
Brine on the Roads?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tom asks: I had a 2000 LeSabre that was done in by the brine on the streets, rusted through the rear frame until it...

Reader Rant: The Rise of Octane!

Here's the latest reader rant - along with my reply! Greg writes: Watched an invest speech on lithium batteries. Guy who originally worked on the battery for the 2.5 pound Motorola Brick back...

The Automotive Low Flush Toilet

I wish I could take credit for this one, but I can’t. However, I will shamelessly use it - and credit the reader (Jim H) who made the analogy: Auto-stop/start systems -...

Today’s Clover: The “Sidewalk Dawdler”

Here's video of a Clover Encounter I had the other day. I - along with two others - got caught behind a minivan creeping along at the Clover Usual 10-15 MPH...

A Colonel Bogey Salute From Dodge to Uncle

While every other car company is doing its best to clap loudest for Stalin - building electric cars for which there is no real market (while pretending there is one or...

Reader Question: Where Did OBD Come From?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Nunz asks: T'was just wondering how exactly it came to be that the OBD diagnostic system became universal across all brands and makes of...

Reader Question: Subaru Ascent Wheels and Such

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks:  I want to get a 2019 Subaru Ascent and I have some questions. I notice they erased your review of it,...

Reader Question: Claymores to the Left… ?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Freak asks: Just wondering if you had seen this article (about apparently defective side-impact air bags)  and if you had any thoughts? My reply: More...

Reader Question: “Continuation Cars”?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jim asks: A Bloomberg article on "continuation cars" made by Aston Martin, Jaguar and others notes that "there’s that thing about driving them:...

Today’s Clover: He Didn’t Pull Over

Here's today's Clover - who didn't pull over  - which is why he is a Clover! This one was doing around 32 MPH on the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is posted 45...
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