

All two-wheeled-related. Anything about bikes and riding.

How Often Have You Been Shiny Side Down?

A recent poll in Superbike magazine asked the question, "How many times have you crashed/been knocked off in the past three years?" The results of the poll, at the time I saw...

Indoor Motorcycle Storage

After my divorce, I realized I needed a new companion. The problem being, “she” was living in the garage. I refer to my much-beloved and always faithful ’75 Kawasaki S1C, aka Little...

Thinking About a Motorcycle or Scooter?

Cars are expensive - to buy and to operate. But bikes (and scooters) are inexpensive to buy and keep up. Most of them get much better gas mileage (50-plus MPGs)  than...

Thug Cop Shoots, Paralyzes Biker

You never who you are dealing with during a traffic stop. That goes for the person being pulled as much as it does for the cop doing the pulling-over. Motorcyclist Michael McCloskey, Jr....

Before You Buy a Bike….

Motorcycles are a lot of fun. They're also relatively inexpensive to buy - and they get great gas mileage. But if you've never ridden before, there are some things you should...

The Art of the Ride

Why ride a motorcycle?  You are exposed to the elements. It requires concentration, involvement. You cannot text. You may get wet. You are fully in control of the thing, especially if it’s...

Helmets, Again . . .

I've tried several times to make clear my point of view regarding helmets, on both practical as well as philosophical grounds. Do they "work"? Well, let's define what "works" means before...

The Old Kaw

Back in 1976 if you wanted to go fast, you had three choices: Buy a car made before 1976 (long before 1976), buy an exotic car (if you...

2018 BMW  K 1600B

Motorcycles aren't subject to Uncle's fuel-efficiency fatwas. Not yet. Which explains why BMW is putting its sixes in its bikes  . . . while removing them from its cars. Including even mid-sized cars...

Kz900 Clean Up

It's been raining for five days straight out here in The Woods. Not good for the writing mojo - or for riding. But, a great time to do some cleaning. Air-cooled bikes...
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