Isn’t Slavery Illegal?


Kids are taught in school that it is not legal to own other people; that Abe Lincoln “freed the slaves.” But when those kids turn 18, they are required to “do the right thing” and sign what amounts to an indenture contract to “serve” as an unwilling mercenary, where they will no longer have any say about what they are allowed to do and will be told exactly what they must do. If they do not follow those orders, they will be punished – including physically – just the same as the field hands overseen on the plantations of the antebellum South.

The only difference is they don’t call them slaves anymore.

It’s a distinction with little difference. It’s also a barometer of the state of things in this country since Lincoln freed the slaves – from their owners – and asserted the federal government’s ownership over everyone.

The ex-slaves included.

We’re all on dey plantation now.

If you choose to be free, it’s a crime. Just as it was before Lincoln freed the slaves. If a person “bound to service” – the exact term used, which is interesting given it’s the same term used now that we’re all “free” – decided to run away from his “service,” he was a fugitive from the law and subject to punishment. Very little has changed since then. If anything, it is worse since then. Slaves in the antebellum South were not required to endorse their servility by signing up for it. The slaves today are. And if they fail to do so, it is a felony.

Herewith the relevant passage:

“Not registering” for what is styled selective service, by which is meant the federal government will at its discretion dragoon whomever it selects into its service – “is a felony.” As in a federal offense. One that entails “a fine up to $250,000 and imprisonment up to five years, or both.”

A slave in the antebellum South who tried to run away from “service” had it much better. All they did to him, usually, was drag him back to the plantation. He wasn’t expected to pay his massa hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Today, that threat – plus years in a federal prison – are used to intimidate every 18-year-old (now including 18-year-old women) to “voluntarily” sign-up for “service.” To agree that the federal government owns them as chattel, just the same as slaves were owned in the Antebellum South. It is not merely the product of their effort – of their minds and bodies – that the federal government lays claim to. It is themselves. Their entirety. Their bodies – and their minds – which must do as ordered (or else).

That they might not be “selected” for “service” changes nothing in terms of the fundamentals. The fact that the federal government  can “select” any 18-year-old it likes, whenever it likes implicitly means it can select every 18-year-old, whenever it likes. Just the same as if it is accepted that the government has the rightful authority to take a penny of your money, it has implicitly laid claim to all of your money.

Whatever you are allowed to keep is by sufferance rather than right.

Just the same as you are allowed to retain possession of the home you will never actually own, no matter how many payments you make to the government as the cost of rent for being allowed to live in it. Just as you must register any vehicle you possess with the government. The word is italicized to make a point of the derivation. Reg being a prefix indicating king – and that’s not you. The “king” is no longer an individual (except as a figurehead in places such as what’s left of England) because it’s too easy to see the king. It is much more difficult for many people to understand they are slaves in the absence of one.

Instead, they believe they have a say – an indulgence they are permitted (though even that begins to wane). But what they say does not matter when the government says otherwise. At which point, you are legally required to do as it says – or else.

Including – if you are an eighteen-year-old kid – filling out your own indenture contract, which is exactly what you’re doing when you sign your name to the thing.

Aren’t you, per that maudlin anthem Trump loves to play at his rallies, “proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free”?

Cognitive meet dissonance.

. . .

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  1. A nation does not need “conscription” to defend itself militarily. However, if an Empire wishes to exert its will abroad, it is mandatory.

  2. The lockdowns…more pain and suffering for the slaves…part of the slave herd reduction agenda….

    The lockdowns………left the entire world less free and less prosperous, and with drained hopes, most official institutions are manufacturing fake data to cover it all up.

    Post-Lockdown Economics……..

    The labor markets have never recovered.

    Stimulus was wiped out by inflation…… Once inflation came along, the purchasing power of those dollars was zapped away. Money creation had been on a level never before seen in modern times; some $6 trillion was created out of thin air to buy stunning amounts of debt. It was all taxed away in the most ancient scheme of tricking the public.

    Retail sales and wholesale factory orders are not up.

    Output has not increased…… the inclusion of government spending as constituting economic growth and an inflation adjustment that is lower even than the CPI,

    Everyone knows today that the statistical prosperity of wartime in World War II was not real due to the inclusion of government as the main contributor to supposed economic output. Government debt as a percentage of GDP has reached and surpassed wartime levels in the last four years. This should tell us something important about the credibility of this seeming recovery.

    The inflation data is fake……… According to the official data, the dollar of January 2020 has sustained 82 percent of its value, which is to say it has lost only 18 percent of value over four years.

    How is the CPI able to render price increases this low? Because the data excludes interest rates, homeowners insurance, taxes, shrinkflation, and added fees. Data on health insurance prices are adjusted downwards for medical consumption. The data on home prices is fed through a wildly complicated formula called homeowners equivalent rent. It has become a fantasy.

    Even on specifics, the Bureau of Labor Statistics can’t seem to reflect actual industry prices. The BLS has food prices up 26 percent since 2019. But industry data has grocery up 35 per.

    Then you have the black box of hedonic adjustments, which allow bureaucrats to re-render the price of any product with changed quality with some perception that, after all, you don’t mind paying more for higher quality, so therefore it is not really increasing in price.

    It’s not wildly impossible that real inflation over four years has been 30 percent or 50 percent or higher.

    Property rights are not secure. Never before in US history have so many small businesses been shut down coast to coast with such brutality. When they opened again, it was often only at throttled capacity, giving a huge boost to big over small restaurants and hotels.

    The debt is out of control; personal, corporate, and government. Plenty of people have written about the problem of the government debt, the interest on which three-quarters of taxes are now directed to pay.

    The ship of corporate debt sailed long ago with the wild experiment in zero interest rates by the Federal Reserve after 2008. Rates were reversed to deal with inflation. The resulting high rates are deeply painful for any non-public business that depends on leverage for its operations:

    The consumer debt problem is more striking still: in times of high interest, savings should be going up, not down, and debt should be going down not up. The opposite is happening simply because real income is falling dramatically and has been for three years.

    CBDCs are essential to the plan…… the larger agenda: control through data collection and enforcement…….. It allows universal surveillance, timed currency expirations, and directed spending rationing to reflect political priorities.

    Financial markets will thrive until they do not…….the rise of which is seen as fantastic news rather than simple price inflation.

  3. Lincoln abolished private slavery by nationalizing it.

    Lincoln did not free the slaves, he enslaved us all – Malcolm X

  4. Was facing the same thing when I turned 18. I declined. If I have to fight, I’ll fight for MY freedom when they come to get me. I would lose, but it’s not only better to die a free man than to live as a slave, it’s even better to die a free man than to do evil by doing the bidding of those who would make you a slave. And thus a libertarian was created.
    Fuck Israel!
    Fuck DJT (The Best Friend Israel Ever Had®)
    Fuck The KH Cunt

  5. These contracts are signed under duress and can probably be argued in court to be dismissed from the terms.

    Anyway, can you imagine these blue haired he/she freaks in the military? Comedy ensues.

  6. As soon as you are born you signed up into the slave market by your mother…the birth certificate….tax slave, debt slave….

    but…the slave owners have convinced the slaves they are not slaves….

    democracy…that is for the slave owners only….the slaves have zero rights…

    The slave owners are the same royal bloodlines that go back 6000 years….time for a slave revolt….

    • Do not forget your social slave number. Now given to all babies at birth so that they-for life-can be tagged, tracked, taxed, and when appropriate, bagged, too, when the Feds deem fit.

  7. To top it all off, in the entire history of the nation, there have only been about 20 years when the US military has not been actively engaged in killing people.

  8. The Cree hunted down, captured members of the Sioux tribe and sold them into slavery. Sioux people were chopping sugar cane in Cuba.

    The Choctaw hunted down runaway slaves, how they made some money.

    Anthony Johnson, an African from Africa, won his freedom after six years as a slave, was granted land and Anthony became a slave owner himself. It was a road to freedom, escape slavery legally.

    The Slave Industrial Complex was a worldwide industry for centuries, probably fair to say eons. The Dutch emptied Easter Island of inhabitants and sailed them to slavery.

    The Muslims gave Jefferson a headache, Tripoli had American Marines on a mission from God.

    And we all know the other people known as chosen, the Bible tells you so how to have some slaves.

    Everybody was in it for the money, should be of no surprise, it was a huge industry. Governments take advantage of everybody.

    Libya probably has slaves working right now.
    John Newton was a captain of a sailing ship and he was trucking slaves up and down the coasts. John wrote the tune Amazing Grace. William Wilberforce was a British statesmen that advocated the end of slavery and did succeed in the effort. Around 1812 if the history is correct. John and William were friends. John Newton wasn’t exactly the most religious cat back then. He was kind of a hell raiser while in his prime.

    You can’t make stuff up when it’s all true.

    Round up a couple of million hapless souls, induct them into involuntary military service and you have a slave trade, you need lots of food and a motor pool.

    Boot out the Mormons from New York, then Illinois, then Missouri. Get out of here and do it now. Go to Utah, a good place for ya.

    • The Cherokee, during their “Trail of Tears”, took along several THOUSANDS of slaves with them to the Indian Territory, aka present-day Oklahoma. They had their own alphabet for their native tongue, developed by the Oxford-educated Sequoyah. During the American Civil War, both the Cherokee and Choctaw nations allied with the Confederacy, and the Cherokee top chieftain, Stand Watie, who lived on a sumptuous plantation near present-day Tulsa and owned hundreds of slaves that worked it, was a Confederate Army Brigadier General. Slavery continued as a legal institution even after Dishonest Abe’s so-called “Emancipation Proclamation”, and even after the events of “Juneteenth” in Texas in June, 1865. It was finally abolished in 1866 when both the Cherokee and the Choctaw each signed updated treaties with the United States Government.

      • “To this day, people won’t carry a twenty dollar (Jackson) bill.”

        Words of a Texan about the Trail of Beers and what Jackson did. Way back in 2009 CE, the hate lingers.

        The Cherokee sided with the Confederacy, a no-brainer there.

  9. Once upon a time, the Ape’s Union drafted for service in the so called Civil War. Mostly targeting Irish immigrants. There were riots in NYC over it, and the Navy at anchor in the harbor opened fire with artillery on the Irish quarter of the city.
    Good thing we live in a “free” country, or just think how much worse it would have been.

    • > There were riots in NYC over it,
      Then, in the 1930s, we had the Bonus Marchers.
      The “heroes” who put down the rebellion of former soldiers were named:
      Douglas MacArthur
      Dwight Eisenhower
      George Patton

      Who, in due course, were well rewarded for their “service.”
      The Bonus Marchers were serviced.

    • Maybe “Bill the Butcher” was right about the Irish and their fealty for “Roman Popery”.

      In Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Area is a local prominence known as Federal Hill, built on the site of a colonial trash heap, their version of “Mount Trash-More”, which got its name due to the Union Army putting artillery pieces on its top. They were NOT pointed towards the Chesapeake Bay, in case the Confederate naval ironclad CSS Virginia (rebuilt from the captured USS Merrimack) steamed up from Hampton Roads to bombard US Forts, like McHenry, guarding Baltimore, but rather, TOWARDS the city, considered a hotbed of “Copperheads” (Northern Confederate sympathizers).

      “Dishonest Abe” also, when the Maryland legislature convened at Annapolis to re-consider secession (they’d already voted down such a proposal in late March of 1861), had an Army battalion displaced to occupy the MD capital and arrest their governor and legislators; they all fled. Lincoln also tried to have another prominent Marylander, SCOTUS Chief Justice Roger B Taney, (in)famous for the Dred Scott decision of 1858, arrested for ruling against him with respect to suspension of Habeas Corpus; the Constitution gives that authority to the CONGRESS in time of national emergency, NOT the EXECUTIVE branch. Just a few of the many acts of tyranny of the 16th POTUS; demonstrating the justness of secession in the first place!

  10. If the nation is seriously worth a flip no draft will be necessary.

    The draft is derived from the constitutional militia which comprised of free males usually from 16 to 60 and was the reason for a well regulated militia mentioned in the 2nd amendment. IMO this power was not intended for government to wage stupid wars all around the planet that was not a threat to the nation itself nor wars it started by whatever means.

    • No nation has a right to its continued existence by conscription. If its citizens won’t stand up for it, it is illegitimate.

  11. I spent 3 years enlisted and 6 years commissioned in the US Army. Since the farce of GWB’s Iraq invasion, I actively discourage young people from joining. Now I’d be willing to form an “underground railroad” to send young people to Canada or Mexico in order to not be conscripted.

    OT: not far from my childhood home, in 1863 invaders from wis-kahhhhhn-sin took slaves from their owners & forced them to build earthworks. When they were finished, the slaves were returned to the owners. “Free the slaves” –my ass.

    • Many were sold off to various Indian nations in order to pacify them; they, in turn, aside from making use of them, often sold them to foreign buyers, the “middlemen” being mostly JEWISH traders with international connections.

  12. When I got my “draft” notice in 1967 I wondered the same thing, how is that not involuntary servitude? Dressing it up with different words doesn’t change the fact that you are considered to be owned by the government. As John Kable continues to remind us government thinks they own us and has the right to kill us. “Free” as a commodity they own; Mao got it right: “power comes from the barrel of a gun.”

  13. It could be worse. You could actually have trusted government with your life…

    Now, I’m not shedding tears for these guys. They signed up for the ride. But it showcases what happens when there’s a laundry list of demands placed on engineers, themselves probably highly capable and eager to work, but with a reward systems that don’t actually incentivize good engineering practice.

    And it also shows what happens when the story shifts from the individual to the team. No one cares that these guys are stuck in orbit indefinitely (only because Boeing and NASA want to save face, there’s a Space-X Dragon and a Soviet crew vehicle attached right now that could bring them home). Heck, their names aren’t even in the headline. They’re only mentioned in the subhead and about 2/3 of the way through. This is typical of woke NASA, where there are no tall blades of grass, and it’s all about the team.

    Because everyone gets a participation trophy, even the n*ggers in charge of the pig sty. The new normal is to celebrate the bottom 10% and ignore the top achievers. This has roots in Christianity and the parable of the widow:

    41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
    43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

    Mark 12:41-44

    The message is “Well, of course it’s easy for you and your two-parent well adjusted family! But look at the crack baby over here, who ate lead paint and has asthma because his grandmother smokes. Just the fact that he shows up at the track meet says more about his determination than your ability.” Doesn’t matter that all of his handicaps were preventable, or that his mother’s “freedom” to do what she wanted led to his situation. No, overcoming difficulties is the real accomplishment, much more than yours.

    We’re not watching the Olympics, as we haven’t pretty much since I became an adult and no longer care much about sports in general. When I quit watching the story was always the same: Athlete overcomes some personal challenge, no matter how much of a stretch it might be to call it a challenge, then grunts her way through the system, getting up a 4:00 am, living on gruel and protein shakes, then winning a spot on the Olympic team. Oh, what an inspiration! Unless she’s a pretty white chick, then… well, we’ll mention her if she wins.

    All slaves, even the house n*ggers, are equal. But some are given the illusion of prominence, at least while it suits the owners.

    • Not only that, but even those that enlist or get a commission, VOLUNTARILY, go in with the “addendae, provisos, and quid quo pros”, one of them being “STOP LOSS”. Simply put, whatever term of enlistment or service commitment (in case of ROTC or being put into a specialty program, like the USN Nuclear Officer Corps, it can be four to eight years, to repay the college assistance and/or expensive special post-graduate education, the USN’s Nuclear Power School (aka “Nuke School”) being considered the finest nuclear power program in the world, it’s graduates becoming VERY marketable in the nuclear industry once they get out of the Navy), you are NOT guaranteed that you can leave at all! If ordered to remain on active duty, you have no choice. You’re honorably discharged, or in the case of officers, put on an “inactive” status, when the Service branch you’re serving with says you CAN go. Even the, there’s often a “reactivation clause”, plucking you out of a comfortable civilian life.

      That, as an example, happened to the “Splendid Splinter”, aka “Teddy Ballgame”, Ted Williams. He’d been commissioned in the USMC and worked stateside as a flight instructor (both the Army and the Navy made it a practice to NOT send celebrities abroad, feeling they were a distraction, giving them the “they also serve…” lecture) during WWII, missing the 1943, 1944, and 1945 MLB seasons. FWIW, Williams, being 23 years old when Pearl Harbor happened, had already registered for the draft when re-instituted in 1940, and, being the sole support of his mother (she was a semi-invalid and there was no Medicare then), was given “3A” status. After Dec 7, 1941, that, like all others, was automatically changed to “1A”, but subject to appeal, which Williams, like MANY others, and he with the blessings of his local draft board in San Diego, did. The mouthy and temperamental slugger was lambasted in the press as a “draft dodger”, though, in fact, the military was busy enough processing VOLUNTEERS and would not need to implement the draft until later in 1942; i.e., he’d not have been called up anyway! After Williams signed a contract with the Red Sox for the 1942 season, and got enough to purchase a life insurance policy that’d take care of his mother, should he be killed in combat (remember, no SGLI in those days!), he then enlisted in the US Navy, applied for OCS, and was given a deferred reporting date for after the 1942 baseball season. Williams received his discharge in November of 1945 from the Marines and resumed his baseball career, winning his first MVP in 1946 (IMO, he should have gotten it over the overrated DiMaggio in 1941, and definitely in ’42, being snubbed for the aforementioned draft ‘issues’) and another in 1949, and his second Triple Crown in 1947. At the beginning of the 1952 season, with the Korean War raging, he received his notice of re-activation into the Corps, with orders to report to flight school to train on the new jets. Williams grumbled about how he, at age 33, was being taken out of civilian life, after already having served in WWII, but this was something that befell quite a few “retreads”, enough to make a movie called the “Bridges at Toko-Ri” in 1954, starring Bill Holden, as an attorney likewise reactivated as a jet fighter pilot. BTW, his movie wife was the uber-stunning Grace Kelly. Williams trained on both the North American F-86 Sabre (the Navy was considering an order for a carrier version of that bird) and the F9F Panther. With the latter, he flew missions in Korea, and for quite some time, was the wingman of the “MiG-mad Marine”, Major John Glenn…yes, THAT John Glenn. With an armistice signed on July 27, 1953, Williams returned to the states and was released from service nearly a month later, rejoining the Red Sox for the remaining 37 games of that season. With but 91 at-bats, “Teddy Ballgame” would hit .407, and slug 13 HRs, a torrid one “dinger” every SEVEN at-bats! That with virtually NO period to re-train!

  14. A former co worker and friend whose son came of age during the Iraq war brought the daily struggle between citizen and government to the fore from the perspective of working at the same job. This game me even more empathy for what a parent goes through. She and her husband slaved away at their jobs working overtime for years to make sure they were able to pay for their kids private high school and college education. To allow their children to have the best opportunities for success. Years of milestones and achievements, ballgames, budgets, graduations, college applications, medical and emotional dramas. By now the parents are near exhaustion, so proud of their son and then wham. A president they didn’t vote for tells them their precious child that they have spent a decades helping to become a first class freshly minted adult may need to be shipped off to the other side of the world to get blown up by an ied in Iraq. Seeing their pain is what turned me antiwar.

    • My son’s best friend joined the Marines upon his HS graduation, and got “blowed up” by an IED in Iraq in 2006. He did “survive”, but with some physical and definite mental scarring. He did go out on a disability pension, which was fairly generous, considering he was a Corporal, due to his being wounded in combat. The young man though he bought a nice little home, was never quite “right”. Early in 2012, engaged in a video game trading business to earn some extra cash, he was ambushed by an ostensible prospective customer and murdered in his home. The killer was found guilty of Murder One with special circumstances and is doing life w/o parole; that cretin has to perpetually “watch his ‘Six ” as every biker inmate has, in effect, a standing order to “shank” him, which is their policy towards those that kill honorably discharged veterans. My son has his friends Toyota picked, which, sadly, was wrecked in late 2019 and sits in his backyard, awaiting rebuild.

  15. The Selective Service Act generated the first draft into the armed services.

    Draft notices were sent out to draftees to be inducted into the US military.

    “360,000 didn’t show up,” said Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

    Then they sent him off to Vietnam
    On his senior trip
    And they forced him to become a man
    While he was still a boy
    And behind each wave of tragedy
    He waited for the joy
    – Old Hippie by The Bellamy Brothers

    • That’s the thing. People don’t show up. After 9/11 people volunteered to go fight. But the neocon government decided to squander the good will and patriotism by changing the mission to nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq. And now they’re paying for it by having massive recruiting problems. Might also be one of the reasons for the sieve at the border, a shortcut to a green card… Service means citizenship!

      I think a lot of the neocon agenda has to do with the CIA still being sore over Ford issuing Executive Order 11905. Specifically, Section 5G: “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

      Fine. You don’t want the spooks doing the dirty work. So now you get to send in the Army. Of course no one ever considers that an evil dictator* that isn’t hurting America isn’t any of our business. Nope, just project power through (expensive) hardware and rubblize to achieve your twisted goals.

      *evil, of course because they suggest an alternative currency or happen to rule over a strategically important piece of real estate.

      • >a shortcut to a green card… Service means citizenship

        Not always bad.
        A fellow of my acquaintance came to the US from Nicaragua.
        He joined the US Army, which trained him as a telephone technician.
        Upon leaving the Army, he went to work as a technician for Verizon and made it his career. Well paying union job, with benefits, now retired. He and his wife are naturalized US citizens.

        He and his wife have two daughters. The older daughter earned a mechanical engineering degree from UC Irvine and now works for Tesla. The younger daughter graduated from CalTech and went on to earn a PhD in engineering physics. She is now a professor.

        So, there are success stories.

        L’il Donnie’s assertion that “They are sending us riffraff and criminals” is rubbish.

      • The kids today aren’t necessarily stupid…they recognize that our military is being (mis)used as ISRAEL’S “muscle”. Why do you think so many cheered on Hamas since October 7th?

  16. Our government seems to be a form of adult parenting. The gov tells people they are doing this for their own good, and they need to be responsible and serve their country and if the people aka children are obedient then after they are forced to serve for a year or two if they are still alive then they can get a gold star insignia and a free education.

  17. ‘We’re all on dey plantation now.’ — eric

    It’s not enough just to writhe under their lash. No, also we must listen to the omnipresent hectoring mindfuckery of their presstitutes:

    — Maureen Dowd, “J D Vance, Purr-fectly Dreadful”
    — Lydia Polgreen, “I Was a Kamala Harris Skeptic. Here’s How I Got Coconut-Pilled”
    — (((Michael J Sandel))), “How Harris Can Win”

    … and on and on.

    Smash the stinking Lügenpresse.

  18. No one has ever successfully explained to me the difference between conscription and involuntary servitude in the 52 years since I became eligible to be “drafted”. Because they can’t, because there is none. In 1972 it was of some importance to me, since there was a war going on which I did not support, and which often entailed young men coming home in a box, or with parts missing. By dumb luck, or divine intervention, I drew a high lottery number. The lottery score determined by birth date.
    Every government is founded upon its assumption of authority to kill you if you disobey. How is that not slavery?

    • I have been beating this drum for quite a while. Like you, no one can explain where fedgov gets the power to body snatch you to fight a war for them without your consent.

      If the government derives its powers from the consent of the governed, what document defines the consent to conscription? Who signed this? and how does it not violate the 13th amendment?

      No one has ever offered an explanation with the slightest bit of logical coherence.

      To those who pay attention, the practical answer is obvious. This power is usurped, just like most everything the government does.

      The law is no law at all, they are mostly brought about from nowhere in particular. Decrees from thin air (much like how a boneless wing legally contains bones in Ohio).
      We are ruled by wave of the hand, couched in the pomp and circumstance of the procedure of passing bills. It has more to do with chants of witchcraft than exercise of legitimately delegated authority.

      In reality, we live in a lawless society no different than one in which a local gang just keeps arbitrarily making rules. Yet we have been brainwashed by the machine to believe we are free and brave.

      We certainly are not free, and if we were brave, we would have a shortage of tar and feathers.

      • i was wondering how you impose a contract on future generations without those generations consent? the constitution was signed over 200 years ago by a bunch of men i didn’t give authority to decide my fate or my agreement to be governed or not governed. i never agree to it. it was forced me on at birth.

        same thing with the bill of no rights. the supposedly ”allowed” us to have 10 rights…at first. and all others taken by the state? we can debate all day. doesn’t matter. what right did they have to impose that on future generations? without the consent of the so-called ‘governed? ‘…i didn’t sign it…i didn’t ask for it. it was rammed down my throat and i was told i have no say over it…it just is!! accept it!!

        yeah…no…i don’t! people 200 years ago do NOT get to decide my rights…i decide that not them….same with the thugs today. goblins in human clothing. they claim the right of ownership based on a constitution that even they had no say over so they too have no right to impose it…not it…not their laws….nothing. just because we are born in an area doesn’t give anyone the right of ownership over us and yet they do claim that right!

        rights are not stolen…they are GIVEN AWAY! a person has all their rights and yet a thug comes and says….HAND THEM OVER….or else?! the threat of violence being done…but they have to have consent! people have to give away their rights….even at the point of a gun still they choose to do so…a robber says your money or life….government says the same thing…what is the difference again? there isn’t any…

        most of the time their threats are just that…threats with no backing. if people were to stand up and say NO….they would slink away like the cowards they are. stand up to them…enmasse….yeah…dreaming right…but again…rights were not taken…they were given! even by threat…they were given away.

        The forced conscription is the same thing…say NO…and back it up….claim the right to own our lives and defend our rights ourselves! wow that would be weird…self defense….sadly, most won’t…they give away their rights and expect everyone else to do the exact same thing…not just expect it…those who bowed before their master DEMAND other people join them in it.

        that is one word and the courage it takes to use it…daily…NO! oh hell NO! That is all it takes…stop giving away what is ours by right of birth…all rights…not limited. not restricted to what a group of thugs say we have….but claim all rights!! and stop giving them away.

          • I said no to an individual and I was attacked from behind, suffered physical damage to my body, psychological trauma to boot.

            It never goes away, assault and battery is a crime for a reason.

            You learn to live with the suffering and misery.

            Wasn’t your fault, but it happened.

            Saying no has consequences.

            The chickens always come home to roost. The Karmic effect.

        • That was Jefferson’s idea, scrap the constitution every 20 years and start over. If an idea was sound it carryed over. If not, feed it to the pigs.

          Where that falls apart is in the age of mass media and cheap exchange of information. Every harebrained idea is up for debate. And to the un-historyed, Marxism sounds like a good idea. Central planning by benevolent, smart people? Just like mom and dad, only everyone is their child.

          Except that your children are a blessing, other people’s kids are a nightmare. What do you plan on doing about that?

          • YOU ASSUME they will and they count on that belief! it is what keeps the slaves contained. Forever in fear

            ….it is the standing up and saying NO….no matter what!! they will kill you?. how about reversing it….whoever comes make sure they don’t go home breathing. even just one! their numbers would dwindle rapidly.

            What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
            Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archi

            my karate instructor had a nice line….whoever threatens you to do harm lost all right to remain healthy! period…no matter who it is!

            bowing down because of a MIGHT or a MAYBE will ensure what you fear will come about….period…groveling in the dirt begging the thug not to kick you in the face ensures more brutality…never ending.

            the so called founding fathers of this country were threatened as well and stood firm and said NO MORE! we will NOT COMPLY…yes a lot of people lost their lives but for a short time people were truly free! and then they bowed down again and gave away their freedom to the local tyrants. GAVE IT AWAY…just like today…

      • Look up 26 USC 7701, UCC 9-307. Both state US is located in DC. Do you live in DC? No, then you aren’t a US citizen. You are a state national. Look into this. There is much evidence online to support this. This is how you get out of this slavery.

    • The only “war” any American ought to support is one that actually defends an attack upon the United States. Going after Japan after Pearl Harbor, THAT I can understand, though it was obvious from the beginning that it was a “setup”, and the Japanese High Command took the bait and swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker. In reality, FDR wanted to first go war with “da GOIMANS”, of which, as recently as mid-1941, three-quarters of Americans did NOT support at all, hence the “America First” political movement of the time, with aviator Charles Lindbergh as a prominent spokesman. Who was FOR us going to war against “Nat-Zee” Germany, even though, despite MANY provocations and outright acts of war, Hitler did his utmost to AVOID? Why, who else but the same Kosher Kriminal Kabal(a).

      Today, they “win”, whether it’s Orange Man or Kamala…


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