
Hardley Able

Well, the pig runs again. Briefly. Now that the starter issue has been fixed, the regulator is billowing smoke - god knows why. It didn't before. But mechanical issues are secondary only to...

Arizona Says “No” To Recording Cops… Even in Your Own Home

Here's one that demands pushback - as much as can be sent its way. Arizona lawmakers want to make it illegal - a criminal offense - to film cops on private property. In (air quotes)...

2016 Scion iA

Does it matter what the wrapper says if it's the exact same Snickers bar inside? That, as the saying goes, is the question. Toyota's small car spin-off needed a new model; Mazda...

Things To Know About Radar Detectors … and Police Radar

Radar detectors, like bulletproof vests, don't make you invulnerable. They improve yours odds. And like a bulletproof vest, the more you know about your radar detector's capabilities - and vulnerabilities -...

More “Guest Posts”

I guess "Katrina Manning" (write her, please: didn't get the memo that EPautos doesn't publish "guest posts" - i.e., product pitches purveyed as articles.  This bimbo shill - who wanted to pay me to...

2016 Jeep Renegade

Fun cars that don't cost a small fortune are getting hard to find. Especially if they're not cars at all. Like this Jeep Renegade. How many small SUVs are there out there with a starting...

Why The Old Stuff Was Cool (Even When It Was Slow)

It's hard to imagine a 7.4 liter V8 that only made 200 hp. It did. Back in '76, the year my Pontiac Trans-Am (which I still have) left the Norwood, Ohio...

Fiat’s Miata

Fiat needs a transfusion, something new. But the pending (2017) Spider 124 strikes me as a graft ... a pre-existing thing stitched on to the body. Will it take? Time will tell. The 124 is...

Car Cliffs Notes

I always read the owner's manuals that come with the new cars I test-drive and review. They've morphed from pamphlets to Moby Dick-esque semi-novels over the past 20 years or so. And...

New Year’s Wish

This coming year is an election year, when some of us will vote to take things that don't belong to us - or have things done to other people that would get...
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