
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

The Dead Cats of Mencken

Biography H. L. Mencken was an staunch individualist and an unbridled libertarian. He was a man full of enormous gusto, sparkling wit, and a keen intellect which spanned many fields of knowledge....

The Southern States Treacherous Betrayal by Northern States Manufacturers and Andrew Jackson’s Federal Aggression

Federal Nullification by a Sovereign State is not specifically shown in the constitution; but neither is it specifically precluded and thus is penumbrally retained and reserved under both the Ninth and...

Mittens: Like Father, Like Son?

Excellent piece about Mittens: Like Father, Like Son—Betraying The GOP Base Is A Romney Family Tradition By Matthew Richer Patriotic immigration reformers remain dumbfounded over Mitt Romney’s refusal to condemn President Obama’s Executive...

The Beating and Premature Death of Rodney King

The man whose videotaped beating by police officers led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots has been found dead in his swimming pool. Rialto Police captain Randy Deanda said King was found...

Life Goes On

Life Goes On A slightly updated piece by Joseph Goebbels in 1944 still being recited nearly verbatim by most War Ministers to this very day. To live and work in a frequently bombed...

A Different Holocaust – One You May Not Have Heard About

The screams rang throughout the darkened cattle car crammed with deportees, as the cattle car jolted across the icy Polish countryside five nights before Christmas. Among the lowing human livestock, moved...

Jesse Won’t Fly Anymore

Jesse Ventura, the libertarian former governor of Minnesota known as The Body during his pro wrestling career, said he has stopped flying because he won't let Transportation Security Administration officers grope...

20 credits for a violation of the verbal morale code

So now it is a fineable offense to swear in public? This reminds me of the movie "Demolition Man" And does anyone know how to use the 3 sea-shells???? MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) —...

CBC staff: Opposition to Obama is “Racist”

You knew it was coming... Joel Gehrke Washington Examiner Monday, June 11, 2012 Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, argued that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated...

A True Libertarian Test

Are you really a Libertarian? Your answer to the following question can help you decide. Question: I believe the following should be prohibited on public and undeveloped property: Giving birth, raising children, eating,...
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