

All two-wheeled-related. Anything about bikes and riding.

Spring Bike Pre-Flight

Motorcycles have something in common with lawn mowers and weed whackers: It's common for them to just sit for months during the off season. This makes them all vulnerable to the...

If You’re Shopping Bikes…

One of the virtues of motorcycles is they're cheap transportation compared to a car - they cost much less to buy and they're (mostly) a lot easier on gas. But some...

Rat Bikes …

Bikes are cheap transpo - and "rat bikes" even cheaper transpo. You can pick one up - a functionally (and maybe even aesthetically) good one you can ride every day -...

’83 Honda GL650, Post-Jetting

It's alive! My '83 Honda GL650 Interstate - with the cleaned and re-jetted carbs (Keihins) installed. The results are good all around. No, great all around. The bike pulls noticeably harder than it did...

The Nicest People Ride Hondas

Instead of watching  “the game,” I went for  a ride this past Sunday. My friend Graves owns several antique bikes, including a very nice – and road ready – ’67 Honda Dream....

When to Say When?

How many vehicles is too many vehicles? I've got a working answer, based on experience: When you start having trouble keeping up with them. The other day I was out in the shed...

A Two-Wheeled Hedge Against Inflation

Ho ho ho. Your Christmas present from Ben Bernanke - $3 per gallon gas - is coming a couple of weeks early. "Qualitative Easing" - printing money, lots and lots...

A Day At The Track

Having a high-performance sport bike in your garage is great. Learning how to ride it to its potential - and yours - is even better. Unfortunately, we're limited - on public...

Breakin’ Down…

Little things, big problems... Yesterday, I was out on the Silverwing; ran into town (about 15 miles away) dropped off a Fed Ex and gassed up. Decided to take the long...

Naked Zeds on the Brain

I have a garage full of naked Zeds - including a '76 Kz900, which is essentially identical to the more famous Z1900 Kaw introduced in '73 and which quickly became the...
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