Reliable Conservatives

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Lenin had his Useful Idiots – and so do we.

They are called “conservatives.”

Almost in lockstep, they have lined up behind Biden – and everything behind him – now that those behind Biden have brought out Putin. The Russian Bogeyman is almost as effective as “the virus” at getting “conservatives” to lick the hand of people like Biden and those behind him.

Putin bad! Ukraine good! It’s as simple – and as simple-minded – as that.

These idiots – with no grasp of history and no understanding of the man’s legitimate grievances, provoked by the Left they claim to oppose – will become very useful to Biden and those behind him, who will use the Threat of Putin to Democracy and Little Children in just the same way that the threat to granny posed by “the virus” was used – only more effectively, because “the virus” lacked the element of patriotic dementia, the disease which addles so many usefully idiotic “conservatives.”

This malady will be used to get them back in line, where they belong – where they can always be counted on to be whenever the flag is humped, often to the accompaniment of that odious anthem “conservatives” love so much about how “free” they are.

How deep does the stupid go?

Let’s try to gauge the fathoms.

First, this business of Putin rearing his head – right on cue, just as the mania over “the virus” fades. Along with the mandates in even the bluest of blue states such as California and Oregon, which just this week dropped the mandatory Face Diapering of all kids in all schools, which had been in virulent force just a week prior.

They used to at least give us an intermission of a few years in between “emergencies.”

Now we don’t even get a week off.

Second, this business of Putin being the latest “threat” to  . . .  well, everything. Kind of like the way Americans would probably be threatened by Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact and Russia being able to station troops and missiles on the other side of San Diego, in Ciudad Juarez.

Yeah. We’d abide that.

Just as we did the Russians sidling up to the coast of America, via Cuba, back in 1962.

But Putin – Russia, actually – is supposed to abide NATO sidling right up to her equivalent of Ciudad Juarez, via the Ukraine – which the Western powers assured Russia would never become part of NATO.

This is insane – or something much worse.

Anyone not entirely an idiot understands that the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO  is an even more obnoxious and even more alarming prospect for the Russians than the hypothetical prospect of Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact would be for Americans – especially American “conservatives.” While Mexico has never been part of the modern United States, Ukraine has been part of Russia for most of both their histories.

America braying at the Russians over the Ukraine is surely beyond galling to the Russians given how America dealt with states that tried to leave America.

Not to mention what America did recently in Iraq – which was Blitzkrieged in a manner that was remarkably like Operation Barbarossa – an event still sour in the mouths of most Russians and about which most Americans are idiotically ignorant of or soporifically indifferent toward.

What’s  30 million (give or take) dead Russians?

It’s a lot, to them – and those who remember them. The Russians have damned good reason to be paranoid about a threat snuggled up right next to their borders and it is beyond exasperating that so many “conservatives” denounce not only Putin but those who point out that Putin has a point. And that he is being goaded – with what seems almost to be a deliberate intent to provoke him (and thus, war).

Which, should it widen, will then be used to characterize anyone who points out who provoked it as being Putin’s poodle and an “enemy of freedom” (here we go, again). It could transform the Biden Thing from America’s version of Leonid Brezhnev into a “war president” – like The Chimp – and anyone who questions him (and those behind him) on any point of doctrine as not only dangerous but possibly even treasonous.

Canada just showed where this can lead.

And we’re being led down the same road, by some of the same people – who are too  idiotic to realize how extremely useful they are.

. . .

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  1. “Ukraine has been part of Russia for most of both their histories.”
    that is actually false.
    ukraine was a cultural center hundreds of years before russia got out of the stone age.

    • Hi Merlin,

      It’s certainly possible to debate the existence/independence of Ukraine (as it was possible to do with regard to Poland, back in the ’30s). But that’s not really the issue here. The issue here is that Putin Bad! Ukraine Good! is being used to distract attention away from the waning “crisis” of the “pandemic” and shift it toward a new one that also isn’t.

      “Conservatives” think it is because it has been framed as another patriotic duty for them to “care” about Ukraine. The flag has been waved – and like a bull in the arena, they charge at its command. They ought to be caring about the tyranny being imposed on Americans by “leaders” far worse than Putin Bad! and much closer to home.

      Putin didn’t destroy my friend Ben’s restaurant – and the businesses of millions of other Americans. Putin didn’t force “masks” on children and deadly drugs into the arms of half or more of the population.

      It’s nauseating to listen to “conservatives” bray for “action” against Russia… while they take no action whatsoever here.

  2. The elite nobility globalists sucked in/bribed all the leaders into the bioweapon shot genocide, maybe they are sucking in/bribing the leaders into a nuclear war, to get some big numbers in their cull. How big were the bribes this time?

    They can watch from their bunkers 400 feet underground in new zealand. Then they think they can emerge afterwards and own/control the planet.

    What if china doesn’t feel like cooperating, they can exterminate the globalists and take over the planet, the big winners. Then the globalists would be the useful idiots who helped the ccp.

    Or maybe china is steering the globalists towards its hidden agenda, to own and control the world.

    China thinks they are the superior race

    The chinese say they are a different race (a superior one) they say they are descendants of the peking man, everyone else is a descendants of the neanderthal man in africa. the chinese do not like other races, they see them as inferior.

    Kennedy warned about nuclear war in his speech.

    Kennedy cv19 speech:

    The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies. It gives them the ability to obliterate the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to shift all of our wealth to a handful of billionaires [while] impoverishing the rest of us.

    ATTENTION: And the only thing between them and our children is this crowd that has come to Berlin….(the Berlin protest)

    Thank you all very much for fighting. See ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace’.

    The history of much of human existence since the Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years ago can be written simply: the endless struggle by those who are oppressed and enslaved against the insane elite that oppresses, enslaves and kills them.

    Unless we succeed completely in defeating this coup the very essence of what it means to be human will be taken from us.

    And one consequence of this coup will be human extinction in the near term, by one or more of four possible paths: nuclear war, the collapse of biodiversity, the deployment of 5G. or (the bioweapon shots?)

    nuclear war….maybe he was on to something ………

    our own obedience, our own cooperation that will condemn us all to the fate being orchestrated by the global elite nobility.

    The entirety of human history is one of the few controlling the many because the many acquiesce to the few

    • Also be sure to watch the interview with Oliver Stone; surprised that he hasn’t had an “accident” after all these years.

      • I think I saw some of that on showtime Mike, it was very insightful. I used to consider Oliver Stone a leftist peacenik. I guess I’ve come full circle. Stone kind of reminds me of my Uncle who spent two tours in Vietnam. I now think of him as an honest King in the land of deceit, surrounded by an empire of lies.

        If I can believe my lying eyes, then I think we missed a huge opportunity after the break up of mother Russia. It seems like the Russkies could have been great and true friends, in a world where we have none. Of course that could never be, as a nation that goes around killing people and breaking shit has no friends.

  3. OK, I’ll place an entry into the “How Stupid Can They Be?” contest.

    A very wealthy religious right conservative friend was going on about The Evil Putin. How “we” must stop him NOW. He was gleeful that Richard Childress was sending ammo, VISA and Mastecard were stopping business in Russia. He went on about all the sanctions and military support were needed to stop him and his invasion of…wait for it…wait…UGANDA!!! Yes, he said Uganda.

    • Hi Mark,

      Yup. It’s a psychologically interesting thing. The average rank-and-file “conservative” seems to love war on principle; it appeals to their facade machismo, kind of like football belligerence (closely related; note the military fly-overs at fuhhhhhhhttttball games). I think it has to do with their un-admitted rage over their own emasculation. It makes them feel all rugged and tough to screech for the blood of foreigners while urging everyone except themselves to spill it (and have theirs spilled).

      War-priapism is essentially synonymous in the peanut brains of these people, who’ve lost all interest in liberty – and conserving it.

    • ask him why he supports cheer leads the ccp?

      According to agenda 2030 great reset there is supposed to be a 7 billion cull, the remaining 500 million are supposed to be chinese (agenda 2030) , so it looks like they will recolonize the other 200+ countries.

      An obstacle is Russia, because it is not cooperating with the reset, it has to be defeated, conquered . Maybe Russia is aware of that so it is starting to fight for survival. Maybe they have their own agenda now called denazification. There is lots of places that would be improved with denazification.

      China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources.

      If U.S. and Russia take each other out, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet and they say they can survive a nuclear war (very large population) did china set this war up? remember china influences msm, elections and has infiltrated governments. ccp using their influence inside msm and governments (check out how many people inside your government are ccp controlled), to suck the U.S. and Russia into a head on nuclear war.

      After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country, what if they tell the globalists to get lost or exterminate them, then they will own and control everything.

      Anybody supporting the globalist’ wars is supporting the ccp and the great reset, agenda 2030. The great reset, china was chosen to lead it. china could end up the big winner.

      So anyone promoting, enabling, spreading this globalist/ccp war/germ narrative is working for the ccp. a ccp shill.

      • It is interesting how the west was laughing at the CCP for building all those huge modern unoccupied cities 10 years ago. It was obviously evidence of a malinvestment mania, right? I suspected at the time that it was a brilliant preparation for WW3- a bunch of unoccupied cities would make a great defense in depth and not worthy of nuclear attention vs actual population centers. The CCP has built a rock solid infrastructure which they will find valuable. Too bad the west was busy selling out the little people and robbing them of their birthright.

        • that is a great insight……

          yes in the west the politicians and the elite nobility and the billionaires just looted the place……

          Dr. Marc Faber says these governments steal between 5% (honest governments) and 100% (crooked governments) of the money collected, borrowed.

          mullin’s quote
          people refuse to believe that we are governed by criminals. I refer you to the opinion of one of the most famous FBI agents, Charlie Winstead, the man who gunned down John Dillinger. In his book, “The Bureau”, William C. Sullivan quotes Charlie Winstead as saying, (P.27),

          “When I investigate a man and prove he’s a criminal, if he doesn’t already work for the government, they’ll hire him. If he already has a government job, once they hear he’s a crook they’ll promote him. The criminals in Congress only feel comfortable with other criminals.”

          We could not ask for a more qualified source, nor for a more apropos phrase than “the criminals in Congress.” The criminals enact into law program after program to reward their fellow-criminals, and to rob and enslave the workers of America. Anyone who gets in their way is disposed of by the “majesty of the law.

          They are one of the only countries that thinks they can survive a nuclear war…..a huge population…

        • getting sucked into a trap?

          Another scenario:

          What if Russia and China have a plan….suck the west into a war, as soon as one nuck is launched they together launch everything, take out the whole G7, flattened, then they take over the whole planet. They both have voiced a dislike of the globalists…what if they exterminate them?

          The globalists….

          A description of globalists:
          these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

          • did china set this war up? remember china influences msm, elections and has infiltrated governments. ccp using their influence inside msm and governments (check out how many people inside your government are ccp controlled),

            The plan: to suck the U.S. and the G7 into launching just one nuck, then they will be totally annihilated. maybe your ccp controlled/compromised moron politicians are being used as useless idiots to get you wiped out.

    • ‘How “we” must stop [Putin] NOW.’ — seilerbc

      Heartwarmingly, all over the USA, public buildings and the lapels of politicians sport the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag.

      It reminds one of twenty years ago, when Iraq was viciously attacked to disarm it of nonexistent nukes, and everybody was displaying the red, white and black Iraqi flag in solidarity.

      Oh, wait — “we” didn’t? Strange how “Saddam Bad” was succeeded by “Zelenskyy Good” among the leaders of medium-sized countries unjustly invaded by larger countries.

      It’s not bad when “we” do it. That’s why Putin is a war criminal, but Bush and Blair aren’t.

      Rule of law, MFers! 🙂

      • lots of globalist/ccp/bots/trolls spreading the globalist agenda…..

        After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country, what if they tell the globalists to get lost or exterminate them, then they will own and control everything.

        Anybody supporting the globalist’ wars is supporting the ccp and the great reset, agenda 2030. The great reset, china was chosen to lead it. china could end up the big winner.

        So anyone promoting, enabling, spreading this globalist/ccp war/germ narrative is working for the ccp. a ccp shill/troll/bot.

    • Hey dude, check your handle.
      Might not want to advertise your real e-mail.
      Eric, can you confirm that that’s a user-error rather than a technical glitch?

  4. Maybe Russia was targeted because it wasn’t cooperating with the globalists, maybe Putin is a nationalist, an obstacle to the one world government, so must be removed. Russia was pressured, provoked, shoved to get a response to justify an attack.

    Russia is the richest country in the world with it’s resources so it is a great target for theft, plunder, takeover.

    According to agenda 2030 great reset there is supposed to be a 7 billion cull, the remaining 500 million are supposed to be chinese (agenda 2030) , so it looks like they will recolonize the other 200+ countries.

    An obstacle is Russia, because it is not cooperating with the reset, it has to be defeated, conquered . Maybe Russia is aware of that so it is starting to fight for survival. Maybe they have their own agenda now called denazification. There is lots of places that would be improved with denazification.

    China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources.

    After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country what if they tell the globalists to get lost, then they will own and control everything.

    Anybody supporting the globalists is supporting the ccp and the great reset, agenda 2030. The great reset, china was chosen to lead it. china could end up the big winner.

    • LOL. C’mon, anonymous, you know better than this. Putin is no hero.

      Anyone remember the $400 million that was given by Hillary to Vladimir in 2010 during the Nuclear Security Summit for Russia to build a uranium enrichment plant? The Clinton Foundation got a nice little contribution back from Vlad around $145 million to the Clinton Foundation…to help the Haitians, of course. Unfortunately, the check must have gotten lost in the mail, somewhere between Chappaqua and Port-au-Prince. Damn post office!

      National governments worldwide are defrauding their constituents day in and day out. Vlad is as much as a hero as any of the others. That he is somehow stopping China, the US federal government, and the WEF from the Great Reset is laughable. Putin is in bed with China, the USA is in bed with China. Guess what we have? Yes, a menage a trois. Of course, the only ones getting screwed are us.

      • The great reset has problems:

        The globalist figured the U.S. would be an obstacle because of 2A for one, now they could have a bigger problem, Russia has lost interest in the great reset, (maybe never had any) and sees they are an obstacle to the reset agenda 2030, which means they have to defend themselves or be roadkill.

        • I mentioned a few months ago not everybody was going to get inline to go along with the Western Great Reset. As Tears for Fears clearly stated in 1985, “Everyone Wants to Rule the World”. They were right. The problem is we have two Great Resets to choose from…the Western and the Eastern, and they both stink. Keep your eye on the Middle Eastern countries and India, they don’t prefer either option and they will make the views known.

          • rg

            There is only one great reset

            it is the leftist/globalist/communist/satanist one world government run by the UN/globalists, the schwab, wef, davos gang, they have been trying to do this for a very long time, the technocrats started it, now they have all the G7 countries plus a long list of other countries with leaders that are all in for a one world central government that controls everything

            • People will play with each other until they don’t. Relationships are shattered, businesses go bankrupt, and people die everyday. New people, governments, and desires will emerge. Enemies can become friends and friends can become enemies. I don’t lose sleep at night worrying about a New World Order. Something always happens.

              Soros and Schwab are too old to do anything about it.

              • rg
                you said…..

                don’t lose sleep at night worrying about a New World Order

                that is another line of propaganda the globalists and their shills repeat 24/7,

                nothing to worry about, safe and effective, nothing is happening, go back to sleep, just watch msm media and stay brain dead while we cull you, the reset is a conspiracy theory, only believe what we globalists tell you, everything else is misinformation, do not resist, it is hopeless
                you are just about to be run over by a train, just ignore it

                why would you repeat globalist propaganda?

          • Hi RG – theres a very interesting podcast i’d recommend, James Delingpole interviewing Alex Thomson, who is an ex spook from some agency here in the UK. His area was eastern Europe, so he knows the landscape quite well. His theory is basically that Putin was on board with these guys at one point, but he’s moved away and is no longer following the script, kinda like Stalin did apparently. (Though ofcourse its not at all that Putin is wonderful and a saviour for mankind) A very interesting podcast, should listen if you have time.

      • That he is somehow stopping China, the US federal government, and the WEF from the Great Reset is laughable.

        wrong…….U.S. no it is a problem too, not 100% globalist, because of red states and 2A, it is a problem still not fully globalist yet.

        china you are wrong, it has not taken a side in this war, (china would rather side with Russia then anyone else) it is sitting back and watching..
        China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources. china is an opportunist in the reset, may end up owning/controlling everything.

        The wef, what a joke… they are….
        these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

        stopping? who knows, they may see themselves as a target of the globalists and are going to fight/pushback for survival.

        Putin is no hero……so the globalists are?

        be careful supporting the globalist agenda……

        note to the globalist shills for the great reset one world communist government.

        when communists take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.
        This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned. for one they know too much.

        Another issue if you are not chinese you are part of the cull (agenda 2030), you won’t be around to benefit from the reset.

        Why would anyone support, enable, promote the globalist/ccp agenda.

        • China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources. china is an opportunist in the reset, may end up owning/controlling everything.

          If U.S. and Russia take each other out, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet and they say they can survive a nuclear war (very large population) did they set this up?

        • That he is somehow stopping China, the US federal government, and the WEF from the Great Reset is laughable.

          that is an exact quote from the globalists, they repeat that 24/7, you can’t stop/avoid/get out of the great reset, you are screwed, you have already lost, there is no hope, just lay down, just give up and comply, it is their main tool to defeat the useless eaters

          why would you repeat the globalist narrative? that isn’t laughable….

          here is the globalists you quoted

          these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress,

        • No where in my posts am I supporting the globalist agenda. For some reason people are quick to assume if you dislike one side you must be for the other. You know what? Sometimes we don’t like either side and prefer Option C…none of the above.

          • RG

            you said:

            stopping China, the US federal government, and the WEF from the Great Reset is laughable.

            that is an exact quote from the globalists, they repeat that 24/7, you can’t stop/avoid/get out of the great reset, you are screwed, you have already lost, there is no hope, just lay down, just give up and comply, it is their main tool to defeat the useless eaters

            why would you repeat the globalist narrative? that isn’t laughable….

            • Find me the quote, Anon. Who said it? Which globalist? I said nothing about complying or laying down.

              I clearly stated because one dictator/government is evil don’t try to find solace in the arms of another. One could be very disappointed.

              For some bizarre reason it reads as if you believe Putin is your savior. Are you Russian by chance or just a bot because you have repeated word for word this same talking point three times.

              • rg

                you keep repeating globalist propaganda

                anyone supporting the globalist/ccp agenda is a globalist/ccp shill

                are you a ccp/globalist bot?

                greene’s buddy?

              • rg

                be careful supporting the globalist agenda……

                note to the globalist shills for the great reset one world communist government.

                when communists take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.
                This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned. for one they know too much.

                Another issue if you are not chinese you are part of the cull (agenda 2030), you won’t be around to benefit from the reset.

                Why would anyone support, enable, promote the globalist/ccp agenda. only a ccp troll/bot would

              • rg

                strike three

                repeating another globalist line

                if you say one word against the nwo/great reset/globalists you are a putin lover

                only a globalist/ccp troll/bot would say that

                you are a ccp/globalist bot

                more covert then greene

    • Hi Anon,

      I’m not surprised by this news – at all. Just as I wasn’t surprised that CNN, et al, peddled the Fear Porn on behalf of their major “sponsor”… Pfizer, et al.

    • One is shocked not that presstitutes continue plying the world’s oldest profession, but rather that they sell their shriveled souls so damned cheap.

      Virtually all the 24/7 hysteria of the past two years is ‘sponsored,’ though the narrative has taken a shocking lurch recently, from death by virus to death by war.

      Pick your poison! 🙂

    • One is shocked not that presstitutes continue plying the world’s oldest profession, but rather that they sell their shriveled souls so damned cheap.

      Virtually all the 24/7 hysteria of the past two years is ‘sponsored,’ though the narrative has taken a shocking lurch recently, from death by virus to death by war.

      Pick your poison! 🙂

    • There are a few things (and maybe a few people) I would personally be willing to take up arms and risk death fighting for.

      The Ukraine is nowhere near making the cut.

  5. It is quite easy, Richard, to sit in your La-Z-Boy and dictate that the rest of our sons and grandsons should be sent off to a battle when their homeland is not under threat. Which is exactly what will happen. The US government will reinstitute a draft and they will send our 18–25-year men 5680 miles for what? To come back in body bags. To come back with limbs blown off. It is not the USA’s job to police and save the rest of the world. It is bad enough we are the ones paying for it all.

    How many countries do you believe would have our back if the USA was bombed? How many do you think would send their boys to die in a war that isn’t theirs? How many jumped at the chance to help us on 9/11? I remember quite clearly…maybe a handful. Look at the men that we lost in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, and Afghanistan. Are we any safer today because of it? No, we aren’t. This is not about democracy or freedom (both are nonexistent in the real world). It is about some oligarchy or large business wanting some resource that will make them billions of dollars. Sorry, our sons are not for sale. If the federal government, Halliburton, or Exxon need some additional resources they are free to hire as many mercenaries as they want.

    The US citizenry need to rise up and yell enough is enough. I am responsible for defending my home and my family. No one else. That is the battle we will fight. No other.

      • Hi Eric

        So please realise there’s no good guys here, just different thugs with different agendas… and we are caught in the midst of it.

        For Russia the requirement as laid out in the Minsk agreement was that Ukraine remain a buffer state. This entailed it never joining NATO and never having NATO forces in its territory. This clearly never happened as NATO has continuously breached the Minsk agreement. It was agree to those terms or be dismembered.

        Putin is now in the process of installing a puppet government of Moscow since he sees this as a credible threat to toppling the Russian government. It doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t a credible threat. Frankly, you and I’ll never know for sure, and all that matters is that Moscow believes it to be so.

        Which begs the question. Why would he risk such a thing? He’d know it wouldn’t be without consequences.

        Like all politics it’s complicated and nuanced.

        The Donbass has Russian sponsored leaders. Sure, these regions are ethnically Russian, but to think Moscow doesn’t exert control is foolish.

        Kyiv, on the other hand, is a corrupt cesspool of the deep state. This is the territory of Soros and the deep state and the globalists.

    • Complete nonsense, evading the primary question:
      What is the right thing to do?

      The right thing to do is not always cheap or safe.

      The Russians can be forced out of Ukraine from the air.

      What’s in it for us?
      should not be the only question.

      How many lives can we save?, and will the world be a better place if we get involved?, should be the first two questions.

      Who cares about the rest of the world?
      I just care about me, my family, and my home?
      Is that the libertarian philosophy?
      How about relatives, friends, allied nations and the rest of the world? All none of our business? If there is death and destruction we should always look the other way?

      We spend a fortune on our military, but we should never use it it unless attacked — to hell with our allies?

      So in your mind, the US has no allies in the world?

      If people are getting slaughtered elsewhere, we should just watch, and do nothing?

      The US agrees to protect Ukraine in 1994, and then does nothing in 2014 and 2022 when they need protection. That’s okay with you?

      Let the bully nations of the world take over their neighbors?

      Hitler did that in Europe — I suppose you were okay with that? — after all, why should we have cared about Europe?

      Hirohito and Hideki Tojo did that in Asia — I suppose you were okay with that? — after all, why should we have cared about Asia?

      It’s time for you, EP, and others here to grow up. There are liars, crooks and evil people in the world. They have to be controlled by stronger nations to prevent them from harming others, and getting stronger.

      Nations that have sufficient military strength to keep evil leaders in line, yet do nothing, are evil themselves.

      Being a libertarian seems to mean having inflexible principles.
      That’s probably why libertarians get so few votes, and always will.

      People in various nations are getting imprisoned for “wrong” political beliefs (here too) and sometimes slaughtered, in every year of our lives.

      The libertarian look the other way philosophy is the philosophy of people who have lost the ability to see right and wrong.

      Starting wars is wrong. Clover
      Breaking up the warring parties is right.
      If you do nothing to stop wars, there will be more wars.
      Even if it costs money, and some people gets hurt.

      If there are no strong “good guy” nations in the world, the “bad guy” nations will get stronger. And maybe some day the “good guy” nations will get attacked by the stronger “bad guy” nations.

      If I am ever assaulted on the street by a criminal, I hope there is someone nearby to help me … but not a “it’s none of my business — what’s in it for me” libertarian. If you see a crime in progress on the street, and do nothing … I guess that makes you a libertarian?

      I think this would be a fitting motto for the libertarian isolationist and appeasement philosophy:
      First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Ukrainians, and I did not speak out because I was not a Ukrainian. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.

        • Ya, he seems fairly willfully ignorant.

          “Libertarianism is not and does not pretend to be a complete moral, or aesthetic theory; it is only a political theory, that is, the important subset of moral theory that deals with the proper role of violence in social life. Political theory deals with what is proper or improper for government to do, and government is distinguished from every other group in society as being the institution of organized violence. Libertarianism holds that the only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another. What a person does with his or her life is vital and important, but is simply irrelevant to libertarianism.”

        • According to agenda 2030 great reset there is supposed to be a 7 billion cull, the remaining 500 million are supposed to be chinese (agenda 2030) , so it looks like they will recolonize the other 200+ countries.

          An obstacle is Russia, because it is not cooperating with the reset, it has to be defeated, conquered . Maybe Russia is aware of that so it is starting to fight for survival. Maybe they have their own agenda now called denazification. There is lots of places that would be improved with denazification.

          China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources.

          If U.S. and Russia take each other out, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet and they say they can survive a nuclear war (very large population) did china set this war up? remember china influences msm, elections and has infiltrated governments.

          After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country what if they tell the globalists to get lost, then they will own and control everything.

          Anybody supporting the globalists is supporting the ccp and the great reset, agenda 2030. The great reset, china was chosen to lead it. china could end up the big winner.

          So anyone promoting, enabling, spreading this globalist/ccp narrative is working for the ccp. a ccp shill.
          greene = ccp

          • CCP is still yet another golem for the real power.
            The small-hat power.
            The small-hat tapeworm is presently in the process of sucking the last coagulated dregs of plasma out of the slumped carcass of UHMERKA, even as its tail-end has already slimed into the alimentary tract of the still-vibrant Chinese body politic. Soon, the small-hat tapeworm will take up full residence deep inside the Chinese hegemony, and begin the process of eating out its guts, too, from the inside out.

        • China behind the bioweapon injection

          zhang yongzhen was the chinese scientist that released the genome data for the so called sa…rs co…v 2 vir….us, this data was used all over the world to put in place masking, lockdowns, destruction of small business and now forced extermination injections and to make, concoct, manufacture the vac……ci,,nes (extermination injections).
          This faked data was fed into another software program that produced the mrna,,ne in one weekend. ATTENTION: Made in one weekend, zero tests for safety (but the government said 24/7 safe and effective), Normal vac…..cines take 10 years to develop, test, produce.
          Now the cure, the mrna injection is released, again with no controlled experiments.

          All the ingredients for these shots are made in china (horrible quality), production was ramped up to produce one billion shots in a few months, there was no quality control, no safety procedures, the garbage produced was contaminated, corrupted a complete abortion but people get injected with this crap.

          ATTENTION: The problem was he used fabricated manipulated data, scientific fraud to fabricate the sars co…v 2 vir…us genome, he used their megahit software program. no controlled experiments were ever done.
          Around the world virologists used 49 different software programs and could never duplicate his results. nobody seems to care………..

          all they needed was a cgi image, that ball with spikes that they scared the whole world into 2 year lockdown with is just a cgi computer generated image, a fake, plus a bs story to go with it,
          the germ was the marketing campaign to suck you into the bioweapon shot

          This chinese professor says china defeated the U.S. with biological warfare.

          China behind the promotion of this war

          If U.S. and Russia take each other out, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet and they say they can survive a nuclear war (very large population) did china set this war up? remember china influences msm, elections and has infiltrated governments.

          After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country (agenda 2030 says there will be 500 million chinese left after the cull, no one else) what if they tell the globalists to get lost or exterminate them, then they will own and control everything.

          If china can get the U.S. into this war they might be able to set them up for a defeat in a nuclear war. If U.S. and Russia exterminate each other, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet.

      • You and your kids first, Richard. You lead the charge.

        I didn’t create these foreign entanglements, and I sure as hell am not going to untangle them.

        • Morning, Myles!

          When I was an editorial writer at The Washington Times, a long time ago, I got to see “neo-conservatives” up close. It is not a pleasant site. Billy Kristol is the archetype. An utter poltroon who insists on wars which others will fight, for the benefit of interlocking international financial interests. I would love to form a Kristol Brigade – Richard could join – and air-drop them all right over “Kyiv” – or the whatever PC spelling is at the moment.

        • Myles
          Encouraging white people to go and kill other white people, get blown up in a nuclear exchange, who benefits? china. a head on nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia with them both being annihilated benefits china, they then will own, control the whole planet. china has infiltrated foreign governments and msm, so they can influence/control.

          anyone cheer leading this war is a ccp shill.

          The chinese say they are a different race (a superior one) they say they are descendants of the peking man, everyone else is a descendants of the neanderthal man in africa. the chinese do not like other races, they see them as inferior.

      • I have to grow up? Why? Because I refuse to send my son and anyone else’s son overseas to battle for an un winnable war? Give me a break. Your argument is so easy to tear apart there isn’t any fun in doing it.

        A man who never served a day in the military and who refused to enlist when his country needed him has a right to tell the rest of us that our sons need to save people who wouldn’t return the favor? Spare me your theatrics.

        We are going to save Ukraine from the air? Yeah, and when Russia starts detonating nuclear and biological bombs instead of cluster or vacuum bombs…then what? The same thing that always happens in war…death and destruction.

        My favorite quote of yours “If you do nothing to stop wars there will be more wars.” Oh, that’s brilliant. That is the same rationale that a four year old uses. The problem is Richard, you are not inquiring for the USA to be a mediator or a go between for Ukraine and Russia…you want us to defend Ukraine. That’s called “choosing sides”. How does this stop the war? We now have the two biggest nuclear arm owners in battle with each other. Do you think Putin will simmer down if we fight with Ukraine? Do you honestly think they will take their troops and tanks and go back home?

        Tell me, Richard, if both of your neighbors hate each other and you decide to side with Neighbor #1 do you think this stops Neighbor #2 from disliking Neighbor #1? It doesn’t and guess what…Neighbor #2 now hates you as well. Remarkable! You have just brought peace to the neighborhood…NOT!

        I would have a lot more respect for war mongers if they were actually in the field of battle, like the old days. Instead, they are hiding in bunkers or chateaus somewhere in the mountains where they are safe from the bombs and bullets. Do you want to know a bit of trivia? What are the only two animals in the kingdom that send their youngest to die first? The answer…rats and humans. Think about that for a sec. A mama bear will always defend her cub, a cow her calf, and a dog her pup, but not humans and rats. Pretty pathetic isn’t it?

        • Preach it, RG!

          Like you, I find people such as this Greene character more loathsome than a duck expulsion on my driveway. So filled with caring for the Ukraine that he wants your son to die over there. But he didn’t care much about those poor South Vietnamese, did he, when he was young enough to fight for “democracy” in a foreign country halfway around the world. Oh! But he wasn’t called. The warble of the chickenhawk.

          Why didn’t he volunteer?

          Instead – and of course – he stayed comfortably home while other young men got drafted to “serve.” And now that he is too old to “serve,” he is ready to force your son and the sons and daughters of others to “serve.”

          What my ducks leave on the driveway is a more pleasant sight – and more valuable – than all the Greenes in the world, combined.

          Also: He’s a Diaper-wearer. I mention this because it’s relevant. He accuses us of being “appeasers” and “cowardly.” But he is not man enough to take off the disgusting rag that affirms the lie. Instead, he wears it – partially (and sometimes) – so as to avoid upsetting those who do believe, including his wife.

          There is a word for that . . .

          • I would suggest pussy whipped, but he isn’t only cowering to the wife, but society as a whole.

            It really is insecurity. It takes cajones to go against the crowd, especially when you are the only one doing it. Not everybody has them and peer pressure can get into the head and heart of many. For most it isn’t a battle worth fighting and they believe peace at home or peace outside their door is worth it.

            The problem is isn’t peace, but ownership. Ownership of one’s thoughts, feelings, and principles.

            Why someone would want someone else to have that kind of power over them is beyond me.

        • BS arguments
          The US military is voluntary
          No one is forced to join.
          Not one US military person has been sent into Ukraine — and troops on the ground are not the ONLY way to stop a slaughter.
          Sometimes a truce can be negotiated. Sometimes violence will encourage truce negotiations.Clover
          Only a small percentage of US citizens will even be in the military and many of them will be stationed in safe nations like Korea, Japan and Germany. By your complete lack of logic, no American other than military members and veterans can be allowed to express an opinion on the use of US military force. By that lack of logic, even Joe Biden should not be allowed to make any military decisions – i don’t believe he was ever in the military. And few American women were in the military — so they get no say on military matters? Only military people get to decide what the US military does? Well, you tell me what does the US military want to do — it’s their choice — unless you or Eric are military members, by your lack of logic, you two have no say in the matter, along with me. If the US military did not have to answer to President Biden what do you think they would have done when 1000,000 Russians troops massed on the Ukraine border in the coldest months of winter? Nothing I suppose, if the top generals were libertarian?

          • re: voluntary army

            The U.S. Army is supposedly voluntary because no one is conscripted. You can volunteer to enter but not to leave. The entrance door swings freely, but the exit door is bolted. It is not voluntary like a neighborhood basketball game. Liberty is withheld from the “defenders of freedom.” Back when I commanded soldiers I punished those who tried to depart without a permission slip. The irony was lost on me back then, but not now.

            • Hi David,

              The point has been made – and I think it has merit – that the “volunteer” army amounts to economic conscription. How many children from middle/upper middle-class families sign up? I may be wrong, but I think the majority of “volunteers” come from working class/poor backgrounds as the military offers them a way up – a way out of Wal Mart. Not that this is a bad thing, as such. The point, though, is that the children of more affluent parents aren’t in the position of needing to make such a “choice.”

              • You make an excellent point about the American military being staffed largely by those of lesser economic means.
                Taking it a step further, I could probably count on one hand the number of jews who serve in the American military.
                Of course, American jews have no problem with serving i israel’s “defense forces” (which should be illegal and result in loss of united States citizenship).

          • The Chickenhawk writes:

            “The US military is voluntary. No one is forced to join.”

            Ergo, they are disposable cannon fodder. But the chickenhawk valued his hide more.

            It is not that you are forbidden for expressing your opinions. You have that right. But decent people have the same right to call you out for holding such despicable – such hypocritical and cowardly – opinions.

      • Richard,

        If our country was heavily Libertarian, this issue wouldn’t even be happening right now because the O’Biden Regime wouldn’t have existed (as they wouldn’t have been voted in). Thus all the meddling they did in the Ukraine would have never happened. And the USA wouldn’t be a part of NATO, all those wars in the middle east would not have existed, and we’d be much wealthier and happier and a better example to all nations. And I’d be damn proud to fight any invader who wanted to knock us down… voluntarily of course. And with our land positioning, that would be next to impossible.

        But keep voting for Orange Man, or a neocon, or Pete Butt-Gig or whoever you think will save us. Especially if the Fed Reserve keeps printing its funny money to allow the US to do as it wishes…

  6. Covid over? Not so fast! With exquisite timing given the ending of mask and vaccine mandates in even most blue states, 2 California legislators have introduced a bill that would require every employee and independent contractor to be vaccinated with the Covid shot by January 2023 with no testing option. Given the looming mid term elections this will hopefully not pass. But gotta hand it to CA to try every last micromanaging tactic.

  7. Another point of amazement in all this (not really I guess) is the failure so-called Christian church in America throughout this and covidcon to show anything but complete submission to the globohomo satanic ruling class. Not even a peep of protest through any of this. Masking kids, genetic vaccines – sure! God obviously didn’t make us good enough so Saint Fauciu has to correct his mistakes. Silly God. Isn’t that the definition of Satanism? WW3 so Ukranian kids can be taught drag queen story hour? Hell yeah! If you’re a member of virtually any Christian church you’re a complicit moron.

    • Hi Mark,

      This shouldn’t be a surprise. The church’s existence was to keep the populace under control. That is the gist of any religion (I know I am going to get hell for that). The church makes (and saves) a ton of money by the IRS excluding the money that they receive. The Church and Government have always gone hand in hand. Actually, it wasn’t so long that the Church controlled the government and maybe in a way they still do. The Church is more or less just another large corporation feeding the politicians cookies and patting their head when they do good.

    • covid Crime & The Unwary Christian Church

      written by By Bill Sardi

      Ironically, the Christian church, awaiting the End Times and the apocalypse, has come eye-to-eye with foreseen evil, yet it fails to fully recognize it, for it is cloaked in the fear of death.

      In the pandemic, churches have been singled out, not because of the stated (and conjured up) threat of disease and death (choir practice spreads germs), but because the new globalist political agenda coming out of the World Economic Forum wef in Europe seeks to eliminate mystical non-scientific religions altogether. It will be a material only world view.

      Few church leaders foresee there is no return to normal. The church is a target for extermination.
      Most church leaders are unaware of the agenda proposed by the World Economic Forum wef, that has religious institutions in its crosshairs. According to the wef, religion is outdated. For example, the wef says the church is slow to adapt to homosexuality.

      Christians are not to condone sin and to love righteousness, to urge repentance (a 180º turn from all selfishness and evil). What is the godless wef doing, giving instruction to the church?

      Millions of churchgoers have prayed for God to put an end to this pa n,,,,do…oo,,,mic, never once suspecting it is a preplanned mass deception, a world reset, a global coup. The Bible says, in the end times, the elect will be deceived.

      Digital offering plate

      If the wef gets its way a new digital currency will replace paper money and coin. Church leaders would then be blind-sided when they learn offerings will be funneled through the US Treasury Department in real time. Government would know which people donated and how much they gave, and which church they attend. Is that any different from a credit card?

      Yes, churches and their parishioners can be tracked and controlled via digital access to money. Government, not just bankers, will immediately know what you are doing with your money. For example, tithes and offerings could be blocked if everyone in the congregation isn’t va,,cc//in….a,,te,/d, or if its membership isn’t inclusive (LGBT+), or exhibit racial diversity.

      Jesus chased the money changers (bankers) out of the temple, not only because they were skimming (usury) onerous amounts (~$38 million in today’s money) for live animal offerings and commercializing the holy temple, but because they took sacrifice out of the equation.

      Pastors and priests, as heads of 501c3 tax exempt corporations, and recipients of the federal Payroll Protection Plan, have unwittingly enslaved themselves to government.

      Churches are not adhering the beat of their own drum. God no longer gives the church its marching orders, government does.

      The ironies of the lo,,,ck…d//own

      Another irony was abortion mills and liquor stores remained open while churches were closed.

      Evil and hidden agenda

      The church is slow to realize the injection agenda is a population control exercise.

      The fake infection and death numbers produce the intended fear needed to usher the faithful to va,,,cc//in….a/…te.
      Noted personalities like baseball legend Henry Aaron and TV’s Larry King died days after . Cull the 80-year-olds from the population, the people that cost government the most money. Churches are filled with octogenarians.

      Death to religion via genetic engineering

      Such is con….v/ i…d, that now opens Pandora’s box. Train the masses to think in…j/ ec…ti,,,,on is good. Then slip something else into the syringe that will change their DNA. This is the first time RNA and DNA-altering in..j/ ec…ti,,ons are being trialed. Unsuspecting believers, those individuals who are patriotic to a fault, may volunteer to get the first shots. But what about the second? And third?

      We also learn that the Pentagon may be involved in a covert agenda to genetically eliminate a predilection for religious behavior by alteration of the VMAT2 “god” gene.

      This is not pseudoscience. The science is real as evidenced in the book THE GOD GENE: HOW FAITH IS HARDWIRED INTO OUR GENES by Dean Hamer. The implantation of something could immunize against the VMAT2 gene to turn “religious fanatics” into “normal people.”

      Under the guise of research intended to prevent brain disorders or drug dependencies, VMAT2 gene research has proceeded.

      When the false god of government can no longer provide

      Americans living under the WECs new “reset” will own nothing – not houses, businesses, automobiles, vacuum cleaners or lawnmowers. Everything will be rented.

      Equity will be the rule. Winston Churchill’s pronouncement will come true: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” Americans will all be equally poor.

      Amoral technocrats aim to control the masses by snooping in on telephone and electronic communications, place video cameras on every street, and store information that has been eavesdropped. In other words, replace moral choice with coercion.

      technocrats have developed a social score to control the masses via restricted access to money. No crime, regardless of how small, will go unnoticed or unpenalized. No red light can be run through by an automobile driver without a financial penalty. No littering or jay walking without a fine.

      The world will become totally regimented. Soon faceless robots will unmercifully mete out and collect fines. There is no middle ground. Technocrats count sin, God urges repentance and forgives sin.

      No parties will be allowed to side-step an ever-encroaching technocracy, except for the technocrats themselves. All income will be reported and taxed, $700 billion more tax revenues will be extracted from the public.

      Churches that borrowed money to build large edifices will have difficulty making mortgage payments as its members will only receive a stipend (guaranteed income) ubi. Many churches were struggling financially before the h.o..a/ ,,,x. As many as 1 in 5 American churches are expected to shut down. Estimates range from 5000 to 10,000 church closings each year.

      Re-education camps will take care of any recalcitrant Americans. Christians will be re-branded as cultists.

      I have a hunch the next compliant move by dutiful churches will be to set themselves up as injection centers, complicit in the crime of forced injections, forgetting the last time this was done was in Nazi Germany.

  8. Its timees like these that you realize everyone you grew up with and everyone around you has no interest or knowkedge of history and not even a superficial understanding of the world around them beyond what they’re told on the teevee. And if you try to correct them the prisoners of Plato’s Cave will rise up and attack you in masse without hesitation and with the maniacal glee of of enraged cult members. Incapable of critical thought or a back and forth debate they all get the angry NPC face if their corporate gaslit worldview is challenged in any way. Like others have said at least this site shows that there are some very small numbers of people out there who aren’t complete fucking morons. Thanks Eric.

    • It is amazing that there is useless eaters supporting the globalist agenda who will cull them, look at the number of maskers and the number getting injected with the bioweapon, crazy bastards, they are the ones who make the great reset agenda possible.

      note to the globalist shills for the great reset one world communist government.

      when communists take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.
      This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned. for one they know too much.

      Another issue if you are not chinese you are part of the cull (agenda 2030), you won’t be around to benefit from the reset.

      Why would anyone support, enable, promote the globalist/ccp agenda.

  9. Ode to the Appeasers
    I know Ukraine is not a NATO member. If they were, they would have been safe. CloverThat’s the fault of NATO for appeasing Putin. Ukraine is alone militarily, like Israel was in 1948, 1967, and 1974. What better place, and what better battle to be waged by Europe, to stand in Ukraine, rather than wait for Moldova, Estonia, and maybe even Poland, to fall to the Russians? We can’t afford to wait for an American Churchill to replace the current Chamberlain. And Chamberlain lapdogs like EP. Three US “strikes” in a row: The mess left by Biden in Afghanistan, Putin’s unchallenged invasion of Ukraine, and a new Iran nuclear deal, which Israelis describe as far worse than the last bad one. If the West is not willing to take a stand in Ukraine, it certainly won’t take a stand anywhere else. For Israel and Taiwan, Ukraine was a test case, and the West failed the test. Appeasers are Cowards and total losers.

    • You sure you’re not the ghost of McNamara? ‘OMG the dominos,’ says Ritchie while clutching his pearls.

      You sound like a real battle hardened warrior Rich. I think you should get yer gear and stop leading from the rear. The fact that you aren’t already over there leading a brigade of super gurlz against the literal hitler is evidence of your appeasement. Something which by your own words makes you a coward and a total loser.

      After reading all you’re shilling on this thread for the deep state war machine, I cant help think you had a few extra hours of training as compared to the average meat bot. Your paymasters will probably give you some extra treats. Still you need to try harder.

        • Richard,

          Leftists – and “conservatives” such as yourself – are the ones advocating violence. That it be performed on your behalf – by others – so as to establish your moral bona fides.

            • Clover,

              Your hysterical, virtue-signaling and simple-minded arguments have been refuted. It gets tiresome. My finger hovers over the button…

          • Hi Eric

            note to the globalist shills for the great reset one world communist government.

            when communists take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.
            This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned. for one they know too much.

            Another issue if you are not chinese you are part of the cull (agenda 2030), you won’t be around to benefit from the reset.

            Why would anyone support, enable, promote the globalist/ccp agenda.

            greene = ccp/globalist shill/troll

        • Richard,

          You accuse those who refuse to reflexively and without question agree that Putin Bad! and Ukraine good! of being “appeasers.”

          I’d like to explore that a little. You have admitted to wearing the Face Diaper; that your wife does, too. Yet you have also said you take it off as soon as you pass through the door – and so on. In other words, you do not really believe that Face Diapers “stop the spread.” Yet you appease those who insist it does – by wearing it, sometimes – and thereby make it easier for these evil people to perpetuate their lies.

          That’s point one.

          Here’s point two:

          You insist that not only Putin Bad! but that Putin Hitler! – and (by implication) must be stopped. By whom, Richard? How about by you? How about by your kids? Are their bones – legs – worth Ukraine? If they are, whey not go there – and put your/there bones on the line? If not, then what in God’s name gives you the standing to snarl and spittle about sending other young men to leave their bones in Ukraine, to make you feel righteous?

          • The face mask is an irrelevant side issue.

            Iraq, mentioned in other comments, is an irrelevant side issue.

            Abiding by our 1994 agreement to defend Ukraine is the issue.

            If we ignore that agreement, then we are appeasers. We ignored the agreement in 2014, and we are ignoring it again. That tells the world the US can never be trusted. We are your ally only on the day we tell you we are, or sign an agreement with you, but that’s only valid for one day. We will ignore our agreements whenever we feel like it. Someone might get hurt.Clover

            If you see a stranger, a woman being attacked by a man, should you just keep walking? Or should you try to help? If you try to help, you could be seriously injured, but it is the right thing for a real man to do. And that woman is just a stranger — you don’t owe her anything. The EP way seems to be just mind your own business and keep walking.

            How many people will have to be slaughtered in Ukraine before you care? How many people will have to die before you believe the US should finally act to stop the carnage?

            • No, Clover –

              Your wearing of the “mask” is dispositive that you are an appeaser. You participate in the kabuki-furtherance of an evil lie because… why, again? To not cause trouble? To keep the peace with your wife?

              You eruct:

              “How many people will have to be slaughtered in Ukraine before you care? How many people will have to die before you believe the US should finally act to stop the carnage?”

              Whether I or anyone else “cares” is irrelevant. It is a question of whether engaging in an act of war and sending other men to fight and die in a country on the other side of the world – so as to make you feel good – is warranted.

              It isn’t.

              You’re welcome to suit up, though. Will you?

            • You know rich you debate an awful lot like Ric Wilson, dirty Mcstains old diaper changer. You call people names, then when they call you the same back you cry out in pain. It must be a busy place in your mind, keeping all your nonsense straight.

              I cant speak for anyone else. Equating a beatdown, witnessed on my daily dog walk through my neighborhood, with a centuries old blood feud on the other side of the world is childish at best. Its the kind of logic exhibited by my young granddaughters.

              I don’t fashion myself Captain save-a-ho, however if I saw a women taking a beating I would certainly stop to help.

              Some people doing the bidding of the see eye a and the MIC, not so much. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

              • Norman
                True story
                A friend of mine was driving down the street one night about 3:00 am after the bars got out, he saw a guy being abusive with a young lady, he pulled over to the curb and took a steel baseball bat out of the trunk, he came charging at the guy, the guy ran of down the street at full speed, very cool. My friend was a logger and lifted weights, he wasn’t some weak wimp.

        • Richard writes:

          “Meaningless leftist style character attacks. Are you a closet leftist?”

          You mean like calling others “appeasers” – and “leftists” – for questioning the lockstep hysteria over events in Russia-Ukraine?

          • The rhetoric in the initial post — ‘appeasers are Cowards and total losers’ — is so over the top, that one has to suspect it’s either trolling or sponsored hasbara.


            • Morning, Jim –

              Yeah, I think so, too. About “Richard.” He is either a troll – or a hysteric. He’s also a Diaperer. Which says a lot about him – and his “appeasing” ways.

              • Hi Eric

                greene = globalist shill, probably well paid, or a bot. defends globalist narrative, germs/injections/war, block/ban it

                • Hi anonymous1,

                  I don’t believe Richard is any of those things but is someone with differing opinions than many of us. He has posted regularly on the site for the last few months.

                  I don’t believe it is a good idea to piss off the host of the site, but that is just me.

                  Yesterday, everyone got into a good debate. We covered the road, overturned a few rocks, and said our peace. We are all different people and our views run the gambit. If we all thought the same the site would become mundane.

                  I am glad there is such a place that we can get down and dirty and hopefully no one has hard feelings afterwards.

                  I vote for no blocking, no banning.

              • Incredibly juvenile character attacks.
                Of no value to readers.
                If you want me to leave because I do not agree with you that is fine with me.
                But be aware that character attacks discourage participation in comment sections. Especially anyone who does not agree with the web master. I expect character attacks from leftist websites.Clover
                It is disappointing on “libertarian” websites.
                And they are certainly not an indication of above average intelligence.

                In any debate it is always possible one side is wrong, the other side is wrong, or both sides are wrong. But character attacks are not a debate.
                They discourage debate and a diversity of opinions.

          • I call people leftists or closet leftists when they respond to my serious comment with character attacks.
            That is how leftists “debate”Clover

            I use the word appeasers because the US agreed to defend Ukraine and only appeasers would want to completely ignore that agreement signed by President Clinton.

            • Richard writes:

              ” I call people leftists or closet leftists when they respond to my serious comment with character attacks.
              That is how leftists “debate”

              You mean like calling people “losers” and “appeasers” for disagreeing with your war-bonerism?

    • Richard,

      It is incredibly disingenuous to not acknowledge the U.S. meddling in Ukraine and that the U.S. has been grooming Ukraine as a kind of forward base/satrap state for its own interests and that one way this is being done is to encourage this “country” to join NATO. Putin asked for a guarantee that Ukraine would not ever join this Western military alliance. Ukraine refused. Russia cannot abide having NATO literally on its borders anymore than America would abide the Warsaw Pact expanding to ours, via a poodle-proxy state.

      “Taking a stand”… typical “neoconservative” performative moral posturing.

      When a country is attacked, it has the right to defend itself. America has not been attacked. Nor anything even plausibly close to that.

      • Hi Eric

        The active military force since 1991 has been the United States. Rejecting mutual disarmament of the Warsaw Pact countries and NATO, there was no “peace dividend.” Instead, the U.S. policy by the Clinton administration to wage a new military expansion via NATO has paid a 30-year dividend in the form of shifting the foreign policy of Western Europe and other American allies out of their domestic political sphere into their own “national security” blob (the word for special rentier interests that must not be named). NATO has become Europe’s foreign-policy-making body, even to the point of dominating domestic economic interests.

        The recent prodding of Russia by expanding Ukrainian anti-Russian ethnic violence by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi post-2014 Maiden regime aims at forcing a showdown. It comes in response to the fear by U.S. interests that they are losing their economic and political hold on their NATO allies and other Dollar Area satellites as these countries have seen their major opportunities for gain to lie in increasing trade and investment with China and Russia.

      • Ukraine is not a member of NATO.
        Turkey is a member of NATO and has US nuclear bombs on a US air force base not far from the Russian border. Why do you ignore that FACT?

        NATO incorporated about 14 additional Eastern European countries that are near Russia. Why do you ignore that fact?.

        Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons to Russia and can not possibly win a war after Russia attacks. They assumed the US and UK were telling the truth in 1994 when agreeing to defend them. Clover

        The issues with the Ukrainian republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbas region, that want to vote on their independence — but Zelensky won’t let them — does not justify a Russian attack on Ukraine.

        Ethnic violence AFTER Russia takes over Ukraine is certainly a possibility.

        US interference with the 2014 Ukraine election did not justify Russia taking over Crimea. Yanukovych was deposed in February 2014, when a U.S. supported coup installed a new government in Ukraine. Viktor Yanukovych had been favored by Russia. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the candidate pushed by the United States, was installed as Ukraine’s prime minister, but would resign two years later amid corruption accusations. The U.S. government had effectively assisted in the removal of a democratically-elected leader that was friendly to Russia, with the installation of a leader who was selected by the United States.

        General Michael Flynn has some good ideas on how the US can help end the Ukraine war:

        • Richard writes:

          “Ukraine is not a member of NATO.”

          How fatuously disingenuous can you possibly be?

          NATO membership for Ukraine has been openly discussed – and not rejected by Ukraine – for some time; it is the fulcrum of the disagreement that led to this series of events. Russia is acting reasonably to exactly the sort of threat the U.S. government would never abide, directed at it.

          Your refusal to acknowledge this is evidence of a exactly the cognitive dissonance which so many people outside of America righty detest.

  10. While reading some of the comments, the whole, invading Ukraine, etc.. I kept thinking about how it does look like a setup (or, not letting a good crisis go to waste kinda thing) in order to condition the masses to accept a reason for a planned event, say, like this?:

    I dunno, all I do know is, it sure looks like the Russia-hate in the unitedstate is Covid-Con mass formation 2.0,… those W.E.F.-MF’ers are diabolical octopuses.

        • I think it should also be about minding our own business. Whatever’s going on over there isn’t my problem. And I don’t buy any domino theory either. Russia has no desire to conquer Europe or the world. She’s just taking back what was hers in the first place. This planet would be a much better place if the largest terrorist organization in the world (the US government) would stay home and mind its own affairs.

        • Reason says when a bully attacks and you do nothing, the bully gets stronger, and will attack again. That’s reason. Minding your own business is counterproductive appeasement when you agreed to defend the nation that was attacked. How much land does Russia have to seize before the US stops them? Germany and Japan seized a lot of land in the 1930s and early 1940s before the US acted — how did it benefit us to mind our own business for years? It did not help us — just made the defeat of Japan and Germany more difficult.

          • Sorry clover, I don’t have the time or energy to engage with you. Why don’t you check back with me after you pack up your guns and head over there to help save the world. You’ll have a lot more credibility if you put your own ass in harms way instead of my grandchildren, one of whom serves in the army. Parents and grandparents are supposed to send our kids off to die in some shithole so flag humpers like you and the politicians can pretend you’re tough guys? Fuck off. And oh, maybe take a look around sometime. The biggest bully in the world is the US government.

            • greene wants the U.S. and Russia to go head to head in this war, all out war, completely destroy each other, why? he is ccp, this benefits china, china can then take over everything, own the planet…..he wants you and your children to go and fight there and get blown up, to help the ccp….

              According to agenda 2030 great reset there is supposed to be a 7 billion cull, the remaining 500 million are supposed to be chinese (agenda 2030) , so it looks like they will recolonize the other 200+ countries.

              An obstacle is Russia, because it is not cooperating with the reset, it has to be defeated, conquered . Maybe Russia is aware of that so it is starting to fight for survival. Maybe they have their own agenda now called denazification. There is lots of places that would be improved with denazification.

              China benefits from this, if Russia is taken out it is easier for china to recolonize and grab the resources.

              If U.S. and Russia take each other out, china is the big winner, they will own the whole planet and they say they can survive a nuclear war (very large population) did china set this war up? remember china influences msm, elections and has infiltrated governments.

              After the great reset there is supposed to be one central UN government and everything is owned by the central government. After china has colonized every country what if they tell the globalists to get lost or exterminate them, then they will own and control everything.

              Anybody supporting the globalists is supporting the ccp and the great reset, agenda 2030. The great reset, china was chosen to lead it. china could end up the big winner.

              So anyone promoting, enabling, spreading this globalist/ccp narrative is working for the ccp. a ccp shill.
              greene = ccp

          • Richard, the bully isn’t attacking me.
            Why do you want to spill the blood of our children and grandchildren in order to vanquish The Bully?

      • Out of 239 years Americans have been in some kind of war for 222 years. Yes,,, Americans love war and with Russia defending its border security gives them another shot at yet another war.

        Already a quick poll is being conducted to ponder if the US should intercede. Lindsey Graham is asking that someone in the Kremlin shoot Putin. The new American diplomacy.

        American intelligence funded and oversaw the coup d’etat in 2014, run off the elected government, installed a fascist government thinking it would get the Russian naval base in the Crimea. They actually were stupid enough to think Russia would give it up without a shot being fired! This shows the level of quality of today’s US gov intelligence agencies.

        Ukraine is a failed state,,, a broke and corrupt welfare state that is on life support given by US dollars. A honey pot for US politicians and their offspring. Russia did not intervene until Ukraine mentioned it might decide to go nuclear. The US absolutely knew Russia would blow a gasket over that.

        All wars, except the revolution, Americans have been lied into. This one will be no exception.
        Americans collectively love war…..

        • Putin’s announcement that he wants to arrest the Ukrainian Nazis to hold a war crimes trial seems likely to imply an alternative to the Hague court.

          Only a new international court could try war criminals responsible for crimes against humanity (like the recent germ hoax injection crimes) as defined by the Nuremberg laws.

        • “All wars, except the revolution, Americans have been lied into.”

          Boston Massacre was totally fake and engineered, just like any false flag.

      • Richard Greene is a typical American hypocrite who gets his beliefs and passions from the nooze.

        Today, he “cares about Ukrainians” as the Deep State tells him to.

        Ukraine’s Guv has been MURDERING ethnic Russians for several years. Why didn’t Greene care then? Because they are several thousand miles away from us and it was irrational to care very much. And because the teevee took no interest.

        Richard Greene is not a bad guy. He is a run-of-the-mill American who believes what most of the US believes. Indeed, his naive trust suggests that he himself is worthy of trust. He would NEVER torture, rape and murder children. He’d probably die first. Therefore, the idea that various power elites DO kidnap, rape, torture, eat children is utterly preposterous and a truly crazy conspiracy theory.

        Take courage, those of you who have found out about The Cabal, as some call it. Richard and millions of others are likely to wake up from their slumber over this war, precisely because they now believe what Richard believes. Already, twelve bioweapons labs funded by the USA have been found and destroyed in Ukraine. Soon the Richard Greenes will find out about that and other horrors that will soon be exposed.

        Remember, “divide and conquer” is a Deep State (Cabal, “capitalists,” the Left’s term, Satanists, those bastards (military term)) tactic. Be grateful that Richard Greene has the courage to post here. He is literate and expresses clearly what the mainstream believes, and that is something we need to know.

        • It seems that you insulted me and complemented me in one comment — sort of a good cop bad cop comment. I liked that.

          I have stated here that Ukraine is corrupt (you know that when Hunter Biden was involved) but that did not justify an attack — Putin is corrupt too – so is the Biden family !

          The key questions are

          (1) Should the US honor its agreement to defend Ukraine? The Ukrainian citizens did not to deserve being attacked. Clover

          (2) Does the US and our allies benefit from Russia attacking and seizing a neighboring nation and getting stronger than ever?

          (3) Will the example of the US ignoring defense agreements and looking the other way when a bully nation attacks, lead to more attacks by bully nations on other nations such as Moldavia and Taiwan.

          (4) Is there anything we can do without losing many American lives to stop the slaughter of civilians in Ukraine when this is not an even fight — Ukraine has no hope of winning and the more they fight, the more civilians will die.

          Please do not continue insulting my intelligence with the bogus argument that if one is unwilling to go fight, or send your children to go fight, then you are not entitled to express an opinion on any military matters. Nothing could be more anti-American than saying, or implying, that an American citizen is not qualified to comment on American government policy.

          • Richard,

            “Ukraine” is just another conveniently confected “crisis” – and just in the nick of time, eh? Putin has cured the “pandemic” – and provided cover for the Faucists to scuttle and hide from the shit-storm of fury that is gathering strength as more and people become aware of just how adroitly they were played…

            Meanwhile, people like you continue to play kabuki… wearing your Diaper – and pointing at Putin Bad! Just as you’ve been programmed to do.

    • Morning, Helot –

      I agree – as regards the mirror-image juggernaut of hsyteria-porn, now about Putin – them over the “virus.” No nuance. No calm discussion. Just – Putin Hitler!

      This alone ought to give anyone who questioned the narrative regarding the “virus” reason to question this narrative, too.

      • Ukraine has nothing to do with any virus.

        Your conflating of unrelated issues, such as face masks, vaccines, viruses and Iraq, in many comments when the subject is Ukraine, is just throwing mud at a wall to see if any sticks.

        Putin acts like Hitler when he attacks a neighboring nation that posed NO MILITARY THREAT TO HIM — the comparison is fair

        • Clover writes:

          “Ukraine has nothing to do with any virus.”

          Only because you’re too dense to grasp the common underlying principle at issue.

          If Putin were Hitler, Ukraine would be occupied territory and the methods would have been rather different than those used thus far. Your hysteria – your strange obsession – with Putin is of a piece with your apparent hysteria over “the virus,” evidenced by your ongoing wearing of the Face Diaper.

          • Your continual insults on a website you manage set a poor example for a so called libertarian. Putin is acting like Hitler by attacking a neighboring nation The fact that Putin is unable to defeat a nation as fast as Hitler did is not the important point. Your continual mocking of mask wearing, which I did for 10 seconds to day when entering a store is childish. I was even able to convince the wife to slip her mask under her chin right after she walked in just like I have been doing for over a year. I’m following the store’s request to wear a mask, shoes and a shirt, but I reject the mask covering my nose or mouth. I wear a mask inside a doctors office simply because they will not treat me unless I do . If I slip it under my nose they ask me to pull it up. It’s stupid but there are many things you do in life to compromise. Some of them, such as wearing masks, are stupid, Every store employee this morning was wearing a mask. My doctor wears a mask. I don’t even know what he looks like.Clover

            Concerning hysteria you could not be more wrong about me. I never exhibited any hysteria about Covid, never got a vaccine and tried my best to calm others down I have posted hundreds of articles on one of my blogs on vaccine injuries and the complete failure of masks, lockdowns, and vaccines too. I have discussed the lack of science behind 6 foot social distancing and the fact that it was a complete failure for Omicron. So your constant teasing about a face diaper is not very becoming or relevant. Clover

            I wonder what your mother would say when you, the web master discourages different opinions by typing “You’re too dense to grasp” and “your hysteria ” and “your strange obsession” , and if you don’t join the military you are not entitled to have any opinion on any military matters. Your Mother, if she is still alive, would probably say “I can’t believe I raised such a rude boy” !

            This article says you don’t like conservatives. You obviously don’t like leftists and liberals . Who is left? I suppose ONLY the few people who completely agree with everything you say. How sad to live a no compromise life like that.

            • Little Richard, only an ass clown such as yourself would bring someones mother into an argument. Talk about leftist debating tactics.

              • Yeah, botboi is taking his breathless pearl-clutching to new heights with that one!

                “My Word, such language! I have half a mind to Tell! Your! Mother!”


            • Richard writes:

              “Your continual mocking of mask wearing, which I did for 10 seconds to day when entering a store is childish. I was even able to convince the wife to slip her mask under her chin right after she walked in just like I have been doing for over a year.”

              I mock participation in sick Kabuki that supports a lie. “Childish”? Better than an appeaser of evil.

              Would you also wear a Yellow Star – or the armband – if the store “requested” it?

              You convinced your wife o wear her Diaper under her chin. How brave!

            • Richard writes:

              “… if you don’t join the military you are not entitled to have any opinion on any military matters.”

              I never said any such thing. I said your “opinion” is despicable and so are you, for advocating it. Because you – yourself – avoided fighting for “democracy” when you were young and could have shown how much you cared, but didn’t. Now, as an old man, safe and snug, you urge other people’s sons to show much you care, to have them fight for “democracy.”

              Which there isn’t much of in Ukraine, by the way.

              And, pray – why no caring about the ethnic Russians under Ukrainian dominion abused and killed? Perhaps because the TeeVee didn’t urge you to join a new cult, to show your caring?

              As regards my mother: I assure you that she regarded people such as yourself with at least as much disdain as myself. Per the Kaiser:

              Ich scheisse uber alles darubur!

            • Richard writes:

              “If I slip (My Diaper) under my nose they ask me to pull it up. It’s stupid but there are many things you do in life to compromise. Some of them, such as wearing masks, are stupid, Every store employee this morning was wearing a mask. My doctor wears a mask. I don’t even know what he looks like”..

              Some of us have these things called principles, Richard. I have never worn the idiotic rag of the Sickness Cult. Not once. I parted ways with my long-time dentist over this and have steadfastly refused to submit to this evil insanity for the sake of any convenience, even when very inconvenient.

              But people like you just go along with it. Which is why they got away with it. Ever think about that, Richard? About how you appeased the weaponized hypochondriacs? And even now, continue to do so?

              Meanwhile, Putin Bad!

              • Go along to get along, eh?
                By way of analogy, some say that is what happened during the Third German Reich. Good people allowing themselves to be used for evil purposes. Others say that all Germans are intrinsically evil. Still others say that those who say that all Germans are intrinsically evil have their own agenda.

                All I can say is, think for yourself, and draw your own conclusions, which seems to me to be good advice, as a general rule.

                • Hi Turtle,

                  One falsehood that’s been dispelled is that Germans are intrinsically disposed to “following orders.” The past two-plus years have shown us Americans can be every bit as gleichschaltung as Germans!

                  I understand that going along to get along is easier than making a fuss – and I agree that – sometimes, it is okay to not make a fuss. For example, if the wife wants to paint the bedroom yellow. But sometimes it is critical to make a fuss, if only by refusing to go along to get along. The Diapers were (and are) a case in point.

                  • LOL. Yeah.
                    How many times did I hear my opa Hermann say “Yes, Gretchen” to his wife, who *ruled* the house. 🙂

                    I was mainly poking fun at “Richard Greene,” who professes to have “principles,” but then pays “chin service,” so to speak, at the diaper mandates.

                    >But sometimes it is critical to make a fuss, if only by refusing to go along to get along. The Diapers were (and are) a case in point.


              • I think the bulk of the reason the kabuki/tyranny lasted as long as it did, is because of people just like Richard. We’ll just do it for a few seconds…

                I suspect Richard never once challenged the diapering. Sometimes even a faint challenge can be successful. Sometimes that’s all it takes is to shine the light of truth by resisting lies and evil.

                • I agree, Anon.

                  What I’ll never understand are the Whole Foods Shoppers – so concerned about avoiding chemicals and GMOs in their food, but willing to get themselves injected with liquid containing mystery ingredients. Even if they only wore masks and didn’t get the clot-shot, how is trapping your breath against your face healthy? I don’t get it.

                  • Hi Snap,

                    Yup. It’s such an obvious disconnect. I used to buy supplements and such at a local shop dedicated to that kind of thing. They became one of the most hysterical enforcers of Kabuki during the height of the insanity (which hasn’t abated, just been redirected). No entry to the Undiapered; for awhile, curbside delivery-only. A masked hysteric would scuttle out of the store to tongs-hand you whatever you bought, at a “safe” distance.

                    It only makes sense when you realize these people are literally/clinically speaking – mentally ill.

                    And their illness has been sanctified as normal. For the first time in history, the deranged are told they’re fine – that their bizarre behaviors/strange beliefs are quite normal – prudent, even.

                    • I had a similar experience at a Vitamin Shoppe – the masked guy threw my bag in the passenger window super fast, so he could hopefully evade the deadly thing that is out to get him!

        • Clover,

          I ask – again – when are you suiting up? Too old to fight for “democracy”? How about your sons? Got any? If not – if you’re not willing to go – then who the Hell are you to stomp feet and demand other men and other people’s sons go to a country halfway around the world, to fight for the sanctity of a corrupt regime which another regime regards as a legitimate threat to itself?

          Ready to be air-dropped over there, Captain Freedom?

          • Hi Eric

            Kyiv, is a corrupt cesspool of the deep state. This is the territory of Soros, the deep state and the globalists.
            The globalist shills have to defend the globalist narrative.
            greene = globalist shill.

          • I didn’t see any age or ability restrictions to stop Captain Freedom:

            The International Legion in Defense of Ukraine

            Here is the opportunity for non-Ukraine citizens like Lindsay Graham, Sean Hannity and Captain Freedom to suit up and pick up an arm and fight for Ukraine! The International Legion in Defense of Ukraine is recruiting from all over the world, including the US, experienced military or not – they will train. What are they waiting for?


            • Indeed, Helot!

              It’s just fascinating, ins’t it, that armchair belligerents such as Greene and Graham always avoid the fight they urge upon others. Perhaps even more fascinating is that the also always see no hypocrisy in this – feel no shame about this…

  11. Hey Eric,
    Once again I thank you for this site, an island of sanity in an unsane world. I get in conversations with friends/aquaintances about how this is a mirror image of the Cuban missile crisis. Vlad can no more allow NATO missiles on his doorstep than JFK could allow Soviet missiles on ours. Drives me nuts that so few people can see things from the other sides point of view. These effing warmongers are pimping for Armaggedon; hope I’m near ground zero if it happens so I’ll be gone fast.

    • Thanks, Mike!

      Likewise, too. I am hoping saner heads prevail, as they did 60 years ago. JFK and Kruschev had their faults but neither man wanted to be the one to burn the world to a cinder.

    • Living 45 minutes away from DC, I’m wondering how fast of a death we’d have from a nuclear attack. I mean, we’re not talking WW2. They’re gonna send 100mt multiple entry vehicles. I don’t think there’d be any survival. Just a matter of how fast and how awful.

      • You will be fine. If you are 45 minutes outside DC then you should be pretty close to the 50 mile “safe space.” Stock up on potassium iodide and hope you can get underground quick enough. If you are in VA we have a trove of bunkers that the government no longer uses. I plan to make my way into one if the need arises. 🙂

        Actually, if you go onto YT and actually watch the precautions to take it isn’t as scary as they make it seem. If Russia were to discharge a nuclear warhead it would take about 30 minutes to get here and that is if our defense system did not shoot it down over the ocean. Also, I am sure Ironman will show up and steer it into space saving us all.

        In all honesty though it isn’t something to lose sleep over it. If it is a direct hit our death will be instantaneous. Just hope you aren’t on the Beltway when they make the announcement. 😉

        • I don’t know RG, my son lives just outside DC. Depending on time of day, 45 minutes would be how long it takes to get 2 miles down the road to the grocery store! 😒

      • Nuclear weapons are fake.

        It’s all just a weaponized narrative cooked up by John von Neumann.
        Manhattan Project was a PsyOp development program; not a munitions program. It was all about phonying-up fake films of mega-mushroom-explosions and pseudo-scientific skunkworks for counterintelligence purposes.

        “Nuclear annihilation” is just the 20th-Century version of “virus pandemic”.

        “Chain Reaction Atom-Splitting Detonation” was the precursor of “PCR virus identification and diagnosis.”

        “Duck & Cover” was the precursor of “mask and vaxx for safety”.

        All the business about “radioactivity” was just a means of scaring off would-be inspectors from the supposed “nuclear testing sites.”

        It’s all fake.

        That’s the good news.

        The bad news is: the real pay-off of the narrative from the government’s perspective is when they TELL you that a “nuclear bomb” has blown up DC, and therefore, they must evacuate you from your home “for your safety” to protect you from the “radiation fallout”. (Don’t worry, the TeeVee will show “proof”: color-enhanced, 60 fps, 4K resolution mushroom cloud over the Washington Monument.)

        You will then be ushered gruffly by armed men onto a train car, to take you to a “Protection Center.” At the Protection Center, safe “social distancing” will not be possible, of course, so they will also force you to submit to the latest “Super-Booster” injection to prevent an outbreak of the “Leningrad Variant” among the evacuees.

        THAT’S when it’ll be lights-out.

        Sorry, I guess I should have said, “SPOILER ALERT.” Try to act surprised.

        • RE: “Nuclear weapons are fake.”

          The Daily Bell has a few articles about how the “nukes” dropped on Japan during WWII were actually firebombing campaigns. Pretty convincing stuff.

          It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the “nukes” were all just bluster & lies.

          • Yes, I’ve seen the comparisons of films of post-bombed Tokyo (firebombs) and post-bombed Hiroshima (supposedly, atomic bomb), and they look exactly the same.

            Nukes are just like bolognavirus. To believe in them, you have to credit “received wisdom” from TeeVee and government schools, despite having absolutely no confirmatory sense-evidence of their existence. It all has to be taken on faith and trust in authority.

            I lack those particular mental flaws.

            • The same could be said about the ball earth, your hikes in Big Sur above commercial airliner altitudes notwithstanding.

              • Haha, that’s not how a “notwithstanding” clause works, son.

                Not only is the curvature of the Earth quite perceptible in many, non-exotic situations (like Big Sur), but everybody’s sense-data includes the presence and movement of celestial bodies. “Flat Earth” theories have no coherent account for celestial bodies, or their apparent movements. Especially, the fact that the shadow of the Earth on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is always round. This is immediate sense-data that many, many of us (who are not bumpkin-crank troglodytes) have personal experience with, which is only explained by “Ball Earth”, and which “Flat Earth” simply cannot account. The Copernican/Keplerian model elegantly accounts for lots and lots of immediately-perceptible sense-data, that everyone can experience by simply not being a troll hiding in a basement, mesmerized by deranged internet arguments. Good lord, son. Go camping and look at the fucking night sky.

                Please, stop being so obstinate on this very basic issue. You only show yourself to be dumb. Real, real dumb. Like, retarded dumb. Like, complete idiot dumb. Laughably, guardedly ignorant and dumb. Stupid. Like a goddamn moron, really.

                • Anybody wonder about the explosion of flat Earthers the last decade or so? I saw a Spiritual explanation that these are souls newly promoted from 2D reality. They don’t understand the 3D yet. The typical soul spends 1000 lifetimes in 3D before ascending to 5D. Those not ascending now are just younger and their time will come.
                  The spiritual essence of 3D is awareness of self as an individual. Wow! What an adventure these newly promoted souls have embarked upon! Exploring chocolate cake, roast beef and turkey, clothes, haircuts, running, dancing, laughing, singing… Later, they will need to experience hunger and want, receiving desperately need charity and NOT receiving it, and so on to learn compassion….so much!
                  You don’t have to believe a word of this to think about it.

                  • FP was talking about “received wisdom” and I think over the last decade, and certainly the last 2 years, for a growing number of folks, myself included, the concept has been worth scrutinizing closely. I mean, my faith in and belief of what I was told about a lot of things is long gone. Now, in the earlier post FP’s saying nuclear bombs are “fake.” Interesting theory. I’m not all in on that but nowadays would consider it possible. Then he’s losing it over someone suggesting maybe the ball earth is “fake” because he sees stars or something while camping. Citing name brand “models” and calling me names and such. Strikes me as a tad hysterical.

                    The whole “flat earth” thing is highly charged, emotional even. It’s the ultimate intellectual and/or political slur to be used against someone. From that perspective, it intrigues me.

                    • “he sees stars or something while camping.”

                      That’s called worldly experience and empirical observation.

                      “Citing name brand “models””

                      That’s called disciplined study and scholarly knowledge.

                      The most essential aspect of the ongoing Apocalypse (Great Revealing) is discerning truth from deception. Flat Earthers think the point is simply dismissing and deriding EVERYTHING as deception. This results in the most inane and infantile intellectual petulance. I’m not “hysterical.” I’m contemptuous. Those of us on the bleeding edge of the Apocalyptic revelatory unfolding don’t have the time or interest in babysitting tantrum-throwing mental children, or standing at a chalkboard to illustrate the difference between what you can see with your eyes on one hand and received wisdom on the other. Not that this distinction is always clear–IT’S NOT–but Flat-Earthers petulantly deny the distinction altogether, and lazily insist that “everything is a lie.” It’s boring and pathetic.

                      Many people mischaracterize Occam’s Razor as “The Simplest Explanation Is Always the Best.” This is fallacious and facile. The REAL principle is, “The Simplest Explanation THAT ACCOUNTS for ALL OBSERVABLE FEATURES Is the Most Likely to Be True.”
                      Flat Earthers revel in the fallacious version. They systematically (and frustratingly) IGNORE not just a few inconvenient data points, but THE ENTIRE FUCKING NIGHT SKY. Flat-Earth requires magickal thinking to a deranged degree.
                      It’s just retarded, bro. It’s not “intriguing.” It’s debasing and spiritually impoverishing. It reduces the grandeur and awe of the Universe to a child’s stick-figure doodle.
                      You might be real proud of your stick-figure-doodle conception of reality, but I’ve never been capable of pretending a kid’s drawings are something to be impressed by, when they suck, just to be “nice”.

                    • Thats an interesting link you dropped in there, FP. I bookmarked it for later.

                      The fact of conspiracy theory becoming conspiracy fact all around us, gives me pause. I don’t take much at face value anymore.

                      The idea of ascendant souls is intriguing and makes some sense on an intuitive level.

                    • Norman:

                      “The idea of ascendant souls is intriguing and makes some sense on an intuitive level.”

                      Strong agree.

                • That you’re still screaming at me over this is what I find truly intriguing. That the suggestion the ball earth might be fake upsets you so. You’ve got your line in the sand about what’s true. Nukes fake. Ball earth real. Got it.

                  • “the suggestion the ball earth might be fake upsets you”

                    It’s not the content of the suggestion that is infuriating, but mindlessness manifest in the suggesting.
                    I will admit that it inspires extreme despair in me to see that such regressive, primitive thinking remains endemic in the species of which I am a reluctant member. It’s just like the superstitions of Covidism, Statism, Christinsanity, and people who think professional wrestling is real, in that way. It is a real-time demonstration of the acute hopelessness and futility of the mob of bewildered primates we call “humanity”. “Flat-Earth” “theories” are Malignant Uselessness distilled. The very rotten core of the “human spirit”.

                    • You’re on here saying you saw films of Tokyo and Hiroshima and that, based on that, nuclear bombs are fake. Very definitive of you. Like I said, interesting theory but I’m sure there are some folks out there who would cite brand name models and personal observations at the time that would contradict you. Irony, no?As I also mentioned with respect to your theory, it’s one thing to entertain the possibility of something and quite another to go “all in” on it.

                      This talk of questioning the ball earth as besmirching the “grandeur of the heavens” or exposing the “rotten core of humanity” just seems really over the top and silly. And hysterical.

                    • “You’re on here saying you saw films of Tokyo and Hiroshima and that, based on that, nuclear bombs are fake.”

                      Burden of proof is on those saying thermonuclear weapons are real. The film in question about Hiroshima, indeed, purported to be just such proof. That would-be proof is, however, easily rebutted with film of the Tokyo bombing aftermath, which is materially indistinguishable.

                      Absolutely no “irony” involved. Yes, I’m sure some “name-brand” “authorities” would seek to contradict me, but only with “take-my-word-for-it” assertions and appeals to other authority. Nothing based on anything available to me through sense-data.

                      This is fundamentally and qualitatively distinct from the issue of the shape of the Earth, which elegantly and robustly accounts for the immediate sense-data available in the night sky, among other points of sense-data.

                      You’re just being deliberately obtuse and petulant by drawing a false equivalency between the two issues, even after I have clearly articulated the distinguishing principle. This “rolling amnesia” is a hallmark of Flat-Earthers.

                    • So you’re the giver of wisdom to be received and the arbiter of true and false. You can say wild shit about movies you saw, define the contradictions as coming from authority while putting the burden of proof on those same folks. But I can’t. Ok.

                  • “So you’re the giver of wisdom to be received…”

                    Not at all. I highly encourage you to look at the night sky yourself, and to actually study the explanatory power of heliocentric cosmologies yourself, so that you understand how elegantly they explain the phenomena that you can personally experience!

                    Here, I’ll help you out:


                    This is a calendar of upcoming lunar eclipses. If you’re in N. America, there will be a total lunar eclipse on May 16. Because of the explanatory, predictive power of the round-Earth “hypothesis,” I can GUARANTEE you, right now, that the shadow of Earth that will be cast on the Moon, on May 16, BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES will be round! That’s because it’s ALWAYS round! This is because the Earth is spherical, making its shadow a circle from every angle!

                    I can tell you right now what you will see on May 16. But not because I’m a magical wizard. NOT BECAUSE I’M PSYCHIC, but because THE EARTH IS A SPHERE.

                    See how that works? NO RECEIVED WISDOM NECESSARY! YOU MAY EMPIRICALLY OBSERVE IT YOURSELF AND STOP BEING SO LAUGHABLY IGNORANT ABOUT THE WORLD YOU LIVE IN (and on)! Your idiocy will dissolve before your eyes as you experience first-hand proof! You need not be a moron any longer! Your stupidity can end in just 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!! May 16!

                    But will you choose knowledge?
                    I doubt it. I suspect you will just continue to perseverate on deranged internet crankery.

                    • I read once that some thought the earth was more potato shaped than spherical.

                      I didn’t look into the idea any further. Interesting, though.

                    • “some thought the earth was more potato shaped”

                      Can’t be true. That would result in “potato-shaped” shadows on the Moon, which would be variable depending on the angle.

                    • The, “earth” – imagine if there were no water in the oceans, do you suppose it might cast a different shadow?
                      Or, what would the shape of the earth be then?

                      I don’t know, it was just a bit interesting.

                    • Helot, you’re getting way deeper in the geo-topological weeds than I’m qualified to go, but to me it’s intuitive that the water of the Earth is part of its shape–no different than sand, mud, ice, or any other fluid or semi-fluid constituent matter on the Earth’s surface. It would never occur to me to consider the oceans “alien” or “separate” from the Earth, so it would never occur to me that one must “take it out of the equation” before crediting the ancient knowledge of the overall shape of the planet.

                      All that being said, I don’t suppose it would make a perceptible difference to the shape of the shadow, given the built-in margin-of-error involved in the umbral/penumbral gradient. Just like the variation of mountains and valleys doesn’t affect the overall, macro- contour, for purposes of astronomical observations.

                      Nothing is perfect, yet everything exists nonetheless, and rational, reasonable perceptual and linguistic judgments can be made about them in ways that are not reasonably controversial. Like the shape of planets, for goodness’ sake.

                    • The moon has no bodies of water, yet it appears to be a sphere.
                      The earth without water is no longer a sphere. Interesting contrast and seems to be the only way to compare the two heavenly bodies, ~equally. (Why is one round & the other not?)

                      To say lack of water does not “make a perceptible difference to the shape of the shadow, given the built-in margin-of-error involved” suggests perhaps the same reasoning could be applied to the shape of the earth while including its water. The result is, perhaps, a potato shaped planet which, from a far enough distance, appears round.

                      And that, is about as much thought as I want to give the matter.

                    • RE: a flat earth.

                      There are some worldly experiences and empirical observations in this bit in support of the idea of a flat earth, even some mention of the position of a star in the night sky. Interesting, to say the least:

                      Is the Covid Pandemic the Only Global Lie? You Decide

                      By Dr. Igor Shepherd

                      “Ship-to-ship laser communication systems for the military only operate in straight lines, and can reach distances 70 to 100 miles away. How do they manage to communicate such far distances from one another when there is curvature? ” …


                      A potato pancake world?

          • Baloney, bizzarro world tin hat conspiracy theory !
            Atomic bombs cause massive damage instantly and kill from radiation poisoning later. Conventional bombs cause fires that take longer to destroy buildings, and no one dies from radiation poisoning.

            • Thank you, factoidbot, for the succinct synopsis of the conventional received wisdom from brainless propaganda!

          • I trust my Dad on this one. He was one of our governments guinea pigs and got to see one of the big ones lit off over a island not too many miles away. Still gets special treatment at the VA and a little extra disability- I assume as part of the long term study of H bomb after affects. As a 20 year old sailor, he snuck up on deck to watch it go off- he described it as midnight turning to day and the very atmosphere burning for an hour afterward. That would be damned hard to fake with firebombs- the physics just don’t work.

        • >All the business about “radioactivity” was just a means of scaring off would-be inspectors from the supposed “nuclear testing sites.”
          Much more likely it is needed as a background story in order to enable the central plot element of various 1950s monster movies.
          Where would we be without Godzilla, Mothra, et. al., eh?
          Now *those* are Real (’cause I say so, and I always tell the truth).

        • >“Duck & Cover” was the precursor of “mask and vaxx for safety”.
          Well ,that much is true.
          The rest of what you are saying is utter horseshit.
          Site Able (Manzano Base) still exists.
          The perimeter has multiple fences topped by razor wire, brilliantly illuminated at night, with armed guards and guard dogs. At regular intervals, very distinctive armored tractor-semitrailers arrive, and transport *something* under guard to the Pantex plant in Amarillo.

          During my undergraduate days, long ago, I held a “Q” clearance, and was employed three summers at Sandia National Laboratories, and one at Lawrence Livermore. I can assure you that the nuclear weapons program is *not* an elaborate deception. It is very real, unfortunately.

          Some here may find the interviews at this website interesting:

          • “The perimeter has multiple fences topped by razor wire, brilliantly illuminated at night, with armed guards and guard dogs.”

            This is because they are guarding secrets. The existence of a secret is not proof of any particular theory about the nature or particulars of that secret.

            “At regular intervals, very distinctive armored tractor-semitrailers arrive, and transport *something* under guard to the Pantex plant in Amarillo.”

            And neither you nor I know what that “*something*” is, or what it is used for. Governments use elaborate, ceremonial skunkworks for counterintelligence purposes (misdirection) as a matter of course. These skunkworks programs become self-perpetuating public make-work programs, too, with huge economic buffers of “true believers” who reinforce the phony narrative. Keeping up the pretense of “The Bomb” is an extremely valuable and critical aspect of the PsyOp, to this day.

            “During my undergraduate days, long ago, I held a “Q” clearance, and was employed three summers at Sandia National Laboratories…”

            And I presume your uncle died of Covid, as well?

            “I can assure you that the nuclear weapons program is *not* an elaborate deception.”

            No, you can’t. You don’t know one way or the other.

            “It is very real, unfortunately.”

            Highly doubtful. And indeed, reality is more unfortunate still because many people would suffer very little in the instant death of a theoretical “nuclear holocaust,” but will suffer far longer and to even more unimaginable degrees under the cruel mercies of the monstrously powerful governments that have coalesced around the satanic deceptive power of “The Bomb” narrative. Reality is always worse than even the most lurid fear-based narratives.

            “Some here may find the interviews at this website interesting:

            That is a propaganda website, set up precisely to disseminate the PsyOp for which the Manhattan Project was set up in the first place.

              • You have seen the skunkworks.
                So what?
                This is an appeal to (self-)authority, no different than any doctor or government-funded microbiologist insisting they “know” the “pandemic is real” because they are “on the front lines every day.” Or that you “know” men landed on the Moon because you took a tour of some NASA office. (The government operates by false fronts.)

                It’s a particularly pernicious form of self-delusion that I’m sure is quite gratifying to the ego, but just doesn’t butter any parsnips as far as proof of the matter is concerned.

                • >You have seen the skunkworks.
                  No, I have been *a* *part* *of* the “skunkworks,” as you call it.
                  >This is an appeal to (self-)authority,
                  No, this is an affirmation of what I have seen, and done. I have seen things which you have not. Evidently, you choose to call me either a) a liar, or, more likely (in your view) b) an ignorant moron who is an unwitting tool of an elaborate system of deception costing billions of dollars and lasting many decades. That is your privilege, of course. Others are invited to use their critical faculties and draw their own conclusions.
                  >you “know” men landed on the Moon because you took a tour of some NASA office
                  I know there are human artifacts on the moon, because they are visible using a sufficiently high power optical telescope, and one of those artifacts is used to bounce laser light off the moon’s surface in order to accurately measure the distance to the moon. IOW, anyone with proper equipment can confirm these observations. That is called science, as you have been at some pains to point out in another context, i.e., prediction of eclipses.

                  The world can know that nuclear weapons are real by observing that:
                  a) it required ONE B29 to wipe out Hiroshima and ONE B29 to wipe out Nagasaki, as opposed to hundreds of B29s to destroy Tokyo with incendiary bombs
                  b) many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts died of radiation sickness.

                  If you believe that Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, was destroyed by a single incendiary bomb, then I invite you to produce a design, either by yourself or others, which will do the job. By all means, do show us detailed engineering calculations. The world will no doubt be eagerly awaiting your highly advanced knowledge.

                  • “I know there are human artifacts on the moon, because they are visible using a sufficiently high power optical telescope,”

                    You’re going beyond the point I was making. I was saying that taking a guided tour of NASA is not plausible grounds for “proving” the Moon landings. In order to draw a parallel. I was not (necessarily) making any particular point about the reality of the Moon landings. (Which are complete bullshit. What is this “evidence” you have seen with a telescope, pray tell?)

                    “it required ONE B29 to wipe out Hiroshima and ONE B29 to wipe out Nagasaki”

                    The fact that you think you “know” these propagandistic, simplistic “history facts” is embarrassing, and you should feel embarrassed about relying on such inherently unverifiable, government-scripted data points. This is purely the stuff of “fog of war” apocrypha. You have no idea what it took to burn up either of those cities. None. It is insulting to the intelligence to expect anybody to credit your “History Channel docudrama” recollections.

                    “many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts died of radiation sickness.”

                    This is much more reasonably accounted for with some version of dirty bombs than with “Armageddon Super-weapons,” as the Official Narrative would have it. In fact, both those cities were pretty readily reinhabited, which is totally inconsistent with the “radioactive fallout” narrative.

                    • Looks to like your meds need to be adjusted, Mr. F.P.
                      But, hey, keep on dreaming. Maybe one day you will be in touch with the “reality” the rest of us think we know.
                      Meanwhile….nice talkin’ to ya. Don’t stay up tooo late. 🙂

                    • In the middle of this discussion used to stand a very old man, one who survived being at ground zero at both locations, Tsutomu Yamaguchi.

                      A bit of a monkey wrench in the narrative he was.

                    • Helot:

                      Re: Tsutomu Yamaguchi

                      Thanks for that, I wasn’t even aware of him. Looks like he lived to the ripe old age of 94, despite all that evil “radioactive fallout” from not one but TWO blasts from Uncle Sam’s “Armageddon Super-weapons”!
                      But I’m sure Turtle won’t be fazed much by such trivialities. After all, his uncle who died of Covaids had a mega-time-reverse-telescope through which he could see the single B-29 bombing both cities in a single night, and through which he could hear the History Channel docudrama voiceover telling him History Truth!

      • The nukes are already in place and on the ground. No delivery systems are needed. Look up the “samson option”. If israel’s “interests” are not taken seriously, (((they))) will light one off…

        • Richard writes:

          “Get one of those old fashioned school desks and crouch under it when the nuclear bombs explode. That will keep you safe. It worked in the 1960s.”

          In fact, it did work – because the bombs weren’t dropped. Do you know why, Richard? It was because sanity prevailed over madness. JFK and Kruschev (who had both seen war themselves) decided a nuclear war wasn’t worth fighting over Cuba (or Turkey) and they agreed to dial it back.

          Today, facile maniacs such as yourself (most of whom have never seen war) all but advocate a nuclear war over . . . Ukraine.

          Have you been to war, Richard? I’m very curious to know.

          • I’m having a “war” here with you !

            No I have not been to war — my number in the Vietnam draft lottery was too high. But that’s irrelevant.

            I never drove 160mph either, but I know that is a dangerous speed, except in an airplane.

            Very few people in a nation will ever go to war. In recent decades only volunteers went to war. In the past — back in the 1970s — young men were drafted. This is yet another irrelevant side issue, that you are expert at. Are you saying the US should NEVER help defend any allies because someone might get hurt, or killed? We should inore our agreement to defend Ukraine because someone might get hurt, or killed? That’s how a coward thinks.

            The issues that you prefer to sidestep are:

            (1) Should the US abide by their 1994 agreement to defend Ukraine and

            (2) Would stopping Putin from seizing Ukraine, rather than appeasing him, make the world a better place?

            The questions are not difficult.
            You just have to decide what is the RIGHT thing to do.

            Or you can ignore the two key questions and mock me about face masks. Your choice..

            • “…my number in the Vietnam draft lottery was too high.”

              Of course it was. I bet you are so sad you missed your turn.

              But why not volunteer?

              Why wait to be drafted? Didn’t you . . . care about the plight of South Vietnam?

              You chickenhawks are all the same. Lots of enthusiasm for wars you’re too old to fight in, to be fought by others on your behalf.

              But I’m a “coward” for opposing that other men be forced to fight a war for the sake of the “caring” of people such as yourself.

    • Russia has had US nuclear bombs “on it’s doorstep” for many decades. Including in Turkey, which is very c;ose to the Russian border.

      A long time ago, US nuclear missiles in Turkey aimed at Russia led to Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba aimed at the US. The US agreed to remove their missiles in Turkey and the Soviets agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. That’s what ended the Cuban missile crisis.Clover

      There are currently US nuclear bombs at US air bases in Europe, including some in NATO nations that border Russia.
      The US possesses about 3,750 active and inactive nuclear warheads with an estimated 150 at various sites in Europe. Under a NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, there are an estimated 100 B-61 nuclear gravity bombs that are forward-deployed at six NATO bases in five European countries: Aviano and Ghedi in Italy; Büchel in Germany; Incirlik in Turkey; Kleine Brogel in Belgium; and Volkel in the Netherlands.

      There are no US nuclear missiles in Ukraine, none planned to be sent there and Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Putin had no reason to attack except he is like Hitler, attacking neighboring nations when he feels like it.

      • “Putin had no reason to attack except he is like Hitler, attacking neighboring nations when he feels like it.”

        Oy vey (again).

        What is it that’s so difficult to understand about Russia not wanting a NATO state right up against its border? You serially dismiss this as if it’s something that’s of no concern to Russia because NATO Good! and it’s not an obnoxious encroachment by the US via a puppet proxy state (Ukraine).

        We’re smarter than that, here. Maybe try your Kristol-Kagan-Boot Kool Aid someplace else?

        • Turkety is a NATO state, with its border is very close to Russia. Russia is surrounded by US nuclear bases in Europe including one in Turkey.Clover

          Ukraine is not a NATO member, was not about to become a NATO member, and has no US nuclear missiles, or US air bases with nuclear bombs on its soil, nor were there any plans to arm Ukraine.

          The attack was without any justification.. Putin is acting like Hitler in the 1930s, and you support him? Can’t you see the difference between right and wrong? Can’t you see the difference between Putin’s megalomania and normal human behavior? Apparently not, Mr. EP the Appeaser, the Neville Chamberlain of 2022 !

          • Richard,

            “Very close” is not the same as right on their border. Do you see the difference – from the Russian point-of-view? Of course not. Because – as with Face Diapers – you need a new way to show how much you care.

            • The difference is a few minutes by air in a military plane. Russia is surrounded by US air bases in Europe with nuclear bombs. Ukraine has NO US nuclear bombs, NO US air bases, and was NOT a member of NATO. Clover

              The face diaper insults are at a third grade level. If you want to insult me, at least write something funny.

              • Clover,

                The difference is a proxy state of the United States snuggled up against the Russian border. Are you truly so obtuse as to be unable to understand that this legitimately alarms the Russians every bit as much as it would alarm us to have a Warsaw Pact country snuggled up against our border?

                Are you so dense that you cannot perceive this as another manufactured “crisis” – to distract the public from the prior “crisis”?

                • And if Ukraine joins NATO, it can f* with the Russians more or less at will, because if Russia responds to a Ukrainian provocation, Ukraine can go crying to its NATO allies, who will be bound by treaty to come to its aid, per NATO mutual defense clause.

                  Hello, WWIII.

                  • Exactly, Turtle –

                    This simple cause-effect relationship is beyond the grasp of Richard who sees nothing but Ukraine Good! and Putin Bad!

                • Hi Eric

                  The globalist shills are screaming, now the great reset has another problem…

                  The great reset has problems:

                  The globalist figured the U.S. would be an obstacle because of 2A for one, now they could have a bigger problem, Russia has lost interest in the great reset, (maybe never had any) and sees they are an obstacle to the reset agenda 2030, (they are not chinese and all their resources will be owned by the UN one world government) which means they have to defend themselves or be roadkill.

                  I never could figure out why Russia seemed to be onboard with the reset.

                  greene is getting worked up……

                  The MSM says bad Russia, you have to give yourself to the the great reseters, lay down

              • “The face diaper insults are at a third grade level.”

                No, that would be the wearing of the Face Diaper. Except it’s worse, because you’re a grown man who admits he knows better – yet wears the rag anyhow. Why?

                To appease believers in a terrible lie.

                Now, you shill for another lie – that Putin Bad! (and Ukraine Good!) and that “we” have a dog in this fight. We don’t.

              • And that’s why Putin acts now, before Ukraine is filled with US bases and hardware. It’s the exact same thing the Russiaphobes would want to do if Russia was meddling with a neighboring country to the USA. Say Cuba. Oh wait that happened in 1961, only JFK stood in their way.

      • re: defending the indefensible Hitler

        The Hitler analogy applies, though not in the way people often mean. Hitler had legitimate grievances to settle from the 1919 Versailles terms which were imposed upon Germany in bad faith. Pat Buchanan documented this in his 2008 book, “Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War.” Similarly, many moral issues drive the Ukraine war. There is plenty of blame to go around.

        • David

          The elite nobility/globalists have been trying to put in place a worldwide one world communist government for a long time.

          Stalin was a nationalist who wanted his own communist empire not a globalist communist one world government, so they put hitler in place to get rid of stalin,

          hitler also became a nationalist so they started a war to get rid of him.

          The current leader of the G7 countries are all in for a one world communist central government, so enjoy your one world communist/ccp model satanist government, a complete nightmare.

      • Greene gets a half point for his skepticism about the NATO screaming. Turkey is right across the Black Sea, opposite the Crimea. Estonia directly borders Russia! (That’s why you only get a half point) as do the other Baltics Latvia and Lithuania.

        The real reasons for invasion (and Putin DID invade) will soon become known. We will see.

  12. Politics are never the answer to any problem. Politics ARE the problem.

    If we are going to “ban” something, lets make it the political process and its cronies.

  13. This is all about the central banks, the failing empire of USA, and it’s failing fiat currency. The narrative is it’s because of COVID and Putin that food and fuel prices are through the roof and climbing

    • Exactly, Randy. We are taking our eye off the ball and are following the dangling carrot. If the media covers something 24/7 it is never in our best interest. Something shady is going on behind the scenes and we need to discover what it is.

      • re: behind the scenes

        The Fed’s currency inflation is finally producing price inflation. But this generation has no Paul Volker at the Federal Reserve who let interest rates rise to brutal heights and burst all the bubbles over the course of two lousy years.

        Federal Reserve currency manipulation is behind the scenes, so politicians need phony crises to excuse the bad consequences. Volker made Jimmy Carter look bad during 1979-1980, and Ronald Reagan look good during 1983-84.

      • Second that RG,
        All of a sudden covid is on the back pages and now it’s all Putin/Ukraine all the time. As far as “the cases, the cases!” go it’s like Emily Littela…..Nevermind!

      • 1) The criminality of the covid years is coming to light. They want to delay that long enough for people to shrug ‘it was a long time ago’.
        2) Redirection and scapegoating for the Agenda 2030 items being done under the guise of fighting climate change. The idea is to have people think Democrats (and Republicans) didn’t make energy expensive and lower their standard of living, Putin did it.
        3) Covering up Biden’s previous actions in Ukraine.

        • I think you’re onto something there with no. 3, Brent. It’s hard for me to develop what I think is an intelligent opinion on all of this, because I know that I am ignorant of any truths. We are being fed nothing but propaganda from all sides. Russian government and media, US government and media, Ukrainian government, we know they’re all full of shit. That said, deep down I can’t shake the feeling that this is somehow being engineered to cover up the sins of the Biden family, and god knows who else.

  14. It’s all kind-of amusing to watch. First, thank you Mr. Putin for curing Covid and kicking Fauci off the news. But more amusing than that is how Ukraine’s puppet fool thought Europe or the US had his back. Europe and the US both know, however, that Putin means business. That stepping into the path of his rage would mean the final embarrassment, and a merciless end to the bullshit facade that we run the world. And so all we can do is issue trade sanctions that only serve to flagellate ourselves, while Russia sources its needs from China. Lol.

  15. My comment was removed from a discussion group because I posted this;
    “USA has it’s “Monroe Doctrine” Putin has his Putin Doctrine. “U.S. foreign-policy statement first enunciated by Pres. James Monroe on Dec. 2, 1823, declaring the Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonization”. “any attempt by a European power to control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the U.S. It was reiterated in 1845 and 1848 by Pres. James K. Polk to discourage Spain and Britain from establishing footholds in Oregon, California, or on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. In 1865 the U.S. massed troops on the Rio Grande to back up demands that France withdraw from Mexico.”

  16. To paraphrase the late great Walter Williams, “I’m not a conservative. I’m a radical. Conservatives want to conserve what has become tyranny.”

  17. I’ve pointed out the same thing to friends and family and in most cases gotten the usual Russia bad – Ukraine good speech. President Putin wants a buffer zone and some respect. Does it cost us or the world anything to give Russia that. Did President Putin do to the Ukraine
    what President Bush did to Iraq? Doesn’t look like that to me, in the end he knows that a neutral prosperous Ukraine would be in both their interests.

  18. BTW a really interesting podcast on the matter – James Delingpole interviewing Alex Thomson. Really interesting – guy is an ex-spook from British intelligence who was based in Eastern Europe. He since saw the light, and well is now writing for a news site called UK Column news. One of the few actual media outlets we have out here.

    • Morning, Nasir –

      Hat tip for the . . . tip! I will check it out. Fingers crossed, these deranged idiots won’t burn the world to a cinder.

  19. I hardly think we have a “conservative” and “liberal” anymore. Most are just uniparty, with a couple lone voices sticking out on either side. Take fore example the “conservative party” in the uk. In the past decade+ they’ve been in power, there is nothing they have “conserved” so to speak. And interestingly most of britains most left wing policies, gay marriage, or this net zero con we’re on the track to by 2030 – all pushed by “conservative” governments.

    I think the argument more is about centralisation and de-centralisation. Most in government today (all parties) want more centralisation and more power to themselves (and consequently the cronies which finance their “careers” as they’re called)…. If you want to have any other view, you really need to get away from the political / media centres it seems…..

    • Conservatives today are what liberals were about 5 years ago.

      I’m to the point where I’m sick of the hand basket, the sooner we can jump out the sooner we can get it over with and start patching things up in the aftermath.

  20. The Zio-Klown Zalenskyy vs. Ice Bear Putin kayfabe showdown is just the first Match-up in World War Wrestlemania III, which will lead inexorably to the scripted smack-down of the US hegemony. After Ice Bear puts the old suplex on the Zio-Klown, then Cyber Snake Biden will enter the Round Robin tournament. Just as was the Scamdemic, Cyber-Snake-vs-Ice-Bear is just a cartoonish narrative designed to explain the Uhmerkin masses why they are now becoming quite poor, when once they were quite prosperous, and to ease them into their new benighted station in the world.

    In other words, it’s all part of the Receivership program under which the US is being reorganized (in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy sense) in order to make good on its unserviceably astronomical debt to China. This reorganization necessarily entails an austerity program imposed on the ‘Merkins, effectuated through forced business closures and engineered monetary inflation–particularly on natural fuel–to impoverish the masses in a controlled fashion. Once the Merkins have been spiritually broken and made destitute and dependent on government morsels, and linked up to a digital surveillance-and-control grid, the process of transfer of collateral can begin in earnest. (Land plus microchipped sex slaves.)

    But the transfer of collateral can’t happen until first the US “surface role” as “global leader” is taken down several notches on the world stage, and the Merkin Mind is humiliated and demoralized. (Otherwise, the dumb-ass Merkins just won’t understand why they are being pimped out to CCP bureaucrats.) So first, a prologue narrative must be laid down to explain why Uhmerka’s Big Gay Disco Army is being sent by Cyber Snake Biden into battle with Ice Bear’s Crypto-Commie brigades. (The Big Gay Disco won’t find combat as “fabuluth” as suggested by their Hollywood men-in-tights programming has led them to expect.) That prologue is: Zio-Klown Zalenskyy, a beloved devil-may-care-comedian-playing-a-mild-mannered-schoolteacher-reluctantly-elected-president-then-becoming-president-in-real-life, is just minding his own business playing “Hava Nagila” on a piano with his circumcized cock for his adoring Ukrainian hordes, when all-a-sudden Ice Bear attacks him with a chair!

    Cyber Snake Biden vows revenge.


    • You are right, FP. This is the reorganization of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The world is broke and can no longer pay their debts. When the SHTF they need people focused on something other than the financial destruction of their lives.

      • “The world is broke”
        The world ended last year with the highest net worth in history. A financial bubble of course but broke certainly is not correct.

        If you meant nations of the world are broke and can’t pay their debts, that is irrelevant. Nations don’t pay their debts — they pay interest on their debts only.What nations run budget surpluses?

        With the central banks holding down interest rates for many year, that interest expense on the debt has been low, in spite of the large debt loads.

        But now that we have high inflation (caused by the Fed), it can’t be stopped by keeping interest rates low. Not a good time to be a central banker.

        • You know who’s broke, Richard?

          The average American. Partially this is his own doing – via living beyond his means and by not eschewing debt. But it is also due to endless taxes – many of them staunchly defended by “conservatives” (e.g., the tax on property, the Social Security tax) and all the various “mandatory” things (e.g., insurance) that so many “conservatives” insist people be forced to pay for.

          Most any person who works diligently up to the age of about 40 and who lives prudently should not have to work after 40. But even those who are prudent must generally never stop working… because of the endless taxes they’re forced to pay. And because “conservatives” have an endless boner for wars.

          • “should not have to work after 40”
            Who came up with that goal — I feel like a failure — the wife and I couldn’t retire until age 51?

            US personal net worth hit a record at the end of 2021 — that’s as far from broke as you can get.

            While total taxes are higher as a percentage of income now compared with 50+ years ago, taxes alone don’t even come close to funding government spending. Total federal state and local government spending in 2021 was about $10 trillion, out of a $23 trillion US (Real GDP) economy — over 40% — that way too high, and has a technical name among economists (I edited an finance and economics newsletter for 43 years): “Spending up the wazoo!”

            • Richard writes:

              “US personal net worth hit a record at the end of 2021 — that’s as far from broke as you can get.”

              Claptrap. How about the average American family’s net worth, eh? Most working and middle-class people have not even seen their earnings keep up with inflation.

              • “Claptrap” ?
                How old are you, 78 years old? Next thing you’ll be calling me a $#@&% young whippersnapper !

                You may be forgetting that the record US personal net worth at the end of 2021 included a lot of home equity, Almost everyone who owns a home benefits (almost 2 of every 3 Americans) from rapidly inflating home prices.

                Inflation is a problem now, but was only a problem starting in 2021 — not for the past decade.

                Some people choose not to save any of their income. Others don’t earn enough to save anything.

                The unemployment rate is 3.8%, and there are a record number of job openings, so “I can’t find any job” is no excuse.

                In addition, baby boomers will leave behind the largest inheritances in history to their children when they pass.

                • Richard,

                  Do you really believe the unemployment rate is 3.8%? Baby boomers will not be leaving the largest inheritances because the whole damn thing is a bubble. The housing prices are a bubble, the Stock Market is a bubble, the prices of commodities are a bubble.

                  Credit card debt is nearing one trillion dollars. Student loan debt is $1.75 trillion dollars and mortgage debt is $16.96 trillion dollars.

                  Whenever fuel prices have spiked considerably it always as equated to a recession (Arab Oil Embargo, destabilization of Iran in 1979, First Gulf War, Asian Crisis, etc.). This time will be no different. In recessions housing prices crumble, unemployment increases, prices spike, and stock markets sink.

                  How much will be left for those Gen Xers and millennials when Mom and Dad are moving in with them?

                    • Actually, that is incorrect. Assets less liabilities equate to net worth.

                      Equity is net worth.

                      When the valuation of those assets is in a bubble one is overvaluing them creating a higher to normal net worth. When the bubble bursts the assets decrease, but debt doesn’t, which equates to a smaller net worth or even worse, a net loss.

                      Just a little Accounting 101.

                    • Sorry I should hace said assets minus debt — shoiud know that wityh a Finance MBA. The comments on my screen are about 1/2 wide and are almost impossible to read not to mention covered with pop up ads. Is there a fix for those extremely narrow columns.

                  • Just so, RG –

                    I could sell my house/land right now for a great deal more than I paid for it. Huzzah! I am “rich.” But here’s the rub: I have to find a new house, eh? And the sellers of those have them at bubble prices, too. So I’m not so “rich” after all.

                    Richard doesn’t get it. He focuses – like an ant – on some grain of sand in front of his face, not seeing that he is in the middle of a sandbox.

                    • I gave up explaining that point to people years ago. The fact that they had to live somewhere does not register. They all think they can just move to someplace that won’t go up in price later.

                      Ok, why not move now? Same reason they can’t move later. The cheap real estate is no where near the work. And if work develops near it the prices go up. Also price differences are often maintained. If it’s $100K cheaper today it will be $100K cheaper in a few years. So sell the place in a few years and buy the cheaper one, guess what? Same difference as before.

                • You believe the unemployment rate is 3.8 percent? Really? Do you also believe inflation is 7 percent?

                  Oh. Yes. That’s right. You also wear a “mask.” Because they “work.” I forget….

                  PS: My Boomer parents aren’t leaving me (or my sister) anything – except dealing with their debt. Like many Boomers!

                    • A fact in support of a point is probative – especially when not rebutted. The fact remains – the Russians understandably take umbrage at NATO being pushed to their very borders; at client states of the West such as Ukraine being used as proxies to undermine the Russian position in the region.

                      I still await your answer regarding my suggestion you – or your children – suit up for a mission to defend Ukraine against Putin Man Bad.

                      Also: I said you were like an ant. Not actually one.

          • How many Americans actually contribute to the gross domestic product? People “work” but how many hours of that work are actually productive? I’d say I spend about 12 hours a week on average just attempting to navigate the various communications systems (meetings, email, phone, text, Teams), sort though poorly produced reports, tracking down the information I need to do my job, etc. Multiply that by everyone in my position in the company and it adds up to quite a large number of unproductive work hours. And it goes exponential when you realize that interdepartmental communication is far worse.

            Now add in a few ESG hires and watch what happens. Now instead of parting company with people who can’t use a mouse, you have to dumb down the procedures. When deadlines start getting missed, start augmenting with contract labor (and you thought the ESG hires were bad…). Now you have all that and COVID work rules still in effect. So if someone gets the sniffles they get a 5 day vacation. Who’s picking up their work? Not the boss, (s)he’s got Teams calls with the other bosses all day to clean up the messes caused by their workers, whom they cannot reprimand.

            Sure, people are getting paid, but they aren’t productive. Productivity is what counts, not the inflated paycheck.

            • Productivity growth is slow but there is growth. Labor force growth is slow too as women have fewer babies. Real GDP growth is productivity growth and labor force growth and both are slower than in the good old days (pre-2000).

              • GDP has been miscalculated since the git go.
                Lawyers are liabilities.
                Doctors are liabilities.
                Accountants are liabilities. (no offense RG)
                Maintenance and repair are liabilities.
                You get the picture. They do not create wealth. Agriculture, mining, and manufacturing do.

                  • Your leftist style character attacks don’t impress anyone.
                    I stated in a prior comment that I wear a mask to enter a store and then slip it the mask under my chin after I enter the store, not over any part of my mouth or nose. Clover
                    I didn’t mention that I do wear a mask for doctor visits because they require one for me to be a patient.
                    It is very annoying because they must know masks can’t block virus aerosols. People who do wear masks should be left alone — they hurt no one.

                    By the way, you can never disrupt my thoughts with your character attacks — I’m immune — I’ve been married for 45 years !

                • Thanks, JK.

                  Occasionally, I have been known to self-disparagingly acknowledge that lawyers are entirely extractive to the economy.

                  People cannot comprehend what I’m saying when I say that. It’s always, “But, you’re contributing to society! You’re paying taxes! You work hard! That’s productive!”

                  This is related not only to the “puritan work ethic” but also the “labor theory of value,” both of which memes have taken root in conventional wisdom like toxic tapeworms. The “GDP” reflects not just those, but just about every conceivable economic fallacy and fanciful delusion.

                • Big Government is a liability.

                  I remember being appalled when I took Econ and learned that GDP includes government spending. I think that number should be *subtracted* from the total. Also only meaningful in constant-value dollars…which we *don’t* have.

                  Longest running scam in history.

            • Exactly, RK –

              Another factor is cost of living – which Richard fails to address. In Northern Virginia – where I used to live – if you were making $100k annually, you were just able to afford a small house on a postage stamped-sized lot; maybe a townhouse. You pay $5k annually in property taxes to “own” it. That $100k sounds “rich” to people where I live now – who live just as well (or better) on $30k annually.

        • There are several countries that continuously run a surplus – Greenland, Hong Kong, Qatar, along with several Polynesian Islands, etc. With gas prices increasing expect many of the Middle Eastern nations to have surpluses in 2022 including Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, and Kuwait. Debt is frowned upon in Islamic cultures.

          Nations pay their debt through taxpayers. The oligarchs of the world may have had the highest net worth in history, but their governments have had the highest debt in history. If they still have their assets that just means their government hasn’t taxed or “redistributed” them yet.

          • There are 195 nations in the world, so I generalized. You are a professional nitpicker !

            Hong Kong is not a nation — it is officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. (I’m a nitpicker too).

                    • Peppermint tea does wonders for headaches, Richard. Always steer away from pharmaceutical drugs if you can help it.

                  • greene….hong kong….

                    China took Hong Kong because it could. In the midst of the world focusing its attention elsewhere, China took advantage and now fully controls Hong Kong. You could easily ask yourself the question, “Why was there precious little coverage in the MSM of what transpired there, and why is it different now with Russia in Ukraine?”

                    China, the ccp was chosen to lead the great reset they are in bed with the globalists.
                    The globalist shills chear lead the ccp/globalists great reset
                    globalist shills like greene are ccp

        • A quadrillion dollars is 1,000 trillion dollars. About 15x the GDP of the world. If you placed one quadrillion British pound coins on top of each other, they’d reach beyond our solar system.

          Total global debt now exceeds $300 trillion Another way to express that figure is about a quarter-quadrillion dollars (a quadrillion is 1,000 trillion).

          The global debt-to-GDP ratio is about 318%, a dangerously high level, especially if interest rates start to rise. (with derivatives and unfunded liabilities it is about 33x world GDP)

          This debt is in addition to approximately $1,500 trillion of bank derivatives as reported by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

          There is another $500 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

          Total worldwide debt, including derivatives and unfunded liabilities = $2,300 trillion. = $2.3 Quadrillion

          This is far more than the amount of debt and derivatives outstanding before the last financial crisis in 2008.

          We are totally screwed, think you will ever get your pension or keep the money in your bank account? (bailins), hahahaha

          If an alien came here they would say, that place is insane, it is buried under enormous debt, they are far beyond stupid and it is ready to blow up, stay away…….

          That fact alone means that the next financial crisis will be exponentially greater than the last one. Regulators won’t admit this and investors are unprepared for it, but it’s true.

          To cover up the financial catastrophe there was some kind of bs about a germ, haha, now a war, then CO2 next, haha.

          greene says not broke….haha

          • The global debt-to-GDP ratio is about 318%, a dangerously high level, especially if interest rates start to rise. (with derivatives and unfunded liabilities it is about 33x world GDP)

            greene says not broke….haha

            greene = globalist shill

            A description of globalists:

            these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

            • Clover,

              The current national debt approaches $30 trillion… most of that accumulated over just the past 20 years. To suggest that sum is “reasonable” is . . . words fail.

              What is the debt burden of the average American? How much cash can the average American lay hands on in an emergency?

    • Great post, FP!

      The WWF analogy is apt. The Face vs. the Heel. Complete with the old lady in the audience screaming for blood – she being “America.”

      • As Richard Greene proves, different markets (“fan bases”) can still, at this point, root for different “faces”. Somehow, people like him can still perceive the Kid-Sniffin’ Cyber Snake from Delaware as the “face,” even though clearly he has now been cast as the heel for WWWIII. (Just like the scripted heels of yore maintained their own cults who liked to “root for the bad guy.”) Meanwhile, many other Merkins are on “Team Ice Bear,” mostly in the alt-right blogosphere.

        The true, rising “face,” however, is China, who will be the ultimate victor in the global Smackdown. Xi “Glorious Poo” Jinping will be the Hulk Hogan (face persona) unrivaled superstar once this process has played out. Just like the Germans after WWII, the likes of Richie Greene will be “reeducated” on who was “really” the face the whole time. Cyber Snake, Orange Man, the Chimp…all those former stars will be lumped by law into the Heels of History category. Only Glorious Poo will be adored as the True Face…along with Holographic Mecha Messiah (but that’s a different subplot).

        Israel is Vince McMahon. The owner who calls all the shots, grooming each heel and face in turn, to bring about the eternal Kingdom of Jerusalem, while the eagerly-manipulated goyim cheer and jeer on cue, as the microchips are being implanted in their brainstems to ensure their eternal servitude once the big spectacle is over, and it’s time to pay the Pay-Per-View bill…


        • I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are suggesting I like Biden, then you are wrong — he is the worst president in US history, and he’s just getting started.
          In my opinion Zelensky is bad and Putin is worse.

          • Hi Richard:

            I take it you’re relatively new to posting on Most of us like a vigorous debate. Please don’t take it personally. If you can stand the heat (which is usually polite and substantive), you’ll learn a lot about you’re own political leanings and biases. Your comments are welcomed whether any of us agree with you or not.

      • Keep in mind that the world oligarchs are primarily of (((one persuasion))) and have been funding BOTH SIDES of every war for a very long time, WW1 and WW2 being but two examples…
        If the world doesn’t go along with their machinations, (((they))) have nukes already pre-positioned in just about every population center in the USA and Europe.
        Just like 9-11, (((they))) have no qualms about “lighting one off”, after warning their (((preferred compatriots))) using their Odigo messenger service.
        For those who are uninformed, the nukes came from a certain “sh!tty little country” in the middle east which has not signed any nuclear non-proliferation agreement. Research the Samson Option…
        Preferred targets are Rome or Brussels, Rome being the center of its arch-nemesis, the Roman Catholic Church or Brussels, the seat of the European Union.
        Targets on the North American continent include Chicago, Los Angeles or Atlanta. New York City is “off-limits” because of the high number of (((them))) living there

  21. In 1994 Russia, the US (Clinton) and the UK (Major) signed the Budapest Agreement to defend Ukraine from attack if they would give up their nuclear weapons. Ukraine did give up their nuclear weapons, but all three nations eventually ignored the agreement. Russia attacked Ukraine, and the US and UK did not defend Ukraine.

    In the past eight years, the US did nothing to prevent Russia from seizing Crimea, left thousands of Afghan allies with US visas who helped us behind in Afghanistan to be killed or imprisoned by the Taliban, and did nothing to prevent Russia from seizing Ukraine. That’s three strikes in a row, in my judgment — allowing “bullies” to gain territory only encourages them. China has to be watching Ukraine to estimate the consequences of them blockading Taiwan with their navy, and then taking over (or installing a puppet government) in the future. Iran is watching too. They all see the US as a paper tiger. We lost in Vietnam too — I forgot about that.

    While Putin is evil, by attacking UIkraine, Zelensky also has serious issues. Starting with a long tradition of Ukraine corruption, well known by the Biden family. But there is another issue too: In Eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics have been fighting for self-determination for the past eight years. They have been denied any right to even vote on their independence. Zelensky seems to be more of a puppet of the West than representing his own people. The republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbas region (LPR and DPR) declared independence after the 2014 coup in Kyiv that saw the overthrown of Yanukovych who was a native Russian speaking politician from the East. Yanukovych passed a law making both Ukrainian and Russia recognized languages. Zelensky later passed anti-Russian language laws, affecting the largely Russian-speaking population of the two Donbas republics. Only Ukrainian is the officially recognized language. Donbas has since then been fighting against the Ukrainian government defending their democratic right to vote. Kyiv has branded the two regions as separatist, launching a civil war against their own people that lasted for eight years. Zelensky has allowed shelling of the the Donbas region. There are also the ultra-right-wing in Ukraine’s military (called Nazis) who Putin wants to be brought to justice for attacks on Donbas. Western nations never defended the people in Donbas and they prefer to ignore the right-wing Ukrainians. There are extremists on both sides. The solution would have been so simple to just allow the Donbas region to vote for their independence. Of course a Russian invasion was not the right solution.

    • Richard,

      Your core premise is that this Ukraine business is somehow our business. It isn’t. America is – rightly – regarded by much of the rest of the world as an obnoxious, hypocritical – murderous – bully. Because it is. We curb-stomp essentially helpless nations like Iraq on the most odiously fraudulent premises and then have the effrontery to accuse the Russians of being “aggressive war-mongers.”

      The only reason for the sudden interest in what goes on in Ukraine is because the Rona Narrative is falling apart and the regime – our regime – requires a new distraction and a new excuse to continue terrorizing Americans.

      To paraphrase another “conservative,” Bob Doooooooole: You know it. I know it – and (some of) the American people know it.

      • 1930s
        European Jews were not our business in the 1930s when the US denied them entry to escape from Hitler. Six million could not escape.

        World War II
        European nations were not our business when they were attacked and seized by Hitler. And Asian nations were attacked and seized by Japan. Not our business until we were attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor. Perhaps if Japan would have left us alone, today they might control all of Asia — after all Japan was not our bisiness.

        When the bully nations of the world strike and seize other nations, those who sit back and watch, while saying “it’s not my business”, are just as evil.

        “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
        quoting philosopher John Stuart Mill.Clover

        In 1994 President Clinton and Prime Minister Major signed the Budapest Agreement promising to defend Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons. They gave up those weapons to Russia, assuming Clinton and Major would honor the Budapest Agreement. Both nations failed to defend Ukraine and the world is not better off because they failed. I wonder what nation Russia will take over next? I’d bet on Moldova, on the southern border of Ukraine, which was a former Soviet state. Clover

        Then maybe China will take over Taiwan. After all, Taiwan is not our business, right?

        While all the cowards sit back and say “it’s not our business”, bullies and dictators will gradually take over the world.

        • Oy vey…

          Putin is not Hitler and there is no genocide occurring in Ukraine. There is no equivalence. It’s just more hysteria-mongering (and shaming) to whip up the desired response. No nuance. Just a truculent/idiotic Ukraine Good! Putin Bad!

          And Hitler, too.

          Japan? You mean the country FDR maneuvered into striking defensively after he cut off Japan’s oil?

          Bully nations?

          You mean like the US? Pushing the borders of NATO deep into eastern Europe – right up to Russia’s border?

          Like making up a totally fraudulent “case” to attack Iraq – which never attacked the US?

          Billy Kristol, phone home.

          PS: I used to work with – well, around – some of these pasty-faced little creeps. They are all poltroons, to a “man” – in addition to being creeps.

          How about you suit up and join the “fight fer freedom” in Ukraine?

        • PS: Had it not been for Woodrow Wilson and America’s involvement in another foreign war which was none of America’s business, there would probably have been no Hitler – because the belligerent powers warring in WWI had fought themselves to a stalemate. A reasonable, negotiated peace would have ensued – as opposed to the brutally punitive “peace” of Versailles that created an enraged Germany and made possible thereby Der Fuhrer.

          • Yes. Versailles left Germany defenseless and disarmed before the Soviet Union, which was actively trying to spread Bolshevism into the rest of Europe. Had the Poles not pulled off an 11th-hour victory at the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, the Red Army would have waltzed right into Germany.

            Wilson further demanded that Germany become “democratic,” and and in 1933 the NSDAP won enough seats in the Reichstag in democratic elections to form a government by promising to defend Germany against the communists.

        • There’s a lot more (actually less) to the so-called “holocaust™ “–actual figures are 271,00 NOT 6 million. (Bad Arelson International Red Cross figures)…
          In fact, zionist organizations made “deals” with Germany’s national socialist government to expedite the emigration of jews to Palestine, which zionists needed badly in order to bolster jewish numbers. It was German zionists who insisted that jews be identified by wearing the yellow “star of david”.
          Many Jews lived in the Third Reich territories and in France throughout WW2 unmolested. In fact, there were jews serving in the German military at the time.
          Anne Frank’s family was involved in criminal activities–black marketing and smuggling and was not “squeaky clean”. Not only that, Anne Frank’s father was treated for typhus in a “death camp” and survived the war. Now what the hell is a hospital doing in a “death camp”?
          There is so much that is still wrong about the WW2 narrative that can be brought to light by careful unbiased research. Propaganda, indeed…

      • Hi Eric

        China took Hong Kong because it could. In the midst of the world focusing its attention elsewhere, China took advantage and now fully controls Hong Kong. You could easily ask yourself the question, “Why was there precious little coverage in the MSM of what transpired there, and why is it different now with Russia in Ukraine?”

        China, the ccp was chosen to lead the great reset they are in bed with the globalists.
        The globalist shills chear lead the ccp/globalists great reset
        globalist shills like greene are ccp

  22. Glad that Eric and this community is able to see through all the propaganda that the West is dishing out in regards to the Ukraine – Russia situation.

    A couple of my go-to blogs and substack personalities that I have followed on the covid trail have segued into the Ukraine – Russia story and revealed their anti-Russia bias. It kind of freaked me out when I thought they would be on the same page as me. I’m done with them.

    My circle of friends is getting smaller yet again!

      • Rchard,

        “Russia attacked Ukraine
        Ukraine did not attack Russia
        Why would any sane person NOT be anti-Russia?”

        America attacked Iraq
        Iraq did not attack America
        Why would any sane person NOT be anti-America?

        • One glaring fundamental difference is that Ukraine is right on Russia’s border, so what goes on there is of concern to Russia. The US had go several thousand miles to get to Iraq. Perhaps the most obvious criminal attack by the US/NATO was the utter destruction of Libya. Not even hanging around to pretend to rebuild it.

        • Irrelevant red herring argument.
          Ukraine has nothing to do with Iraq.Clover
          The attack on Iraq was not justified from 9/11, which did not involve Iraq. Any sane person would know that, and be anti-America concerning the war on Iraq. But that war has nothing to do with the Ukraine war in 2022. Hussein did have a war with Iran and did take over Kuwait in the past. A horrible dictator. While 9/11 was not a valid reason to kill him, neighboring nations are safer with Iraq no longer ruled by Hussein. And the US did not take over Iraq after the regime change.

            • US ejected Iraqis from Kuwait
              The right thing to do

              US attacked Iraq after 9/11
              The wrong thing to do.

              This is just a simple right and wrong analysis. Clover

              You don’t get it because you immediately think of “What’s in this for us?” and “How much will it cost”

              The right question is “Will this make the world a better place in the long run?”

              And the second question is “Will this help prevent future violence?”

              “It’s not our business” is the quick no thought response to trouble. It doesn’t work with bullies in grade school and it doesn’t work with bullies who become dictators.

              US promised to defend Ukraine if attacked Ukraine was attacked. US did nothing to prevent the attack and nothing to help Ukraine defend themselves.
              The wrong thing to do

              • Sigh…

                Who appointed us – you – moral Decider? Upon what basis? Who will pay – in blood – for what you demand? Why no fulminating at the cause of all of this – the push to get Ukraine into NATO and put Putin in the position of bending knee to it or fighting it?

                And – oh, the hilarity! – of prattling on about . . . dictators. When we’ve got a bunch of our own to deal with, first.

                I realize you’re too viejo to “fight for freedom.” But how about your son or daughter? Are their bones worth the Ukraine, to you?

              • SH essentially asked fedgov’s permission to invade. Fedgov said that such regional issues were none of its concern. This basically granted permission to invade Kuwait. Fedgov set up SH so it could have the Gulf War. Then there was all the manufactured emotional nonsense too.

                After the revolutionary war there haven’t been any good fedgov wars. The best any arise to is wars to try and fix problems caused by fedgov’s prior wars and actions.

              • It’s “simple,” alright.

                The US invaded Iraq after greenlighting “Saddam’s” (as they propaganda styled him) invasion of Kuwait… so as to provide a pretext for removing “Saddam” after decades of supporting him with arms and funds. Remember that photo of Rummy hand-shaking “Saddam?”

                Probably not.

                And not very “simple,” either.

                Kind of like the current fomented mania over Putin Bad!

          • A perfect example of why americans keep falling for fedgov’s wars over and over again since at least 1861.

            Yes, they are all different, but ultimately the same.

        • Hi Eric

          Kyiv, is a corrupt cesspool of the deep state. This is the territory of Soros, the deep state and the globalists.
          The globalist shills have to defend the globalist narrative.
          greene = globalist shill.

          China took Hong Kong because it could. In the midst of the world focusing its attention elsewhere, China took advantage and now fully controls Hong Kong. You could easily ask yourself the question, “Why was there precious little coverage in the MSM of what transpired there, and why is it different now with Russia in Ukraine?”

          China, the ccp was chosen to lead the great reset they are in bed with the globalists.
          The globalist shills chear lead the ccp/globalists great reset
          globalist shills like greene are ccp, whatever the ccp does is great…..

          • greene’s gang

            these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

          • Right with you, Anon…

            I am sorry for the average Ukrainian (as I am for the average Russian and the average American) who gets caught up in the rip-tide of these events. But to portray the regime in control of Ukraine as “democratic” and (even more absurd) “innocent” – while Putin Bad! – is a species of idiocy I have little patience for.

    • Same, Andy –

      And, thanks. I did get a favorable response from one of my “conservative” friends. But that’s a misnomer. He’s more of a traditionalist (and a Christian). I find much common ground there. Less with “conservatives,” because – fundamentally – many of them don’t understand or really even desire freedom. They like the state – just not when it’s used in ways they don’t agree with.

  23. So many tards ignorant of history. Talked to one today for half an hour. I had to remind him that six years ago he argued with me that Hilary Clinton would make a great president, and two years ago he thought we were all going to die from the pandemic. After six months he stoped the mask kabuki and stood up to his employer, refusing the clot shot. I think Rogan had a fair amount to do with that.

    He now laughs at how stupid he was back then and freely admits it, yet he cant see that he could be wrong about Putin being Hitler. He’s about 40 years old and all I can tell him is he needs to dig deeper. At least now he admits that he might be wrong and we can discuss issues without him becoming an insufferable A-hole.

    Putin does a good job making his countries case in that video, despite the language barrier. I respect the determination that Russia represents. No amount of shaming from shameless POS will deter them. In a tri-polar world, each power should certainly have a right to determine their best interest as regards borders, language, and culture.

    One self appointed power, corrupt to the core, that assumes it is exceptional and beyond reproach is a laugh riot. Looking at the rot that represents the US from within, I can only imagine how the rest of the world views us. Lets face it we are an international pariah expecting everyone to do as we say, not as we do, because…MURICA.

    All the praetorian loudmouths and paid shills have the dubious distinction of being wrong once again. Upon honest reflection it is hard to remember a cause we have championed in my lifetime that hasn’t been a corrupt blasphemy of truth justice. Everything I was learned now seems open to question. At least those of us around here have the ability to question our narratives, as painful as it may be. Those who drink this latest new and improved flavor of kool-aid will have their illusions shattered just as with the flu.

    I’ve tried to have a little compassion lately for those who finally came around to the truth regarding masks and vaxxes. Not very easy, but I tried. If we go to war with Russia based on some rah-rah, hump the flag, apple pie BS I can only hope those wanting war get it good and hard.

    • Morning, Norman!

      I also hope sanity prevails – and I think it will. What’s going on right now is essentially the same thing that began about two years ago, around this time. Ubiquitous, hysterical “coverage” by the “media,” which creates the impression of locks-step unanimity. It is very important to stand strong now – as many of us did two years ago, around this time.

      Don’t be fooled – again!

  24. Gee, I’m on the younger threshold of “fighting age”. I hope my life doesn’t get screwed up by being drafted into some politician’s piddly, vote-farming, nonsensical war. This entire incident has truly convinced me what a waste of resources and human life that large government truly is.

  25. On cue, the Washington and media clowns quickly moved from covid to Ukraine. The propaganda, the lies, and the hysteria turned on a dime. Create fear, villains, hysteria, repeat. The difference this time is the “villain” isn’t someone who won’t wear a mask or get a jab, this “villain” has a world class military with over 6000 nuclear weapons. Let’s send in our trans-trained troops of social justice warriors to turn the tide of battle for the woke West. This may be the most dangerous moment in history and we are led by complete morons.

    If you’re interested in a glimpse into a very real possibility for the near future read “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen.

    • these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

      • Hi Anon,

        Yup. Putin touched on this in his speech. The moral decay/degeneracy of the West. They Russians are mostly a very traditional people; I know a couple of them. Extremely nice, warm folks – unless you fuck with them.

  26. The stupid fucking “conservatives” just went through 2 years of stolen freedom and, for the most part, correctly recognized that it was all based on government/media lies and propaganda. I started to think that there may be a silver lining to the covid hoax after all. Nope. Not so much. Putin bad! Ukraine good! USA! USA! USA!

    To borrow Eric’s line: And they ask me why I drink.

  27. I think, perhaps, Conservatives (from Lauren Opal Boebert on down to many of the average guys on the street who identify as Conservatives) might be okay-ish & worth finding common ground with. Sure, they’re not perfect, from a Freedomista perspective.

    The Rino’s & “Jellyfish Republicans” OTH, they’re just the other wing of the same bird of prey known lovingly as, our overlords. They occupy the top rungs of the empire & probably there’s some/many wanna-be’s in positions of power in city or county boards, etc.

    I could be mistaken. In which case, … [blinking cursor]

  28. Excellent, Eric. Thank you for writing this. One need not be a fan of either Russia or Putin to understand that Russia has legitimate security concerns. You cannot blame the Russians for being concerned about the constant exapansion of NATO, beginning in 1999 with three former Warsaw Pact countries. NATO, which has three nuclear-armed members, now includes nearly all of the former Warsaw Pact, plus three former Soviet Republics. NATO attacked Russia’s Slavic ally Serbia in the 1990s when it interfered in the Yugoslavian civil war. John McCain and others wanted Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO after Georgia and Russia had an armed conflict in 2007.

    It’s nuts to think that somehow the Russians are the aggressors here. Rather, they are the cornered bear surrounded by hunters, and we condemn them for fighting back.

    The fact is that the U.S. has been an ideologically-driven global military empire since 1917 when Woodrow Wilson insisted that we needed to send two million troops to kill Germans to make then “democratic.” They became democratic, and twenty years later we sent millions of troops to kill them again because they voted for the wrong party.

    All of this was 100% against the explicit advice of the Founders and the authors of the Constitution.

    There is no place on Earth that the U.S. has not claimed a right to intervene, yet we get worked up into a fit of righteous indignation if we get any pushback. The analogy of Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact is apt — we’d have freaked out if Russia had tried that. There’s no doubt we would have invaded Mexico (like we did in 1916!!) if the shoe were on the other foot.

    True conservatives and constitutionalists should reject this insane imperialism. Frankly, right now the U.S. government is the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization.

    • “Russia has legitimate security concerns”

      Complete nonsense.
      Nuclear armed Russia had absolutely no reason to fear non-nuclear armed Ukraine. Russia also had experience with Ukraine when taking over Crimea in 2014 — proof that the Ukraine military was no risk to them.

      Ukraine has not joined NATO.
      If they did, that would be no threat to Russia unless they had plans to attack Ukraine and did not want other NATO nations to help defend Ukraine.

      Joining NATO means a nation has the support of other member nations if ever attacked. It would be a defensive agreement for Ukraine. Joining NATO does not mean foreign solders or missiles would be moved into Ukraine, which could be seen as a threat by Russia.

      The fact is that Russia attacked Ukraine for no justifiable reason. Ukraine did not attack Russia. People here who support that Russian attack on Ukraine are no better than the German Nazis.

      • Richard,

        Ukraine is being encouraged to join NATO and hasn’t said it won’t. This legitimately alarms the Russians, for historical reasons and because NATO is a military alliance directed at… yeah, Russia. Right on Russia’s physical border. America would never tolerate such a thing. Yet you believe the Russians are obliged to – because NATO good.

        Your argument is precisely the argument Putin deconstructed in his speech; i.e., NATO is just a friendly cooperative arrangement and the controlling interests in the West are benign.

        It’s absurd.

        I do not say I like Putin. I say Putin is acting predictably in response to a contrived provocation. Just as America would if Russia were obviously maneuvering to make Mexico a client state and even a member of a “defensive” alliance.

        Why does NATO even exist, all? The Soviet Union doesn’t. And Russia isn’t the Soviet Union.

        • green always sides with the globalists

          these fabian communist leftist/globalist, the ones that tortured you for the last 2 years with the reset/hoax, are very weak, they are all transvestite, purple haired, pedophile freaks, wearing a dress, easy to beat.

      • I think perhaps the rabid Russophobia we see from folks like you Richard stems from the guilt of the US claiming credit for defeating Nazi Germany, when Russia actually did. Russia lost a million troops taking Berlin, twice what the US did in both theaters for the duration. Do I sing high praise for the Russian government? Hell no. Nor do I sing high praise for any of them. But, the the gravest threat to our prosperity, liberty, and our very lives is not in Russia or China. It’s in Washington DC, and to a lesser extent the State capitols.

      • Richard,

        You write:

        “Complete nonsense. Nuclear armed Russia had absolutely no reason to fear non-nuclear armed Ukraine.”

        You mean like nuclear-armed America had no reason to fear non-nuclear-armed Iraq? And all the many others?

        • I am going to go out on a limb here, but two wrongs don’t make a right. The USSA has made a habit of invading countries that we had no business to. Our country was wrong. We were wrong to go into a Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, and to even settle on Indian reservations. Our country is Biff from Back to the Future. We are the big bad bully making everyone else’s life hell around us.

          Russia is not in the right here either. Ukraine is no democracy nor is Zelensky a “good guy”, but Putin invaded a sovereign nation. As libertarians this goes completely against NAP. If my neighbor is a liberal do I have the right to overtake their home, because they are part of the Democratic Party and this could affect the laws that my County Council passes in future years which goes against my views? The logic is the same. We do not have a right to destroy another’s property or personal choices.

          I don’t understand the rah rah on what Russia is doing. Does anyone here want to live under Putin’s regime? There are no good guys in this fight. We question our media and we should. That they are holding up Ukraine on a pedestal is just plain wrong, but also look at what is going on in the Russian media. Putin has lost the narrative. His people are against what he has done and some are rioting in the streets, newscasters are quitting, and even his own Cabinet warned Zelensky’s Cabinet about assassination attempts. Does this sound like a man that is doing right for his people? Is it acceptable to destroy people’s homes as we watch one million people flee their homeland? What Russia is doing is absolutely no different than what the USSA did to Iraq. Neither one is right and both Russia and the USSA should be held accountable for the lives that they ruined.

          • I’m with you, RG – up to a point…

            Had Putin invaded absent the mitigating factor of Ukraine’s refusal to disallow ever joining NATO, I’d be with you all the way. In that case, Putin would have no more right to invade Ukraine than Hitler did. But Putin – Russia, really – is very understandably bothered by this business of a poodle of the U.S. (that would be Ukraine) becoming a NATO member. This presents a plausible/legitimate casus belli – cause for war. America was willing to threaten war over Russia establishing a direct military presence on Cuba. And the Russians have more reason to fear invasion than Americans do.

            I don’t “rah rah” Putin. I say I understand his actions.

            • Hi Eric,

              And what will the excuse be when Putin pushes forth into Moldova or Romania? Still fearful of NATO? His country has 6000 nuclear warheads. No one is going to invade Russia without paying a dire consequence. His reasoning makes as much sense as Texas being fearful of an invasion from New Mexico.

              He is an imperialist who wishes to rebuild Mother Russia, nothing more. I actually doubt that Putin is looking at the amount of natural resources (sarc) needed for petroleum products that Ukraine has or the amount of grain they export worldwide.

              • “what will the excuse be when Putin pushes forth into Moldova or Romania?”

                Oh, brother. Domino Effect!!!! Appeasement!!!!

                Same old tropes. The goyim fall for it Every. Single. Time.

                • Because he hasn’t already invaded Georgia and Crimea? When does it stop being about his “safety” and just straight up invasion? When he takes over one or two more? When he overtakes all of the former Soviet nations? Never?

                  I wonder how many on here would still be siding with Russia if Biden came out later this afternoon and agreed with what Russia was doing? If our nation decided to join forces with Russia and help them invade every border that surrounded them that wished to join with NATO. Be careful Finland!

                  • Hi RG,

                    It’s a complex business – and none of ours. Which I think is the salient point. Imagine Russia involving itself in the event Texas decided to try to secede. Or if Russia formalized a military alliance with Mexico – and stationed troops across the Rio Grande…

                    • “[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force…. She might become the dictatress of the world.”

                      John Quincy Adams, 1821

                  • Georgia!
                    Gulf of Tonkin!

                    Won’t somebody think of the SLAVIC CHILDREN?!?!?!?!

                    How old’s your male kid, btw, RG?

                    Draft age? You whipping him up into an interventionist frenzy yet? I hear if you enlist before the Draft Board gets you, you’re more likely to avoid getting your legs blown off by a false flag or friendly fire on the front lines.

                    Just what I heard…

              • RG, this trope that Putin is like Hitler is nonsense. In every case this has been due to US fedgov meddling. If another country did this near the USA without a JFK to stop it fedgov would do the same as Putin, probably worse.

                I saw a recent informal social media poll, that was if your nation was going to be invaded do you pick Russia or USA. Russia won that by a large margin because fedgov’s invasions are so very destructive and often mean for the sake of being mean.

                Even if Putin wants to put the USSR back together again, taking over a piece of the former USSR once every several years and only after someone like Biden has made a mess of it would make this a century long project. One easily ended by fedgov by minding its own business.

                • Hi Brent,

                  Well, if it was a social media poll then it must be legit.

                  If that is the case how many are knocking on the door to Russia or crossing into Russian territory so they can be “saved”?
                  Why are the Ukrainian people fleeing?

                  Just a few numbers to throw your way:

                  Russian population in 2010: 142.8 million
                  Russian population in 2022: 145.1 million

                  Total gain – 1.59% in 12 years

                  Anticipated Russian population in 2050: 128 million

                  Average annual migration to Russia – 108K

                  US population in 2010: 309.3 million
                  US population in 2022: 334.1 million

                  Total gain – 7.43% in 12 years (excluding the close to 12 million illegal immigrants that might be in our country)

                  Anticipated US population in 2050: 379.4 million

                  Average annual migration to the US: 1.04 million legally, approximately 770K illegally.

                  The crux of the study: nobody wants Russia to save them.

                  • You missed the point entirely.

                    It’s about who has the highly destructive track record. It’s not Russia, it’s the US federal government.

                    • Really? Can you say that with a straight face? Russia is just as guilty as imperialist takeovers as the USA is. If anything, the two countries have more in common than anyone realizes. They are both bullies.

                      Just a few of the countries that Russia has taken over or colonized in the last century:


                      I can throw a few more in the mix if you would like. Russia’s track record is just as bad as the United States. They both have the same repeated patterns of believing they are right, and the rest of the world be damned.

                      That either one is being defended is sickening.

                      I understood your post, Brent. Many of us should realize that the majority of people have short memories and have zero understanding of history. The US and Russia terrorized the world for two hundred years, but apparently, since the USSR has been destroyed the Russian side of history should be forgotten.

                  • *sigh* Again it’s not a count of invasions over the last several hundred years, it’s the wake of them in question. I also notice much of the list consists of territory the soviets kept as puppet states after WW2. So it wasn’t invasion of them, but not allowing them sufficient autonomy after the fact, otherwise they would have remained under nazi control until fedgov pushed past Berlin.

                    There’s conquering something to spread communism or control territory or prevent fedgov from setting up shop on your doorstep or keeping a buffer and then there is the way fedgov does things, the way it has been since the 1860s.

                    What cities did the USSR use a nuke on? Which cities did Russia firebomb?

                    When the USSR collapsed, it went quietly. Do you think fedgov would go quietly or would do whatever it takes to survive and maintain power? Remember when Texas was going to stand up to TSA groping? Fed gov moved fighter jets into Oklahoma to make Texas a no fly zone.

                    Oh and sanctions. You have Albright on TV saying killing children through economics is worth it and HRC’s ‘we came, we saw, he died’. If Putin was like that it would be plastered all through the media. The best they can come up with is lamentations of the breakup of the Soviet Union.

                    It’s been 160 years and we need to face the monster that fedgov really is. It’s worse than any external monster we can imagine and those external monsters are generally reacting to it.

                    That’s what we have here, a reaction to fedgov’s aggression, of fedgov’s meddling.

                    The junior high school mentality is conditioned into every american because that’s how fedgov operates. We can’t blame fedgov, it’s how Russia reacted to fedgov that’s wrong. Same way children are conditioned. It’s not the bully that was bad, but the bully’s target reacting wrong punching the bully in the nose.

                    • Let me sure I got this straight…it is not the number of invasions into foreign land, but the number of successful invasions into foreign land. Is that right?

                      Isn’t Russia bombing Kiev as we speak or are those balloons filled with confetti spilling onto the downtown streets?

                      As for the USSR collapsing quietly this can be blamed on Gorbachev and his failing reforms to change the political and economic systems of the country.

                      Many of the territories were dissatisfied on how he was handling it and chose to claim themselves a sovereign nation. After the failure of the August Coup Moscow had little to no influence on how the nation was running.

                      I understand your comparison to the USSR failing and the USA not allowing states to secede the Union, although that was not the original intent of the post. The USA dissolving will come in time. People will tire of the system and begin protesting, and states will secede to start their own sovereign nations. Nothing lasts forever and neither will the US. As the US’s debt continues to grow and the Central Bank destabilizes the entire country anger and wariness in the system will set in.

                      It is not if, but when. The USA will no longer have the ability to restore order and the country will be a piecemeal of what it is now.

                    • RG,

                      Why, pray, are some of us so eager to go abroad in search of dragons to slay when so many are in need of slaying, right here at home?

                      Could it possibly be the case that the whole point of PutinMania is to distract the populace from the existence of those dragons, by humping the flag and talking about how terrible Putin is?

                    • Eric,

                      I don’t dispute the fact that the 24/7 news cycle about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is to keep a carrot dangling in our faces at all times.

                      Something is going down and as I have stated in many posts my guess is it has to do with the fall of financial system worldwide.

                      The banning of Russia from SWIFT and the sanctioning of Russian exports is the excuse that TPTB need (and Biden being so stupid helps) to bring forth the zeroing out of nations debt.

                      What I don’t understand is the whole “Yea, Ukraine, Yea, Russia” directive that this has brought forth instead of questioning why this is happening now and what is truly going on.

                    • Hi RG,

                      Also – and this is directed not at you but at Richard and any other person agitating for “intervention” in Ukraine:

                      You first.

                      You – or your kids – first. How about it? Want war? Go fight in the fucking thing, then. Is there anything more obnoxious than flabby middle-aged (or older) chickenhawks agitating for wars that won’t get them (or theirs) killed?

                    • No I was very clear, it’s how fedgov does things. How it has done things since it burned Atlanta.

                      I am pointing how fedgov is in attitude and action. How it has been for a 160 years. Curtis LeMay wasn’t some random aberration. This sort of military and political personality goes all the way back to at least the Civil War.

                      We have two possibilities.
                      1) fedgov’s narrative that Putin is a Hitler wanna-be that desires to rebuild the soviet union.
                      2) Putin doesn’t want fedgov next to Russia and is sick of its meddling.

                      What’s fedgov’s track record of telling the american people the truth to go to war? Approximately never.

                • Putin’s Hitler who is fighting Right Sector, Svoboda, and the Azov Battalion. You know – ACTUAL Nazis. Not the “Hey kids, you don’t have to wear a mask, or wear one, your choice” Nazis.

              • Hi RG,

                That is not what’s happening, though – is it? Bringing that up is the kind of thing “neo-conservatives” love to do (not suggesting you’re one). The same “neo-conservatives” who had no compunction whatsoever about curb-stoping Iraq and too many other countries to bother enumerating.

                And so what if Putin is looking to rebuild Mother Russia? How is that any different than what America did, spreading across the North American continent – seizing land from Mexico and turning most of Central/South America into vassal states?

                • Eric, what am I suggesting that is “neo-conservative”? Man, you guys like to throw that word around a lot. Neo conservativism is the act of spreading democracy through miliary intervention. Not ONE of my posts said to intervene in anything. If anything, it said to avoid the whole damn territory.

                  I question how a handful of libertarians can be so “for” a government invading another country. I was aghast when the USA did it, I am still aghast that Russia is doing it.

                  If Russia’s belief that they have to protect themselves from NATO, then one should agree with Israel wanting to protect itself from OPEC and the Middle Eastern countries that abhor them, right? Why is one right and the other wrong? Can we overtake Mexico because they are causing stress on the USA economic system due to the number of illegals that they are allowing to cross their borders and find their way in the United States?

                  Nowhere in my posts am I excusing what the USA did. We did horrible things to many countries, government, and people and no excuse can be made to make us a hero or liberator in any of this. What I find confusing is that “USA bad for invading, Russia good for invading.” It is the same damn thing!

                  • Hi RG,

                    “Neo-conservatives” are principally defined by the notion of American hegemony, of involving ourselves in the affairs of foreign countries – under the guise pf “spreading democracy” but in fact, insisting upon America uber alles. I didn’t accuse you of this, mind – and took pains to say so. Did you not see that?

                    I am not “for” Russia invading Ukraine. I am for not making it our business. I am for admitting there’s an understandable – even valid – reason for it, from the Russian point of view.

                    That’s all.

                    Among the many questions I think need to be dealt with and answered is – why does NATO continue to exist, at all? The Cold War which was the basis for its existence ended 30 years ago.

                    • This is what I read Eric from your post “Bringing that up is the kind of thing “neo-conservatives” love to do (not suggesting you’re one).”

                      There was something in my post (unbeknownst to me) that suggested that my rationale and that of a neo conservative are the same. I am merely asking what it was. Because Lindsay Graham and I are on two different buses when it comes to what is going on in Ukraine.

                      I believe NATO should have been destroyed long ago. East Germany has fallen, and it should have ended in 1989 (if even that long).

                      I had hoped Trump would have steered out of this, the WTO and the UN, but that dream of mine did not come true.

                    • So true Eric, a point I frequently make is that once the Berlin Wall came down and the Warsaw Pact dissolved there was no justification for NATO. Probably gave nightmares and cold sweats to the armies of bureaucrats who would lose their cushy sinecures and have to go get honest jobs. The MIC couldn’t allow that so despite Bush’s promises to not expand NATO one inch they pushed up to Russia’s borders. Guess they need a big enough boogeyman to justify the hundreds of billions shoveled to the arms merchants.

              • Not a word said about ccp/hong kong, why would anybody side with the ccp?

                China took Hong Kong because it could. In the midst of the world focusing its attention elsewhere, China took advantage and now fully controls Hong Kong. You could easily ask yourself the question, “Why was there precious little coverage in the MSM of what transpired there, and why is it different now with Russia in Ukraine?”

                China, the ccp was chosen to lead the great reset they are in bed with the globalists.
                The globalist shills cheer lead the ccp/globalists great reset

                globalist shills like greene are ccp

              • Hi Anon,

                I don’t think Greene is a globalist shill; he’s too low level. A “conservative” who runs a few small blogs. The worrisome – to me – thing is there are lots of flag-humping poltroons out there, just like him…

                He’s also a Diaper Wearer – and defender. This says a lot about him.

          • I listened to the late Walter Williams say ~ “if my neighbor setup a real cannon & aimed it at my house intending to lob one, I’d have every right to destroy it”. That’s a pretty close approximation to what he said.

            How is doing so a violation of the NAP?
            How does that example differ from Ukraine & Russia?

            • No you don’t until they shoot it at you. Your argument makes as much sense as the Dems going after the rest of our guns. The Dems tell us that our guns “could” cause them harm. Our guns cause no harm until the trigger is pulled. The cannon is the same thing.

              • This is false equivalency: “Our guns cause no harm until the trigger is pulled.”

                If you run around pointing your gun at someone, that is a threat, one which violates the NAP.

                You would do nothing if someone pointed a weapon at you? You would wait until they pulled the trigger?

                You would do nothing if your neighbor told you his intent at aiming a cannon at your house?

                • There are cannons pointed at all of us constantly. Any satellite or drone in the sky will take any of our houses out in an instant. Will Ukraine be pointing literal cannons at Russia or is Russia just threatened because Ukraine chooses to join the NATO thuggery? If someone has a gun pointed at you then that is a threat to your life. Is someone manning the cannon at all times, or does it just sit in the neighbor’s yard pointed at my house? If I see them walk over to the cannon and light the fuse, then my life is in danger, and I can protect myself. It is apples and oranges.

                  Your story started off with an imagery image of cannons lining up on the Ukraine border aiming for Russia. It has now veered into someone literally pointing a gun at you. Which is it?

                  • “If I see them walk over to the cannon and light the fuse, then my life is in danger”

                    You skipped over the part where they say that’s exactly their intent in aiming the cannon at your house.
                    By saying you’ll wait until they light the fuse is the same as waiting until the trigger is pulled.

                    A weapon in a hand pointed at you is the same as a cannon visibly aimed at your house.

                    I’m surprised I even have to explain that to you.

                    • No, it isn’t. If I leave my gun on the kitchen table and you are at the kitchen sink and the barrel is pointed at you, are you under duress? An unmanned cannon is the same thing. Do you fear for your life when walking through Civil War battlefields? Tons of cannons, no one manning them or lighting the fuses.

                    • Hi RG,

                      “If I leave my gun on the kitchen table and you are at the kitchen sink and the barrel is pointed at you, are you under duress?”

                      No – but (as you know) this is recklessly handling of a firearm. Now, if you pick it up and point it at someone… it becomes something else.

                  • I mentioned, “in a hand” and verbal intent. They’re not – just – sitting there.

                    Perhaps, take a breather? Go for a walk, get some fresh air?

                    And, if you leave your gun on the kitchen table and I am at the kitchen sink and the barrel is pointed at me, I assure you, I’ll not think kindly of it and would consider it nearly the same as if you were holding it & pointing it at me.

                    It depends, did you point it at me and set it down while I was at the sink, or did I just walk into a room with a gun on the table?
                    I certainly wouldn’t walk in front of a gun on a table. To the side, from behind, not in front.

                    There’s no more reply buttons. I’m going outside.

              • Hi RG,

                I think Helot makes a sound point when he says if someone points a gun at you it is reasonable to regard that as a threat to your life and to act in self defense. Would you really wait until the person holding the gun shoots before you acted?

          • Hi Raider girl,

            After 70 years of U$ footing the bill for the defense of Europe I’d say its time for them to take the training wheels off and figure it out. In Germany, France, and others they have decent free health care, (relative to the shit we have here). The workers get thirty days paid leave a year. That would never have been possible except for U$ paying our money to provide for their defense.

            Whatever you think of Putin, if he’s an imperialist or even the anti-christ come to unleash the red rider on Europe, so what. Its time we as Americans realize our limitations. If we fail to face the reality of our underlying structural weaknesses I believe we will have walked into a trap we may never recover from.

            If we turn away from our murderous ways, we may be able to save ourselves and have less of a hard landing. Its as FP said earlier in this thread, we are insolvent as a nation.

            If you know you are going to hit a wall going 80 MPH, take your foot off the accelerator, maybe even pump the brakes. To many Americans who have become too soft, and too detached from reality now say yee hah, peddle to the metal.

            The only way I would support us going to war AGAIN is if every single person supporting war, including and especially politicians, from the feds down to every county is required to enlist their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to be sent up front. If not they should STFU already.

          • Perhaps the US overthrowing the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014 for the sin of being TOO FRIENDLY with Russia has something to do with it. Not to mention the constant attacks on cultural Russians in the Donbass that the new and improved Ukraine government, shall we say, does not discourage. The US created the unstable nation that Putin is attacking for being unstable.

          • “Sovereign nation” is made out of whole cloth. Borders frequently change. Especially in cases where self determination is allowed. Making such borders indisputable takes away that self determination, which is a bedrock principle of democracy. Without it democracy is just another form of tyranny. Part of the reason for the Russian invasion is the constant state of war between Ukraine and the Donbass republics that has gone on ever since the US overthrew the democratically elected Ukraine government in 2014 and put rabid Russophobe puppets in its place. If these two republics cannot separate themselves from a Ukraine that is openly hostile toward them, of what use is any democratic system?

          • Richard writes:

            “Iraq is an irrelevant red herring argument.”

            I have explained why it is very relevant.

            Once again, it is relevant – because it is a glaring case of the hypocrisy of the American ruling class, which denounces Russia for refusing to tolerate a NATO country snugged up against its border but provokes aggressive wars against countries like Iraq which are on the other side of the world and pose no threat to the US.

            It is kind of like the politicians who mandated “masks” – but didn’t wear them, themselves.

            • America made amistake attacking Iraq, therefore America has no right to defend Ukraine as promised in the 1994 Budapest Agreement where several nations ha gave up their nuclear weapons? There is no logical connection between the two. The right thing to do NOW is to prevent Ukraine from getting slaughtered. They have no chance of defeating Russia. The wrong thing to do is to be Eric The Appeaser Peters — Eric the Appeaser’s Dream:Clover
              “Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear greatly that the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely.” Winston Churchill

              • Every “neo-conservative”chickenhawk has a perpetually priapic war boner for wars they never fight, in which their own kids never die. They see Hitler everywhere and anyone who doesn’t see him is an “appeaser.”

              • The US made no “mistake” when it attacked Iraq. It wanted to destroy the most stable, though dictatorial, nation in the Middle East to better exploit the regions resources, and that’s exactly what it did.

          • Wow, you are incredibly tone-deaf, Mr. Greene, and tone-deaf spergies should NOT try to meme.

            YOU are the Bug-Man depicted in that Time Magazine meme. Vapidly gaping at the engineered Putin-Hitler narrative, and pointing in hopes that a grown-up takes charge and resolves the disturbing stimulus.

            YOU are the Bug-Man. Bug-Men should NOT try to meme.

            For gawdssakes.

            Greene can’t meme.

          • Continued:

            When you see those Bug-Men in a meme, Greene, they are objects of SCORN, not role-models to be emulated.


            Try to do better at the internet. Please. For me.

  29. Truthiness is the first casualty of war.

    Putin is as much of a hero as George H. W. Bush. Both are “former” spooks. Both were deified in their own way. Both are portrayed as characters in a James Bond movie.

    Reality is probably nothing like what we’re told by the mainstream media. Seems like Urkaine isn’t pure of heart, especially when it comes to the State Deparment games during O’Biden I. Also seems like Russia is up to no good, since at least 1917. As for the Republicans, they just want to have a few flyovers and press conferences by generals in fatigues. There’s not taste for war, at least not the reality.

    • Amen, RK. I can’t argue with anything you said.

      This is a regional war that the USSA and NATO need to stay the hell out of. Maybe if the USSA stopped supplementing Russian oil at $70 million a day it would be over a lot quicker. Close our borders, open our pipelines, and let two the two tribal countries duke it out.

      • RG – who was the guy who said “follow the money”. If you do, two interesting things are note here – 1) if Putin is so evil, why the hell does the west continue to buy oil and gas from him ! Makes you think that either its all show or that the west has completely fallen and is completely hollow, and the leadership will do whatever they can to stay in power a couple years longer…. and 2) I suspect this is all about Nato expansion. If they do expand (or even if more treaties are signed), imagine how much more military hardware spend can be justified to arm a new country, that too right on the border with Russia! Its a dream come true for the MIC. And guess who will be paying for all of it !!

        • Hi Nasir,

          All I know is when Lindsay Graham and George Soros are rooting for the destruction of Russia and Nancy Pelosi and I are in agreement for the USSA to stop purchasing Russian petroleum…we should all be terrified.😳

          • Exactly, RG!

            It’s a great way to intuit which position is the wrong one. If Soros and co are for it, then it’s almost certainly right that we should be against it.

          • Unfortunately, if you don’t want fuel prices to blow up, and given the current Psychopaths In Charge destroying our own oil production, we need that Russian oil.
            The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a minor offense compared to the ongoing international sins of those Psychopaths In Charge. Libya, outright destroyed. Iraq crippled beyond recovery. Syria currently being occupied in defiance of all international law. Russia is less culpable than NY or CA.

            • Hi John,

              We don’t need the Russian oil. This country needs to reopen our pipelines and renew fracking. I disagree with Trump on many things, but he made our country energy independent. Russian petroleum only accounts for about 3% of the oil we use. We can do without it especially if we reopened oil drilling in Alaska.

              • Don’t forget finishing the Keystone XL pipeline, boneheaded Biden really shot us all in the foot by stopping it.

              • How much we use is not the only market factor. How much the world uses is also. If the oil companies can get twice the profit elsewhere, will it stay here? Or are you proposing nationalizing oil?

                • Hi John,

                  This is what happens already…the highest bidder gets the petro. We send barrels of oil to Japan at twice the cost that we pay to get it out of the ground.

                  I don’t believe in nationalizing anything. We know how government screws everything up. What I am proposing is to allow people to drill on private lands by easing the regulations and restrictions that the Biden Administration imposed. Reopen fracking and natural gas fields. We did it for the last four years before the inept Administration started screaming about “climate change.” This country has enough to supplement our citizens and the other countries that are willing to pay the price to extract it.

                  • Wow. Such reckless, sustained use of “we” and “our”. Your reflexive collectivism and binary thinking are classic trademarks of doomed goyim on a cattle-chute to Burger Town.

                    RG, you have some serious delusions about your participatory role in the petroleum industry.

                    There is no “we”. There is no “our”. You are a consumer to the oil industry, at best; at worst, you are a liability on the balance sheet of the body politic that both the government and Big Oil would be more than happy to liquidate if it meant padding their bottom lines. Why do you think they’re encouraging you to take poison injections?

                    But here you are, pontificating on what “WE” should do, with all of “OUR” oil. Goodness me, still guzzling the Kool-Aid, I see. You still can’t hear the whine of the rotary saws in the abattoir.

                    They whine for thee, RG. And they hunger for your babies’ bones.

                    • FP,

                      Are you any relation to our Anonymous on the East Coast? He gets really frustrated when I use “we” and “us” especially with anything having to do with government.

                      I use “our” and “we” as a sign of camaraderie and togetherness. If Exxon does not wish to participate, then that is up to them.

                      I stopped drinking Kool Aid around seven years of age. It has maltodextrin, Blue 1, and Red 40 in it…all lab manufactured ingredients to slowly kill us. I refuse to give government the easy way out. They are just going to have to hunt me down to get rid of me. They aren’t getting my baby’s bones either.

                  • “I use “our” and “we” as a sign of camaraderie and togetherness. If Exxon does not wish to participate, then that is up to them.”

                    Exxon is the one with the actual oil, genius.

                    • Question, FP. What if one is a shareholder of Exxon stock? Is it no longer “we” or “us”? They do pay a very nice dividend by the way.

          • Information you may not be aware of:

            “George Soros Helped Zelensky Become President of Ukraine Through Massive Propaganda Campaign — Now He Backs Puppet Regime He Installed”


            “Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is tied to Klaus Schwab, Justin Trudeau, and other global elites”


            “Ukraine’s Special Operations Command Announces They’re Going to Start Committing War Crimes”


            “Zelensky Lies About Russia ‘Shelling Nuclear Plant’ And Triggering ‘Radiation Leak’ in Latest Bid to Con NATO Into War”


            • Yes, indeed –

              Richard, the fact that Soros is among the most turgid of the Ukraine Good! people ought to tell you something about the nature of what’s going on.

              • Just to play devil’s advocate, Eric. 🙂

                Couldn’t the US election also be considered a clown regime? Soros played as much in tinkering with our election process as he did with Ukraine’s. Is it the right of Mexico to come in and invade us? Most of the countries today are ran by clowns that doesn’t make the people residing there any more open to a hostile takeover.

                Although, I detest my government I love my country and my home. I don’t have to approve of the people “running” things to not appreciate my country as a whole. This is where we live, work, and play. Many of us have spent hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars supporting our US businesses, purchasing homes, attending college, buying cars, etc.

                It is not anyone’s right to come in and destroy what we have built.

                • I agree (again)!

                  But that’s because I am an American. What occurs in Ukraine – and Russia – is up to them, not us. The U.S. is – rightly – perceived by much of the rest of the world as an insufferable braying donkey of such titanic hypocrisy as to render the observer almost speechless.

                  This country is in no position – morally or otherwise – to do otherwise than tend to its own affairs.

                  • The only thing Biden and I agree on (other than we both like ice cream) is the US’s refusal to man the air space in Ukraine. I even disapproved of him sending troops to Poland and Eastern Europe.

                    I agree with you that this has nothing to do with us, but we can still call Putin’s “strategic exercise” unjustified.

                    Our country is tired of war. We have been in the Middle East over the last 30 years. Personally, I would bring back the troops in Germany, South Korea, and Japan and let the rest of the world take care of themselves. Unfortunately, this won’t happen under the current administration.

                    • This nation has NEVER been tired of war. Since its founding its military has been actively engaged in killing people for all but about 20 years.

                    • Morning, John –

                      In re: “This nation has NEVER been tired of war. Since its founding its military has been actively engaged in killing people for all but about 20 years.”

                      Exactly, factually, so. It is the legacy of the Hamiltonians, who literally loved war as it provides such psychopaths with opportunities for “glory” – and advancement. Hamilton himself was – per Adams – the bastard son of a Scotch peddler – who glommed onto Washington and used him (and the war) to advance himself. He desperately wanted to go to war with France, after the British – and we would have, had t not been for the cooler head of Adams (who had his flaws but wasn’t a psychopath).

                      Burr did us all a service when he disposed of Hamilton – but his curse remained. It elaborated into the Whigs, who also loved war. And then to Lincoln (and TR and Wilson and FDR and LBJ) who really loved war.

                      It led to the “neoconservative” movement – and people like Richard Greene, who love to show how righteous they are by starting wars that others will die in.

              • We interfered with a 2014 Ukraine election to get a Russian speaking leader defeated. But that does not mean it is in our interests to let Russia seize neighbors NOW, like Hitler did. Who is to say the Russians / Putin will not resort to ethnic cleaning some day, like Hitler eventually did?Clover

                There goes Eric the Appeaser again. Let the bullies of the world have their way? It’s not our business? Let those Ukranians get slaughtered? We don’t care if Russia gets stronger and rakes over other neighbors by force? And maybe China will take over Taiwan, knowing the US is a paper tiger? Losers do nothing, cowering in fear. Winners do the right thing. The right thing is to prevent the slaughter of Ukranians. The harder they fight the larger their losses will be. And they will lose anyway if the western nations all mind their own business.

                • Who’s “we” white man?

                  I didn’t “interfere” with anything over there. I want no part of what’s going on over there now – and I am appalled by how easily manipulated so many are with regard to feigning moral outrage over what’s going on over there. Spare me, please.

                  Yeah, I’m an “appeaser” – for opposing the bullies who want to provoke another pointless war that could lead to the final war.

                  As far as “losers” – when you’ve suited up and sent yourself (or your kids) to leave their bones (or maybe just their legs) in Ukraine, I’ll have more respect for your online chest-thumping.

                • The US did NOT “actively interfere with an election”. It violently overthrew the winning side. Period. And replaced it with rabid Russophobe puppets, that started attacking the cultural Russians in the Donbass almost immediately.

      • Morning, Helot –

        This whole thing could get so easily out of hand. Kind of like that business in Sarajevo all those years ago. The internecine squabbles between slavic countries triggered a European catastrophe which eventually enveloped much of the world. And here we go again. This time, with nuclear weapons.

        • Hi Eric

          Michael Hudson quote

          Russia and the U.S. have gone on atomic alert.

          With such talk I’m brought back to my discussions with Herman Kahn 50 years ago. He became quite unpopular for writing Thinking about the Unthinkable, meaning atomic war. As he was parodied in Dr. Strangelove, he did indeed say that there would indeed be survivors. But he added that for himself, he hoped to be right under the atom bomb, because it was not a world in which he wanted to survive.

            • I wouldn’t worry about the Russkies…
              Israel is the wild card in this equation.
              Israel has nukes that are already in place all around the world.
              No “delivery systems” are needed.
              If things don’t go israel’s way, look for the “balloons to go up”.
              Israel is already sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong…

            • At least Jack D. Ripper preserved our precious bodily fluids. Remember, we can’t fight here, this is the war room!

            • Hi Eric

              We had 2 years of 24/7 propaganda/trauma about a killer germ, the globalists have spent 72 trillion dollars so far (Catherine Austin Fitts), on their great reset, money that could have been spent on something constructive, like give everybody, all 7 billion $10,000 cash.

              now we have the trauma of being 1 inch from an atomic war hanging over our heads more 24/7 trauma.

              Every politician at every level has to be replaced and the number of positions reduced 90%. we are sick of these useless bastards/parasites/thieves.

          • The real Dr. Strangelove was a Hungarian Jew named Edward M. Teller, not the blued eyed, blonde haired “Aryan Nazi” cartoon played by the late, great Peter Sellers in Stanley Kubrick’s wonderful movie, which just happens to be one of my all time favorite films.

            I had the “pleasure,” if you can call it that, of listening to Dr. Strangelove-Teller lecture (classified, of course) on his favorite topic during the summer (1969) I spent at LLNL in my undergraduate days.
            Quite frankly, it scared the hell out of me, and I like to think that I do not spook easily. YMMV.

      • So is Germany planning to do as the US has done in Syria, and steal gas and oil from Russia? If not, and Russia closes the spigot, Germans might figure out who caused them to be unable to heat their homes by bullying the supplier.

    • “Putin is as much of a hero as George H. W. Bush”

      You are completely deluded to call Putin a hero and compare him with George H. W. Bush. Putin may be a “hero” to Russians who want to retsore the old Soviet empire, but he is no hero to the rest of the world, outside of Communist China, Cuba and Iran.

  30. Useful idiots indeed. My congress critters are all 100% on board with pro Ukraine, anti Russia. I bet not one of them understand what’s really going on.

    Nice distraction from covid, inflation, and poor polling numbers.

    Plus the military contractors need to make money post Afghanistan.

    And these idiots will gladly send a bunch of kids over there to die if they could get away with it.

  31. I have a couple thoughts which I will drop here.

    The first is that having paid attention to news from around the world for decades, having realized that the communists are HERE and american media is far more toxic and the opposite of the truth than many other places, I have concluded that Putin is an honorable man and about as close as you can get to a good man in a world leadership position.

    The second, assuming the idiots don’t manage to gin up a nuclear Armageddon, is that I really hope this is the dawn of a new era and that Putin is done being nice to our communist cadre. At a minimum it would bring back some professionalism to the world stage and weed out the assortment of disgusting freaks and losers, queers and dykes and assorted psychopaths lording it over us now.

    Best of all, they might have to split their attention between repressing honest people and watching their back to make sure uncle Vladimir isn’t coming to take their lunch money and beat them up. One can hope anyway.

  32. I read a quote a while back and cannot find it now on the interwebz. I will paraphrase:

    No government should be more feared than the one that is bankrupt and with a powerful military.

    That’s us.

  33. Just a minor geographic correction, before the enemy jumps on it: it’s Tijuana that’s across the border from San Diego. Ciudad Juarez is about 700 miles east, across the border from El Paso.

  34. So what? This Putin Ukraine stuff. And if $20/gal at the pump. If $50 steaks. If no parts for the dish washer. 20,000,000 border jumpers. Etc. Etc. No more nasty tweets from OrangeManBad is worth it all.

  35. True dat on not even a weeklong break from the psyops. A close relative of mine who self-identifies as conservative told me not to buy gas at Valero yesterday because “it’s Russian owned.”

    I am kinda waiting to see how the scamdemic-tards react to the overtly political actions taken to end it and start up the fake war fever. There’s still some wandering around with face speedos on. I saw something where the CDC has even decreed a stop to (overt) contact tracing. Back to the sniffles and cold and flu season for you! Inflation? Blame Russia! LOL!

  36. CIA Agent Sean Hannity is already calling for Putin’s assassination. So expect his retarded boomercon audience to parrot that sentiment.

    • One of the biggest shills for israel and the “deep state” is hannity. On hannity’s radio show, a caller asked him about the deliberate israeli attack on the USS liberty (GTR-5) on 8 June 1967. Hannity abruptly cut off the caller and declared that “israel is our “friend” and never would have done such a thing”. I dam near fell out of my chair when I heard THAT.
      On another front, 8 June 2017 was the fiftieth anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (GTR-5). Normally, the fiftieth anniversary of any event rates at least a mention in the mainstream media. Not so for the USS Liberty (GTR-5). There was not a peep from the so-called “mainstream media” about this “act of war” by our “friend and ally”, israel.
      This is merely more proof of who owns the “mainstream media”. Hint: It isn’t gentiles…

      • keep in mind that LBJ and the deep state intended for the USS Liberty to be sunk. It wasn’t only Israel that was involved in that. They don’t want the public at large knowing what lengths they’ll go to. Even with the cover story fedgov et al would prefer it not be mentioned.

        • LBJ and his handlers were complicit, but the false flag attack was done at the behest and to the benefit of Israel. The idea was to blame the Arabs and gin up public support for Israel’s pre-emtive 6-day war against the Egyptians and other Arabs. 31 American sailors were killed and 171 wounded during the 2-hour attack. The U.S. Navy did not come to the aid of their own sailors until the next morning.

          • That was the SHAMELESS part of the whole Liberty attack! US Navy aircraft had been launched and were on the way to assist when the on-scene admiral in command was ordered to recall the planes. He should’ve told McNamara and/or LBJ to f*ck off and let the planes continue on their way to assist the USS Liberty. It’s the unspoken law that you help other sailors in distress-ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN…

            • I agree MM, to this day I don’t understand why the admiral called back the planes. Like you said he should have told LBJ to go f*ck himself; bet he wouldn’t have been court martialed either because that would have brought it out into the open. At the very least he should have pretended the radio was breaking up and he couldn’t hear, then shut it off.

              • A delusional statement

                There have been on and off talks between Ukraine and NATO since 1997 — 25 years. Ukraine has not joined NATO, has not been asked to join NATO and there is no indication they will ever be asked to join NATO.

                Russia did not attack Ukraine for the first 24 years of the Ukraine NATO discussions but suddenly year 25 of discussions is just TOO MUCH — time to attack?

                There is no justification for an attack. Whether the discussions with NATO went on for the 25th consecutive year or even if Ukraine was asked to join NATO.Clover

                And your hypothetical argument about Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact is comical — you have no idea how the US would react if such an unusual event happened — we live with Cuba — a Russian ally — just 90 miles away. but you continue to use use a hypothetical example as an argument?

                Why not stick to mask insults — that might drive me away from this website without you having to block me because I don’t agree with you?

                • Whoops. Looks like everybody’s favorite histrionic sloganbot is on the fritz. This one isn’t even remotely responsive to Mike’s comment about the Liberty fiasco…

                  • Hi FP,

                    I think Greene is gone – and good riddance. I try to be patient and not release my inner Kraken, but when a Greene rears its head, it is very very hard not to. Certain things annoy me beyond endurance and one of these is the chickenhawk. That warlike creature which never actually goes to – or suffers from – the wars it urges others to fight. I had to deal with many chickenhawks, years ago, when I worked at The Washington Times in DC. It was enough experience of that for a lifetime.

                    • I wasn’t being entirely facetious with my “bot” remarks. I would assign a moderately high empirical probability to the Greene-Bot hypothesis. The way it strings together propagandistic talking-points and effete “well-I-never!”-type non-responsive, deflective, victim-complex appeals-to-manners just began to reek of an algorithmic “synthetic persona” to me.

                      Its tireless, joyless efforts to reinforce the Official Narrative on this contrarian forum really smacked of a cognitive-infiltration bot unleashed as part of the Psy-Op infowar effort.

                      But then again, as I’ve remarked before, the difficulty in distinguishing bot from human is so difficult nowadays not because bots have become so humanlike, but because humans have become so robotlike.

                    • Hi FP,

                      It’s getting difficult to tell the bots from the bots; i.e., the electronic from the biological ones! I think Greene has gone away – hopefully, for good.

            • And who called off those fighters and refused to help the Liberty? John McCain’s POS father. Vile traitors both of them.

      • the Liberty incident pisses me off & I wasn’t even born then.

        It was not the first time the USA used a ship to be an intended target.

        The whole thing was covered up, sailors threatened, and all involved clear, in defiance of all evidence.

        But your government loves you.


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