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And Now Cummins. . .

It takes a lot for a major car company or engine manufacturer to deliberately circumvent a regulatory fatwa. As policy. Not a "rogue engineer." The entire engineering department; the upstairs bosses... everyone...

Happy News!

  Ding dong the dick is dead. Clarence Ditlow - styled as the "foremost advocate of automotive safety" (italics added, bear with) by The New York Times - is gone. Finally. While it is bad...

Chrysler Kaput

Fiat has put a hit out on Chrysler. Kissed both cheeks - then one right on the lips. Tonight, you sleep with the fishes. Well, maybe not tonight. But about three years from now. 2020. It...

More Government “Help” For Electric Turduckens

One of the many problems with electric cars is that places to “refuel” them are neither convenient nor common. You can plug in at home, but that’s slow (it takes hours...

Outcome Roulette

When the choices presented are the electric chair or the gas chamber it's hard to gin up much enthusiasm for the choosing. But we have to choose, eh? Then again, there is a...

And Then They Came For the Big Rigs

No one appears to have noticed this yet. But they will. Not on the road - or at the car dealership. At the supermarket.    For openers. Uncle is “proposing” a “program” (the soft-sell language hides...

The Consequences of Being Politically Incorrect

Well, at least they aren't sending us to camps... yet. That's probably next. One thing does follow another, like dominos. The logic of it being as inexorable, ultimately, as gravitational pull. So I...

Are You a Libertarian? Is Gary Johnson One?

Gary Johnson describes himself as a Libertarian but isn't one. A Libertarian is not a "socially liberal/fiscally conservative" Republican - which is what Johnson is, even if he doesn't realize it. Republicans, just like...

Smaller Engines… Big Problems

Downsizing is no longer the answer, apparently. Of engines, that is. You may have noticed. Even big vehicles come - increasingly - with startlingly small engines. Two-point-oh liter fours, for example, have become the...

Some Questions About “Climate Change”…

If the climate really is changing - and we're the cause of it - then the "wrenching changes" to our lives we're told are necessary to avert catastrophe might be something...
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