It turns out “masks” – the once benign term that conjures loathing in the minds of sane and decent people subjected to years of abuse for not wearing them and for objecting to forcing anyone to wear them – do not “work.”
This fact was known long before the induced mass-panic event still referred to erroneously as “the pandemic” – evidenced by the fact that no doctors ever wore the things outside the hospital. Much less in grocery stores. But all of a sudden, they did – along with 99 percent of the general public that was either coerced into wearing them or went along with wearing them or really did believe they “worked,” as if a new discovery had been made about the efficicacy of “masking up.”
Well, it has been admitted to that “masks” do not “work” – except as theatrical props.
A BBC article (and there are others) admits what was hotly denied during those years of induced mass-psychosis styled “the pandemic.”
High-grade masks evidence weak, COVID Inquiry told.
So reads the headline of the article, which then dives into an explanation of what was known decades before “the pandemic.” Included are graphics of the various “masks” that were commonly worn by people forced to wear them or who wore them to get-along and even believed they did “work” to prevent them from getting or giving COVID, which was presented as a threat on par with Marburg or Ebola but which mostly just made those who caught it feel crappy for awhile, much like the seasonal flu. It is worth reiterating here that no one – including doctors – wore “masks” during the flue season prior to the 2020 flu season. That by itself ought to tell a sensible person everything they need to know about the worth of “masks” as far as preventing the getting-spreading of the flu or any other respiratory illness.
Obviously, it wasn’t enough.
It was as if standing on one leg and screeching nanny nanny boo-boo were suddenly performed by 99 percent of the populace because they had been told it was the thing to do to ward off “the virus.” It would have been just as effective as “mask” wearing and the only difference is that people were not pressured into standing on one leg and screeching nanny nanny boo-boo or told that it “worked.” But they probably would have done it if they’d been told to do it – and told they could not go grocery shopping unless they did it as a condition of being allowed in the store.
The BBC piece includes pictures of the various “masks” that were worn by the nanny nanny boo-boo crowd, including the infamous fabric ones that made one’s face look like a guy’s ball sack in a speedo. Wearing “fabric masks or face coverings,” reads the caption “Does not protect you but may protect others if you are infected.”
Were people told this? No, they were not. People were assumed to be infected – remember the asymptomatic spreader? – and were assumed to be coughing and spittle-spewing. The “mask” may have caught some of those droplets of schnott. If you were actually schnotting. If not, then “masking” was akin to a sterile man wearing a condom to avoid getting his woman pregnant.
The “mask” did not catch the microscopically tiny particles that can waft through the air and so get into other people’s noses – including those behind a “mask.”
“Not classified as PPE,” concludes the graphic’s accompanying text.
How about the surgical mask that used to be worn only by doctors inside hospitals – inside surgery suites – before it became fashionable to wear them inside grocery stores?
These “protect wearer against large droplets” – i.e., from the blood spatter and so on that might otherwise splash upward from an open wound into a doctor’s mouth or nose. The surgical mask “does not protect against smaller airborne particles” and “allows leakage around the edges.”
In other words, it is as useless a thing insofar as “stopping the spread” – outside of a surgery suite – as a bowling ball is to a man treading water and trying not to drown.
All of this, it is important to remember, was well-known to medical people before they suddenly pretended to not know it when they were ordered and pressured to pretend they did not know it. They – just like the rest of us – were expected to play along with the sick kabuki that fomented not just pathological hypochondria but also something much worse. That being the abuse of facts and common sense. The insistence that evidence be ignored for the sake of feelings.
The repercussions of this still echo all around us and they will not dissipate for good until as a society respect for facts over feelings re-assumes primacy. If it does not, we can expect to be ordered to “mask up” again – by the very same people who know perfectly well that it’s all just for show.
And control.
. . .
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I got a story to share; I play DND with this group, all of them older dudes, so I’m the youngest. One guys sick, so everyone else is providing useless advice, whereas I’m telling him take elderberry sryup, tea with manuka honey, etc.. but also commenting and providing memes showing that masks are crap as he mentioned it.
Brought it up one more time before digressing over it, the lib in the group was all triggered and called me ignorant, I rebuke him while using their own language against them (I’m offended xD) and he’s out for the night, can’t handle this even though I said I’d just drop it after saying my piece.
People these days, guys as old as my mom and is really dumb, thinks NPR and BBC are legit news sauces. I don’t get people at all, how they could be so old and stupid
“whereas I’m telling him take elderberry syrup, tea with manuka honey, etc.”
Love it, Carmelo. 🙂 If he listened to your advice he would have been cured by now. You can’t fix dumb. People get set in their ways and if there is anything that goes against the grain on what they have been taught they refuse to acknowledge it.
It seems that old people seem to be more susceptible to media propaganda these days (Yours truly excepted, of course!). Even more so if they’re retired. I’ve seen it happen to people I know. Guys who rarely watched TV because they were busy, and thus never were exposed to the propaganda (And thought their wives were crazy when they’d parrot the garbage THEY’D see on the TV)… A few months after retiring, they’re suddenly joining the safety cult and believing every stitch of BS they now see on the TV, now that they have the time to sit and watch it.
Are the throwing another “pandemic”? About 25% of the ‘tards I saw on t5he street and in the stores today were diapered. WTF? If they start this shit up again I’m not just resisting by not complying, but I will actively and loudly fight it! Enough is enough!
Where in the world are you that you’re seeing, “About 25%”?
At most, here in Eastern Iowa, it’s way less than 1%.
Thank God.
Hi Arthur,
I see them, too. And almost all of these imbeciles have their Diaper not over their noses.
“It was as if standing on one leg and screeching nanny nanny boo-boo were suddenly performed by 99 percent of the populace because they had been told it was the thing to do to ward off “the virus.”
Well apparently, people in the UK were told to CLAP for the doctors and nurses every night during cough-cough. Yes, you heard right. Videos were showing DOZENS of people in different areas across the country, CLAPPING LIKE FUCKING SEALS!
So yeah, close enough.
Obligatory since I discovered this yesterday:
Here’s a reason:
No harsh meant for doing so, I just wish every video link dropper (Internet wide) would add a bit more text to their links, maybe a 1/2 more-so conclusion drawn, or something?
That said, a link, is better than none/nothing.
That’s some wild beginnings once I clicked it, “Zachary Mogavero,17, of Geneseo celebrated Autism awareness and COVID-19 vaccination Thursday, with a song he performed at the NYS Vaccine Hub at Dome Arena in Henrietta.”
Without watching it, I imagine it’s, “CLAPPING LIKE FUCKING SEALS!”?
…I couldn’t bare to look.
… Innocent pawns? …Sigh.
Ten reasons to avoid zero science backed injections…..
Zero science backed injections….killed how many?…..
Dr. Joseph Sansone says……
Furthermore, the mRNA nanoparticle injections have been shown to injure people via shedding of the technology. A recent study showed that being in close proximity to the “vaccinated” (bioweapon injected) was strongly associated with abnormalities with a woman’s menstrual cycle. I know multiple physicians who have told me about patients that were unvaccinated but were dating or married to an injected person and ended up having heart issues. I personally know of people as well where this occurred. This appears time-sensitive from when the person was injected.
Brilliant Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, has documented the effects of shedding and the self-assembling nanotechnology from the shots, by examining the blood of unvaccinated patients in her clinic using dark field microscopy. She documents the effects regularly on her Substack and in her new books TransHuman Volume I and Transhuman Volume II. Dr. Mihalcea exposes the depopulation agenda as well as the transhumanist goals of merging humanity with technology and consciousness with artificial intelligence.
the transhumanist goals of merging humanity with technology and consciousness with artificial intelligence…….see the new movie….Companion…..
Off topic: in my browsing it occurred to me what might have been going on with the NJ (and many other places worldwide) UFOs & drones … some people say there were real space alien UFOs. And my own conjecture is that they were looking for nukes (stored underground) because the space aliens don’t want the baddies on Earth to use nukes anymore … in one video there was alot of orbs stacked up vertically and also 2 or 3 columns wide … I think they were scanning for nukes underground. They probably have some kind of radar and it is enhanced by using multiple ships, like an antenna array which makes the radar more effective and higher resolution, so that’s why they had that flight pattern.
Hi Harry,
Something weird was gong on, obviously. And it’s weirder still that no answers have been forthcoming.
Hmm, so is that why so many people all across America described the weird, super-thick fog as smelling like the after affects of fireworks?
I think the whole store is made-up bs like everything else.
I thought the NJ drone story was solved
Donald Trump is not the Good Samaritan who rescues the wounded Palestinian dumped into the ditch by the side of the road.
Now you know.
Right. Donnie Fubar is one of those stereotypical bad Samaritans — like the Friends of Judea and Samaria Caucus in the House of Ill Repute.
‘We’ supply the thousand-pound bombs. (((They))) supply the ethnic cleansing.
At least they’re using ‘surgical’ bombing to mass murder, not gas chambers and ovens like really bad people would do.
In his mottled mind, Donnie’s a doctor without borders. Some of his patients must ‘expire’ to save others. :-0
I’ll take Depends for 2000, Alex.
The Daily Double, what is your wager?
All of it, Alex. Your answer in the form of a question.
What does the incontinent Joe Biden change six times each day?
Joe has to change the mask for his ass several times each day.
It is so absurd it jades you.
Get real in the real world.
An interview with Naomi Wolf, author of the book….The Pfizer Papers
The Pfizer Papers is the culmination of some 250 experts who questioned Pfizer’s claim their vaccines were “safe and effective.”
And……Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, is questioned by reporters on the street in Davos
‘“Masks” do not “work” – except as theatrical props.’ — eric
In other news, water runs downhill and the sun rises in the east. Human knowledge continues its plodding advance. 🙂
Masks were a ridiculous fraternity skit, mostly over now. But deadly covid ‘vaccines’ killed millions. This was the far greater crime.
‘Vaccine’ maker Moderna’s stock was smashed down 6.5% today, as RFK’s nomination was advanced from a committee to the full Senate.
In December 2020, both Pfizer and Moderna announced 94-95% efficacy for their mRNA ‘vaccines.’ This was a brazen BIG LIE. An early large-scale study, using Veterans Administration data, showed that efficacy fell to 47% after a few months.
Later studies showed that ‘boosters’ actually veered into negative efficacy — boosted
patientsmarks were more likely to catch covid than refuseniks.Bottom line: the Trump admin has ample, documented scientific evidence to sue Pfizer and Moderna for contractual fraud, and bankrupt them with treble damages.
Let the corporate bloodletting begin. 🙂
“Bottom line: the Trump admin has ample, documented scientific evidence to sue Pfizer and Moderna for contractual fraud, and bankrupt them with treble damages.”
You mean the same admin who “warp-sped” the needles in the first place?
Trying to square this outlook of the Right, against any future face diaper Plandemics, or other curtailments of Liberty, etc:
“… a large portion of the anti-woke movement is libertarian and a lot of them are only concerned with individual freedom. Conservatives are concerned with freedom AND responsibility. Unchecked freedom has never been a good thing and it leads to degeneracy, which is why some government will always be necessary….” – Brandon Smith in the comment section, here:
What the world needs, is more man-eating tigers?
Brandon Smith usually is ‘one of the good guys’, but like many conservatives, he tends to confuse ‘libertarian’ with ‘libertine’.
Those two are not at all the same.
The sentence you quoted is a perfect example of this.
“Libertarian” has had the same meaning as far as I’ve read back in history. Libertarians have always been people of defined principles.
The term “conservative” as a political descriptor has had metamorphic definitions for even the short time in history I’ve been “politically aware”. “Conservatives” may or may not have true principles, and if so, there is no consistency. The term doesn’t seem to mean anything at all.
Hi Helot,
This is a fallacious – a slanderous – description of libertarianism. It is false that libertarians want freedom sans responsibility. What they want is to be responsible for themselves and their own actions; to be free of being held “responsible” for others; for harms they did not cause and costs they did not incur. This distinction is enormous, which is why it is always hidden by people who seek to slander libertarians.
Interesting replies, guys.
Yes. True libertarianism = adherence to the Non-Aggression Principle.
I turned on the news and what did I see, Trump the lapdog siting with Khazar mafia boss Netanyahu, the most psychotic insane war mongering lunatic on the planet. Trump announced his resettlement plan for 1.8 million Palestinians – who have lived there for thousands of years, and have no plan on leaving.
Trump is a damn fool to cowtow to Jew pig demons, he ought to have a USAF F-15 shoot Nutjobyahoo’s jet down over the Atlantic. Trump may have just destroyed his presidency. I find the arrogance of Trump truly outstanding, he has decided where the rightful owners of the land have to go, leave – because he is god-king and says so. Well, Hamas have stopped the IDF thus far and are not backing down. So Trump just signed on to 4 years of bloody war and death because he bends a knee to the Israeli demons. WHAT A DAMN FOOL IMO.
Turn on the TV now, Jack. I am literally about to get sick to my stomach. The US wants to take over the Gaza Strip…no, no, no. Get us out of the Middle East.
The Fox News analysts are trying to contort themselves to make this sound like a viable option. Just what we need…another two decades of nation building.
The defense contractors and Lindsay Graham are probably getting hard just thinking about it.
More US debt, and worse, more body bags. All this is a free advertising campaign for ISIS, the Taliban, and the Democratic Party.
I am absolutely nauseous.
Ethnic cleansing: we’re gonna try that Trail of Tears thing again, overseas?
Donnie Fubar just undershot my lowest expectations.
Take too long ‘fore I found out
What people mean by down and out
Spent my money, took my car
Started telling his friends he gonna be a star
I don’t know, but I’ve been told
An orange-haired blowhard ain’t got no soul
— Led Zeppelin, Black Dog
On the first day I would of given Trump an A+, he is now close to getting a D-, if he invades Gaza he should get and F-. Everything Trump said yesterdays is totally nuts.
My question is why would you think the insanity would end, Jack? Has it yet? Take Benji out…won’t the new boss be the same as the old boss? It is a mindset, not an individual. The Middle East has been chaotic for thousands of years. Up until the last fifty we have chosen to ignore it.
George Washington warned against political parties and foreign entanglements. We did not heed his advice and here we are.
I watched for about 5 seconds and turned it off, and I didn’t even hear any of this BS. I just instinctively knew whatever was being said would cause me undo stress.
Ditto that, RG –
It’s so damned simple: Focus on America first. Let Israel deal with its own self-made problems and leave us out of it. Stop making us complicit. Oy meets vey.
It’s not our problem the hard line Jews in Israel are unable to live in peace with their neighbors, they made their bed and they can sleep in it. Thomas Jefferson warned us to stay out of foreign entanglements, that strongly applies in this case.
Hate to say I told you so…
There is a joke on the internet, that turning on the TV is like having a Rabbi in your living room. TV makes me sick, and I can’t stand even looking at that ugly smirking madman Nutjobyahoo – who has Trump by the balls.
Everything Trump said yesterday was loony and dangerous – Trump is drawing us into another Middle East war for no reason at all, besides the fact that he is bribed, scared, or has beach front real estate dreams with little boy Kushner. Trump’s announcement yesterday to invade and occupying Gaza is completely nuts and proves beyond any doubt the USA is Zogged – Zionist Occupied Government.
So much for America First or Make America Great Again. I guess two weeks was all we were allowed. We couldn’t just rejoice for the shutting down of the DOE, oh no, no, let’s try some ethic cleansing instead.
Anyone looking for a $2 million dollar condo on the Gaza Strip? Bombing from Iran comes free of charge. Couldn’t just settle for Greenland, could we? No, let’s piss off 1.9 million Muslims instead.
This better be a joke. Is Egypt looking to expand? Let them deal with it.
Libertarians, as both Eric and George Washington expressed, just want to be left alone: no foreign entanglements.
Whereas a-hole ‘conservatives’ want to rule the world — until their overextended, hated empire crumbles, as all others have done.
Donnie Fubar, egged on by the wanted war criminal Netanyahu, just showed which camp he’s in. He learned nothing from Vietnam. He’s the jive-talking auctioneer, liquidating America’s burnt-out empire. One hundred dollars cash buys this fine Humvee automobile.
Lead on, Orange Hoover. Two years from now, as Depression 2.0 bites down, you’ll be the most hated president in all of US history. Doubt you can finish your term, as voracious Israeli tapeworms eat your guts from the inside out.
Hi Jim,
I just off the phone with my aunt and she believes he is “testing the waters”. I believe he just f’ed his entire Presidency. Whether if this is some type of play to bring in the UN or to get Hamas to straighten up it was a fool move. Trump had momentum. Stuff was getting done. He just lost it all. Even if he wakes up tomorrow and says, “Nah, I changed my mind” he just cost the Republican Party Muslim votes and gave the Democrat Party the talking points that they needed to rebuild.
So very stupid. Now I get to go to bed wondering if he sending our 18 year olds overseas.
You and I are in complete concurrence. Trump always was a poor judge of people. He fell in with a bad crowd, but lacked any strength of personal character to extricate himself.
Israel is now using American supplied bombs and explosives to blow up entire apartment buildings in the West Bank. [see photo]
This exact situation is everything our founders fought against. It’s tyranny of the highest order and it absolutely enrages me that my country plays any part whatsoever.
Looks like the ‘Biden’ cadaver and the gasping wraith of America will die about the same time.
My president is Robert E Lee.
Trump also promised during his campaign that he would stop the Ukraine war on day one of his presidency. Needless to say, the Ukraine war continues. The only way to stop this war is to stop sending military aid and money to Ukraine. Instead, Trump has just offered to keep sending weapons to Ukraine, in exchange for which Ukraine would provide access to their rare earth minerals, which could keep the war going indefinitely. Who cares how many Ukrainians continue to die, as long as the US can get those rare earth minerals? Unfortunately for Trump, those rare earth minerals are all located in eastern Ukraine, which is now under the control of Russia. Trump doesn’t care how many more Ukrainians continue to die, just as he doesn’t care how many Palestinians have been killed with American supplied bombs. He is now prepared to ethnically cleanse almost two million Palestinians from their land so that waterfront luxury condos can be developed on the stolen land. It seems that one cannot rise to positions of great political power without being a sociopath.
Hmmm the Dag Hammerskold option. That one worked, and I wouldn’t have known about it save for watching the magnificent “The Seige of Jadotville”. If ol’ nut and yahoo lost communications over some large body of water and was never seen again, would the world be a better place? Or just a different one?
Helena Glass, a libertarian-type if you read her stuff, has a different take on the whole thing. Don’t think I necessarily agree, but it is an interesting one nonetheless –
Flew home yesterday from FL (Can’t wait to move there), Jesus were there so many maskholes at PBI. So much Autism, and not the good kind
Masking in southern Oregon has almost completely stopped since innauguration. Way less than half of Christmas season level.
Very shallow learning curve in a town Piled high n deep with em.
Doctor Fauci needs to do a PCR test on water moccasins.
Saw two people with masks this morning, it was 7 below zero, so it was a reasonable decision to prevent cold air from entering your mouth and lungs unimpeded. You keep the cold from invading, you could get sicker than a dog.
I have a full-face tuk with just the eye opening, the rest of your face is covered.
It will be frigid temps for the next 12 days, so get prepared and stay warm.
Plenty of cold beer helps.
Pfizer tops earnings estimates as Covid product sales beat expectations and cost cuts pay off
Pfizer’s fourth-quarter beat was fueled in part by higher-than-expected demand for its Covid products.
Paxlovid, its antiviral pill, brought in $727 million in sales for the quarter, up from the loss of $3.1 billion in revenue recorded in the year-earlier period. But the same quarter last year included a revenue reversal tied to the planned return of around 6.5 million Paxlovid doses from the U.S. government.
Pfizer said the growth was driven by strong demand, particularly in the U.S. during a recent Covid wave, and a one-time contract delivery of 1 million treatment courses of Paxlovid to the federal government. Analysts expected the drug to bring in $630.7 million in sales, according to StreetAccount.
The company’s Covid shot booked $3.4 billion in revenue, down $2 billion from the same period a year ago. Pfizer said the decline was mainly driven by fewer Covid vaccinations globally and lower contracted doses of its shot.
Analysts expected $3 billion in sales for the shot, according to StreetAccount.
That’s a lot of clams for shots/treatments the renamed flu… five years later. Does anyone know anyone still shooting this stuff into their veins or popping paxlovid?
Another huge story unfolding is the release of JFK documents. I’ve said, hell would freeze over before our ZOGwhore gov’t would release those files. But maybe I am wrong. Maybe hell is freezing over (establishment insider Tucker Carlson is leaking JFK info to cushion the upcoming shock wave)
“Tucker Carlson just broadcast to millions of people the motives Israel had to kiII JFK:
JFK wanted to stop Israel’s nuclear program, (stolen from the U.S.), and register AIPAC as a foreign agent.”
Ding, ding, ding, another conspiracy theory turning into fact. Now you know why Trump, would not release the JFK files back in 2017, because Trump loves Israel, and he JFK files will implicate Israel as the primary killer of a sitting POTUS.
So as I have said a million times, Israel did 911 because they got away scot-free killing JFK and shooting up the USS Liberty ship on 8 Jun 1967. Jews are given a free pass every single time. Jews can kill Amerikans and all the Christian churches will sing hosannahs to Israel.
But that is not all. After JFK was blown away, Jew LBJ was installed and reversed JFK’s EOs on the first day, then that traitor gave the entire arsenal of Davy Crockett mini-nukes to Israel which have been used repeatedly – as covered by Veterans Today. How do we know? Because Mordechai Vanunu photographed the W-54 nuclear cores. – which were used to blow up the trade towers (and blow up Fukushima – see Jim Stone’s expose).
Yessirree – Israel is our bestest ally! They nuked us with our own nukes! and we still send them money. How dumb can you be? Dummmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.
Stew Peters over on Rumble is the only serious reporter I know of reporting on the facts about Israel and the current US administration.
Didn’t Rothschild’s buy this chunk of land now called Isreal?
It is named Is-Real.. because it was not.
Couldn’t make this stuff up.
Why was the demolition of the WTC complex called “ground zero”? WTC was nuked.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
The bigger picture is to control people by controlling the food supply. The commies have been bitching for decades about what Americans eat. They usually don’t come right out and say ,” …there’s too much consuming going on!” Be certain that every one of these things leads to more control.
As a young teen I wanted to be a horseman and recall one of the training books advising on training horses. For some, you overfeed them so they’re a bit puffy and lethargic. For others you underfed them so they’re weak and lethargic. This is the mindset of the self described masters. They’ve never gotten over the loss of control the American revolution caused them and have been working in all ways great and trivial since that time to regain that control.
You always eat the prison food when you are a prisoner.
You are doing too many crime thinks. Das isst Verboten!
Thinking is a crime, ya know.
Be ready because it is coming. China got away with biological warfare last time and they will do it again.
This time without Fauci’s help.
Doing good Eric,,, stay on the attack.
Thanks, Ken – and count on it!
I occasionally see people in public wearing masks. It is increasingly rare though. The one common trait among them is that they display many other signs of mental disorder. These are all folks that before 2020 you would have considered to be very weird. The masks are just another manifestation of their mental disorder.
Ever wonder why they would admit this? (Always be very scared when the media or a politician actually resorts to telling the truth!) BECAUSE such an admission will make the sheeple even more likely to take the proffered “vaccines”. Never mind that those “vaccines” come from the same establishment which just admitted to fooling them and fucking with their lives……. “We must be protected and the masks don’t work!”.
the “admission” that masks don’t work is what’s known as a “limited hangout.” The purpose of it is to trick you into believing the underlying premises are true.
The question regarding mask is: Work for what? The underlying premises are that “covid” and the “pandemic” actually existed, but that masks did not work to prevent either. This, “admission” is use to help bolster the lie that “covid” and the “pandemic” actually exist(ed).
The fact is that “covid” has never been proven to exist (except in the made up way of “in silico,” where a bullshit computer algorithm just made up and spit out a purported fragment of a gene sequence that they magically identified as “covid” -i.e. garbage in-garbage out). “Covid” and the “pandemic” are all a scam. It’s all lies and manipulation, including the alleged vaxx, masks, etc. Believe none of the bullshit. It’s all fucking nonsense.
What, you don’t believe this “low confidence” finding? LOL.
The CIA believes COVID most likely originated from a lab but has low confidence in its own finding
From link:
Lawmakers have pressured America’s spy agencies for more information about the origins of the virus, which led to lockdowns, economic upheaval and millions of deaths. It’s a question with significant domestic and geopolitical implications as the world continues to grapple with the pandemic’s legacy.
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told “Fox News Sunday” it was important now “to make China pay for unleashing this plague on the world.” He mentioned imposing tariffs or passing legislation that would repeal China’s permanent most favored nation status.
That durned virus did all of those things to us, dont’cha know. Blame Chyna!
Hi Funk,
Watching The Jimmy Dore Show yesterday, I learned some things about USAID & the unbelievable amount of CORRUPTION in it. Politicians and bureaucrats were using it to commit all sorts of corrupt or criminal activities, such as regime change operations in foreign countries and even giving money to Eco Health Alliance for their operations.
Mike Benz is the authority on all of these dirty tricks. His appearance on Joe Rogan is mind blowing:
Agree completely, Mr. Lib.
“COVID” was nothing more than the common flu, and the masks were just a means of making it seem real -of making it LOOK like there was a “pandemic”. I mean, you can’t throw a phony world-wide pandemic absent mass deaths unless there is some visual suggestion to make it look like everyone is terrified of the invisible boogeyman, since there were no actual bodies stacking up. A textbook example of how government uses the media to propagate it’s lies and effect control.
Without the masks and without the media lies of “bodies stacking up” would anyone have believed there was a “pandemic”? Of course not…because there wasn’t. Justput it on TV, quote some “experts”, and show others reacting in the way that you want everyone to react, and BINGO. Whether it’s buildings imploding and collapsing into their own footprint being blamed on “terrorists”, a “pandemic”, “men walking on the Moon”….a presidential candidate’s ear being grazed by a “would-be assassin”, doesn’t matter, the formula always works like a charm. Next it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if they staged an “invasion of space aliens” (The recent drone sightings may be the set-up).
Mark Twain’s words are more true today than ever- “Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see”.
The truth is, THERE IS NO FLU.
You can’t beat a lie with half of the truth.
Viruses do NOT exist.
“Viruses do NOT exist.” -letmepicyou
It’s always hard to prove a negative, but after engaging in hundreds of hours of research, I have yet to come across anything that proves the existence of a “virus” or that anything described as a “virus” actually causes sickness.
Exactly. No “virus” or “bacteria” has ever satisfied Koch’s postulates. This is the gold standard.
“Viruses” are what Jewish shysters have named “cellular exosomes”, and in typical Jew fashion they’re ready to sell us the “cure” for their made-up nonsense.
Probably true- that viruses don’t exist. Hard to say for sure, but they can’t prove it, so at best it’s a maybe. I say “flu” because, what else do we call that collection of symptoms that are common to many people in the winter (When they don’t get much vit. D from ol’ Sol Invictus, and spend a lot of time stuffed into environments dependent upon recirculated spore-prone air amidst throngs of other people) so that others know what we are referring to? T’would be better to use more accurate terms of course, than to succumb to speech which perpetuates their lies; but what do we say instead?
“The common ailment formerly referred to as the flu”?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Arthur. I was thinking just about the same thing.
Just because people call ‘it’ … ‘The Flu’ does not mean, ‘The Flu’ is caused by a virus.
Loved your X tag ending, ““The common ailment formerly referred to as the flu”?”
Crack. Me. Up.
Thanks, Helot!
In thinking about this last night, I was pondering how, say, if we have a bad tooth and it gets infected, they don’t claim that that infection spreads to other people.
When we have symptoms though with no obvious cause, THEN they wheel out the “virus” theory to try to explain it.
Much like if someone has a pain manifesting in a joint, “arthritis” is the great catch-all. I’ve known several people over the years who were diagnosed with “arthritis” over the years, only to later find out that their “arthritis” was in-fact something else, such as cancer in a few instances.
But their proactiveness in “seeing their doctor, because early detection is the key to prevention” (LOL) did them absolutely no good, except cause them to be treated for the wrong ailment and take unnecessary drugs to the detriment of their health and wallet.
Modern medical “science” has become nothing more than fearmongering and drug-pushing. In reality, most ailments will heal themselves given time and proper conditions; and the ones that won’t, can not be ‘healed’ by the drug-pushers, anyway.
They don’t even claim to heal anymore; they just “treat”.
I have a congenital condition which has gotten worse over time, but which causes me no real problems other than the use of an organ. The last doctor I saw actually wanted to give me a drug that I am allergic to; which has been proven in the past to not actually help my condition, other than slightly lowering numbers on a test; and which actually irritates the affected organ -just so that they can be “doing something”. Even though such treatment would not only not give me any benefit whatsoever, but actually aggravate something which has been quiet and stable for near 20 years….
That’s “medical science”. That is their goal: To “do something”, “to treat you”. Doesn’t matter if the result is good or bad; positive or negative. Just get on the drug train and ride the loop! The only station you can arrive at is the doctor’s office; over and over again, like that episode of The Twilight Zone!
Real science
The scientific method is pretty straightforward: propose a testable hypothesis and then design an experiment that acts on only one variable: one group in which no action is taken and another in which one action is taken. If the action taken has a record able effect, then that data must be replicated by other labs performing the same experiment to confirm that there weren’t errors in the protocol, equipment or data collection.
A variation of this protocol is a double-blind study, so-called double blind because neither the subjects/volunteers nor the researchers administering the experiment know which subjects received the active compound and which received a placebo.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Fails Koch’s Postulates
German scientist Robert Koch (Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch, 1843-1910) made great contributions to the field of microbiology. He is considered to be one of the founders of the field of modern bacteriology. He identified the specific causative agents of TB (tuberculosis), cholera and anthrax. For his work on TB, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1905 in Physiology or Medicine.
Koch established 4 criteria to identify the causative agent of a particular disease. These criteria have become a gold standard for determining the existence of an infectious agent and for isolating and verifiying what is causing a disease. The criteria are a set of conditions known as Koch’s postulates. They are:
The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.
Firstly, the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 (allegedly causing the disease COVID-19) has not been shown to be present only in sick people and not in healthy ones.
Secondly, the virus has never been isolated and identified which must be done with proper equipment such as electron microscopes and
ATTENTION: which cannot be achieved through CT scans (as the Chinese were using) and the flawed PCR test (more on this below).
The January 24th 2020 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 describes how the scientists arrived at the idea of COVID-19: they took lung fluid samples and extracted RNA from them using the PCR test.
It has to be proven to cause a disease. They can’t even isolate and identify this thing properly let alone go to the 2nd step of proving it causes a disease.
It admits that the coronavirus failed Koch’s postulates: “Further development of accurate and rapid methods to identify unknown respiratory pathogens is still needed … our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates.”
They don’t even know what they are looking at. The Chinese dug something out of somebody’s lung….. didn’t isolate and identify it properly…. then gave it the name corona virus, it was actually an exosome. This is an amateur hour effort, really stupid people.
NOTE: It admits that the coronavirus failed Koch’s postulates:
“Further development of accurate and rapid methods to identify unknown respiratory pathogens is still needed … our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates.”
the virus has never been isolated and identified, or photographed, which must be done with proper equipment such as electron microscopes and which cannot be achieved through CT scans (as the Chinese were using) and the flawed PCR test …..
Where is the photograph?…..The pictures of it are computer generated images…fakes….but scary looking…..
We All Have Viruses, All The Time, as Part of our Virome and Immune System
The humble virus is deeply misunderstood. The human body is composed of an estimated 6 trillion cells, 60 trillion bacteria and 380 trillion viruses. Just as we have a microbiome of friendly bacteria which forms the basis of our immune system and 2nd brain in our gut,
so too do we have a virome (a collection and community of viruses) which play a role in our healing. Through the ascendency of germ theory over host theory/terrain theory, the mainstream paradigm now teaches that viruses are “bad guys”, infectious agents “out there”, who can invade the body – thus reinforcing the need for Big Pharma drugs and injections.
Viruses come from exosomes or tiny particles our bodies produce. They are not infectious agents. The exosome theory states that if cells are poisoned, they produce viruses (secretions) to clean up the toxins. This is what the plant kingdom does; when a tree has a beetle infestation, it makes a hormonal secretion to tell other trees to defend themselves.
Are you not aware that there are already MILLIONS of viruses in every breath of air you take? No matter where you walk, those viruses are there – somewhere between 1.6 million to 40 million viruses in every cubic meter of air we pass through as we walk.
Elon Musk’s DOGE team: 6 young men, who did more in one week than the government’s OMB has done in 100 years.
Oh I bet many Jews and Rabbis are shrieking in despair today as their secret money train has been cut off. A whole lot of Jews are really really pissed that the gravy train has ended. How do I know? The insane ranting of Jew Senator Chucky Schumer over the weekend. If you are being ripped off, just look around for the nearest kippah.
Musk’s secret team described as a “good squad” by The Daily Beast (a Jewish publication):
The truth is the government is a gigantic money laundering operation and the Amerikan slaves are being robbed blind. The slanderous term “goon squad” proves Jews are in a panic what they might uncover – Jew ripoff scams.
I don’t like it that these young men are being doxxed. They are doing their jobs. The most interesting thing about that Newbreak column are the Libs whose heads are exploding in the comments section below. Seriously, like Musk or any of these six young men give a hoot that Nancy, two doors down, received a refund of ($738) and is living off of her teacher’s pension.
Hi RG,
I am seriously thinking about making some Trump 2028 signs… to further derange the Freaks!
Hi Eric,
I don’t think that will be hard to do. At this point I think they will scream about anything and everything. They are losing their mind…and it is so enjoyable to watch.
I am feeling happy about things for the first time in some time! And I think we – people on our side – ought to bring the hammer down and destroy these people before they can regroup.
Me too. It strikes me that Trump might be a sort of non-violent version of Franco or Pinochet.
I take back everything bad I said about Elon Musk. What he has done exposing USAID and shutting it down is remarkable.
Trump 2028 and beyond. I believe a Trump dynasty will prevail for decades. No one is ever going to want to go back to the Biden Demonrat horror show. Trump reminds me of Vespasian Flavian and his family dynasty – which came to power after Nero and Caligula.
Nero burned Rome, and Nero Newsom burned LA. Obama-Biden burned Minneapolis.
Caligula and sexual deviancy? Bill Clinton, homosexual Obamas, pedo Bidens. Trannies in high places is a wave repeat of ancient Rome at it’s peak.
If Trump delivers his legacy they could rule for a long time, his sons could be presidents, I always like listening to Eric Trump, sounds completely rational and sane.
Kudos to the Carbon Credit King and his DOGE Team! I am also impressed on how young the guys are. There is hope for Gen Z. They went in quick, locked bureaucrats out the systems so information could not be altered or deleted, and was able to look for inconsistencies in the information available.
That the Left is losing it shows that there are transactions and records that they don’t want the rest of us to see. I bet Schumer is now regretting he didn’t ask Uncle Joe for a pardon before he left the White House.
Rip the Band Aid off. We are all grown adults and are fully aware how corrupt our government is. No one should be shocked on what will be found…disgusted, yes, but not shocked.
I’m all in on this, too –
The corruption is as deep as it is opaque. These “entities” simply steal as much of our money as they like and then spend it on what they like and we aren’t even allowed to know what it is spent on. I think they are being very foolish by squealing about it as it only emphasizes how arrogant and entitled they are.
Lest, not forget, guilty.
If your spouse comes in and rips the current month’s credit card statement out of your hand you better start questioning why. Note: It is highly unlikely it your birthday gift.
Government is legalized theft. How many billions has gay Zelensky siphoned off into his offshore accounts while presiding over the complete destruction of Ukraine? His “wife” has millions to blow:
Olena Zelenska spends $1,100,000 on Cartier jewelry, gets sales employee fired
I am sure Ukrainians are ecstatic when they are sending their sons and husbands off to war, but the First Lady is walking around in a matching earrings/bracelet/necklace set. One million dollars for Cartier is not flamboyant. Even the simplest of pieces (that look like something my four year old nephews could manufacture) have starting prices of $3K-$5K. I am more curious to see the Harry Winston receipt. Maybe, she was trying to stretch out our stolen taxpayer money…she did shop in Gucci (blah).
The globalist elites never rest. They have an agenda and likely view Trump as a speed bump. I’ve also heard (unconfirmed) that the sampling rate for the bird flu PCR tests is insanely high. Gotta crank it up until we get a positive! On the masks, on Day 1 I looked up an OSHA mask study that talked about the physics of them, the literal size of the particles. It showed and explicitly said that none were effective against virus particles the size of Covid 19’s. I heard that the paper vanished (or access to it) shortly thereafter, but seeing that made me know instantly the whole thing was a sham. It’s amazing to me how strident people were about the masks despite these facts. Mass formation psychosis.
OSHA used to regulate masks worn in occupational settings. Masks had to be properly fitted. No beard allowed unless a whole head, positive pressure air supply was used.
A beard compromises the seal of any decent respirator.
Yet no OSHA interventions during the Scamdemic. Even worse OSHA willing became the tip of the spear for forcing masks and an experimental gene therapy.
Yet people still think OSHA is there to save lives and protect them from injury.
If you look at the historical trends, work place deaths and injury were already declining before OSHA came into existence. If anything, the rate of decline decreases after OSHA was created.
Never forget, it has all been a lie.
“A beard compromises the seal of any decent respirator.”
Fun fact:
Soldiers were not required to shave daily until World War 1. The use of chemical warfare required that soldiers needed to wear gas masks, and beards compromised their seal.
King Gillette took advantage of this situation and offered his new safety razor to the U.S. Army to issue to soldiers. Their popularity amongst soldiers led them to keep using the Gillette safety razor after the war ended…and the rest is history.
Then, Gillette went on to rant about “toxic masculinity” in their product ads for guys.
Which is why I don’t buy their stuff anymore.
Fun fact, one of the things troops did was to trim their mustaches so they fit inside their gas masks. One German Corporal became quite famous for the style.
>OSHA used to regulate masks worn in occupational settings.
They still do.
Anyone who works in, e.g., an oil refinery or other chemical plant where toxic substances are present is required to have 40-Hour HAZWOPER training. Proper respiratory protection is a significant part of this training.
Those of us who *are* 40-Hour HAZWOPER trained knew the “surgical mask” kabuki was just a bad joke from the git go.
This “news” is four bloody years old! [/vox Capt. Tupelov]
Guess news travels slowly from the Colonies…
OSHA is a clown show, a bunch of academics shaking down industry looking for easy things like ladders and the accursed safety glasses, while walking by unguarded robot cells because they don’t understand them. And of course they are there to second guess and spread misery when there is an accident, whether an obvious suicide or a one in a billion mishap.
“A beard compromises the seal of any decent respirator.”
This is sometimes true, and sometimes it isn’t. The real truth is it depends on the mask. If you had to create a ‘global rule’, then this would be the ‘safe default’, obviously.
But, as someone who has quite a bit of training in PPE and the use of gas masks and respirators, and who owns, ahh, probably a half dozen full-face respirators, and actually uses them for things like acid gasses, and who has facial hair, I can promise you that some gas masks will seal despite having facial hair, and some simply won’t. You have to try them out and test them. Ones that won’t seal with facial hair tend to sit on my shelf. Good ones get used when I make things like nitration solutions.
Hey Jim…. As you likely know,
They have killed over 120 million chickens and many many herds of cattle. One chicken was “infected” (PCR) at a chicken ranch, they killed 10 million. According to genius Martin Armstrong someone signed a piece of paper that gave corpgov the right to kill flocks of chickens and herds of cattle, pigs and any other farm animal if a disease was present. Of course with the PCR any disease can be found and/or discovered. Today they are saying cattle are testing with Bird Flu. It took almost 5 years for enough people to figure out the covid virus and plandemic was fake. Many of these idiots still believe both were real. Why? Cuz gov says so. Now they’re trying to starve us and kill us with their MRNA vaxxines and STILL folks believe their just trying to keep us safe. Today the beloved father of these killer vaxxes is our benevolent Big Daddy with his little billionaire elf’s assisting. He even had lunch with depop billionaire Bill Gates. Apparently WE were on the menu.
Yup. See the price of eggs lately. I saw pasture-raised organic eggs selling to $13 per dozen. Even the shitty gmo-corn-fed, caged eggs are selling for $5-6.
I think it’s Jim H that usually says it: You can’t get rich selling something that’s plentiful. He’s so right, of course. They have to artificially suppress supply and create monopolies to maintain high prices.
Okay, I didn’t believe that eggs have increased this much….the joy of having chickens.
Just a few minutes ago I went online to my local grocery store website. Large, Grade A, caged eggs – $7.99 a dozen, but here’s what I don’t understand. Nature Promise, free range, extra large eggs – $4.79 a dozen. Who is buying the crappier eggs for $3.20 more?
Free range can be a deceptive term. The minimum requirement to call the eggs “free range” is for the hen to have “access” for at least 2 square feet of outdoor roaming. Pasture raised requires 108 square feet per hen.
“conjures loathing” – 100%. Loathing is not strong enough, abject hatred and seething rage maybe. For all the places that kicked me out, for all the invectives hurled at me because I refused to consider wearing a face diaper. I can’t tell you how difficult it was in CT and NY to attempt this. It scarred me. I knew at once what a Good German was and what it must have been like all those years ago. And I will never, repeat never, forgive those who pushed this or enforced this. Eternal fish heads, roly-poly and rotten, to them.
I had it a lot easier in NC not wearing a mask, so I salute you, BAC, for having the guts to say “No!” in libtard central.
Never forget that the doctors played right along with the evil. It was as more important to protect their lucrative jobs than stand up for the truth.
Never forget that our friends and relatives turned on us and were willing to have us fired from our jobs to get their way.
The evil is still lurking out there. Although it is no longer in full display; make no mistake it’s still there.
This brand new song was written for the people you mentioned here..
Cool tune
Yeah, that wasn’t bad, AMC Guy.
Keep in mind the “Song of the Resistance” thread (launched by Helot) in the Forum:
Give me an F! …. 🙂
That was the weirdest aspect of covid. Seeing relatives you thought you knew so well suddenly turn on you. These were people you trusted to have your back. Now some of them were not allowing us over to the house not even for Christmas. All simply for not getting the vaccine. Our neighborhood card group of 20 years poof gone! The family is still fractured.
Yup. My 85 year old father supported the mandates that led to the end of my 27 year career. This is also a guy that divorced and fractured my family during childhood when I was 9.
He’s now entering a phase where he is going to begin to need assistance and he’s broke so won’t be able to afford assisted living or home nursing care.
I’m pretty sure I’m just going to pack him up and send to the VA assuming he can even get in. Let him be taken care of by the state he worshipped so much.
It’s still heartbreaking. I wish I could be a better man but I don’t think I have it in me.
I feel for you, amigo. I think all of us here do because all of us have stories like that. It is – as Mr. Liberty says – something that has scarred us for life.
You are a better man, because you are not like him. Both of my husband’s parents deserted him by the time he was eight. Fortunately, he was raised by his grandmother and grew up to be an outstanding and incredible man. His egg and sperm donors are still both alcoholic, drug addicted, pieces of shit. When they die I guarantee my husband doesn’t shed a tear or attend the funeral.
I am a believer that family should take care of family, but only if that family has taken care of you. People that come in and out of our lives only to use and abuse us do not deserve care or our sympathy.
RG & Eric, Thank you for the reasoned perspective!
I know my situation isn’t unique.
It’s just crazy to me to think of this going on across the country x 100,000? Times a million? Times 10 million? Who actually knows how common this is? I don’t think we will ever fully grasp what was done in 2020-2021.
Sometimes the words of Jesus are strangely appropriate. Especially has it relates to the scamdemic and the last 4 years.
“Think not that I have come to bring peace. For I have come not to bring peace, BUT A SWORD. I have come to divide a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law”
Matthew 10:34-35. Odd that the “clergy” never mention these particular verses.
Nicely quoted and applied here. Truth can indeed divide a family. However, family is not like a friend that you can just drop and move on. There’s always a relationship with family so it’s often best to adhere to the truth regardless of family pressures, but to also be kind to family, even if the kindness is not reciprocated or accepted. Principles of stoicism strike me as the most appropriate way to conduct yourself with disloyal family members to maintain the moral high ground and personal sanity.
I wish BID the best with his remaining journey with his father.
Please don’t call them “doctors”. Pill pushers is more like it.
“Vaccinated & still masking”? Sounds like an unintentional way of exposing oneself as a CHUMP, or just virtue signaling to the COVID cult, as there are people out there who STILL think these draconian COVID measures implemented by government were about “Protecting Public Health”. They’re probably the same ones who shriek in horror at the prospect of RFK Jr becoming HHS Secretary and think he’s going to “take vaccines away”.
He won’t, but perhaps he should take those vaccines away. As a class of medicines, they can never be trusted again, and we can never be sure what is in them. And once injected, it cannot be undone. I was once up to date, on tetanus, MMR, etc. but will never take one again. I very well may never visit the quack short of spitting up blood, and even then I’d have to think about it a bit.
Don’t you find it interesting that the Democratic Party, which once shrieked about the evils of Big Pharma, now takes LOTS of money from them and treats vaccines as if they’re a religion or even settled science that can’t be questioned? The Democrat Party also LOVED Bobby Kennedy once upon a time but turned against him post-COVID. They even did their dirtiest to stop him when he ran for the Democrat Party nomination against Joe Biden to the point he became an Independent.
It’s almost like the “democrat party” (and, by extension, the “republican party”) are just illusions and false paradigms.
Maybe you’re still a little asleep for their theatric puppet show?
Ditto, BAC –
I regret having taken a Tetanus booster back circa 2016 when I cut my leg with a chainsaw. Like you, I no longer trust what’s in those vials or those who inject them. This loss of trust is both depressing and healthy in that skepticism and due diligence are healthy. But we have also lost something important along the way, too.
I share your regret. I don’t remember ever having a tetanus shot as a kid. Around 2016 the doc asked during my “annual” when the last tetanus booster was. Never had one, and the fears of lockjaw drilled into me as a kid still there when he suggested it’s really a good idea .
Well, tetanus booster wasn’t what I got. Unknown to me I got a TDaP combo (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis). I have never been so physically ill in my life. So sick the wife and daughter were about to take me into emergency at the hospital. That was it, never again for any more of this BS. The COVID poison shot a hard no. I also remember my health conscious father in law, one health mag he subscribed to flat out said NEVER take any new meds until on the market for 5 years preferably 7 to 10.
I went to urgent care a few weeks ago for a sore hip from some minor gym injury and they offered an injection of an anti inflammatory. I was so gone. Post covid I would rather be in pain a little longer than injected with anything.
The tide may be turning. Anyone watching RFK’s grilling and the hyperbolic reactions from the dais, especially when he brought up the money these socialists got from the pharmaceutical companies, has to see that we’ve been played and they’ve been bought.
Novo Nordisk, the Danish company that produces Ozempic, is becoming a political pawn in the Greenland game. They’re threatening to pull the product if Trump doesn’t stop trolling them over Greenland. The Danes would rather destroy their most profitable product than negotiate with Trump over shoring up defense of the northern route. The rest of the world doesn’t need weight loss drugs, only the US. Maybe that’s because we’re so productive we can afford richer foods, maybe because we’re eating chemical laden crap. Maybe because food producers are catering to their customer, the wholesaler and retailer, who want shelf-stable products that won’t spoil before they’re sold. Or the shareholders who demand ever increasing sales, so they put former tobacco companies in charge of the food supply. What’s good for Walmart is good for America, right?
[They’re threatening to pull the product if Trump doesn’t stop trolling them over Greenland. ]
After Covid,,, why would anyone trust anything these pharma idiots concoct? Talk about stupid!
Ya know,,, maybe,,, just maybe we wouldn’t need all this “defense” if we didn’t bomb the shit out of half the world helping our greatest ally. We cannot trust our government,,, why wish it on others?
Did you know that our greatest ally is NOT an official ally to anyone,,, including the US. This week I’ll have to bear the pain of watching Ol Great One sucking up to the government of our government.
Ozempic will probably the next great one for the mass tort law firms. Get ready for the adds. All the idiots taking it to lose weight! Just limit intake your weight will drop. Weight Watchers now pushes the drugs and backed away from sensible eating programs. They will be sued as well. Good one by Oprah.
A local “Weight Loss Clinic” is running radio ads for these pills. As with all good Money Quotes after saying you will lose a pound or two a week they say, “combined with a healthy lifestyle”.
Well, DUH!
It’s no different that that stomach removal surgery that was so popular about ten years ago. An acquaintance had it done and she said she could now only eat 600 calories a day. JEEZ!!! If you only eat 600 calories a day you will most definitely lose weight.
Con Men and Suckers…a winning combination.
I also see a lot of Asian women around Austin who look like the festival participants “Diaper Report” image.
Of course, I know from dealing with my in-laws that Chinese view Americans as beneath them.
Just add face diaper and remove the Depends outerwear on the Asian women.
If they are wearing Depends, they don’t advertise.
Austin does not lack for women who look exactly like “Vaccinated & still masking”.
Did you get the image from the Texas Tribune “news” site?
Austin PD was still attempting to soft enforce masking at our nearby Sam’s Club as late as March 2022.
This was in the wake of a record murder year in the city in 2021 because the police were occupied elsewhere with Kabuki enforcement.
As with so many “news” stories the money quote is in the last paragraph. This is the New England Journal of Medicine in April 2020. Don’t you just love the word “talisman”
Meet The Original ‘Conspiracy Theorists’: Reagan & The 99th Congress Called Vaccines “Unavoidably Unsafe”
all vaccines administered to children are in the legal category of “unavoidably unsafe” medical products, which means a product that cannot be made safe for its intended use.
the following medical authorities consider vaccines unsafe:
The American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”)
The American Medical Association (“AMA”)
The American Academy of Family Physicians (“AAFP”)
The American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (“ACOP”)
The American College of Preventive Medicine (“ACPM”)
The American Public Health Association (“APHA”)
The Association of State and Territorial Healthcare Officials (“ASTHO“)
The Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston
Every Child By Two, Carter/Bumpers Champions for Immunization (“ECBT”)
Immunization Action Coalition (“IAC”)
Infectious Diseases Society of America (“IDSA”)
The March of Dimes Foundation
Meningitis Angels
The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (“NAPNAP”)
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition
The National Meningitis Association, Inc. (“NMA”)
Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (“PKIDs”)
The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (“PIDS”)
The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (“SAHM”)
The Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (“CHOP”)
Vaccines are just a cult religion….. 90% of the public believes in it…. big pharma knows it, that made it easy to pull off the mild flu relabeled as the deathly bat germ hoax………..
JFK Jr. says…..being called an anti-vaxxer is a political thing, best to be avoided.
Vaccines are not backed by science, there is zero science behind them, they are based only by belief, so it is a religion only….fake science…
JFK says….. if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it.
NOTE: this has never ever happened yet in history for any vaccine ever.
until this happens the people who believe in vaccine religion can inject themselves, for the others wait for scientific approval, not fake science.
However, in spite of the widespread notion that vaccines are largely safe and serious adverse complications are extremely rare, a close scrutiny of the scientific literature does not support this view
note: For example, to date the clinical trials that could adequately address vaccine safety issues have not been conducted (i.e., comparing health outcomes in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children).
The lack of such controlled trials may be because historically, vaccinations have been assumed safe . read again….assumed safe.
There is also a view that conducting such trials would be extraordinarily difficult or unethical; the first is simply not correct, the second is not a scientific issue per se.
It is also often assumed that vaccinations face a tougher safety standard than most pharmaceutical products. NOT TRUE…. according to the U.S. FDA,
“Historically, the non-clinical safety assessment for preventive vaccinations has often not included toxicity studies in animal models. This is because vaccinations have not been viewed….believed…. as inherently toxic” .
This is a startling admission from an Agency which according to its own mission statement is ”responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs”.
Essentially, what the FDA workshop revealed is that not only are vaccinations not adequately evaluated for toxicity but also,
that the reason for such an oversight rested on a belief….. rather than scientific evidence. Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people.
Furthermore, such assumptions of safety, in the absence of actual experimental data, are not only dangerous but have historically hampered serious scrutiny of potential vaccine harms.
another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccinations in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
“In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”
why would you inject yourself with something from these monsters?
Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people…
so if you believe, go ahead get injected…for others show scientific proof
vaccines are not backed by science only by belief, so it is a religion only….fake science…
During a heated exchange, RFK Jr. confronted lawmakers over their deep financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry, revealing just how much Big Pharma has funneled into their campaigns. From Bernie Sanders to Mitch McConnell, both sides of the aisle have raked in MILLIONS in pharma cash—so is it any surprise they’re attacking RFK Jr.?
Notice he never attacks them for being handled by AIPAC.
RFK Jr is living proof if that if you’re taking flak, then you’re over the target.
Check out this gem. If there was ever a symbol for the scamdemic this is it:
Who is behind all of these fake and gay schemes?
Here is a hint.
Ludwig von Mises argues that ‘sound money’ is an instrument for the protection of civil liberties and a means of limiting government power.
This my friends is why the owners of the privately owned central banks have nefariously given us fiat (Fake) currencies and instituted a massive debt scheme on humanity.
“Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”
-Mayer Anschel Rothschild
Rothschild is a German-Jewish banking family and the founders of the Rothschild banking dynasty that own and control most of the worlds wealth today. It is thought that the Rothschild’s hold over 90% of the worlds processed Gold in vast underground cellars.
Let that sink in for a moment..
Some time ago, I believe it was RG who made the observation on this site that the psychopaths in charge have long since moved on from the scamdemic to something else, namely destroying what remains of the middle class via inflation. That particular plot continues apace as we enter 2025, and with no end in sight.
They got so addicted to telling us we were all sick and just didn’t know it (hence the need for PCR tests) that when the people finally had enough and quit wearing masks, and the scamdemic finally ended, instead of admitting defeat, the psychopaths decided to PCR test another species for flu–albeit one that wouldn’t be able to protest–namely chickens.
Since at least 2022, the government has been testing commercial flocks for the (largely figmentary) avian flu, and if a single chicken tests positive for the “highly pathogenic” flu, the entire flock is culled. Hence the reason why we’re paying sky-high egg and poultry meat prices.
Now they’re moving on to administering similar tests for cows and of course swine. I believe Eric himself coined the term, “never-ending scamdemic,” and it appears that’s exactly what we’re seeing here…only this time it’s animals who are the main test subjects. I guess this is how the psychopaths in charge are punishing us for flipping them the metaphorical “bird” over the masking issue.
This is spot on, Jason –
I found my Erie insurance paperwork for 2023. The annual cost of my premium was $123. This year? Just shy of $300. What will it be next year? I am likely going to cancel the “coverage” I am forced to pay on my motorcycles and just stop riding them (or “ride dirty”). Same with the TA. I cannot afford t pay twice-plus what I was forced to pay for this crap just 2-3 years ago plus pay 40-50- percent more for gorceries, too.
What about collector car coverage for the TA, it may also be available for older bikes? While it restricts using it for shopping the loop hole I use is go to cruise ins that are in shopping malls or in walking distance.
They are trying to cut off all sources of meat protein for the slaves….if the slaves are weak, stupid and sick, a revolt is less likely.
the slave owners want the slaves to eat fake meat or bugs….and plants full of harmful defense chemicals….pushing the slaves onto a very unhealthy vegetarian diet.
Meat and all the organ meats are important for a healthy diet.
Raw dairy products are also important, those have already been banned.
Sick slaves are also customers for big pharma drugs….big food makes them sick, then big pharma bankrupts them with very expensive, useless, harmful, poisonous drugs and injections… “cure” them…..
The importance of diet for good health….
Just recently a politician said…..if people can’t afford groceries…eat more cereal…corn flakes…while the politician eats steak…..
Here is the history of corn flakes……
[Raw dairy products are also important, those have already been banned.]
Corpgov will send teams of armed goons to shakedown / shutdown anyone selling raw milk.
Raw dairy products great for your health….the benefits
One wonders just exactly how they’re suddenly finding all these “bird flu” cases everywhere. Turns out they’re using the same PCR test they used for finding COVID in sewage. Oh, don’t listen to the man who invented PCR testing yelling that it wasn’t ever reliable enough for diagnosis, only for research. It’s a test, dammit, and we’re going to test everything that moves.
How many chickens have been eaten over the last 5000 years that were sick with bird flu? We cannot know because there was no test for bird flu virus. Yet here we are today, with the central public health authorities in a panic over bird flu. Because “what if” may happen.
I’m reminded of the early days of nuclear research. It was thought that uranium was fairly rare and hard to come by. Most of the U used for Fat Man and Little Boy came from a deposit in Africa that didn’t need much processing to make yellowcake. But after the war there was a scramble to find more uranium. Turns out there’s plenty of it everywhere and it’s remarkably easy to process. Someone even figured out a way to filter it out of seawater. The stuff is everywhere, we just weren’t looking for it. Viruses are pretty much the same, we weren’t looking so we didn’t know. Now that we do they’re everywhere and that makes the central planners nervous. Just like uranium.
I’ve always wondered why “bird” flu only seems to impact “food grade” birds: Turkey and chicken. What about the Robins, sparrows, and pigeons? Why were these not “destroyed?” Shouldn’t we all we screaming in terror at any birds hanging out on our power lines?
It’s worse than that Blake. Some people even put out “feeding stations” to encourage them to come even closer to them. 🙂
Scary to think about it.
PS- my bird feeder hasn’t killed me yet and the rabbits and squirrels eating beneath it haven’t died either. There playing us.
They only need to ‘find’ one bird/cow/pig “infected” to kill the entire flock/herd/drove.
Not only that, ken, but they will usually require killing of any farm with chickens within a 5-7 mile radius. These people are insane.
Hi Jason,
You should see what the Canadian government wanted one ostrich farm to do with their ostriches after 2 of their birds reportedly came down with bird flu…..had I not seen comedian Jimmy Dore reporting on this, I might not have even heard about this, as I’m pretty sure legacy media in the U.S. didn’t even talk about it…..if we had a Harris-Walz regime now instead of Trump-Vance, we’d probably see something similar here…
Now that’s utter insanity! Thanks for sharing the link, John B.
You’re welcome Jason. Even though we have Donald Trump as President here instead of Kamala Harris, there are still states with insane or malicious Democrat governors who may wish to do something similar with people who raise chickens or ostriches.
NJ’s governor publicly admitted to the federal crime of harboring an illegal alien, which carries a punishment of 10 years in prison.
Oh for sure. Stopping. Admitting they were wrong? Please. Never gonna happen. The crazy just gets crazier. Now we go the store and see no eggs. Soon no beef?