Everyone who buys groceries knows how much more the same groceries cost after four years of the Biden Thing. The cost of car insurance is another way to gauge our enserfment.
Two years ago, the mafia family I had been sending money to because the government will punish me if I do not send it money – hence mafia – demanded $125 for a government-mandated liability-only “policy,” as the thing I get in return for the money extorted from me is styled. Meaning I get nothing for what I am forced to pay. But much as I object in principle to me or anyone else who hasn’t harmed anyone being made to pay for harms we might cause, at least what I was being forced to pay for the state-mandated minimum coverage (which provides no coverage for me or my vehicle; it only covers damage I might cause to someone else/their vehicle) wasn’t much.
It has become a lot.
It is now almost $300 for the same “policy.” In other words, the cost has almost doubled over the course of just two years.
Part of the increase, no doubt, has to do with the mafia seeking to recover costs incurred by others; specifically, the costs for repair/replacement of new vehicles that cost on average close to $50,000 – an increase of about $15,000 vs. about four years ago. It does not matter, of course, that I do not own and did not buy one of these $50,000 vehicles. Nor that I have not damaged one. The possibility that I might damage someone else’s $50,000 vehicle is a justification – one of them – for jacking up what I (and probably you also) are forced to pay. In italics to take note of the fact that it is precisely because of the forcing that the mafia can make us all pay for all these costs we did not incur and harms we have not caused.
Because we can’t say NO.
And so I am now forced to pay more than twice what I was forced to pay just two years ago. But not just because the mafia can make me pay it. To be fair to the mafia – an odd thing to say – the mafia is also paying more.
More finely, the mafia is having to pay more dollars for the same repairs and so on – just the same as we’re all paying more dollars for the same groceries. This is what is styled “inflation.” But at least with regard to groceries, we are free to pay less by not buying as much and by not buying certain items, such as eggs – which require paying out even more dollars all of a sudden as a result of artificially induced scarcity (i.e., the culling of entire flocks of chickens on account of a single “case” of bird flu, as discovered via the same sketchy tests that were used to create “cases” of COVID).
But there is effectively nothing we can do to reduce the cost of what we’re forced to pay the mafia, which has the power – via the government – to make us absorb the costs of other people’s $50,000 cars and the cost of inflation. Put another way, the mafia is immunized from the costs of inflation and so is under no pressure to reduce what we are forced to pay for it.
The same goes for the government.
Like many others, I just got a letter from it advising me that the cost of what I am forced to pay the government in “property taxes” in order to avoid being evicted like a deadbeat renter from the home I bought and paid for 20 years ago is about to increase markedly, just like what I am forced to pay the insurance mafia.
The government is under no pressure to reduce what it spends on account of what it can force us to pay.
Also an unprecedentedly expensive one – for us. Never before has the cost of what we’re forced to pay these mafias – plural – increased this much, this soon. My 100 percent increase in what I’m forced to pay the insurance mafia over the course of just two years is by no means unusual; indeed, what’s unusual is that I have not so much as gotten a ticket for a burned out brake light during this time. I wonder what someone who got a “speeding ticket” – as these contrived offenses against no one are styled – is being forced to pay. . .
That plus a comparable increase in “property taxes” – as this form of extortion is styled – are becoming so onerous, so quickly and sans a commensurate increase in ability to pay that it is likely millions of people will be forced to stop paying because they no longer can. Not if they wish to continue eating – and that generally takes primacy over paying money to thieves pretending to provide “services” one does not use and costs one didn’t impose and so does not wish to pay for.
I am expecting additional letters – plural – from the mafias that I am forced to buy “coverage” from for the several old motorcycles I own, which mostly sit in my garage. And also my old car, which I hardly drive. If the imposed costs of “covering” the costs of potential harms I might cause other people who chose to buy $50,000 vehicles also increases by 100 percent or even 25 percent – the publicly-admitted to average increase – I will seriously consider not paying it.
This will mean my metallic cattle tags – what are styled “license plates” and “registration” will be cancelled and then I will be an outlaw. This seems to be what they want. The mafia used to just want our money. Now it is being used to get us off the road by demanding more money that we’re able to pay – and still live.
Meanwhile, the other mafia – the government – seems to want us out of our homes and is using the tax on our homes to force us out of them. How many homeowners – a sad illusion – can afford to pay twice or three times what they were paying the government each year in order to not be evicted like a deadbeat renter?
To reference the title of a recent movie, there will be blood.
Or there will be homelessness.
And homeless people walking rather than driving.
Just as Klaus and company predicted.
. . .
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[…] Annual core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, came in below expectations at 3.6% in December, reflecting modest underlying price pressures. “We expect inflation to drift higher in 2025 but remain below 4.5% for most of the year. The upward pressure will mainly emanate from food and fuel prices,” Nedbank economists said in a research note. Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
Well, no 1 volunteered for the cattle culling, so you got the jewjab. No 1 of right mind wants to live in a 15 minute city, so a 1000 cuts are applied, fees, fines, inflation, regulation, zoning permits, licenses, burn em out, chemtrail em, flood those fuckers. The beatings will continue until goyim morale improves. Apologies to Eric for for derstormin here, but in this beast system we’re all locked in, everything comes down to $. Who controls the $? It’s not the fucking Mennonites, that’s for sure.
Eggs are $7 a dozen, get ready for beef at $60 per pound.
USDA: Second strain of bird flu detected in cattle for the first time
“Feb. 6 (UPI) — A second strain of bird flu has been detected in U.S. dairy cattle, marking the first confirmed infections of this particular virus in cows, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.”
Twenty Million chickens slaughtered, and more to come. I feel safer, knowing they are using the PCA test to determine if at least one bird in the flock has bird flu. I know how well that worked with Covid. USDA Technician to Boss: “How many positives do you want?” Boss: “Ten or more would be great.” Technician: “You got it.”
Is it time for ranchers to gather their ranch hands, issue rifles, and tell the USDA folks to get the Hell off their property? It worked when Hoover was slaughtering cattle to “end the depression”.
News yesterday: EU approves nutrients derived from insects to be used in foods. Coming soon to an FDA near you…. well, in DC.
Farmers, and ranchers here are more benefit corrupted as some gal with 3 snooty noosed kids at Walmart buying food with food stamps. Free pivot money 0% tractor loans,0%pickup loans, Drought sub, crop failure sub, Covid cash…..on on and on. But they go to church every Sunday and sit in the front row and sing the loudest.
“sudden as a result of artificially induced scarcity” ..GOV-CO subsidized chicken killing scarcity you mean.
I love it when proud flag waving, ranchers here in Idaho. Who would never be caught with EBT card. Will trip over themselves for government gravy at the hands of their neighbors.
The political terrorists won’t just punish you, they will kidnap you at gunpoint and lock you in a cage, and If you resist them, they will murder you.
So submit to the State, or die.
Submit to Allah, or die.
Is there a difference?
Well, yes.
Webster’s seems to have a hard time saying it, Allah = God.
A.k.a. humanity’s creator.
That’s a whole different ballgame from, The State. Even if you’re an Atheist.
Maybe, if you’re a Socialist/Communist you might not be able to see a diff.?
Also, you left out impoverish & torture:
[…] Guest Post by Eric Peters […]
When the WEF announced that we will “own nothing” it wasn’t a prediction it was their plan.
They told it to us for various reasons,
– one is because they know we are weak, disorganized, cowardly (despite having the right to bear arms), mostly ignorant, not very smart and naive)
– Another is to taunt us “what are you going to do about it?” Knowing most of us won’t do anything.
– And the other logical one is to make us mad with rage and fell powerless and miserable with the possibility of pushing some of us towards committing some illegal acts and eliminating opponents.
Finally by giving the impression to predict things, they position themselves as some kind of superior people who know all like the god chosen kings of old. In fact, since the WEF is just one arm of global corporations and states mafia, it is not difficult for them to shape outcomes and pretend after they predicted them.
There is a point where civil disobedience on a massive scale is the only way to deal with these scumbags and the petty slaves who love to serve these tyrants.
Well-said, sk –
Trump’s victory shows the people are tired of what’s going on. But is he the person to lead this movement? If not, who will? And yes – I know – there is a paradox in a libertarian talking about leaders and movements. But the paradox is that liberty will not be recovered absent one. It is a riding the razor’s edge kind of thing.
There is always going to be a king, or a khan. The question is whether he is tolerable or intolerable. If he leaves you pretty much alone and acts more like a normal human and less like a tyrant he’s a good one. It’s always a balance.
Basically all our problems, but especially inflation can be laid at the feet of the Federal Reserve and the abuse of our exorbitant privilege. Between fiat currency and the wasteful grift it enables there lies the solution to our problems. Of course we know these people will never let go of the levers that create vast wealth for themselves while impoverishing everyone not in their club. Still think we would have been better off with complete incompetence. All Trump will do in the end is create a leaner meaner, more efficient police state. Anyone still in doubt, look to Israel for the template of things to come
All you need to know about Donnie Fubar’s Gaza resettlement plan, courtesy of German blogger ‘b.’ at moon of alabama:
‘Prima facie, Netanyahu lured Trump into a trap by enticing him with a seductive scenario of massive lucrative business in Gaza’s reconstruction. Trump’s imagination is running riot, completely disconnected from ground realities. Such naïveté is fraught with real danger of blowing up in his face sooner rather than later and turning into an albatross for his presidency. This has all the makings of a quagmire for the Trump administration.
‘Should Trump pursue this policy it will come to define his presidency. It may well become his Vietnam.’
Vietnam … *cough* “bone spurs’ *cough*
I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can be Heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
— David Bowie, Heroes
If Gazan Arabs suddenly start dropping dead of a “Mysterious New Disease,” we will know that the DARPA/CIA wet dream of an “ethnospecific bioweapon” has become reality. Brown and Root gets the contract to fast track construction of crematoria for Arab corpse disposal. Fast track, at premium price, for “public health” reasons. Can’t have those corpses rotting in the sun.
His majesty, King Benjamin, will no doubt “look favorably” upon a U.S. (Trump) presence in Gaza, and will “sell” Gaza (which it does not own) to the U.S. Government for, let’s say, $1. Balfour, redux.
U.S. taxpayers will pick up the tab for removal of the rubble created by American bombs dropped from U.S. made aircraft with “Israeli” markings, and Trump Holdings will get the concession for building casinos on the Gaza waterfront. Everybody who counts, wins. The rest of us get f*cked, as usual.
Inflation is really about 15% per year,,, not the piddly 2%. The CDC and FDA are running around using the scam PCR which is not a test, “testing” one chicken, cow, pig, etc “positive” then killing entire herds, flocks, droves, etc. This is driving up the cost of food. Yes, it’s scarcity but its purposeful. Last year many processing plants were burnt to the ground. This year it’s cities. No talk in Washington about cleanup and rebuilding Los Angeles but rebuilding Gaza after kicking out the Palestinians is the talk of King Trump.
At some point even the most peaceful person is going to have to admit the rogue government and the billionaire class is trying to kill us and destroy our cities. Bill Gates, chief depopulator in command” just had a nice lunch with King Trump at Mar a Largo. We probably don’t want to know what they discussed,,, but I’ll bet my life it wasn’t about our happiness. King Trump wants to remove all Palestinians and take over Gaza. Probably build a casino/hotel. WE are the Palestinians here in the US of A. and we are being displaced/replaced by corpgov fees,taxes, and invaders. Soon the whole country will resemble Californica. All our fault as very little in the way of disapproval is being voiced aloud.
King Trump is doing a little good but all could be undone in 90 days by the next King. The legislature is all but useless with its committees, sub committees bickering away while our government is slowly being absorbed by a minority religious cult hell bent on our destruction. Its leader is in DC this week overseeing the takeover. In Europe the takeover is almost complete. Little energy, no money while more and more invaders are imported and the indigenous being kicked to the gutter.
Crime, especially rapes of white underage girls is skyrocketing. War is threatened. Original cultures are being legislated and “bred” out. When protection of women no longer exists neither does a culture. The US of A is being destroyed in the same manner being somewhat behind Europe. Threatening war with three major powers while your power is dwindling to third world status is not awfully smart either.
All Americans need to wake the hell up and smell the roses. The easy ride is almost over. Along with no skills or decent education soon they’ll be adding homelessness and hungry.
Icing on the cake, or the new normal?:
‘100,000 eggs were stolen from a trailer in Pennsylvania, police say’
“The theft of approximately 100,000 eggs from the back of a distribution trailer in central Pennsylvania […]
The eggs, worth an estimated $40,000, were stolen from egg producers Pete & Gerry’s Organics in Greencastle Saturday night” …
We ran into this problem with Dutch Elm disease way back in the day, and clearly we have learned nothing from it.
Killing entire flocks effectively eradicates all of the birds that might have some kind of natural resistance to this particular disease.
Thereby perpetuating & worsening the problem.
Basically our system incentivizes the dumbest possible response to this stuff (assuming it’s even accurate to begin with which is doubtful)
Also. Does bird flu have anything to do with bioweapons resaerch? Who let it out of the lab? Was it a deliberate act? Why are we (still) using bogus test methods to detect it?
Sinething is fishy and everyone is too chicken to follow the obvious lines of inquiry.
The big secret is viruses aren’t real. “Bird Flu” isn’t real. None of it is real.
Could we only hope that you aren’t real?
Why are you protecting the virus narrative, exactly?
Influenza is a virus, it is a dna strand, no nucleus to form a small microscopic animal, a bacteria.
Cholera will kill you.
A virus is a horse of a different color.
You are infected with the ignoramus virus.
LOL @ Influenza is a virus. No, it isn’t. A DNA strand cannot be a living organism. Not to mention the fact the very idea of a “disease” killing its host is abjectly ridiculous on the face of it.
I’ll say it again. No virus has ever satisfied Koch’s postulates. No isolate samples of any “virus” exists. Anywhere. You being an ignorant pos doesn’t change historical fact.
What you call “the flu” is in most cases acute onset acidosis.
I’ll leave it up to you to look up the symptoms for “acute onset acidosis” all by yourself. You do us all a favor and come back when you’ve looked up the symptoms for “flu” and “acidosis” and are ready to eat some crow.
Maybe, sit back with a brew & watch this vid?:
‘Do Viruses Exist? Texans for Vaccine Choice Interview Dr. Mark Bailey’
“Dr Mark Bailey presents the evidence on this controversial subject.” …
>Inflation is really about 15% per year,,, not the piddly 2%
Yeah, when chicken that cost $2/lb. a year ago now costs $3/lb., that is “2% inflation.”
Reminds me of an old joke:
Q: Why do women have difficulty becoming civil engineers?
A: Because all their lives, they have been told that *this* (holds thumb and forefinger 3-4 inches apart) is 12″.
Eric – OT, but it looks like Trump is going after the CAFE standards.
Huge if true
Taxes and insurance have been around a long time.
After you pay taxes, you are poorer then. Insurance worsens your plight. You are poorer even more. The daily grind continues as such, can’t really change it much.
Inflation slowly robs you, nothing you can do to stop that.
You can always raise goats, they’ll sell. Goats sterilize weed seeds. It’ll be free money after some time.
Back in 1966 or so, my mom, after a few minutes at the kitchen table, gathered 39 cents and I was off to the local grocery store to buy half a gallon of milk.
You are between a rock and a hard place at all times.
Move to southern Arizona, it is a great place.
One of the problems I’ve predicted re: taxes and insurance is these Muni’s and insurance comp. never plan ahead. So all these mega increases for everything costs your town to run, etc….
Their ‘budgets’ are never in anticipation of the cop car going up from 35K to 50K in 2 years. Then it all hits at once and they can’t meet budget, so it becomes a pendulum to ‘make it up’ to run.
Sorry for the bad news, but I don’t think we’ve seen nothing yet, or maybe we are seeing the beginning?
My wife and I are pre-planning retirement, and I keep coming up with the same response. We can’t. If things cost 10-20% more next year, etc…. no way I see it working say 10 years from now. We must figure out a way to continue getting ‘income’ from our small biz, and we are working on it (which we are now referring to legacy planning). This way we still have some form of control if things get out of hand, and they most certainly are.
Same boat, Chris –
What to do? I enjoy my work. But I dislike having to work . . . to pay for things I don’t want or use or want to subsidize. Someone else wants to buy a $50k truck? Great – but let them pay for the goddamned thing. Including potential repair/replacement costs. It is their choice. It ought to be their cost.
I lately ponder doing what I did 20 years ago, that being sell my place and use the proceeds to relocate (again) to a less expensive place. But that’s only a temporary expedient and we all continue to get poorer in the process. Maybe the only answer is to become poor – and collect a check, just like the maggots who already do. Then I could watch reruns of Star Trek all day long while high and eating the “free” food I got with muh EBT card…
I think we’re bother early gen X, Eric, and I recently made the commitment to grab onto so-called security and freebie medical on the day I turn 62, which is about 16 months from now. I will begin repatriating my stolen life output as soon as possible and before it gets reformed (always in someone else’s favor). The wife turns this November so we can start with her. Between that, and my businesses, and some low yielding rental properties, I’ll probably be better off than the little I pay myself now.
I grabbed my SS at 62 as well. I’m adopted no medical history so figured grab it while the grabbing is good. The Commander did as well, but of course they screwed up her amount it was 8 plus months & two congressional requests, to fix it. About an 500 a month shortage so well worth the pursuit. And people want the Feds to run their healthcare.
I hear late night radio infomercials about financial planning your SS benefits, wait till this age, do a pause, have your spouse do this – wowser when you’re 85 you’ll be in the chips compared to simple 62 start. Yea, uhh huh.
Hi Sparkey,
I plan on doing exactly as you’ve done as soon as I am “eligible.” I figure let the government pay itself. What I get will be used to pay taxes. Let them chew on that!
Me too Sparkey,
I’m 77 now so fifteen years of getting back some of what was taken from me all my working years. Hopefully I’ll live long enough to get most of it back; waiting into your seventies to start collecting is what govco wants because you’re more likely to die before you get much back.
Do the math people, if you take SS now rather than waiting to your 70’s for a larger payout, you will probably break-even around 83 YO considering that you took it when first eligible. If you pass on before then at least you got some revenge. Remember, at 62 to 65 you will collect the entire check without Medicare deductions. So, add that to the total over the first 3 years. That would be 3 years, 36 checks @ $175 or $6300 in your pocket now. Plus you get the present value of the $$$ NOW!
Everyone forgets the present value of $$$ aspect. Had to hard sell my wife into starting hers last year at 62. At 25OO a month she’ll recoup what they took in about four more years. Mine will start the day I turn 62, If you think you do better by waiting its like betting against the casino.
Life’s choices……………
I chose how to figure out how to add value to people live’s.
I’ve done it with products and services that are high-end relative. And while our pool of clients are less, there still are many that understand value, and that’s who we ‘partner’ with. We now say no (to shoppers that don’t care about value) more than we say yes. Reputation is everything. Took 10-15+ yrs into a 30 year career to make it start to work.
I then taught many others how to do it (the right way, which is very hard) and give them the ‘fruits’ of their hard/smart work/labor and ‘protect’ them if they make mistakes (no company I know of does this).
And those first 10-15yrs we lived in relative poverty, while our peers lived it up. We went way past them after that in life, and most bitch “It’s not fair” haha………..
BTW, our ‘biz model’ got noticed by the best of the best, and they wanted in.
I will add onto RG’s comment earlier. What if you could make $1K to $5K more a month? Would you then be less concerned over ‘hundreds’ going up?
How you get there is the magical question.
I understand your point and why you are pissed, but unless you plan on changing your life dramatically with things like living in a van down by the river, there is likely no other way.
And yes, moving your life to a ‘more free’ state/area could work, but it’s very hard to do, and there are always pluses and minuses.
I was just talking with a friend in biz that does it in a much more free state, and while I was bitching that my next building will cost mega money and more than we can do, he is building the same size for 1/3 my cost. Wow. And the ‘Town’ helped him build it with zero permits, etc…. These places exist, but hard to find cause they are off the beaten path.
I will add that the ‘Town’ literally showed up with bulldozers, etc… to help him get his site ready.
The first questions was “how many jobs are you adding?”
my friend (same biz as mine): about 3-4 initially and could go to 8-10 if we do OK.
They showed up with the machinery the next day. amazing this still exists.
So it wasn’t just zero permits. It was machinery and manpower paid for by taxpayers. I’m sure your buddy said, no thanks go home, I’ll pay my own way. I’m not trying to break your stones here but this is how we end up on a slippery slope to higher property taxes and the like.
While it’s possible this is true, and I’ll certainly give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, it is entirely possible the “town” is one of those small unincorporated hamlets and the heavy machinery was personally owned by the “mayor” or donated by townsfolk. Ones that might be desperate for employment.
IDK guys, just the story I was told, and he’s trustworthy. Letme’s is likely cause I know approx. where it is
I live in a small, unincorporated rural hamlet with a few thousand residents. The gov’t employees (county, no mayor) make hundreds of thousands annually and drive new $80k pickups. During the scamdemic, they thought of themselves as “essential” and, me, a then small business owner, non-essential. The notion of such folks altruistically “pitching in” their own machines and labor on behalf of the county to help out a new smaller business seems to me to be remote to the point of absurdity. YMMV.
” The notion of such folks altruistically “pitching in” their own machines and labor on behalf of the county to help out a new smaller business seems to me to be remote to the point of absurdity.” In today’s age, I won’t say you’re wrong. 50 or 60 years ago, different story.
Hi Chris,
The point I was trying to make earlier was not to take a second job or work longer hours, but work smarter. Our time (especially with years of experience behind it) has value. If someone has been charging $75/hr. since 2021, but costs are causing that person to break even increase your hourly costs…not add to them. Instead of $75/hr. up it to $95/hr.
I upped my firm’s prices by $10 more per hour. Based on the hours I work per year that gives me roughly $21K more without me having to work harder or longer.
You could do the increase because you built the demand/reputation.
Wonder what would happen if you went up another $25/hr?
lose some? sure, but then less work and relative same income.
But there are always intangibles. The ones you lose, allow your competition to grow. Would that hurt? IDK
I actually considered $25 more per hour, but it was going to be too noticeable. I may creep up another $10-15 next year…will see how the economy goes.
Very little competition in the accounting industry…most people don’t want to touch it with a ten foot pole. It is long hours especially the first four months of the year. I am approaching 50 and I am still one of the youngest people at the conventions/trainings. Sad.
Hi RG,
I have “worked smarter” all my life and it worked just fine until recently. All of a sudden I – like many – am faced with somehow having to generate 30 percent more income to offset that amount of inflation/taxes. How? Since everyone is feeling the bite, were I to put EPautos on a subscription-access basis all I’d do is lose money – because most people who are already having trouble paying more can’t pay more. I could whore myself out to various interests that do pay well – but I think I’d rather just live in a van down by the river. Or a Trans-Am down by the river!
Gonna have ta git a donkey & an Amish wagon with one ‘O them orange triangles on the back, ‘Cause they’ll dis-posses ya of yer van or Trans-Am lickity-split if ya gots no papers.
I can hear Chris Farley saying it this-a-ways:
“In a Wagon! Down by The River!”
The original:
‘I Live In A Van – Down By The River’
…Actually, maybe a donkey & an Amish wagon is a good option B for a grocery getter? Idk.
I happen to know 1 Amish joke. As in, a joke told by the Amish, not about the Amish. Ready?
Q: How many Mennonites does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: What difference does it make, they’re all going to hell anyway.
If you tell that to an Amish fellow, it’s guaranteed to get a chuckle.
Eric: “ live in a van down by the river. Or a Trans-Am down by the river! “
Hey if the TransAm was a hatchback you’d be all set, see the hatchback Nova with the Hatchback Hutch, scroll down just a bit:
“ never plan ahead “
School districts here in WA a great example. 20 years ago in western Wa our district came whining with a special prop tax levy about replacing so called “aging” school buses. “It’s for the children” of course it passed. Never mentioned why wasn’t this budgeted over the lifetime of the prior purchase?
Now this month in eastern WA our district same drill. Got both my ballots filled out NO.
(Married guy = two mail in ballots)
Here’s the part none of you know:
Your “property taxes” are CONSTITUIONALLY UNLAWFUL, by your STATE CONSTITUTIONS (not the “federal” one).
I live in Ohio. The following is, quite literally, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1, of the Ohio State Constitution:
Article I, Section 1 | Inalienable Rights
All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.
One thing I’m not is a lawyer, but that language is pretty obviously clear. That I SUPPOSEDLY have a constitutional right to own property. And last time I checked, “taxing” a right was SUPPRESSING it, and is UNLAWFUL.
Here is where all the “lawyers” STFU and pretend like they can’t hear you. Because they’re all in on it.
Check your STATE CONSTITUIONS, and most of you should find out that the “property taxes” you pay are inherently unlawful.
Funny, I just read a similar passage in the Minnesota constitution.
Sec. 15. Lands allodial; void agricultural leases.All lands within the state are allodial and feudal tenures of every description with all their incidents are prohibited. Leases and grants of agricultural lands for a longer period than 21 years reserving rent or service of any kind shall be void.
Chances are EVERY constitution has this protection in it.
So why do we let them get away with it?
That sounds like a proper constitution, there, Ernie.
Unfortunately, it looks like the Arizona Constitution isn’t worth a shit in this area. Instead, it appears there is a whole section delineating the supposed right of the state to tax a great many things, such as in:
“Section 2. A. All property in this state that is not exempt under the laws of the United States or under this section is subject to taxation as provided by law…”
Given your constitution, I might try taking that Section 15 for a ride. Seems pretty clear to me.
Well when I took another section which clearly denies the state authority to deny acts of conscience to assert my right to drive without a seat belt, it was simply ignored.
Which is the Minnesota DFL/communist way. Do whatever you want and ignore the law. Therefore I’ve adopted the same attitude.
There is no state in the Union that does not have a property tax. What if a state adhered to the spirit of the constitution and became an experiment in freedom and abolished their property tax? Would it thrive?
Doubtless, Herr Gruber.
It would thrive because the PEOPLE would thrive.
‘The possibility that I might damage someone else’s $50,000 vehicle’ — eric
Some human activities are better defined probabilistically, rather than with moral logic.
About 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. Even more second marriages end in divorce. Yet people still marry, despite the ominous likelihood of a bad outcome. They are not criticized for a decision that is statistically risky, if not reckless. ‘Divorce insurance’ is unavailable because of moral hazard. But it would be absurdly costly if it were.
Likewise, annual stock market returns over the past century average around 8 percent. But the tails of the statistical distribution — the bell curve, in educator parlance — include gains and losses in the 30 percent range. Yet overwhelmingly, individuals and institutions still invest, despite occasional heart-stopping meltdowns. One can buy insurance against the worst market outcomes using options. But their time decay is costly.
Statistically, auto accidents are a common event. Since about half of drivers lack the net worth to self-insure against worst-case losses, insurance is required. That about 30 percent of drivers haven’t had an accident is irrelevant in this analysis: their lack of accidents to date is a weak statistical predictor of whether they ever will have an accident.
The non-zero probability that a person with a clean driving record might have an accident underlies mandatory liability insurance. Moral logic simply does not enter into the abstract realm of actuarial calculation.
One can address them on their own terms — that is, by proposing other formulas for how to pay the statistically certain cost of six million auto accident per year. Or one can shout past them with arguments based on one’s individual characteristics. As one data point in a cloud of a hundred million, no actuary can hear you scream.
These are NOT “accidents.” They’re acts of negligence (I suppose some could also be intentional). Auto crashes are absolutely soaked in moral hazard. If individuals were solely responsible for damages as a result of their negligent acts, they would have no choice but to become better and more attentive drivers. Additionally, if one is not comfortable with the risk of a non-insured that may negligently cause damage, one is free to obtain an uninsured motorist policy.
I’m a very attentive driver that has never caused a claim to my mandatory insurance. Why should I have to subsidize the negligence of others?
Preach it, Mister!
Somehow – is it a Meerakuhl? – I don’t have “accidents.” Not in decades. How come? Could it because I’m attentive and competent and careful? Yet some believe it is just “luck.” Meanwhile others have “accidents” regularly. I suppose they just have bad luck…
‘These are NOT “accidents.” They’re acts of negligence.’ — Mister Liberty
Humans are endowed with mental processes that selectively focus attention. This generally useful heuristic sometimes leads to oversights and errors. It has happened to every one of us in various ways. There are no error-free humans, despite the joke that ‘I made a mistake one time — I thought I was wrong.’
In Mexico, auto accidents are classified under the criminal code. Did accusing drivers of criminal negligence for accidents reduce Mexico’s accident rate? No, it did not. Moral accusation model = #PROVEN, CERTIFIED FAIL
It does not logically follow that because driving an automobile carries a risk of injury and damages, the cost of such risks necessarily should be socialized.
>If individuals were solely responsible for damages as a result of their negligent acts,
Except, you can’t squeeze blood from a rock.
No P.I. attorney is going to sue someone who is *BROKE*.
AFAIK, your only recourse is U.M. insurance, which means *you* are paying for the incompetence of others. Such is life.
Hi Jim,
The bottom line here, as I see it, is the evil that attends forcing anyone to pay for a harm they might cause. That an “accident” is a statistical probability cuts no ice with me. The same can be argued in re owning a gun. I defy anyone who says it’s right to force someone to pay for harms they might cause at some indeterminate point in the future by driving a car to logically explain why people who guns ought also not to be forced to pay for harms they might cause. Same goes for almost literally any other human action that at least hypothetically-possibly exposes others to the risk that something might cause them harm. The whole “mask” thing was predicated on this same stupid-evil idea.
Put another way: Liberty requires the acceptance of risk. Is liberty worth accepting that something might happen? I say it is.
For the same reason, owning, carrying, and using a gun is a right and not subject to conditions. Likewise owning and driving a car is a right and not subject to conditions. Which is why every communist who claims that driving is a privilege needs to be loudly and percussively corrected.
And yes, the crux is liberty, and democracy is an evil under which there are no rights not subject to a vote. My rights are not subject to your vote.
L Neil Smith called it the “hyper democratic covenant”, defined as “one man, one veto”. I think that’s pretty good.
Amen, Ernie!
I will continue to proselytize the doctrine that unless a man has done something that has caused some other person a material harm, either to his person or his property, he has a right to be left alone. This includes the right to not be mulcted – on the basis of other people worrying that he might cause them harm. This latter being a morally unsupportable argument, in my view.
Isn’t it a sad commentary on how many Americans have bought into these communist ideologies of societal (ie collective) costs and risk?
The one thing you have to admit is the schools and the media have done a great job of being the average American over to collectivism.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
“Driving”, as defined, is commercial activity, and is able to be licensed. The term comes from “cattle drive”, believe it or not.
We need to get used to standing up for our right to travel, NOT to “drive”.
In LAW, words mean EVERYTHING.
The all caps is a nice touch or are you being ironic? Now please educate us about the fringe on the flag in the courtroom.
If you think I’m wrong, why don’t you stop jewing around and just prove it?
Your humorlessness suggests some kind of ChatGPT but the concurrent incessant nastiness suggests a typed out list of inanities handed down from HQ.
See how the jew talks?
It says nothing while pretending to say something.
“Oy vey! 6 million…280,000…what’s a number?”
If you think I’m wrong, quit jewing around and prove it.
LOL. You’re a trip. One track mind. NO ONE talks like that all the time in real life. Get a grip.
Noone that has an actual opinion about something talks the way you talk. They say how the person is wrong, and await for rebuttal.
All you do is spew kikeshit. If you think I’m wrong, then prove it. Notice how many times I say this, and notice how many times it doesn’t even ATTEMPT to show how I’m wrong. Not once.
Everyone sees it. Everyone.
Noel Ignatiev? Never heard of him. Looked him up on wiki. Oh brother. Where do you even find this stuff? You really need to get out more. Isn’t it lunchtime yet over at Langley.
It’s funny how you so desperately want to engage on the merits of your assertion but won’t even acknowledge, even a little, the inherently sort of ridiculous and silly aspects of it at least via pop culture references. You’re so serious about it as to be either some kind of socially awkward savant (highly doubtful but, hey, maybe) or a Captain Obvious agent. The joo hate stink is the topper, though. Great way to encourage meaningful debate. Is that you Cass?
I bet you’re a big fan of Noel Ignatiev.
That quote down there supposedly by Lew Rockwell, I think you’re mistaking him with Walter Block. That’s who wrote the series of books Defending the Undefendable I-III, not Lew Rockwell. Try to keep up. it’s not a good look.
So you ARE a fan of Noel Ignatiev.
Talk about “not a good look”
I’m with you Doc. This thing has all the hallmarks of a bot or a Fed.
Today it was “ Chances are EVERY constitution has this protection in it.
So why do we let them get away with it?”
Yesterday it was in regard to respirators “ Good ones get used when I make things like nitration solutions.”
For anyone not aware, nitration solutions are part of making things like explosives and recreational pharmaceuticals.
It’s clearly trying to bait someone into a conversation they ought not be having.
Anytime someone says what someone else is doing and why, you know that person is lying.
Anyone that says there are conversations that we shouldn’t be allowed to have…which is what you’re alluding to, albeit in a somewhat cowardly way…is the fed.
If you’re someone who’s too poor to afford a gas mask or full-face respirator, don’t whine and cry at me for your poverty.
And by the way, you can go to JewTube for videos on nitration solutions. It’s not some big government secret. The f****** Nobel prize was created by a guy for MAKING SOMETHING EXPLOSIVE. If it wasn’t for Alfred Nobel, “nitroglycerin” would have never become “dynamite”. Thank God for diatomaceous earth and Alfred Nobel.
It sounds to me like some people want to keep certain knowledge out of the hands of the people.
IMHO, it’s a sneaky tactic to spread some stink on the legitimate questioning of “official narratives.” Over on the 2/25 Diaper Report thread, it’s “viruses don’t meet Koch’s Postulates”, which is certainly a reasonable critique that I am amenable to but then comes the stink. I won’t retype it here but anyone with eyes can see it for what it is. I laugh at this stuff but these leftists (who else types out length paeans to authoritarian collectivism, e.g. socialism!) mean serious business. Folks I respect like Lew Rockwell have been sounding the alarm and I think we’re seeing it here.
Lew Rockwell (a Jew), surprisingly wrote this:
To show how strongly I feel about this, here is a small part of my chapter defending the anti-Semite, which I plan on including in my forthcoming book, Defending III:
The Anti Semite
The inception for this chapter is that someone wrote me saying “I have to say Dr. Block, that I have deep feelings of resentment toward Zionist Jews.”
My immediate visceral response to that person was this:
I have great resentment not only for Zionist Jews, but against virtually ALL Jews. Why? Because most of them are socialists, progressives, communists, liberals, Bernie and Hillary supporters, Democrats, devotees of labor unions; ugh. As it happens, I am myself Jewish. I’m not practicing, but I was born to Jewish parents, I was bar-mitzvahed, and when and if the next Hitler comes along, I will be undoubtedly on his list.
Anti-Semitism is sometimes defined as suspicion of, hatred toward, or/or discrimination against Jews based on their Jewish heritage. If so, I am not an anti-Semite. I don’t hate my people because of our common heritage. I hate most (but of course not all) of them since they are leading commies, labor leaders, feminists, lefties.
Yeah, English words are subject to change. Since the primary and overwhelming mode of travel is colloquially referred to as driving, the law needs to reflect reality. I am quite well educated on the distinction, thank you.
“ In LAW, words mean EVERYTHING.”
Uhh huh. Just like “ the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” ?
Nothing in there about pistols, automatic weapons, ammunition capacity, etc.
Boy, good thing those words have stood the test of time.
Rolls eyes
Tell me for how long you’ve been aware that your state constitution (supposedly) protects your right to own property?
I’m guessing you’ve NEVER read your state constitution, and this is the first time you’re hearing about it.
Words mean something if we read, comprehend, and stand up for them.
And rolling your eyes makes you look like a woman. Quit.
“Lew Rockwell (a Jew)”
” As it happens, I am myself Jewish.”
Lew Rockwell
Wtf are you laughing at? Are you a retard? He says this openly, genius.
Did you even read that link? Like I said before and is clearly noted in the link, Walter Block wrote that. He’s Jewish. Not Lew Rockwell, who isn’t. It was posted on lewrockwell.com. That’s it. Lew Rockwell didn’t write any of it. Why are you tripling down on stupid?
Ok, so perhaps there is a minor distinction between a Catholic (see: Jesuit order Jewish takeover of the Catholic church) and a Jew.
I supposed I have to give you this one. On technicality only.
How about “shabbos goy”? With all of the Jewish writers on his website pushing the holohoax narrative, SURELY we can agree that he’s a hard-core shabbos goy.
Hi Let me,
Lew – whom I know – is Catholic.
Like I said, shabbos goy. The takeover of the Catholic church by the Jesuit order under the leadership of Ignatious of Loyola (a Separdic Moranno ie Crypto-Jew) is actually one of the things MOST hidden by Jewgle. Jewgle, DuckDuckJew, YahJew, and (un)Brave all collude to obscure this fact, and if you go looking on those website, they will all SWEAR he wasn’t Jewish. Except, he was. It’s literally one of THE most hidden and censored truths. It’s actually MORE hidden by the search engines than the fact Jews are the source of communism.
Hi Letme,
Lew is not Jewish. I know him personally. And even if he were, would that make him evil? This “Jew” stuff is getting really tiresome. It adds nothing to the discussion and – worse – makes this site look like an adjunct of Stormfront.
I mean, the word “Vatican” means “divining serpent”. Have you seen their new Ampitheater? it’s literally a giant snake head. You can’t make this stuff up, you just can’t.
This “Jew” stuff is getting really tiresome. It adds nothing to the discussion and – worse – makes this site look like an adjunct of Stormfront.
Sok man, ignore the source at all of our peril. Whatever happens, we’re all headed to the same place, so it doesn’t really matter I guess. Without unity and understanding, everything is already lost and there’s no point in fighting anything. I wish us all the best of luck.
“Some human activities are better defined probabilistically, rather than with moral logic.” Jim H.
Statistics do not supersede what is moral.
There is a 100% chance that you will die someday. There is also approximately a one in three chance individuals over the age of 65 experience at least one fall per year, and this rate rises to one in two for those aged over 80.
By your logic – we (society) should mandate hip, elbow, and knee pads plus a helmet for anyone over age of 65 when walking around.
Medical costs to society being what they are – we (society) can’t risk you hurting yourself and costing the rest of us serious medical bills due to your lack of concern for your own well being. The burden you place on the insurance pool and society has to be managed.
The precedent has already been set by requiring you to wear a seat belt for your own good.
It’s hard to getaway from paying the insurance Mafia as their enforcers have automated plate readers that no doubt indicate uninsured vehicles. As I mentioned previously collector car insurance is another option and may even be available for motorcycles.
As for food inflation; the largest increases seem to be in processed foods. So look into buying whole chickens and cutting them up, larger packages of meat and what have you. The smaller the package size the higher the price per pound. I’ve got lots of raised bed planters and grow a portion of my own food.
Learn to fix your own stuff wherever possible I know someone who paid RotoRooter $500 to unblock a tub drain! I told them to buy a small drain cleaner from Harbor Freight for a $100 bucks and even if it falls apart after the first use you’re still ahead.
Hi Eric,
I just looked at my auto policy. We added a vehicle in December so they sent me an updated amendment. Two of our trucks are at $159 and $160 per year for liability only. I think it has more to do with your zip code than your driving record (as sad as that is). I am wondering if there have been a greater amount of accidents in the Roanoke area than there have been in other counties in the state. Also, if your credit score drops a bit Erie will also push rates up. I don’t believe that is your issue, but I know it comes into play with them.
I would be curious if your car was garaged in another VA zip code if it would decrease in insurance costs.
Hi RG,
We live in Floyd county – 30 miles away from Roanoke – and my credit is excellent. I have no tickets, no claims. Five plus points. Yet here I am, paying twice what I did just two years ago. I despise these scumbags. Luigi was right.
Hi RG,
If it’s ok to ask, who are you “covered” by? I’d like to give them a call…
Erie has raised my premiums over $800 in the last 2 years. That’s even with no tickets, the same autos for the past 10 years and excellent credit. I have been with this company for over 36 years. I wonder if more increases are coming next year?
Hi Allen,
I am sure they are. I have full coverage on three of our vehicles and two are liability only. My Toyota has jumped from $401 to $583 annually over a 24 month period. Personally, this is still very cheap to me so I am not complaining. I see what other people way and I have it good.
With the increase in car parts and repair it is a natural expectation for insurance costs to increase. If a Tesla (which there are a lot in VA) is damaged, basically the insurance company deems the whole car totaled. With people buying and driving once $65K SUVS are now $90K SUVS, yep, costs will increase.
My daughter got her license in October and we added a 15 year old FJ Cruiser for her. No tickets ever, etc. My insurance went from $700 to $3000 annually. Your kids driving yet? I’ve been told it’s minimum additional $200 a month for girls (my experience) and $300 a month for boys everywhere, at least in NC.
Hi Funk,
Those are standard insurance rates across the board. They are similar here in VA. As they each turn 18 we gifted them a car in their own name and have them setup their own auto policy. They are not included on ours nor do we own their vehicles.
I guess if they’re working enough to pay for it themselves, it’s not an issue for you but it’s an issue for them. A pretty serious one for someone just turned 18. I’m not requiring that at this point.
Understand. We each do what we think is best.
Hi Allen,
Yup. I am about done with paying, too. Out of resentment and – frankly – because it is getting to the point I can’t afford to. All this “coverage” is leaving me with little to no money left to pay for things I need, such as that new Mac I know I’m going to have to buy soon because the one I have is 10-plus years old and beginning to show clear signs of decrepitude.
I owe these people nothing. God-damn them all.
Then cancel the insurance, Eric. I think your expectations are a bit unreasonable. Yes, it bothers you. I get that and I can sympathize. All of us are paying higher insurance and property taxes.
You have a liability only policy for $300 per year. That is not an absurd cost. I realize it has increased substantially. My homeowner’s has increased 40% in three years. I am sure yours has, too, but overall I still play significantly less than others.
You aren’t going to like my advice, but I am nothing if not blunt. 🙂 You have to increase your income. My guess is costs are jumping 20-25% and your income is remaining stagnant or maybe has gone up a tad, but not enough to cover the significant jump in operations. Inflation is high and will go higher. None of are going to make it if our income is at 2019 levels, but our costs are at 2025 levels.
Not a sermon, just a thought.
Hi RG,
Yes, but that’s blaming the victim – isn’t it? I already work a seven day a week job. Am I supposed to get another job so I can pay these greasy parasites? What if I can’t increase my income? Too bad for me, I guess.
And what happens when they increase your “offer” to double – how about triple – what you’re forced to pay now? Just earn more money?
We’re being bled white. Generating more blood for them to suck is not a viable solution.
It is not blaming the victim. Have your groceries not gone up? Taxes? Utilities? Office Supplies? Clothes? Fuel? Which one will you be going without?
A chocolate bar is no longer $.10 and a bottle of Coke is more than $.25. We can complain that costs have increased, but that doesn’t stop them. How do we counteract it? We either cut our expenses or increase our revenue.
I had to increase my hourly rate this year. I held out as long as I can because I realized people were being hit every way to Sunday and I did not want to pile on. In 2024, my revenue went up 8%, but my costs went up 22%. I can choose to stay in business or not, but to do so I have to up my revenue, because expenses are not coming down.
You can stand your ground on this, but the world will continue to revolve whether you want to participate or not.
Hi RG,
I think it is. We’re supposed to just accept that we’re being screwed. Lay back and enjoy it? I – like most – people do not enjoy the luxury of just increasing my income to compensate for these depredations. I live modestly – and now, because other people go out and buy $50,000 vehicles I can’t afford, I am expected to pay more to “cover” their losses. It’s beyond obnoxious.
First, we have to get rid of disposable income. IE, women have to STOP WORKING AND GO BACK HOME.
Half the reason things are as expensive as they are is the fact we have 2 people working, something which should have STOPPED after WW2, but they had to keep women as TAX SLAVES while they fed them the “empowerment” con.
Work harder. Get another job, mon. Reminds me of Boxer from Animal Farm. We all know where it got him.
What is your suggestion, Funk?
People do what they gotta do to not just survive but thrive. It’s a matter of tone, though. We should never, with our words, give any sense of inevitability or even a hint of legitimacy to what are obviously the terms of our enslavement. To do so causes you to surrender your dignity, in addition to your money. That’s just not necessary.
You beat me to it, Funk –
Work harder. Work longer. It’s just the way it is. Now go and do it.
>I already work a seven day a week job.
Well, Eric, ah feel yore pine, as Slick Willie once said. Those of us who choose to be self-employed (you, me, RG, et. al.) generally value independence of thought and action more than money. I know I have turned down job offers which would have paid more than I ever made working for myself.
Buy the ticket, take the ride. Freedom is definitely not free. Just sayin’…
Hi RG,
That’s bizarre! Erie is my “family,” too. Why the Hell have my “premiums” doubled? I’m the same guy I was two years ago; same truck. Same record of no accidents or claims filed. No nothing.
Zip code. I can tell you that right now. Your area is more prone to accidents. Not you, but others. Insurance is a community pool. They take an average and everybody gets a cut.
If you can garage the vehicle in Ruckersville (seventh lowest auto insurance rates in the country) you may get back to your old rate. 😉
I am so damned sick of being chained to others. I begin to hate them.
And – yes – I intend to cancel the goddamned “coverage” and let the chips fall where they may. I am tired of being mulcted for harms I have not caused. If it is not enough to pay one’s way in this life and leave others in peace, then I welcome becoming a “criminal.”
Did you have any luck with Farm Bureau? They are supposed to offer some of the cheapest rates in the state. There is another company called Mercury (who I have never heard of or know anything about), but them Farm Bureau, Erie, and USSA seem to offer the most affordable coverage in the state.
Hi RG,
No – in re Farm Bureau – but I will try them and see…
Speaking of mafias fleecing “customers”, did you see this gem out of GA this week where their state police issued a cell phone violation to a driver- who luckily had a dash cam showing the opposite?
In the video, Atty Bryan goes a bit deeper and explains the extortion scheme goes beyond false accusations/citations and is part of a larger federal funding racket that buys police departments “cruisers” on the condition they use them to shake down citizens.
Squeegee Man alert!
Old scam, new excuses.
Hoyt Axton wrote a song about it more than 40 years ago,
Thanks for covering this topic, Eric. My question is, if Trump is so intent on making executive decrees, why doesn’t he write an executive order demanding that USDA stop PCR testing chicken flocks? At least that would be a positive step toward getting the price of groceries down.
Amen, Jason –
I suppose he’s too busy making the world safe for Israel. Or – rather – safe for Greater Israel.
Trump’s podium clown show with Netanyahu was very disappointing. It feels like he’s supporting a new Trail of Tears with 20 times the population. It’s so morally disturbing and makes me wonder if this is the real reason he was the chosen one in November.
Hi ML,
The intense backlash to this has started. Forget the Dems, it is the Republicans/Libertarians/Conservatives that have loudly voiced that they were sold a bill of goods. He puts one US troop into Gaza he can kiss his Presidency down the drain. He has already lost momentum and to do this before the rest of his Cabinet has been voted on or Congress extending the tax cuts….is just stupid.
There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. We all have to learn to get along. I thought the Crusades was enough of a history lesson that one does not invade someone else’s land, but apparently Trump missed that class.
This may be even scarier:
>The Trump administration and the president of El Salvador said Monday that they’d struck a deal allowing the U.S. to ship both detained migrants and imprisoned citizens to the tiny Central American nation
Hi Adi,
Ah, kind of like what England did by shipping all of their criminals to Australia…that’s if they reached it.
The jails in the US right now are running at full capacity. I have a client that works for ICE and he said (this was back in December) that there was no where to house the migrants once they detained them. So it does not surprise me that for the right amount of money El Salvador would take them. I don’t see how they are able to send US citizens there. Although the way Trump disregards the Constitution he may try and by the time it gets to the Courts the damage will be done. It doesn’t look like a real friendly place. I can imagine this is why crime has dropped significantly there.
> I don’t see how they are able to send US citizens there.
We’ll see…
>Rubio said there were “obviously legalities involved. We have a Constitution.”
>But Rubio noted that it was “a very generous offer. No one’s ever made an offer like that — and to outsource, at a fraction of the cost, at least some of the most dangerous and violent criminals that we have in the United States.”
So, isn’t that “offshoring American jobs?” You certainly cannot claim that guarding prisoners is a job “Americans won’t do.” In fact, impoverished small towns generally *welcome* a prison, as a source of employment.
> no where to house the migrants once they detained them.
So build more prisons. Massive public works projects. Good paying construction jobs, stable employment for the locals once the prisons are built. Meanwhile, prisoners can sleep in tents, Joe Arpaio style.
Sounds to me like “white man speak with forked tongue.” JMO.
Gee, I wonder where Trump is going to ship all us “anti-Semites”…
What in the living fuck, Adi? It was bad enough that he spoke of expanding Guantanamo. Shit, just turn the rest of the world into a prison camp. Fine work
We’re number one, BaDnOn!
We don’t build things anymore.
We just put people in prison and blow stuff up.
And we’re damned good at it!
Well, like your friend Country Joe said: “Give me an F!”… And the rest of the letters. Sometimes, there’s not much more to say.
Nice little tune, by the way. I learn something new every day, here.
Only REBELION can save us.
>US troop into Gaza
Miriam Adelson has got to expect *something* for her $100,000,000. But, I agree with you, the fit is likely to hit the shan, if DJT sends the Marines.
Maybe a secret protocol to any “peace” agreement, which deeds Trump Enterprises a generous “piece” of Gaza beachfront, including gambling rights.
What was it Gen. Smedley Butler said about being “high class muscle?”
War is a Racket.
I own that book. Everyone should.
Put down the crack pipe, L’il Donnie.
From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Gaza Strip
We cleaned out those filthy Aye-rabs
As we let our weapons rip.
“Including the gaming license, Mr. Netanyahu, the fee for which I will insist you put up personally.”
>Trump’s podium clown show with Netanyahu was very disappointing.
Hard to understand him when he is talking with his mouth full.
The war in Ukraine hasn’t ended. Gas is higher than it was on 1/20. Ditto everything else. My beloved Waffle House is adding a $.50 per egg surcharge.
But Jared Kushner will turn Gaza into a luxury resort for wealthy chews and that’s all that matters.
RE: “why doesn’t he write an executive order demanding that USDA stop PCR testing chicken flocks?”
‘Cause, which came first? His “Wonderful” Shotz? Or, the PCR?
‘Cause without the PCR, there’d be no Shotz.
‘Cause, The Shotz are Wonderful.
More Shotz. More insurance increases. Higher taxes. …The beatings will continue until moral improves. Just, wonderful.