
Site News, Minor Rants & What Have You

Site news, rants on things in the news and items of general interest … not quite articles, but longer than a sentence or two.

Today’s Thoughts: December 20, 2013

Submission Training is easy and fun, kids! If Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia ever produced cartoons, this is what they'd have been like. The state's costumed goons are portrayed as benevolent supermen....

EPautos Store (and More)!

I wanted to let everyone know that - soon - you'll be able to get fun EPautos stuff such as mugs embossed with Landru's wisdom, Clover T-shirts and various other items,...

Today’s Thoughts . . . Dec. 16, 2013

Problems.... this time, subtle. Someone got into the works and disabled the "comments" function. You may have noticed. Dom is working on a fix. We had some real weirdness about a week...

Today’s Thoughts . . . Dec. 17, 2013

A couple of things. First, wheat. I stumbled onto an interesting correlation. For some time, I have been snoring like the proverbial freight train at night - driving my wife to kick...

Spammer Hassles/Posting Issues

Morning, everyone! I wanted to hip you all to a slight problem we've been having with spam, specifically the spammer in the image accompanying this little note. I put "Rio" in the...

Posting/Spam Issues?

Is anyone having trouble accessing the site - or leaving replies/comments to articles and so on? We've been having issues with spammers - and have been trying to deal with them...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 09/21/2023

Here's the audio of my weekly Wheels Up! segment with my friend Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon! . . . If you like what you've found here please consider...

Thanks, in Advance!

As most of the regulars here already know, EPautos is almost entirely supported by the readers. There is no paywall here - and never will be - because I think it's...

Our Newest Friend!

Some of you may have already noticed EPautos has a new advertiser - Pure Patriot Nutrition. Here you'll find American made and sourced supplements and related products that can help you...

Mea Culpa – and a Thanks, from Me!

Just a quick post-Thanksgiving note to apologize for being tardy in sending out the latest batch of EPautos coasters/stickers. I've been practically glued to this keyboard the past month - in...
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