
Resistance is Setting the Right Example

A teacher recently lost his job for refusing to Face Diaper as ordered by the Sickness Psychotics who run the school where he works. And for refusing to abide the Face...

Uncompensated Teaching

Bad enough being forced to pay for government "services" you didn't ask for and don't use. But how about "services" the government forces you to not use? Like government schools, for instance....

Diapering Under Duress?

A reader sent in the following, which neatly encapsulates the dilemma so many of us face with regard to Face Diapering. My reply follows.  I coach track and cross country at the...

The Last Real Trans-Am

Let's dial back the clock 40 years and return to the early days of the Reagan Era - when Pontiac made a last-ditch effort to keep the Trans-Am from becoming a...

You Can’t Trust Thieves

One of the problems with government is that it can't be trusted, ipso facto. This ought to be obvious, because thieves cannot be trusted. Every government official is a thief. The thing speaks...

First Bikes

Bikes are not unlike shoes in that you want one that fits. If you're a big guy, there are bikes that won't. And if you're not a big guy, there are bikes...

2020 Mazda CX-30

When small and medium isn’t quite what fits, maybe something in-between will. That’s Mazda’s idea in bringing out the CX-30, the company's newest but not smallest crossover that’s also not quite medium,...

Diaper Report 8/23/20

Bad - and some good - news to report from SW Virginia regarding the Diapering of America, its ritual induction into a Sickness Cult. The bad news is the place I have...

The Needlers Cometh

Those who dismiss the threat posed by Forced Diapering ought to cast their eye toward Virginia - where Forced Needling has just been proposed as the next thing people will be...

The Power of the Asserted Unknown

There’s an old joke that used to be funny about the shyster lawyer who asks the defendant, “And when did you stop beating your wife”? It was funny because everyone understood...
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