally. I take 1 part hydrogen peroxide (3%) and mix it with 2 parts water and the then breathe it through a small nebulizer (Amazon $25 – $50). It definitely causes some initial throat and nasal irritation. It does tend to clear my sinuses in the short term, but I’m not sure if if it has any effect beyond that. Other than the slight irritation, I don’t thing there’s a down side of doing it though.

        I’ve always found that sitting in the Sun with a lot of exposed skin or even getting some tanning bed time helps too.

    • Another one here. Could the MSM be sitting on the scale of this because its too early? Wife and I got this just before Thanksgiving. Deep cough, congestion, fatigue, fever at night, and even with three rounds of antibiotics and steroids its still sitting in the chest with very little gunk making its way out. Stay strong, all.

    • I was sick about two weeks ago. Standard viral sick symptoms. Turned to an infection. I did to to a doc in the box and got a zithropack. 5 days of antiboitics. All good now. If I didn’t have to be traveling to Florida over Christmas, I wouldn’t have done crap.

  7. Range shorter than advertised had its origins in the government gas mileage tests mandated by the 1975 CAFE law. Drivers consistently got 20 percent less fuel economy than the sticker. In 1983 or 84, those numbers were adjusted lower by .78 city and .9 highway to reflect more realistic conditions. For the 2008 model year, gas mileage simulation testing was again revised to reflect heavier ac use, higher highway speeds and quicker acceleration and increased idling times for urban driving cycles. Whether the assholes in charge revise Eeeeveee mileage down is another story. In any case, CAFE enables and codifies largely inaccurate mileage tests and doesnt account for real world “range.”

    Where i live in texas, every fifth car on the highway is an Eeeeveee. We are in up to our neck in stupid. Im sick of Teslas and any other operative form of Eeeeveee. They are the automotive version of a face diaper.

    Eeeeveee and hybrid cars operate the opposite of whats normal and natural. Highway mileage should always be higher than city. Anything else is, well, abnormal.

    • ‘In 1983 or 84, those numbers were adjusted lower by .78 city and .9 highway to reflect more realistic conditions. For the 2008 model year, gas mileage simulation testing was again revised.’ — swamprat

      Swamprat makes an important point. When required Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) rises to over 50 MPG, this refers to the EPA’s raw dynamometer test results, not to the adjusted mileage shown on the window sticker:

      ‘EPA has conducted studies of the discrepancy between fuel economy performance in the lab and on the road, and has developed correction factors to account for the discrepancy.

      ‘Label values, as listed in the Gas Mileage Guide are oriented toward consumers who wish to compare models based on the basis of fuel economy. To achieve Guide values, EPA multiplies unadjusted city test results by 0.90 and unadjusted highway results by 0.78.

      ‘The two types of mileage values are generated in different ways and are not directly comparable.’


      This is why a vehicle with a window sticker rating of 44 MPG could be compliant with a 52 MPG CAFE mandate.

  8. I don’t agree that the range is falsely advertised when new. Instead, it’s like most things in that people don’t know what the hell they are talking about.
    The range advertised on a new EV is the average range, not the highway range. And an EV is the opposite of a gasoline car in that the highway range is quite a bit worse than the city range.
    So, if the car claims to go about 275 miles, you might get 200 miles on the highway, even when brand new. Less if you actually drive 75-80mph like most people.

    • ‘The range advertised on a new EV is the average range, not the highway range.’ — Nate

      Consumer Reports expands on this theme:

      “EPA’s testing procedures date back to the early days of EVs, and what’s included on the window sticker is partially controlled by laws written decades ago for gas cars,” says Chris Harto, senior energy policy analyst at CR. “CR has asked EPA to start the process of modernizing these regulations to help provide more useful consumer information about today’s EVs, including highway range.”

      ‘EPA spokesperson Shayla Powell told CR that the current range estimates were designed to fit what it considers the most relevant information on the limited space of a window sticker, and that the agency is continuing to evaluate its methods and procedures for determining EV range. “It would be premature to say how we might adjust the label while our review is ongoing,” Powell told CR.’


      All this is euphemistic smoke-blowing to obscure the fact that EeeVee buyers are being misled by the all-in-on-EeeVees EPA, which is not an disinterested party or an honest data provider — as they clearly admit, if you read between the lines of these statements.

      Blaming ‘people who don’t what they’re talking about’ ain’t gonna cut it, Nate. The EPA is maliciously disinforming Americans based on their pro-EeeVee agenda. And we mean to stop them … and MAKE THEM PAY for what they’ve done to us.

  9. Would I buy a Tesla Model X? No, I can’t AFFORD one! Therefore, I don’t ask myself the question if I’d buy that car. For me, it’s a moot question; I can’t afford it, so that’s that. Even if I could, spending $100K+ on a car offends my sensibilities.

    As for ICEV ranges, they can and do vary, depending on how and where they’re driven. If they’re driven hard and fast, then they’ll fall short of their advertised mileage. The same applies if they’re driven on hilly or mountainous terrain; it takes more energy to climb than it does to drive on flat ground. Finally, if an ICEV isn’t properly and consistently maintained, its range will fall short of what was advertised.

    Oh, and that Model X owner? He SHOULD be under warranty! Why doesn’t he get after Tesla According to this recent Market Watch article from 12/23/2023, he should be covered: https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/car-warranty/tesla-warranty/

    • “Even if I could, spending $100K+ on a car offends my sensibilities.”

      That’s because, as you’ve already stated, you can’t afford it. If you made $1-2 million per year, I imagine your “sensibilities” would change. It’s all relative.

      • I don’t know if my sensibilities would change. They might; if I made that kind of money, I might get a Lexus or Infiniti vs. a Toyota or Nissan. But would I spend $100K or more on a car? I don’t think so; for me, it’s not a good value. OTOH, I WOULD spend $100K or more on a nice plane… 🙂

      • Most EV owners make nowhere -near- $1M a year so that’s a pointless comparison.

        There are other cars in the 100K+ range I’d jump on in a heartbeat long before a Tesla. I’m baffled by people buying Model S and X particularly. Rich lefties often have shit taste so I suppose I shouldn’t be terribly surprised.

        • Missed the point, again, didn’t you? The salary amount is irrelevant. The example was used to demonstrate that people will make different decisions based on their financial situation. People who can afford a $100,000 vehicle, have no problem buying a $100,000 vehicle.

          • Not everyone who can buy a $100K car does so. Remember Sam Walton? He was a billionaire, yet he drove an old pickup. My late doctor drove a Honda Accord, though he could’ve afforded better. My brother, after earning six figures for years, only recently got a Lexus ES 200h hybrid 2-3 years ago, and that’s not near $100K. Many people who are well off and can afford $100K cars don’t get them; they save their money, and invest it wisely. How do you think they GOT wealthy in the first place?

            • “Not everyone who can buy a $100K car does so.”

              I never implied they do. My point, that is so basic and simple, is that individuals will make different decisions based on their financial well-being. It’s difficult to understand why this is being considered a controversial position.

  10. Unhappy new year just west of Phoenix:

    ‘Four Glendale, Arizona residents are without a home after an electric vehicle parked in the garage erupted into flames on Saturday night.

    ‘Around 11:45 p.m., Glendale, Phoenix and Peoria fire crews were called to a garage fire near 59th Avenue and Beardsley Road. Firefighters quickly cleared the home and identified the cause of the fire, which had come from an electric vehicle that spread to the attic and caused the roof to collapse.

    ‘Phoenix and Glendale crews worked quickly to fight the blaze by pulling the car out of the garage and spraying it with water away from the collapsed roof. Officials say four people are displaced, and no injuries were reported.’


    Buy an EeeVee; burn your house down.

  11. OT and I apologize but I just watched some videos over at Infowars of Vanilla Ice performing onstage with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle at OF’s Mar-a-Lago NYE party.

    2024 is gonna be a humdinger. That is all.

  12. ‘Charging stations’ are a complete and total waste of energy as well as a cheap trick to bring commercial advertisements into outside, formerly serene and peaceful places. We walked into several stores later at night lately, only to notice a giant five foot high by three foot wide lcd screen blaring some advertisement. There was no car ‘charging’ there. They always have some lights on them, blinking, or screens playing, consuming energy all day every day forever. While advertisers buy time on that screen. Some of us are still out here honestly caring about excess energy consumption, driving our high efficiency petroleum vehicles, unplugging tech items which have constant vampire drain, not supporting advanced new tech with it’s almost certain exponentially higher energy use profiles. Did you know vampire drain for most items you think are offline is actually roughly 30% or more of their live load use? Oh yes it’s true, every new thing you plug in, even if you’re not using it, consumes a substantial proportion of energy. What’s up with xfinity giving me a screen saver on this digital box nonsense? I leave the tv on for security while we’re away, to make it seem like someone is home. But some tech nerd clown out there decided that I should not be in control of what my tv does, that they know better and therefore will program in automatic function into my devices. Such is the liberal condition, a mental illness, a narcissistic state where group think and peer pressures steer entire groups of people towards directions they would never rationally take on their own. Charging stations are a pure waste of money and cheap trick to push even more commercial advertisements into peoples public and private spaces, not to mention an extremely irresponsible use of energy resources.

    As far as the consumer awareness goes, well, don’t get too surprised just yet. Chemo does not work. Your cellular phone is giving you brain tumors. The pesticides in all your fancy restaurant and grocery store foods is destroying your health and greatly increasing your risk of leukemia and tumors. The high fructose corn syrup in all your non organic foods is destroying your health profile and making you a tub of lard, in combination with your consumption of excess carbs, is a heart attack waiting to happen. And now you’re actually attempting to communicate with AI non intelligence pro programmed chat bots, and allowing yourself to be influenced by them subtly over time too. Betcha a pepsi and ten bear skins that these supposedly intelligent bots will not pick up on anything I’m saying. Because they are not sentient, and not intelligent, and are not allowed to take opposing positions to their corporate masters. Stop referring to this digital trinketry as AI, because the truth is that’s just pre programmed language bots, sent here to program you, the human being. You should all adopt a new slogan; ‘I do not talk to robots.’ That means everything from voice prompts to the chat room. Only communicate with your voice, with other human beings. Some of us are still out here in 2024, in search of ‘ad free spaces’. They can take all the commercial advertisements and, well, we’re not listening. If the people would stop buying the nonsense, they’d stop selling it, the consumer model is that simple. The world is what we make of it. Vote with your wallet, vote with your feet, vote with your clicks, vote with your time. They’re the only votes that ever mattered in the first place. Thanks for reading. Your pal; Apache Helicopter.

  13. Im in the remote midwest so EV’s aren’t worth 5 seconds of consideration. It bugs me I’m subsidizing the costs of these for people with much more money than me.

    The dealerships outside my town stopped stocking them because they simply do not sell because there is no market in rural areas.

    They should just make bright colored little domed egged shaped EVs for city folk and leave the rest of normal people alone.

      • Clutching my early 2000’s trucks like my life depends on it, because one day it just might. We drop whatever is needed, whenever is needed, into our old vehicles which we own outright. Always get the new parts too, never refurbished if we have a choice. Superior function, durability, cost savings profile, and reliability. Hell no we’re not voluntarily buying vehicles with kill switches and constant online monitoring, cameras and microphones in the cab, cancer causing wireless and bluetooth waves flooding our interior spaces, packed full cabs with no room like we’re in some astronaut capsule or something. We’re not prisoners in our vehicles, not yet anyways… Rocking the weekend rec vehicle which is the 2003 5.9 R/T durango, in black with all the extras.

        Besides, ev cars are super super dangerous to pedestrians. You literally can not hear them coming so if the driver is not paying attention, instead of an aware pedestrian and an inattentive driver, now you have a caught off guard pedestrian and an inattentive driver, recipes for disaster. Some EV driver almost hit me in the grocery store parking lot, his bumper whizzed right next to my jeans, and I never frigging heard him coming at all and was walking attentive without any distractions. These EV vehicles are not responsible technology, especially when in the hands of irresponsible people. EV vehicles; Helping liberals find solutions for imaginary problems. Have you ever gone to; Low Tech Magazine, now those are ideas we could pursue.

    • Hi James,
      I like you previous comment about sarcasm 😆. This guy must be drinking some industrial strength kool-aid.

      • Hi Eric

        There is an entire security/media complex that has developed over the last few years. They target sites based on the current key words/phrase list. They have evolved into more flexible versions than most people are familiar with. There are even versions of ChatGPT(among others) that are being used by various NGOs and the Usual Suspects™. Its an extension of the tactics described in the book Confessions of an economic hitman (most recent version). Mis Dis and Mal information are a threat to the National Security of the Home Land Citizen! Not to mention that the truth is a violation of our Google Over Lords Terms Of Service. 🙂 That’s the price you pay for higher visibility on Zero Hedge and Lew Rockwell.

        • Hi BJ,

          Yup, I dread the day when we can’t tell the bots from the people. But – in a way – it’s good that these bots attack us in that it shows we at least annoy the powers that be a little bit. And may even worry them.

  14. Eric,

    You hit the nail on the head in the last (or second last) line – This is how people are now completely brainless and programmed. This guy has been told electric cars are the “right” thing to do for whatever reason, and he’s happy to do so.

    Just like he will happily wear a mask, get jabs, and then not even wonder if something is wrong when he still gets the Rona….

    (BTW Happy New Year to you and everyone here)

    • Narcissism: Pathological self-absorption, first identified as a mental disorder by the British essayist and physician Havelock Ellis in 1898. Narcissism is characterized by an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy, by an unusual coolness and composure shaken only when the narcissistic confidence is threatened and by the tendency to take others for granted or to exploit them. The disorder is named for the mythological figure Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection.

      Fishing for clicks on you tube. That dude got your attention. Find something better to do with your time, it’s the attention to the narcissistic which is driving this insanity. Ignore them instead. You’d all have been better off watching reruns than whatever they’re selling online. Anyone have a truck boat truck boat boat video I could watch? Where’s Early, he’s got my keys… “NO MAM”.

  15. The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) marks a significant milestone in the journey towards sustainable transportation. With advancements in battery technology and a growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions, EVs are becoming increasingly popular. The environmental benefits, such as lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduced dependence on fossil fuels, make them a key player in the transition to a cleaner and greener future. As charging infrastructure continues to expand, and more automakers invest in electric mobility, it’s exciting to witness the positive impact EVs are having on both the automotive industry and the environment.

    • The technology is not sustainable. The destruction to the planet from mining the minerals, elements and metals to make the batteries is not justifiable. Furthermore, the large equipment needed to mine those materials will demand fossil fuels. That is the cold hard reality.

    • The following quotation is from Thomas Edison in The Electrician (London) Feb. 17, 1883, p. 329,

      “The storage battery is, in my opinion, a catchpenny, a sensation, a mechanism for swindling the public by stock companies. The storage battery is one of those peculiar things which appeals to the imagination, and no more perfect thing could be desired by stock swindlers than that very selfsame thing. … Just as soon as a man gets working on the secondary battery it brings out his latent capacity for lying.”

      • I’m pretty sure his post and that of “bhsi” a minute earlier were generated by ChatGPT or similar. They consisted of slightly different combinations of the same sentence fragments. Also, the first one by “bshi” included what looked like the response to the request to generate some AI-generated pro-EV boilerplate, so a quick copy & paste job.

        • 100%

          I recognize AI writing -very- easily. It has a weird cadence that becomes quite noticeable once you see it enough times. These are ChatGPT generated for certain.

      • Ask google whatever. Note homogenized content of bot search results. Logically determine that google is mostly a “field of bots” . It was built and they came. What a mess.

    • No one cares. Least of all the condescending snobs who preach about the environment to the rest of us.

      If you want to pretend to care about the environment, how about fighting the military and/or big ag? How about trying to get endocrine disrupting chemicals out of our drinking water?

      Instead it’s all about how we have to give up comforts and conveniences so the upper crust can pollute even more.

      Screw that. Leave us alone. Go fix yourselves.

  16. This guy’s Tesla purchase was heavily subsidized by the Feds and California. He likely received tax credits and discounts which dropped the price considerably. That’s the scam put on the rest of us. Who knows what else was available to bring the price down further.

    • I’m pretty sure he lives in St. George, Utah, and bought the Tesla in Las Vegas, so it wasn’t California that subsidized him. I’ve thought this guy an airhead ever since I first saw some of his videos years ago.

      • It’s about 200 miles from St. George, Utah to Las Vegas. Through the Mojave desert. I’ve done it several times. Nice drive, lots of scenery. Sure wouldn’t want to do it and worry about running out of fuel.

        • We miss the second gas tanks. Why aren’t those standard anymore? You know what goes hand in hand with cameras everywhere? Glass etcher. It’s just like paste in a jar, and costs a few dollars at the hobby store.

          We don’t like the future. This is not our future. We will not comply.

  17. Not to mention the software “upgrades” the original owner paid for may not transfer to the new owner and will need to be bought again.

  18. It is clear that batteries are not going to fly. Maybe one day, but not today. EVs have a future if, and only if, they switch to hydrogen-fueled PEM fuel cells. They might approach the efficiency of the internal combustion engines but there will be several challenges to overcome, primarily weight, reliability, and cost. Plus, the hydrogen refueling infrastructure is still in its infancy.

    I’ll stick with my gasoline-powered internal combustion car for now…

    • When it comes time to trade how much battery time can the new owner expect and what will be his cost of replacing the used battery.

    • Too bad, the investments weren’t made to the hydrogen fuel cell technology vice battery. It’s been proven that hydrogen fuel cells burn clean and only emits water as a by-product.

  19. Great news, EeeVee drivers — you can get per kilowatt-hour pricing in California:

    DC Fast Charging in CA … As Low As $0.25-0.35/kWh during Early Bird periods. — EVgo

    But there’s a catch:

    Los Angeles County

    ‘Stations are designated as High, Medium, Low [price tier] based on environmental justice considerations using the CalEnviroScreen, EV traffic and local installation, and ongoing property costs.’


    CalEnviroScreen indicators fall into four broad groups—exposures, environmental effects, sensitive populations, and socioeconomic factors.

    Let’s translate this into American English: charge up in funkytown, and you get rock-bottom rates (might want to be armed). Charge where the posh folks live, though, and you’ll pay a ‘white supremacy’ surcharge.

    By the way, CalEnviroScreen bears a remarkable resemblance to former apartheid South Africa’s notorious Group Areas Act, which zoned every township for what race (white, coloured, Asian, bantu) was allowed to live there.

  20. They want us all driving these go-carts so that they can control how much we drive, when and where as well. There isn’t enough grid energy to power them and, as has been mentioned, they cause far more damage to the environment than oil does.

  21. I’m not going to watch this moron’s video because that pays the moron for making it.
    I sincerely hope the irrational moron will go bankrupt as a reward for his EV stupidity.

    • He may well be going bankrupt since one of the other videos highlights their decision to sell the “dream home”.

      Too many toys.

  22. Rationalizing a large expense that probably is not necessary, shouldn’t do it, you justify it anyhow, then when it doesn’t deliver, you go all denial.

    What you expected and what it is means you are refusing to accept the reality that it is.

    Had a front loading clothes washing machine that was a pure pain in the neck, never so glad when I dismantled the piece of junk and hauled it away.

    It was the best day ever.

    Buy a boat and head for the lake, you can at least be in control, be able to drive it without some gov nanny telling you how.

    You can even fish!

    Instead of getting fished in.

  23. There are enough people with enough money to burn that will still take it up the ass and tell everyone what a wonderful thing they are doing.
    They are hypocrites and can go to hell with the rest of them.

  24. Some people have to have the latest technology regardless of cost. EV or IC. You can watch them walking around yelling into their latest Iphone trying to get attention. Same with a Tesla.
    Most of the real ‘rich’ don’t buy Teslas. They have fleets of private jets and limo’s. They didn’t get rich by wasting money of frivolous crap. It’s mostly what is called the middle to
    middle lower income folks trying to ‘look’ wealthy.

    It’s definitely a psychological problem but who cares. If it weren’t for them there would be far fewer Elons.

  25. Thing is, when dealing with bleeding edge technology, you might get cut. This is where the evangelists have to carry the tech through the growing pains. They’re “invested” in the idea the technology promises, so they’re willing to accept the obvious shortcomings and flaws and obsess about whatever positives exist.

    Thing is, up until recently the only real negative of internal combustion engines is that you’re paying the Rockefeller’s way, and they’d just as soon see you dead than try to make your life any better. But then they came up with the cock and bull story about climate, and that seems to have sparked another round of hate, this time with every rich a**hole trying to out-do the Rockefellers.

    Watch any documentary about oil and gasoline, and I’ll guarantee you’ll come away thinking the whole of the industry is full of charlatans and horrible people. Never mind the fact that the ICE has lifted billions of people out of poverty and fed even more. Yet we’re told we have to abandon it because a few rich “folks” might see their beachfront property wash into the sea (despite not seeing any evidence indicating that is happening), or some species that’s a subset of a subset of a sub-category might go extinct… even though the only reason it’s considered a separate species at all is because of the ego of some biologist who wanted to get his name in a textbook.

    Talk about debating angels on the heads of pins, yet this is all accepted as normal and routine.

    • Thing is, when dealing with bleeding edge technology, you might get cut. This is where the evangelists have to carry the tech through the growing pains.

      The problem with this analogy is that growing pains implies growing, and Tesla is, well, stagnant. Sure, EV proponents may be hypnotised and distracted by Tesla’s steady stream of new gimmicks, which is clearly Tesla’s main priority. Saner heads will look beyond that, and notice that as far as the main, basic stuff is concerned, Tesla in its two decades of existence hasn’t even managed to develop technology that is able to perform on par with a basic pump and tank! So much for growing.

      Pain, on the other hand, well, there’s plenty of that… But that’s to be expected from Tesla’s foolish decision to revive a technology that ended up on the scrap heap of automotive history a century ago, without fixing the problems that made it end up there back then. It’s a classic case of insanity, i.e. of doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. Without government help, Tesla will eventually end up on the scrap heap of history, where it deservedly belongs.

      • “The problem with this analogy is that growing pains implies growing,…”

        This reminds me of smartphones. They reached peak technology close to a decade ago and now the only “improvements” are in the capabilities of the camera. Of course, to the average person, that represents an unimportant advancement.

        • For many end-user applications the “smart phone” is more than powerful enough. The GUI is really the only thing holding back wide spread replacement of the desktop computer. And most of that has to do with manufactures not wanting to destroy their own markets.

          Imagine going to an office, placing your phone in a cradle and getting a desktop GUI. The cradle has a large heatsink so that the processor won’t thermal throttle, and a large enough PSU so the processor can run full. There’s a mouse, keyboard and monitor and all your documents. Even games can run fairly well on a phone processor, although more complex graphics might still need full PCs.

          But instead we get baked-in spyware and dumb terminal “apps” that aren’t much more than web pages. So why bother upgrading if the software won’t use the hardware?

      • Of course that’s the real issue. There is not improvement to be had, only less compromise. But the true believers love to compare EVs to other sorts of electronics, especially digital products.

        Remember the first flat screens? The old monochrome LCD displays on your laptop weren’t much to write home about, just the fact they existed was a minor miracle. No one would consider replacing their Sony Trinitron with a white on blue 320X240 LCD. But then someone figured out how to make a washed-out RGB LCD monitor, very expensive but at least it existed, and it got better. Eventually Sony quit making Trinitrons and began building LCD displays. RCA didn’t make the change and today they’re not around. And try buying a tube TV today (not that you’d want to*).

        I think Ford, GM and the rest are desperately trying to avoid becoming RCA. So they fiddle with deeply flawed technology that has no real purpose (LCDs on laptops were extremely useful if you had to work away from your desk), other than to fit a regulatory requirement. They think iteration will improve the technology. Problem is the only room for improvement is the battery and that seems to be running into brick walls and dead ends.

        *And before you old luddites complain about “smart TVs” and that old beast in the living room being somehow better, I’ll save you the effort. Tubes suck, your memory of analog TV is better than it ever was in reality and no one is forcing you to put your television online (mine, for example, has never been on the Internet and it works just fine).

  26. “You will own nothing and you will be happy”
    True, if you are an irrational moron like the maker of the video and all other buyers of the rip-off EV products of all EV makers.

    There must be established a test of rational thinking and a full understanding of the value and responsibilities of individual freedom and free markets that all voters must pass before being allowed to vote.
    That alone would eliminate far more than half of voters and encourage people to learn to think if they want to have a vote. Of course, valid accurate counting of those valid votes is also mandatory, unlike the activity of the 2020 presidential election.
    Universal suffrage is and has always been a very bad idea.

    • Hi John,

      I really want to know what the guy does for a living. The house shown (in another video) has to be worth at least $1 million and possibly a great deal more. Guy appears to be in his 40s. Where/how does he get the money to afford all of this?

      Regardless, it shows the let-them-eat-cake aspect of this business. Sure, if you are someone who can afford a home like that you are obviously someone who can afford a toy like that.

      But what about the rest of us Deplorables?

      Too bad, I guess.

      • His profile claims “biotech” sales. That could be anything from pharma sales to software for doctors/hospitals to medical devices. Basically, he makes bank off of other people’s misery. That, and he’s in debt up to his eyeballs.

  27. Most importantly: Unless you charge them using only solar or wind power sources, they are powered by fossil fuels (coal and natural gas) just like ICE vehicles.
    Electricity is not an efficient power source to produce.
    Electric generators plants are only 40% to 60% efficient at best.
    Transmission systems add another 10% loss.
    Finally those LIPO batteries are only 80% efficient.

  28. It is a religion.

    Just as some other religions that continually predict the end of the world, no amount of disappointment will persuade them away from their beliefs.

  29. One thing that gets under my skin about these EVs is that they’re far from “green” when you look at their service life.

    Now I don’t sweat depreciation too much because I buy cars to keep them for more than 10 years and drive them until they fall apart. But I do sweat the loss of capability a lot—it means that my EV is significantly less capable at a point when many IC vehicles are at the midpoint of their service life of about 15 years and still running fine. That means I will need to replace my EV sooner than an IC vehicle, which means more environmental impact to dispose of my old EV and make me a new one. So we’re back to the bad old days of when people bought cars every 3-5 years and odometers had only five digits because most cars were ready for the junkyard before hitting 100,000 miles. And we won’t be helping the environment that way because constantly buying things and throwing them away is what’s causing the problems with the environment.

    The “greenest” way to drive according to this principle would therefore be to buy a small, simple, reliable car and keep it until it falls apart. Trouble is, can you do that anymore?

    • Exactly, Bryce –

      I am not a wasteful person. I try to conserve resources. The latter stands in stark contrast to “environmentalism” – which is in fact Green Communism. I drive a 22-year-old truck and will continue driving it for years to come. Am I not more “environmentally responsible” than the guy who buys 3-4 EVs over the same time period?

      But of course, avoiding waste and depleting resources is not the issue at hand. It is virtue signaling – for the affluent, who can afford to preen “green” and pat themselves on the back for it.

    • I’m retired and drive a 2001 Subaru. It’s trouble-free and I’m satisfied with it. I’ve noticed recently that most of the homeless tweakers driving around Portland drive much newer/better cars than mine. Whatever. I’m happy.

  30. Well the first time out he didn’t know better but now he does, so WTF? I guess at this point the only people buying another EV are a little on the slow side perhaps?

    My ICE fleet is still getting about the same fuel economy as when I bought them.

    Happy New Year everyone.

    • Hi Landru,

      The guy has spent (lost) more than $1,000 per month to own this car so far – not counting what it costs to insure/maintain it. Nor what it costs to charge it. Probably he is spending something like $1,500 per month to own a car that is now worth 75 percent less than it cost when new that goes 32 percent less far than it was advertised as being able to go when it was new.

      And they ask me why I drink…

      • It’s just anecdotal but I spoke to a Tesla Model X owner in CA (they’re not a greenie, but need to look the part in LA and use the thing as a tax write off.)
        I’m told the annual insurance bill runs about $2200 – and that’s insurance provided through Tesla itself that gives them a “report card” on their driving habits and adjusts premiums accordingly.

        • It will be somewhat lower for him as his garaging address is Southern Utah; however, he has a teenage son that likely now drives, so his insurance isn’t much lower.

  31. I owned my Chrysler 300M from 2004, (Its last year) for fifteen years and only lost about two to three Mph. We’re talking freeway mileage taken on long trips to Oregon from San Diego.
    Tesla cars are for people with more money than brains who have never used Excel to calculate total cost of owning any EV.

    • H Rumple,

      Same here (well, similarly). I have an ’02 Nissan truck and it still goes as far on a tank today as it did 22 years ago. Also, it’s still worth about a third of what it cost new – after 22 years on the road.

  32. And on that note… HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody! 🤣

    All the prophets are saying that we’re in for a super-duper “fun” time!

    • Hi XM: All the prophets are saying that we’re in for a super-duper “fun” time!

      That “word” you keep using I don’t think it means what you think it means. 🙂

    • We’re completely doomed.

      “2024 will be the best year ever. Extremely bullish on 2024.”

      Jim Cramer tweeted that yesterday. Head for the hills!

    • Hi XM

      Nobody can predict the future, least of all economists. 🙂 But given all that’s going on, and various trend lines, its certainly looking like its going to be “Interesting”. Anyone else remember the old Chinese curse? “May you live in interesting times, and come to the attention of important people”. The Chinese have quite the sense of humor, and a very long time line. Those in the Empire are lucky if they can stay focused for a single quarter(3 months).

  33. That guy is smoking some serious “copium”. Who the hell in their right mind is gonna pay $25K for that car? Maybe the dealer will give him that much as a trade-in to get him to go long on another $100K+ idiot deal. In all that story, what was also unsaid, is that battery health declines slowly at first and then accelerates. That car will surely need a new battery soon to stay on the road. $25K + new Tesla battery? SUUUURE dude.

    And, let’s talk about the reality of gas engines. My 2002 A6 Avant (going on 22 years), with a NA V6 still gets the same mileage it always did since I bought the car more than 10 years ago which is only marginally lower (like single digit percentage) than the brand-new window sticker listed.

    My wife’s 2014 A8 with a 4.0T (and 4-6-8 technology), still gets 20MPG on the highway. Which, believe it or not, was the same MPG on the highway as the 2015 A4 Allroad that I just sold that only had a 2.0T. And OBTW, that 2014 A8 with about 65K miles on it that stickered at ~$86K, I can still get $25K as a dealer trade-in and likely much more at auction. And it still has a highway range of about 400 miles on a full tank.

    EVs were not and still are not advertised as something that “if you baby it, and drive in perfect conditions, under the speed limit” that you can get one-third less range. The EV bullshit story is that they’re everything AND MORE than gas cars with the minor, itty-bitty, little inconvenience of a slightly longer wait at the “pump”.

    Only irrational fear of lower range and the selfish unwillingness to luxuriate at a charging station for half an hour are what keeps neanderthals from making the switch to the car-driving utopia of EVs! Right?!

      • Extremely wealthy. LDS. Maybe they know Mitt Romney.

        I’m not trying to be funny.

        Check out some of the other videos from this channel, like this one where they sell the “dream house”. Pay attention to what they say about the kids’ immediate futures.


        The first person to take delivery of a Ford Lightning was serious Deep State. A tour of duty in the military at one of the freak show commands at MacDill in Tampa is always a dead giveaway, especially if the assignment was IT security related

        • Indeed, Roscoe –

          Wow. Also (wow) in re the house in relation to the lot. There is a lot of house – a lot of McMansion – but almost no more lot than house. It’s another thing I don’t get about people like this, who can obviously afford not to have neighbors literally 10 yards away.

          • The housing development might be planned around LDS doctrine. One of the other videos shows the secret rooms in the house.

            To be fair, the Subcontinent H1B Visa demographic here in Austin buys houses similar to those in the video. Nothing else matters to them beyond interior square footage and schools.

            The same Subcontinent demo also buys a lot of Teslas.

          • I have a cousin with a McMansion with close neighbors. They cannot leave a vehicle outside overnight. It has to be in a garage. Which seems ok until the son’s new truck is too big to fit into the multi-car garage. D’oh! Too long.

  34. “he’s happy about it. States that he’d buy another of these devices.”
    I’m flabbergasted! How can a sane person react to that, other than “your insane buddy, or incredibly stupid, with far more money than sense”. I see no other alternative.

  35. From EVgo’s website, today:

    DC Fast Charging Outside of CA

    Level 2 Charging Everywhere

    $6.99/month subscription


    Here’s what Elektrek has to say about this pricing scheme:

    ‘We cannot think of any justification for pricing per-minute when per-kWh is allowed. Fueling an EV can be far more expensive than filling up an ICE car.

    ‘When you go to the gas station, the price per gallon is very prominently displayed, and a gas pump conveys nothing but certainty as to how much energy you’ve procured and how much you owe. Gas pumps are regulated and audited to make sure people are paying precisely the advertised amount for the energy they purchase.

    ‘Governments and utility commissions are already providing subsidies to EV charging networks, so they should justify the per-minute pricing ratepayers and taxpayers have subsidized.’


    * scam * scam * scam *

    Where’s muh MPGe???

  36. It seems, to me, that those people have a form of TDS but focused on the perceived superiority of EVs *and* themselves.

  37. Guess he should have bought one of the big manufacturers EVs, they would have course done so much better in range, retention of value, etc, wouldn’t they? At least union coffers/political graft would be replenished

  38. How long do you think it will be before someone comes up with the great idea of putting overhead electric wires on interstates so these things can continually charge, like the electric trains, or buses you see in some cities?

  39. That almost sounds like people who get mad NOT at those who’ve been LYING to them about things like COVID, face diapers, vaccines, climate change, January 6th, etc., but mad at those who’ve been telling the TRUTH about such things.

    Or people who STILL blame Trump, the unvaxxed, Right wingers, Russia, etc. for the various problems we’ve been forced to endure the past few years.

  40. ‘How do you know you’re not getting 123MPGe? How CAN you know?’ — Mark in BC

    This is a serious question which more people should be asking. The EPA defines an e-gallon as 33.7 kilowatt-hours. To calculate MPGe — starting with say, an 80% charge — you would need to charge your device back to the same 80% level, note the kWh delivered, then divide it by 33.7 to get e-gallons. Then divide the miles traveled by e-gallons to obtain MPGe.

    Do charging stations even tell you how many kWh were delivered? Apparently, many do not. Tesla charges per kWh. But EVgo and Electrify America, as of 2019, bill per minute regardless of the kWh actually delivered.


    Can you believe that bullshit? Would you blindly pay ten dollars a minute to use a gasoline pump, having no idea whether it’s slow or fast? * scam * scam * scam *

    So the partial, incomplete answer to Mark’s question is NO — many EeeVee drivers do not even receive the basic information (kWh delivered) to calculate MPGe. And that’s a stinking scam on multiple levels.

    In the case of the Cali Clown pictured above, has his MPGe dropped 32% along with his range? Or does his clapped-out old battery now store 32% less, but deliver its original MPGe? Who knows? Anybody? Buttigieg???

    • Interesting. The Dept. of Energy tells us that in 2021 the average CO2 production for 1 kWh of generation was 0.3712kg. Add 10% for transmission losses and an additional 15% for charger power conversion losses and you are up to 0.4696kg for what actually goes into the battery. They also tell us that 8.89kg of CO2 is produced by the combustion of 1 gallon of ethanol-free gasoline. So, for comparison, 1 e-gallon in the EV would have produced 15.8kg of CO2. This is why it is important not to teach the next generation who to do basic math or to think through word problems.
      As to you question on what is happening to the battery over time, my only reference point are submarine batteries. Over time, the charge-discharge cycle produces chemical changes on the plate surfaces which increases the overall internal resistance of the battery. Thus more energy is consumed as heat in the charging process to get to an apparent “full charge” state and the reverse is true as well. During discharge, more energy is lost as heat to the increased internal resistance resulting in an apparent loss of battery capacity. So, if these new batterys are similar, it probably to 30% more energy through the charger to get to an apparent full charge that gave the owner 30% fewer miles.

      • Thank you. Excellent info.

        ‘[Whereas] 8.89kg of CO2 is produced by the combustion of 1 gallon of ethanol-free gasoline, 1 e-gallon in the EV would have produced 15.8kg of CO2.’

        Devastating. Just devastating.

        Drive an EeeVee, melt the freaking ice caps.

  41. Tesla is a cult…… this sucker is a member.Electric Jesus…aka Musk should be in the same jail cell as Elisabeth Holmes….Meanwhile my 16 yo Ranger gets the same mpg as it did new.

    • Indeed Stufo, no one likes to admit they’ve been ripped off. That would make them look stupid. Even though rationalizing being ripped of makes them look REALLY stupid.

  42. Eric, I think part of the reason why Tesla, et al, are not being prosecuted for false advertising is because no one actually knows what MPGe means. It’s a nonsense tag that means nothing in the real world.

    How do you know you’re not getting 123MPGe? How CAN you know? MPG on the other hand is pretty simple, straightforward and calculable…none of the characteristics of the EV Shuck & Jive.

    “There’s a sucker born every minute.” PT Barnum. “Never give a sucker an even break.” WC Fields

    • It’s marketing. Who actually believes that if they go to a bar and drink this or that beer it will be an instant party? Maybe once in a while you’ll have a nice time, but not the high gloss entertainment of the advertising bar.


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