A Tale of Two Rallies


Hombre Naranja likes to talk about how many Americans attend his rallies. But lots of Americans are also showing up for his opponent’s rallies. That’s because there are two Americas – and it’s time to understand this and deal with it, before the two Americas turn on each other.

Of course, they already have. Just not – as the saying goes – “kinetically.” But that is inevitably coming irrespective of the outcome of the (s)election that’s just a few months away now.

One half of America despises the other half, which returns the sentiment in kind. This cannot be fixed – only suppressed. The differences are no longer the relatively superficial ones that used to bind Americans together. They are deep and profound.

Half of America (broad brush strokes here, but probably accurate) wants to live in a “progressive” – that is, socialist system in which the government governs pretty much everything everyone is allowed to do and everyone had better smile and go along with it. Literally. Everyone must pretend – at the very least – to agree with whatever the orthodoxy du jour happens to be, whether it is that a man who feels he is a woman actually is a woman or that everyone “stand” with Keeeeeeeeeev (or Israel). Everyone must also be equal – made so by the government. Though some will of course be more equal than others.

These are mere particulars. The overarching theme is one of coercive collectivism; i.e., what the vice presidential candidate of the Leftist Party (there are no Democrats in that party) likes to call “neighborliness.” Half of the country – roughly – very much wants to live in a coercive collectivist system, even though they will obfuscate the coercive part by pretending all is kumbaya. Which it is – so long as you pretend to like it and go along with it.

On the other side is the half (roughly) of the country that clings to thew tattered remains of what used to be meant when the word “America” was used. Far from a libertarian utopia, of course – but at least it was a place, once, where it wasn’t ridiculous to utter the phrase, it’s a free country. Because it was at least a place where you were free to think and even to say what was on your mind and while not everyone may have agreed with or liked what you thought or had to say, they did respect your right to think and say it.

It was a place in which your merit mattered. As opposed to your “gender.” Or your color. The country was not a bickering tribal Babel of disparate peoples with little in common. We had a common culture and history and (more or less) values. It felt like home. It no longer does.

Neither of the two Americans can live in peace with the other – for essentially the same reason that a married couple that has lost love for one another cannot remain together without coming to hate one another. Almost everyone understands the truism of the latter yet all-too-many are seemingly unwilling to acknowledge the corollary reality of the former.

A way must be found to separate the two Americas peacefully – else there will be no peace until one or the other America ceases to be.

When such a choice is the only choice, how could anyone – on either side – be opposed to doing what is necessary to separate, peacefully? The answer is simple. One side is unwilling to do what is necessary to keep the peace. More finely, one side is willing to do anything to “keep the peace” – by using force, to make one side submit to the other side. It is the “peace” kept by Abraham Lincoln when the people of the South – who were a very different people than those of the North – tried to peacefully separate. Lincoln would have none of it. The people of the South were not allowed to peacefully separate themselves from the people of the North, who had become a people alien to their way of thinking.

A new America was formed in 1865. An America forced together into a “union” from which it was understood there was no escape.

There was still enough of the spirit of the America that had existed prior to 1865 to allow Americans who reverenced the original America to believe it still existed, sort of. Because it did, in numerous small and significant ways. It has taken about 160 years to consolidate Lincoln’s achievement.

The old America now exists in reminisce only.

It will only be recovered – by those who do remember – via a separation of America. The coming (s)election may prove to be the trigger for that necessary purgative, as it was in 1861.

But maybe this time with a different and better result.

. . .

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  1. It is always the same…It is a war between the producers vs the parasites. The parasites want more free stuff (they ALWAYS do cuz in their retarded and evil little minds more is never enough) and the producers are tapped out. Only the greatest fools “work for a living” under socialism. The retarded parasites always win because they are violent where the producers are not.

  2. There is a very easy solution to this, bring back COMMUNISTS. What???? In the 1950s it was taboo to be considered a communist and you could not get a job. Yeah there were a few still around, mostly in Hollyweird and living in there mom’s basement. Unfortunately the Country got lax and they were allowed to grow and infest the public square like roaches or fleas. A good application of DDT, McCarthyism will soon set the Country RIGHT. See Franco (Spain), Salazar (Portugal) and Pinochet (Chile) for application instructions.

  3. I realized something yesterday.

    There is but one small-c-conservative institution of any size/significance that remains pretty much intact, if slightly battered around the edges, for the most part still doing things the way it always has. One last tie to a former, better, freer time.

    Can anyone guess what I am thinking of?

    The monarchy. Imperfect as it is. Scandal-ridden as it has been. As an institution it is inherently conservative. It doesn’t even work without a certain measure of it. Libertarian paradise it ain’t. And right now it’s all we’ve got. And that is why a certain type of person hates it, and questions its relevance, and seeks to abolish it once and for all. That is its relevance to the modern world: it preserves a window into tradition, and the past from which we come, both good and bad, which—if we let it—can inform and enlighten the future. Unfortunately most are blinded by the pageantry, or too bitter and resentful to bother looking.

    Even the church is long gone. That’s it. And it’s still there and (barring some exceedingly unfortunate and unforeseeabke event) it will be there whenever the world decides to return to its senses.

    • And yes I am an adherent of the theory that we have been re-fighting the English Civil War once every 80-100 years ever since. And I’m certainly hoping the Cavaliers win this time, for once (they usually lose).

  4. Folks,

    As a practical matter, one America separating from the other, a la 1861, can’t be done. Back in 1861, there was a clearly defined border between the different peoples; there was the North, and there was the South. The separation could’ve been easy had Lincoln respected the South’s wishes to do their things their way.

    Today, no such clear geographic delineation exists. Nowadays, we have those on the left and right often living besides one another. How could a peaceful, clean separation be executed now, given how both sides often live alongside one another?

    Unfortunately, the left is like a cancer. As such, it has to be cut out quickly and completely for the organism to survive. That’s the only way to deal with those lunatics. Unfortunately, freedom loving people have too much honor and decency to do what needs to be done.

    Over the long term (multiple generations), freedom loving people will prevail. Why? Quite simply because lefties don’t reproduce, while righties do. As the Fella once said, the future belongs to those who show up for it…

    • We just have aggressively take advantage of our numbers. In most if not all states the majority areas are conservative, just ruled by densely populated cities. It wouldn’t be terribly difficult to isolate those cities.
      California is almost all red but the coastal cities are deep blue and bursting with blue morons. Even NY is in the same situation.
      A super state could easily be formed from land north of Shit Francisco to encompass 95% of Oregon and Washington.
      The “flyover” states could easily connect across the Midwest, south to Oklahoma and Texas all the way to Florida. ( we will think about Georgia)
      In Florida, areas previously deep blue are actually turning out not so muchbaftee new election rules making near impossible to cheat.
      The new country would pretty much have everything a country needs even ports.
      When you think about it what does NY, Chicago, Boston, SF, LA have that anyone really needs other than a nice port? There are other options but we will let them host a port if they behave, if not, they starve.

      • The electoral college system is an “equalizer”, which dilutes the power of the largest population centers, forcing the candidates to appeal to ALL states, not just the most populated ones.
        If the “popular vote” was the determining factor in presidential elections, all the candidates would have to do is campaign in two or three of the largest states (New York and California) and could safely ignore the rest.
        The problem is not the “electoral college”, but the “two party system” itself. There should be multiple major political parties, not just two.
        A prime example of the direct “popular vote” skewing election results is that of gubernatorial elections in the “several states”.
        Potential gubernatorial candidates in the large population centers ignore the rural areas as all they have to do is gain enough votes in the major population centers to get elected.
        Here in the state of Michigan, the legislature was, until recently composed of a largely reliably Republican majority. However, the governor’s office is usually filled by a democRAT.
        The states should adopt the electoral college system for gubernatorial elections operating on a county-by-county basis. It would be interesting to see the results of gubernatorial elections if all of Michigan’s 83 counties were properly represented.

  5. Free market, liberty minded people can survive in a socialist system. Socialists, on the other hand, cannot survive in a free market, liberty minded society. They are parasites. Without a host they die.

    When I first heard Tim Walz say, “some call it socialism, others call it neighborliness” I could only think of Cool Hand Luke when the Captain said, “It’s fer’ yer’ own gooood.” to which Luke replied, “I wish you’d stop bein’ so good to me, Cap’n.” That’s when the captain hit him with a blackjack and explained the “failure to communicate”.

    The problem with separation is, how do you separate the eggs, milk and flour once the cake is baked? The socialist/parasites probably constitute over half the population if the presidential election result percentages are even close to being accurate. Notice that the military wing of society (cops, soldiers, etc,) often love Trump. They, however, are just as socialist as those on The Left. They just hide it better. After all, people say Kamala & Tim want to “take our guns”, do you think she will bang on your door and demand the firearms? No. She’ll have the cops and military do the dirty work…and they will obey.

  6. I agree with the article and would speculate for this deep divide between left and right. But why did it happen, and can it be stopped or reversed? Yes it can but it requires blood, guts, and a huge sacrifice by we the people to restore liberty by ending the current government we have ourselves created.


    Thomas Jefferson wrote:

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

    “God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion.”

    Read the whole Thomas Jefferson letter:



    It has been over 200 years (let alone 20) that we the people rose up with arms and challenged the government. The government steal our money via inflation and taxes, has an army of cops, spy agencies, to stop any rebellion. And they WILL put you away even if you criticize their insanity like Scott Ritter who just got raided by the FBI for speaking some truth.
    How many J6ers put away with no charges? Tyranny is here.

    So how does this end? Armed rebellion? That seems improbable. What is more likely is the (forced) Union breaks up. I can easily see Idaho or Texas leaving first. Here in Oregon the entire eastern conservative counties have voted en masse to start the process to join The Greater Idaho Project.

    I can also easily see that the Left Lunatics using F-15s to attack conservative areas like Zionist Israel attacking Gaza. Joe Biden has said as much. Amerikans are about to find out why we have such a huge military:

    1. to slaughter fighting age men so they are not a threat to the state

    2. to make war profits (by false flags demonizing weaker countries, so that the industrial war machine can sell massive amounts of arms)

    3. To keep the Amerikan sheep in line so they will not even think of armed rebellion

    • Why the divide happened. Monetary inflation created a huge divide between rich and poor. Those in debt get rich by the magic of inflation. So the Democrats reacted by transferring wealth back. Starving people who could not even buy potatoes got Food Stamps. Those programs were systematically expanded creating a huge welfare class which exists and votes for their benefactors. Republicans do the same with defense contracts.

      There is a definitive process of a rise and fall of a nation. First and foremost, the nation got wealthy and the trend to spend becomes inevitable. The political class soon learned to spend money in their districts to stay elected, the Left created socialistic programs to have a broad base of support. If you rob Peter to pay Paul who can count on Paul’s vote.

      Mass illegal immigration is the latest Demoncrap ploy to buy tens of millions of votes. The WSJ says the nation spent $451 billion in 2023 to pay for the illegals. You pay for it. Costs them nothing. The are robbing you blind so they stay in power. Stealing votes has been going on since at least the 1960 JFK election.

      And now we are all staring into the abyss of the Great Divide. How this ends is anyone’s guess but it won’t be pretty. Personally, I would like to see the entire political class arrested for treason, courts martialed, and executed on live TV. Or guilotined. Probably won’t happen. What could happen is they start WW3 and kill most of us off while becoming billionaires and then lording over the survivors with high tech surveillance and Zionist policies.

      • IOW we are staring into a New Dark Age, a worldwide feudal system of forced vaccinations, birth control, mandatory abortions, totalitarian brainwashing, electronic money, suicide booths. Things so bad the suicide booth will be popular.

        “Futurama has been credited with foreseeing the use of assisted suicide pods, after they were portrayed as being on street corners on the cartoon series.

        In Futurama, which was this year revived on Hulu, so-called “suicide booths” were portrayed as being placed on almost every street in the year 3000. The booths were shown to cost users 25 cents per use, and gave them options on how they would die.”

        Try the year 2035. The same year ICE engines outlawed. You will have no car and love it, free tokens for the suicide booth, just in case the vaxx failed to do it’s job.


        Laugh all you want, but you may seek a suicide booth when your nation is Zionist occupied which rapes prisoners with cell phones.

  7. The only solution is peaceful secession. There can be no civil war. Who will fight it? Old, soft, fat men with semi-auto rifles they shoot once a year at the gun range against the full auto, armored, woke military? Young men who think war is a video game with countless lives? No that war has been already been won by the communists without firing a shot. The solution must be political secession of the states through political and economic actions.

  8. A ‘doctor’ is advocating using Homeland Security and NATO to force the injections on people.
    Remember Benjamin Martin’s aim small,,, miss small when foreign armies come marching down the roads.

  9. Growing up under full communism in Poland, I don’t have to imagine the devolution of society, I lived it. Division of labor breaks down and everyone worries about whether they’ll eat tomorrow, and don’t care much what it is as long as it’s edible. Everything else is secondary.

    After three generations of this, all accumulated wealth and savings are gone. Lacking any property rights, people lose the customs around respecting other people’s property, it damages societies deeply, and it’s going to take many generations to recover. Right now, since nobody who spent their a adulthood under communism has any accumulated capital, they’re 100% dependent on the state pension, and as such, they’ll vote to keep the state big and strong, because without it, they starve. It’s a tall order to sell freedom to people who won’t eat without the state.

    Communism drives more people into dependency on the state, whether or not they want it. It makes me think of a ratchet strap, which can only tighten, never loosen, until the thing snaps and you have massive social upheaval. Inevitably, the leaders plunder what’s under their control during their upheaval and emerge from it as the new ruling elite. It’s disgusting.

    Having thought through this for myself, to me, the only political system which makes sense is anarchocapitalism. As an ancap living in the Bay Area of CA, I’m constantly at my wits end, being surrounded by these communists. No matter how much you explain to them the horrors of this system, they’re convinced that the Soviets or the Khmer Rouge or North Korea simply implemented it incorrectly.

    • ‘Communism drives more people into dependency on the state.’ — OppositeLock

      All public school students are eligible for a free lunch in a nearby town. It started out just for ‘disadvantaged’ students. But of course, status-conscious kids noticed who was on welfare and who wasn’t. So now it has to be universal. And so it goes.

      Most planks of Marx’s 1848 Communist Manifesto already are implemented, including ‘free education for all children in public schools.’ Yet Democrats consider it hyperbole when they are calmly, factually described as communists.

      Although price cycles existed in communist regimes, as noted by Soviet agricultural economist Kondratiev (executed in 1938), they never had the wild speculation in shares and property that now distorts life in the West. Canada, to take one example, features California-level house prices, with the average income of West Virginia. It’s bizarre.

      What can’t continue won’t continue. With the Treasury yield curve now in its 22nd month of inversion (i.e., 3-month T-bill rate higher than 10-year note rate), I’m on recession watch. This deep, prolonged curve inversion is like a barometer reading 910 millibars — sailors take warning.


      With the bodacious Bubbles that have developed in a debt-financed economy that’s experienced but two brief months of recession in the past 15 years, this next one is going to be a doozy. And they’re gonna pin it on — you guessed it — Orange Man Bad, a/k/a Hoover II.

      When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck sayin’
      Fellas, it’s too rough to feed ya
      At 7 PM, a main hatchway caved in, he said
      Fellas, it’s been good to know ya

      — Gordon Lightfoot, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

      • California was able to become rich and wealthy, college was tuition-free before 1960. Reagan changed it.

        “During much of the 1960s (in the early years of the Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960-1975), the three public higher education systems in California – the University of California System (UC), the California State College System (CSUC), and the state’s community colleges – did not charge tuition for in-state residents. Yes, students paid some nominal (called “incidental”) fees. But tuition, as we think about it and know it today, was not an essential part of the financing plan for public higher education in California five decades ago.”

        Tuition-free colleges in California.

    • I agree. The US is going to communism not a civil war. It will be like the USSR. A slow, agonizing devolution into shit. 100+ years are ahead of worse and worse until it all just falls apart into a heap with a whimper. When the holy grail of all money is now disability and SS payments, well there you have it. There is no incentive for civil war, just an incentive for full blown communism. Thank God I will be dead before we hit the Stalin years here.

    • You are spot-on, OL, with your post. I spent my childhood in what was then-Soviet Russia (USSR), and see the parallels today in the United States. Most Americans simply do not get it. Communism will work THIS time, because THEY are trying it? God help us, we will be destroyed by the stupidity of Americans that grew up (in comparison) with a silver spoon in their mouth, and still demand more. They think they have it bad now? Just wait until they get (think) everything for “free”. Only once they figure the truth out, they will blaming people like you and me (that tried to warn then), OL, rather than looking into a mirror.

  10. Don’t tell me your troubles
    I got troubles of my own
    Don’t tell me your troubles
    Leave me alone
    Leave me alone
    Go on home
    – Doc Watson, Don’t Tell Me Your Troubles

    When you are blind as a bat, you don’t want to hear anybody complain about a thing.

    For the leftist fools, it is the blind leading the dumb.

  11. ‘One half of America despises the other half.’ — eric

    Headline of an article I didn’t read this morning: Trump wants to give me a $13,000 tax cut. I’d rather save Social Security.

    Stopping the taxation of Soc Sec benefits (which were already taxed) might put more white-haired ghosts (think Tim Walz) to work. BUT, fedgov spending never, ever gets cut in parallel — such as by closing down America’s useless foreign base empire and defending solely our own Christ-forsaken borders. Sheesh, how complicated is that?

    Whereas the Tariff King just wants to whore out the troops like Hessians, as long as foreigners pay their board and lodging on alien soil.

    It follows that, should he win the corrupt selection, Hombre Naranja will pile on another trillion every 100 days to the current $35 trillion debt total. Then, when recession inevitably strikes, it’ll flare up to another trillion every 45 days. We’re on a roll, man, we’re on a roll.

    Welcome to Weimar, my friends — to the fedgov freak show that never ends. Vote early and often for its next Master of Disaster.

  12. During COVID these same Lefties who bleated “My body, my choice!” for years when it came to abortion flipped and was all “Your body, the government’s choice!” by demanding that EVERYONE, including children (for whom the COVID jabs were completely unnecessary) take an experimental pharma product. Will they do the same thing if bird flu is declared a “pandemic”?

    • Just this, John B!

      Also, that peckerhead Waltz set up a hotline in the COVID times so Gut Deutchlanders could call the Gestapo on people walking in a park or having a backyard party with more than 10 people.

      Now, the cock-ass has the audacity to claim his mantra is “Mind your damn business!”.

      Well, mind your OWN business, Timmy! Along with your mob of bleating teet-suckers.

  13. The problem is this: they can live in our country, but we can’t live in theirs.

    The only important division in every society is between rulers and ruled, the genius of America is that the government is a machine with few and rigidly defined powers, and the individuals governing themselves.

    Unfortunately a minority always believes itself better than the rest and believes it has a right to rule. Some cultures believe themselves chosen and anointed by god, these tend much more to this mindset. Puritans come to mind, along with our misfortune.

    We have minded our own business, we have lived and let live, for far too long and have allowed evil to get away with ruling us. That time is over, and only a fool attempts to obey their infinite and amorphous rules. The problem is, they are well and truly among us, and we can’t even have a civil reckoning along geographical lines. How do you unmix a pudding?

    And they control a like minded standing army of state and federal cops, so we cannot always just ignore them. But that is the right answer, and their evil libido dominandi is driving increasing numbers into recognition of the truth.

    So stand firm and preach the truth. We will win. But it’s going to hurt.

    • They can live in our country, but we cant live in theirs. That statement boils it all down nicely Ernie. We have done everything under heaven to seek redress. All that is left, as you say is stand firm and preach the truth.

      The pain of the last four years has moved the Overton window in our direction, despite what the deceptive media would have us believe. Much more pain headed our way in the form of a possible crack-up boom. Hopefully this will result in every single Government employee from dog catcher to president becoming persona non grata in the Americas.

  14. “A new America was formed in 1865. An America forced together into a “union” from which it was understood there was no escape.”

    This is an important point that’s worth further discussion. The history of the USA since the so called “civil war’ has been one big federal intrusion after another.

    Thomas DiLorenzo, in an article entitled States Rights vs Tyranny, sums it up nicely:

    “States’ rights as a check on the tyrannical proclivities of the central government ended in 1865, of course. As Forrest McDonald noted in States’ Rights and the Union (p. 224), after Lincoln’s war the Supreme Court “became the sole and final arbiter of constitutional controversies. No longer could a Jefferson arise to insist that the other branches of the federal government had coequal authority to determine constitutionality. No more could a Calhoun arise to defend a doctrine of interposition or nullification.”

    The imperious Woodrow Wilson would celebrate this fact in his 1908 book, Constitutional Government in the United States, where he wrote (p. 178) that “the War between the States established . . . this principle, that the federal government is, through its courts, the final judge of its own powers.”

    In A View of the Constitution, published a century earlier, the Jeffersonian legal scholar St. George Tucker cited this phenomenon as the very definition of tyranny. If the federal government ever became the final judge of the limits of its own powers, Tucker warned, then constitutional liberty would become an empty phrase. The federal government would inevitably conclude that there are, in fact, no limits to its power.”


    • “States’ rights as a check on the tyrannical proclivities of the central government”
      Indeed, before 1860 it was assumed that States had a right to secede. It was definitively a means of enforcing the Constitution. “If you wont play by the rules, we’re taking our marbles and going home”. In 1860, the FedGov followed them home, and burned their house down. Leaving only themselves to “interpret” the Constitution.

    • Previous to the “War of Northern Aggression”, the federal government of the united States of America was an umbrella organization holed up in Washington DC and had very few enumerated powers. Coining money, establishing and running a post office and providing for the common defense were the federal government’s enumerated powers–nothing more.
      A person residing within a particular state considered himself to be a citizen of that state, NOT an American citizen. Example: A person residing within the state of Virginia considered himself to be a “citizen of Virginia”, NOT a “citizen of the united States”. That all changed after the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded. The federal government obtained powers not granted to it by the Constitution. It was all downhill from there.
      We would be better off if “the several states” told the federal government to “take a hike” and restore the power that the states have always had, the federal government being subordinate to the states.
      Of course, that idea is pretty much lost ever since the “War of Northern Aggression” was concluded and in today’s society as well.
      Repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments would be a good start…

    • “States’ rights as a check on the tyrannical proclivities of the central government ended in 1865, of course.” — Thomas DiLorenzo, quoted by Mike

      Lincoln’s war was Step One, the essential political fact of the new United State. But Woody Wilson’s progressive trifecta of 1913 added more nails to the coffin of liberty:

      1. Amendment XVII (popular election of Senators) deprived states of their veto.
      2. Amendment XVI authorized the fedgov income tax.
      3. Federal Reserve Act enabled the fedgov to print its own debt-backed currency.

      World War I followed immediately. When the US actually demobilized, the 1920s saw the last vestige of small government. Then Franklin Democrat Roosevelt got the bright idea to borrow and print like crazy to fight Depression and WW II. The defense/intel axis never demobilized, becoming permanent in 1947. Every president since, Republican or Democrat, follows the horrific Roosevelt/Truman model of Big Gov military Keynesianism.

      This whole structure is rotten. In 1861, the seceding states drafted their own Confederate constitution, closely modeled on the US one, but with stricter controls on spending (which were not observed during wartime).

      Seceding states will have a shot at dumping the hideously mutilated US Clownstitution and restored something more like the Articles of Confederation. Let’s get to work.

    • Why not? It was ok with Palpatine. He simply bode his time until Master Windu and the other supposed “top dawgs” of the Jedi Council forced a showdown with them…which they badly LOST.

  15. Sorry, but it is no where near half the population that is insane leftists. I understand that this is the impression we get from the MSM and other captured apparat. But that is just a psyop. Their support is far below where they project it to be, they control all the levers, so you get today’s Potemkin Village of wokeness by just looking around. Kick over the movie sets and things are not nearly as bad.

    • Hi Nick,

      My oldest and best friend shares your opinion. I pray you and he are right; I fear you are wrong. This country is now very much suffused with Leftists. They are everywhere. Look at Minnesota, as an example. Thirty years ago, this was as “America” as it got; have a look at Minneapolis today.

      We are not the same country anymore. And it’s coming to a head.

      • Oh, a reckoning is coming. But they don’t have enough support from Americans, that is why they are importing an Army.

        Gov’t debt is now into the vertical part of the parabolic, the system will break soon. The math will not be denied. The mafia that is in control has unlimited funds and will NOT be voted out of power. But an imploding or exploding currency cuts the funding. One or the other will happen soon enough. They are using this turmoil to provide cover for what must happen next.

        It will not be pretty either way.

      • Your friend is correct Eric. Although not quite a fraction of a fraction, these nutters probably represent less than 20% of the population. As evidenced by the fact that the MSM has to spend considerably $$$ and effort propping them up and normalizing their behavior. Not counting their brown skin army of imported pets, the true leftists (can we call them communists yet?) are maybe 10 -20 million, many of them fags, simps, and old cat ladies.

        The problem that so few recognize is the fakery associate with all our institutions. They lie cheat and steal with no consequence. Elections being the worst. Every major urban center of over 100K is owned by the enemy. Look at who runs these elections and who the DAs are. Anytime you have 100, 110, 125% turnout versus registered voters, all those votes should be thrown in the garbage and immediately disqualified. But somehow, they get counted days and even weeks later. It should be a no brainer to put an end to this, yet somehow it continues.

      • The Bolsheviks weren’t taken seriously, not when they were but one of many anti-monarchial factions seeking to overthrow Czar Nicholas II, and they played practically no role in deposing the Czar and turning Russia into a republic. Indeed, the Mensheviks under Kerensky quickly ran them out when they stirred things up in St Peterburg. However, the fatal mistake Kerensky made was that he heeded the Russian generals that claimed they could turn things around and drive the Germans out of Russia. Realizing that they had to knock Russia out of the war, since as of April 1917, they were officially at war with the United States, and likewise they had to achieve final victory in the West before “Lafayette, we are here!”, they slipped Lenin back into Russia to foment revolution. This was commemorated as “Lake Geneva to the Finland Ststion”, with Lenin and his Bolsheviks getting considerable financial backing from Warburg and other wealthy Jews in the USA. Lenin made good his promise to take Russia out of the war, and, only a few months after the Bolsheviks seized power, they signed the humiliating Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which gave Germany the remainder of Poland, part of the Ukraine, and granted independence to the Baltic States and Finland, which would become German satellites, sort of a restoration of the medieval Hanseatic League. Germany nearly won the war in the West in the Spring of 1918, but their second near-taking of Paris fizzled out, and by August of 1918, they were in retreat and on the defensive for the remaining three months of the war.

        Let’s not kid ourselves that a vocal and irrational minority can’t subvert law and attain power via revolution, HERE.

      • “We are not the same country anymore. And it’s coming to a head.”

        Just as the American Revolution was sustained, as I have heard, by 10% of the population, another top-down revolution today will be carried by either by the elites or by 10% of the population, with the help of some friends.

        Moved from Pasadena CA to Oro Valley AZ. A night vs day shift from Adam Schiff’s district where he gets 85% of the sheeple vote to a representative who would check all of your boxes.

        Martin Armstrong has been predicting a breakup of many countries around 2030-32. So it will also be with the USA, generally defined along the Union-Confederate lines. The left coast will be blue as are parts of the North, the lower Midwest and South red, and so on. That will be geopolitically challenging and as long China is left in one piece, they will become the center of influence, but not for long, after that, India.

        But a breakup is necessary, he says, because the left will not leave anyone alone. I prefer an amicable divorce. Countries exist to preserve physical security, a way of life, and a world view. I reckon that these form a cause that many will sacrifice all for.

    • I agree Nick,
      Most of my friends and acquaintances up here in Taxachusetts think these control freaks are nut jobs. Unfortunately the control freaks are the ones who seek out and obtain political power over the rest of us, I’m too old to start over somewhere else (and where could that be these days?) so I will stand my ground here and burn it all down if necessary.

  16. RE: Neighborliness. I’m reminded of how the FBI assisted Randy Weaver to be a good neighbor. I’m reminded of how the Branch Davidians were shown the benefits of being good neighbors.

    This is how it will begin. Once again the fringe will be the canary in the coal mine. Except this time the atrocities won’t be covered by the mainstream press. There will be “fake news” accounts of the neighborly activities, and even overseas coverage by “mouthpieces of the Kremlin” but no matter. The word will spread anyway. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

    I’m fairly certain the cities will once again burn if Orange is reelected. But will anyone notice? Many of the urban centers are hollowed out after the COVID white flight to the calmer weather cities. And who will be doing the rioting? The largest segment of the population, Millennials, are rapidly aging out of the prime violence years. Even though they’re still pissed off about not being able to afford anything, they’re settling down, getting jobs and starting some sort of family units. Once you have fur babies to take care of there’s a lot less time for rioting. And blowing off your Uber Eats route for a few days of protesting really cuts into the tattoo budget. So even if Soros pays people to loot the remaining bodegas, will it be enough to get the attention of the population?

    • Martin Armstrong has cast doubt on the 2024 election being held. In 2016 his models indicated that there would be doubt cast on the 2016 election results being accepted and anything after that would never be fully accepted. 2028 most likely not held. Even in 2015 his models for war and internal civil war showed a major uptick and it will be much worse after the election.

      My wife for her own reasons wanted us to get out of LA, which was fine with me. We moved outside of any candidates for c40 cities to stay away from trouble. Hopefully we can watch the world burn down at a safe distance. Like what the Omega Man wanted to do.

  17. The leftists in this country will never allow separation. They view themselves as superior to we regular people. They are are normally the ones who refuse to work and produce while taking from productive people to sustain and enrich themselves. I, like most sensible people want to be left alone to live my life as I see fit. But our “moral” “superiors” will not allow this and if they pull off another election steal this November, they will go full totalitarian. The slander they are spewing now will lead to government sponsored violence against us. We’ve already seen a sampling committed by BLM, antifa and Hamas supporters.

    • Yep, it’s an asymmetric fight. We say please leave us alone and they seek to dominate and pillage. The Left never acts with good will. Franco (Spain), Salazar (Portugal) and Pinochet (Chile) all recognized this and gave the Left a brutal taste of its own medicine.


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