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Speeding Ticket Schemes

So, on 28 March, 2015 I was issued a piece of payin' paper requesting my contribution to the speed tax (aka a "speeding" ticket). I was on the I-294 portion of the...

Some Car Advice For The Non-Gearheaded

Cars are kind of unique in one important respect: Most of us have to have one, even if we don't have a clue how they work. We - most of us...


The following was submitted by love-him-longtime EPautos regular, Tor Libertarian:  Anarchology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by members of Libertarian author Eric Peters' Libertarian forum, beginning in 2006...

Living Beyond Morality As a Nietzschean Anarchist

As a student of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, I share Nietzsche's and Kierkegaard's conviction that philosophy should deeply reflect the personal concerns of individual human beings. As a Nietzschean Anarchist,...

In response to the religious conversation on the Ferguson thread

For some reason, I couldn't post anything on the Ferguson thread. I know that the Bible says some ridiculous things. Some versions are more ridiculous than others. If you could read it...

When Should I Change My Car’s Oil?

It's a very common question - but it's hard to get a straight answer. I'll try to give you one. It depends. On your particular car. And how you drive it. First, let's consider the car you've got. The older...

Taking Back The “L” Word

In the United States, liberalism took strong root because it had little opposition to its ideals, whereas in Europe liberalism was opposed by many reactionary interests. In a nation of farmers,...

Fitting Song Choices

As I was finishing my workout this morning I kept catching glimpses of the election results on the various distracting televisions in the gym. The talking heads on the tee-vees were gaggling...

What Does Your Car’s Warranty Actually “Cover”?

Most new vehicles come with several warranties. The one most people think of first is the new car "bumper to bumper" (or "basic") warranty. It covers just about everything except routine maintenance items...


Many employers require their employees to get the latest flu vaccine. If they don't comply, they are terminated. I'm not in this situation yet. Plus, I still get sick even when I...
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