Latest Radio: David Knight Show 08/31/2024


Here’s the audio (and hopefully, video) of yesterday’s appearance on Real News With David Knight; we talked about the unctuousness of American Marxists, among other things. My segment starts at about the 2:06 mark:

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  1. Good data and charts about Tesla’s profits:


    CO2 always follows temperatures up and down. Al Gore got his causality wrong. This is the fact that the MSM doesn’t understand that CO2 is not forcing temperatures, CO2 follows temperature with a 800 to 2,000 year lag.

    Proof of this has been pointed out by real scientists – in the depths of the ice age, with CO2 at the lowest levels, temperatures go up WITH LOWEST CO2.

    Then at the tail end of the interglacial, with the highest CO2 levels temperatures drop – exactly the opposite of the claim.

    During the last glacial maximum, CO2 was so low (180 ppm) plants were dying and farming was not possible. Farming only became possible when CO2 increased to at least 240 ppm. You must be in an interglacial to farm on earth. Current CO2 levels are at bare recovery levels for plant growth.

    Proof of this is that greenhouse farmers still have to pump additional CO2 to 800 – 1200 ppm to maximize yield – which means plants evolved in an atmosphere with much higher CO2 levels than today.

    This extreme low CO2 during glaciations also implies that the great megafauna extinctions of the late Pleistocene was driven by low CO2. No plants = no megafauna. Just 100,000 years ago North America had 500 lb beavers, huge ground sloths, camels and large lions (bigger than african lions) and sabertooth cats. But low CO2 killed them off, not early man.

    And guess what, during the long dry glaciations farming is impossible at our latitude, which means current civilization can not exist in an ice age. And guess what, we are still in the ice age – we never left the ice age – and we are at the tail end of the current interglacial (called the Holocene). And guess what, the Holocene is the coldest interglacial compared to the last 5.

    Earth was dying from low CO2 in the last glacial max. This idea that CO2 is to high is totally wrong, CO2 is at recovery levels for a healthy planet. Current CO2 levels are like worrying your gas tank at 1/8 tank is near overflowing. The MSM has is completely wrong – yet the falsehoods about CO2 is being used to destroy the auto companies, end meat eating.

    Where we are in the 100,000 year ice age cycle is very close to glacial inception – not at runaway warming.

    • Runaway warming or ice age inception?

      The highest temperatures of the current interglacial peaked 8,000 years ago, and earth has been steadily cooling. CO2, a minor trace atmospheric gas, has nothing to do with earth’s thermodynamics. CO2 does not control earth’s temperatures now nor has it ever in the past.

      Thus the ice age cycle will continue unabated regardless of the bullshit our culture has come to believe from state propaganda. IMO it is actually a crime to teach climate falsehoods for political agenda. CO2 is a life gas, without CO2 we would all die.

      Listening to some unschooled teenager scold us about climate is utter lunacy. Greta ThunderBORG has no science training at all, let alone in geology or climate. Al Gore never took one collegiate level science course and flunked high school chemistry, yet he is an expert on CO2 and climate. Likewise for high school dropout actor Leonard DiCaprio.

      • Hi Jack,

        In re: “Listening to some unschooled teenager scold us…” Yes, of course. There was a time when adults didn’t defer to emotionally incontinent children. It used to be that most people respected facts rather than feelings. But that was a different time. It will take men to change this. Women, too. I am not suggesting that women can’t be rational adults. But ultimately, it takes men to establish that facts will be respected. And to deal with unruly children of both sexes. And ages.

        • Putin actually made a comment that Russians don’t listen to unschooled children for science information. Many say Putin is the only adult in the room, and I agree, plus add FM Lavrov. The west is ruled by literal lunatics – where reason has been abandoned for emotions.

          The United States destroyed the car industry over media hype and emotions – a common protest sign is STOP CLIMATE CRIME. Lol. In the west the moo cow is considered a threat to the planet. Only a complete lunatic would think cow farts threaten the planet. The planet for Christ sakes! Obviously they have no sense of scale, or understand that termites produce a thousand times the methane of cows. Or swamps, or rotting bogs. And they do not understand that all methane on earth is eventually oxidized.

          do a search for “cow flatulence bags” if you want a good laugh, god dammit – leave those cows alone! Methane is so slight it is measured in parts per billion.

          Voters have taken a hard right turn in Germany:

          Back in 1989 I met with author Dolores Cannon in Huntsville Ar about the predictions in her book Conversations with Nostradamus. She did regressive hypnosis to decode the quatrains.

          One of the predictions I found uncanny, she said in “the time of troubles” (the 20230-40s) that the Nazi party would come back to power in Germany. And like magic it has started.


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