Where’s Keeeeeeeeevvvv?


Like a spigot that gets turned on – and off – there has been very little in the “news” about Keeeeeeeeevvvvv since the election. Nor, for that matter, about the ongoing slaughter in Gaza.

This constitutes what you might call a tell. About the nature of the “news.”  More finely, about the control over what is presented as the “news” by those who control it. Who are these controllers? More like what are these controllers. They are a handful – about half a dozen – interlocking corporate cartels. Together, they own the outlets that broadcast and publish (print and online) what is called the “news.”

They control the flow of what you’re allowed to know. By letting you know what they want you to know – and ignoring what they would like for you to not know. For example – as regards the latter – what is going on in Western North Carolina? Does anyone who is not actually there know? How could they? The “news” turned the spigot off weeks ago. It is thus as if there was no “news” to know. Before the handful of corporate cartels acquired control over the outlets that broadcast the “news” – or don’t broadcast it – there would have been ongoing coverage of the news coming out of Western North Carolina and the adjacent areas of Tennessee – where catastrophic damage was done, first by the hurricane and then by the malevolent inaction (and suppression of private action) of the federal government.

Because that sort of thing used to be news.

Keeeeeeeeeevvvvvvv was in the “news” almost non-stop for years, after the sketchy election back in 2020 – which the “news” assured everyone was legitimate, notwithstanding circumstances that suggested it might not have been. When the news was not controlled, newspeople – a term that once meant journalists – were employed to check into such things, because it might have been news. That being the business of the news, once.

Now you can hardly find a peep in the “news” about Keeeeeeeeeevvvvv. It is as if the war over there had been cancelled. One can surmise various reasons for the cartels turning off the spigot of “news” about Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvv – but the most likely one is that things are not going to plan in Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvv.

Or maybe they are.

How would we know?

It is the same in the Unholy Land, where all-of-a-sudden there is next to no “news” about the holocaust going on there. Perhaps because the roles have been reversed – and because the ones doing the stormtrooping are also aligned with the ones who control the cartels that control what is broadcast – or not – on the “news.”

In prior times, both of these things – Keeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvv and the ongoing holocaust in Gaza – would have been pretty much all of the news. Because such things as regional canker sores that could flare up into a world war involving nuclear armed powers – and the indiscriminate, mass slaughter of civilians – used to be understood to be news

Instead, we gets “news” about the possible sexual errata of Matt Gaetz and Pete Hegseth. We “learn” – a word advertisers like to use – about the things they want us to know about and find out nothing about the things they’d prefer we not know about. They know that they can control what we think about by controlling the “story,” which they can do by not telling it.

Meanwhile, the situation in Keeeeeeeeeeeevvvvv percolates. The holocaust continues. But it’s easy not to worry about it when you don’t have to think about it.

. . .

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  1. The jew wants you dead, Goyim. Says so, right there in the demonic talmud. No one wants to look, or know, so they entertain themselves and pretend. Knowing is a burden, but pretending is a curse that amplifies and consumes, till you’re dead inside.

  2. So now You have from the latest Biden’s administration. Long range missiles into Russia. It will be a shit show. But, at who’s expense.

  3. How is Israel’s war against Lebanon going? Hardly a word on the television.

    Israeli troops ‘reach deepest point in Lebanon since October 1 invasion’

    “As many as 50,000 Israeli troops are thought to be involved in the Israeli Defence Force’s operation in southern Lebanon. Yet, the IDF has little to show for all its effort.

    Yes, it has killed thousands of innocent Lebanese civilians and destroyed their homes but it has achieved little else beyond that.

    As the following report reveals, the IDF has reached its “deepest point inside Lebanon” since the operation began on Oct 1, but critically that “deepest point” is JUST THREE MILES INSIDE LEBANON.

    The “deepest point” was a hill seized by the IDF early on Saturday Nov 16 but even then, the IDF only held it briefly before being forced to withdraw.

    In other words, the IDF operation in southern Lebanon has virtually ground to a halt in the face of stiff resistance from Hezbollah. That’s why we are hearing so little about the IDF’s operation in southern Lebanon.

    Israel wont admit it but they’ve been fought to a standstill.”


    This is not surprising since Israel invaded Lebanon back in 2006 and 2009 and lost most of it’s armor. Israel has failed to enter Lebanon, and Hezbollah is sending rockets into Israel daily, so Israel needs a savior. It is obvious now, just two weeks after the election, that Trump’s appointments are all Zionist zealots. Trump is taking us to war.

    So what is Israel going to do? They put Trump in to save there failed war effort. Trump IS going to help Israel win their war. Trump is saying it directly – Trump says he is going to lift all weapon restrictions – like nukes.

    Jews control the money and control the narrative, so Jews are going to bribe Amerikan politicians and push a narrative so the Goyim go into another Jewish war, and this is explained by the outspoken Harry Vox:


  4. What strikes me is that Keeeeeev is the first war I can remember that the Left supported, with the possible exceptions of WW1 and WW2.

    All the others: Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan…even “Star Wars,” the Left opposed.

    Why is that?

    Well, one reason methinks is that the wars the Left opposes are wars against poor brown and yellow people, many of whom happen to be Muslim and Buddhist people…but a war against white Christians is OK. Particularly since these white Christians are devout and traditionally minded.

    Another reason is that I suspect the Biden and Obama administrations are knee deep in shady dealings in Keeeeeev, and a loss would end those shady dealings and expose a lot of people.

  5. The Keeev gift appears to have run its course, leaving behinds more than a million dead (I’m told). Many billions of dollars were funneled into the military industrial complex. They know all good things must come to an end, and so it’s in their interest to quietly let this fade into the past, much like the lucrative events of Afghanistan, “Covid, ” et al. Another grift will soon follow in the Bernaysian world we live in. It’s what they do.

  6. Why aren’t we hearing anything about Keiv? Because there’s only so many hours in a day. See, you (yes, you) cannot possibly hold your attention on a program for more than 22 minutes. That’s just Science™. Why do you think sitcoms are 22 minutes long (with commercials)? Any longer and you’d tune out.

    And the sad thing is, your attention span is getting shorter. This again is backed up by Science™ that they run on focus groups at theme parks and shopping malls. Turns out that people get antsy after 15 minutes of top quality Hollywood entertainment, even with high production values and attractive talent.

    In this time sensitive environment the evening news can only present a few quick stories (between all the advertisements), because they can’t risk overloading the poor viewer. So the producers have to be very selective and insure only the most important news of the day is presented. These days it’s making sure you know that your stupid racist neighbor voted for the wrong man. Even 24 hour news networks can only hope to hold your attention for an hour or so, and even that’s going to be broken up with channel surfing during commercial breaks.

    As for that freak show Joe Rogan, or any of the binge watchers… they’re just a flash in the pan. A flash going on 20 years soon. No one really watches Rogan every day, and no one watches whole seasons of programs in one night. If you’re one of those freaks, well, what’s wrong with you? Get a life already! Eventually Rogan and the other podcasters will fall by the wayside, and broadcast TV will make its triumphant return to your prefrontal cortex, just like the 1990s.

    Most Americans spend 10+ hours in front of monitors, yet broadcast TV still hangs on to the 22 minute news format. Makes no sense whatsoever other than it’s easier to produce (or over produce). The fact that more people watch a 3 hour show of two people sitting across a table chatting than watch CNN on any given night speaks volumes as to how broken the TV news really is (and always has been). And even their viewership numbers back this up. The highest ratings ever for broadcast news networks and shows was during 9/11, where they just played out the events in real time. The Gulf Wars were another example. During COVID they’d run the Fauxchi pressers beginning to end, Cuomo’s daily death count calls, etc. and I’m sure people watched (of course they had a captive audience too). Larry King had a regular audience for decades, even though his content was pretty thin. Even the morning DJ shows had loyal fanbases until the iPod replaced FM with your own music.

    But I guess the TV leopards cannot change their spots. Too bad, they have a lot of good infrastructure that’s going to waste. Maybe some podcasters can pick it up cheap at the bankruptcy auction.

  7. Love the picture!

    I have a dream! These corpgov clowns clapping and shouting about the USA rather than the shitbox parasite nations cucking America and its people.

    Arming Neo-Nazis and genocidal maniacs will not Make America Great. Threatening other nations that want no part of our woke insanity and hegemonic desires will not Make America Great. Robbing resources/occupying other nations will not Make America Great. Printing/laundering trillions of fake dollars will make America/Americans broke,,, not Great.

  8. I have read and approve of Eric’s essay. LOL A year or so ago I said repeatedly right here and on the truthseeker.co.uk website that the war in Ukraine would fail, that all this attention on Zelenksy would end and be forgotten in a heartbeat. As the war dragged on, as the attrition mounted, how long could they pump the Keeeev bullshit until we fat Amerikans, who have short attention spans while they slurp down Big Gulps, care about Ukraine.

    Half of Amerika would not be able to find Ukraine on the map, hell, half of Amerika can not find Amerika on the map! I could care less about Ukraine and Israel. Both of those (Jewish) wars are insane, stupid, and a waste of money, material, not to mention human lives.

    So Ukraine is now being forgotten, swept under the rug, never happened, and the news cycle has turned, Ukraine? What is the ukraine? Remember Vietnam, we were winning until one day on the Jewtube we saw the last helicopter taking the last passengers off the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon.

    Zelensky can now retire and go back to being a gay dancer in a gay disco bar. He absconded with billions and many mansions. The war was very good for him, and Blackrock, and the US Military Industrial Complex. Lots of bullets were sold. Lots of inventory blowed up, gotta make more, more contracts, more airplanes and drones with more bells and whistles.

    I took a comment from yesterday and turned it into an essay length comment on Unz, readers might appreciate my opinion of where the orange man is leading us. No one ever cared about Ukraine, it was a media created illusion. Now we will be told to care about Israel. Israel, Israel, Israel – like Marsha, Marsha, Marsha …


    Should you care about Israel? No you should not. The crazy jews have painted themselves in the corner with war on 7 fronts. But Trump is going to make you care. Once again I predict, a vote for Trump will be regretted. Trump is MIGA, not MAGA, Trump is leading us down the highway to hell with his loyalty to Israel. But maybe I am wrong, we’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime I will not be caring about jewish problems in jew only israel – the most racist fanatical fascist state on the planet.

    I also suggest no blind obedience to da fuhrer. Following the charismatic fatherly figure can end badly, just think what happened to the the Germans and Italians who were seduced by Hitler and Mussolini, who both promise to make the nation great again.

    • The impoverished Germans voted for food and jobs. This Hitler did. (Keeping promises is completely foreign to American politico’s) Hitler did care about the German People which is more than I can say for American politicians. Why did Hitler invade the USSR? Because German intelligence found out Stalin had plans to invade Germany and possibly the whole of Europe.

      The war was started by Poland and England egged on by Roosevelt. Just as Bozo the UK clown told Ukraine not to negotiate with Russia causing the Russians to invade Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine,,, England convinced Poland not to negotiate with Germany on the return of Danzig where Ethnic Germans were being robbed and murdered. Germany invaded. Stalin hitching a ride invaded eastern Poland which was never denounced by the West.

      The USA has no need to involve itself in these conflicts. I don’t care what excuse they give. It will end up with Americans dying and America going bankrupt. It may start another world war. Nothing but disaster can be achieved by getting involved. And we are messing with powers that can surely bring that disaster and much more.

      There is nothing wrong with America concerning itself with America…

      • FWIW, Jack,
        What the Jews call their “Wailing Wall” was never part of a Jewish Temple. It was part of a Roman fort, known as Fort Antonia. The Jewish Temple did exist, but it was located a short distance away, at a place called the City of David.

        Why the City of David? Because that is the location of the only natural spring for miles around, the water of which was used by the Rabbis for ritual cleansing. Other artifacts at that location include facilities for producing olive oil for “anointing with oil,” and iron tether rings embedded in stone, along with stone blood gutters, for the ritual sacrifice of animals. The archaeological evidence can be observed by anyone, today.

        Jews don’t even know their own history. Why should we credit them with knowing anything else?
        Q. Where were the “Jewish geniuses” of the Enlightenment?
        A. There weren’t any.

        • I completely agree. The wailing wall is not even the correct wall. The Second Temple was a central bank, all the gold hoarded from the people, so why would anyone want to wail about it’s destruction? Would you go to the Federal Reserve wall if it was destroyed? I wouldn’t be sad about it’s destruction, I would pee on it. What is really sick about the reconstruction of Herod’s temple would be the sacrifice of red heiffers. Leave the red cows alone!

      • Hitler created a miracle economy – just as Trump says he will do. So in the beginning Hitler was a huge positive for Germans who were in poverty because of the Versaille Treaty. Then war, then the bombing of Germany and millions of dead Germans, then the occupation and rape of Germany.

        The point I am making is that Trump is a “wave repeat” of Hitler, a fatherly figure who comes in to save the nation, but in the end the nation is destroyed. Such a scenario for Zionist Occupied Amerika is a very real possibility. The forces that animated Hitler in Weimar, Germany are actively animating Trump in Weimar, Amerika.

        The problem with Trump is that he is not Hitler, he is in bed with the enemy Jews, and the Jews are leading us into WW3 and Trump is their Judas goat leading us to our destruction.

        If anyone thinks they understand WW2, watch this, because most people only know post war propaganda, not what actually happened.

        Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

        • >were in poverty because of the Versailles Treaty.
          Which they signed under duress, with a gun (actually, every gun in the British Navy) pointed at Germany. A treaty is a type of contract, and it is a basic principle of law that contracts signed under duress are not valid, for that reason.
          In “Godfather” terms, the British Navy played Luca Brasi, and Imperial Germany was told their people would starve if they did not sign the treaty, including the all important “war guilt clause.” So, they signed, but in reality were under no obligation to honor the treaty, as it was signed under duress.

      • Well said, Ken. It has always bothered me that so many otherwise intelligent ethical libertarians are content to accept the propaganda we’ve all been forced fed about WW2 and bear false witness to the German people and their leaders,

    • Anyone who wants to study and deep dive on Trump’s appointments thus far, False Flag Weekly News:


      Over at UNZ review

      Israel Wins the US Election
      The new cabinet might be worse than the old one
      Philip Giraldi

      Trump’s Picks Are All Neocon Warhawks Ferociously Devoted to Israel
      Mike Whitney

      Trump Vows to Lift All Restrictions on Israel, End Delays of Weapons Shipments
      Andrew Anglin

      Has Matt Gaetz Been Set-Up for Eviction from Public Life?
      Paul Craig Roberts

      The Kosher Candidate
      Wyatt Peterson

  9. Let’s do a little “thought experiment”. If gay sexual deviants put on a variety show where they discussed their politics and view of how the world should be, would you watch it?

    Well that’s what “the news” is. It really is, I’m not trying to be funny. You have ultrarich actors, describing the liberal degenerate agenda’s point of view at length, day after day, hour after hour.

    It’s like that one MFer… Rue Paul or something like that. They’re all essentially Rue Paul, with a variety of looks specifically chosen to be pleasing to people that would want to watch a degenerate variety show in alignment with faggotry. Yes, they are.

    They’re 1000% (yes, thousand) “on board” with gender-based mental illness, sanctioned state violence including (but not limited to) needle rape and medical concentration camps, the FBI and other assorted fags kneeling to something conceptually faggish, the freak-show Rachel Levine as whatever position of health tyranny, the CDC having dictatorial power, on and on, you name it.

    There is no semblance to the “news” of (now) antiquity. It’s entirely, nothing but, propagandized faggotry. I don’t care what they’re talking about.

    • Forgot to mention, if you want to hear what’s really going on, the best bet is Telegram. Look for channels like DDGeopolitics, Lord Bebo and Friends, Kalibrated, etc., etc. You can, if you want even hear the viewpoints of organizations like RT News or, for that matter, even the actual Russian Ministry of Defense. I bet there’s some channels that might have a look into the reality of places like North Carolina, but I haven’t looked.

    • Thanks for the very insightful comment and you are spot on. The show called ‘The View” has these big mouthed small brained morons spouting stupid MSM talking points, led by Jewess Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg. Goldberg is a Jewish name, and Whoopie is not funny, ugly, disgusting to look at, and appears to me to be an aging male, a he-she, getting uglier by the day – and that thing vomits horrible blatant lies all day long.

      Checking the full suspect tranny list:

      Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are on the tranny list. No surprise there. But there is another tranny suspect no one talks about – Tulsi Gabbard, as she ages she looks more and more male. Tulsi claims she can not have kids, she says she is infertile. (like Taylor Swift – prime ‘female’ no kids)

      In case anyone is wondering why Hollywood stars adopt children and turn them trans, it is because most actresses are biological men, are trannies themselves.

      • And the earth is flat? They’re ALL trannies is a bridge too far and an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary proof.

        Though I have to admit that Big Mike Obastard does look extraordinarily masculine.

  10. Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam and now at a stadium in France are the most well-behaved guests ever and are such good sports, everybody wants to attend the games and cheer for the Israelis.

    In fact, any country would welcome their wonderful presence and Israelis would be wined and dined during their stay.

    God’s Chosenites deserve to be worshiped, the kind heart-ed souls that they are.

      • I do apologize for being too acerbic.

        I’m not angry with the useless idiot evil wicked mean and nasty dastardly clueless Jews for being so damned dumb, I can forgive them for their sins until the day they do die.

        That day can’t get here soon enough.

        The wages of sin is death!

        The Jews need God’s help in the worst way ever.

        Pray for them.

  11. Being wholly aware that the “news” is nothing more nor less than propaganda, I pay little attention to it, other than to direct me to sources that are NOT the “news”.

    • “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” ― Mark Twain

      I figure you have to consume some mainstream information but temper it with alternatives to get the full picture. At the same time just because someone is alt blogging it doesn’t make it true either.

      Ginsberg’s Theorem:
      -There is a game
      -You can’t win the game
      -You can’t break in the game
      -You can’t quit the game

      So you can’t plug your ears and ignore it. Like it or not someone may very well show up on your doorstep to “enforce” a diktat. Truth and legitimacy take something of a new perspective with a gun barrel pointing at you.

  12. Ukraine is being prepped to become israel 2.0 It is no secret that most European jews HATE the middle east climate and culture, which despite European jewish incursion still has a distinct middle eastern culture, something that European jews loath.
    The climate and topography of Ukraine is more amenable to jews than present-day israel. Not only that, their criminal base of operations will be much closer to their “markets”. From international prostitution, pedophilia and child abduction to organ harvesting and sales, to reams of criminal financial schemes and scams, Ukraine is ideally located to keep their jewish criminal rackets going.
    Just as in the jew-imposed communist takeover of Russia in 1917, Christian Orthodox churches have been closed while synagogues remain open. The only thing the jews haven’t done is to claim and “repurpose” church property.
    Jews are using their European and American lackeys to support the war in Ukraine against Russia.
    The seeds of WW3 have been planted…

  13. I do not watch the “news”. My information comes from alternative media. In fact, I’m puzzled as to how “news” organizations stay in business.

    OT: Matt Gaetz’ wife is smoking hot. If the allegations are true, then WTF?

    • Hi Mike,

      My guess as to how the “news” media stays in business is the enormous amount of advertising money it gets from Big Pharma & the military-industrial complex. Remember how corporate media POUNDED narratives endlessly that COVID vaccines are “Safe and Effective!”? We don’t hear that anymore. We don’t even hear ANYTHING about the jabs anymore. It’s as if the jabs don’t exist & the whole obsessive COVID vaccine push never happened.

      • Bingo. The cartel of 6 mainstream isn’t “news” but pure corporate advertising. However before we clutch our pearls in surprise news going back to the radio days and to the newspaper days before it has always been slanted, favoring the owners and advertisers. Back in the late 19th century newspapers were very much extensions of the interests of the owner or publisher.

        The reason it worked to the extent it did was there was a lot of competition. Even small towns had multiple newspapers. Big ones took a centrist view to support big budgets with many subscribers, smaller ones quite polarized because they had a narrower focus. The big papers had a civic duty to publish births, obituaries and public notices, which prior to COVID weren’t political statements (“How exactly did young Johnny die on the football field last week?”).

        Any way you look at it the subject of “news” has always been a moving target of vested interests. The Substacks and Twitter feeds used to be Xerox’d ‘zines and tabloids. After all the word “yellow journalism” was invented for a reason 150 years ago.

        • William Randolph Hearst invented yellow journalism. By using the cheapest paper he could find (which often took on a yellow hue) and printing up the most sensationalist stories, he attracted a massive audience looking for entertainment, not news. In between the “if it bleeds, it ledes” sensationalist stories, he’d offer up his own brand of editorial content. Over time he found he could easily sway opinion, which led to political candidates and policy. We just take all this for granted today, but one man/company having that much influence at a national scale was something as revolutionary as the Internet was in the 1990s and 2000s.

  14. ‘In the Unholy Land, there is next to now “news” about the holocaust going on there.’ — eric

    Letter just sent to Warshington [sic] DC:

    Dear Senator Sinema:

    I am disappointed to see your name listed as a sponsor of S. 4127, the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2024.

    IHRA’s 2016 definition of antisemitism has been grievously obsoleted by the events of the past year. The very ethno-religious group ostensibly protected by the bill is carrying out its own holocaust in Gaza – an atrocity labeled by both the United Nations and the International Court of Justice as a probable genocide.

    Under these dire circumstances, S. 4127 is rendered an anachronistic embarrassment, as it would reward atrocious criminal behavior.

    Withdrawing your sponsorship of S. 4127 is your opportunity to take a principled stand on behalf of humanity, as you leave the Senate next month. Please do so.

      • I know, I know.

        The International Hot Rod Association should sue the shit out of the parvenu International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for brazenly stealing IHRA’s long-established, well-respected acronym, and subverting it with ethnic-supremacist hate porn.

        But encroaching upon and stealing others’ territory and possessions is what zionists do. It’s their nature.

        Israel ist unser Unglück.

  15. And, reporters that DO cover the uncoverable know what awaits the future of their career. Thus, self-censorship rules the day.

    You should have seen the poo-nado that erupted in March 2020 when I questioned where the local health [sic] department got the authority to regulate the number of people going into a private business. It was as bad or worse than the time I interviewed Paul Craig Roberts live and he compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire and the Enabling Act to the Patriot Act. All people heard was “Bush is Hitler”. In a way they were right.

    And they ask me why I never got my own show.

  16. ‘there has been very little in the “news” about Keeeeeeeeevvvvv since the election.’ — eric

    That’s because the war situation has developed not necessarily to America’s advantage. So the Operation Mockingbird teletype stopped clacking. Media stenographers, left to their own devices, have nothing to do but play Solitaire on their iPhones.

    However, Secretary Blinkey did break radio silence a couple of days ago, to announce that he’s looting the Treasury before ‘Biden’ leaves town:

    “President Biden has committed to making sure that every dollar we have at our disposal will be pushed out the door between now and Jan. 20,” when President-elect Donald Trump is due to be sworn in, Blinkey said.


    So our cupboard is to be stripped bare, and handed over to the panhandling poison dwarf Zelenskyyyyyyy? Screw that noise.

    Likewise, after sending a stern letter to Netanyahu on October 13, threatening a cutoff of US arms shipments if food aid to Gaza didn’t increase [it didn’t], Blinkey did nothing when Netanyahu contemptuously flipped him the bird. America is scorned and cucked by two-bit little Israel, of which Blinkey likely is a dual citizen.

    Upon their leaving office on January 20th, both ‘Biden’ and Blinkey should be indicted for treason. Yes, January 20th — Inauguration Day, bitchez:

    Meet the new traitors, same as the old traitors.

  17. I think the flow of taxpayer dollars to Keeeeeeeeev will shortly come to an end; unfortunately Orange Man will redirect those dollars to Israhell. Ms. Adelson didn’t give him $100 million dollars for nothing.

    • Trump enabled Kieeeeeev by leaving Bidet with biggest military EVER in the history of the world. And with Trump being The Best Friend Israel Ever Had® , and considering that Kieeeeevvvvvv is an Israeli endeavor, one can be sure that he’s not going to do anything to oppose the purposes of his bosses -which can already be confirmed by just looking at the Zio Neo-con war hawks he is appointing to his cabinet already.

      I guess “n(J)ews” is just de-emphasizing Kieeevvvvv now to make room for their next target: Iran.


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