Latest Radio: David Knight Show 08/16/2024


Here’s the audio (and hopefully, video) of yesterday’s appearance on David Knight’s show. We got into – among other things – making do with less (again):

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  1. A possible topic for your next radio show:

    ‘New CCTV video shows that shortly after 12:51pm [on Jan 6, 2021] a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag. The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.

    ‘The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds (Ray Epps et al) couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations.

    ‘In essence, if no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the electoral process, evacuate Congress and trigger the emergency session. Which explains why the FBI had/has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects.’

    Cops planting pipe bombs? Kinda like bent firemen torching buildings. America’s corrupt political kabuki show has run clean off the rails.


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