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Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 07/20/2023

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels Up! segment with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon! We talked about the EQE EeeeeeeVeeee and what a contrast...

We Ain’t a Goin’ No Damn Where

Normally, when a new car is dropped off for me to test drive, it arrives ready to drive. The electric car they just dropped off is ready to wait. That's because there's...

Latest Radio: Real News With David Knight 07/19/2023

Here's the audio of my appearance earlier today on David's Knight's show. We talked about the motives of the people bent on our enserfment and various topics related to that theme. ....

It Was Only 11 Years Ago

You can get a sense of things by comparing things. It's a way to objectively quantify whether you have more - or less. Which is a measure of whether things have...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show: 07/18/2023

Here's the audio of this week's talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked wistfully about the Last Call - for the Dodge...

Another “Loophole” Just Closed

It's a measure of the government's psychological control over people's minds that whenever people find a way to avoid being controlled by the government, it is styled a "loophole" - implying...

One Last Ride, Just now

There is an episode of the original 1960s Star Trek Series that captures the feeling of driving the Black Ghost - one of the final and probably the ultimate expressions of...

What We’re About to Lose

When you can walk, it's easy to take for granted being able to. But when you no longer can, even walking the handful of yards down to the mailbox and back...

How EVs Kill

Most people have heard about the EV fire problem - i.e., the built-in (literally) possibility of a catastrophic fire igniting without a spark, even if the EV is parked. Not many...

Keeping the Peace

If police concerned themselves exclusively with keeping the peace - that is to say, dealing with people who have caused harm to others or their property - then no one who...
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